To a group of citizens who describe themselves as having “various connections to (suspended Police Chief John) Crone via Rotary, church, Chamber, etc.” – and who signed a letter of support for Crone – the answer to that question is apparently “yes.” The letter, dated July 12 – only four days after Crone was suspended – was written to members of Mooresville’s town board by a group that coins itself “Citizens for Ethical Treatment of Others.” The group claims to “share Crone’s passion for Mooresville and express it via civic involvement and many by investing in the establishment of local businesses.” To view the letter, click on the documents below:

Ironically, the letter acknowledges Crone’s “lack of attention to recordkeeping,” calling it “unfortunate.” However, Crone’s friends apparently do not view the police chief’s “lack of attention to recordkeeping” as sufficient grounds for discipline or dismissal. Instead, they blame the Town of Mooresville, saying that since the town board never oversaw Cops for Kids, “by default” that made the fund “a discretionary account." And they have unilaterally decided to give Crone “enormous latitude in the use of all funds.”
Not only did the group attempt to deflect blame on the Town of Mooresville, however. It also went on to blame the media for exposing the facts surrounding Crone’s mishandling of the Cops for Kids funds. In fact, the “Citizens for Ethical Treatment of Others” characterized the media coverage as a “personal attack on (Crone’s) character.” The group also deflected blame on the Gatton Report and its readers, calling them “anonymous bloggers too cowardice to relinquish their names.”
But the group didn’t stop there. Clearly without reviewing a single financial record for Cops for Kids, the “Citizens for the Ethical Treatment of Others” still felt comfortable stating: “We’re confident Crone will be absolved of all allegations of impropriety” and that “many will owe him a sincere heartfelt apology.”
Several questions come to mind:
- What exactly leads the “Citizens for Ethical Treatment of Others” to believe that just because the town gave Crone minimal guidance, Crone could do whatever he wanted with the Cops for Kids money?
- In regard to the “Citizens for Ethical Treatment of Others” calling this blog and its readers “cowardice”: What is more cowardly – exposing a police chief for misappropriation of funds ... or signing a letter of support for him?
- And exactly what do the “Citizens for Ethical Treatment of Others” propose we will owe Crone an apology for? For exposing his poor record keeping? For showing how he withdrew thousands of dollars in cash out of his “charity fund” but provided little or no documentation for how it was spent? For alerting him that his own website stated that Cops for Kids is a charity for needy children and families when in fact it was being used as his personal “discretionary account”? For showing how the chief law enforcement officer of our town deposited cash from the police department’s evidence room into his “discretionary account”?
Perhaps most striking is the letter’s categorical declaration that “Nothing short of personal use of Cops for Kids proceeds will warrant reprimand or dismissal of Chief Crone.” Is it not “personal use” when Crone takes himself, his wife, and his daughter on expensive trips, including transportation, hotels, meals, and sightseeing fees?
The writer of the letter, and those who signed it, set a very low threshold for dismissal; yet even by their own standards, they should agree that Crone is already guilty. Why? Because of cash withdrawals. Either Crone produces proof that none of that cash was used for his “personal use,” or it must be presumed that it was. Why? Because he is the one who withdrew the cash. And to this date, we have yet to see exactly how Crone spent the thousands and thousands of dollars in cash that he withdrew from a charity fund.
Would the businessmen who signed this letter tolerate such behavior from an employee? Would Crone, a chief of police, buy his own explanations if he were interrogating a potential charity scam artist? Perhaps what this letter reveals is that maybe he would … if the suspect went to his church, or attended his Rotary Club, or was a member of the Chamber of Commerce.
But obviously, to these particular 21 people, there’s no interest in, or room for, the evidence. Since they are businessmen and members of various civic organizations, they seem to believe that their opinion is somehow more worthy of the town’s attention than that of “regular” citizens … that somehow their opinion “trumps,” or is superior to, any of the evidence. They also seem to suggest that because they know Crone – because he attends their Rotary meetings and their church – that somehow he is less likely to be guilty.
That is the kind of “good ol’ boy” network that will no longer be tolerated here. Highly qualified and top-notch town employees have been fired for much less. But apparently those employees weren’t in Rotary or didn’t go to the “right” churches and therefore weren’t deserving of “ethical treatment.”
Perhaps the “Citizens for Ethical Treatment of Others” should consider changing its name to “Citizens for Preferential Treatment of Some.”
(While I welcome and encourage open dialogue about the issues brought to light in this letter, I urge anyone who plans to post a comment to be civil and not make unsubstantiated allegations against the people who signed the letter of support for Crone or against those who are able to civilly criticize the letter and its endorsers. If any unsubstantiated allegations are made, I will promptly remove them.)
1 – 200 of 228 Newer› Newest»Holy Smokes, how a group of "church going righteous people"can spin the whole thing to make Crone a victim.
It's over hypocrites, we will no longer let you gather in the bushes, pick only those who benefit the "Good Old Boy Cause", and run this Town like you have in the past. We are very fortunate to have a woman like Jaime, who knows how to get all this stuff uncovered. Most of us wouldn't have a chance in hell. TOM will no longer belong to "CITIZENS FOR ETHICAL TREATMENT OF OTHERS",or any other group that condones Mooresville past.
I like your “Civility Mandate,” Jaime. Well said.
It’s pretty interesting to look at who signed this absurd letter, but to me, it’s even more interesting to see who didn’t.
Thank you to those who signed this absurd letter, now I know who Not to do business with! I can't believe these people actually believe this is all due to a "disgruntled employee" Where was the support when officers were let go for ABSURD reasons, did it not matter that these men and women had GOOD names and families to support? Where was their leave with pay untill proven they were NOT at any fault! Can these people along with Crone not just admit that YES, Chrone mis-used CHARITY money. YES, he has abused his power of authority with his employees and the citizens of Mooresville. If it was your churches money would you not file charges? Attempt to account for the money? What if it was your business and he had stolen merchandise? Would you file charges?
All anyone needs to do is ask the officers how Crone treats some of them! He is mentally and verbally abusive. Everyone runs from him when he is in "One of his moods". Everyone always knew when the next would be fired because he decided that he no longer liked this person.
All in all this letter makes me sick to my stomach! I can't believe this has been done. Would these same people write letters of support of any other citizen being arrested or questioned? It is time to break the "good ole boy system" and bring Mooresville up to standards.
Reading the list of people who signed this letter, I couldn't help but wonder how anyone could take this group seriously. that all the names they could get? Just pathetic!!
Grammatically speaking, the letter is poorly written. When writing a formal letter, the use of contractions is unacceptable and the "passive voice" is not recommended. Additionally, numerous fragmented sentences exist throughout the letter - tsk tsk.
This letter could do more harm than good due to the unprofessional manner in which it is written.
Hint: Spell check is a useful tool for fine tuning your writing.
Oh, yes. It takes incredible courage and fortitude to put your John Hancock on a letter SUPPORTING a corrupt police chief. So, according to this letter, the real cowards are the ones who are standing up to that corrupt police chief? What is wrong with that picture? And who are these people? I need to know so that I don't accidentally spend my money at their business.
It can be argued that one of the biggest problems facing our community is that self-appointed and self-important community “leaders” such as these reserve their “activism” for cases such as the suspended police chief’s, regardless of the glaring facts that surround his case.
Where were these so-called "Citizens for Ethical Treatment of Others" when my child's beloved D.A.R.E. Officer was fired for GIVING AWAY A STUFFED BUNNY to the principal's child????!! Not only the officer, but my child and other children who loved him could have used some ethical treatment right around then.
Crone never considered "eithical treatment of others" when he fired an officer. He always thought it was funny and laughed about it when he sent some poor officer off to wonder where the next house payment was going to come from or when would his health insurance run out. It gave him a feeling of power-everyone in the police department was at his mercy-or lack of it. His feeling of power extended to the CFK money. It was his to do as he wished with, record keeping is for people who have nothing to hide and someone to answer to. Crone answers to no one, he is the power to answer to. These people better do some serious investigating before they sign their name to such a letter. I bet Crone has more dirt on them then any one of us could ever find. Remember for years he has access to the law enforcement data system. In fact wasn't the SBI investigating the improper use of that system by someone in Mooresville when 9/11 put their attention elsewhere?
It would be interesting to find out who drafted this letter. And who circulated it. I know there are some things in it that I could have sworn I heard Crone say on T.V. right after he was suspended (that was a few days before this letter was supposedly written). It would also be good to find out if this letter got any kind of special treatment versus letters against Crone once it got to Town Hall. If it got any special treatment, who did it get it from and why?
Much easier to put your name to a letter backing the chief of police than to call him on the carpet for eating and vacationing his way through charity dollars. What have you got to lose? If he loses his job, no one would be any the wiser. If he comes back, he'll remember how "good" you were to him. Nice plan fellas. Too bad it looks like it backfired.
Classic. Blame the Media. Shoot the Messenger. Sigh. Finally some good investigative journalism and reporting on matter that gets the citizenry involved and it's a bad thing?
Crone is undergoing an investigation, just like other suspects undergo. The difference is he is on paid leave while other suspects often sit in jail, have to make bond, perhaps lose their jobs, etc.
He is innocent until proven guilty. There is an investigation and certain facts have come to light in the course of that investigation. That is not outside the norm of regular reporting of a high profile suspected crime.
What is outside the norm is that it is a public official, which makes him held to a higher standard than the Average Joe, rightly or wrongly. But, I don't believe he should be held to a lesser standard, either.
