Wonder what he’d say the odds are that an elected official could effectively undermine the acting chief of police, interfere with an ongoing criminal investigation and violate the town charter and state law … all at the same time?
Perhaps Commissioner Rader can help us with this equation:
The Town of Mooresville has placed its police chief, John Crone, on paid suspension, pending the results of a criminal investigation by the State Bureau of Investigation into Crone’s handling of his Cops for Kids organization. The town has also launched an internal personnel investigation of Crone as well as external audits of the Cops for Kids fund. Separately, the N.C. Secretary of State is investigating Cops for Kids’ charitable solicitation license, and the jury’s still out on whether the Internal Revenue Service will be looking into why Crone apparently never paid taxes on Cops for Kids income.
Yet beginning the middle of last week, Rader took it upon himself – apparently without the knowledge or consent of fellow commissioners – to make presentations to police officers during staff meetings at the police department.
Despite the fact that the investigations – presumably aimed at explaining irregularities in Crone’s Cops for Kids records and determining whether any criminal activity has occurred – are ongoing, Rader told police personnel that he is inclined to believe Crone’s version of the story (which, as evidenced by Crone’s own interviews with television news stations, has changed as quickly as the wind). Rader also alluded to the officers that they could write letters of support for Crone, as long as the letters are written on personal time, using personal resources. (See “Free Speech or Speech Under Duress?”) He also read excerpts from an anonymous letter that was sent to Crone before the Cops for Kids story broke. Rader also saw fit to distribute a scanned copy of that anonymous letter to members of the media last week. He calls it outrageous. Here it is:

But while Rader felt compelled to distribute the “outrageous” letter to officers and the media, he apparently did not feel compelled to circulate this:

This is a deposit slip showing a $361 deposit made two months ago from the police department evidence room into Crone’s Cops for Kids bank account – a violation of state law and police procedures.
Nor did Rader circulate this:

The first document is Crone’s personal accounting of Cops for Kids finances. It shows that at the end of May, Crone had recorded a balance of $2,830 in a single bank account. The second document is the May 2008 Cops for Kids bank statement. It shows that as of May 22, 2008, while Crone had recorded a balance of $2,830 in the Cops for Kids’ single account, the bank showed that the organization had $20,151 combined in two separate accounts.
Nor is Rader circulating this:

These invoices show that in 2006 and 2007, approximately $1,900 in Cops for Kids money was spent to pay for the police department’s employee Christmas banquet, which is beyond the scope of the narrow Cops for Kids mission that Crone and Erskine Smith are now saying governed the organization.
Is the anonymous letter that was sent to Crone angry? Yes. Does it accuse Crone of illegal and unethical behavior? Absolutely. But you decide which is more outrageous: The letter itself, or the fact that Rader is circulating it while ignoring the evidence that is the basis of the ongoing investigations into Crone and Cops for Kids.
Does the “numbers man” approve of financial records that show different balances? Does the “numbers man” approve of transferring money from the evidence room into a personal slush fund? Does the “numbers man” approve of using many hundreds of dollars earmarked for children to pay for the police department's holiday banquets? Does the “numbers man” approve of cash withdrawals for thousands and thousands of dollars for no documented reason, as regularly occurred from the Cops for Kids accounts? Does the “numbers man” approve of keeping hundreds of dollars in cash in a plastic baggie in a public folder, as was discovered while members of the public reviewed the Cops for Kids records?
Where was the “numbers man” – the commissioner who claims to go through the town budget with a "fine-tooth comb" – when Crone and Interim Town Manager Erskine Smith slipped in a $20,000 transfer of taxpayer dollars to Cops for Kids for the current fiscal year? Even after it was discovered that Cops for Kids was an incorporated entity, Rader continued to champion behind the scenes for the “absorption” of Cops for Kids into the town’s general fund. The problem with that: Incorporated entities cannot be “absorbed” by the government.
Commissioner Chris Carney, responding to Report questions on Monday, said while the investigation is ongoing, the police department “is a place where an elected official does not belong.”
“I would not be doing that,” Carney said, referring to Rader’s presentations to police officers. “That’s why we encouraged investigators to come in. We are not serving as jury in this process. We shouldn’t be even rendering an opinion. We should be encouraging the facts to come out and let them prove guilt or innocence. We should only be making sure our town manager is doing everything to protect the integrity of the process and the confidence of our citizens.”
Carney and Commissioner Miles Atkins agreed that Rader was not acting on behalf of the town board. Atkins said Rader’s presentations at the police department “is all news to me.”
Commissioners Thurman Houston, Mac Herring and Mitch Abraham did not respond.
Mayor Bill Thunberg also did not respond to Report questions. However, he said in a television news broadcast that aired on News 14 Carolina on July 8: “We’ll go where the facts take us.” On behalf of the town board, he said, “In the final analysis, it’s the town manager’s responsibility with regards to personnel and handling those personnel kinds of decisions. It’s our responsibility to be sure the public trust is maintained.”
Rader responded to the Report’s questions on Tuesday morning, stating in an e-mail: “Not available. Response will be delayed until July 28. Vacation. This is form reply. Due to service area send/receive uncertain.”
Town Attorney Steve Gambill said the town charter and state statutes “explain why the Town Board does not get involved with personnel decisions” other than those that affect the town attorney and town manager.
Gambill said Section 5.5 of the town charter and N.C. General Statute 160A-148 define the powers and duties of the town manager and state that the town manager is responsible for the administration of all the town’s affairs.
Rader’s presentations to police officers last week were inappropriate not only because he acted outside of the town charter and state statutes, but because his actions could lead directly to destabilizing the police department by outright undermining what the acting chief of police had specifically instructed his officers to do – and not to do – while the investigations into the suspended police chief are ongoing.
In an e-mail to town administration on July 11, Interim Police Chief Carl Robbins said he had instructed all police personnel “not to comment on Crone’s disciplinary status or the investigations.”
Robbins told the officers “it was their choice if they wanted to contact (Crone).”
During the weekend that followed Robbins’ e-mail to town administration, six officers, all under the same captain, and a civilian staff member wrote letters of support for Crone to the town board. The very day after Robbins acknowledged that the letters were written in violation of the town’s personnel policy since they were written while on duty and using town resources, a defiant Rader – in his “Rader-At-Large” e-mail – reproduced all the letters of support. Yet he failed to acknowledge that they violated policy and the direct orders of the acting police chief.
Robbins had told officers “not to speculate or engage in discussions with the public about the allegations since we need the facts” and added: “We need to give the investigators time to conduct a thorough and impartial investigation.”
Thorough and impartial? Rader didn’t get the memo.
One is left wondering whether Rader would have reproduced letters that are critical of Crone. One must wonder if he suggested to the officers during his “presentations” that they could also write letters in support of the investigations launched by the town that Rader ostensibly represents ... or if the officers would even feel comfortable writing such letters. One must also wonder whose interest Rader is trying to protect: the town’s or the suspended police chief’s?
Perhaps those officers who didn’t write letters in support of Crone or the investigations are the ones who follow the orders of their chief. Perhaps they’re the ones who believe in the integrity of an impartial investigation, untainted by town personnel and officials.
It appears that impartiality and the integrity of the investigations may not be interests shared by Rader, who’s already on the record, casting his lot with a suspended town employee who appears to be guilty of at least poor record-keeping, violating town financial policies, and misleading the public and, at worst, criminal behavior.
Rader calls himself the “numbers man,” but something isn’t adding up.
1 – 200 of 225 Newer› Newest»Thank you for this information. I have lived my whole life in Mooresville, and I hate to admit this, but - Rader is an example of the type of leadership we have always had. I suppose he acts this way because this behavior is what he saw while he was growing up.
"Yet beginning the middle of last week, Rader took it upon himself – apparently without the knowledge or consent of fellow commissioners – to make presentations to police officers during staff meetings at the police department"
You have got to be kidding me! What were the dates/times of his presentations?
Why would Frank Rader feel that he had the authority to disrupt these police officer's day to do his own campaign on behalf of Chief Crone?
If the Town Board does not have the authority to dismiss the Chief how does he have the authority to bother the rest of the department with a presentation? Can I disrupt their day to do Amway presentations? What if I want to sell them timeshares....as a citizen I have as much right to bother these hard working professionals as he does.....oh wait....he's special....he has the authority to be a cheerleader for Crone but not to fire him.
I've always found Rader to be a "know it all" who didn't care what the people want (he drove the cable mess). Where does the authority of the "All Knowing, All Powerful Rader" end?
Great job as usual Jaime....
you can add,"without the knowledge or consent beforehand of the officers" to make presentations.
Apparently, underminding acting chief Major Robbins was NOT successful.
Add Rader's name to the list of people who are either crooked or who are enabling those who are crooked. Your fifteen minutes are up, Frank.
Since the mayor has been so vehement about elected officials staying out of personnel matters, I wonder if he will see fit to pipe up. Probably not, as his leadership style appears to be one of evasion and avoidance. Time for you to go, too, Bill.
holiday banquets!!! thats not even close to the cops 4 kids purpose. fire crone now!!!!!
commissions should ask erskine why he hasnt fired crone and if erskine cant give them a good answer based on the documents on here they should fire erskine and replace him with someone who will do what is right!!! at least get crone of the payroll while he is suspended!!!!
