Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

They had their say ... now we have ours: "Citizens for Ethical Treatment of Others"

If a “politically connected” person commits a wrongdoing, is that person any less guilty than any other person who commits a wrongdoing?

To a group of citizens who describe themselves as having “various connections to (suspended Police Chief John) Crone via Rotary, church, Chamber, etc.” – and who signed a letter of support for Crone – the answer to that question is apparently “yes.” The letter, dated July 12 – only four days after Crone was suspended – was written to members of Mooresville’s town board by a group that coins itself “Citizens for Ethical Treatment of Others.” The group claims to “share Crone’s passion for Mooresville and express it via civic involvement and many by investing in the establishment of local businesses.”
To view the letter, click on the documents below:

Ironically, the letter acknowledges Crone’s “lack of attention to recordkeeping,” calling it “unfortunate.” However, Crone’s friends apparently do not view the police chief’s “lack of attention to recordkeeping” as sufficient grounds for discipline or dismissal. Instead, they blame the Town of Mooresville, saying that since the town board never oversaw Cops for Kids, “by default” that made the fund “a discretionary account." And they have unilaterally decided to give Crone “enormous latitude in the use of all funds.”

Not only did the group attempt to deflect blame on the Town of Mooresville, however. It also went on to blame the media for exposing the facts surrounding Crone’s mishandling of the Cops for Kids funds. In fact, the “Citizens for Ethical Treatment of Others” characterized the media coverage as a “personal attack on (Crone’s) character.” The group also deflected blame on the Gatton Report and its readers, calling them “anonymous bloggers too cowardice to relinquish their names.”

But the group didn’t stop there. Clearly without reviewing a single financial record for Cops for Kids, the “Citizens for the Ethical Treatment of Others” still felt comfortable stating: “We’re confident Crone will be absolved of all allegations of impropriety” and that “many will owe him a sincere heartfelt apology.”

Several questions come to mind:

  • What exactly leads the “Citizens for Ethical Treatment of Others” to believe that just because the town gave Crone minimal guidance, Crone could do whatever he wanted with the Cops for Kids money?

  • In regard to the “Citizens for Ethical Treatment of Others” calling this blog and its readers “cowardice”: What is more cowardly – exposing a police chief for misappropriation of funds ... or signing a letter of support for him?

  • And exactly what do the “Citizens for Ethical Treatment of Others” propose we will owe Crone an apology for? For exposing his poor record keeping? For showing how he withdrew thousands of dollars in cash out of his “charity fund” but provided little or no documentation for how it was spent? For alerting him that his own website stated that Cops for Kids is a charity for needy children and families when in fact it was being used as his personal “discretionary account”? For showing how the chief law enforcement officer of our town deposited cash from the police department’s evidence room into his “discretionary account”?

Perhaps most striking is the letter’s categorical declaration that “Nothing short of personal use of Cops for Kids proceeds will warrant reprimand or dismissal of Chief Crone.” Is it not “personal use” when Crone takes himself, his wife, and his daughter on expensive trips, including transportation, hotels, meals, and sightseeing fees?

The writer of the letter, and those who signed it, set a very low threshold for dismissal; yet even by their own standards, they should agree that Crone is already guilty. Why? Because of cash withdrawals. Either Crone produces proof that none of that cash was used for his “personal use,” or it must be presumed that it was. Why? Because he is the one who withdrew the cash. And to this date, we have yet to see exactly how Crone spent the thousands and thousands of dollars in cash that he withdrew from a charity fund.

Would the businessmen who signed this letter tolerate such behavior from an employee? Would Crone, a chief of police, buy his own explanations if he were interrogating a potential charity scam artist? Perhaps what this letter reveals is that maybe he would … if the suspect went to his church, or attended his Rotary Club, or was a member of the Chamber of Commerce.

But obviously, to these particular 21 people, there’s no interest in, or room for, the evidence. Since they are businessmen and members of various civic organizations, they seem to believe that their opinion is somehow more worthy of the town’s attention than that of “regular” citizens … that somehow their opinion “trumps,” or is superior to, any of the evidence. They also seem to suggest that because they know Crone – because he attends their Rotary meetings and their church – that somehow he is less likely to be guilty.

That is the kind of “good ol’ boy” network that will no longer be tolerated here. Highly qualified and top-notch town employees have been fired for much less. But apparently those employees weren’t in Rotary or didn’t go to the “right” churches and therefore weren’t deserving of “ethical treatment.”