Jaime, it might be interesting to contact these letter writers now that some time has gone by and see if they still feel the way they did weeks ago or if they have changed their minds. It also would be interesting to see if this was passed around at a Rotary meeting for signature or what.
Don’t complicate the facts. Crone is either guilty of fraud and misappropriation of funds, or gross incompetence. Either way, he cannot expect to retain, or be returned to his position (or any other) in the Police Department.
If you review the signers of the letter of support, the intellect of those whose signatures appear, can be related directly to former Commissioner Alice (in Wonderland) Lee. She sponsored, and voted for CH2MHill as the contractor for the Waste Water Treatment fiasco, because of her friendship with a member of her church, who worked for the Company. To consider her as credible, would be to elevate her to an undeserved status.
Kay Salisbury
Kay, how did the Golf Course investigation turn out? Please bother people in Statesville, your opinion no longer matters in Mooresville.
9:31 a.m. I am choosing to leave your comment up for now. Please provide proof of your allegation to my e-mail at by this afternoon at 5 p.m. In the event that I do not receive such proof, I will erase your allegation.
"actual business owners who actually contribute something to Mooresville"
Hmm.. wonder if any of those people have had trouble with the law? I KNOW of at least two on that list that have been arrested and one that should have. Did Crone use the good ol' boy system then with dealing with them? Oh wait, Mr. Washam was arrested in Charlotte for indicent exposure. Sorry. My mistake.
9:37 a.m.,
As I made clear at the end of this article: while I welcome and encourage open dialogue about the issues brought to light in this letter, I urge anyone who plans to post a comment to be civil and not make unsubstantiated allegations against the people who signed the letter of support for Crone or against those who are able to civilly criticize the letter and its endorsers. If any unsubstantiated allegations are made, I will promptly remove them.
If any part of the comment is unaffected by the allegations, I will repost that part of the comment in a later comment.
Here's the unaffected part of 9:37 a.m.'s comment:
Whats interesting is that all the people that signed that letter are actual business owners who actually contribute something to Mooresville.
9:58 a.m.: I need proof for both.
I understand you are trying to protect the few sheep that you have, but you know what I am saying is true. You like going to Town Hall so much and digging through files, go dig out the one where Vic turned down all the offers for the right of way.
and, by the way, if you are going to remove post with "allegations" shouldnt you take down all your blogs about Cheif Crone?
While I know there are investigations pending my experience in dealing with accountability of funds and evidence rooms with the military leaves no room for error. There can be no mishandling without being responsible for your actions. I may be able to understand a similar mistake by a private or rookie patrolmen. However, the Chief is someone who sets the standard for others. And as such should also live by that standard and resign his position for mishandling funds AND transferring money from the evidence room.
What kind of example is the town and the chief giving to those who will come after him if he is allowed to sidestep financial accountability practices within a known government agency? I can tell you that when we lost money or equipment we were fully investigated and held accountable accordingly. At a minimum we reimbursed the government for any discovered wrong doing, faced demotion or firing and some soldiers ended up in prison for fraud.
While the investigations are still pending, I think it is tremendously short sited and premature for "concerned" friends of the chief to write a letter in an attempt to possibly persuade those conducting said investigations with any means of political pressure or influence at all.
If I was the Chief, I would encourage my friends to be patient. Once the investigations were over then I based on the outcome, that is when I would drum up my support. Either way, an investigated chief is a tarnish to the badge, the force and the population he serves. That should tell him something.
Thank you, "July 30, 2008 9:51AM" commenter, for reminding us about the golf course. It is rather coincidental that the Cops For Kids was getting funded almost solely through an event (Annual Golf Tournament) at the very place that was under an SBI investigation a couple years ago. That investigation needs to be reopened to see if any cash traded hands between Cops For Kids and the golf course. If so, where’s the paper trail for that cash, what happened to it, is it fully accounted for? This definitely is starting to look more and more fishy. Throw Rader into the mix, and it’s even worse. He has been the main cheerleader for both the golf course manager and the police chief. Sorry, too many “coincidences.”
Why do you have such a sore spot about me calling out the unemployeed and the felons?
Anonymous, if you are such a truthful and ethical person why don't you sign your name. When you call everyone on this blog felons you can sure expect a garuangous law suit from many of those who you accuse... and certainly by me. And just for you information the first amendment will not protect you from defaming people. As to the unemployed portion... well I can say it sure is nice to not have to get up and go to work. Maybe if you were retired you would be more able to pull your head out of your lower body.
As to wither Crone is guilty of a crime or not I think the investigation will tel. The interviews he performed with the three Charlotte TV stations sure didn’t help his case. He changed the facts at least twice which sure rises some serious questions… however he has said he didn't keep good records... when you are handling others money not keeping good records is a crime. There is not a business going, including those who signed this stupid letter, which would accept the kind of records that Crone admitted he kept... let alone would any taxing authority. The more I see the "GOOD PEOPLE" i.e. the signers of this letter, of Mooresville put up a howl the more I think that there is something amiss with Crone's actions. Why didn’t they put up a howl for the two engineers who were trying to protect the water and sewage customers of Mooresville? They didn’t even get a hearing let alone a suspension with pay…
By the way, I am Bob Denney just for clarity
Grudges? You don't know me very well.
I know some of the folks who signed onto the letter, and I have respect for them as individuals. I think they're sadly mistaken, but they are entitled to their opinion.
As for false allegations, me thinks thou doth protest too much.
Don't muddy the waters with the ROW issue. Who cares if a landowner got top price for land being taken away from their sole property and enjoyment?
It is fine to get a fair market price for something.
Is there a criminal/civil investigation into that? If not, then you are simply stirring the pot, adding oranges when we were discussing apples.
Larry, we all know about the grudge you hold bacause of the Autistic kid getting arrested.
I am sick of people like these "businessmen" throwing their weight around. Have they even seen what we’ve seen? It’s an open & shut case.
What do grudges have to do with money being removed from a police department evidence room. The deposit slip is posted on this website. What do grudges have to do with cash being withdrawn from a charitable account, regardless of the purpose? This is not about grudges. What it is about is that some people will support these types of actions by someone in a position of authority. Those same people would lock away a "common criminal" such as a Wal Mart shoplifter and throw away the key.
Sonny, if you can’t write any clearer than your current posts, you need to get someone to provide you a refresher course in writing. I interpreted your position to be referring to all posters… If that wasn’t correct you should have stipulated that you were referring to one instance… Hate you… no in fact I only have pity for you …. I am guessing you are a product of the public school system.
I know that I am not a southerner but let me be the first to help you … when you say you want to get even with ya’ll, that means everybody and that includes me. Do you really want to take me on?
10:21. RR - not the brightest bulb in the bunch. Just gotta keep bringing attention to yourself.
Here's the unaffected part of 10:21 a.m.'s post:
Did I ever say that everyone on this blog is a felon? No, I didnt. [TEXT DELETED] Dont hate me because I am getting to the real source of all the hate on this blog. Its all about personal grudges and trying to get even with ya'll.
Don't say we didn't warn you, Roberta.
Oh poor ol' Bob. Lets take a look at your previous post shall we....
expect a garuangous law suit (garuangous??? What is that? Its not even a word)
As to wither Crone is guilty of a crime or not I think the investigation will tel. (wither??, tel?)
Maybe you should learn to write basic english before throwing stiones. and while you are at it maybe take an english comprehension
course. My statement was made in the context that everyone on this blog is trying to get even with the board or town manager because of a personal grudge. I didnt say I was trying to get even with you all. Before you speak and make yourself look more like a moron at least put some thought into it. But I guess you probably wouldnt be on this blog as one of the sheep if you actually had thoughts of your own and could think clearly.
The majority of the people who signed this letter do not live within the city limits of Mooresville which comprises the MPD’s jurisdiction.
RR you have come out from under that rock! You seem to think you won about the golf course - did we hide -NO - didn't CR get relatgated to be in the Parks & Recreation Dept. in a way to keep him & his crew unavailable for legitimate scrutiny. Mooresville is still a nice town and when the coruption has been vanquished, it will return to a 5 star community.
Kay Salisbury
10:59 "Stiones"? And you're telling "Bob" to learn to spell first? Funny.
Neither does Beth Sherrill or Kay and Harold Salisbury but you listen to their whining and crying.
Oh great. The "Sheep" and "Baa Baa" and "Koolaid" lady is back. How about a new trick, Koolaid Lady?
Grudges? Again, you really don't know me.
This has nothing to do with the "Autistic Kid" (actually he has Asperger Syndrome) and has everything to do with the facts which are now public domain and public information.
This is about a person in a position of power and influence advertising an organization to assist the poor and underprivileged (quite a good cause I might add), but using the funds for anything but those purposes. This is about misleading the public about the incorporation status of the organization. This is entirely about FACTS -- not grudges.
However, you are welcome to believe what you want and to say what you want. I, for one, find it quite amusing that you need to revert to an infantile behavior such as name-calling and blame-shifting. You are more than welcome to continue to do that.
However, you are also more than welcome to actually contribute something to the dialogue. If you say that these "disgruntled fired employees" have started something, then give us proof. But then again, what's wrong with former employees (or current ones for that matter) telling the truth. I believe that's why whistle-blower laws were put into effect. If this "unemployed reporter" who receives "food stamps" is so wrong in her presentation of the facts, then contribute something meaningful to the discussion and show us how she's wrong. The very thought that unemployed folk or underprivileged folk don't have a right to voice their positions is a fallacy. If I'm stirring up false allegations, then show me where, when, and proof to the opposite.