There is no leadership. Our "leaders" are suffering from a terrible case of "analysis paralysis". After viewing the documents in this report, I only have two questions: Has John Crone's supervisor seen these documents? If so, what justification does he present for not having fired him immediately upon viewing such documents?
Great job Jamie
Somebody please tell me how to blow up the documents so I can read them better. I'm not that good with computers.
Thanks for any help
Just click on them.
Ok duh
No problem.
I hope everyone views the "Loose Change" as money a dope dealer received. Money someone made off a high school kid. The good officer takes it off the street. Then Crone eats it for dinner. Money that was suppose to be directed towards education.
Crone- Full Belly
Your Kids- points deducted on SAT
A charity for kids?
does anyone know who "tastful impressions" would happen to be?
I'm just wondering if there is a connection to someone's family.
Annette Newton
Looks upscale!
matches the address on the receipt.
don't know them.
thanks for the info
I just re-read the letter which was mailed to the chief. OK, some of it is rough and to the point, but the sense of dissatisfaction is tremendous. I'm glad that officer decided to send the letter and voice his opinion and perceptions. Maybe this explains the high turnover rate.
I hope all the officers who work so hard to protect and serve us understand that we're behind them! Keep up the good work. This will be over soon.
Commissioner Rader's actions are indefensible and amount to nothing less than political suicide. History will not look kindly upon the prolonged mishandling of this situation. Chief Crone should have been swiftly dismissed, yet he is being blatantly protected by at least one commissioner.
Can not Frank "Hi IQ, No common sense" Rader be brought up on charges of interferring with an SBI/IRS/State investigation? Sure seems like it! That is what his intent was... to sway possible witnesses prior to interviews.
Erskine Smith as manager fire the police chief???... be for real. Erskine cannot scratch his butt with asking the mayor for permission. As interim, he makes no decision without consulting the mayor and a couple of "particular" board members.
I just got off from work at my second job trying to make enough money to pay my water bills and taxes in this town. My night employer (convenience store) is pissed off because they are trying to put another tax on him. Then I get to read this stuff about this Rader guy making a call on our police officers. This is downright sickening. I count on the people who run this town to do the right thing. My trust is totally broken. I think about part of that money I earned tonight going to pay that police chief. That's crazy.
Jamie, check your email, wrap this up tonight
Tic Toc
Ashes Ashes, they all fall down
Meet tasteful impressions
Lets play, who do you know
Ark Web Design
158 Grazing Meadows Dr.
Jonesborough, Tennessee 37659
United States
Registered through: Christian Domains
Created on: 15-Nov-07
Expires on: 15-Nov-08
Last Updated on: 15-Nov-07
Administrative Contact:
Campbell, David david@fishthe.net
Ark Web Design
158 Grazing Meadows Dr.
Jonesborough, Tennessee 37659
United States
(423) 753-7569 Fax -- (866) 590-8750
Technical Contact:
Campbell, David david@fishthe.net
Ark Web Design
158 Grazing Meadows Dr.
Jonesborough, Tennessee 37659
United States
(423) 753-7569 Fax -- (866) 590-8750
Domain servers in listed order:
Hey that website appears to be registerd to be an empty lot in Tennessee
There is something fishy here, why would mooresville NC hire a caterer from Tennessee that is at an empty lot???????
Might be nothing, might be everything, anyone know who they are?
Default Re: Jesus said...find Ronald L Grossi's OWN website and harass the **** out of him. Then ye shall be saved.
RonaldGrossi3862@yahoo.com wrote:
> http://www.gotquestions.org/sinners-prayer.html << I saw this site on
> search directory. Great Resource!
Brother Ronald has a website: Rejoice!
InternetEvangelist -@- yahoo.com
Whois information for Brother Ronald's site:
Ark Web Design
158 Grazing Meadows Dr.
Jonesborough, Tennessee 37659
Technical Contact:
Robert Marsh r...@ev1.net
Everyones Internet
2600 Southwest Freeway Suite 500
Houston, TX 77098
Phone: 713-400-5400
Fax: 713-942-8621
Billing Contact:
Bill Campbell domain-ad...@arkwebs.com
Ark Webs Ministries
167 Grazing Meadows Dr.
Jonesborough, Tennessee 37659
Phone: (423) 753-6193
Domain servers in listed order:
opps Nevermind
As you all can see, Rader is the most advanced cancer that can infiltrate a town and turn it into His,Thunberg's, Smith, Abaham's and ?????Houston's empire.
Folks, everbody talks about these people, but status quo remains. Jaime, there must be something in the Town Charter that deals with this kind of stuff,which we can get them all booted out in one neat little pile. Please,see if you could, find out how this corrupt bunch can be dismissed asap.
The longer we wait, the more Rader,(King,God and a top notch numbers man is what he sees himself as) will continue to mask his failures(many many many) especially,vey good at covering his tracks, as he did when he ran the golf course.The mayor's spineless actions speak for themselves, Abraham,Herring and Gambill, all sit on the sidelines enjoying the benefits of the three news getters.Can we expect to attract a top notch Town Manager to take the open position,when the salary offered,is a pittence compared to others in the country. Useless,Erkstine Smith's position, not needed, could provide more funds for the Town Manager, even if he dares to work for these incompetents, that sit on the Board.
Mark my word, Erkstine Smith will be named, and this is exactly what the Mayor and his kiss a---s want.
This TOM is the laughing stock of NC, and the only people who respect us are the German sister city!!!! Big Deal what a legacy this Board has.
2009 is a long way to go for change, cause in the meantime, these Town Officials will keep driving us deeper into the toilet.Very Very sad and frustrating that such a great Town is in the hands of shady,underhanded, and behind closed doors incompetants..
Google Tasteful Impressions Catering, Mooresville NC
Comes back address 1271 Shearers Road, Mooresville, N.C. 28115
Phone 704-663-2855
Is not in Tenn.
The domain for the caterer was registered by someone in Tenn, but the caterer is local.
Thanks Jamie for the report. Rader and Erskine thinks another $20,000 slipped in to the bugdet for "The Cops for Kids" is no big deal. Just like the quiet addition of $12.5 million to the cable deal. Just like all the money in the budget to fund the golf course. It's not big deal that the taxpayer pays for vehciles and gas for department heads that live out of town and have no vested interest as far as paying the high taxes and water rates of Mooresville. Just like the mismanagement of the CH2M Hill and all the money wasted.
All they have to do is just raise taxes. Our taxes have been raised enough to pay for the water treatment facility without raising water rates. But ours "elected officials" raised both. Our "elected officials" do not really care about the people or business of Mooresville. All they care about is power and money. Our "elected officials" can't do without, but the people have too. This will only stop when the people vote this "elected officials" out and take back the town.
Charter is posted at cfrgm.org
People, try not to get off point: it doesn't matter where the caterer is. What matters is that the payment to the caterer was one of many examples where the Cops for Kids money was not used for its stated mission but instead was used by Crone in an effort to build false loyalty within the department. We don't have to look for even broader conspiracies--the facts themselves are awful enough.
This is a continuation of the "Count Up Vigil" of the number of days which pass from the day Cops For Kids scandal broke (7/4/08) to the day that Police Chief Crone and Interim Town Manager Erskine Smith are both suspended, terminated or resign.
The Police Chief was suspended (with pay) on Tuesday, 7/8/08. The community clearly continues to be relieved and deeply grateful to whatever forces brought that timely suspension about. However, serious questions are now mounting with regard to Mr. Smith's decision to continue paying Mr. Crone a salary.
Interim Town Manager Erskine Smith, Mr. Crone’s supervisor, remains in his position and continues to operate still. Therefore I shall continue this Vigil until he, too, vacates any post he holds as a public official in Mooresville due to his role in this matter as well as other matters that have been brought to light.
The town board has placed Finance Director Maia Setzer in charge of oversight of the CFK process (including but not limited to any investigations) which indicates that they, too, lack confidence and trust in the Interim Town Manager. Despite this lack of confidence, Mr. Smith remains in his position, a position to which the Finance Director reports.
The information I specifically refer to is:
1) documented misrepresentations made by Mr. Smith with regard to the nonprofit corporation known as Cops For Kids
2) Mr. Smith's direct recommendation to the town board to include the nonprofit corporation known as Cops For Kids into the town's general budget
3) Mr. Smith's failure to perform due diligence in his capacity as Interim Town Manager by properly researching Cops For Kids prior to submitting his recommendation to the town board
4) Mr. Smith's involvement in a questionable commission in the amount of $237,151.50 as outlined in the Gatton Report blog entry dated 4/18/08 and titled “Friends don’t let friends gouge Mooresville taxpayers”, the contents of which have never been publicly disputed by Mr. Smith
5) Mr. Smith’s failure or refusal to change Mr. Crone’s status to “unpaid” suspension despite the surfacing of various contradictory statements made by Mr. Crone in the media since his suspension
6) Mr. Smith’s failure or refusal to fire Mr. Crone despite his assumed knowledge of the damning evidence presented in this report
This is Day No. 19.
Noticed in the article Rader did all this right before going on a nice long vacation. Classic hit and run tactic. Hit us with this and then split out of town, thinking by the time he gets back things will have cooled down some. No repercussions. Good old-fashioned "rich little kid" thinking.
