Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Monday, August 11, 2008

"Thank or Spank": The Report thanks Commissioners Miles Atkins, Mac Herring and Acting Police Chief Carl Robbins

In 1804, Thomas Jefferson stated that “freedom of the press” is the most effectual means to leave open “all the avenues of truth” to mankind.

“It is therefore the first shut up by those who fear the investigations of their actions,” he said.

Jefferson stated in 1823: “The only security of all is in a free press. The force of public opinion cannot be resisted when permitted freely to be expressed. The agitation it produces must be submitted to. It is necessary, to keep the waters pure.”

Throughout the past several years in Mooresville, when the press has moved on something, the government has dug in its heels. Despite the fact that the government has been unable to refute any of the provided facts – despite the fact that the press has ultimately been proven right, time and time again – the issue has become more of a battle of wills … and less about the government getting off its duff and trying to see for itself whether the findings of the press are indeed valid or not.

That is, until the town’s most recent controversy.

While some commissioners have been content to drag their feet and wait for “the facts” (i.e. ignore the facts reported by the press) – and even one or two proposed the town should wait to act until a new town manager is in place – Commissioners Miles Atkins and Mac Herring decided from day one to roll up their sleeves and actually seek out the facts. Though most of their actions were outside of public view, the two men have worked tirelessly to fight for the truth in an effort to regain public trust. And in doing so, they facilitated in one month what has historically taken the town many months – and sometimes years – to accomplish.

On June 26, the Report was denied access to public records related to the Mooresville Police Department’s Cops for Kids program because the records were under lock-and-key in then-Police Chief John Crone’s office, and Crone was on vacation. The very next day, Atkins suggested that the town hire a locksmith to access the documents for the public. He also pointed to the need for a new town policy to prohibit public records being kept under lock-and-key in the future.

In the days that followed – before the Cops for Kids story broke in the Report and the Mooresville Tribune – Atkins e-mailed fellow commissioners and Town Attorney Steve Gambill, stating: “I wanted to express my concern about how this is playing out.” In regard to the Report’s planned visit to the police department to review the Cops for Kids files, Atkins suggested that the town attorney be on hand to supervise Crone’s pulling of the records and stated: “It has the potential to turn into a spectacle at the police dept. and create a public perception issue – no matter if the files are perfect.”

Atkins also e-mailed the town board and Interim Town Manager Erskine Smith the day before the July town board meeting, stating: “We will need to get to the bottom of this and make sure we get some answers and there is accountability.” Atkins also made clear his intent to pull the $20,000 that the town had previously approved for Cops for Kids “and not use taxpayer dollars” for the organization.

Commissioner Herring backed Atkins, expressing his concerns and confusion about Cops for Kids in an e-mail to fellow commissioners and town administrators on June 30: “Public accountability is an expectation and necessary to maintain public confidence. I think the public trust charges both (elected officials), such as ourselves, and the police department to being beyond reproach and of the highest ethical standards. Despite our own human shortcomings, we need to collectively live up to that standard.”

Herring continued to express his concerns that the town board’s refusal to be open with the public would be “a public relations nightmare” for the town. “I am afraid we are heading for a mud pit. Not good for public confidence …” Herring wrote.

Despite flippant responses from Smith and one or two other commissioners, Atkins and Herring remained resolute.

Responding to an e-mail from fellow commissioner Frank Rader sarcastically titled “Ready, Fire, Aim,” Atkins called Cops for Kids what members of the public were already coining it: “a personal slush fund for Chief Crone with virtually no (town) oversight…”

Days before the town would officially launch several investigations into the way Crone handled Cops for Kids, Atkins and Herring were questioning the police department’s reported handling of cash in the evidence room, and they were asking whether other funds were set up like Cops for Kids and whether all the Cops for Kids records had been moved to Town Hall.

The day of the July town board meeting, and apparently frustrated with the lack of communication and leadership from town administration, Atkins asked Smith: “What’s the plan?”

Mayor Bill Thunberg – who had spoken nary a word about Cops for Kids during the brewing controversy – responded: “We’ll add personnel to closed session.”

That night, after a lengthy closed session, the town placed Crone on paid leave and announced several investigations into the police chief’s Cops for Kids organization. The town directed all further questions about the matter to Gambill.

A few days later, Herring e-mailed a list of questions to Gambill. In that e-mail, Herring said he felt “betrayed” when reading the “conflicting statements” about Cops for Kids’ “organization and purpose.”

“I had read the website,” Herring said. “It had been posted for over a year. It was false and misleading, and perpetuated a public myth as to what CFK was really about.”

Herring called it “unacceptable” that Smith would support Crone’s statement that he had “no idea” about the content of the Cops for Kids website and how it was posted. “There must be accountability/oversight for such information,” Herring wrote. “Who do I, as a commissioner, hold accountable?”

Herring also expressed concern about Cops for Kids not being a 501(c)(3) charity. “People gave and submitted on their taxes,” Herring stated. “The misperception was widespread, but it persisted … no one knew the bulk of its funds were spent on travel expenses, as the press alleges. Again, who is accountable for allowing this public myth/misperception to be so pervasive in our community?”

Herring called “mysterious” the Secretary of State’s posting of Cops for Kids as a non-profit seven years after it was apparently formed as such. (See http://thegattonreport.blogspot.com/2008/07/seven-years-later-cops-for-kids-turns.html.) “I have never been much of a conspiracy theorist, but this has me wondering, almost as if someone locally has ties in Raleigh whose strings they were able to pull … Is there a local or state cover up of the facts on any level?

“Is there integrity in the custody of the records (all records, not just financial) from Mon. 6/30 when the press went through them until now?” Herring continued.

He also questioned if the law was broken when a deposit was made into the Cops for Kids bank account from the evidence room, and he asked specific questions about all the trips funded by Cops for Kids: “How were these trips justified?” he asked. “What was the benefit to our community? Was this a personal vacation fund?”

Referring to how the Cops for Kids mission statement was redefined to state that its purpose was not to help underprivileged children and families but “to foster better relationships between police and youth,” Herring said: “I am sure it did for those taking the trips!”

“Are Erskine Smith’s actions throughout all these concerns above reproach(?)” Herring asked. “Perception is his hands are tainted by this.”

The town board – thanks to the strong leadership of Atkins and Herring – acted swiftly to close the first chapter in the Cops for Kids saga. And had it not been for the lack of concern and leadership demonstrated by Smith, the chapter would have probably been closed even sooner.

The town board did what it needed to do. It moved when it needed to move and put town staff in charge of carrying out the investigations and audits. While some people are expressing frustration with how long it has taken for the investigations – including the audit and the inventory of the evidence room – to get underway, we must remember who is responsible for what.

Though Crone’s firing ended one chapter of the Cops for Kids story, several chapters are still being written. We will wait to see how the town board deals with them. But if past actions are any indication, we can rest assured that we have at least two commissioners steadily behind the wheel. They are responding to public outcry, they are asking the tough questions, and they are demanding accountability from the government on behalf of the people.

For exercising the ability to discern between fact and spin – for having the courage of their convictions – for standing in the light of truth rather than the shadow of doubtful colleagues – for being good, responsible stewards of the public’s trust – our hats are off to Commissioners Miles Atkins and Mac Herring.

We also commend Acting Police Chief Carl Robbins, who has served as a steady hand over the police department throughout the past month of uncertainty and unrest. As Mooresville Tribune Editor Dale Gowing wrote Friday in his online commentary: Robbins “is what we need right now to stabilize the police department.”

Over the past month, Robbins has proven himself worthy of being called “chief.” He has shown that he is responsive to the public. He has made clear his expectations of the Mooresville police officers, yet he has taken time to tell them how proud he is of them. He has almost single-handedly built up employee morale at a time when we would expect it to be at an all-time low; yet, he maintains that the police department staff deserves all the credit.