Perhaps the “Citizens for Ethical Treatment of Others” should consider changing its name to “Citizens for Preferential Treatment of Some.”

(While I welcome and encourage open dialogue about the issues brought to light in this letter, I urge anyone who plans to post a comment to be civil and not make unsubstantiated allegations against the people who signed the letter of support for Crone or against those who are able to civilly criticize the letter and its endorsers. If any unsubstantiated allegations are made, I will promptly remove them.)


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Anonymous said...

Many of the points you make are correct to the best of my knowledge. As far as I can tell, the comments you outlined were written by at least 3 different posters. Most are very offensive and the offenses I refer to were in earlier articles not published in this blog.
The reason for my request will become clear.

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

If the evidence collection information is on the town's website, I can't fnd it. I see the personnel policies of the town, but nothing which relates to the specifics of evidence collection. I'm told that each department has their own set of personnel policies in addition to the town's general policies, so it's probably in there. If I get time I'll see if I can get the town to post all the policies online.

Anonymous said...

Ah, I believe that 8/3 @ 10:48 is more on target than most would admit or believe. If this "blog" is about anything, it is about "secret" or dirty connections.

A certain officer, a certain "reporter", and a certain commissioner are - shall we say - "well connected". But I'm sure none of this will make a hoot to all the unbiased "reporting" we get.


many folks think that this "blog" is the greatest thing that has ever happened to M'sville. I, too, believe that it has been useful in "airing" some thoughts.

Sadly, it has now become a hateful, vengeful, accusatory forumn that has done nothing but sown discontent that may NEVER be repaired. I know that you think you are providing a wonderful service and that the town will greatly benefit.

However, I see the day coming when no one in his right mind will consider public service. That goes for the pd, town board, and all the way to the street dept.

"Mooresville" exist in name only...

Okay all you "friendly" and honest and "good" people - start your bashing.

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

Well, let's follow that line of logic -- that there is a secret alliance between the officer, the reporter, and a commissioner.

Does that "secret" alliance impact the facts as presented and verified by public documents?

Does that "secret" alliance seek to hide the truth or to disseminate the truth?

Is that "secret" alliance responsible for fraudulent advertising, poor record-keeping, high employee turnover, improper conduct by public officials, or the failure to properly implement personnel policies?

I think not. I think your focus is misplaced and another attempt to distract the conversation from where it belongs -- on the shoulders of the perpetrators: Crone and the RATS.

When you don't have anything of value to offer up for discussion, it's attack the messenger.

Anonymous said...

No, Mr. Green, my post had nothing to do with trying to "hide" anything and changes nothing about what's going on with Crone and Co. I think, in fairness, that folks ought to know how this particular episode (with Crone) got it's wings. Let the chips fall where they may.

Does "RATS" stand for something?

I would think that someone of your position would try to stay above such things. But, alas! You seem enjoy the pain this is causing (with your help) and the attention that you are receiving while presenting a tormented look.

I've no doubt that there are agnostics, atheist, Christians, and even Muslims that visit and post on this site. I've also no doubt that the one getting the most enjoyment out of all of us here is none other than the "god of this world". (Satan, for those who do not know him by that name.)

There are many slick tongued, truth twisting, truth exaggerating, back biting, back stabbing, lie loving, revenge seeking writers here that Satan must be laughing with delight.

Please don't excempt yourself from this statement, Mr. Green. We're ALL dirty. We're all pointing at the logs in everyone else's eyes and ignoring the logs in our own. ("Logs" intended both times.)

If we're "praying" for God's will, then we better pray that our words make it past the ceiling. I don't sense a lot of sincerity on ANYONE'S part on this site.


If there is indeed a "messenger" that I'm attacking (I'm not really comfortable with that word - "accusing" is more appropriate) it's you, Mr. Green. You come across as a slitthering, split tongued snake. There are indeed others that I would categorize the same way and put names with except most of them seem to have the same name. And they are on "both sides" of the issues.

Time for all of us to get clean.

Find anything of "value" in this post?

Anonymous said...

5:11 a.m. your just plain scary. You remind me of what my five-year-old says when somebody on the playground calls him names "you are what you say."

I don't know what weird Satan-loving, Satan-Hating (or whatever) world you live in, but I just want to know how my tax dollars and my charity dollars have been spent. Try to put whatever sinister spin you want on that. It just makes you sound more and more like a Cronie. Call me evil or whatever for that...

Anonymous said...


Can you not agree with this?

What's "Cronie" about that?