Frank Rader needs to get a grip...
He's on the run, he knows its over, it will start to sink in overthe next few day with everyone, but its over.
They can read and understand the law too, I really would go look for him though, he may shoot himself, I am serious, it is possible. There is no way out of this, year hear that PD, go find him
It must be nice for Mr. Rader, getting his vacation while some of us have to skip ours this year so that we can help pay for his personal pet projects – the corrupt wastewater deal, the completely unnecessary cable purchase, not to mention his latest pet project - the police chief whose being investigated for defrauding Rader's constituents!! He sure knows how to pick 'em.
Rader's been acting like a man with a screw loose every since he got into office. What's the matter with him? Going to the MPD carrying a torch for a guy who has evidence against him like I've just seen here? Rader's out of his mind. Anybody with half a brain would be laying low.
Jaime, thank you for the documentation you have provided for us to see. It is tremendously helpful (if one can use that word for this situation) to see with our own eyes what you, the commissioners, and the investigators see.
I am particularly troubled by the contents of the anonymous letter. If any of the charges in this letter are indeed true, then we have much bigger problems with our police chief than even his handling of the Cops for Kids charity. Are these charges going to be looked into by the town?
And not just any felonies, BUT CLASS C"""""""" ????????????????
50 year to life
That is some hellava motivation from alot bad stuff to happen.
Go get these people.
Or do I have to come pick them up too The case is air tight, I promise you
I want them in jail for christs sake, not dead
what Commissioner Rader did is just plain wrong. Giving people part of the story and keeping the other part to himself. Just wrong.
11:05 - isnt that the whole idea behind this blog?
not mine it isent,
What no one can see that they are skampering?
Please learn to spell and then we can try to have a discussion.
After much debating I have decided to join forces with Tic Tac and I am the newest member of The Resource Force. We are going to team up to bring you ERSKINE WATCH 08. We are going to stalk, errr I mean "keep an eye on" Erskine 24/7. You, the sheep, I mean loyal taxpayers will recieve daily updates on all of Erskines movements and activities. Our mission started last night at midnight. Thumb Tac and myself hid in the bushes at Erskines house making sure that he was hard at work and no tax dollars were wasted. His day started at 6 am with a cup of coffee and a piece of toast with jelly. Did the taxpayers pay for that jelly? We logged that question in our books for Captain Gatton to investigate. He then took a shower for 15 minutes. We couldnt believe that he used that much water. Who does he think he is? That is taxpayers water, and he should only be allowed 17 second showers. The operation was going smoothly until Tip Top fell out of the tree and seperated his shoulder. Erskine got spooked and off to work he went. He is now at Town Hall. Updates will follow shortly.
I guess there is nothing wrong then,
Well, I am done here anyways, I am going home
Good luck to everyone,
Even you Sparky
Yes 11:07 giving one side of the story is the whole idea behind this blog. This side of the story is called the truth. Welcome to it. G.G. You're pretty funny. It's a shame you're on the wrong side of things.
The elected Board of Commissioners and Mayor have publically reached the point where they do not represent their constituents. The solution is for the residents of Mooresville to demand a RECALL, and replace the arrogance and incompetence that is destroying the Town.
Unless you are prepared and dedicaed to require and support improvement, you will continue to wallow in the sewage.
There is no recall in NC
Can the citizens not gather together to have a say in what is going on? I have my own concerns with "Chief" Crone that I may never get answers to. Why he was on my property with an area business man based on "hear say" looking for a missing item that someone who did not live at the residence "may have" taken. No one was home, no permission given. When they didn't see what they were looking for they parked in the driveway and walked around to look in the back yard. Still didn't find what they were looking for. No report was filed for him being at the home. I found out after the fact and called to obtain a copy of the report. Nothing. I thought you needed a search warrant for stuff like that.
The town officials have been corrupt for many years. We should be able to get together and demand justice in how these people are being funded with our tax dollars!
You get pissed for him looking for stolen property but I am willing to bet that if you had gotten something stolen you would be pissed because he isnt kicking down doors looking for your stuff.
Here are some simple question:
If Crone spent Cops for Kids money on two holiday meals for police officers, as these documents show, is this not prima facie evidence of some sort of property conversion crime? Seems so. And if it is so, then 1) why is Crone still on PAID suspension, 2) why has the interim town manager not fired Crone, and 3) why have criminal charges not been filed against Crone?
The final question rests in the hands of the SBI. The first two questions, however, can be addressed at town hall. Commissioners need answers to those questions from the manager. The mayor and commissioners say they need to make sure the manager acts in a way to safeguard the public trust. This is not happening.
The commissioners need to demand different behavior from the manager or, if the manager is unable to act properly, then the commissioners need to fire the town manager. It's just that simple. They have the power; it only remains to be seen if they have the courage to use it to protect the citizens they are sworn to serve. This is when we see who our real leaders are.
You misread my friend... I am not pissed that he was looking for stolen property just that I was not informed this was taking place. I am sure if the Chief of Police escorted someone on to your property looking for something that they though "might" be there while you were at work and had no knowledge that they were there you might also be concerned.
Yes I would expect officers to look for my stolen property but I would expect them to do it within the confines of the law. While I havent pursued anything further I do still remain curious if their being on my property was done within those confines.
It seems that people like to post here with their emotions on their sleeve. I point no fingers and I will wait for the outcome of all of this to take place with everyone else.
You don't need to attack someone that is concerned with how their tax dollars are spent or someone that simply has a stated fact of an incident that took place and simply wonders if it was done within the confines of the law.
For the most part I have found that majority of the MPD to be very friendly, homes and helpful.
You also make the "assumption" that I was pissed. I never stated that. Your attack and your assumptions make you look bad!
This all looks bad for Frank. I have been trying to give Frank the benefit of the doubt, but this looks bad. I never thought of Frank as devious, until now. While everything was coming to a head with Crone, I recall wondering why I hadn’t gotten one of my Rader-at-Large e-publications which I usually got with fair frequency. Sure enough I didn’t get one until he had those officer letters to put in there, but that’s all he said about the police chief. Now I find out he’s been lobbying heavily for the man. I feel misled and deceived.
1:57 I agree with you all the way. I've watched one Sacred Cow after another fall in this town. Who died and made Erskine Smith and John Crone our newest Sacred Cows? Oh, that's right. Joe Knox did.
Even if there was a recall, you cant recall anything from prison, not even the bad meat.
Okay Jaime. Tell us the truth. Is this why your Bulldog came out this week, because there was a spanking getting ready to happen? BTW I love him (or is it a her?)
it's definitely gotta be a her...
You need to start thinking of them for what they are, un-convicted felons awaiting the formality of a trial, they are nothing more then that. Smith, Crone, Rader, Thunburg are history, all the people that are out of touch today or in meeting or on vacation. They are unconvicted felon's awaiting the formality of a trial.
The state police right now are sitting in there building and plannong a raid on town hall, or does not one relize that, the states attorney is there, the governor is on the phone ready to give the order. Trust me, they are unconvicted felons awaiting the formality of a trial.
Its over for them, and Crone took his wife with him. She is gone too. There is no way she did not help him with this, he is to stupid to come up with it on his own. I bet if you look somewhere in his past, he had dealings with a police fundraiser in another town. Either busted him or was told how to do it by him, but no one comes up with it without help. What he did is fraud, pure and simple.
Frank Rader's actions are tantamount to abusing his position as those officers' ultimate supervisor by placing undue pressure on them to write letters of support for a police chief who for all practical purposes is under serious scrutiny for allegedly defrauding the public. What he did is at best a horrendous lapse of judgment, at worst obstruction of justice and attempted intimidation of potential witnesses.
Looks like we got us another rogue elected official, folks. First, it was the mayor who was going around signing away our collateral (remember the $300,000 or so to the SICDC?), and now it’s Radar going around interfering with a criminal investigation of the chief of police. Thank God for the Gatton Report letting us know about these kinds of misconduct by officials. Let’s reel him in.
1:57 PM
Let the dead rest in peace! They cannot defend themselves and I bet that you would not want someone talking about a deceased person that you like or was friends with (I am no relation to knox and his family) just a person that has feelings for others.
Also keep in mind that both Erskine Smith and John Crone were hired or promoted by former City Manager Rick McLean. Not the Mayor or board just McLean.
It might be time for a reality check. Anyone who thinks the SBI or district attorney or any other outsiders are going to swoop into town and save us is just flat wrong.
The only thing that is going to save us is if we organize and lobby and pressure and vote our way to change. That will mean coming out from behind our computers and the comfort of anonymity they provide. It will mean raising hell--loudly and frequently and boldly and creatively. And it will mean doing all of this in person, for all to see.
Is that risky for some of us? Yes. But if we're serious about cleaning up our town, then it is a risk we have to take. Otherwise, there will be no change.
I don't mean to rain on the parade, but overt political action is what it is going to take. This website is a good first step, but it is insufficient by itself. It can only be a start, not the end.
I would be in!
The evidence is clear. It doesn't take a retired FBI agent, an accountant or the SBI to tell you that. So why has Crone not been fired or suspended without pay? Even the folks who walk in lock step with the former status quo have to be scratching their heads right now. Remember, Crone doesn't have to be charged or convicted of a crime to be fired. The deposit slip of evidence room money is enough in and of itself (not to mention the mounds of additional evidence, readily available to town officials). Many police officers and town employees have been fired for much, much, much less. The board has to demand of its manager that he fulfill his job. That's it. Not much else to say. It's in your "court", fellas.