Robbins has led the police department with an unwavering steadfastness and fairness – all things that the public and officers expect, need and deserve from a police chief.

The Mooresville Police Department has withstood a month of utter turmoil, seemingly without flinching. During a time when the Town of Mooresville’s reputation is being battered and bruised because of the actions of its former chief, the police department, under Robbins’ leadership, has given us all something to be proud of.


Anonymous said...

Leave Robbins Chief, the smartest thing that could happen right now.
ToM needs him. No more outsiders brought in, look what has happened in the past with outsiders being brought in.

Anonymous said...

It is good to see that someone is filling the leadership void in Mooresville. I get the sense that Thunberg would have loved that this had been swept under the rug. It's likely that he did not even want an investigation or suspension. Thunberg should tell the public what his position was, subject to being refuted by those who were there. And Rader clearly wanted it to go away. He owes an apology to alot of people. And Smith probably would not have done a thing if Atkins and Herring weren't paying attention like they were. It is time for Atkins and Herring to flex their muscle and take care of one last problem that has infected town management for 8 or 9 years now, the one common denominator in all the missteps and failures--Erskine Smith. Atkins and Herring have the moral authority and political clout and it is time for Bill Thunberg to get out of the way.

Anonymous said...

Good job Mac and Miles. Now you need fire Erskine Smith. We cannot wait for him to be fired by the new town manager. Fire him now, while he still works for you.

Anonymous said...

Excellent reporting!

Anonymous said...

we know who our leaders are.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else think it's odd that the latest Rader-gram didn't mention a single word about Crone?

C'mon Frank......50 people protest at a board meeting and all you can comment on is the state of the grass at the golf course?

Your presumption that more people read your email than the Tribune or the Observer is just sad. A little hard to get that Genie back in the bottle.

Anonymous said...


I would not put Mac Herring on a pedestal yet. I understand he is the one trying to get the memorial to Tim McNeely and the others who were killed in Lebanon in 1983 moved from the Downtown Moore Park. Call it good old boys all you want, but Tim died as a Marine and the Town of Mooresville approved the location of the memorial. It appears that Mac has joined some newcomers who want to move the monument. That Memorial should remain where it is and Mac Herring should not be so quick advocate moving the monument from its present location of prominence.

Anonymous said...

Rader is, as Bill Thunberg would say, irrelevant. Actually, as Bill Thunberg would say, Bill Thunberg is irrelevant. As he should be. Erskine Smith will remain relevant until he is gone. Which should be soon.

Anonymous said...

It's unfortunate that the McNeelys weren't informed about moving the monument (not Mac's fault) and hopefully that will be resolved in a sensitive manner, but I am sure that one of the freedoms that soldiers die for is to believe that our elected leaders will stand up to corruption. So if you want to talk about dishonoring fallen veterans, maybe you should be talking to Rader and Thunberg who would allow those in power to have a tyranny over the people merely because of their position.

Anonymous said...

i AGREE WITH 4:36 150%

i AM SORRY 4:27, But I promise you 4:27, no matter how much you loved Tim McNeally (Sorry, never new the man, but would have liked to)He will be more happy if you defend what he lost his life for and not look the other way while it is destroyed and he will smile once again.

To the Mcneallys, I am sorry to even mention your son, but he did what we asked him to do, he is a HERO, and that is protect us, now it is our turn to protect what he gave his life for no matter where he finds his resting place. I am sure you understand that. My condolences.

The people Jaimie mentions in this article are the ones doing just that whether you like them or not, allow them to do it for Tim Mcneally and try your best not to get in the way, Atkins will not keep that line now that he is fighting for what Tim already gave his life for. They are on the same team now.

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

Just a quick update on the invitation extended to Mr. Rader to meet face to face. Oddly, he has not responded to that invitation -- and the invite didn't make it into his Rader Ramblings. At any rate, he was invited to speak face to face and chose not to.

Anonymous said...

I have always thought that 3 strikes and you are out, Erskin Smith has the three strikes and more what are the Comminssioners thinking by leaving Smith in office , are they waiting for him to go in and destroy more evedence as he did with the Library and golf course. Carney where are you we are waiting on you to join Atkins and Herring.

Anonymous said...

Smith's gone, he just doesn't know it yet.

Anonymous said...

Please tell me Frank Radar didn't actually write "Ready, Fire, Aim”. I don't know which is worse - a mute mayor or a smart mouth commissioner.

Anonymous said...

wow, Jaime. Most of us out here had a feeling these two commissioners were doing the right thing. But guessing and knowing are two different things. Thank you for publishing their emails which clearly showed that from very early on they treated this matter with the gravity that it deserved, despite indifference and even opposition from some of their colleagues. It is comforting and reassuring to know that we have at least two elected officials who did not abdicate their duties during this crisis.

Anonymous said...

If there was anybody driving this ship, it should have been the TOWN MANAGER. You know, the guy who's been in some type of so-called "management" position for almost a decade? Instead, he was trying to sweep everything under the rug while picking up his paycheck and letting two commissioners, the media, and a bunch of protestors do his job for him. To think we've already paid this good for nothing almost two million bucks in salary the 22 years he's been on the dole out of our tax dollars. What have we got to show for it? People wearing "STOP CORRUPTION" t-shirts - latest fashion fad in mooresville. Looks great for us on TV folks. Real good for business. Thanks Erskine. Give that man a pat on the back and a raise, cause that's what he's used to for a job very very badly done.

Anonymous said...

Finish the job fellas---we're behind you.

Anonymous said...

I have lost all faith and trust in every seated Town of Mooresville Commisssoner, and the current Mayor. They all share in the blame for the lack of control and oversite with the MPD. Carl Robbins has been in that Police Department long enough to know/see what Crone was doing. Robbins should have taken proactive stance, but he chose to keep his mouth shut and turn a blind eye. How can we really think that these men can provide the type of leadership this town needs right now and in the future when they failed up til this point.

Anonymous said...

7:06 I have to go to a deep belief I have, which is "everything is relative." When I compare Commissioners Herring and Atkins to previous commissioners who have sat on the board, as well as some currently there (i.e. Frank Rader or Mitch Abraham) I can't help but feel deeply grateful for Atkins and Herring, especially after reading the strong and uncompromising wording of their correspondence in this article.

As for Maj. Carl Robbins, you have an excellent point about him having been close enough to Crone to have been able to guess something was not kosher. For that reason, we need to remain watchful and determine whether his silence stemmed from a lack of a solid moral code or from fear of losing his livelihood under the reign of a vindictive and retaliatory boss, which Crone has been revealed to be.

I for one am looking for "progress, not perfection." And I am definitely seeing progress with these three on board so far.

Anonymous said...

Apparantly some of you missed the news last week. The TOM has agreed to leave the memorial in place until the McNeely family wants ok's it to be moved,

Anonymous said...

About four weeks ago, as the Crone tragedy was unfolding, I mentioned in the Blog, it was my belief we were looking at the tip of the iceberg, its size unknown. Since then, we have become aware of several other social misfits who are misrepresenting themselves, and blatantly ignoring the responsibility and trust we were promised when they assumed their present positions of responsibility.

How long can Mooresville endure the depravity and dishonesty that is openly flaunted by people of influence?

As a participant in last Monday’s demonstration, I was proud to see the reaction of observers, and the enthusiasm of all who showed – up, and marched. However, I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like if 100, or 200, with the same objective, had been with us. The reluctance of the well-meaning citizens who expressed their thoughts in the blog, to participate in the protest, made me think.

The majority of the Bloggers present their comments as “Anonymous”. This is what the transgressor count on you to do! They believe you are afraid to stand up! They realize if no one knows who you are, they will not be able to contact you! They are hoping if you hide behind anonymity, the number of people objecting to their misdeeds and abnormal behavior will not grow, and they need not worry, nor change.