I guess that's why the letter in support of Crone doesn't mention socioeconomic status, because the utilization of CFK funds for the Explorers and the Youth Council may very well have been discriminatory.
Do you have anything... really ANYTHING ... to contribute to the discussion?
I can contribute this......what are your "membership" dues for on that website of yours? Sounds to me like you are trying to make a quick buck.
You mean the "draft" document which will be altered and ratified by an actual board of directors who provide oversight and to the governmental agencies? I don't know ... it will be up to the group if and when it gets totally up and running.
Now, what were those donations to CFK used for?
Oooo!! Me me me!! Pick Me!!!!! I have an answer for that......Since 2001, Cops for Kids has spent a majority of its “outreach” funds – raised through individual and business contributions, as well as an annual golf tournament – not to benefit underprivileged children in Mooresville, but to send the Mayor’s Youth Council and the Police Explorers on all-expenses paid trips to New York City; Washington D.C.; Pennsylvania; Pigeon Forge, Tenn. and Atlanta.
"According to an invoice, in 2006, Cops for Kids paid $1,203 to Tasteful Impressions for a 75-person buffet. Payment was made by a check for $600, supplemented by $663 in cash. The $600 check is recorded in the bank statement for that month and in Crone’s balance sheet, but the $663 in cash is not recorded in Crone’s balance sheet. The cash payment is simply noted on the Tasteful Impressions invoice. There is no indication in any of the records as to where the cash came from."
Grudges don't have anything to do with the evidence. Crone's supporters want to focus on personalities, connections, who's complaining, the messenger, etc. Notice that they never address the evidence. Even they can't rationalize what he did. They just want to keep him because they think he is their buddy. Or perhaps because they feed at the same trough.
Hey, 11:00. I hate to tell you this, but the MPD, under Chief Crone, have said for years that the laws changed and that they have had jurisdiction anywhere in Iredell County. And those police cars have been all over the county to arrest people. Hmmmmmmm......
Yeah, what's up with that? Where's the authority for them to make arrests outside of Mooresville. Kinda scary.
Funny... one of the names signed happened to be one that Crone accompanied to my backyard as I mentioned in an earlier post. I'd like for anyone who knows when a search warrant is needed or when one is needed to please post for me!
Looking at the names I can say they might be "ethical" but there are a few that signed that are not "moral"!
Jaime, your going to remove post about people being unemployeed and criminals but you will let that last post stay?
You missed a couple and the dirt is there too! See what you can find on the others. I'm telling you it is there.
2:10 PM you are entitled to say what you want to but you have to be a low class b*****d to bring up Dr. Heinen and his child. That remark was totally uncalled for...may you rot in hell
So, can I go ahead and spill all the dirt I know on some of your fellow sheep and CFOG members?
As much as this poster has criticized... in all fairness I do have to say that the comment on Dr. Heinen was uncalled for. That was a very tragic and unfortunate situation that caused a great amount of pain for their family and the entire community. My heart still goes out to them. It is a scenario that has played out many times resulting in tragedy. His was a complete and honest situation that is horrible.
As for the others I think many in the community know of them and their misdeads. I to know of some very interesting facts on at least one other person that signed this list. I can not believe he would be listed as anyone "ethical".
Hey 2:10, with all respect, you seem to know a lot about law enforcement. Can you please explain to me when a search warrant is needed? Can you just go anywhere on someones property and escort another person anywhere outside. If you see something you think "might" be able to prosecute someone, even if it is as small as a piece of paper, can you take it and then have someone arrested? Then when someone later finds out that the police were there and you find out after the fact and you call to get a copy of the report and there isn't one.... Just want to cover my bases.
Can we get back on track? The folks who signed the letter are not the subject of the investigation. They are entitled to their opinion and I'm glad they're willing to take a stand and be public about their position. Let's not allow them to divert our attention. Anonymous at 2:22, I'm assuming you mean spilling the dirt on CFRGM members (not CFOG)? There are no members of CFRGM at this point in time, so I guess you have dirt on nobody.
From the Tribune's website:
“We have another personnel item for closed session after the agenda briefing on Friday,” Thunberg said.
I wonder what that might be about? Anyone know?
And to elaborate on my previous post... It wasn't any officer and another individual it was the police chief and another individual. The MPD did not make the arrest as it was out of another county. But the chief was at the house the chief allowed him to take something he might find useful for prosecution and the MPD has no report the the chief was there or that any "evidence" was removed from the property.
I'm still confused how items involving tax dollars can be held in "closed" sessions.
There are no members of CFRGM at this point in time
Imagine that. You mean to tell me you couldnt get any corporations to pay $500. That is one heck of a deal, how could they possibly pass that up?
Again, somebody wants to get off point. Larry Green is not the police chief. Whatever organization he has going is irrelevant. When are the people who want Crone as their police chief going to address the solid facts. Facts that say only one thing: he simply cannot return as the chief of police. Even his supporters acknowledge his (at minimum) mismanagement or poor record keeping in their letter of support. Everything else in the letter in support of him is simply rationalization by people who have other reasons (Rotary, church, family, etc.) to support him. If a police chief can't keep good records, in a business where record keeping means everything, how can he keep his job?
Haven't tried. But maybe if I changed the website to say that the money was going to pay for electric bills, to pay for rent, and to give Christmas gifts to the poor and needy I'd be able to get A TON of corporations to sign on.
But that's been tried now, hasn't it? When CFRGM gets up and running, it will be operated according to law and to IRS regulations. Imagine that? An incororated entity being guided by a board of directors, an annual audit, a set of policies and procedures, and published bylaws! The horror of such a thing! Who on earth would should expect such a thing!
I guess such things are not important to you. But I digress (that's a big word for "getting of track").
You are welcome to throw all the stones at me you wish -- I have nothing to hide. But this discussion isn't about me (or you). It's about the facts.
The facts indicate a gross misrepresentation of the nature and purposes of CFK. Maybe Crone should have simply charged $500 for corporations to join it. The facts indicate that the Smith failed to provide oversight to his employee. The facts indicate that there is an extremely high turnover rate in the MPD. The facts indicate that Rader misused his position. The facts are just those: FACTS.
While I am entertained by your presbyopia (another big word which means your blindness to things close to you), I have still not heard any refutation of the facts presented by Jamie, the Tribune, WBTV, WSOC, and other media outlets. All I've heard is a bunch of whining about how mean we are for daring to step up to the plate and try to help you regain some of your vision.
As I made clear at the end of this blog entry: while I welcome and encourage open dialogue about the issues brought to light in this letter, I urge anyone who plans to post a comment to be civil and not make unsubstantiated allegations against the people who signed the letter of support for Crone or against those who are able to civilly criticize the letter and its endorsers. If any unsubstantiated allegations are made, I will promptly remove them.
Since the boundary is “unsubstantiated allegations,” I have no choice but to repost the portion of the comment about Dr. Heinen. However, I cannot stress enough that the intent of this blog entry was not to open up personal attacks on the authors of the letter individually. I urge each of you to stick to the issues in the letter and not to be unnecessarily hurtful to people who are not public officials.
Here's the unaffected portion of 2:10 p.m.'s comment:
Let's take a look at just who did sign that letter.
Woodrow Washam---lives in Cornelius, Pays Mooresville taxes---NO
Charles E. Moore---long time friend of the Good Ole Boys, and isn't that just Griffin Insurance Now?
Tommy Bowles---Once local businessman and once county commissioner. Never lived in city limits, doesn't pay Mooresville Taxes.
Mike Cook--Well liked businessman and current owner of Cavin-Cook funeral home.
Don Carney---Lives and operates businesses outside of the city limits. Pays Mooresville city taxes???? I don't think so!!
Dr. Aubrey Calhoun, probably the most respectable person on the list. Excellent Doctor. Pays Mooresville taxes.
Dr. Mike Heinen---well-liked local veterinarian. Lives outside of mooresville tax range. "We know him better as the dad who forgot his infant child in the car all day. Jaime correct me if I'm wrong.
Nick Carrington---need I really say more???
John Melius----Yet another insurance man???? Might want to see if he holds policies on city officials?
Victor Theoban-successful businessman, lives on lake, Mooresville taxes??? Unlikely
Michael Levine---Transplated ambulance chaser, doesn't live in the city limits either. Might pay taxes on his half of business.
(Notice his partner Gray Mills was smart enough not to sign this letter)
The Pless brothers--- Well liked businessmen in downtown location. A couple of "Good Ole Boys" going all the way back to the time of their father. One of the original "Boys". Kind of makes you wonder who might hold the insurance policies on the city vehicles or the police cars.
Alice Lee---We all know enough has been said on her.
Buddy Guin--Laughable but lovable former Principal at the local High School. Also Crone's ex-brother-in-law.
Okay so there's the run down from a very long term resident.
Just call me,
A Mooresvillian
Well said, Jaime. It is quite a task for someone to operate a blog and you have done a fine job. Your blog has resulted in at least the following: 1. Repayment of debt to town by SICDC (Woody Washam is its chairman, by the way) that was not going to be paid anytime soon, 2. Informing the public of important issues in the DA's race, 3. Informing the public of issues involving the town engineering and the contract with CH2MHill, 4. Finding the documents that prove Crone's failures in his operation of Cops for Kids and his removal of money from the evidence room. If not for your hard work on your own time and your own dime, this Cops for Kids thing would have gone on for the next ten years the way it did the last ten. And, you posters, you can perhaps focus on the facts that cannot be refuted and which scream that Crone's career as our police chief is over. As for the guys who signed the letter, they should have looked at the evidence first. Of course, some of the posters know all about the evidence and still support the guy. So maybe it is about moral and ethical equivocation more than anything.