There are several in Charlotte, at least use to be, Raleigh too. It will be easy for me to take them down as well. These people were connected to it somewhere along the way. It is to complex of a of a business to run, when you are as stupid as Crone, Smith, Rader and Thunberg. But dont kid yourself folks, it only works this blatantly if they are all involved, Maybe not that Carny guy and one other, but pretty much everyone else is history. I am expecting at least 25 or 30 arrests or flippers in the very near future, not including past employees of the department for the last ten years, anyone who touched that money, any of it, is going to prision except Ms harding who did it in the course of her duties under orders from her superior. Like I said Ms. Harding, you are clear but you will be answering some very tough questions, if you lie even so much as about what you had for breakfast when they question you, you will be swept up as well. Tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth and you will be fine.
The rest of you are going to prison, and Crone, when I get there, I got some friends would like an opportunity to discuss a few of these kids you ripped off. We can sit down with all of you and have a "meeting" of Minds. Yea crone, you screwed up so bad that someone like me had no choice but to come get you and when you piss off both sides of the law, you have really show the type of human being you are. The whole prison, damn near everyone has under privledge kids at home where there wives are just trying to keep them alive till he can pay his debt to society and come home to his family, but see you were one of those cops like I am familiar with that like to break the law and go after people you have a personal vendetta against them. You are so F**Ked you dont even know it.
When you get to prison, I will guarantee on the outside of that prison, REAL OFFICERS will come from all over the country to stand on the side of the road leading to the front doors of the prison and as your prison van passes each one in turn with turn their backs on you, and if that aint bad enough, we will be inside welcoming you to the block the exact same way, as they walk you by, all of us will be doing the EXACT same thing.
You are in for a very hard life. THat is a promise I make to you. Its VERY VERY personal with me, you piece of garbage.
Maybe we will even be on the same tier. Would'nt that be great. You and me meeting, I would love the chance to explain my views to you just once about the Constitution and the people rights and who they belong too.
And the rest of you can go to hell, I only wanted crone, he made me come, and now you all f**ked.
Good Luck to you all, your going to need it, but it aint gonna help you.
3:23 ... Check out this site which has the idea I think you're looking for. I've been working on this for a couple of days now and have started the paperwork and would love to get it up and running.
I think that looks pretty good! Mooresville has had the "good ol' boys" run for way to long now. It's time we, as citizens, pull together and help to form an honest government.
I think that looks great Mr. Green, but make it like the constitution itself, the ability to chage and expand or shrink, but make it damn had to do it and then set it in stone. Wish I could halp you with it, but I am no longer allowed to vote.
But your on the right track, keep your voice loud too, you were right and that is all that matters.
Good Work, just dont stop there, open, Transparent and Honest Governments are Manditory.
So please explain why you are trying to charge "membership" dues?
Wish I could halp you with it, but I am no longer allowed to vote.
Felony huh? Very interesting.
It's just a draft ... it's established as a Political Action Committee which provides funds to candidates and does attempt to influence political campaigns ... I'll add a comment section on the site itself so that folks can make comments there. I'll also find a place where we can meet and those who are interested can gather and discuss.
Railroad but it just stopped.
PAC's do influence, that is there purpous.
Dont involve money excpt to cover costs, thats what crone did just a minute ago
Reverend, you didnt answer the question. What are you charging dues for?
So you got railroaded? Thats why you have a felony. Am I understanding that correct? Just curious.
Rader has no common sense. He has been told about wasteful spending but turns his head. Wes Greene was issued a new Ford Explorer but refuses to drive it because its not a Chevy Tahoe. The Explorer is just sitting at the FD. Greene has said he will put a Tahoe in the budget next year and drive what he wants to. Add Greene's name to the list to get rid of.
No, a friend did, I am just fixing it.
I got ot go, keep working on it, now I am going home.
Rader is truly “at large”, running loose and wild. Please apprehend him, take off his silly little “I’m so superior to all you’s” bowtie and instead put the leash of the Town Charter around him so he can review it the next time he feels like putting his foot in his mouth.
go to cfrgm.org to discuss the organization if you'd like. I tried to answer some of the questions. Again, those are draft documents -- simply samples of other things I've located on the net.
Wow. Way to avoid that question. You wouldnt be trying to fatten your wallet would you?
If you got to the site, the question is answered there --
Again (and again) this is not about Larry Green or Tic Toc. It is about simple things: misrepresentation of an organization to a community, improper funding of that organization by even one dime from an evidence room and huge cash withdrawals from the same organization. When you naysayers have a rational response to those issues, let's hear it. Otherwise, watching you try to beat up on Green and Tic Toc is now about two weeks old. And in the meantime you have not refuted one piece of evidence or information that Gatton has posted on this site. The real question for you is, what do think is the appropriate action a town should take against a police chief based on the evidence that has been produced so far? You don't want to answer that question because even you know that there is no explaining your way out of the actions Crone has taken.
. . . and Rader for that matter!!!
That is exactly right, you all have alot of work together, the people that know me know I dont give a shit about money in this, you will see soon what I want. And I promise you it has nothing to do with money and no one can give it to me so I have to take it back.
But you all have much bigger things to worry about, this is a lose, lose for me but that is ok as long as you all fix this crap and dont let it happen again.
sorry, lose/lose then win
What we need to do is this: call on the IMMEDIATE RESIGNATION of Frank Rader, then have him arrested for interfering with an on-going investigation and violating town policy. Obstruction of justice, I believe it's called.
Tell me Frank, what are you hiding that's so important you're about to buts to cover up? What have you, john and the rest of the rotten apples done?
Frank Rader:
RESIGN.NOW> or we will take you down.
Everyone on this blog: send this to everyone you know, print it, distribute it, call the news stations about it,make your voice known-don't just sit there!!!
Forgot to say that I've been told Dale Gowing and Crone are big buddies. Is that why we never see this kind of article in the Trib?Does that circle of friends extend to Crone and Smith?
I remember when Erskine's Dad owned the Army/Navy store and he worked at Belks in the shoe dept., then there was a bumbling attempt at the rescue squad. Where did he go to college and how did he come to be hand-picked by McLean?
Anyone know the answer?
resign, Frankie Bowtie, the gig is up
so can someone answer why just last week, another commissioner or two said they couldn't comment on this issue and quoted rader saying,"As Frank says,closed session is closed session? "
It's ok to deny the public and try to keep us clueless, but in his twisted veiw it's also ok to publicly discuss this at the police dept.?
Why hasn't the town manager held him responsible for this action??why has the acting police cheif not asked him to stay out of the dept. and for that matter- WHY was he even allowed to hold a meeting like that? Doesn't that make everyone who allowed it just as guilty? were the officers ordered to attend this Rader campaign moment for John Crone?can any officers who were present comment anonymously about these questions? WERE you made to attend?
We demand answers-NOW!!!
If Dale Gowing was Crone's big buddy, why did the Tribune join with the Gatton Report in exposing the Cops for Kids mess?
"Commissioner" Frank Rader went over to the police department to do his own special brand of arm twisting, wearing his cloak of "legitimacy" as an elected official. It was a pathetic attempt to put a spin on the investigations surrounding Crone and to undermine the rest of the town board, not to mention usurp the authority of the acting chief of police who is trying his best to restore the MPD to order and balance so that they can do their real job – protect our community instead of protect a suspended police chief. I agree. Frank Rader should resign immediately. If he does not, I for one won't ever recognize his authority again.
You people in Mooresville think that you have a lot to complain about now? Just wait until the good ol' boys have had some time to run through the cable company money. You have "officials" who think that Mooresville is their own little kingdom. Better do more than blog. When the cable company files for bankruptcy you will wonder where some really big money disappeared.
Got news for Frank. His ego got the best of him. He refused to pipe down. Now he can be charged with witness tampering. Every single officer at the MPD is a potential witness and due to the extensive media coverage, no jury will believe that Frank was not aware of that pesky fact. His case is made worse because he is a high official of a government entity. Open and shut case. Whether Frank knows this or not, what he needs right now is a real good lawyer.
The act of a commissioner making “presentations” to police officers during ongoing criminal investigations was supremely arrogant and detrimental. Commissioner Rader’s actions have tainted any and all such investigation(s), by superficially slanting their results in favor of a clearly corrupt chief of police. Commissioner Rader’s actions as well as his motives must be thoroughly explained by him to the public if there is any hope of restoring the public’s trust at this point.
the manager cannot discipline rader. the manager works for rader, not the other way around.
we have to discipline rader. he works for us.
Well.....if Mr. Rader's actions can be interpreted as, at best, tampering with a criminal investigation, or, at worst, obstruction of justice....perhaps the investigators that are supposedly reading this blog would like to pay Ol' Frank a visit. Perhaps the board would like to visit this issue next month.
The "manager" is part of the problem. He was nearly forced to even suspend Crone, and even then he suspended him with pay! He's supposed to be working for the whole board, but he only works for Thunberg. Just today, we saw them walking into a fancy lunch place to eat lunch together. You think Rader is arrogant? You ought to see these two saunter around. Wonder who paid for that lunch...Bet you it was us.