Your right to object and criticize is well documented, but if you discredit yourself by hiding, your opinions lose their weight, and the impact is reduced.

You will increase your power and influence if you become a known dissenter, and a voice with identity. You will be amazed at the support you receive, and you will grow within yourself when others know you contributed to the change that Mooresville needs.

What a great feeling you will have to be able to say, “I did that”, and to know you are identified with correcting situations and solving problems.

Next demonstration should , and can be much bigger. Let everyone know you are an eager participant.

Harold Salisbury

Anonymous said...

Our mandate is clear. We must remove Erskine Smith from his job. We must also demand the resignation of Frank Rader now. No one is stupid enough to blindly support someone like these two have unless there is a very compelling reason for doing so. My money is on the report about the golf course in addition to CFK ties.
Larry, have you had a response from Garry Frank yet about this subject?
People start calling, emailing and demanding to know why Frank hasn't turned over the report in it's entireity. What does Frank have to gain for keeping the results hidden? It is againest the law to do so.
It is a slap in the face of all voters and taxpayers for Rader to title any communication "Ready, Aim, Fire". It is quite ironic though because that's precisely who we have in our crosshairs- Frank Rader and Erskine Smith.
I commend Miles and Mac for their actions during this latest crisis.
At least we have 2 we can count on to do the the right thing, even when it isn't popular. Now silent Mr. Carnival, concede you were wrong about the protest and do the right thing. Stand with Houston, Atkins, Herring and let's end this situation by dismissing Smith at the next board meeting. We aren't going away anytime soon.

Anonymous said...

It is so refreshing to know that we have a couple of commissioners who were on top of this fiasco from the very beginning, almost a step ahead of the media even. I can tell from their E-Mails that they weren't sitting around waiting for their ears to be pulled by citizens before they acted.

Anonymous said...

My hat is also off the the Mooresville Police Department for standing tall while this atrocity has played out. Our men and women in blue make us proud. I hope Ms. Nitzu will reapply for MPD and give us another chance. I also hope all the officers who were fired or felt they had to move can have some closure.
Don't worry about the rantings of Crone wanting a polygraph. He's probably trying to set the stage for a comeback at another unsuspecting town. Don't worry, we have an insurance policy on that, our own little secret weapon.

Anonymous said...

Crone was too arrogant and too entitled to take his cues. He kept digging a hole. Let’s see if Erskine learned anything from that. Erskine, you can go the relatively easy way, or you can go the hard way. The window is closing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mr. Carney has stood up for us many times and it has been documented by the press including Ms. Gatton. He might have voted for the cable deal but let's not so quickly forget everything he has done for the community. He stood up against other commissioner when it came to the two engineers that were fired and he also voted for Jamie Justice to be fired before it was the popular thing to do. If I remember right, he was the only commissioner to make a motion about that one time and got voted down. Just because he hasn't been the lead man on the CFK doesn't mean he's not still got the people's best interest at heart. Maybe he's been out of town. It is summer time after all. Let's not give up hope on a council member who has almost always-except for cable-stood up for us. The good guys outnumber the bad guys. Let's remember who the good guys are and not be so quick to judge them as part of the wrong crowd. Mr. Carney will do the right thing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Jaime, we love your "Thank or Spank" column. It's awesome!

Anonymous said...

Let's start a petition to get Officer Matt his job back. Both of my children cried buckets when they found out he had been fired. I bet we could get loads of signatures with school starting back. This is one way we can undo at least one of the wrongs done by the police chief.

Anonymous said...

After what unveiled on Crone, Burleyson is probably content with his new job. Some things are better left alone... right Burleyson?

Anonymous said...

I guess you didn't read the post he was quoted in syaing he didn't support the march, etc.,etc.
Carney is a sheep in wolve's clothing. He sways whichever way he can to save his butt. I put him right up there with Rader, no matter what he says. I have PERSONALLY heard on more occasions than I wanted to, his double-talk. It depends on who's in the room as to what comes out of that mouth. I saw the smirk on his face when he bent over to speak to a protestor last Monday. You have your opinion, I have mine. I've heard this at private parties, civic functions, in public, you name it.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Carney has voted to waste $92,000,000.00 tax dollars. He will never get my thanks or my support.

Anonymous said...

Hey everybody: Got all but email which will come tomorrow.

Garry Frank, District Atty. Judicial District 22
office # 1-336-242-6710

District Attorney's Office
P.O. Box 1854
Lexington, N.C. 27293

I certainly hope this gets a response as I don't want to publish cel, home phone numbers or addresses. Let's get to work and demand the golf course report!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't you guys know all of this is politics. Nothing new. They get where they are because they say one thing and do another. They will all become tarnished if given a long enough stay in office. The problem I have with all of this is it all seems to be so negative. As a native of Mooresville I feel attacked everytime I hear the "old boy network" used. On the outside looking in it seems as all of this is a witch hunt lead by a few. I won't point fingers but if you have read the tribune the past few years its the same names who are complaining in the letter to the editor. My wish is those few who complain and stir the pot were in office so we could judge them as quickly as they judge. Investigations take time and people are innocent until proven guilty. Let it all play out before you hang everyone.

Anonymous said...

I personally have been disappointed in the lack of leadership shown by Mayor Bill Thunberg during the Cops For Kids scandal. Although he got my vote, he has clearly dropped the ball in this case.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know when Sarah Kirkman, the new D.A. will get on board? Surely she'll release the golf course SBI report? I am beginning to agree with the theory that there is something connected between CFK, the Mooresville golf course, Frank Rader and Erskine Smith.

Anonymous said...

I believe I read somewhere it is September.
Maybe that's why Frank is dragging his feet. He doesn't want to be the one to put it out there.

Anonymous said...

You got that right. Thunberg's long on conniving scheming and wheeling and dealing behind closed doors and he's short on straight talk and leadership.

Anonymous said...

Where's the apology from Rader? A heartfelt apology to the community? Hey Frank, nobody has been "charged" yet but "your" town manager fired the chief. Us 8th graders can even figure that out--there must be some serious stuff there. Of course, the proof of the evidence room theft should have been enough for any competent manager to fire Crone from day one. For that, Smith must be fired and Thunberg, Rader and Abraham must be held accountable for their obvious accomodation of this gross mismanagement.

Anonymous said...

This said it all to me:

"While some commissioners have been content to drag their feet and wait for “the facts” (i.e. ignore the facts reported by the press) – and even one or two proposed the town should wait to act until a new town manager is in place – Commissioners Miles Atkins and Mac Herring decided from day one to roll up their sleeves and actually seek out the facts."

I kept hearing how we need to wait for the facts to come in. Now it's looking like some elected officials were waiting around for the facts to come to them (hoping the facts would go away?), while Atkins & Herring literally went looking for those facts (and found 'em).

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

Rex's Mom ... No, I haven't heard back from Mr. Frank. When I called his office last week and inquired about the investigation, his secretary said she needed the name of a defendant and that she didn't have any information on any investigation into the Mooresville Golf Course. That doesn't mean she was hiding the information, but that I probably didn't word the request the right way. FYI, his e-mail address is garry.w.frank@nccourts.org.

8/11 - 9:31pm ... I'm confused by what you're saying. You're saying that the politicians gain their position becuasae of their ability to lie (to say one thing and do another), and that they will tarnish themselves if they're given enough time. Am I correct?

Why would you give them enough time to tarnish the Town by not serving with honesty and integrity. Politics does not have to function in the manner you suggest, but we, as a society, allow the politicians to get away with behaviors which w would never tolerate in our business, our home, our church, or our lives.

But then when someone (you refer to them as people who stir the pot) points out the fact that the beavhior of an elected official is unacceptable and demands change, you are the first to point fingers at the person "stirring the pot" instead of pointing your finger at the elected officials who has created the situation which needed to be stirred. That doesn't seem to be a rational approach to dealing with corruption. Nevertheless, corrupt leaders breed corrupt decisions, which breeds a corrupt town. I, for one, am not willing to tolerate suc behavior ... and deep down I know you are not willing to tolerate it either.