It is not about the individual shortcomings of the letter signers--we all have shortcomings. It is about their collective misuse of their "standing" in the community to attempt to influence the process without regard for the facts. On the one hand they want the investigation to be completed but on the other they are certain Crone will be absolved. The problem is, they cite no evidence upon which they base their conclusion. So, it is just a letter of support from some old buddies, certainly having no validity in the face of the substantial evidence published on this blog.
I hear what somebody said about this not being about the people who signed this letter.
Another side of that coin is that many of us reading this blog have seen Crone (and others like him) as men who behave like “somebody” has got their back. Now we know who some of those “somebody’s” are. Because a signature always carries with it consequences and accountability.
It is very difficult for corrupt people to thrive on their own. They need a supporting "structure", if you would. I see these people as part of that supporting structure, whether they
intend to be or not.
I don't know about them, but I was taught long ago to not sign anything without making darn sure it was something I really wanted or needed to sign.
So will you be a the "protest" Monday?
I've never marched in anything before, but there's a first time for everything. Maybe in the eyes of the commissioners I won't count as much as the "old white men" who signed the letter in this article, but my "unimportant" person plans on getting permission to leave work a little early that day to be there. I am fed up.
This is a continuation of the "Count Up Vigil" of the number of days which pass from the day Cops For Kids scandal broke (7/4/08) to the day that Police Chief Crone and Interim Town Manager Erskine Smith are both suspended, terminated or resign.
The Police Chief was suspended (with pay) on Tuesday, 7/8/08. The community clearly continues to be relieved and deeply grateful to whatever forces brought that timely suspension about. However, serious questions continue to mount with regard to Mr. Smith's decision to continue paying Mr. Crone a salary.
Interim Town Manager Erskine Smith, Mr. Crone’s supervisor, remains in his position and continues to operate still. Therefore I shall continue this Vigil until he, too, vacates any post he holds as a public official in Mooresville due to his role in this matter as well as other matters that have been brought to light.
The town board has placed Finance Director Maia Setzer in charge of oversight of the CFK process (including but not limited to any investigations) which indicates that they, too, lack confidence and trust in the Interim Town Manager. Despite this lack of confidence, Mr. Smith remains in his position, a position to which the Finance Director reports.
The information I specifically refer to is:
1) documented misrepresentations made by Mr. Smith with regard to the nonprofit corporation known as Cops For Kids
2) Mr. Smith's direct recommendation to the town board to include the nonprofit corporation known as Cops For Kids into the town's general budget
3) Mr. Smith's failure to perform due diligence in his capacity as Interim Town Manager by properly researching Cops For Kids prior to submitting his recommendation to the town board
4) Mr. Smith's involvement in a questionable commission in the amount of $237,151.50 as outlined in the Gatton Report blog entry dated 4/18/08 and titled “Friends don’t let friends gouge Mooresville taxpayers”, the contents of which have never been publicly disputed by Mr. Smith
5) Mr. Smith’s failure or refusal to change Mr. Crone’s status to “unpaid” suspension despite the surfacing of various contradictory statements made by Mr. Crone in the media since his suspension
6) Mr. Smith’s failure or refusal to fire Mr. Crone despite his assumed knowledge of the damning evidence presented in this report
This is Day No. 26.
This letter is a relic from the past.
It belongs in the Mooresville Museum under "Old Mooresville Mentality." I'm afraid the writers are getting a serious life lesson as to what the future of Mooresville is going to look like. It is a New Day.
Do we have a "protest" headcount?
Even Nixon had people who had his back. He still had to get on a helicopter and get the heck out of dodge eventually. Nothing’s going to change the evidence against the former police chief. The good thing is now we get to see who some of the “old guard” in town is who’s been encouraging and defending corrupt behavior such as Crone's
Well whoever signed this letter is telling Police Chief John Crone that they’re there for him when he’s in a pickle hoping that when they’re in a pickle he’ll be there for them. Good ole you scratch my back I'll scratch yours. Except they all got busted thanks to Miss Gatton.
Has anyone looked up the crime rates since Crone has been chief? You know, an issue that actually matters.
Sorry, but this motley crew should call themselves "Citizens for Crooked Behavior". Somebody wrote somewhere in this blog that finding the crooks in this town is only half the work. The other half is figuring out who’s been enabling and protecting them as they go about their crookedness. I guess we're starting to finally find out.
Probably an issue which actually matters to most people is whether or not the police chief is a criminal. Of course, those might not be the kind of crimes that get reported in crime rates. Especially since it looks like it takes the SBI a month to even figure out whether we are Mooresville or Morrisville.
Well, now that we know Rader was running around loose around the time this letter materialized, it would make sense that he might have signaled to these men that it was safe to write a letter…poo pooing away the evidence, minimizing the severity, making them believe Crone's coming back, so what have they got to lose? Well, now they’re hung out there to dry because they believed whoever sold them a bill of goods. They all deserve each other. Let’s smoke all of them out.
I noticed Aubry Calhoun was one of the original signers of this letter. He had his own line with his name typed up. Calhoun is a bona fide apologist for the status quo/old guard of Mooresville. He detests anybody who bucks up at the system he supports and he makes that very clear. He is also best friends with Commissioner Mitch Abraham, who is a known Crone and Smith backer.
The letter was self-indulgent, and it has made a caricature of its authors. One has to wonder how many other situations they have behaved in this manner and how they have influenced the outcome to the benefit of their acquaintances and to the detriment of this community.
This exposure was long overdue.
I wonder if the town pays his annual rotary club dues... I would be willing to bet they do.... Or maybe he used the CFK money to pay them.
Innocence by majority cannot exist since guilt by majority doesn't. If that statement was false then innocent people would be taken off death row and guilty leaders would be serving sentences in the prisons they created and filled. I have a personal problem with the signature of Mr. Charles Moore. I am a customer of his insurance company. I will be removing myself from his agency as soon as possible. They are a Nationwide insurance company. It is fact that Nationwide insurers use aftermarket parts to fix customer vehicles. This is not an unsubstantial allegation. Call any body shop in Mooresville and ask if it is true. Some will say it depends on your plan. In my eyes if you buy something and in return you recieve something of less value, something made by offshore companies, something that will create a greater profit margin; then you are a victim. We all need to make money, but when you make money at the cost of someone else is that acceptable? Maybe we could look at Mooresville's financial dealings and come to a conclusion.
Mr. Moore you can reach me at:
Mr Moore I am not trying to criticize your personal integrity. I have never had any problem with your business. Although, I cannot relate myself to you and your opposite stance.
I noticed you didn't address signer, Charles Taylor. Why in the world does the manager of the Mooresville Walmart feel the need to sign a letter of support for Mr. Crone? I guess he's a valued customer. Does Mr. Taylor pay Mooresville taxes?
I think my memory must be failing. I remeber blasting Mitch Abraham for supporting the sewr fiasco. Was it really Alice Lee that I forgot about? She is still serving Mooresville on the Beautification Committee by the way folks. That is an appointed position with no pay or benefits.
Jaimie, I'm interested in the details about Charles Taylor. It's interesting how many who signed this letter are either directly related to, or colleagues of the former shadow government.
Is the Tribune going to publish details of this march in the Friday edition? If we are to expect good turnout they need to.
Alice(in wonderland) Lee. HAha.
How about Alice (in chains)?
Funny Kay, didn't know you had it in you!
So who is bringing popcorn and drinks Monday? This will be better than Monday night footbal. Hope the Rescue Squad is on standby!
The Rotary dues have always been paid by the Town for the Chief of Police. That started under Chief Puett.
Great article as usual.I am trying to get caught up on my reading of the blog and wanted to make a comment on somthing that was posted several hours ago. The issue was brought up about Mooresville officers being all over the county. That is true. In 1970 or 1971 (fairly certain 71) a special bill was introduced giving officers of Mooresville and Statesville county wide jurisdiction in order to help the County Deputies.At that time there were only 2 deputies on duty at a time. Troutman did not have a department. The officers from Mooresville could not make an arrest in Statesville and vice versa. My opinion is that law has served it's purpose and should be reviewed. I think it has been abused under Crone's watch.
The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:
Section 1. The police officers of the Town of Mooresville and the City of Statesville are hereby granted the same jurisdiction and authority, throughout the county of Iredell, to make arrest and to execute criminal process as they possess within their respective municipalities. Provided, that the police officers of one municipality shall not exercise such authority within the corporate limits of the other municipality except when the mayor requests the assistance of the police officers from the other municipality. Provided, further that the police officers shall not exercise such authority outside their respective municipalities except by permission of their respective chiefs of police.
Sec. 1.1. Nothing in this act shall diminish the lawful authority of the Sheriff of Iredell County. With respect to matters of law enforcement and criminal investigations outside the municipalities, the jurisdiction and authority of the Sheriff or his duly appointed deputies shall supersede that of municipal police officers.
Sec. 2. When such officers are performing their duties outside their respective municipalities, pursuant to this act, they shall have the same authority, rights, privileges, and immunities, including coverage under workmen's compensation laws, which they have in their own municipality.
Sec. 3. This act shall become effective upon ratification.