It was Soiree they were dining at, and they were accommpanied by another gentleman. I wonder who he was. And you can pretty much guarantee we paid for that meal.
Anyone interested in pitching in to buy some campaign-style yard signs that in big bold letters say something like: "OUR POLICE CHIEF STOLE FROM NEEDY KIDS."
Then people can put them in their yards around town, bring them to town board meetings, place them in their cars.
We need to get in their faces.
I'm only one, but I'll buy one of those signs. Just let me(us) know where we can get one.
Can we also make signs that say
"Commissioner Frank Rader supports Police Chief John Crone"? AND
"Erskine Smith supports Police Chief John Crone" AND
"Mayor Bill Thunberg supports Police Chief John Crone"?
I understood that as shoot across my bow, already hauling ass other direction, allow me to pass, not my deal, by now you know what I am after. Fix this please, so I can get there, Wish you the best, Tic Toc
Can Jaime or someone explain how Rader made the presentations? Was it at roll call, small group, what? And WHY was he allowed to do this? Why didn't someone ask him WTH he thought he was doing? Why didn't the acting chief or another superior stop him and why didn't some or all the officers object because of the ongoing investigation?
Sent this to Rader yesterday and copied the town attorney
Dear Mr. Rader,
I am contacting you to verify the information contained within newest article in The Gatton Report (thegattonreport.blogspot.com). That article indicates that you made a presentation to the police officers last week during their staff meetings. I would like for you to answer the following questions:
•Did you speak to the officers during their staff meetings last week? If so, then I’d like to know:
•What was the purpose of your presence at the staff meetings?
•How many presentations were made?
•What was the content of your presentations?
•Did you distribute any materials to the officers? If so, what?
•Did you suggest that the officers write to support Mr. Crone?
•Did you suggest that the officers write in opposition of Mr. Crone
•Who authorized your presentation to the officers?
•Did you notify Acting Chief Robbins before your participation in the staff meetings?
I understand from the article that you are currently out of town, but I would appreciate a response as soon as possible.
Here’s the way I see it. Thunberg and Smith emboldened then unleashed Rader to do their dirty work (saving Crone – for “whatever” reason). Except they weren’t thinking what a loose cannon Rader is. Now he’s been busted and they’re both gonna look for the nearest rock to hide under (or the nearest restaurant to lunch in), leaving Rader holding the bag. And Rader’s gonna figure out real quick that he’s been used and left to hang in the wind all by himself. Hate it for him.
It is my understanding that many officers are furious over this event, and I was told he just showed up. Can someone who has firsthand knowledge comment anonymously? My source is heresay.
Again, call thw WBTV newsroom desk, call WCNC, WSOC. Tell them you have information about an ongoing story. We cannot afford to sit idle about this latest development. We cannot allow these situations to present themselves and then do nothing but chat. I am going to be placing phone calls to the press and sending emails to town officials regarding this situation. Visit Mr. Thunberg at Alexander Zachery Jewelers and tell him what you think of this situation. Ask to be placed on the town agenda and ask Frank face-to-face what possesed him to stroll into the MPD and hold a pep rally for Crone, and while you're at it , tell him to return town property back to the parking lot where it belongs!
I guarantee if we raise a big enough stink, they will have no choice but to act. Remember, most of these things are done in secrecy. If we give them no where to run but into the light, they'll eventually crack under public pressure and do something. The old shadow government is dead. There are 4 who are trying to call shots. Two are business owners, two are former elected officials. These are the main players. There are many on the fringes, but the bottom line is: WE OUTNUMBER THEM!!
The individual offering signs needs to post where they can be purchased. If you don't want to sign your name to a letter, write one anonymously and send it to city hall demanding action. We need to wake up from our sleep, the chains are slowly falling off. Let's not act as though we are still tethered and trapped.
Get busy, fellow citizens.
I am publicly calling for your resignation Frank Rader. I am also calling the FBI.
Now that I have seen some of the actual evidence against Police Chief John Crone, I find it truly astonishing that he still holds his job. In all the time I have lived, and in all the places I have lived, I do not believe I have ever seen a chief of police suspended for now going on three weeks. This unfolding situation clearly signals a serious breakdown in the system.
Thank you, 5:23. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Some of us may not be able to publicly fight this corruption, but we have lived a long time waiting for those who can and who will. We have suffocated under the weight of insidious injustice our entire lives in this town, while the unjust walk about freely and seemingly without a care or worry, despite their atrocious actions. I do believe that finally you outnumber them, and I thank my God above for that.
Folks, if tomorrow we read that there was a gang of petty thieves doing run and grabs on retails stores in our town, we would all be up in arms. We would take measures. We would call in sightings of the gang. We would demand their apprehension.
Guess what? We’ve got a gang of white collar criminals running and grabbing everything in plain sight - money, power, trust. We can do the same thing with them as we would a gang of thugs.
We need to start a Jaime Gatton fund so she can continue to rid our town of crooks!!!! How do we as a town ask for Rader's resignation?
Start a good old-fashioned grass roots petition. Write one or two short paragraphs about what has happened, give them Gatton's blog address and start collecting signatures (you can pay teenagers to help!). It'll take beating the pavement, but a woman did this a couple of years ago when the corrupt former town manager (yep, we have a bad habit of getting them) tried to fire a top-notch and popular employee just to get even. She collected I think about 3,000 signatures and the town board was forced to reinstate the employee and the town manager left in disgrace. It was like something out of a movie. It can work. I think it only took her a couple of months.
I am an Adv & Mktg professional; word of caution, the signs need to be worded very carefully. They can not libel.
A sign that states..."anyone supports anyone", or "anyone stole anything" until actually convicted will only land you in court.
You can state an opinion, as long as it can not be argued that it is potentially damaging to anyone directly.
A sign that requests someone to ask you for your thoughts "ask me what I think about the Cops for Kids debacle" etc. is fine. You might also get away with "do you think something is wrong with our Cops for Kids program, town, or mayor, and so on"... also - anyway I am sure you get the idea.
I like it myself, placing signs, bumper stickers would be fun to, but keeping this in front of people, beyond this blog would be appropriate. Even if somehow this all turns out legit, in my humble opinion, its time, enough is enough...time for Mooresville to wake up and join the 21st century, you don’t handle these kinds of scandals in back rooms, closed door sessions etc. I only wish we could get more media coverage to push this along.
hey larry green was wrong. NC does have election recall. We need to do it ASAP!! Get rid of Rader!!!!
Example: http://FTP.ncga.state.nc.us/sessions/2007/bills/house/PDF/h1195v4.PDF
Thank goodness you are all awakening, and reacting to the cesspool of arrogance and dishonesty.
Where were you in 2003-2006 when a small group (CFOG) tried to get your attention???
Also, someone needs to take the air out of Rader"s Town car tires to keep him from traveling all over the state.
Thank you all who are joining the crusade.
A word regarding the need to avoid libel:
A sign saying "Chief Crone takes from needy kids" would be just fine. First, it's true, which is a complete defense to defamation. Second, a lawsuit by Crone would be a dream. Imagine what we would find during discovery!
Heck, yeah! Bring it on Crone, or any of the other crooks in town. Sue us, and let's get into that wonderful law term called "discovery".
7:41 .... thanks for the correction! I couldn't pull up anything with the link.
Does this institute recall in all municipalities? I've only been able to find references to recall in particular municipalities.
8:05 - I was a member of Citizens for Open Government (CFOG) which was formed in 2003 in response to rampant corruption and misconduct in our local government. We applaud Ms. Gatton for her dedicated effort to bring open, honest, accountable government to Mooresville via her blog. The Gatton Report has earned the attention and the respect of this entire community.
Found my own answer ... that bill is specifically for recall in Pleasant Grove (wherever that is)
So does this mean we can or cannot recall elected officials in Mooresville? Because if there's even a remote chance, I want to help get Rader recalled. He's got to go one way or another. What he did here was downright sickening.
From what I've been able to find (which mind you, I'm certainly not an attorney) -- the town charter would need to be amended through a vote by the state folks. Our town charter does not indicate an option to recall, but I will certainly make some calls tomorrow to see what I can find out.
I think our best option at this point will be to start a petition and present it at the next meeting of the commissioners. I'll see what I can find and post it on the cfrg.org site.
Thank you, Mr. Green.
...if he drives a city car, does he claim it on his income tax...company vehicles are taxable income...do commissioners have expense accounts or purchasing cards? if so, would those records not be public? never really considered this before, but why do politicians publish their tax filings, is that a requirement of public officials, or simply SOP for national office holders?
8:09 - careful, that is not a fact...he has taken from donors, he never took anything from needy kids, he may not have given to them, or not at the rate he should or claimed he would, but that would be libel until after a conviction. and until that time, he can sue for libel and the majority of burden of proof would be on you to prove your claim. he would have to do nothing but claim you lied and demonstrate he was injured due to it...his suspension or future action as a result could be used to suppprt that claim if it is a result from anything less than a documented case where he took from a "needy kid". you would have to prove he did and he would not have to provide anything that is not already known or on record, due to the fact that what is known now is all you could have based your statement on, unless you have non disclosed information that he would have a right to see then in discovery....