Anonymous said...

Sarah Kirkman will take office after Nov.'s election. Sometime in Dec. I think. Not soon enuff.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Interesting that Thunberg, the alleged mayor, has yet to make any statement of substance through this entire ordeal. Pitiful. What's he waiting for?

Anonymous said...

He's waiting for hell to freeze over. What do you think he's waiting for? Crone was part of his ever shrinking posse. He's sore as all get out that he had to let him go. Have you not seen him pouting around town? You can bet he's gonna hang onto Erskine for dear life. You're getting ready to see some fantastic tricks being pulled out of a hat. Erskine's his last chance for building the Empire Of His Dreams.

Anonymous said...

I agree wholeheartedly with Rev. Green. Corruption eats away at the heart and soul of a community, and we must each fight it wherever and in whatever form we encounter it.

Anonymous said...

Garry Franks said a few years ago that he would release the results of the investiagtion or investigationS when they were complete. Well I guess we're still paying for this MASSIVE investigation without being told the potential results. WE MUST HOLD MR. FRANKS ACCOUNTABLE. I'm not sure if this is his current address but it has worked in the past. Garry Franks e-mail address is: cdagwf@nccourts.org
Let's shake the tree and see what falls out!

Anonymous said...

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
~Mahatma Gandhi

Anonymous said...

Mr. Atkins and Mr. Herring are to be commended for their valiant fight despite attempts by longtime assistant (also interim) town manager as well as some of their colleagues to obstruct and derail them from their mission - to get to the bottom of Mr. Crone's mishandling of a charity entrusted to him. It is now up to us, the citizens, to fully examine the circumstances surrounding those attempts to obstruct and derail these two men.

Night Owl

Anonymous said...

Yep, I completely agree. I think we all need to call or email the guy until he gives up and releases it. They probably figured it was over and nobody would ever ask again. Standard mode of operations for too long.
p.s., just a little tip:I would not recommend drinking a diet pepsi max after say, 7:30pm.
and Larry, thanks for the email. I'm going to call and email. He'll probabyl draw a long sigh when he hears me. I burned him up a few years ago over a situation.

Anonymous said...

The judicial district officially splits on January 1, 2009. That is when I believe Sarah Kirkman will take over. Gary Frank will then cover only Davidson/Davie counties.

Anonymous said...

9:18 pm what do you mean?
And Larry Green, of course Mr Rader will not meet face to face, he needs a camera in his face to say stupid things, he is like Crone, dosen't know when to shut-up.
We need to march again and demand Erskins firing.

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

Another Rader Update ...

Thanks, Larry
Just saw this.
Please look at some dates/times next week or out that suit you and we'll see if we can negotiate one. You can call me to make it easier. We can do this with enough lead time many can know about it and a few more might come. I can probably get some space at ToM Hall or another public facility, if that suits.
Evenings are tough because of the press of stuff, so maybe I should suggest some times to you.

Anonymous said...

January 1 is too long to wait for the golf course investigation results. There was almost $10,000 in inventory MISSING right off the bat. Crone is gone for less than that, as well he should be. It is also sobering to think that if it was not for this blog, the march, and people just generally raising holy you-know-what we would probably be sitting here in two or three years, scratching our heads wondering where the POLICE CHIEF investigation results are. Well, those days are over. When Town Hall calls for an investigation, we are going to expect the RESULTS. Tell us where that $10,000 worth of inventory went. Did some of it happen to go to some of the town officials who later covered up the results or are still backing the golf course regardless of the money pit it has become (i.e. Rader & Abraham)? BTW, wasn't/isn't Erskine Smith over that department, too??? Talk about a bad penny.

Anonymous said...

How many on this blog are in favor of attending an informal meeting with Mr. Rader in say, the library?
Could we call on a member of the press to mediate in case it gets spirited or can we trust everyone from both sides who will attend?
It could be a town hall meeting of sorts, very informal to clear the air and clarify some statements being trown around. Everyone deserves the chance to defend themselves.

Let's take a quick poll! Who's in/ I'm one.

Anonymous said...

That figure is quite conservative, it was much higher.

Anonymous said...

I applaud Larry Green's persistence in demanding accountability from Frank Rader.

I, for one, shall not be present at any meeting with Mr. Rader. Psalm 26:4 “I do not sit with deceitful men, nor do I consort with hypocrites; I hate the company of evildoers, and will not sit with the wicked.”

Anonymous said...

It don't take a genius folks to figure out what happened here specially now that we've seen the early on workings of this.

Here's how I see it. Atkins & Herring saw real quick there was trouble coming down the pike & instead of sticking their heads in the sand they started jumping up & down the way all them should have but didn't. Self-proclaimed leader Frank Rader saw all this & got resentful. Sooooo, he had to make them be wrong. If he could just make them be wrong then he'd be right and they'd look stupid and he'd look smart.

He was so desperate to keep somebody else from stealing the thunder that he was willing to do anything even go up to the MPD and risk getting fingered for meddling in an investigation. That didn't matter to him. He had to be right.

Problem is. He wasn't right. He was wrong. He was way wrong. It's now sinking in and now he's gotta try & make nice nice with everybody hoping they'll just forget all the inbetween sneaky stuff he did and said. Don't work that way no more in this town.

I heard a policeman say once that if it ain't written it didn't happen. Well trouble for Mr. Rader is that everything's written here.

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...



Anonymous said...

I don't know where you get your facts, (8/11/2008-8:58pm)about Chris Carney????
My wife and I attend the TOM board meetings ever month, and watch Chris Carney grandstand for his constituants. Chris makes it a point to ask tons of questions, looking like this will matter to the residents of Mooresville. Trust me, the proof is in the pudding!!!!! His voting record is all you need to research, and you'll find out he really just blows steam at the meetings. I know there are a couple more like him, but you brought it up and I challenge you to look at his record, and then your comments may change somewhat.

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess we'll see where Carney really stands on this Erskine Smith issue. Because it was Carney who led the board to fire Jamie Justice. And everybody knows that Jamie Justice got fired because he was stupid enough to follow Erskine Smith's advice and to believe information filtered through Smith. So here is an opportunity for Carney, as well as Herring, Houston and Atkins, to step up to the plate. Don't expect anything from Thunberg and Rader. But, maybe Abraham will show that he has a redeeming feature by joining in stopping the bleeding and getting rid of Smith before the new guy comes. Of course it only takes four votes.

Anonymous said...

You tell'em Vic!
I've personally witnessed him backpeddling out of the public eye more times than I want to count.It isn't rumor, I heard with my own ears. He(Carney-aka Carnival) is double-minded. We call him Carnival because it's like watching a side show. Have some integrity. You have 2 good examples in front of you if you don't know how.Learn.Do what you say you'll do not what secret interests call on you to do. Wise up boy, or be voted off.

Anonymous said...

So I take it you don't go to town board neetings? :)

Anonymous said...

and speaking of votes, let me remind everyone it was Thunberg who cast the vote to break the tie and bring cable here AGAINEST THE VOTERS WISHES. It isn't the only time he has voted directly againest what we the voters wanted and went with the others on the board.
WHEN,WHEN are you stupid politicians going to learn???
I suspect it will be next November if not sooner if we have our way.

Anonymous said...

Thunberg has proven that he is willing to spit in the face of the taxpayers. The great news now is that he no longer holds any power. He has lost all credibility for championing the cable deal and now for remaining eerily silent on this police chief issue. Rader has no credibility after his actions and comments. Abraham lost his on CH2MHill and maneuvering to fire Martin and McMillan. So the power now lies with Houston, Carney, Atkins and Herring. The question is whether or not they will stay with the people now that they have the power. And the next few weeks will be their first big test.