In the General Assembly read three times and ratified, this the 6th day of May, 1971.
you can be sure of one thing.crone is taking names of those who don't support him and i'll bet he already has a "poop" sheet on every one of them to be used if he does get the job back.i'll bet the surveillence tapes from the citizen center on august 4th from 3-5pm will be gone over with a fine tooth comb behind closed doors which is a shame because some are just curious to hear both sides of the story.i hope it is reported if anyone experiences retaliation of some sort for seeing what this is all about.i plan to be at town hall to see just what comes out and i hope i don't have a camera pointed in my face.the tribune needs to "man" up and print this friday to promote the march or at least stop picking what you want to print and cover the actual news-and this is news.i hope you will not be intimidated by high-powered businessmen threatening to pull advertising this time. when have you ever heard of a protest march in mooresville?maybe in the sixties to end the war?take the scales off your eyes and see the truth. we have a system in place that needs to fall,politicians need to listen to the people who put them in office or we need to recall or vote them's just one thing after another, one situation after another of blatant disregard for the wishes of the majority.i'd like to have free gym privileges. when can i come work out carl?can i have a vacation to new york or atlanta,no i think i'd rather go to pigeon forge .school is starting soon. call around and find some families who truly need help.maybe some one has had a death in the family.they cannot afford clothes or shoes.some havelost their jobs to layoff.some have had illness cause lack.some are hungry and without hope.take some of the money that remains and do what it was meant to do for the underprivileged-help them.give supplies to the children of service people in the area who have a parent serving a grandmother trying to raise her children's children. do what this money was meant to do mia. you are in charge now.
and to those who signed that letter:we wouldn't have to remain anonymous if that kind of thinking didn't still exist.your tyranny is the reason we are still not out in the open.
Hey 12:52 AM
I don't know if what you are saying is true or not, but it would be real hard to ask Mr. Moore anything he died a couple of years ago.
The one who signed his name is the son of the late Mr. Moore
Mutual aid agreements among neighboring law enforcement agencies are common across America and is not unique to TOM.
Focus, people.
Curious, which other citizens will CETO be supporting for being judged before having their day in court or before an investigation is complete?
Someone above mentioned the line in the Trib article about another personnel matter at the pre-agenda meeting today.
That caught my eye as well. The story was about town manager candidates. But the way that was said by the town official (the mayor, was it?), left me open to interpreting that it could be any personnel matter.
One would assume it would be in relation to what the story was about -- the town manager search -- but it certainly gave me pause to consider that it could involve, ahem, other personnel issues.
Worth checking out?
what is ceto?
oops I found it..something the man with high price red tips thought up
Personnel will be the town manager
The external audit of Cops For Kids should be getting completed soon, I would think. They ordered an audit about a month ago. Any news on the results of that?
I bet they don't even have the firms hired.
What audit?! There ain't gonna be no audit. You people still haven't learned. Get a clue.
Investigations and Audits. Don't hold your breath. Smith, Thunberg and Rader are going to make sure Crone gets a nice, LONG paid vacation before he's cut loose.
Don't forget Abraham. Four of the people who signed this obnoxious letter go to church with him. That's one-fifth of the people who signed it. Mitch is trying to fly below the radar (or should I say Rader?) but he's tipping his hand too much. He really couldn't care less about Crone, but he's in cahoots with Erskine, and Erskine needs to keep Crone happy so Crone won't spill. Sooooo, Mitch has gotta help Erskine help Crone. You get the picture. This is how it works and this is why we're in the mess we're in in this town. It's called Corruption Domino Effect.
Bob Wilson and Larry Harrelson both signed this letter, and they are both part of something called the Rotary STARS Program. Let me first say that this is an excellent program; however, it is common knowledge that the program had received a commitment to receive $2,500 over a period of five years from the Cops for Kids program. Although I can see that Mr. Wilson and Mr. Harrelson would feel compelled to praise Chief Crone for this commitment, I also believe they overstepped the bounds with several comments made in the letter. A simple character witness letter would have been more helpful for Mr. Crone than the letter I have read in this report, which makes it appear as if these two businessmen are attempting to influence councilmen to overlook and downplay possible criminal activity by the chief of police.
12:52 a.m., I deleted your comment because I cannot quickly substantiate the allegations in it. If you have proof readily available, you can send it to or post it here as a comment.
10:20 Bang! There is more there on those two.....
Tom Sawyer(Brett's father) can answer allegations which were part of thiss federal investigation. Didin't know the elder caherles was deceased.
It was common knowledge and the money was being run through a church being operated in the upstairs of the former Gabreil sporting Goods on main St. with Bobby serving as the minister. Deann Gabriel and son Patrick survive. This story was covered while Lynn Sullivan was editor of the Tribune. He would remember .
5:28 a.m., as I made clear at the end of this article: While I welcome and encourage open dialogue about the issues brought to light in this letter, I urge anyone who plans to post a comment to be civil and not make unsubstantiated allegations against the people who signed the letter of support for Crone or against those who are able to civilly criticize the letter and its endorsers. If any unsubstantiated allegations are made, I will promptly remove them.
Hey, LSIU. Thanks for the clarification. Do you happen to have the date of the newspaper article?
jaimie- sorry- mildly dsylexic
jaimie- sorry- mildly dsylexic
Not off hand, although i can dig a little for you. only 1 of the accused is living, Tom Sawyer. A quick call to Lynne Sullivan might be helpful if you have time. Larry might remember.It was really a scandal, appeared on the front page of the Trib in the middle 1980's. Perhaps a background check would help.The internet wasn't as widely used then so unless the trib has archives that far back, witnesses might be the best choice or relatives.
Thank you.
Here is the unaffected portion of 5:28 a.m.'s comment:
Mr. Maylish,
I am sure that Nationwide Ins will not miss your few dollars that you pay them. Don't worry about them they will not go bankrupt because of you canceling your policy.
I f they are such a bad company and use bad parts and cheap parts as you say. Why did you get your insurance with them to begin with.
My dates were incorrect after digging, not the mid 80's but early 90's, perhaps 1993 or 1994 as well as anyone remembers.
No one can verify the outcome,but I believe it was probation for all concerned.I don't remeber them being cleared.
My apologies to Mr. Moore Jr. I did not realize his Father had passed away.
Does all that really matter? Damn you must be bored.
I think the thing that matters is truth and integrity when dealing with others. Accuracy is an important part of that, I think you'll agree.
We almost need to approach this with a precision not unlike that of a skilled surgeon. Cut out and extract that which does harm, yet allow the healthy vibrant parts to remain. We have come too far to turn back, we are closer to fair dealing and truth. We must not allow feelings of any kind to distract us from the task at hand. Don't sink into that pit of degrading and name-calling, rise above it and move forward. The hopes, prayers and dreams of those who want truth are being answered. I challenge everyone reading this blog to go back to the very first entry, "The Power Of One" and read it. Now, insert your hero or heroine. Imagine who it is that challenges you to be better and draw from that. Use wisdom, have the courage of a lion but the demeanor of a dove. Every one of us matters and maybe through the way this is handled, we will set a new standard in this town. A righteous, truthful and fair standard which leaves no one out. How will you choose to use the power of your "One Voice"?
FYI about the investigations. I received this info from town hall:
"The internal investigation is being conducted by Special Investigative Services and was initiated July 11, 2008.
The first financial investigation is being conducted by Carolina Financial Investigations and was initiated July 23, 2008.
A second financial opinion will be sought and contracted for. Calls have been placed and terms are being worked out for the second opinion. I have been out of the office this week and not able to return calls with the firms under consideration so that particular piece will be implemented sometime later than today.
I don’t know when they will complete their work"
So this all sounds like code for "the real audit has not yet begun"????? If not, there is a cover-up going on right under our noses, and I want to know who is responsible for the cover-up?
These people are unbelievable. Where the hell is the D.A.?
With people like the turkeys who wrote this crooked letter for Crone and people like the rogue commissioner Rader, are you all surprised that there's not going to really be any "audits" and "investigations". They've been laughing at you from day one, just waiting for you to wear yourselves out and give up, just like you did with the golf course "investigation". Get real.
OH MY!!!! Its such a huge conspiracy, where does it stop? We know the SBI is crooked, what about the FBI? They are after us and we must unite, we should all wear aluminum foil hats so they cant read our thoughts. Maybe all 8 of us should move into an underground bunker with our laptops and miserable attitudes so that we can hold top secret meetings without all the aliens and government officials trying to bring us down. We can come up with a special code that no one can translate and we can bash everyone all day long.
Everyone is titled to their own opinion about the situation with Chief Crone, that is why we all get one. If you don't like the opinion stated in the letter then deal with it and quit complaining about everyone who signed the letter. Personally, I think the bigger issue going on in this Town right now deals with the article in the Tribune yesterday about the sewer issue at the new MIS. It seems to me that this situation should have been resolved a while back. Does anyone else think it is strange that the Town waited until now to deal with it???
"The Town" means Erskine Smith. This is just another example of his total incompetence. Who keeps wanting to keep him on despite his total sorry-ness (word??) is beyond me.
4:42 - go away Roberta. We're tired of hearing from you. We'll deal with you and your husband later. One crook at a time.
July 31, 2008 4:42 PM. that's right, RR. there's only 8 of us on this blog. Keep lying to yourself. Looks like your math is as selectively bad as Crone's and his buddy, your hubby. Learn to love it, cause we're not going away 'til this town is so clean you can eat off its floors.