You appear so blinded by the rotteness going on here in this blog that you cannot see how it (and not the Crone & Co. mess - which I hope will be truthfully resolved) is wrecking this town.

And please remember that I included myself in it.......

Anonymous said...


Can you not agree with this?

I completely agree that "this town can and will be torn apart and slide downhill quickly if this viciousness doesn't stop". Where we disagree is where the viciousness is coming from. It's coming from the government, sweetheart. You want it to stop before the town goes downhill? Stop attacking the messengers and start writing your comments to commissioners and the mayor. Ask them to stop our community from going downhill. We're not going anywhere until the bleeding is stopped. And even then, we'll be just a "click" of a keyboard away.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that!

Anonymous said...

"Where we disagree is where the viciousness is coming from. It's coming from the government, sweetheart."

We only disagree by half. If you will re-read my post, I included BOTH sides in this mess, love.

You seem unwilling to admit your part.


(And to trump the next post, I know that there is no "winning" with this argument so you can save your breath unless you want to waste it.)

Anonymous said...

No argument. I don't take part in viciousness. I'm just a lowly citizen unhappy with the local government. But I do have a question for you---if both parties as you claim are at fault, I assume that you have also addressed the city council members. I speak for others here when I say that I sure would love to hear what you have said to them. Or are you comfortable just to "waste your breath" here on this forum?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps and can clarify my point a little more. When referring to "both sides", I refer to all the "bloggers".

Name calling, slander, and libel get us nowhere.

"R.A.T.S" liars, thieves, etc, as well as "fruit loops" and "cornflakes" avail us nothing except ill feeling and contempt.

I'M GUILTY!!! But I'm trying my best to stop! Does that mean I don't want the town's problems fixed?

If name calling, whispering, wishing for other peoples reputations and lives to be upended and destroyed, then we deserve exactly what we have coming to us.


I have no doubt that soon - very soon - those that are loathed so openly and viciously here will be removed from office whether any investigation finds true grounds for it or not.

Oh, but how dirty WE ALL should feel.

Anonymous said...

5:11 am, you asked if 'RATS' stands for something. yes, it does. It stands for the unholy alliance between Commissioners Rader, Abraham, Mayor Thunberg, and long-time assistant town manager Erskine Smith. You want to start throwing the word Satan around, well, some of us see Satan, but not in the same things and people as you do...We see it in the form of unholy alliances which serve only themselves and a select few, using our lifeblood in the form of taxation.

Anonymous said...

2:13, thanx for the clarification.So, how do you feel about the police chief taking priviliged children on trips to big cities using money that he said was for underprivileged children, seniors, and families?How do you feel about the fact that many businesses and people might be audited by the IRS because they filed their contribution to CFK as a tax deduction thinking it was a charity since that's what our chief of police said it was?How do you feel about the police chief using money that people and businesses donated for needy children, seniors, and families to cater in Christmas feasts for police officers?Should it make me feel dirty that I have these questions?Please don't mistake these questions posed to you as "attacks".I'm merely trying to involve you in the discussion of facts here instead of a discussion about the people who post.

Anonymous said...

This is to 2:13 P.M. Honey, you can feel as dirty as you want to. My plate is clean. I pay my dues and I expect others to do the same. Why don't you take your do-gooding preaching to the town board and preach to Crone and Smith? Having stayed on top of this situation, I think they need it alot more than the angry citizens who are uprising because corruption is seeping through the pores of Town Hall via people like the police chief and his supporters such as Commissioner Rader and Erskine Smith.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid I have to include myself in the group of posters who have attacked but I've tried to do it constructively most of the time.
Would I say some of what I've said here to their faces all the time? Truthfully-no-not all the time or in that exact verbage. I am trying to tone it down and let the courts decide. Or the investigations. If they decide againest, then what are the commishes going to do?

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

8/6 at 5:11am

No, I'm not finding your response to be useful, and I've read it and re-read it several times.

1. Your position is premised on an accusation that three individuals are acting as co-conspirators.

2. You imply that the presence of such a dirty alliance should call into question the factual data presented in various media.

3. You state that you believe the visciousness needs to stop, but then take part in it.

4. You don't support any of your accusations with facts. Show me where I've been a slithering, split tongued snake and I'll be glad to address that.

5. You don't really include yourself in the condemnation other than to say 'all of us need to get clean.' In fact the paragraph just prior to that statement clearly indicates that you don't include yourself in the "them" category.