Anonymous said...

OK let's look at Mr. Carney's voting record. He fought like hell against TOM hiring CH2Mhill. He fought like hell against Jamie Justice and at one point was the ONLY commissioner who voted to fire him. Yeh, Mr. Carney voted FOR cable. But when MI-Rejection asked for another twelve million dollars, Carney voted AGAINST it. Now look at Mr. Abraham. He was up for reelection and voted against the cable at first. THen when he was secure back in office, he voted FOR the twelve million dollars. Mr. Carney voted AGAINST a tax increase this year and he voted AGAINST the commissioners raising their salaries. Am I missing something here???
Lets not eat our own. Mr. Carney has his faults, we all do. Mr. Carney has stuck his neck out for us taxpayers many times tho--how quickly people forget. If we want to talk about getting rid of city councilmen who make bad decisions Mr. Carney should be low on our priority list. Now back to the point---THANK YOU Mr. Atkins and Mr. Herring for standing up for us during the CFK mess.

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

I received this e-mail from Garry Frank regarding the investigation of the golf course:

The investigation was completed and did not indicate sufficient evidence to support any criminal prosecutions. It is not my job to evaluate administrative judgment or competence but to prosecute criminal acts based on evidence available. Thus no public pronouncement. Garry W. Frank, DA 22nd

Anonymous said...

Chris Carney is definitely not perfect and he did sort of melt into the woodwork with this Crone thing, but I'll take him anyday, I mean ANYDAY, over the RAT Pack. There isn't enough room on this blog page to recount all the crooked, slimy, underhanded, devious crap they've done and are probably still trying to do right this second.

Anonymous said...

First things first people. Let's not get off track. We've got a serious $105,000 a year problem up there in Town Hall right now. After him, we've got a serious problem in the form of his Sugar Daddy, the conniving mayor and his sidekick Frank Rader.

Anonymous said...

Okay, if I recall right, only two commissioners voted against a payraise for themselves. The same two voted against raising the taxes this year. I believe the same two voted against the latest $12.5 million cable scam. Who were they? That's right. Atkins and Carney. So, no, I'm not gonna be bitching about either of them anytime soon.

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine the fortitude and resolve it must have taken for Commissioner Mac Herring and Commissioner Miles Adkins to be so vigilant in the face of the collective glaring they must have had to endure from the likes of Bill Thunberg, Frank Rader and Mitch Abraham. Kudos to both of these men. They have truly earned the respect and trust of this community with their actions in this sensitive and serious matter.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that Carney also voted along with others for a resolution to make darn sure the mayor can't just around signing anything he likes after he signed away our collateral to the SICDC without running it past the board. I think only Abraham and Rader opposed that (surprise, surprise). The Gatton Report wrote all about this somewhere early on in this blog.

Anonymous said...

Jaime. Great article. I am so glad that you are keeping us informed about the positive things that officials do, too. It is good for us to know the bad and the good. It helps me make more informed decisions as a voter and as a taxpayer and citizen.

Anonymous said...

ok,Carney Fans, time will tell. 'nough said.

Anonymous said...

When I try to decide whether a commisioner is doing well, I gather facts about his or her total voting record, not just a few tid bits here and there. Chris votes for his political benefit more than for the taxpayer. I think he's one of the mayor's rat pack that can learn from mistakes past, and become straight and upfront, and vote for the benefit of the TOM. He's a fine young man, and with the right mix of the Miles Atkins type, he can do this town alot of good. Not voting my way is not what i'm talking about. It's digging in your heels and not do what is politically correct but what is the correct thing to do. I hope he joins the new way of running the TOM, and he will be a welcomed asset.

Anonymous said...

I am not willing to let Mr. Frank form my opinion for me. Just because he doesn't consider there to be enough evidence doesn't mean everyone's hands are clean.
I'd like to see the report for myselfand I believe I am within my rights to demand this report be released.

Anonymous said...

Well said, Vic.I'm talking about taking a strong moral stand, not necessarily my stand.
As my grandfather used to quote,"Stand up for something or you'll fall for anything".
You can do it Chris, just take a deep breath and don't look back.

Anonymous said...

Having Matt back would be GREAT!
Not at MIS, how do you face the people that were the cause of all this?I know I hate the fact that my child has to go to MIS.
I do not and will not talk to Mrs.Morrow.I do not trust her.
I will try and have my child go to another school.
All the kids that were going to 5Th grade are sad because Matt won't be there.They all blame Mrs Morrow.
Maybe Mrs Morrow needs to practice
what she preaches "do your best be you best"maybe that is her best!
Trust me Mrs Morrow you will not see many happy faces at open house.

Anonymous said...

so when will the CFK results be published?

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

The Trib. has an interview with the new Town Manager. If the quote below is reflective of his leadership, I think we have a winner:

“The best posture is to present as much information to people as possible,” he said. “You have to make people informed about what’s happening and allow as many people as possible to see what’s going on.”

Anonymous said...

Dare we say it????!!!! We may actually have put somebody in a management position who believes in OPEN GOVERNMENT?????!!!! Imagine that - and all in our lifetime! Of course, as much as I like Mr. Husemann's words, his actions will speak louder than his words. Of course, there's always the "Erskine Smith Factor", waiting to spread his bad habits, as he did with the former town manager.

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

I haven't spent an incredible amount of time researching Mr. Husemann, but I did find the following, which I think bodes well for his leadership and for the wisdom of the Town Board in hiring him:


Anonymous said...

I agree with whoever wrote we can't just take Garry Frank's word about the golf course. You mean to tell us that thousands and thousands of dolalrs worth of inventory go missing and the SBI can't make any kind of a case? Right. I believe that. Can we all say I-N-C-O-M-P-E-T-E-N-T or C-O-V-E-R-U-P? They act like they're dealing with a bunch of first graders.

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

For those who want to learn more about Husemann, I'm putting up some information at cfrgm.org.

Anonymous said...

I have $80 million reasons to never vote for Carney....his pompous attitude during the cable debacle rivaled the bow tie man.

The only thing worse than a know it all politician is a deaf know it all politician who can't hear his constituents.

Anonymous said...

Carney definitely let himself get bamboozled by Thunberg and Rader's fuzzy math. He ignored some serious warnings about those two. Hope he learned a lesson. Time will tell.

Anonymous said...

Get rid of another chief. Greene has hit on women at town hall, Mitchell Community College, Chamber of Commerce among others. He has received kick backs from Sutphin Fire Trucks and lies about money needed for his budget. Investigate Greene and Crone looks like a first grader.

Anonymous said...

Larry, the petition for recall, do we have an actual document ready to circulate and gain signatures against? What do we need to do to put it on the town ballot at the next opportunity, or does it have to be routed through the state houses?


Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

Good question. According to the state elections board it has to be a legislative act; however, I have asked for another interpretation from another group of attorneys to confirm what is being said.

Regardless, I have placed a sample petition and the sample legislation at http://cfrgm.org. If you look on the left-hand side under "Latest News" you'll see the third item is the recall information.

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

Freedom of Information Act requests were submitted today to Mr. Frank re: Golf course investigation, and to Maia Setzer and Mr. Gambill re: inventory of evidence room and investigation done by the former FBI agent.

I'll let you know what they say when I hear from them.

As for the petitions for recall, let's go ahead and begin collecting signatures. They can be downloaded at cfrgm.org (or e-mail me at admin@cfrgm.org and I'll e-mail you a copy). Regardless of whether or not we get this done in order to force the issue with Rader, this part of the town charter needs to be inserted into the town charter.

Thanks, in advance, to all who are willing to help. If you need me to come and speak to a group of concerned citizens regarding this topic, please let me know.

Anonymous said...