I dont know who this Roberta or RR person is but she seriously needs to get a life.Its one thing for those of us she calls sheep to get on here because most of us belive in good government.But to hate everybody on here Roberta sure does spend an awful lot of time here.I think shes a closet sheep, whoever she is.She loves us so much shes obssessed.I think she might need to have Bowtie Frank at the protest with her Monday so he can keep count. It doesnt look like Roberta can count past 8.Of course after the Spank this week I dont know if Bowtie can either.At least that Doo-Doo Eater kid has a life outside of cracking jokes on the blog.Roberta, take notes.You can come out of the closet one day.
so are we to assume that Roberta Roberts is the person you repeatedly refer to as koolaid lady? does that mean cliff h. is tic toc?still haven't figured out sheep, maybe salisburys?
Do I understand correctly that the writers of this letter actually expect this community and the media and local citizens to APOLOGIZE to the suspended police chief? Did they write this before or after the evidence that turned up on this same blog in black and white? If they wrote it before the evidence surfaced, have any of the signees made any attempt to retract their signature(s)?
Anytime you start missing RR, just start asking questions about the golf course, and wala! The koolaid lady or sheep herder or doodoo eater (no kidding), or whatever she calls herself these days - will appear! It's actually pretty amusing. Kinda sad, but amusing, too.
I am just catching up on reading the blog. This letter is very, very disturbing, especially because I know and have great liking for several people who signed it. I have to believe that somehow they were misled by someone in a position of authority who may have given them false information. There is no other explanation for their having written and signed such a thing. Please give them the benefit of the doubt. I am sure many of them are deeply regretting the letter but just don't know how to express that.
Hey, 4:42. Where did you learn your fuzzy math? From the Rader School of Mathematics? The Gatton Report is racing toward 100,000 hits in under five months. Eat your heart out.
It almost looks like Crone wrote it and circulated it among the people, asking a favor. The language is a lot like the stuff Crone was saying on TV, like his reference to the "anonymous blog" when he knew that the blog is written by Jaime Gatton. And if Crone circulated it, you would think that is a violation of some rule or law having to do with a pending investigation. Well, I guess the investigators will be speaking to these people about exactly how this letter came about.
Yeah, that'd be alot of work for 8 people, hittin' that blog 100,000 times in a few months. I've noticed its been hittin' at least a couple of thousand a day every day. Sounds like quite a bit more than 8 people. Alot of people want to know what is really going on and this is the place to find out.
Of course those guys who signed that deal can't claim total ignorance. You would think somebody would take a look at the evidence before they sign a letter that makes the assumptions those guys make.
As slow as they are on those investigations, it's a good thing they aren't looking into something really important like, say, a police chief taking money from the evidence room! I mean, how long does it take an investigator to figure that one out. Duh.
This letter has about zero credibility. It's a veritable Who’s Who of a dying breed in Mooresville - the Good Ole Boy Network. Here's just one example:
Jeff Shoe, works for Mooresville Ford-Mercury, that his father, Grady Shoe owned. Grady Shoe - town commissioner for years and years and after his tenure he was exposed in a newspaper article for "using public funds for private use". Not to mention that the MPD vehicles are all Fords, and I know for a fact that oftentimes police cars are taken to his business for service. And he, too, goes to Mitch Abraham's church and does not live in town. And that's just one person. I could go on and on about every single name on this letter. And you best believe these folk had no idea this was gonna get out into the public. They felt safe that nobody would be any the wiser. Must not have been paying attention for the last several years.
On July 8, in The Gatton Report's article entitled "Town launches investigation and audit of Cops for Kids" we read that "Mayor Bill Thunberg, reading from a prepared statement...said that Interim Town Manager Erskine Smith has initiated certain steps, including but not limited to...An external audit of Cops for Kids..."
Now we learn that, four full weeks after this prepared statement was read by the mayor, there is yet to be an audit of Cops for Kids, despite representations to the contrary by the mayor. In his statement he appears to have attempted to credit Erskine Smith with something that he has yet to accomplish.
Can anybody spell C-O-V-E-R-U-P ?
This is a COVERUP by the mayor and the interim town manager. Plain and simple. We need to call for any and all investigations to be broadened to include these two men's possible attempts to delay an audit of the Cops for Kids financial records, especially because those records are now under their control. What assurances do we have that they are not being tampered with, considering the audit may be turning out to be a sham?
We're supposed to be impressed that Crone's pastor signed a letter supporting him? Geez. If you can't get your own pastor to back you, you can hang it up, especially if you used Cops For Kids money on a block party for that pastor's church. One hand feeds the other - using money meant for needy children and the elderly. Very Christian.
Jaime, you have done a wonderful job managing your blog, the comments on this article in particular. Thank you for choosing to delete allegations that do not arrive with proof or evidence.
Shame on you Alice Lee. You were an embarrassment to your sex when you were put on the board by the ridiculous former mayor Al Jones. And you are an embarrassment now, signing a letter defending a corrupt chief of police. You are nothing more than a Good Old Boy Wannabe, neither fish nor fowl.
Wow.....we're working to hire someone to get a second opinion....and we're a month in to the investigation. Glad the actual police department responds faster than the town manager does.
A while back someone told me that the TOM will go in to a "prevent defense"...take their time, let us all get involved in petty BS, let some of us just lose interest, and eventually they'll quietly return Crone to his job. I didn't believe it at the time but it sure looks like this is the plan.
It'll certainly be interesting to see the turnout Monday night. I'm fairly certain there'll be some tv news live trucks...the question is will there be anything for them to see....
Help is on the way. The United States Justice Department has agreed to come to Mooresville to organize this investigation in a totally fair and impartial man. . . oh, . . .never mind.
You must be new here or else you would know that the Justice Department is crooked also.
It is funny to read some of the postings and see how things get a little twisted sometimes. Many of the postings are dead on. I chuckeld at the connection with Grady Shoe and the Ford police cars. Actually the cars are bought on State Contract. They just happen to be Fords. The part you don't know is that the Police Cars were repaired at Mooresville Ford (while Grady was on the Board) but the repairs were billed through Guy's Auto Parts.
To the 5:28 A.M. post that was removed.
I did not learn of this information until last month(June) from a body shop owner. Again i have been a customer for three years and have not had a problem. However, i may not be able to switch companies until my policy expires. Sometimes life is not fair. It has carried the same feeling as if i donated to charity that did not use the money as intended. I understand I may never wreck my vehicle or burn my dwelling down. I won't get any money back if nothing ever happens but the reassurance is still there. The only effective insurance policy is life insurance since we all have to die. I do not feel right paying money to an organization that supports the opposite stance of this investigation. We are all entitled to our opinions and our freedoms of life and liberty. This be to both sides.
Guys Auto parts?? So did the shoe's business get a cut or was that an arrangement with owner of Guy's to keep Shoes out of the limelight? I thought only vehicles under warranty were taken to MF.
Guys is out of business here in Mooresville now anyway and Grady is dead.
You know, if I was innocent, I'd just sit tight and wait to be exonerated. I wouldn't be getting half the town to drum up support for me, I'd just let the facts speak.
5:55 - tell them to write a retraction in the Tribune...hit the button that was easy
July 31 5:27
Roberta Roberts is the wife of Charlie Roberts golf course manager,pro who was accused of mishandling merchandise a while back. Supposedly there was a lot missing. An audit turned up part of it.
Kay and Harold Salisbury, formerly of Mooresville were among the accusers which will explain part of this fued to you which has played out on tv, the papers and now this blog.
the results of the final audit haven't been released to the public to the best of my knowledge.
We, the "sheep", suspect it will last until one or the other is deceased.
feud, sorry. BTW, the Salisbury's now live in Statesville and are watching these developments with what I interpret to be glee.
There is a good side to Crone still remaining employed. That keeps us (or you guys) digging and digging, and I know there is more to find. It would have been in his best interest to leave when this first broke.
It is time for us to start contacting the U.S. Attorney - Gretchen Shappert - in Charlotte, to report our entire town board, including the mayor, all the commissioners and the town manager for participating in a conspiracy to
harbor Police Chief John Crone by delaying the audit and various investigations which were promised to the people of Mooresville one month ago.
So why don't you do that? Or maybe we can get our paperwork prepared to turn in to the US Attorney General's Office for further investigation.
I've already shared with our local DA my thoughts on Frank Radon interfering with the SBI's investigation, intimidating witnesses, and abusing his power through those lovely presentations. I know the investigators have that information and have contacted me via e-mail to get a statement.
So Larry,
What can you give a statement about? Were you there or do you have any eyewitness accounts or any prove other than hearsay or second hand knowledge about the presentations? Let me guess the answer is NO. So what possible statement could you give to any investigator. Let the people hired to investigate this situation do their jobs and the chips will fall where they may.
1:05 PM - sorry, took a while to stop the public record lately?.... anyway nice try, bet you were a little bully too - ever failed EOG tests? ...oh well, good thing kids these days laugh your type off idiocy...adults, well we may have grown up with you and dealt with it differently then, but we grew huh? ...assuming we don’t choke while eating we'll get over it...good times though for you huh...idiots and ignoramuses – oh, sorry....(ig’no’ra’’mus – an offensive term that deliberately insults somebody’s level of intelligence or education) – I’m guessing of course, but my money is on intelligence.
I just read in the blog posts that there IS NOT AN AUDIT DONE YET??????? What?!
And a "Bill" writes at 1:05 a.m. that we need to "Let the people hired to investigate this situation do their jobs and the chips will fall where they may." What planet do some people live on?
Now I see why people are planning to march in the streets over this thing. If it's true that the audit hasn't been done yet then you all have some major problems in your Town Hall people.
