Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Police Chief Suspended

The Report has just learned that Police Chief John Crone has been suspended. More details as they become available ...


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Anonymous said...

we may get to the bottom of this yet!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I guess the town board started feeling the pressure. I wonder if the Chief will be given the "option plan"?

Anonymous said...

Way to go Jaime. You were born to do this.

I also wish all the people who have SUCH strong opinions about you would stop hiding behind ANONYMOUS.

Anonymous said...

Girl... I am so unbelievably proud of you. I remember when you couldn't decide if you were going to start a blog! Now what in the world would we have done if you didn't? MY GIRL!!

David Goebelt said...

I applaud Jaime’s blog and the interest it has stirred in local politics. It’s always a good thing when the people scrutinize their government. However, it is a disservice to Jaime’s efforts when so many bloggers post anonymously. There have been anonymous posts that were thoughtful and posts with encouraging words for Jaime, but many posts would benefit from a dose of accountability.

If all posters were to reveal their names we might elevate the level of discussion on the blog. In doing so we would increase the authority of The Report as a venue of concerned, mature citizens rather than a forum for cloaked, vicious attacks. A petition full of signatures and addresses carries infinitely more weight than attacks from anonymity. Will you let Jaime stand alone, or will you stand with her in the light of day?

Anonymous said...

So...what is different now from Friday....or last night? makes you wonder....

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU DAVID!! I couldn't agree with you more.

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed. There is such deafening silence from the people who love to attack the Messengers and the Corruption Busters instead of the corrupt. Where are they all now? Licking their wounds and looking for another free ride since Crone just lost his.

Anonymous said...

Way to go girl, we are all very proud of you. I know when I sign in that the stuff you write in your blog will be as open minded and honest as you can be.

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...


Do you think it would be helpful if all of us made appointments with our respective elected leaders in order to voice our complaints and displeasure with this situation? They may well tell us to go and speak with the attorney, but I think they need to hear directly from us what we think of their leadership and decision making abilities.

Anonymous said...

I liked what somebody said somewhere else in this blog about how we each can express ourselves differently without judging each other as long as we are on the same page - to bust corruption. Soooo, on the basis of principle, I don't want to give my name and I hope others will respect my decision as I respect theirs to post their names. Even with the police chief gone, some of us have lived here long enough to know that things need to change a little bit more before we can all show "our faces".

Anonymous said...

TO: July 8, 2008 12:08 PM

Anonymous said...

To 1:25pm:

I agree with you completly. I too have been around Mooresville enough to know when it is safe and not safe to state your name.
Things look like they may change in Mooresville. For those that post your name I applaud you, you obviously have not been on the receiving end of the corrupt politics, and may not have something to lose. Where as some of us have been on that other end, we know all too well how it hurts and how dirty they play.
I hope the disgraced chief will go ahead and take his retirement and get out. That would be the smart thing. If not there are others that better be ready to have their names thrown out there when the disgraced chief goes down. He will not go down alone. His pride will not allow that.

Anonymous said...

Love ya, girl..........proud of ya.
Be proud and sign your name all of you who agree or disagree.

Anonymous said...

Teryl and David, we have never left Jaime alone. Our pride and love to a truly honest and dedicated angel, whose gift for the truth, is something to revere.

We feel, it is about time the residents of Mooresville have a vehicle to obtain truthful information Tell your friends and neighbors to read Jaime's blog and tell them "the truth will be known".

Harold & Kay Salisbury

Anonymous said...

Suspension is not termination, folks. Don't celebrate yet. But it is a positive sign. Keep at it. Crone, give it up and retire.

Anonymous said...

Today's Mooresville Heroes (Heroines) are Jaime Gatton and Megan Pillow (Tribune). Girls, you were united instead of divided so you were able to bring to light the Cops For Kids situation which will ultimately bring much benefit to the weakest links in our community.

Commissioners Atkins and Herring get A+ for their immediate responsiveness in this matter.

Commissioners Abraham and Rader get a C for their lukewarm public comments and lack of proactive action.

Mayor Bill Thunberg gets a D for being Missing In Action for the greater part of this unfolding scandal despite the fact that he holds the mayor's office.

Acting Town Manager Erskine Smith gets an F for his repeated attempts to mislead, misdirect and obstruct your efforts as well as for his failure to do his own research into CFK prior to entangling the town by personally recommending that it absorbs CFK.

Commissioners Carney and Houston get an Incomplete because we never heard anything from them in this matter publicly and therefore cannot rate their performance.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jamie Gatton,

I would like to pose a few more questions if I may:

1)The Cops for Kids didn't exist until last Thursday in the Secretary of States office (wink/knod) but it has been around Mooresville for years. A charity under the police department for underprivledged kids, which took donations, etc.,. The question I have is why is it just now Mia Setzer is getting control of deposits and books? I thought any charity/money or other funds generated whether it be library,police,fire, recreation, etc. brought its deposits to the ToM finance dept. as standard operating procedure. How can Mia Setzer have not known about the Cops for Kids charity with all of the publicity and signs in front of the MPD and not asked herself "Where is all this money going that is generated?"
2) The town manager loves to play golf and has probably played in the Cops for Kids tournament at the M golf course.He even recommended $20,000.00 be ear marked for the Cops for Kids in the last budget and I think he has been involved with them for years. However, now that all hell is breaking loose, he says they discussed placing Cops for Kids under the finance department a few months back. The same premise applys as Ms. Setzer, as a professional in a leadership position, he should have known about the Cops for Kids "charity" and where the money was going/coming from, but only now are they becoming aware.
3) The Town attorney is supposed to handle all legal documents and make sure all things in Mooresville are compliant with state and federal law. So where has he been during all of this and for all of these years? (I guess it was like the SICDC, no Deeds of Trust on parcels to protect the town)Well I am sure he saw the signs, etc. as well!
It seems that more people knew or should have known about Cops for Kids. I can only guess how many other "invisible" funds we have in Mooresville. I understand from people this is why the auditor was fired years ago because she was looking in these areas. Please look into WHY just now are all of these people just becoming aware and as far as I am concerned, this situation is one of two things inompetence or a case of complicity?

Anonymous said...

Apparantly ANONYMOUS 1:31pm or Brian doesn't know how to read or take off the caps lock.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

one more thing...we need spell check on here!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Brian Cathey,
Good to see you are on this Blog.
Take the caps off please.
YOu have a three year old daughter, you were punished by the chief, you were allowed to keep you job, and you say you deserved it.
There is no doubt in anyone's mind that you disliked Matt Burleyson, you voiced that over and over and over.
Now tell us all why you were punished by the chief and allowed to keep your job, I think you lost one stripe. Not too bad for you and your wife after you were caught stealing from an elderly citizen in Mooresville that Banked at your wife's work.
Give it a rest Brian.

Anonymous said...

Do we know if Crone is on PAID or UNPAID suspension?

Anonymous said...

I for one am not going to forget how devious and conniving the Acting Town Manager was from the moment the reporters started looking at CFK. An honest and upright town manager would have broken his neck helping them get to the truth and would have taken immediate action. Instead we have somebody who changed his stories (lied) and dragged his feet until it looks like he had absolutely no choice but to suspend the chief of police. That is backward logic. It makes no sense. Unless...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am glad to see Teryl can sign her name and add TWO(2) sentences to the discussion at a time, but I would prefer to read depth in a contribution to the discourse instead of a spelling critique. Please give us your opinion on how we can clean up corruption in Mooresville, Oh English Professor!

Anonymous said...

It speaks volumes that our town commissioners took so long to decide to suspend Crone. Leaders with any integrity would have done that in 10 minutes.

Anonymous said...

To Eddie:

The rest may be true but Brian Cathey does not have a daughter.

Anonymous said...

who is Brian Cathey? What did he do or not do?

Anonymous said...

Do you like paying your property taxes?
On Miles Atkins 1st night as a commissioner the board declared his house historical and the value of his house increased a whole bunch and his taxes were cut in half. You pay the full amount he doesn't.Does this sound right to you? If he was so straight he would turn this down till he leaves the board. But look he will not. That is exactly why I do not buy from his wifes business and I also try and tell others not to.

Anonymous said...

Brian used to work for MPD. He got in trouble, was demoted, and later quit the dept and moved away. The woman that he and his wife were affiliated with was not elderly, but she did have some mental problems.

Anonymous said...

From Brian Cathey:
I just got a phone call from a citizen of Mooresville about my name being on this blog. I use to work at the Moorsville PD. I was never accused of stealing any money from any elderly person. I don't know why I was brought into this blog. I don't know why someone would attack me or my wife. I live over a 1000 miles from Mooresville. I don't keep up with what is going on there. I did read over the blogs. I did like working for Chief Crone and loved working for the people of Mooresville. I left the PD for a civilian job making twice as much money. I was also able to move closer to my family.
I think it is sad what is going with the Chief, the department, the citizens, and mostly the officers.
The officers of the PD are some of the best I have ever worked with. So please have some respect for the officers. They do work hard for the taxpayers.
I think it is a bad when someone over a 1000 miles away has to get a blog to defend himself. I have no axes to grind with anyone.
I don't have a 3 year old daughter so I don't know that was brought up in a Blog.
I wish the best for the Mooresville, it citizens and most of all the police officers.
I have identified myself and would the person who attack my family identify themselves.

Anonymous said...

This blog is not about personal attacks or vendetta, but to restore integrity to government by exposing corruption and mismanagement. Thank you all officers for your service to the people of Mooresville. Now back to business.

Anonymous said...

Have all the villagers been issued pitchforks and torches? It's just a shame they cut down the big tree there at Center and Main. That would have been the perfect spot.

Anonymous said...

There are some intersting similarities between "True Blue Caps Man/Woman" and Mr. Cathey in the agreemnent and diction of posts: just a coincidence I guess?

Anonymous said...

He should have to pay the full taxes that he owes. He should refuse this till like you say his term is up. I am glad to know this and I too will not be a patron of his wife's business.

But everybody that thinks that he is the best thing since loaf bread will not think a thing about it while he is enjoying his raise that he voted against. He could have turned down the raise or give it back to the town but isn't.
A great way to lead Mr. Atkins

Anonymous said...

I agree with the blogger that was critical of the "anonymous" commentors, however I must join their ranks because I have a lot to lose if one of the All Powerful sees me as an opponent to their way of doing things.
Retribution from the "authorities" is a REAL THING-----I know from experience.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if Miles Atkins is the best thing since "loaf bread" -- I mean, bread is pretty tasty, especially when in loaf form -- but I do know that Miles is trying to do the right thing. The effort to smear his name and distract from the real issue at hand is the typical response of those who have done wrong and are called out for it. Keep it up, Miles!

And to the people trying to distract us, know this: It isn't working.

Anonymous said...

anyone heard what the mood is like at the police department?

Anonymous said...