This Court has held that the elements of the crime set forth in NC. GS § 14-100 are
There are only 4

"'(1) a false representation of a subsisting fact or a future fulfillment or event,
The FACT that John Crone said it was a charity and it was not, it was a for profit business in HIS PERSONAL NAME AND SSN, That covers him on ELEMENT #1

(2) which is calculated and intended to deceive,
Taking the web site of the REAL Cops 4 Kids Charity was as calculated to deceive as you can get, his TRUE information would have garnered no raised money or very little.

Covers element 2
(3) which does in fact deceive,
People gave money based on that website and were deceived by it and gave money, included in the deceived is one of your town councilmen who put that deception in writing.

I’d say that covers Element 3

(4) by which one person obtains or attempts to obtain value from another.

By which John Crone personally both obtained (when money was given) and attempted to obtain (when no money was given but the sales pitch was made)
And that covers element 4

Those are the only elements there are, and they are the only things that matter. What happened to the money is not relevant. These crimes fit these elements perfectly.

Who collected the money and turned it over to John Crone “IS” and “WHO” made the attempts to collected the money “IS” relevant, as they are all guilty.
You feet are done dragging Mr. Frank, your investigation is over. As it was from the first day I got here.
To the Judges in the County, you need to talk to you man, by the end of next week, My next post, will be long, it will be accurate, and people will go to prison.
To the Atty. General of North Carolina, it is time for you to take over the case, my next post as I say, will be very long, very accurate and very much a career ender for Mr. Frank.
The clock is ticking again, Mr. Frank, but this time for you. Recues yourself or face prison with the men you are attempting to cover up for. Dont make me do this, I do not like doing this, but you appear not to understand my ability, my resolve or my motivation.
Friday next week, I know it takes a long time to bring so many charges against these men however I am asking for nothing more then 1 charge against Crone by then, you will treat this case EXACTLY as others have been treated in the EXACT circumstances in the State of North Carolina, (esp. when they were innocent) or I will continue to throw everyone I can in prison until you do, you will cure the violation of the 14th by then, Members of my family have not died to give me these rights so men like you can take them away at will. Those days are over. 1 charge against 1 man of a violation of 14-100 and you fix my problem for now, and I don’t sue the State and Federal Government for that violation, which by now being a lawyer, you know I will win, it is open and shut. I answer to the Federal Government only. This is a new day Mr. Frank, 1 charge for 1 man and the people of North Carolina can know they will be protected under the 14th, until then you have no right to charge anyone with anything and there is no such thing as justice in the State of North Carolina right now.

I am begging you, do not make me do this, it is already written and written in Stone and distributed to others in case I am unable to make the post.
The ball is in your court again, DO NOT LOB IT BACK AT ME and DO NOT ATTACK ME PERSONALY, you wont like the return. DO what I ask and do it RIGHT NOW! Crone tried that and look where he and his merry band of fake Robin Hoods are going.
'" State v. Childers, 80 N.C. App. 236, 242, 341 S.E.2d 760, 764 (quoting State v. Cronin, 299 N.C. 229, 242, 262 S.E.2d 277, 286 (1980)), disc. review denied, 317 N.C. 337, 346 S.E.2d 142 (1986).

The clock is ticking again, do the right thing Mr. Frank, you only have two choices. Do the right thing because I know I am doing the right thing. This is not a game, Mr. Frank, we are talking about peoples lives. There is a saying, Mr. Frank, 10 guilty men will go free to ensure that one innocent man is not jailed. You and other DA’s in the State have turned that upside down because of your precious win loss record. I know your games just as I did Crones. If a chief of police does not scare me, do you really think you do? Don’t come after me again unless you are going to prove that above statement correct again. You have till next Friday.

BTW, great article Jaime, your right once again, it is time that the town rally around the ones worth saving, and the families of the ones who are going away. Their families are innocent too. They ran a Mafia style operation, even the Mafia protects the families of those that have gone to prison. Do forget Crones family as well.
Also, I agree with your comments on the 2 commissionaires and the current Police Chief, My Hussmann seems to be a great choice. My Hussmann, I strongly urge you to strongly consider Chief Robbins as the Chief of Police for Mooresville. I looked into him myself; He appears to have the integrity necessary to reform the police department into what it was meant to be. “Public” servants, who protect and serve the public.
To the two councilmen who are helping, in my eyes the past is the past and I believe your eyes are open now. TO the rest on the Town Board, Happy Retirement, or get with the program.

Tic Toc

Anonymous said...

8/12 8:42
You need to contact jaime. She can be trusted and I can vouch for that.If you have concrete evidence it should be looked into.

Anonymous said...

So larry, are we asking grey to sponsor a bill for this coming long session in January or can he even sponsor as a freshman?
Wish I'd paid more attention in high school civics about now!

Anonymous said...

Garry Frank refused to prosecute the man who hit an elderly female crossing guard back in 2005-a widow.
You're toast Frank.Everybody has your number and you'll be treated with the same disregard you treated her with and others you stood by and watched suffer.I feel sorry for you but you brought this on yourself by refusing to act.

Anonymous said...

We need to start a letter of support for Carl Robbins as chief.Let's let city hall know we're benind him now.

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

I'm going to put a call into Rep. Ray to discuss this. I e-mailed her and she sent me her telephone # but I've not had a chance to sit down and call her. I'm not convinced that we can't force a referendum vote on the issue of recall. I'll let you know what I learn from my talk with Rep. Ray.

Anonymous said...

tic toc is a joke! He seems to think he is some secrete double agent holding all the cards. I'm sure all your threats have people shaking in their boots. LOL

Anonymous said...

I bet Crone is laughing all the way to the unemployment line, ya think. Oh wait, cant get fired and collect that can you.

Man Sparky, you really should start cleaning up your financials now, you are on the grid all over the planet.

You laughing yet? Or are you even smart enough to know what is happening right now.

Look for that donation Chief. No more protection for you Sparky.

I am not a double anything, I know EXACTLY what I am, too bad you dont.

Anonymous said...

Now Mr. Frank, as someone just posted here, I know you have BROAD powers of prosecution who you want, and when you want, but before you go thinking like Sparky here, If you thought I knew nothing about 14-100, what I know about a prosecution abusing his or her power is the difference between an ant hill and Mt. Everest. SO don’t even think about taking this line with me like sparky is trying.
I aslo know what prosicutorial misconduct is and you are in the later right now, you are on the losing end of this and you know it, I believe you to be a worthy advesary in the legal system. So my advise to you, is cease and desist from any further abuse of your power, this is a Constitutional matter and you have no descreation in prosicuting it, you have been informed already, everyday you do not charge John Crone, you are in violation of MY constitutional rights.

Now if you want to make him more comfy in his prison cell, feel free, but you will cure the 14th or next Friday you and I will begin a long and protracted legal battle that will only end at the supreme court and you being disbarred.

Now I know what you are thinking Mr. Frank, someone shut him up again, I would strongly advise you not to take that track with me as well, no matter what you do to me, I am not the only one who knows what you are doing, and you cant lock us all up as you don’t have jurisdiction to do so. Even if you come after me, the lawsuits will be filled on my behalf and the outcome will be the same.

I repeat, do not make me do this. I would rather go after the real criminals stealing money from charities, not you, but just don’t continue to abuse the power the PEOPLE granted you, because just as it was given it can be taken away, that is our system.

Prosicutorial Discreation
There are other limits to a prosecutor's discretion,709 and the judiciary has a responsibility to protect individuals from prosecutorial conduct that violates constitutional rights. Such conduct usually involves either selective prosecution, which denies equal protection of the law, or vindictive prosecution, which violates due process.
Selective Prosecution. A prosecutor's decision to bring charges rarely violates the Equal Protection Clause. In Wayte v. United States, the Supreme Court held that to demonstrate selective prosecution a defendant must show that s/he received disparate treatment and that her prosecution was improperly motivated. Disparate treatment arises if others similarly situated are not prosecuted; improper purpose exists when selection is "deliberately based upon an unjustifiable standard such as race, religion, or other arbitrary classification. (ie, one wears a badge)" Because courts presume that the government undertakes a prosecution in good faith, a defendant challenging an indictment on selective prosecution grounds bears a heavy burden of proving facts sufficient to satisfy these two requirements.