6. The facts remain the facts. No amount of name calling, bashing, or diversion will change the facts.

7. What has happened is the result of the actions of trusted leaders in this town,not the "messengers." It is their misuse of their positions which has created the turmoil.

I'm glad you're upset, although I think it is misplaced. Maybe you can utilize some of that anger into creating the productive dialogue you wish to see.

Anonymous said...

Innocent until proven guilty has been trumped by freedom of speech but not only here in Mooresville...in our whole country.

Now that are beating their chests in victory, they are already talking about their next victim.

Freedom of speech only counts when you are standing against the local establishment.

Not if you are standing for America, family values or for the people that serve our communities and keep us save.

Beth states that she will know where not to shop. Do you really think those business people care.

You are a group of maybe fifty and a couple of more if you count the now hidden Cliff and Fariba. How did that CFOG go.

I applaud the ones who signed and have more respect for them.

Keep in mind if they would have a letter AGAINST Cheif Crone you all would be Championing their courage to stand up.

Anonymous said...

Didn't you get the memo? Your "innocent" Crone was fired today. Sour grapes. Go lick your wounds somewhere else Cronie. And you're right. We're not gonna stop until all the corrupt have been removed from Town Hall. If you don't like that, that's too bad.

BTW, I hope one day you can get over your "Cliff and Fariba" obsession.

Anonymous said...

10:33 A.M. Let me get this straight. this article reads that
"Clearly without reviewing a single financial record for Cops for Kids, the “Citizens for the Ethical Treatment of Others” still felt comfortable stating: “We’re confident Crone will be absolved of all allegations of impropriety” and that “many will owe him a sincere heartfelt apology.”"

And you are proud to tell us that you "applaud the ones who signed and have more respect for them."????

Mooresville was plastered on the news again tonight about Crone being fired for dipping into a charity. Do we still owe him a "heartfelt apology", do you think?

What really bothers me is that you are probably somebody I deal with and know but will never know how warped your moral compass is.

Anonymous said...

While August 8, 2008 10:33 AM is busy flattering and bowing down to the writers and signers of the very disturbing letter exposed in this article, I will be avoiding association of any kind with them, and I will be doing everything I can to find out just how they were all so "confident that Crone will be absolved of all allegations of impropriety" just four days after his suspension.

Anonymous said...

We need to look into whether any of these "businessmen" were receiving extra police protection for their business or preferential treatment of any kind from the police department under Crone's watch. Our taxes pay for the police force and we must be protected EQUALLY.

Anonymous said...

This is to the upstanding citizens who signed this spectacular letter which has shed such a bright light upon them. How about starting a "Citizens for Ethical Treatment of the Taxpayer"?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if any of these people were around when Crone was bragging to people how "when he got his job back, he was gonna get even". I guess that ship's sailed, but it doesn't change the scary fact that these were his mental processes. Just think. He was your police chief for ten years and thought this way. Good going people (the 21 Signers of the Letter), backing an obvious power abuser like this and putting this entire community at risk with your ignorance (or worse - with full knowledge of who and how he was).

Anonymous said...

I was at the town board meeting earlier this month. I have to admit I was very surprised none of the people who wrote this letter turned out to publicly voice their support of the embattled police chief. They seemed so passionate in the letter, I would have expected some of them to show up and support the man they were defending so vehemently in this letter. Where were they all???

Anonymous said...

No kidding. I heard none of them showed up at the Rader mis"information" meeting at the library either. If they "loved" Crone so much why wouldn't they show up and support another Crone Lover, like Rader? They've all disappeared into the woodwork waiting for the dust to settle so they can find their next little gravy train ticket.

Anonymous said...

You're right. None of them showed up, but at least one of them started posting anonymously! They're calling him the Pathetic Poster. It's actually pretty sad because unlike the other 21 people who signed this inauspicious letter, he just ain't giving up the Crone ghost. Last man in town who's still buying the bull, hook line & sinker.

Anonymous said...

Just read the Feds have been called in to go over how the former police chief was using a federal drug tax fund as his second slush fund.

I have a question for the "businessmen" and self-proclaimed "community leaders" who signed this odious letter. Do you still think John Crone is owed an apology by those who exposed his misdeeds and his crimes against this community?

How about this - How about all of you writing an apology letter to our community, most specifically to the media sources that exposed this corrupt supposed enforcer of the laws?

If you do so, it will go a long way to restoring the moral and ethical credibility that each and every one of you lost the instant you put your signature on this letter.

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