Not trying to distract from what needs to be done. However he should not be better than anyone else and pay the full share of his taxes like all of us. Still seems odd that this took place his first night on the board.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, just doesn't feel right does it? Adkins takes his seat and immediately cuts his property taxes by 50%? And a couple of months later he gets a raise from the Town? Ummmmmmmm. Ummmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

I would like to go on record saying Thank You Jaime Gatton, Megan Pillow, Chris Carney, Miles Atkins and Mac Herring for looking out for the citizens of Mooresville. This is an unfortunate situation but these people have stood up and been accountable. There jobs are excruciatingly difficult and they have done it with integrity. As someone who has stood up to town hall it is very difficult to look someone in the eye that you have known your whole life and ask them potentially incriminating questions. My hat is off to ya’ll.

Robby Gray

Anonymous said...

That's right Miles be a stand up guy. Either waive the tax deduction for your term or refuse the raise.
Impress the people that elected you and show that you care and wants to do whats right.
Bet you won't do either!!!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Atkins, sadly you are seeing firsthand what happens when a person stands up for what is right in this town. The people who now attack you are the very people who have for years tolerated or participated in endless and vast corruption in this town. They never had a problem with you until you held the police chief's feet to the fire for his unconscionable conduct with regard to his evidence room and his position of trust as the custodian of the Cops For Kids fund. I hope you can let this all roll off of you. Many of us have in the past and we are continuing this fight until the last corrupt man and woman is exposed.

Anonymous said...

How does any of this have to do with Brian Cathey? Used to work with the guy. As entertaining as the ALLCAPS avenger was, doesn't seem like something he'd do. Especially since he is out west without a dog in this fight. I just started reading this blog. Looks like some of you just like to sling mud on Chief Crone, Matt, Brian, the town board, and anyone else that turns into a convenient target. Stay focused on the issues. It is much more compelling reading.

Anonymous said...

Miles, we love you and we are behind you all the way, and you've already impressed us. You are a mature and courageous man. The person who is throwing darts at you instead of thanking you is only showing their own true colors. They are sore because you did the right thing after Chief Crone was exposed. They also feel threatened by you because people respect and trust you already. Let them be sore and throw their little temper tantrum. It will change nothing the police chief has done or anybody who has attempted to protect him while he did it. Those of us that are watching have got our eye squarely on the ball.

Anonymous said...

To July 8, 2008 5:21 PM:
I think your comment would apply to all the commissioners and others within the town. There is nothing on this blog but attacks. If it is not one thing, then it is another for you all to complain about. Why don't you wait until the chief is proven guilty OR not guilty before you go on a bashing spree.

Anonymous said...

MAC HERRING Says:(Sorry I have no "blogger" account)

Thanks Robby...
I appriciate your remarks more than you can realize.

It's been a hard week. But those of us sincerely dedicated to trying to ensure that the Integrity of our Municipal Government (Including some Town Staff members) were seeking solutions, and perhaps we have found some- although it was, I admit, a bit late. Still there remain many more questions than answers. I will keep seeking and asking for those answers on belalf of all the citizens of Mooresville.

Despite the negitivity surrounding all this, I really believe we will have a better Mooresville, and I am committed to working for that. Even if you and others disagree with some of my positions, I will always do what I feel is in the Best Intrests of my Hometown.

Just for the record, Thurmon Houston, though publicly he seemed quiet, was quite steamed over this. When the hard questions were finally being asked, he was right there. I saw where some called him "The Invisible Man". Not true on this issue.

I would also like to point out that the rank and file of our Mooresville Police Department are to be commended on their professionalism and committment to the service nof our Town. It is only a few that seem to have negitively tainted the image for all of us. These folks "sea of blue" as there were referred to in other postings- despite the CFK scandal are the real "Good Guys" in all of this.

Please excuse any Typos. I am truly DYSLEXIC. Just check out my license tag...


Anonymous said...

Superb effort, Jamie!! Your hard work, due diligence, and tenacity have definitely paid off!! Keep up the pressure!!

As to the comments on Commissioner Miles Atkins, I strongly beleive his heart, mind, and efforts are in the right place. He truly wants to serve and do what is best for Mooresville and its citizens, through faith, ethics, and passion. To not support his business downtown, or any business for that matter, only serves to hurt our community and the Mooresville economy.

As to his taxes, any of us, meeting the criteria, can apply to the State for Historical Landmark designation, which does carry a benefit including tax relief. It also carries a great burden on the homeowner to keep the residence and property to a much higher standard. I can appreciate that he has put time, effort, and money into preserving a piece of history in our beloved Mooresville. That should make us all proud!!

The citizens are the real life blood of Mooresville. United, you can change what so many of you have endured over the years. Everyone has a right to their opinions, including the right to disagree. It is this very discourse, which this blog facilitates, that changed the course for our founding fathers and birthed our nation.

I applaud you all for speaking up and getting involved. Each one of you deserves to be congratulated. Each one of you deserves to share in the spoils of the victory you have won here today, but the war still carries on. Together, Mooresville can stand-up, and prosper. Divided, you can barely hope to maintain the status quo.

I, for one, want this progress to continue...

God bless you, Jamie!!

Anonymous said...

Thank heavens Crone has been suspended. The air in Mooresville feels cleaner already. Now let's keep going up the chain and see how far up this mess leads. Judging by some of the comments I imagine it goes up pretty high. Let the fun begin! My hat off to any of the commissioners who made this happen, and shame on you to those who fought it. We'll find out who you are one way or another.

Anonymous said...

I do admire Mr. Adkins for efforts to make sure the PD is run properly. That is exactly what I expect from my elected officials, each and every one of them. However, when everyone else in the community is struggling to make ends meet, I think it is wrong for Mr. Atkins to accept a reduction in his personal property taxes on one hand and then turn around and take a bigger dip out of the Town coffers for his own salary with the other hand. Meanwhile the rest of us face an increase in our personal property taxes to fund this. If it were me, I'd refuse the personal property tax break and return the raise to the Town. It would cost a little money but it is the right thing to do. The stand up thing to do. You don't lead by making exceptions for yourself. You lead by example.

Anonymous said...

The Chief needs his punishment if he is quily. Looks like he may be.
Not trying to distract anyone or thing. I work like hell to pay my taxes and the first day on the council. His house is increased in value and taxes cut half into. I did not know this till today. Its not right he needs to show that he can do whats right.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Commissioner Herring for publicly and openly commenting on this very sensitive issue. The people of a community need to know there is true leadership in order for them to feel safe. For too long this town has been short on leadership, long on power abuse. It is refreshing to be witnessing a shift in that equation. Thank you for all you did this week. I especially thank you for enlightening us at to Commissioner Houston's role in bringing accountability to the chief of police. I for one was not aware of that and I now appreciate Mr. Houston more than I did yesterday.

Anonymous said...

5:47: You are right. Elected officials must lead by example. Here's an example for you. When Commissioner Frank Rader proposed a raise for himself and his colleagues on the board on the same night he proposed a tax hike for the rest of us, only 2 commissioners voted against both - Miles Atkins and Chris Carney. Now that's the kind of example I can sink my teeth into. Your example of taxes as related to historic sites seems like a very transparent red herring to me and carries with it little credibility. You are clearly somebody who dislikes Commissioner Atkins because he is bringing openness, honesty and accountability to Town Hall. Get used to it. I have watched the man in action and I don't think he scares easily.

Anonymous said...

I just read a previous article by Ms. Gatton called "What about the $20,000 for Cops for Kids". It is a very informative little article about Miles Atkins wanting to pull the funding for this sham of a charity. I could be wrong, but it sounded like he had to butt head with the town manager Erskine Smith over it. I know that's the same man who has been under some serious criticism recently, right? This could explain the smattering of ire I see in a few of the posts. Sounds like somebody's master plan was ruined and they are none too happy about it. Oh my.

Anonymous said...

Miles will you also vote against the Gross Receipts Tax that will make businesses pay an extra tax butjust so happens to exclude downtown businesses of which your wife and you own one??

Anonymous said...

To the Gatton Report,

The question alot of people want answered is: Who are the children who went on the "Cops for Kids" trips? They would have had to sign a release or something, unless their parents were on the trip. Who are they? I was told some of the names were Thunberg, Crone, and Smith. Please investigate and great job,

Anonymous said...

there would be no story if Jamie didn't live near Mile's and Kim Mile's wife is a friend of Matt's wife...some connection huh? now what isn't known is that Matt got fired for making inappropiate comments to a school employee...investigate that Jamie....so now you have a disgruntled employee leaking information to Mile's then to Jamie and now an organization set up 7 years ago to develop leaders in our community is under attack and people are being found guilty with out a trial. Freedom of speech i think not....Freedom to destroy people and their families without ever having to answer for it. It has been printed and on TV that is all anyone will remember....why would anyone want to work, run for office or hold a position of authority in this town....?

Jim said...

Commissioner Herring,

Thank you for providing some insight as to what went on behind closed doors while most of us were asleep last night.

Would you be comfortable telling us where the other commissioners stood? I can certainly understand if you didn't but it's a little annoying as a taxpayer to not know where my commissioner stood in this mess.

Thank you for your hard work. I bet it was a little tough getting up this morning.


Anonymous said...

This is a continuation of the "Count Up Vigil" of the number of days which pass from the day Cops For Kids scandal broke (7/4/08) to the day that Police Chief Crone and Interim Town Manager Erskine Smith are suspended or terminated for their roles in it.

As of this afternoon, the Police Chief had been suspended, and for that I offer my most sincere gratitude to whatever forces brought it about.

However, Interim Town Manager Erskine Smith remains in his post and continues to operate still. Therefore I shall continue this Vigil until he, too, is suspended or terminated for his role in this matter.

The information I specifically refer to is:

1) documented misrepresentations made by Mr. Smith with regard to the nonprofit corporation known as Cops For Kids

2) Mr. Smith's direct recommendation to the town board to include the nonprofit corporation known as Cops For Kids into the town's general budget

3) Mr. Smith's failure to perform due diligence in his capacity as Interim Town Manager by properly researching Cops For Kids prior to submitting his recommendation to the town board

This is Day No. 4.

Anonymous said...

Jaime, once again heads will roll, and hopefully all the way to Erskine Smith. He is "the cancer that has to be eradicated" and then and only then will this town move forward. No need to go into the cowardly goings on with the Board, since people already know who will stay and those that will go.
I personally didn't see much light at the end of the tunnel, except when this blog was created. Signed or unsigned matters none to me. Jaime, you have a large group of people grateful, for all the "stuff" that all these officials have been sweeping under the rug,now coming to the forefront and Mooresville will be returned to the citizens in the very near future, Thanks again, and as we discussed , I am available to you in any way that I can help.

Anonymous said...

Here is a sample of the mission statement for Cops for Kids, Inc. Does this sound REMOTELY like what this money was being used for?

"Cops for Kids, Inc. has assisted children, seniors, and families that find themselves in unfortunate situations. Cops for Kids has enabled children and seniors to enjoy some of the basic necessities that were not available to them through other agencies. With low overhead and virtually no red tape, Cops for Kids can respond immediately to children, seniors, and families in need."

Anonymous said...