No problem .... take a look at http://cfrgm.org (under Town of Mooresville)
I agree with larry.start the petition now.
as far as anyone knows, erskine must've given him the keys? can't confirm that, but who else wopuld have them?hr?
the petition needs to be started now. i have already called WBTV newsroom # is 704-374-3698. does anyone know when rader is coming home from his vacation?
According to the article -- he'll be back by Monday (7/28)
It is unacceptable that certain people in this community apparently operate outside of the law with full immunity. The harsh reality is that is something that we the citizens have trained them to do, and now it is our responsibility to untrain them. There cannot be two sets of rules, laws and standards. Wherever such double standards exist, corruption breeds and thrives.
I agree that media attention is what it will take to put pressure on officals. Is there a way to determine the donations that were made to Cops for Kids? It wold be interesting to take a look at corporate donations and timing as it may relate to arrests. Kind of a "you scratch my back" theory. If we dig deeper and deeper I'm sure that more corruption will be exposed. I also love the idea of signs and petitions. Cops for Kids.. WTF? would be a good one.
Mooresville has been under the "boys club" leadership for far to long. I don't believe anyone currently in power at this point is honest and having the citizens in their best interest. We are constantly paying for their mistakes and continue to pay with increased taxes and water rates.
WE NEED TO START NOW! Why not ban together in front of Town Hall to protest? Bet the media would eat that up!
This is a continuation of the "Count Up Vigil" of the number of days which pass from the day Cops For Kids scandal broke (7/4/08) to the day that Police Chief Crone and Interim Town Manager Erskine Smith are both suspended, terminated or resign.
The Police Chief was suspended (with pay) on Tuesday, 7/8/08. The community clearly continues to be relieved and deeply grateful to whatever forces brought that timely suspension about. However, serious questions continue to mount with regard to Mr. Smith's decision to continue paying Mr. Crone a salary.
Interim Town Manager Erskine Smith, Mr. Crone’s supervisor, remains in his position and continues to operate still. Therefore I shall continue this Vigil until he, too, vacates any post he holds as a public official in Mooresville due to his role in this matter as well as other matters that have been brought to light.
The town board has placed Finance Director Maia Setzer in charge of oversight of the CFK process (including but not limited to any investigations) which indicates that they, too, lack confidence and trust in the Interim Town Manager. Despite this lack of confidence, Mr. Smith remains in his position, a position to which the Finance Director reports.
The information I specifically refer to is:
1) documented misrepresentations made by Mr. Smith with regard to the nonprofit corporation known as Cops For Kids
2) Mr. Smith's direct recommendation to the town board to include the nonprofit corporation known as Cops For Kids into the town's general budget
3) Mr. Smith's failure to perform due diligence in his capacity as Interim Town Manager by properly researching Cops For Kids prior to submitting his recommendation to the town board
4) Mr. Smith's involvement in a questionable commission in the amount of $237,151.50 as outlined in the Gatton Report blog entry dated 4/18/08 and titled “Friends don’t let friends gouge Mooresville taxpayers”, the contents of which have never been publicly disputed by Mr. Smith
5) Mr. Smith’s failure or refusal to change Mr. Crone’s status to “unpaid” suspension despite the surfacing of various contradictory statements made by Mr. Crone in the media since his suspension
6) Mr. Smith’s failure or refusal to fire Mr. Crone despite his assumed knowledge of the damning evidence presented in this report
This is Day No. 21.
I think a small demonstration (or a large one, if we can get people out on the streets) would be a great idea IN FRONT OF BILL THUNBERG'S STORE. Let's send him the message that this behavior by town officials is unacceptable and that if it is not handled appropriately, we will hold him accountable. Thunberg is weak and will only act if he is forced to do so. Demonstrating in front of his place of business may be a way to get him to act. Heck, we could have a large gathering one time and then have one or two volunteers stand outside his store handing out leaflets to people passing by or going in to the store. That regular presence would be enough.
I'm in. Thunberg's the one who's big on trying to get people's businesses and newspapers boycotted, so what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Thanks! I thought it was a good idea to at least put out there. We need to come up with a date and time. If we can get enough support we could "alert" the media.
Sounds like we need a gathering of everyone who is interested in solving our community's problems.
Someone suggest a time and place and let's move from talk to action.
I suggest a meeting the day of the next regularly scheduled town board meeting. We gather somewhere a couple of hours beforehand to talk and meet and rally each other and maybe select some sort of steering committee to guide our efforts. The meeting should be somewhere near downtown. Then we all march to town hall together and speak out during the public comments time. If we were certain to have enough people would turn out, we could make signs and banners and display them while marching to town hall and call the news media to alert them as to what's going on.
Petitions asking for removal of Rader and Smith are now posted at cfrgm.org. If you are so inclined, please sign the petitions and forward them on to your friends/family/neighbors. I'll print up all the signatures and deliver them to the Board during the public comments of the next town board meeting.
If we're going to have some sort of protest, I would suggest we do it during the next meeting of the Town Board. There is a form we're required to fill out and submit to the police department for approval.
When is the next meeting? I will be glad to attend however I will need to arrange for time off in order to be available. We might also do well to post hard copy petitions, if we are able to find people willing to let them be displayed in their business with fear of negative impact from the police department.
If we attend the meeting it would be as citizens instead of in the form of a protest, correct? If we need a form to be approved by the police department we will need to make ssure it is completed in enough time to gain approval before the next meeting. My guess is that there may be some hesitation on their end...
It would cost 50 bucks to rent a room at the citizens center for 2 hours on a monday. we could meet there from 330-530 and then walk to town hall for the meeting at 6.
How about August 4 at 4pm at the Library? I'll go ahead and submit the paperwork to the library for approval
is there a large meeting room at the library? the citizens center is closer to town hall.
f.y.i. -- the picket/parade license form on the town web site is totally tyrannical. it would prohibit a march to town hall because the march would be after 5 p.m. also, not more than 10 people can march per street block and they have to stay 15 feet away from each other. so basically, marches and pickets are illegal in mooresville. talk about taking away freedom. the license has to be secured no more than 72 hours from the time of the picket.
hell, let's just break the law and march without the license. arrest me. makes for great tv. "local citizens arrested for protesting crooked police chief."
I have read the previous comments with a glad heart. This is an opportunity for each of us to throw off our self-imposed shackles of silence. The government is "of the people, for the people". It serves no other purpose.
And to Mr. Green and others who will outwardly support this cause, "do not be disdainful of small beginning." Whether two people show up or twenty at the appointed time and day, you have begun something.
Ms. Gatton has taught us just how true this is. She was only one person. She began something, and did not allow anything to deter or discourage her from her efforts. Now here we are.
Godspeed to those of you who have the courage of your convictions to gather, unite and reclaim your voices.
11:54 -- LOL ... that's certainly one way of looking at it. The regulations are very limiting of our right to assemble. I've no problem with showing up and exercising my right to assemble. Who is going to come bail us out?
I'll pitch in for the room at the citizens center.
In the eyes of the "real" law would picketing and demonstarting (gathering with no marching) be considered one in the same? There should be a law somewhere that allows people to demonstrate... state law maybe?
Monday the 4th is perfect for me as I won't need to take additional time away from work. I'm off that day!
In the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution it states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances" (Bloom p. 81).
The right of a citizen to peacefully 1) parade and gather or 2) demonstrate support or opposition of public policy or 3) express one's views is guaranteed by the freedom of speech and the right to peaceably assemble.
I found this.......
The right to peaceable assembly provides the opportunity for all citizens, whether they are employed by the federal or state government, by private businesses, or by a nonprofit organization, to participate in America's political life and in the electoral process. An example is picketing in cases of civil right issues and anti-war demonstrations. Picketing is protected when it is for a lawful purpose and is conducted in an orderly manner and publicizes some type of grievance. Many groups and organizations use assembly as a way to show support for an idea or dispute.
ok, so the 4th it is. larry, can you book the rooms and then we can take up a collection to reimburse you at the meeting? you can let us know what room you book and the start time. i suggest 330 to 530.
people, please attend! please come from behind your computer screens! bring signs and banners and leaflets! let us move to the next step in this movement to clean up mooresville! this is our chance! we must seize it!
for good measure, someone should probably apply for a picket license, just so we can say we tried to go through with the formalities.
the people can change this town if we only have the courage to act!
Many permit procedures require that the application be filed several weeks in advance of the event. However, the First Amendment prohibits such an advance notice requirement from being used to prevent rallies or demonstrations that are rapid responses to unforeseeable and recent events. Also, many permit ordinances give a lot of discretion to the police or city officials to impose conditions on the event, such as the route of a march or the sound levels of amplification equipment. Such restrictions may violate the First Amendment if they are unnecessary for traffic control or public safety, or if they interfere significantly with effective communication with the intended audience. A permit cannot be denied because the event is controversial or will express unpopular views
Who writes our local laws?
Perhaps we can have something published in the Mooresville Trib to get public participation. Maybe even signs in local businesses as well.
The town ordinance governing picket licenses does not allow the police to issue or deny a license based on the content of the protest. That much is clear. So need to worry about that.