It appears to me from previous articles in this blog that Ms. Gatton was able to do her own cursory "audit" of the Cops For Kids books in a matter of days. So, the question becomes why has the town not been able to do an audit on these books when it has had four weeks to do so?
Actually, Bill, I just gave them the list of questions posed to Mr. Rader, referred them to the blog for further information, and on Monday night I'm going to suggest that the Commissioners begin their own public investigtion into Mr. Raders activities. Yes, the Board can do that. Will they? I doubt it. But hey, they may surprise all of us and find a collective backbone by then. Miracles to happen. BTW, if you see Frank anytime soon, ask him if he's willing to answer the questions.
Thats great that you are doing those things however your posting was misleading. The way it was written is that you had some first hand knowledge and that you were going to make an official statement to investigators thats all I'm saying. And just for your information I like many others on here know who Frank is but I don't think I will be seeing him anytime soon.
Maybe somebody put a lid on the investigations and the audit because of the letter that was exposed in this article. The writers seemed to know, only four days into this process, that somehow Crone would get off scott-free. How did they know that? Who told them that? It had to be somebody they believed would actually know what is going on and/or somebody who actually has the power to put a lid on Crone being audited and investigated. We need the FBI in here. They can find out in about a blink who that person or persons were.
Looks like your precious "Big Four" aren't quite coming through for you, huh? Surprise, surprise. They talk a big game and then let the real powers that be take over.
Anybody who’s ever known Crone can tell you he wrote this letter, right down to the misspellings! The question is who emboldened him to do it? Who winked and nodded and told him it may be a good idea if he gets on the ball and concocted some support letter?
Sorry it was misleading. Thanks for helping me clarify.
We do now live in Statesville, and are watching the Mooresville debacle with sadness, not glee. We did spearhead the investigation and disclosure of the corrupt golf course administration from 2003 to 2005. It was apparent then, we were confronting a symptom of the Town mantra, that has now escalated. The problem was, and still is, the zombie-like approach of some of the residents, who either didn’t care or who were afraid to react and demand accountability.
During a meeting with the District Attorney, at the height of this disclosure, the information was presented, and assurances were received which led us to believe the proper authorities would quickly investigate. In fact, the then Town Commissioners pretended to have enough concern to request an independent audit and support qualified investigation. The lack of follow-up is history.
With regard to Roberta Roberts, she didn’t at that time, and certainly doesn’t now, merit our interest or attention (although we must say she continues to be a source of amusement). She simply adores self-imposed publicity and vanity, and spends her time deflecting well deserved criticism. She does appear to be a constant supporter of incompetence, and, ignores its encroachment on our legal system.
We are absolutely supporters of the activity now challenging dishonesty and arrogance. We do feel, however, if you take your foot off the accelerator, and/or your eye off the targets, very little will be accomplished.
Kay & Harold Salisbury
FYI: Town Hires New Town Manager
This is a continuation of the "Count Up Vigil" of the number of days which pass from the day Cops For Kids scandal broke (7/4/08) to the day that Police Chief Crone and Interim Town Manager Erskine Smith are both suspended, terminated or resign.
The Police Chief was suspended (with pay) on Tuesday, 7/8/08. The community clearly continues to be relieved and deeply grateful to whatever forces brought that timely suspension about. However, serious questions continue to mount with regard to Mr. Smith's decision to continue paying Mr. Crone a salary.
Interim Town Manager Erskine Smith, Mr. Crone’s supervisor, remains in his position and continues to operate still. Therefore I shall continue this Vigil until he, too, vacates any post he holds as a public official in Mooresville due to his role in this matter as well as other matters that have been brought to light.
The town board has placed Finance Director Maia Setzer in charge of oversight of the CFK process (including but not limited to any investigations) which indicates that they, too, lack confidence and trust in the Interim Town Manager. Despite this lack of confidence, Mr. Smith remains in his position, a position to which the Finance Director reports.
The information I specifically refer to is:
1) documented misrepresentations made by Mr. Smith with regard to the nonprofit corporation known as Cops For Kids
2) Mr. Smith's direct recommendation to the town board to include the nonprofit corporation known as Cops For Kids into the town's general budget
3) Mr. Smith's failure to perform due diligence in his capacity as Interim Town Manager by properly researching Cops For Kids prior to submitting his recommendation to the town board
4) Mr. Smith's involvement in a questionable commission in the amount of $237,151.50 as outlined in the Gatton Report blog entry dated 4/18/08 and titled “Friends don’t let friends gouge Mooresville taxpayers”, the contents of which have never been publicly disputed by Mr. Smith
5) Mr. Smith’s failure or refusal to change Mr. Crone’s status to “unpaid” suspension despite the surfacing of various contradictory statements made by Mr. Crone in the media since his suspension
6) Mr. Smith’s failure or refusal to fire Mr. Crone despite his assumed knowledge of the damning evidence presented in this report
This is Day No. 28.
I just wonder how long it will take the commissioners to decide to fire this man.
Apparently he is damn fool to take this job with a board like we have. And all we need here is another damn yankee
Just wanted to say I wish you all well in Mondays march. I will be at the beach for a much needed vacation with my family but I will keep up to date thanks to this blog. God Bless.
Read about the march in The Tribune. I have been reading your articles religiously, Jaime. I will be there Monday to march. Enough is enough.
"Citizens for ETHICAL Treatment of Others"...That's rich, considering the gang who signed it. Bet they regret the day they fell for whatever trickster got them to sign it.
I have to say I'm proud of the comments you made to the Tribune. You handled that interveiw with grace and skill.Good Job.
Way to go, Jaimie girl!We need to call on Rader's resignation Monday night.
I am also proud of the Mooresville Police Dept. for the respectful way they are approaching this march and demonstration. You have thought of every consideration for our safety and protection. I will be proud to pass by our men in blue on the way to city hall.
We can't let up folks!We have to see this through new manager or not. This is OUR town. These are our tax dollars and these outrageous things are being done on our watch.It's time to take charge of this situation and remind the arrogant who voted for them. We put them in, we can take them out. Case in point- Frank Owens and Danny Beaver.
Thanks for the comments. I agree that the PD is a group of men and women who truly care about promoting peace and maintaining law. Most do what they do, for the pay they get, for the right reasons. With the exception of two individuals, I have nothing but good to say about the PD.
I will also share that I did receive a phone call from a citizen today who was none too happy about the article, and particularly my involvement in it. I'm thankful this person took the time to call me and share their thoughts and feelings. I'm quite sure we didn't get any closer in our personal and theological viewpoints, but the phone call was cordial and a healthy sign of how we should address one another, despite our differences.
Those of us who will be "out front" on Monday night do so because we feel compelled to do so. I do so because I believe I am being called to be a part of this movement. I've studied all available paperwork; asked questions of various individuals; and prayed heavily about it. Being a disciple is often costly and risky, and has a tendency to offend people because the Gospel condemns much of what we look at as "normal".
This movement is not about the personalities involved in our protest; it is about the actions of those indviduals, or lack of actions. It's about being able to be able to trust in the governmental institutions of which we are all a part. It's about recognizing the parts which need to be removed in order for growth to take place (what Jesus calls pruning). Sometimes, we have to overturn the tables in order to restore truth and justice.
I, for one, pray for all of us daily -- even those who hold opposing viewpoints and have made personal attacks. And honestly, I hope they've been praying for me.
We cannot allow the town to be divided by a few who have misused their positions of power and strength, who have grossly misled the public, and have shown contempt for the foundation of our government. When we allow those few to divide the rest of us into camps of supporters and opponents, they succeed in deflecting the attention away from where it should be -- back on them and their conduct in office.
As we march towards Monday, I pray each of us will march with a sense of calling, a sense of hope, and a sense of the need for change. And when that change comes, the lion and lamb will rest side by side; the rich and the poor will walk side by side; and the northern Mooresvillians and Southern Mooresvillans will share the same love for Mooresville which is calling us to march on Monday.
I have no idea where I was going with this entry when I began, but apparently God did. We're marching to Zion.
Someone asked me today if I had read the Gatton Report. I had not. Out of curiosity, I took a peek. Wow.
I'm still pondering Vic's "church going righteous people" comment... hypocrites, Vic said... that go to the "right" church, as jaime put it. Most Christians (and I know for a fact that most of the people that signed that letter are christians) go to church because they are sinners... not perfect and definitely not righteous. And we all hope we are going to the "right" church. I pray that when my time comes, God will not judge me as harshly as you all have judged.
Say what you want about the "good old boys," but "running this town like they have in the past" seems to have worked just fine... you're here... and you keep moving in. I, for one, miss the mill town Mooresville used to be.
As far as the letter goes, wouldn't it be nice if all of us had friends to support us when we fall... and we all fall.
1:38 A.M. Everything you say rings true. There is only one very large flaw with your logic. This community is facing possible misconduct in its Police Chief, not possible misconduct in Joe-Bloe off the street who "stumbled". If you don't understand the difference and the gravity of that, I am sure nothing anyone says to you will make you understand. Why? Because you are a friend to Crone or one of the people who has been exposed for blindly throwing their lot in with Crone.
Maybe there's nothing wrong with shoplifting at Wal-Mart when the Wal-Mart manager is willing to go out there and sign a letter supporting a police chief who has been "shoplifting" out of a charity that Wal-Mart has given grants to. That's right. Wal-Mart has donated to Cops For Kids. You think Charles Taylor, Wal-Mart manager signed a letter of support for anybody who stole out of his store? I guess they didn't have the "right friends".