Girlfriend, you have stirred the hornet's nest again! You can hear the angry hornets just buzzing around. That's always a good sign. If they weren't writhing around then that would mean your corruptions busting is not working! Let them cry and whine and moan and call names and throw up smokescreens. Have at it! Knock yourselves out. Nothing will stop us now...Especially now that it is looking like we FINALLY FINALLY have some honest elected officials on board. Hallelujah! It's been a long time a-coming.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Geobelt. Well said, and very true. I can understand if the anonymous posts are from individuals whom are invloved or are on the "inside" of a topic, but from us, the general public, no I do not understand why one would not be willing to stand by their words. I am sure some of its conflict avoidance. Others may be concerned they will be contradicted or proven wrong, but whether we are fully informed, seeking facts, one should not be afraid to speak up and own their words; even if just posting an opinon based upon the thread as presented to date

Anonymous said...

Tracy, I had my say, but couldn't help "seconding" your comments. How awesome will Mooresville be with all the unqualified,underhanded officials gone.

Anonymous said...

I have a few questions since I am not an expert on government, and I am new to this website and have been doing a lot of reading this afternoon to catch up. I was reading through the budget on the interent and saw a revenue line item for Cops for Kids. Is that the revenue that is funding the program? If so, does that mean that the Town isn't funding the program and that the program was going to raise its own money this year? Is the program offset by its own revenue? If so, then the Town needs to get to the bottom of this current situation and the Administration and Board needs to take the appropriate action to prevent this from happening again in the future, so the program can perform the GOOD that it was created to do in our community.

Also, did anyone voice their opinion at the Town Hall Meeting on Monday Night? Just curious since I wasn't

Anonymous said...

Please look these up on line or go to your local library and review in Lexis Nexis-North Carolina General Statutes/Annotated. The following cites are possibly pertinent to Mooresville town officials.

The NCGS need to be looked at in order:

Erskine Smith


" In General---The law will not countenance or condone any attempt to defy its mandates. The private citizen must obey the law, and the public officer is not exempt from this duty by any special privilege appertaining to his office. He is not wiser than the law, nor is he above it. The truth is, that if he willfully neglects or omits to perform a public duty, he/she is liable to indictment at common law. State v. Commissioners,4 N.C. 419 (1816); State v. Williams, 34 N.C. 172 (1851); State v. Furgeson, 76 N.C. 197 (1877).
If the neglect, omission, or refusal to discharge any of his official duties is willful and corrupt, it is criminal misbehavior and punishment by fine or imprisonment,and,as a part of the penalty, to removal from office. State ex rel. Battle v. City of Rocky Mount, 156 N.C. 329, 72 S.E. 354 (1911)

There are alot more pertinent passages , but too many to list,
Please look and come to your own conclusion.

The Law is Equal, but not always equally applied.

Anonymous said...

Let's talk about people with agendas.....I totally love how people try to change the subject around here. Good grief!!! How in the world did this go from the Police Chief's suspension to a discussion about a Commissioner whose house has a historic designation and a called boycott of his wife's store??? Maybe I'm the ONLY ONE who thinks it, but I'm happy to know that a Commissioner talks to.....and is maybe even (GASP!!!) a neighbor of....a person who writes for a Blog. Mooresville is kind of small. Everybody is a neighbor of pretty much everybody, right?

Keep your eyes on the prize, people, keep your eyes on the prize.

Mr. Herring, right on for talking to the people through a Blog. Its about time the Great Wall crumbles down.

Mr. Atkins, The only person I ever heard complaining about your house having a historic designation was the same person that you opened up a can of whoop ass on in the last election. I guess he thought that would take away votes from you. I also guess it didn't work. If that's the only dirt they've got on you, then keep rockin !!!

Maybe I'm the only one who's stoked that the old school crew is stalkin' the blog and commenting. It makes me realize how far this town has come.

To the genius who posted at 6:26PM.....I must TOTALLY be confused now about what Cops for Kids was for. If it was set up to develop the next group of esteemed leaders in our community, then please can I ask for Cops for Kids to buy me the next plane ticket out of town?? I've had my fair share of that kind of leadership. I was a vote that booted them all out of office.

Anonymous said...

I am just curious as to when the Chief was suspended and by whom? If I understand what I read correctly, he was not suspended by the board at the meeting last night. Does that mean Erskine Smith suspended him today?

Anonymous said...

To July 8, 7:01
The Cops for Kids shows now, but I'm looking at the Police Dept./Mooresville Town Budget for 2007 and there isn't a Cops for Kids line anywhere. However, there was a $4000.00 line for DARE on the 2007 Police Dept. breakdown, which corrects the misinformation that Matt Burlyeson used Cops for Kids money for trophies, t-shirts, & pizza. I almost forgot, the bike was DONATED by Target, the picture is by the bathrooms at Target.

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

Mr. Herring, in a response to an e-mail I sent to the board mebers, was very clear that the board members were not responsible for personnel decisions except for the Town Manager, Asst. Town Manger, and Finance Director.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Larry. I didn't think so, but the only information out there was that he was suspended.

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

Sorry, it wasn't Mr. Herring -- it was Mr. Abraham. Sorry for the confusion.

Anonymous said...

Jenn please don't show your lack of knowledge. Cops for Kids, Mayor's Youth Council and Explorers are all being talked about do your homework.

Jenn on the night Mile's is sworn in his home is designated as historical which means his taxes go down drastically. He takes a raise that he voted against. Now he and his wife own a business that will be exempt from a new tax that will be assessed to businesses who don't get to vote in town elections....how convenient.

Now we find out that his wife is friends with Matt's wife and they are neighbors of Miss Community Champion Jamie Gatton. Hmmmm any idea where Jamie's information comes from? Yes a disgruntled employee fired for making inappropriate comments to a school employee. Again I say use your fabulous investigative skills...the public deserves to know...RIGHT?

You are seeking to destroy people....none are off topic all are up for investigation...maybe including Jamie Gatton...wonder what we can find out about her.

Anonymous said...

Erskine Smith may have technically "suspended" Crone, but word on the street is that he only did it because he had no other choice. It was him or Crone, so of course he threw Crone under the bus.

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

OK, Jamie -- fess up -- are you having an affair with Matt? :-)

So on the night Miles is sworn in his home was declared an historical site -- when was that item placed on the agenda? Who placed it on the agenda? Does his home qualify to be classified as an historic site? Who wrote the laws pertaining to lower taxation for historical sites?

Conversely, who formed Cops for Kids? Who was supposed to be overseeing it? Who was responsible for identifying reimbursable expense? Who was responsible for identifying eligibility for inclusion in the various trips sponsored? What were those eligibility guidelines? Where are they published?

Which violates law and which doesn't?

Anonymous said...

We know which group you support 9:48, you're just mad because your Good ole Boy network is exposed for what it is, "questionable" and that is being very kind! Jenn, people don't get mad when people tell lies about them, but when it is the truth, look out,you're reading it. Jenn, please do your homework. Please start with the people in office about 2000 and read all about their activity in The Tribune. The chain of events will have alot of the same names(the same who never get prosecuted, hell they move up in government), and you will see why "the haves" get mad when good people want open and honest government. These are the people who would retaliate against me if I signed my name--they're "good ole people alright!"

Anonymous said...

I hope that everyone that has written on this blog does not think that the entire police force is corrupt. There are many of our patrol officers that are truly upstanding citizens both on the job and off.

Anonymous said...

Larry weren't you told by your elders to stay out of politics.

I won't deny that money should be accounted for.

I oppose the way the it is done...Will you admit that until this disgruntled employee whom was very much a part of all three programs and instrumental at that because Matt went on the trips. Until he was fired there was no story.

Shall we Larry also look at the past 7 years and how many kids were helped, leaders developed and children's live enriched??? Shall we??

Or are you Pastor ready to take all those whom you judge wrong...to their doom?

Pastor maybe Chief Crone could use some grace and mercy...isn't that Christ like... and not this public lynching....?

Shouldn't Matt and Jamie be held to the same scrutiny that others are held...

Now you even repeating the same rumors that have been going around Jamie and Matt....what kind of preacher are you?

Anonymous said...

8:07 is that the same tribune that has a lawsuit against it for those same mis truths.

Anonymous said...

To 8:21
I agree with you 100%. The rank and file officer doesn't deserve this kind of leadership and if Crone had any type of loyalty to his officers, he would resign now. Mooresville Police, you deserve better and thank you for your service.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 8:25, Jamie Gatton most likely has a couple of skeletons in her closet. Wonder if someone rattled her bones, where would THEY fall.

Anonymous said...

I can't even take it anymore! Why are people attacking Jaime? What for reporting the FACTS? This blog isn't about HER opinion. If it were, she would tear all you naysayers to shreds. To those spreading rumors about her and Matt...SHAME ON YOU, you should be ashamed of yourself...and still hiding behind ANONYMOUS. hmmmm...

"Do not repeat anything you will not sign your name to." ~Author Unknown

Anonymous said...

Suing the media could prove to be difficult. Slander and defamation of character are as broad as the bank accounts that are buying the lawyers. And in all reality you can sue over anything. I have heard that if you are reporting news you will be getting sued if you are doing your job right. Don't take that in the wrong. Lawsuits can be used as pressure to stop an event from occurring. And they also can be used to restore and prevent damage to a persons reputation. I would also imagine that jamie may have a skeleton or two in her closet.
We all do! This is not a matter of a persons personal history. it is a matter of actual wrong doing that has actual evidence. Who the guilty parties are have not been truly defined. As for the police force, I haven't been shot yet. I do see things I don't agree with. but the world isn't perfect and neither am I. There is more than one point of view for every side.
Author: Andy

Anonymous said...

In response to 8:32 and 8:25

If Jaime Gatton were the leader of the police force that is supposed to be protecting my town, maybe I would be interested in her skeletons. 8:32 and 8:25 are starting to sound like George Bush himself, do you think we should tap Jaime's phone line as well? Maybe we'll find out that she has been....

dare i say it...

exposing corrupt police chiefs in other towns!
Come on, you could use all that energy on the good side!

Mo-town liberal

Anonymous said...

Not to get everyone off track from the sordid allegations about Jaime, Matt, and Miles engaging in tawdry group behavior involving tupperware and various items of home decor, but there are still some important questions that need to be answered about protecting the integrity of our town government.

1. Who will audit the Cops for Kids books?

2. Who will audit the evidence room?

3. Who will conduct the investigation ordered by the interim manager?

If we get sham investigations and audits, we will be exactly where we started.

Anonymous said...

To Rev. Green

Why are you so involved in all the controversy. Oh I know why you dislike Crone its becasue he would not let you be the police Chaplin when you came to town or because he would not let you interfer when the autistic teen was threatening others at the school. Maybe if you would spend as much time working on your sermons as you do writing on this blog they would improve. Believe me I have been to Fieldstone Presbyterian Church and heard you preach and needless to say I did not go back.

Anonymous said...

Teryl I could make a name too maybe like Tyrel.

Let me get this straight if Jamie writes it is is correct no questions asked?? How naive are you? Are you counting on the press and media to be you sole source for information.

Jamie has had along assocation with a group of people that only look to smear Mooresville. She maybe was at one time a good reporter but now she is just controlled.

I would say that is one of the major problems in our country no one thinks for themselves they wait on the newspaper, reporters, media and press to tell them what to think.

Get out there do your own investigating.

Anonymous said...