However, the ordinance, while attempting to regulate the time, place, and manner of protests, is really squelching speech by severely restricting the times, places, and manner by which protest may occur. Government can regulate the time, place, and, manner of speech, but the regulations cannot so severely regulate speech so that speech is effectively prohibited. This regulation seems to cross the line both as to the 5 p.m. time limit and the limit on number of protesters who can gather per city block, which acts as a de facto ban on any assembling of people.
All that being said, this is no time for timidity. If they want to cite us for violating their draconian law, so be it. We need to demand change and we need to demand it now. The more they fight us by attempting to squelch our speech, the more powerful our movement will become and the more corrupt they will appear to be.
I'll check with the citizens center to see their availability and will book there if it's open. If not, I'll reserve one of the rooms at the library and we can use that as a starting place for our march to town hall.
I'll also drop off an application to the police department this afternoon.
help spread the word! let's turn out as many as we can!
Who can we contact at the Tribune?
and sign the petitions so we can have even more ammunition with which to apply pressure and demand change
jaime, can you talk to the tribune reporter who has been working with you?
Turn out is not the issue. I admire what you people are doing, but I encourage you to do like Larry Green and directly email the elected officials with your questions and comments. This is not a situation that should require the effort of a mass protest nor should the number of people in attendance have any bearing on the government's simple obligations to deal with clear violations of law and policy.
a suggestion:
so we have an idea who may be coming to this meeting and then walk to town hall, maybe everyone who intends to be there should contact a central person.
i nominate jaime. she can be trusted and is on the side of right and will not pass on the names of everyone to anyone else. jaime, if you are interested, let us know. you could set up an email address that is solely for purposes of collecting names of folks who are planning to attend and post it here.
hope you agree!
These people only respond to public pressure and shaming. Privately emailing them is a necessary step, but it won't do anything by itself. We have got to publicly confront them and shame them. Only then will they feel pressured to act. Crooks thrive on secrecy and keeping things behind closed doors. We need to bust the doors wide open.
I am more than happy to keep track of names. Just e-mail me at my regular e-mail address: jgatton@windstream.net
Has anyone pursued the allegation that Crone pirates his tv reception with illegal satellite dishes?? Heard he has or maybe now, has had as many as 3 or 4, and paid zip????
If you would like a hardcopy of petitions regarding Frank Rader and Erskine Smith, you can either e-mail me (admin@cfrgm.org) and I'll get you a copy, or you can go to the website and download them from the front page. If you so choose, you can also sign the petitions electronically from the website.
I would suggest that we collect all petitions by 6pm on Sunday, August 4 so that we can tabulate the results and get the word out. We can still collect signatures past that time, but it would be nice to be able to announce beforehand how many we have on board.
http://cfrgm.org to download and print, or to sign electronically
There’s a boat. Oh look! It’s sinking. Quick, who’s in it? Oh, my! That’s Erskine Smith and John Crone. But wait! Somebody is…What? Am I seeing right? Somebody is GETTING into that sinking boat???!!! Who in the world would jump into a sinking boat? Is that who I think it is? Oh, it can’t be. He’s way too “smart” and “educated”. But there it is…Commissioner Rader sure enough got right into that sinking boat. Some things just don’t make any sense. Brings a tear to the eye.
Hi Jaime. I've been off your blog for a little while, come back and I cannot believe you're racing your way toward 100,000 hits in this little town, and you've been up for less than 5 months, right? And you’re getting more traffic in your comments than CNN on some of their blogs! Girl! Let losers like the mayor and his sidekicks keep ignoring you. That, my dear, will be their downfall! Keep up the good work. You're awesome. Nothing like seeing a wayward elected official getting his butt publicly spanked!
This is it, y'all. Please decide to come out to the meeting and march on August 4 and email Jaime to let her know you will be there.
Thus is our chance to take back our community!
Please sned any email copies you mail to commissioners to the attention of Mark Ackerman at wbtv.Phone 704-374-3698. He is a producer of that station and is following this story. It is great you're all responding to my charge to take it to the streets.Now, don't let up! Keep your resolve and work legally to get this thing done. I wonder if 'ol Frankie Bowtie is actually gonna come home when he hears this!
Good job, troops!!!
Shame on Frank. He ought to be ridding us of Erskine. Instead he's backing Crone. Now that's what I call ass backwards.
Looks like the elected officials' foot dragging is getting ready to cause a riot. Anyplace else the police chief and town manager would have been fired on the spot - three weeks ago.
l've already checked with the librarian who handles bookings and on the 4th of August there are 2 groups booked on the same afternoon, BUT depending on the number in attendance we maybe could use a smaller room but I doubt it will hold the turnout when this hits the papers and tv stations. You all realize that all they(media) are waiting on is for us to finalize plans, right? Let's get cookin'. They are in touch with me to see times and dates. I'm talking every Tv station around here. They are taking it seriously and we need to also.
if you are really serious about the picket then you need to be informed of NC laws. Our politicians have taken advantage of a statute that will locally limit our freedom of assembly.
I have listed valuable information at my blog. We need to remember we still have constitutional rights. No matter what our local and state politicians do to limit our first amendment rights.
According to a librarian who books rooms(reference desk) both large rooms are booked for 8/4/2008 from 4pm on.We need a change of plans. The press is waiting for these details-don't tarry!
They are just waiting to learn details of time/date/place so they can get on with follow-up stories. Talked with them myself today along with Let's Shake It Up.
Keep up the steam y'all. It's only a week away. Tribune has a deadline of Monday 2pm to make the wed. edition which is what most people read. Jaimie, can you confirm deadline time? We need the meeting place booked by then and the press nitified.
Dale Gowing, editor
Megan pillow, reporter working with Jaimie
call 704-664-5554 when details are set Larry Green.Call/email Jaimie and she'll send me the details to forward to TV and Newspapers other than Tribune.
Let's not drop the ball, the crooks are counting on us to fold!!!
can you confirm the deadline when they go to press for the Wed. edition of the Tribune?
If you stupid sheep think you're gonna actually do something your crazy!
It'll be the day when this bunch of mealy-mouthed dummies acutally speak up.
Looks like ya'll finally smoke out the Koolaid lady.
It WILL be the day, RR. Its Aug. 4. Will you be joining us? Baaaaaa. Baaaaaaa. Baaaaaaaaaaa.
Proud to be a "sheep" of citizens for open government
BaaBaaBaaaaad girl, 11:46. Get back to bed. Doesn't your husband have a game to play tomorrow? Talk about grazing grass.......the golf course is looking great these days.......especially considering we're under water restrictions. Last I checked the golf course sprinklers were watering West Wilson asphalt.
I had to laugh when I read the so-called mayor's comments. He said "It’s our responsibility to be sure the public trust is maintained.” That ship's already sailed. Nobody told him? Oh that's right. He's too good to read the Gatton Report or to ever respond to Ms. Gatton's questions. A two-year-old could tell this man that the public's trust is lost. Get with it. Where's the leadership?
A word of caution to those of you who are planning to protest. Erskine Smith is nothing if not a "cleanup man". He's famous for his eleventh hour cleanups. Don't be surprised if he doesn't wait until the last minute right before this protest and then either fire Crone or put him on unpaid leave to shut all of you up. I know how this guy operates. I'm just sayin'.
10:14 - We appreciate your words of caution. This picket is no longer about the police chief. We now understand that the problem is much bigger than him. This picket is about Erskine Smith and Frank Rader, both of whom appear to be answering to no one but themselves. Even if Smith fires Crone on the day of the march, it will change nothing. We still march.
Smith had his chance to fire Crone but refused to take it. Rader had his chance to play by the same rules he imposes on his colleagues and he refused to take it. Nothing will change those two facts.
I don't believe anybody has to worry about Interim Town Manager Erskine Smith firing Police Chief Crone anytime soon. As the writer of the anonymous letter that was printed in this article tells us, Chief Crone was known for running “unauthorized background checks on town employee and council members" so that he could “get the dirt on them." I imagine that may explain why Mr. Smith can't fire Chief Crone.
I believe Rev. Green is booking a room at the Citizens Center. It's reasonably priced. So the library being booked is not an issue, right?
The date is August 4. We are awaiting the exact time, but it seems it will be late afternoon/early evening, in time to then walk to the town board meeting at town hall. That means the meeting has to be from about 3 p.m. to about 5 p.m., right?
As for the picket regulations, allow me to offer a suggestion:
First, although the picket application/permit states that no events may occur after 5 p.m., that limitation does not appear to be in the ordinance; it'd only on the application, which I think means it is not enforceable. So, as long as our proposed time is reasonable -- and it seems to be, as a picket at 5:30 would be appropriate as an event prior to the regularly scheduled town board meeting -- we should be able to walk to town hall around 5:30 without violating the ordinance. We need to clarify this point with Interim Chief Robbins and Town Attorney Steve Gambill.
Second, as for the requirement that no picketer be closer than 15 feet to another picketer and no more than 10 picketers be on a city block at any time, I say we follow the rules. Here's why: The ordinance is surely in need of revision, and that is a battle we should fight -- but later. Right now, we want to keep the emphasis on Crone and the gang. If we break the law, the Cronies will say, "You are no better." That, of course, is nonsense. But they will say it, and we know they will. Worse yet, some people will agree.