8:26 A.M. and there is only one very large flaw with your logic. You are condemning a man for possible misconduct. The key word there... your word... is possible. If you don't understand the gravity of that, what a shame.
The Rader at Large e-mail is blatantly empty of any news other than the press release for the new Town Manager. Gee, I wonder why that is?
1:38 & 10:53
God has nothing to do with this, men judge men’s ability to execute their responsibilities and hold them accountable for their actions, souls, well for those whom believe, yeah that’s Gods job, but I hold myself and others accountable for their actions here and now.
These three gentlemen have failed to do their jobs to the satisfaction of their employers. They have acted in an unethical manner, violated their own employer rules, shown to be incompetent through their actions, and in the case of the chief by his own words on TV. For 11 years he mismanaged a charity, that he himself said was not a charity. That act in itself is grounds for dismissal, the level of incompetence conveyed in that single statement is enough to make one cringe, and fear how he is managing our police force, protecting the rights and property of the citizens.
Next for 11 years, he was unable to correct a simple as an issue as the mailing address for his own bank statements to ensure his organizations’ books were above reproach. This was a public entity; did he and the town manager never foresee a time when these books and the organization would be audited, or a time when they would have to demonstrate the need for its continued existence? Seems very short sighted and not the level of professionalism required by heads of department. How long would it take for you to correct the issue if your bank statement were missing, would you even try to create you own, or would you pick up the phone, or next time in the bank fix it. And in the last few years would you not at least go online and create a log in id and view your statement online and print them. The chief, who is accountable, was allowed to continue in this manner by the manager who is ultimately responsible, that’s how it works in the real world. Think enough for CFK.
Now the fact that they both have gone on the record as being aware of all this, and that the manager seems to find this an acceptable level of execution, along with his performance over the past years with town personnel, his inability to manage, train, retain and so on is ample cause in any organization in the country for termination. But wait, there’s more if you read your mail in the next 10 minutes…. Now I have received my water bill and have seen how that publically funded vehicle was abused to convey his personal view and attempt to sway public opinion, just as mr rader has been doing for sometime via his rader at large emails, which I receive, and even more demonstratively through his actions at the police station, his use of town property, all in an official capacity, this is also more than adequate grounds for dismissal for both.
Criminal, who cares, fallen, maybe, but incompetent, unable to do the job, that is the issue, so yes, it’s time for these men to go. Should our Mayor, HR Manager, and potentially Counsel and DA fail to act, then they become responsible for these men and their actions. They may claim they were unaware and have plausible deniability at this time, but that excuse is now moot.
Should these actions turn out to generate criminal charges, don’t care, that’s between the law and these men.
I have interacted with all these gentlemen over the years in regards to other civic issues and have never been impressed, and at times felt they have acted in an inappropriate manner, certainly not with the best short and long term interests of their citizens, and frequently against the publicly voiced will of the citizens. So again, ample cause and I support the fact that it’s time to go.
They represent our will; they work for us, they execute our plans, they are not our guardians, making choices for us because we are incapable. They most certainly have issues with disclosure and implementation of the public will when it’s not consistent with their personal objectives, and these most recent actions cross the line, they demonstrate a pattern of behavior and disregard for the public and their role that while may not yet have led to any criminal conviction(s) and may not, I no longer am willing to wait and see if and when they will. Time to go.
I am not condemning anyone, I am firing them, an act that takes place thousands of times a day, every day and sometimes with far less cause then provided by these three men to date.
So while I am happy they have friends, we all deserve a friend, that has nothing to do with it, nor does God for that matter, if he has anything to do with anything.
Should my children break the law and get convicted, I will still love them, however, I will not justify nor defend their actions, and I would certainly not tell them, their victim, or the judge that it was not fair and that it was ok under the circumstances. Should they lose their job due to uncontrolled circumstances, I will support and empathize, should they get fired for cause, I will not mitigate their failure, and I will love them and even assist them if asked on possible alternative behaviors and skills to avoid the situation in the future.
Think that is something these men need, and apparently lacked in the past, it’ time for people to stop accepting their behavior and performance.
12:20 pm
Amen and hallelujah!!
And 1:38 am
your right when you say "wouldn't it be nice if all of us had friends to support us when we fall... and we all fall." Except some of us don’t have a charity to dip into to keep our “friends” happy take their little darlings on all-expenses paid vacations and curry political favors with. I guess not all "friends" are made alike huh?
5:00 - "chuckling at myself" – well the amen and hallelujah made me laugh, and seek a little humility - that diatribe was far more than I meant, didn’t realize just how verbose I was while typing away. Not sure if it reads more like a political rally or a sermon, heck being a Virginian, I suppose it could be both.
I apologize for the tone, I didn’t mean to come across on such a high horse, yet my point is simple and solemn.
The bar for termination of employment is far lower than any proof required for any possible future legal ramifications, and I do not seek charges, if they come fine, if not fine.
I do believe we have had enough. This most recent series of events is the accumulation of years of acceptance by the Town and disregard of principle by these men, and consistent with my experiences and perception of them to date. If they were in the corporate world and acted so irresponsibly, incompetently and unethically by abusing their position for personal gain or comfort, they would have been walked out within hours of discovery. If these were children they would be grounded for sometime, as no one would ever tolerate this pattern of behavior. As they are not, then getting fired is the appropriate consequence.
Well damn, that one was almost as bad...Ms Gatton, maybe a character limit? Might help those of us who seem to ramble be a tad more concise, or at least take a break and make two entries.
Kay and Harold,
Roberta has a more serious issue to deal with .Please leave her alone and stick to the matters at hand, rather than matters past.
Most of us are trying to do that for you.
You are no longer Mooresville residents , this doesn't concern you.
August 2 - 7:20 PM We will reside in Mooresville in the future. Our love of Mooreville still exists.
Roberta brings her attention on herself with her vicious unsigned letter
and her aim to muddy the water. She has never come up with proof that would deny the truths we had uncovered. You appear to be just like her as you remain annonamous. If you have an opinion about us at least be honest/brave enough to put your name on
your comment. no more will be said, on our part, about this issue.
Kay Salisbury
Interesting article for your reading pleasure:
In the near future something will happen which will make you hang your head if you are a decent person. I am asking you civally, please stop the attacks on the Roberts family. Please.
hey Jaimie
I'd be interested in a performance reveiw of Crone or his successor.Have crime rates gone down since the interim took over? What about morale at the dept.?
I'd also be interested in hearing Erskine's veiw which caused him to write a fairy tale inserted in our water bill.How much money is that costing us each month?The newsletter, I mean. I just view it online and save the paper.
This is to the 2:33 poster:
I'm really confused here. I've been reading this blog and its comments religiously since it began. I have yet to see a "Kay" attack the "Roberts". What I have seen is somebody who has apparently been smoked out as being a "Mrs. Roberts" attacking the readers of this blog and its author, calling them "idiots", and "sheep","koolaid gang", and "welfare mothers", among other names. Now all of a sudden, the "Roberts" are the victims and "Kay" is the bad guy? Get your facts straight.
This tactic sounds an awful lot like when the letter writers exposed in this article tried to turn the tables and make Crone seem like the victim to whom the rest of us owe an apology.
This all reminds me of a definition I once read about a dysfunctional relationship being one where "one party does something inappropriate and stands there until YOU apologize." The problem in Mooresville is that for decades and decades there has been a dysfunctional relationship between the local government and its citizens. It is time to change all that.
I also enjoyed the article on the meticulous detail used to preserve the evidence in the Iredell County Sheriff's Office. My bet is this is pretty standard...except here in Mooresville.
Yeah thats why an Iredell County Detective took two guns home that were recovered stolen property and kept them for his own. The guns were recovered and nothing has happened to him so don't used the sheriif's dept as an example unless you know all the info.
WOW...5:00....easy there....
I don't pretend to have knowledge of everything that's ever happened at the Iredell County Sheriff's Office. I was only commenting on an interesting article in the paper.
The tone of your comment sounds like you may have intimate knowledge of how evidence rooms work. Can you add anything to the discussion or are you only capable of chastising those who aren't as brilliant as you?
Check out the article in the Statesville paper today about how the evidence rooms are handled at Statesville PD and Iredell County Sheriff's Department. Note that they use card passes so that they always know who was in the room and when they were there. Note that they account for the money "down to the penny". There is no scenario under which the removal of $300 plus from the evidence room in Mooresville is defensible. This is why people are calling for the firing of Erskine Smith and why he should be fired. There is no logic under which the police chief can remain employed, regardless of the outcome of any investiagation.
But Redmond appears to address the missing weapons issue in that article. At least there's a system in place from which we can probably learn. I have no idea what the chain of command is for the MPD, but apparently we can at the very least surmise that the cash wasn't always handled in a manner conducive to protecting it.
Hey Larry
Go to the town website and see if you can find the MPD policy for evidence collection and processing. From what I'm told the policy was implemented after the money was missing several years ago and only two people have access to the evidence room.
I know you don't reveal your sources, but somehow many readers of this blog are trying to tie the firing of Officer Burleyson to the Cops for Kids investigation. It is my understanding that Officer B. hasn't spoken to you about any of this.
The "Citizens" try to put the blame for the investigation on "disgruntled, terminated employee". Officer B. could have hired a lawyer, could have tried to fight this, but he didn't. He went on to get another job and put this entire situation behind him. I, for one, am sad that my children will not get the chance to have DARE with him, but am thankful that the children at another school will.
This investigation has nothing to do with his firing.
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