9:08...I do not need to hide behind a fake name or ANONYMOUS like you. Exactly whom is Jaime controlled by? I've known her my whole life...Jaime is controlled by NO ONE!!

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

First, if you look at my comments about Jamie and Matt -- there is a little sign there :-) Just like that - I have no knowledge of whatever rumors you're talking about, and certainly was not attempting IN ANY WAY to malign either her or Matt.

2. "weren't you told by your elders to stay out of politics" -- that would assume I view this as a political issue (which I don't) -- secondly that statement negates Christ's involvement in politics -- third, I do not pastor a cult and therefore have the ability to possess and voice my own personal viewpoints -- as can the members of the congregation I serve.

3. "I oppose the way the it is done" -- that's a valid personal opinion.

4. "Will you admit that until this disgruntled employee whom was very much a part of all three programs and instrumental at that because Matt went on the trips. Until he was fired there was no story" - No. As an employee whose job and responsibility was to work with kids, he may have been required to go.

5. "Shall we Larry also look at the past 7 years and how many kids were helped, leaders developed and children's live enriched?" -- without a doubt we shall. But that does not negate the opportunity to engage in a discussion and to do everything necessary to remove the very appearance of impropriety.

6. "Or are you Pastor ready to take all those whom you judge wrong...to their doom?" -- I don't take anyone to their doom -- I don't have that power.

7. "Pastor maybe Chief Crone could use some grace and mercy...isn't that Christ like... and not this public lynching....?" -- everyone deserves grace and mercy, but does the public not deserve honesty and integrity? Which comes first -- grace or admission?

Anonymous said...

Teryl you show your impartiality...you are a close friend of Jamie...you are hurt by the things that are said.

think like a reporter....you report...you don't think about the things you say or how they will affect them or their families you just report it in the name of free speech.

This is Jamie's blog she set it up to accept anonymous post....ask her why?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Green, Larry that is...wouldn't your time be better spent studying the word instead of the type postings you're creating?
After all, my Bible says we are to avoid the very appearance of evil.
Yes, you are entitled to your opinion- but what if it becomes a stumbling block for someone else. I'm not presuming to judge you, but giving you something to think about.No harm intended.
And yes, I have been around here long enough to know you don't publicly rock the boat without consequences-a word of caution to you newcomers!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Matt was required to go but why did he wait until he was fired to all of a sudden have a problem with what went on. You really don't know do you.

Larry you continue to surprise me...Grace came first.

God chose to send his son, whom was without sin, Jesus to a sinful world.

Thank the Lord you and I didn't get what we deserved.

Mercy is not getting some you do deserve....Grace is getting something you don't deserve.

Anonymous said...

I am sure the Elders do not like what is going on. Maybe a change coming soon?
Preachers should stay impartial but look who a certain rev has associated himself with

Anonymous said...

Been reading your posts, wondering if you were a real preacher until someone posted that he attended your church once. You only seem to be here to toot your on horn (not sure over what) and look for attention. Can't get enough on Sundays? I have never heard a pastor speak so judgemental and hateful toward so many people. Most pastors would offer guidance and prayers for all involved. You should run for the school board or town commisioner, and give up your so-called preaching. Certainly you should appreciate all the benefits you receive from the church and spend some time for its members. Here's some questions for you: why are you a pastor?,where did you come from?,why did you leave there?,what did you do prior to being a pastor?,etc. From reading your posts, you are as much of a man of god as Jim Baker, Al Sharpton,Jimmy Swaggert,Jesse Jackson and so on.I realize this has nothing to do with Cops for Kids, but I personally despise a phony preacher more than crooked town leaders.

Anonymous said...

Bet if you would check that he was the same way in his last town and the same in the one before.
He used to maybe still does have his own web site where he complains constantly about the schools and school board. Used to you could just go on line then changed it so you had to subcribe so he would know who was reading it. Only wanted to keep it between his own little group.
If there are any one from his church reading this print off his posts or better yet put them in the church bulletin. Also how much has your congregation decreased since you came?

Anonymous said...

Larry, noticed you've stopped using Rev. with your name lately. Is that because your church members don't approve of your posts? I know a preacher who doesn't have to advertise that he is one, you can tell by his behavior. You appear to use your preacher status as a way to show importance of your opinions.You probably have rev on your checks, car tag, mailbox, and anything else you can. Like you said to Jaime, Come on, did you really get called to preach from God or are you just in it for the money?
Please don't posts anymore, we don't care what you have to say, save it for your church. If you can't stop seeking attention, then at least take your picture off.

Anonymous said...

hey we're getting off subject with this weird preacher guy. sounds like this is what he was wanting,don't comment to him anymore and maybe he will go away.

Anonymous said...

You are right 10:20 we should get back to what the reverend said about Matt and Jamie's affair and how all this really got started.

Anonymous said...

Mooresville people, stay on topic here...don't loose your focus. That's what the RATS want. Don't take your eye off the prize. Honest, competent city government.

Anonymous said...

Green is not just weird. He is a pathetic excuse for a minister. Fieldstone congregation wants him gone!

Anonymous said...

lol --

I had not idea we've had so many visitors over the past couple of years. Lots of people must be sneaking in and sitting in the hallways.

The church has grown from 30 attendees to an average of 90 since my arrival -- not because of me but because of the many good things going on in and around the church.

Yes, believe it or not -- I do preach and enjoy it immensely. You're welcome to attend any Sunday. We are a welcoming congregation which offers Sunday School at 9:30am and worship at 11am. We'd be happy to have you join us.

Oddly,yes I am the one who owns mooresvilleschools.com. Yes, we did require registration because oddly enough the majority of the visits to the website were from IP addresses direclty linked to the Town of Mooresvile and to the MGSD -- and I thought that public employees should be doing other things than wasting tax payer time looking through the internet.

Yes, sadly I am pretty consistent in my desire for quality education, truth, and justice.

When I called the chief about the position as chaplain, he explained that he did not utilize chaplains because of two previoius negative chaplaincy experiences within the MPD. I told him then I understdood his position and though it was a wise decision, but told him to feel free to call upon me for anything at any time. That offer is still on the table.

My stance against the MPD revolves around the illegal actions involved in the commitment of an autistic child. To better understand the situation I requested all available documents from the schools and from the MPD. I was able to review every single piece of evidence at the schools, but only 2 items were submitted by the MPD, and niether supported the decision to involuntarily commit this student. I still have those documents if you'd like to make an appointment to sit down with me and review them.

The very fact that you even know that I offered my services as a chaplain indicate that you are someone who has an intimate relationship with the chief. I certainly did not tell anyone -- the discussion was moot. My involvement in justice issues related to this particular situation of the autistic child was based entirely on the fact that it was a bad decision.

Bill T -- come back anytime you want. I'd be happy to schedule a meeting with you tomorrow between 12pm and 3pm at my church.

Why did I stop using the Rev title -- it's because I have been remiss in selecting the option of "Name/URL" insteadof Google/Blogger. I'll fix that and appreciate you bringing that to my attention.

No, I don't have "rev" on my checks or license plate -- I have it in my heart. I don't even have one of those nice little fish things on the back of my car!

In it for the money? You obviously are very misinformed as to what I am paid. Suffice it to say that I am not going to get rich (from a worldly perspective) doing this.

I am involved because I feel compelled to stand by the truth. BTW, the term is spelled "Chaplain".

Anonymous said...

Focus people... if the public knew to what levels the corruption went to in the Town, jaws would drop. There are a lot of good employees with the Town that serve us daily, but a number of them have been here too long, tainted by power, and buddies. Look at who has been getting rich off the town and follow the trails.

Anonymous said...

The town board, said Thunberg, “has been advised of this course of action and is adamant that questions be answered and this matter resolved in a timely fashion to preserve the public trust.”
The investigation into Cops for Kids, said Thunberg, will be under Setzer’s supervision and direction.

Maia - my thoughts and prayers are with you!

Anonymous said...

I think that facts are being overshadowed by side arguments and agendas from all sides of this issue. I think discussions are good for any issue, but blatant misstatements need to be corrected with the truth.

As someone who has looked into the historical designation on both his personal house and commercial buildings, the process is very long and laborious. Mr. Atkins house being approved for historical designation was not a spur of the moment decision but over a time intensive multiple month process that started almost a year prior. (I have been working for over 6 months on my own applications and still have at least 3 months more to go)

Secondly, the reason that Mrs. Atkins business and all other Downtown District business would not have to pay the gross sales tax is they are already paying a special tax of 16 cents per hundred for the Downtown district. This tax is in addition to the Iredell county tax and the Mooresville City tax. (Do not let this be seen as an endorsement for the Gross Sales Tax by me as I think it is wrong. The town has zero business knowing what any busines's sales are for any type or purpose.)

These two items are true facts that can be backed up and proven. If you do not care for someone, including me, that is fine. Just base that dislike on something other than lies, rumours, or other untruths. A blog should be about an exchange of ideas and views, lets keep it honest and not in the gutter.

John J. Amon

Anonymous said...

Mac Herring weighs in again:

I have been following this Blog weekly since the Downtown Commission entries back in the Spring. Reading yes, but posting only back then and then today.

As for the concerns about where the rest of the Board stood, I was speaking of Thurmon Houston in his defense, as he was very concerned and shared that with me, days before our Board Meeting, and he followed through passionatly on his concerns.

For the 6:27 blogger who asked if I would share how their commissioner stood, I cannot. To quote Commissioner Rader, "Closed Session is Closed Session" And that is a principle we collectivly have agreed to, and I always seek to honor what I have agreed to do.

I will also take this opportunity to point out that I am ashamed of all the negative energy some of you are putting into this "blogging". The public discourse on how mooresville could be a better community is most valuable, I commend those of you committed to commenting with that intent, and those are the entries I read constuctivly. However, there are many of you who simply use this as a place to trash others. For you I am sorry. You have much energy that could be redirected at helping ALL OF US to have a better community... yet you use it venting anger. Please look to see what gifts you can bring to the table, not rotten tomatos to throw.

After I was robbed, shot, and left for dead, I too was filled with anger and hurled insults at others. Then I realized that I have another day to do something for someone that I wouldn't had I died back in March of 1990. That is why I serve this hometown of mine. This is my community, and where I am raising my family as have generations before me. I am working to make it a better place not just for my family, but ALL OF US.
This is your home too- whether like me, you are generations deep here- or just moved yesterday from New Jersey. Please join your efforts whith those of us seeking what is right for our community. You all have gifts to offer.

One of them IS FREE SPEECH... so in the spirit of exercising our RIGHTS as Americans, do so understanding the responsibility that comes with it to use that gift with respect to others...

And with that...
Mau the Public debates and discourse continue!

MAC Herring
Commissioner for all of Mooresville from Ward 3.

Anonymous said...

Though the commentary can be ugly and irrelevant at times, we must all be thankful that in our community we have a place to safely voice opinions about our government. And in this case, the government is taking heed. Let's reserve judgment on Chief Crone until it is all done, but accept this: the information and documents uncovered by Jaime Gatton left the town board and management with no choice but to take the actions they have taken in the last 24 hours. At minimum, by the chief's own admissions to TV reporters, he was not the best manager of these funds.

Anonymous said...