So what can we do? Here's what: Before August 4, we buy a bunch of clothesline or rope or twine from Target. Every 15 feet of rope, we make a mark. Then, as we walk from the Citizens Center to town hall, we hold the rope, each of us 15 feet apart from the previous and next person person. Each rope will be 150 feet in length, so as to honor the 10-person-per-block requirement. That will actually make our picket look longer than it is and, in a bit of nice symbolism, will look like a chain gang, kind of illustrating how enslaved he town's good people are to those in power who are abusing their positions. Maybe we could all wear blue to enhance the "we-are-prisoners" symbolism. And each of us can carry a sign (no more than 2 feet by 2 feet, per the ordinance) relaying whatever message we prefer.
Bottom line: This approach avoids a confrontation over whether we are lawbreakers and keeps focus on Crone and Smith and the others. It also underscores just how ridiculous the ordinance is. We can challenge the ordinance later, which it totally deserves, but let's make sure we are strategic and keep everyone's focus where it needs to be at this time.
Rev. Green, please confirm time and place and that we have a permit ASAP. Everyone else, make those signs and plan to come out on August 4! Let's also be sure some of us sign up to speak at town hall so we don't get bumped to the end of the meeting.
Monday August 4th it is. Thank you, whoever you are for organizing this peaceful protest so that people like me can have an outlet for my frustration with this situation.
I am sure there are individuals in this community who have been beneficiaries of the good ole boy system for many years. But the great majority of us have not been. We have been victims.
Hey, everybody! I'm compiling a list of e-mail addresses of people who plan to participate in the Aug. 4 demonstration. If you plan to attend, please send a quick note to jgatton@windstream.net to let me know the number of folks you plan to bring with you. I will add your name to a private e-mail list so that I can provide updates to you throughout the coming week. I look forward to seeing you all on the 4th!
The paperwork for the protest is completed and will be turned in on Monday morning to the police department. I will turn in the reservation form for the citizen's center this evening when I'm there for another function. I have requested a room from 3pm - 5pm.
For those of you with petitions, we'd like to collect them on Sunday, August 3rd so we can tabulate the totals and get the information out to the public. If you need me to pick them up, I'd be happy to do that. Or, if you'd like to turn them in to Jamie, that's fine as well.
I'll update you Monday morning with the specifics of the meeting location and time.
What is the answer to the questions, "What is the point of this march?"
I think it is threefold:
1. To demonstrate to the town board that the citizens of Mooresville demand accountability from public officials.
2. To express unhappiness with the actions of Erskine Smith and Frank Rader. As to Erskine, not suspending Crone without pay or firing him. As to Frank, abusing his office by encouraging police officers to write letters of support for Crone, their suspended boss.
3. To demonstrate the lack of public trust in town government because of the manner in which this situation has been handled.
That's it, as I see it: accountability and lack of public trust.
We need to make sure the march is more than just venting. It must have a purpose that is both reasonable and reasonably easily articulated to others.
Something like: "We need accountability to restore public trust. We're protesting the absence of both in town government."
4:13 I agree 100%. We deserve accountability from our government. End of story.
thunerg and the gang may answer that accountability is happening with all the investigations that are underway.
our answer is that we are here to remind the town board that we are watching and we expect those investigations to be thorough and impartial and that we are on the look out for any attempts to sweep this under the rug through investigations that give crone and others a free pass.
thats right bill we are watching you!
Since we've started a sort of Community Watch, I can tell you that Crone was downtown doing a little Pow-Wow a week or so ago, trying to round up some support. Of course that was before all the evidence hit the blog. Just thought it'd be worth mentioning. Who knows what he's up to, especially since he's comfortable and getting a paycheck instead of looking for work like the rest of us would have to be doing.
thanks to jaimie, larry, Let's Shake It Up and everyone else who is helping with this.maybe we will finally be able to breathe clean air again.
Since Crone is no longer in charge I would like to make a suggestion to the Major or who ever can make the decision to put the officers back in uniforms.
In the past few days as I was traveling, in each town I observed officers all dressed a like in full uniform.
When I came back to Mooresville I found some officers dressed the way a police officer should dress,but Many of ours had on gray shirts something like a polo shirt with a embroeiry badge on it and wearing a baseball type hat.A couple of the officers had on what looked like swat clothes. They may need these in certain instances but not everyday. They could have a pair of coveralls that they could put on when needed.
To me this just goes to show that Crone had lost all command of his officers by letting them wear what they want to wear. The men and women of the PD do a great job and for the most part excluding a couple do a great professional job.
If you are going to be a professional dress like a professional.
Does anyone else agree that not only should our PD be professional that they should dress like a professional.
How many towns did you stop and check out EVERY officer in? I don't think anyone is going to believe that while traveling through different towns you are going to observe ALL officers that are on duty. Since you found the need to critize our officers, consider traveling through the same towns again and this time stop and ask for a tour of their departments. I doubt if you will find their detectives, narcotic officers, k-9 handlers, and patrol officers all dressed alike. At any given time the officers not on patrol may need to step in and assist the uniformed officers, which apparently could confuse someone. Perhaps the officers you have seen in swat clothes had been out doing exercises, on their normal day off. Perhaps the officers you saw in polo shirts and ballcaps were in mandated training classes on their day off. Please report back with the police department's names and if All their officers are dressed alike.
You must be one of Crone's pets that gets your way. Ride to Charlotte and Kannapolis and see if you can find any that are not dressed a like while they are on patrol.
Sometime the MPD drug officers look like something that was dragged in the house by their pets. They have forgot that nice clean cut people probably buy and use more drugs than others.
Cry Cry because you won't get your chief back
It's pretty standard for officers performing different duties to dress differently.
For instance, a standard uniform would prohibit movement of an officer who patrols on bicycle.
Different divisions wear different uniforms everywhere. It's as simple as that.There is quite a lot that isn't broken at MPD, and no I'm not a Cronie.Just taking up for the guys and gals who are doing their job.
See you at the march. They are probably cheering us on in secret.
By the way I hope somebody signs up to speak and it might be too late. I don't think they allow you to just stroll up and take the microphone.
... actually, the town board provides a sign-up sheet just outside the board room for folks to sign up to speak. I would encourage folks who wish to speak to sign up at least 15 minutes before the meeting. The meeting starts at 6 p.m.
Does it take a cronie to notice that all officers don't dress alike in any department, unless its a small department without several different divisions? Watch the local news or the tv show COPS and get informed. I'm not a cronie or work for the MPD, everyone knows that all officers don't do the same job. Are you and 9:58 police officers, if so, which department? Just kidding, you're obviously not police officers nor do you speak for ALL Mooresville citizens. I know things are a little slow but this is not an issue.
No problem :)! We are all anxious to see how this thing will end up. Have a great week!
All you crusaders have a good week too.
Better a "Crusader" than a "Crook Lover".
This is a continuation of the "Count Up Vigil" of the number of days which pass from the day Cops For Kids scandal broke (7/4/08) to the day that Police Chief Crone and Interim Town Manager Erskine Smith are both suspended, terminated or resign.
The Police Chief was suspended (with pay) on Tuesday, 7/8/08. The community clearly continues to be relieved and deeply grateful to whatever forces brought that timely suspension about. However, serious questions continue to mount with regard to Mr. Smith's decision to continue paying Mr. Crone a salary.
Interim Town Manager Erskine Smith, Mr. Crone’s supervisor, remains in his position and continues to operate still. Therefore I shall continue this Vigil until he, too, vacates any post he holds as a public official in Mooresville due to his role in this matter as well as other matters that have been brought to light.
The town board has placed Finance Director Maia Setzer in charge of oversight of the CFK process (including but not limited to any investigations) which indicates that they, too, lack confidence and trust in the Interim Town Manager. Despite this lack of confidence, Mr. Smith remains in his position, a position to which the Finance Director reports.
The information I specifically refer to is:
1) documented misrepresentations made by Mr. Smith with regard to the nonprofit corporation known as Cops For Kids
2) Mr. Smith's direct recommendation to the town board to include the nonprofit corporation known as Cops For Kids into the town's general budget
3) Mr. Smith's failure to perform due diligence in his capacity as Interim Town Manager by properly researching Cops For Kids prior to submitting his recommendation to the town board
4) Mr. Smith's involvement in a questionable commission in the amount of $237,151.50 as outlined in the Gatton Report blog entry dated 4/18/08 and titled “Friends don’t let friends gouge Mooresville taxpayers”, the contents of which have never been publicly disputed by Mr. Smith
5) Mr. Smith’s failure or refusal to change Mr. Crone’s status to “unpaid” suspension despite the surfacing of various contradictory statements made by Mr. Crone in the media since his suspension
6) Mr. Smith’s failure or refusal to fire Mr. Crone despite his assumed knowledge of the damning evidence presented in this report
This is Day No. 23.
I see that Mr. Rader is back in town -- his Rader At Large publication arrived early this morning via e-mail. Of course, he fails to address any of the tough issues. Below is my email, which was CCed to the news stations.
Mr. Rader,
I've sent you two e-mail communications recently. The first e-mail was in reference to a statement indicating that you have not received any negative e-mails pertaining to CFK. I reminded you about an e-mail I sent to all commissioners, including yourself, which you did not include in your Rader At Large e-mail publication. The second e-mail contained several questions related to the presentations you gave to police officers the week before you went on vacation. I would appreciate a response sometime today related to those questions.
Larry Green
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