The track you should be taking with me is to help me, after all if you want the truth in justice, while you prove his guilt, you will prove another mans innocense, or did you forget why you got that law degree in the first place. The cases I am refering to in violation of the 14th are EXACTLY THE SAME, IN THE SAME STATE, UNDER THE SAME LAWS. You have no choice and you have no diecretion.

TO the FBI, I strongly suggest you protect me, I am doing this for people who still care about what is right and wrong. Don’t you see this is not a normal prosecution, don’t you see the shear numbers of departments and people that are involved that I can send to prison, and don’t you see that number would rather kill me then have my voice heard.
Stop not looking because of who you think I am, and start looking at the people I am going to take with me. And protect us all. I made John Crone a Class C felon in this mess as well as ever officer that collected money, and only I know how to get them out of it. But you will not treat them differently until I do. I have an easy soultion but I bet you don’t have a clue what it is yet. But at a point I am going to defend them and he will never see the inside of a prison and neither will I.
Next Friday, 1charge, 1 man
Tic Toc

Anonymous said...

August 13, 2008 11:21 AM

Grey Mills help with getting a recall into Mooresville? Don't make me laugh. First of all, his law partner is one of the "businessmen" who signed the letter of support for Crone, only four days into Crone's suspension. Second of all, Grey Mills' father-in-law is Randy Marion, longtime, and I mean longtime supporter of the status quo in Mooresville. He tried one too many times to put a lid on the corruption exposure with the Tribune alone. You can waste your time all you want to with Grey Mills, but I wouldn't bet a dollar on his help with this.

Anonymous said...

Good thing is, Grey won't be able to save Erskine Smith's job. Not that he would try if he could. And I would leave the door open for Grey to do the right thing. He knows that he can't go to Raleigh to just answer to Randy Marion. He knows he has to stand up for the people and for what is right so let's give him a chance to do the right thing. Problem with people like Rader, Thunberg and Abraham is they have already had their chance to do the right thing and have failed (and failed again) miserably.

Anonymous said...

I have to admit I was somewhat suprised to see that Randy Marion's signature wasn't included on the support letter.

Anonymous said...

Tic Toc

Its pretty obvious that you suffer from paranoid schizophrenia. I hope that you are on some kind of medication. I am not saying this to attack you or insult you, I really do think you need help. There are people that can help you with this.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you feel that way, if you had gone through what I have gone though with this over the past several years, you might feel the same way I do, but I guess we will never know that in the future will we, when I am done, my hope is that no one will ever go though it again. Including you or a member of your family. I just lost a member of my family who is gone thinking like you when it was not true.

But everything I say is true and is going to happen. But then maybe you thought Crone would be back in his office by now too.

BUt then you would know that if you knew who I was and what has happened now would'ent you.

THink what you will about me, all I ask is that you let it play out with out interfering.

Federal Law Enforcment, reporters, and Lawyers want to talk to me, email me at tictoc@boardermail.com

Lets hope nobody writes me, what do you think the odds are?

THe list of people we have now ecompasses dozens of department and hundreds of Police Fundraisers and Officers all guilty of the same crimes. Or should I go ahead and post that list, but then again.... maybe I am just parinoid.

I promise you that list will grow into the thousaands in the coming weeks and months.

Want to find out......

Speak to me like that, no mater what you say and I will be civil in the future as well.

Anonymous said...

Well, one thing Tic Toc was justifiably paranoid about was the possibility that the police chief took money from the evidence room and then he was rewarded with a paid vacation by the town manager. Otherwise, though Tic Toc can go overboard at times, his general point that we should be wary of people in positions of authority is a point well taken.

Anonymous said...

I really wish I could tell you everthing I know, but I cant, and yes it is a safty thing. Please just let it play out, I promise you will know everything I do in the future.

BUt your right, I can go overboard, but believe me it is nessesary to get the attention of the people I want the attention of. I address people directly normally and only rarly address people from mooresville. BUt in most cases force is nessesary, when you meet me, it will all become clear. I promise.

You cant go after the people I am going after, whether they have a badge on or not and not fear for your life. Its the equivilent of breaking ranks.

THey know it and I know it. Really thats all that needs to know it right now, but I bet they are all skampering like roaches when the lights come on because of me. You all just cant see it.

Anonymous said...

The only thing you'll learn from Ray is that she doesn't do anything unless she has a dog in the fight-namely NASCAR. Problem is they think she's a joke.
Don't bother, she won't even help locals with a resolution honoring a minister and historian because he wasn't widely known as she says.Never mind they're naming a day on the calendar for him in Huntersville and he was born and is buried here in Mooresville.

Anonymous said...

Have you all read the latest thread/
I'd love to know why Crone ahd the audacity to go to Atkins' house over the weekend and cry on his shoulder. This is the good 'ol boy system. Go to the backroom, work out a deal, then protect those who protect you. Problem is, Miles ain't gonna play that game.Let's hope he won't be bamboozeled by Crone's BS. Give it up John. I expect them to arrest you any day.
You're gone, we don't want you back.If anybody makes a move to hire him back, the voters are going to raise almighty hell in the streets.I've heard all I need to hear.

Anonymous said...

Publish Husemann's email. I want to tell him I want Robbins.

Anonymous said...

I'm very skeptical appointing Carl Robbins as Chief. He Stands at the top, with LT'S and CAPT's, and low and behold, "the brotherhood knows nothing".
Now is the time for this upper echelon to speak up and really tell us the truth. Most times, turning your head or saying nothing, makes you just as guilty. I have alot of respect for Police Officers, so c'mon guys, come clean and you then will be respected by all the community.

Anonymous said...

11:30 I agree. it is really really creepy that Crone went over to a commissioner's house. He knows he's out of a job so why bother, unless he's trying to keep himself out of prison. Surely Atkins wouldn't make any kind of deal like that with him. If Crone broke laws he needs to be arrested just like you and me.

11:37 I agree with you too. From what I've read Robbins has been there with Crone for many many years. So all this stuff with the evidence room and CFK was going on right under his nose and either he didn't notice or he turned and looked the other way. Don't know which one is worse.

We need a clean slate everywhere. We need it in Town Hall and we need it at the MPD.

Anonymous said...

Only the Chief and Robbins were the only ones allowed in the evidence room? I don't know and neither do you. If that is the case and the Chief was taking things out how would Robbins or anyone else know. Give the man a chance to prove himself. I think that you would be hard pressed to find a officer that did not want Major Robbins. The moral has increased ten fold with him at the helm of the PD.
Also I am very skeptical of anyone that talks about people doing out of the way things when you get close to $40,000 in our town money for a bunch of red tips

Anonymous said...

In regards to Robbins, please don't assume he knew every move Crone made--nobody did. Why would it be hard to believe that? Just for example: interviewed family members (don't get any closer than that) of serial killers such as Dahmer and Bundy said they had no idea of their activities. Also, as far as the trips, they were never referred to by Crone as CFK trips. Whenever he asked for chaperones he always said it was for The Mayors Youth Council. Again, please don't assume anything. Previous posters are correct as far as the morale at the police department, its a new day. Give Robbins a chance!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Can somebody please tell us more about this "$40,000 in our town money for a bunch of red tips"? I think I remember it somewhere else in the comments but can't remember. What's the deal on this?

Anonymous said...

Well, considering the blight that has affected red tip photanias the past several years, it sounds like smoe nursery unloaded a bunch of unwanted plants onto us for landscaping.
Where would we need that much screening?
And by the way,PLEASE tell me someone at MPD has those cameras functioning again.

Anonymous said...