"Mr. Green, Larry that is .. wouldn't your time be better spent studying the word instead of the type postings you're creating?" -- yes, which is exactly what I did to try and locate the Biblical passage you reference.

"After all, my Bible says we are to avoid the very appearance of evil." == I have certainly not caused a division within the church nor have I preached anything contrary to the Word of God, or to the doctrines contained therein. I cite a quick analysis of Romans 16:17-18 which specifically refers to inner-church divisions and stumbling blocks.

"Yes, you are entitled to your opinion- but what if it becomes a stumbling block for someone else." == the reference to stumbling blocks as contained in Romans focuses upon an inner-church dispute about which food was worthy to be eaten, and which day is more worthy to be a day of worship than another day.

I'm not presuming to judge you, but giving you something to think about.No harm intended. == no offense taken.

And yes, I have been around here long enough to know you don't publicly rock the boat without consequences-a word of caution to you newcomers! == I truly believe this and am thankful for your honesty. When the boat rocks, the people on the inside go into panic mode while Christ awakes calmly and asks what all the fuss is about.

Anonymous said...

On TV tonight, a civilian John Crone said he had not committed any crimes. Here is a quote from this blog:

There is also the deposit of the loose change from the evidence room. On May 13, 2008, a deposit slip indicates that $361 was deposited into a Cops for Kids account. Noted on the deposit slip was the phrase: “loose change from evidence room.” In the upper left-hand corner of the deposit slip was written the word “Chief.” Although this deposit appears in the bank statement, it does not appear in Crone’s balance sheet.

He has already said this account was under his complete control. How is this not a criminal offense?
Obstruction of Justice?
Tampering with Evidence?

Anonymous said...

Hey 9:31 -- I appreciate the comments.

We don't have any reason to believe that Matt - or any other MPD employee -- did not raise a concern earlier. We're all approaching this with certain assumptions which are, in part, informed by our personal interactions and involvement with the chief.

I think I can agree with you, in part, regarding grace and mercy. God's grace and mercy are gifts which God chooses to place in, on, and around us. But what about the theology of cheap grace. Deitrich Bonhoffer does a much better job of describing this: "Cheap grace is the grace we bestow on ourselves. Cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without church discipline, Communion without confession.... Cheap grace is grace without discipleship, grace without the cross, grace without Jesus Christ, living and incarnate." http://www.crossroad.to/Persecution/Bonhoffer.html

So yes, there are requirements for those whom God has graced. That requirement integrity.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr. Herring for your service and love of Mooresville, but I find it laughable that Erskine Smith and Mia Setzer are going to be in charge of any investigation "to preserve the public trust" according to the board directive. I really don't believe they "had no idea" or "didn't wonder" where all the money was going from Cops for Kids tournements, etc.,. The funniest part is "they" are in charge of having an external/independent outside party come in to do the audit.I would feel better about it if you draft a letter to the District Attorney and the SBI requesting an audit from their auditors to "preserve the public trust" and sign it with Carney,Atkins, and anyone else willing. I guess this is where the rubber meets the road, that is if you want to preserve the public trust in government officials. Otherwise, it will be the same "dog and pony" show. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not going negative on you, but the town still has many unresolved "instances" and to put it bluntly, we don't trust alot of the board or the administration. We appreciate your stand up job for Mooreville, but I feel if there is nothing to hide, have them give us a clean bill of health.

Anonymous said...

wow is it true they lie

Anonymous said...

Larry, can't you tell no one here wants you here, go back to your own website. This blog is not about you. Like a poster said, shouldn't you of all people be praying for us all. You show no resemblance of a pastor, in fact you enjoy the negative attention as it somehow makes you feel important. You selectively answered questions from some posters. If you post anything else, let it be answers to these: 1-why did you leave the last town? 2-name the last town and church you were at? 3-how many places have you lived/worked in the past 10 years? 4- what are your previous jobs before the pastor sham, 5- provide addresses and phone numbers for your previous churches.Actually, I would rather not here your nonsense than for you to answer up. Please go away, you are an embarrasement to preachers.

Anonymous said...

Larry good thing God didn't see Grace as you see it.

Who came first God or the Sinner?

Repentance, confession, discipline accountability and so on only come after God gave us grace.

Hopefully your congregation is going to hold you accountable and give you alittle of what you want for others.

Why don't you use God's Word to defend your stance.....Hmmmmmm

When you do you say God's word only applies to the situation it was stated in.

How disappointing.

I would say we do hold people accountiable and responsible, but we don't know what really has taken place but according to you guilt has already been placed.

Jesus told a group of people ready to stone a woman for committing adultury. Let those without sin cast the first stone. They all left, now was God saying she was not accountable for her actions? No but in the law the man involved was to be there too and witnesses, before this woman could be punished. I guess you would be standing there after all the other accusers had left ready to throw your Rock.

You are pretty defensive having to answer everything that is said.

You should really stop posting you are just making it worse. This is coming from someone who does know you.

Anonymous said...

I need to correct a previous statement. Mr. Abraham e-mailed me the following: "Please make note again that the Board does not make personnel decisions, except for the Town manager's position, the Town attorney's position, and the town clerk's position."

Sorry for the misinformation.

Anonymous said...

7:18 and 7:45

You're both more than welcome to call me to set up an appointment to discuss these items with me. All of my information is public information.

Anonymous said...

Larry Green
public information--you like to accuse/inquire on other people right here.no appts necessary--you have something to hide.EITHER answer the questions or stop posting, what don't you understand? also notice no one believes you're a pastor.don't know exactly what it is but there is a medical term for problems like yours. there are also drugs that cause "illusions of granduer".get help soon.

Anonymous said...

Watch Mr. Herring most of the time he walks without the use of a cane and a slight limp.
When he wants to make an impression watch him enter a room he will have the cane and cannot hardly walk. Maybe its the pills that help him. Sorry that he got shot but he always reminds you of it so you will feel sorry for him.

Anonymous said...

the nastier the personal attacks on those who are standing up for clean government, the more confident i become that we have stumbled onto something truly crooked at the police department.

one word of advice for larry: ignore these people. they are trying to distract all of us from the real issue.

Anonymous said...

8:26 -- agreed

Anonymous said...

Let's not lose track of what started this. The excessive turnover of police officers, over 70 since 1999. Yes, the firing of Matt Burleyson was the one that everyone noticed. He is well known and well thought of in the community. All of a sudden everyone wondered what was going on. You can bet there is a reason for this high turnover. Is the chief neurotic and insecure? Could there be a financial reason for eliminating positions? The police department has a budget, if they don't use the appropriated budget is there money for bonuses? Higher salaries? Working short staffed, as we know Mooresville PD has many times might create a "surplus" Firing officers with years of experience and hiring the inexperienced will lower costs, unfortunately it does so at the expense of public safety. I don't think the inquiry should stop with CFK. We have an underlying problem that needs to be solved. The turnover in the police department can be hazardous to your safety.

Anonymous said...

Seeing Crone on the news last night was great. Civilian clothes in front of the PD. He said he had done nothing wrong, nothing illegal or immoral and everything he had done was with the best of intentions.
Well here is a saying I love.
We mean well, but we do ill. We justify our ill doings by our well meanings.
Suspended Chief Crone then said, if he had made a mistake he would take responsiblity for that mistake.
Well, when others at his former department have made mistakes, they have become unemployed. Not suspended with pay, some have been suspended without pay, but most have become unemployed.
What is good for some is obvious not good for all in this matter.

Anonymous said...

As an attorney I represent many non-profit agencies in Mooresville. I commend Jaime Gatton for researching this issue and exposing the mis-management of Cops for Kids. I am glad to see any mis-managed “non-profit” agency get exposed for whatever reason. The manner in which Chief Crone handled the finances for Cops for Kids is totally unacceptable.

The bumbling manner in which Chief Crone operated Cops for Kids is a blight on the legitimate non-profit agencies being operated with hard working volunteers trying to do good things with limited funds.

Brian R. Harwell

Anonymous said...

Matt was fired for making in appropriate comments to a school employee.

Sure he was well thought of on the exterior but he messed up. He was fired and now programs he was very involved in are in question. How do you think he is feeling right now, probably wishing he hadn't leaked anything to Jamie.

Isn't that what everyone want of Chief Crone to be held resposible? Rightly so, If he mishandled the money it will be found.

Will those of you ready to lynch also be there to say you were wrong if it is found he is innocent.

Brian shouldn't attorney's be most objective. Oh wait your just an estate attorney making money on farmers who have to sell out.

Anonymous said...

Brian as attorney do you usually take a news story as fact before the audit has been done.

This is what is so wrong with this town. If anything can get put in the press then that person, his family and job are destroyed.

Won't matter if it isn't true or that children have been affected. No apologies Jamie will just move on to the next story. Leaving in her wake the destruction.

There is no wonder people like Pastor Larry Green post so often here.

Anonymous said...

Pastor......What a joke

Anonymous said...

I am basing my remarks soly on those of Chief Crone who admitted the mismanagement of Cops for Kids.

I look forward to the investigation as well as I think there are issues that need to be resolved or put to rest. The mishandling of funds appears to be already admitted by Chief Crone himself so no one needs wait on an investigation to make that conclusion.

Brian R. Harwell

Anonymous said...

Then we agree although that isn't what you said in the previous post.

He said the allegations were ridiculous on the news last night.

Anonymous said...

Some questions which I hope this group can help me answer:

1. How do we access the town's polices and procedures from their website?

2. In the town's strategic framework, why is there no reference for goals, objectives, and strategies for the MPD, the fire department, or the school system -- other than a vague reference to assuring that Mooresville remains a safe community?

3. When will the next citizen survey be available?

4. What staff surveys have been conducted within the police department to gauge the atmosphere and to ascertain, at least in part, the high turnover rate?

5. This question comes from the job description for the Chief of Police available on the town's website: What does it mean when it says that "work is performed under the general supervision of the Town Manager and is evaluated through review of reports and conference for effectiveness of programs and acceptance of the community"?

Anonymous said...

Can some here help me when is the next Session meeting for Fieldstone Presbyterian Church?

I can seem to find on their website a list of elders and their contact information. Can anyone provide that?

I want to see where their current pastor came from and look into his background.

I am also look at the mission statement for them...Hmmmm. Nope blogging and attacking the local government, Fire and Police departments isn't one of them.

Also what is Jamie's background where did she go to school? Where is she working now? I can't seem to find much that she has written lately...not counting the blog.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of credentials, remember the only "higher education" Crone attended was McDonalds Hamburger "U".
I think your gravy boat is sinking no matter who you try to dirty as you go down.

Anonymous said...

I can maybe shed some light on the "turnover" with that department. I also am one of the 70 or so that left after Crone started. First of all, there was almost no turnover before Crone got there. Crone makes it very clear, "you are either WITH ME or AGAINST ME". If you happen to be against him (or his ethics) then he has a very predictable way of getting rid of you. He finds something that you are doing wrong, usually very small, and writes you up for it. It will say in your write-up that ANY future problems will result in your termenation. At that point, he has you right where he wants you. You are now on his side or you have to resign for fear of being terminated. That is why you have so many officers that have left on their own from the highest paid department in the area. Mooresville has lost some very good, highly trained, highly educated officers over the last 10 years. Most have not talked about it and can't talk about it in fear of loosing their current jobs. Crone once told me that his secret to being sucessful was to get something on his boss (town manager) and hold it over his head. Crone said that is what he did in Newton with his former boss.
I figure that is what the deal is with Erskin. Poor 'ol Erskin was over his head when he stopped selling shoes for Belk's. Two things that is a big joke within the department (but not funny) is:
you either leave or drink the coolaid and don't question the cops for kids money. By the way the officers refer to that as "cops for Crone". I hope like hell the SBI comes in. Maybe they will send someone besides Danny Beaver's son to handle the investigation. Crone quickly called the SBI when the lady was accused of taking the $4 out of the evidence room. But guess who assisted with the investigation. Crone. What most people don't know is that she had accused Crone of some (let me say) wrongdoing. You see what quickly happended to her and suddenly it was clean-up time and blame everything on her. I had to laugh over the "loose change" from the evidence room. In this day and age when people go to jail based on trace evidence that you can not even see...there should not be ANYTHING loose in an evidence room. YES it is finally time to clean house with some of the top dogs and get rid of those that give us all a bad name. God Bless Ms. Gatton and also all of the good (honest) officers out there.

Anonymous said...

Crone says he did get a degree from American University in Washington,DC in Criminal Justice. But, he later attended McDonald's U when he managed a McDonald's resturant after being fired from his police jobs in Maryland and Colorado.

Anonymous said...

You can blame Town Mang. McLean and Former Commiss. Frank Owens for bringing Crone here. What ever happened to "background" investigations.

Anonymous said...

Rev. Green
1. Some policies/procedures are on the website under the link EServices. If you can't find them there contact town hall or the department that you have a question about and someone will help you.

2. The MPD and Fire Department have their own strategic frameworks and the town of mooresville is seperate from the school systems except for a few joint projects

3. Citizen surveys are performed in the late fall

4. I couldn't get anyone on the phone at the police dept

5. The Police Chief is a department head who reports to the town manager and the town manager evaluates the police chiefs performance

I am not attacking mr. green, I wanted to inform a fellow citizen. I think that this site can be a source of information. I simply called town hall and got answers that were public information. Isn't that what mrs. gatton did, she asked questions and each one of us can too, I don't have any journalism experience and I was able to get answers. I encourage everyone to read this blog, but if you question anything call town hall or the department in question.

Anonymous said...

I just want to say thanks to the last few posters for getting back to the subject. The attacks before are precisely the reason most people post anonymously. People want to scold you for not putting your name, but the first person who does, gets attacked. Please, can we just have mature dialogue about the subject? Which, by the way, is about the mismanagement of donated funds and possible criminal activity.

Anonymous said...

hear, hear!

Anonymous said...

If you want to continue with "rats" and "corruption", don't stop with Crone. Wes Greene deserves to be investigated, also. As long as Greene is in his position, the taxpayers are getting a royal one!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info regarding my questions, as well as the insight into some of the realities you experienced in the department.

One of the things that I find most interesting in all of this is the extreme defensiveness and out-right refusal to discuss issues which are valid and pertinent to the overall well-being of our entire community -- regardless of whether you are a native or not.

I've always believed that the purpose of government was to protect the interest of the citizens the government serves. Our elected officials and town personnel are here to help us, as we are here to help them.

The 2007 Citizen Survey shows a decline in the "net promoter score", which I believe is similar to the satisfaction level of the community. I'm not sure about the interpretation of the ensuing data, but there are a few items which I found interesting:

1. Minorities are expressing dissatisfaction at an increasing rate (as are caucasians).

2. Although there appears to be much dissatisfication regarding the work of the chief of police, the citizen survey reflects a high satisfaction level with the police department overall and values the work of LEO.

So how do we engage the community in a more in-depth manner to try and gather empirical data which we need in order to make the decisions and choices we'll need in order to not only address the current situation with the management of the PD, but also to improve the satisfaction of the entire citizenry?

I wonder if the board would be willing to organize a series of town hall meetings, with a prescribed format of small groups as well as open discussion, in order to learn in greater detail the issues facing Mooresville.

Anonymous said...

You seem to be educated far beyond your intelligence. Asking a question about the school system in regards to the town's planning. Its rumored that you were actually a school teacher once, at several school systems in a relatively short period of time but couldn't keep a job. This could explain your move to this area, too many people were on to your scams. Is this why you have such nasty remarks toward the school system? Do you have hatred toward law enforcement and firemen because you couldn't pass the test to be one, or is it because neither department wanted you as a chaplain? Will you answer the questions asked of you by previous posters, without an appointment? You have posted many questions/opinions about the schools, town departments, town leaders, Jaime,and.Matt.Tell us why you haven't ran for any office since everything in this town is so corrupt. YOU are hiding something by not answering simple questions,yet all you do is bash people. Please get serious about serving the lord and leading people to salvation (like real pastors do) or try your luck at public office.

Anonymous said...

Lets not lose focus. We all want a community that is free of corruption. We all want a community where we don't have to worry about things like this. At the end of the day, we all want the same thing. So why are we arguing amongst ourselves? Get back to the point of this blog and fight some corruption. IF you don't want to do the above things, than there's a nice site im sure you can find where you can argue pointlessly with each other. And btw, if larry green posted anonymously, would you care at all what he said, would you be so passionately arguing with him? Just something to think about.

Anonymous said...

Crone needs to go... and hopefully this will do it. He is stinking up this town. The air will be much cleaner with him gone.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Take the negativity to these sites:



Anonymous said...

I heard about this blog through the "rumor mill" of Mooresville. Although I believe that the mishandling of funds for ANY CHARITY is wrong: where is the proof? I will admit that I probably missed something while reading the endless and tiring remarks of bloggers that I do not know or understand because I simply chose to scroll down until I found something "interesting". Please do not find me ignorant, but just questioning. What is really going on here? Should I, and my family, who are law abiding citizens (I hate using that phrase),be concerned about our well being and safety in Mooresville? Please tell me what the bottom line is, and where do we stand as citizens of Mooresville,North Carolina?

PS Please don't correct my grammar or spelling, and a big Hello to the girls and the little boy!

Anonymous said...

I realize that I used the word "please" three times. It is a southern thing! RR

Anonymous said...

Larry(time spent studying)
I am a minister's child and I don't take counsel from those I don't have any confidence in.I am not interested in your frequent attempts to justify yourself. This isn't INSP or TBN.It is a political blog.Have you noticed how many posts are from you and how many are off the subject? Have you also noticed how many have a negative reaction to those posts? Play nice and be a normal citizen like the rest of us instead of playing the Rev. factor.
I'm not listening. It is the sound of tinkling brass. Look that up.I don't take unsound advice.

Anonymous said...

I am contacting the board at Fieldstone to see if they can shut this man up. He is an embarassment to the town.
I'll bet Sundays 3 points and a poem will come from thos blog.

Anonymous said...

The way Rev.Green is being personally attacked shows the cowardice and ignorance of those posting on this blog. If he posted anonymously like those attacking him you would not be attacking the speaker personally. Attacking him personally is doing no good. He has a right as much as anybody else to express an opinion on issues. Debate that opinion and keep it above the belt wont you.

This blog is getting out of hand with the negativeness and off subject comments to the point I hope Jaime starts censoring---YES CENSORING--- personal attacks on others posters.

Anonymous said...

Perfect example why politics and religion don't mix. Souls have nothing to do with this blog, making sure we have honest government should be the goal. Ms. Ryan, you are safe,very safe. We have a great police force, we just can't have any question at all about the actions of those at the top. Police Chief, Mayor, Town Manager,Fire Chief, Town Attorney, etc. have to be clean with out any doubt for public confidence.

Anonymous said...

The attacks against Mr. Atkins for having his house designated as a historical landmark are absolutely rediculous. Anyone that lives in a house that is historically significant, such as Mr. Atkins house or many others on Academy Street, can submit an appilication to the state for Landmark Designation. This process is done through the Historic Preservation Commission which holds meetings that are to the public.

Anonymous said...

This blog is amazing.

It is set up to attack those in authority in our town, but when those that do the attacking are questioned, It isn't FAIR?

What folks don't know that havent' been here very long is...

that it doesn't matter who is in those positions...they are attacked. I have been watching it for 25 years.

Attack the Mayor
Attack the Police Chief
Attack the Town Manager
Attack the Fire Chief

Now that is a new one Chief Greene has made living in Mooresville much safer by lowering our fire class and helping the volunteer depts lower theirs around us also.

My point is it doesn't matter to this liberal communist who are in these positions they attack to give themselves some form of self worth so they can stand up and beat their chest and say "I made a difference"

They will also be the ones to never step out and be in any position of authority whether be it being a police officer, fireman or run for an office.

For them it is easier to point fingers and accuse rather than becoming involved in town government.

Involvement is not leaking accusations to the press or writing on a blog or sitting at town board meetings in little groups.

These Cops for Kid, Mayor's Youth Council, Explorers all have volunteers, use your time to volunteer in the community in someway. There are enough accusers in our town and country.

They are the same ones who not only hate Mooresville but live here but also hate America but live here.

All I can suggest is if you don't like it here leave.

I know you can't you must defend the citzens of Mooresville against corrupt government.

Well who is defending them from YOU and your mission of controlling the very government you call corrupt from behind the scenes. Those back porch meetings, house parties and beef o brady's prayer meetings are nothing more than meetings of HATE.

Anonymous said...

The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Anonymous said...

Somebody just sent me this link:

It was pathetic watching the chief of police stutter and stammer.
No lie detectors needed here. This is the person 8:28 is defending? He then pretty much told us that there are others LIKE the shifty police chief. Here's his list:

Attack the Mayor
Attack the Police Chief
Attack the Town Manager
Attack the Fire Chief

Thanks for the tip 8:28.

Anonymous said...

To 8:28

"Liberal Communist" what a phrase!
maybe I should call you a conservative Nazi! "positions of power are always attacked" well I hate to tell you this but Joe Knox was never questioned as he corrupted our town. "If you don't like it here leave" well right back at you I suppose! Yeah, if you're corrupt you will be attacked by people who are not corrupt, that is what America is all about. America is not about being a push over and allowing your town to fall into the depths of corruption.

Anonymous said...

to the July 10, 2008 8:28 AM poster:
hmmmmm. Mayor Thunberg, could that be you? This out of touch rant sounds an awful lot like a letter I saw earlier in this blog (May 19 - "Public Comments. Period.") that you wrote a couple years ago espousing your hatred of the freedom of speech and people who exercise it in a manner that displeases you and causes you an inconvenience. I believe you called the Mooresville Tribune "Socialist" in your letter? Hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

to 8:28...

Those people wouldn't be getting attacked if they were doing what they were hired or elected to do in the first place.

God forbid in this world people be held accountable for their decisions and actions.

"Accountability breeds response-ability."
Stephen R. Covey

Anonymous said...

This is to the knucklehead that was talking about how there are people who just "attack those in authority in our town" and that "it doesn't matter who is in those positions...they are attacked. I have been watching it for 25 years."