Here are a few things sticking in my craw in addition to the CFK mess:
1- bring back time warner
2-leave the farmers market alone.what does some chef have to do with the market we've had years before he got here.move it where there'sparking and shade-FB parking lot.
3-do something about the stupid traffic signals uptown.gas is 3.80 a gallon and we have to sit facing each other for 5 minutes in 3 directions.what a waste.then the traffic pours onto side streets where people can't even get out of their driveway.can we not have a voice here?
4-add more substantial classes at MCC, ones that count for degree work.move cake decorating to the war memorial and free up classroom space.
5-stop issuing building permits to every person waving money
6-try to attract more industyr and jobs that don't run to second rate temp agencies for labor.and they're all second rate.stop hiring mexicans-illegals.
7- develop old mooresville mills.do a combination of grocery, food vendors, outlet mall,hair salon,bank,rentable indoor/outdoor yard sale spaces-anything except another warehouse.
8-remove Smith before we have news crews here again. this time it won't be WBTV.

Anonymous said...

Check on Sherrill St at Center. The constant complainer on this site Vic had a row of "red Tips" he stated that they were a very special bush and all the neighbors didnt want sherrill st widen. After meeting after meeting and constant arguing the town paid him abot $38,000.00 dollars for these bushes and he still complains about everything.Rader was the one that was on his side thus all this money given to him

Anonymous said...

whoever the nut is that emailed Rader about public transportation-do NOT get the idiot started on the train AGAIN.
Our founding father decided to put a train right through the middle of downtown so he could sit on his front porch and watch it, now years later we're divided.
And please learn another route out of town besides West Wilson Avenue and Academy St.Can't you people read maps???
From the east side of town go to white oaks road,right on shearers,left on timber right onto hwy 115s straight then right on Waterlynn and Voila!You're near the interstate.It's magic, just read a map.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with what some people are saying about Robbins. "He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it". (MLK) I think Robbinses biggest problem is sorry leadership. If we rid ourselves of all the corrupt leaders people like Robbins might do okay. The town would definitely have to be rid of Erskine before we would feel totally confident with Robbins as the Police Chief because we must remember Robbins was the investigating officer at the library during the big scandal earlier this decade. Good ole Erskine went through the librarian's office and cleaned up before Robbins had even gotten in there to investigate.....and where was Robbins? Why didn't he say something about it? Oh yea....because Erskine was his boss. Why didn't Robbins say something about Crone? Oh yea.....because Crone was his boss. See a pattern here? I think Robbins can rise above it but we'll have to watch to make sure.

Anonymous said...

To Tic Toc-
What makes you any better than these town officials who allowed wrongs to be done. You say you have information (MY POST WILL BE LONG, IT WILL BE ACCURATE, AND PEOPLE WILL GO TO PRISON) then aren't you withholding information from officials. What's the difference between them and yourself?

Anonymous said...

Its called a "chance"

Anonymous said...

I'd like to weigh in on Carl Robbins. I was one of the protesters in the march last Monday. I have to say I was very pleasantly surprised by the demeanor and overall attitude of the police officers present. I have to assume they got their cues from Interim Chief Robbins. If his handling of that potentially tense situation is any indication, I think we may be in for more pleasant surprises from the MPD under his direction.

I can also definitely see the point of view with his track record with Erskine Smith's situation and Crone's situation, but I believe some people can change given a proper chance. I may be wrong, but my gut tells me Robbins is one of those people. I didn't feel that way about Crone, and I don't feel that was about Smith.

I'll be the first to admit I was wrong if it turns out that Carl Robbins has looked the other way with a corrupt official again.

Anonymous said...

Well, the morale of the PD after Crone was kicked out has improved dramatically. We could anticipate the same thing throughout the town government once Smith is gone. Maybe Thunberg is silently working to make that happen. Doubt it. But we know for sure he is silently working because he sure hasn't made much effort to inform the public about what is going on.

Anonymous said...

Who was responsible for monitoring security cameras at MPD? Didn't that preson realize they were off and that the cleaning lady probably didn't do it as she was dusting?
Are the cameras operational now/
And who's gonna pay for all thaT SOCCER EQUIPMENT THAT DISAPPEARED right next door TO THE POLICE DEPT.? Who would be so brazen to steal from that park unless they knew they weren't going to get caught on camera.
The inquiring public wants to know.

Anonymous said...

hey 11:36

The last time that I looked they do skate boarding in a skatepark. Not Soccer!

If you are that dumb quit writing about things you know nothing about

Anonymous said...

Looks like a lone Cronie is baaaaack...Koolaid lady can't be far behind.

Anonymous said...

Soccer or skateboard, what's the big difference? We know about $15,000 worth of public equipment was stolen right from under the noses of the MPD. What the heck have we paid tax dollars for all the cameras for? Is this all a bad joke to people like 1:05 pm. Who is this person? I've got a couple good guesses. Go hang out with your corrupt friends. You don't belong on this blog. This is a corruption busting blog. For you, it's not a good fit. To use your own words: "If you are that dumb quit writing about things you know nothing about."

And 11:36, thanks for reminding us of the stolen goods right next door to the MPD. Don't let losers like 1:05 pm muzzle you. They're a dying breed in this town.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the point is they bought all this video equipment but it doesn't tape anything.

Anonymous said...

Hey !:05pm
Ouch, sounds like I hit a nerve even if it was the wrong sport. My point is :1- How did someone manage to heist that right next door, and if it was moonwalking equipment,HOW DID SOMEONE MANAGE TO HEIST IT WITH THE MPD NEXT DOOR?
Now, I feel better getting that off my chest.

And by the way, Barney, have you read the Bill of Rights lately?
I'll comment about whatever I choose to. If Ms. Gatton doesn't approve, she has the right to remove it. I'm a citizen, I'm loud and I'm proud. Baby,baby,baby...oh.
Anyway, as I was saying, thank you for your correction despite the fact it was rude. So can you answer my question about the cameras being operational or did you just wish to scold me for my lack of sports knowledge?

ps-I'll wipe the floor with you over Tarheels. Bet you're a Dook fan!

Anonymous said...

someone was asking for this:
Judicial district 22


Anonymous said...

Chris Carney had his puss on the front page in friday's Tribune. I will give him the benefit of doubt, that, he's not doing what he does best, and that's grandstanding. I hope he finally is getting out of the Mayor's rat pack, and will do what's best for US, THE CITIZENS OF MOORESVILLE.
By the way Megan, everytime some official has a comment, you constantly barage us with all the repetition from day one of the subject they are commenting about. It just looks and feels like a cut and paste thing. Too much fill in stuff that we've read over and over. Just a friendly opinion, and mine alone.

Anonymous said...

So what happened to the meeting details with rader that were posted under Larry Greene?
I thought Rader set a date and now I can't find it on any thread. The blod is slowing. We need to know about the disposition of all those reports and someone needs to actually interveiw Garry Frank from the press as to why he isn't releasing those facts despite a petition being filed under the Freedom of Information Act.
I think Atty. General Roy Cooper from N.C. needs to look into this or perhaps the reveiw board which licenses lawyers.I think this is simple misconduct.

Anonymous said...

Is Frank(g) stonewalling because of the current situation at the golf course? Insiders know what that is.
What about the more current CFK situation? We are sick of things being swept under the rug. I'm not going to wait on TicToc, I'm calling state of NC myself. If I get one more round the world answer from SBI, I'll go to the FBI. I want to see answers now.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing going on at the golf course. The golf course director was seen happily jogging around with his dog the other day. He's just fine and laughing at the rest of us because the smokescreen of misinformation worked and has bought him some more time to keep doing whatever he's been doing over there for years and years!

Anonymous said...

your presumptions are quite wrong

Anonymous said...

your presumptions are quite wrong

Anonymous said...

ok, the void here is just boring, I'm going back to the Olympics. Nothing new in days.