I was here when you were in diapers and you're full of bull crap. I was there dumb and mute with the rest of this town as Knox and his henchmen whored this little town out from under us to every Tom Dick & Harry who came along.

The fighting didn't start til 2002, you brat, and you knew that when you told your lie. You had a group of young folks with the balls to stand up and they ain't ever stood down since, and that's bugging the hell outta you. I thank God everyday for them and bless them. It was time.

Anonymous said...

9:57 10:00 You two prove my point in this public forum everyone from current to past officials have been put to trial and found guilty.

Keep calling names it only shows your intelligent level.

You and your small and I do mean small forget that in America we are innocent till proven guilty.

But what would you know about Rights...you only care about your opinion and if you can influence someone elses opionion.

Most of us can think for ourselves...keep your opinions to yourself..We all have one.

Anonymous said...

Well, well, well. It seems pretty obvious to me that all of you who are attacking The good Rev. Green, don't know a hill of beans about freedom of speech. Just because he is a minister, does not disqualify him from the tax roles of this city or county, the laws that supposedly govern us or his constitutional right to freedom of speech. As to those of you who would like to address the Elders of his church, feel free to attend services on Sunday. As good Christians we welcome any and all, regardless of their commitment to Christ. Of course some of you don't even seem to know him. If you did, you would know that our Heavenly Father expects us to speak up and indeed suffer, in order to correct the injustices perpetrated upon this world by Satan. No I did not say that Crone, or Erskine are Satan, just that, like many sinners,(and we're all sinners) they have fallen under his spell. Like so many in this town it seems that all that matters is wealth and power within the community. I'd be willing to take bets on how many of the anonymous writers out there, besides myself, are true Mooresvillians. Most of us who have lived here all of our lives, have spent the last 10 years watching our town be sold down the river to the highest bidder. We've also watched our neighbors who supported and helped to build and put this town on the map, grow poorer by the day as they pay outrageous taxes on the properties they worked so hard to build and to own. Okay you may say I'm off the subject, but I'll tell you that it all ties together. Back in the days when our police chiefs were trusted officers who came up through the ranks of the department, we didn't have such scandalous behavior. Oh, we had the good old boy network. But in those days every one in town was a "good old boy" regardless of sex, race or income bracket. We cared about fostering a sense of community and a sense of pride in our town. We knew one another well and when their was trouble, we pulled together as a community to take care of it. Sadly that is no longer the case. So leave the good Rev. alone. I say we need more people like him who are willing to stand up for the beliefs on which this town was founded. Oh and as for the much maligned Frank Owens, if he had been promoted to Chief, as he should have been, maybe our town wouldn't be getting dragged through the muck and mire of the press right now. Maybe Frank should run for mayor next term. He surely wouldn't do any worse than the current administration. And he, after all is a known evil. At least that's what you all seem to think. So go ahead let me have it!! I know that I've really ticked some of you off. Sadly, I don't care, I only wish you'd go back where you came from and deal with the problems you left behind you there, instead of stirring the pot here. Good-bye for now and may God Bless you.

PS. The Fieldstone Elders meet the third Sunday of each month at various places around town. If you wish to address the elders you must call the Church office to be placed on the agenda. However if you only wish to complain about Rev. Green, don't waste your time. In order to address the Elders, your concerns must directly relate to our entire church and any effect it has upon our mission of serving Christ and our community and our goal of leading lost souls to the Lord. Be prepared to leave your name and phone number. Anonymous doesn't quite cut it with the Elders.

Anonymous said...

in America we are innocent till broke

Anonymous said...

11:45 holds to the old Mooresville job performance standard for upper management in the town government: as long as what they did doesn't get them convicted of a crime, then give 'em a raise and promotion. Remember that criminal conviction requires evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. Incompetence, mismanagement and even corruption don't always come with handy proof that would result in a criminal trial or conviction. Does that mean the person should keep their job anyway? You would think we would hold our managers to a higher minimal standard than "was it bad enough for him to be convicted?".

Anonymous said...

I don't know how much I would push Frank Ownes, if memory serves me, he voted for CH2MHill over recommendations of staff. He and that board, sent out a Pro-CH2MHill propaganda flyer in my water bill! I don't remember anyone the next month having a chance to provide a counter argument. By my calculations: 10,000 =/- customers @ .07 per copy that crowd owes the taxpayers $700.00 (we'll give them the taxpayer postage). Did we ever see that money? That move was called save your backside in the next election, which didn't work.

Anonymous said...

Check this link out and and you decide;


I just watched the WBTV link.
Crone has a hard time lying on camera doesn't he.
Crone was well aware of the anonymous blog as he shared this with his officers when The Gatton Report first wrote about take home cars. He said someone was playing a game. What a bafoon, there were no games being played on this BLOG, only good reports by the Gatton Report.
Jamie you are amazing! go ahead and tell Crone, Check and then Mate.
Crone admitted there may be a check or two that was written that could be in question....
Let's keep this going, the investigation will be long and hopefully accurate in all that needs to be done. The citizens have spoken and so far atleast someone is listening. Crone is not at work, let's keep it that way.

Please start another BLOG for the Rev Greene thing. This one is for Crone being dismissed.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1:24 - I agree with you about Frank Owens, BUT it seems we jumped from the pot into the frying pan with an even worse FRANK! Frank Rader is a pompous and incoherent fool who serves as an Enabler to anyone who is corrupt. I don't think Rader himself is corrupt, but I also think he never met a corrupt person he didn't like and get along with. And that, folks, is sometimes worse.

Anonymous said...

Larry Green purposely placed himself here, complete with pictures, and has been successful in getting attention for himself instead of the cops for kids scandal. I've not read any of his posts that reflected any "good" about him. Yes he has freedom of speech also but he plays the rev card in an attempt to be a community leader and have some special impact. You're right if he wouldn't have signed his name,no one would have ever known he was a pastor. Green's goals don't reflect that of your church. Maybe I missed it somewhere in his ramblings, but show me one instance where he has said anything that would lead lost souls to christ,and he certainly reflects bad on your church.Perhaps you could answer the questions asked by other posters that he dodges.

Anonymous said...

please!!!!!!!!!block this Green guy.He is constantly talking about himself and not the subject at hand. If church books are open to the public, it may be worth checking into. Green seems as shady as some of the town leaders.

Anonymous said...

again this blog is for the suspension of DISGRACED CHIEF CRONE.
Please let's keep it that way.

Anonymous said...

People tried to tell others about Frank Rader but they did not listen. Frank Owens did make a mistake in voting for the chm2 or what ever. He never was and still is the type of person that you could not talk to and reason with. Rader won the election with all his money and wealth and having people like Thunberg and Mitchell Mack backing him. Frank Owens is a peoples person he is well respected by all classes of people.He is well thought of by the poor and the rich and people of all races. He volunters his time for many things. How many events do you see Rader at unless he is just strutting around trying to be noticed. Owens was also a great police officer and during his tenure at the PD you did not see any scandals or people being fired. They then hired people that was local or was going to be here a long time not these that come from the north and Fla and stay a while and leave then come back.You are right he needs to be back in politics here but I have asked him and he says that he still keeps up with things but has no intentions of getting back into it. I will say this however we need more people like him that has COMMON SENSE.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I wrote one thing wrong in the previous blog. Frank Owens is the type that you can talk to and he will listen to you and was always available to everyone.

Anonymous said...

I'm just getting in to this blog. Heard of it on the news. Sorry if I'm not up on everything. Was reading the great comments. You guys got it going on, some serious traffic.

Read the comments by the person who wrote this morning at 8:28. I've got to admit I got a nice chuckle out of it. I just got this visual of a little group of activists huddled together somewhere, I guess "defending the citizens of Mooresville against corrupt government" (the poster's words). What an ominous picture! Quick, call in the troops, make some arrests, do something about this impending threat before it gets out of hand!

Okay, maybe not so funny on paper, but you had to be there.

Anonymous said...

Dear 8:28 poster:

I just read your comment. Let’s see, according to you, these fearsome villains you describe do such unspeakable things as:
1)attack those in authority in our town (God forbid!), 2) stand up and beat their chest and say "I made a difference" (How dare they?!!), 3) never step out and be in any position of authority whether be it being a police officer, fireman or run for an office (What nerve!), 4) leak to the press, write on a blog and sit at town board meetings in little groups (We must put a stop to this!), and 5) defend the citzens of Mooresville against corrupt government (Shame on them!).

Apparently they do all of this covert work at back porch meetings, house parties and "beef o brady's" prayer meetings.

All I've got to say is this: Sign me up!

Anonymous said...

when we fight for democracy in iraq, it is noble. when we fight for it in our hometown, we are troublemakers and haters.

makes sense.

Anonymous said...

Gee, 1:35pm, seems like you haven't had much traffic to your little blog against Rev. Green. Could it be that you are just a negative type of person who only has negative things to say about everyone!!!!! I notice that your profile is incomplete, even on your own blog. Be a man or woman or whatever it is you classify yourself as, put your name on it. At least the Rev. doesn't hide behind anonymous, while he makes his statements. By the way, what relation are you to Crone and Smith. Or could it be that you are a town official who hasn't got the guts to put his name out there. Anyway, enjoy the negative little world in which you live. As to banning or blocking Green's entries. Nobody says you have to read them. If he bothers you that much, he must be right about a few things. So stop bashing Green and try to come up with something useful to blog about. Oh wait, that's probably a little out of your league. Have pitiful night, your day obviously was.

Anonymous said...

For July 10 at 3:42 writer.
I am sorry for making a mistake in saying "they may send in Danny Beavers son...." You ask where have you been for the last 3 years?
I'll tell you... I am one of the 70 or so people that Crone screwed and had to move away in order to build a new life. I was saying that the last time the SBI came, Crone was right in the middle helping (or covering up) so everything could get blamed on the girl from the evidence room. You can talk rude to me all you want, but I can assure you I KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT.

Anonymous said...

This is to the guy who wrote in at 8:28 am ---- I know what you can do about those local troublemakers. Call your personal friend, the police chief and have him tap their phones, or run the tags of anyone in their driveways, or better yet start surveillance of who they sit with in their back porches and house parties. Ooops, I forgot. He’s been suspended and is being investigated because the evil activists went and told on him. Quick, can’t we write some laws against this serious threat?
What WILL we do about these dangerous individuals who are roaming our streets trying to hold government officials accountable? Don't they know who runs this town? No wonder you are so ticked off. Can’t say I blame you. I feel your pain. It’s hard out here for a crook.
But do not despair. Soon this will all be over and the police chief will be back bigger and stronger than ever before. Your own personal chief of police will return and you will be as good as gold. Keep hope alive!

Anonymous said...

Great Job 6:39 Have you noticed all these guys are from the south what losers. I think this may get rid of another guilty or not it makes him look incompetent. Another one down. Keep up the good work team. We are taking over.

Anonymous said...

To 5:29 all I can say is WHAT???

Anonymous said...

The reason to bash Greene: he abuses his authority, does personal stuff on town time, is a married man that hits on other women. Other married women. The wives of men he knows.

Anonymous said...

to 8:04

it seems clear what 5:39 said

He said 'sign me up' what is confusing about that?

Anonymous said...

I agree with the person who spoke about Crone being in the middle of the SBI investigation that put the blame on the woman from the evidence room. That is WRONG!! Crone's day is coming and it will be the best thing in the world to see him go DOWN!!!!!!!! Crone...I am talking to you...."WHAT GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND." You are going to get EVERYTHING you deserve. Lesson Learned....They should have put Greg Gibson in as Police Chief when they had the chance.

Anonymous said...

to 5:29 and to 8:14 also 5:29 pretending to be someone different.

I am with getting rid of Crone, but I am little concerned when I try to read your post.

You definately went to school in the South. But hey at least you are trying to be an activist....I think.

Anonymous said...

I was raised in Mooresville and graduated from Mooresville High School. I am also a very competent person and SOUTHERN. This blog is about the Chief of Police and not who is from the south or north. Did we not fight that war a very long time ago. You show your ignorance when you speak of southerners as being stupid or call this town Mayberry. I was raised here and chose to stay here. Those of you bashing southern people came here on your own and decided to stay. I am very tired of northerners bashing my southern accent and calling me or anyone from Mooresville rednecks. This is the way I speak and I am very proud of my southern upbringing. If it bothers you so very much then, do us all a favor, and move back to Buffalo, Long Island or anywhere else in New York. I will wave good-bye as you head North on I-77.

Anonymous said...

Crone, it's time to pack your bags and move on down the line. I feel sorry for the next town you try to "protect and serve (on a platter)".

Anonymous said...

Thank God for Jaime Gatton!!

So, when do we get the blog report that Crone has been fired? When does Erskine get his walking papers? The Mayor..how do we get him ousted??? Read the article below....it should say Mooresville, NC.


(March 25, 2008)--The City Council in Copperas Cove voted 6 to 1 to oust Mayor Roger "Odie" O'Dwyer in a special city council meeting Tuesday morning.

O'Dwyer protested the move but council members ignored his charges and took action anyway.

O'Dwyer has been the subject of accusations of impropriety in office for several months; his detractors saying he routinely violated city charter by issuing direct orders to city employees in violation of the city charter that prohibits the mayor from taking "hands-on" action.

After the short proceeding ended, O'Dwyer could be heard at the back of the room asking news reporters when they might undertake a real investigation of the matter.

On Saturday a private citizen issued formal complaints against city council members charging the panel had not properly used directives in the Texas Open Meetings Act to announce a meeting on March 11 that led to Tuesday's action.

Those complaints have been forwarded to the Coryell County District Attorney's Office but as yet have not been acted upon.

And this article too..


Northfield mayor misused power, investigator says
By SARAH LEMAGIE, Star Tribune

December 18, 2007

Northfield Mayor Lee Lansing improperly used his role as a city official to further personal and family interests, according to an outside investigator hired by the City Council.

In a report delivered Monday night, attorney William Everett, of Buffalo, Minn., told the council that Lansing exerted improper influence in an attempt to have the city relocate its municipal liquor store to property owned by his son, David Lansing, and David's development partner, Paul Norby.

Lansing also successfully pushed the city to reduce -- by more than $20,000 -- a park dedication fee that the city proposed to charge the developers, the report says.

And Lansing misused his city office in a dispute with developers who bought the building that houses his family's hardware store, according to Everett. In particular, Lansing tried to block the developers from occupying the building, the report said.

Everett also examined several other issues related to city business, but found no evidence of wrongdoing. A report investigating the city's relationship with its engineer has not been finalized.

Everett did not, however, look into issues related to an ongoing criminal investigation that Northfield police had initiated of City Administrator Al Roder. The investigation, details of which have never been made public, was turned over to the Goodhue County attorney's office, and Everett didn't go into the matter on the grounds that it could undermine the ongoing probe.

Nor did he take up data-practices and open-meetings violations alleged in a lawsuit filed against the city this fall by the mayor and his son. The mayor later withdrew himself as a plaintiff in the case.

Everett gave the council a 61-page report, plus three pages of information that were not released to the public because of data privacy laws.

The City Council hired Everett this fall after the state auditor declined the council's request to investigate a handful of potential problems with the way the city is run.

Lansing's offenses constitute a violation of the city's ethics code, Everett said.

"I am just dumbfounded," Lansing said after the meeting, adding that, if he had acted improperly, it was "certainly not intentionally."

Looks like we aren't the only town with criminals running the show...

Anonymous said...

Everyone on here talks about these people as if they aren't human, as if they don't have families. Before you begin bashing people, I beg you to just stop and think before you say what you wanted to say. Maybe it is not whether we have free speech, it is using it as it was meant. I do not think that our freedom was given to us to be used as some of us have chosen too.

Stand up for what you believe in, never let anyone try and stop you, but remember that everything has a right and wrong way that it can be done.

I am not saying that certain measures should be taken in events like this but maybe there are other ways to handle such situations.

Personally I feel as if the media should have been kept out of it from the beginning. Could the citizens of Mooresville not have handle this situation better?

Now we have made ourselves look immature and childish to the surrounding towns especially the ones with citizens that might have happened upon this blog.

Anonymous said...

12:19AM---Are you serious? You blame the media for making us look childish and immature? The media will not jump on something unless it is a big story. Stupidity makes big stories. It isn't the media's fault we look stupid. It isn't the citizens fault we look stupid. It is John Crone's fault we look stupid. Let's put the blame where it belongs.

Anonymous said...

If it wasn't for the media, this situation would have never come to light. In a world where car wrecks and house fires in Nebraska dominate our local news stations, I'm thanking my lucky stars that our local news channels plugged into this story. This is REAL news. If every citizen thought that the citizens could have handled this better, then none of us would have been the wiser. Were YOU planning to go look over records from Cops for Kids? Did you even know about Cops for Kids? Thank goodness for the free press when it does its job.

Anonymous said...

12:19, you are trying to sound reasonable and measured, and I appreciate that. But sadly, your logic is extremely warped. I once read that we are "only as sick as our secrets." What you propose is that we should have kept a collective secret in an attempt to not "look immature and childish" in the eyes of others. That is a dangerous game, and it is a game that people like you in this community have been brainwashed to play for many years. The Crone exposure is only the most recent price we are all paying as a result of years and years of such "secrets". Corruption breeds and thrives in such a closed and secretive environment. The time has come for our community to become an Open Book...

Anonymous said...

12:19 -- I'd be interested in hearing what you think should have been done with this information. And, is it that you feel the blog makes Mooresville look bad, or the entire situation?

Anonymous said...

To 8:13. Which Green are you talking about bashing? The Fire department Green or the Rev. Green??? Might want to make yourself a little clearer when making such slanderous statements. And what does bashing fellow boggers have to do with the issues at hand. What I want to know is will the SBI probe look into the way Crone and his incompetent detectives, totally botched the crime scene investigation of the Witherspoon case just because they wanted a little fame and glory??? Will any of them ever be able to explain why the SBI was not called in to perform the investigation as they are in any other town when an officer of the law is dead under suspicious or even clear circumstances??? By the way in case I haven't said it. Hat's off to Jaime for always trying to do the right thing and for giving us all a forum in which to air our concerns about the daily corruption in our town.

Anonymous said...

to 12:19....

Freedom of the press is the guarantee by a government of free public press for its citizens and their associations, extended to members of news-gathering organizations (journalists), and their published reporting. In many countries there are constitutional or statutory protections pertaining to freedom of the press.

The liberty of the press is a blessing when we are inclined to write against others, and a calamity when we find ourselves overborne by the multitude of our assailants.
Author: Samuel Johnson

Anonymous said...

I doubt very seriously now that the woman from the evidence room was guilty at all. It may in fact been a set up by Crone to cover his own acts. He led the investigation and was the "only other person with a key to the evidence room." It would have been easy for him to set it up so the Ms. Compton the evidence clerk would have been Crones scapegoat in the incident several years ago. I wish some of the officers at the time who know the real truth of the coverup would step fourth.

Anonymous said...

to 12:19

Listen. Crone and his people did not give one crap about the lives of people and families they have ruined.
They have abused their powers for personal gain and have not looked back.
I am not sure why you did not want the media to report the injustices that Crone is being accused of doing. That is unless you are one of his inner circle buds, or perhaps a family memeber.
For way too long things have been "kept in the family" in this town with the PD and Town Hall. Dating back to gambling houses that were covered up where there were ranking PD Officers taking part, to the Waste Water Treatment Plant, to this, to that...Well 12:19 it is time for a change. Feel free to go hold Crone's hand and cry with him. All i have to say is this has been a long time coming.

Anonymous said...

The Chief is going to get his in the end, and many of the people involved who helped to cover it up will get theirs in the end as well. It may not be in this lifetime but they will all oneday one by one stand before who they believe to be their maker aand answer for their sins, and the hurt and pain that they have caused those that have had to pay for their greed and dishonesty. those who know they are guilty carry that deep within themselves and I hope that it eats at them everday for all their days. Not only because of the misfortune of those who were wrongly accused but, for those who should have seen the difference and the good a charity like that could accomplish.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Jaime Gatton said...

In a prior post (12:44 p.m. on July 11), serious allegations were made about a former town employee and a former town commissioner. Unfortunately, I had to delete the entire comment. Though much of the content of the comment has been confirmed over the years through rumor, I am not currently aware of any factual basis for the allegations.

If the poster would like to provide me with evidence to substantiate the allegations, I would be interested in receiving them and, if confirmed, would be willing to re-post the comment in its entirety.

You can provide me with evidence by posting it here anonymously, by by sending an e-mail to me at jgatton@windstream.net, or by mailing it to P.O. Box 111, Mt. Mourne, N.C. 28123.

Meanwhile, I am not able to edit a portion of a comment, so I must remove it in its entirety first. Then, if there’s a portion of the comment that is unaffected by the allegations, I will re-post the remainder of the statement in a subsequent comment post. In this case, I cannot do that because the entire comment is affected by the allegations.

A courteous reminder: All posters are welcome and encouraged to post their opinions and facts as long as the opinions and facts have merit.I am not responsible for the content of comments posted here. I do not intend to edit comments and undertake no obligation to do so. The purpose of this blog is to foster open dialogue and the sharing of ideas. All posters should be comfortable that any allegations they make are factual.

Anonymous said...

Hey Gatton,
You rock. The integrity with which you operate is outstanding.
For those that quetion othewise should read your last post.
Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

July 10 3:05pm
I doubt there would be so many personal attacks if some would quit "flaming", trying to provoke others. There are also those who insist on making this all about them and skirting the issues.Personally,I want to hear the sensible answers from our fellow citizens.If they choose to remain anonymous, that's their right, just as our constitutional rights are guaranteed.Back in the day the Tribune used to have a quote about disagreeing with everything you say but fighting to the death for your right to say it. I for one have just started scrolling over the comments of the frequent few posters I don't want to read.I don't know what causes them to do this nor do I care. Now I'm old and can't remeber who said that but I'm sure some smart alec will post the author and call me a stupid southerner. This much is certain.If I was writing a bibliography I might take time to look it up, but I'm sleepy. Wake me up when terminations or absolutions start coming in, will you Jamie?

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