Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Husemann plans to "hit the ground running" on Sept. 2

Steve Husemann says he plans to “hit the ground running” as Mooresville’s new town manager.

The Ohio resident will begin work here on Sept. 2. He and his wife, a speech pathologist, plan to start looking for houses in about two weeks – just after their daughter receives her doctorate from Ohio State … and ties the knot. “I probably didn't pick the best time to be moving,” Husemann said with a laugh.

But he said Mooresville's location is precisely what first enticed him to apply for the town manager position. “We were looking for something in the Charlotte area,” he said. “My wife’s sister lives in Rock Hill (S.C.).”

Husemann, 57, estimates that he and his family have “been through Mooresville 50 or 60 times going up (Interstate) 77.” He recalls being “very impressed” when they once made a detour through Mooresville’s downtown. He said he’s attracted to Mooresville’s “potential” and “big growth.”

Husemann, who will make a beginning salary of $125,000 in Mooresville, is currently the executive director of the Miami Valley Communications Council (MVCC) in Ohio, a municipal communications and technology organization that represents eight primary cities and has affiliate agreements with “anywhere from eight to 16 additional cities,” Husemann said.

To find out more about the MVCC, visit its website: http://www.mvcc.net/

So, what’s Husemann’s vision for Mooresville? Calling himself “realistic” – and apologizing for the “bureaucratic response” – Husemann said: “I will carry out the policies established by the city council. I’ll take my direction from them.”

What does Husemann believe will be his biggest challenge in Mooresville? No surprises with this answer: “Growth.”


Anonymous said...

Welcome to Mooresville Mr. Husemann.Don't let all this North against South talk fool you.Most of us got over the War many moons ago.There's always one or two that can't pull their heads out of the past.Even though alot of us have a sour taste in our mouth about our leadership (or lack of it), we will give you the benefit of the doubt.We look forward to having you here.

Anonymous said...

Carrying out the policiy set forth by city council is exactly what we don't want this guy to do. He sounds likeable and intelligent.Please inject some sense into city hall.And, he by the way, we didn't want to be in the cable business to start with. It was our over-zealous commissioners who didn't listen. Not one person who attended that meeting was in favor of the cable deal. NOT ONE. And did they listen to the wishes of the majority? No.
I hope Mr. Husemann you will have regular round table meetings with residents to discuss what's on our minds. Please be our voice and represent us for a change, instead of the adenda of the few.

Anonymous said...

Regular roundtable meetings with residents sounds like a great idea to me!!

Anonymous said...

I just got my water bill, and I cannot believe what I am reading in the "Town Voice" from Erskine Smith about "trust your government." Please read it and tell me what you think.

Anonymous said...

Already, this new Town Manager scares the be jesus out of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote "I will do whatever the Town Board requests of me" (he called it council)scaryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
Oh my God, isn't that the problem in the first place?????
What did they tell him behind closed doors, and what kind of bull did they fill him with???

Anonymous said...

Now that we have a new Town Manager, we certainly don't need Erkstine Smith.Towns with much larger populations don't have this overpayed useless person. He needs to go or he will spread more cancer to the new Town Manager.

Anonymous said...

please, mr. husemann, support the arts! i believe the time is ripe to inject mooresville with arts and culture, and to not do so would be a missed opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Welcome, Mr. Husemann, I do hope that your leadership can qualm a lot of the unrest here in Mooresville. Just a comment, about his saying that he will do whatever the board requires of him. Well, that's what he's hired for, he takes his orders from the board, if you don't like the decisions of the board, then you vote them out.
I just heard that Time-Warner is making a comeback at the first of the year, I've also heard that rumor from Time-Warner employees, wehre do we stand, taking on another 12.5 million debt?

Anonymous said...

I guess no one bothered to explain to Steve that in this type government, the town manager supervises the board. The mayor is a figure head of sorts to carry out other tasks. You're it Mr.Husemann, regardless of what you've been led to believe. What we need is someone with a backbone who will actually do the right and legal thing, not try to soothe ruffled feathers and look the other way when told to. Are you that man? Obviously, you are "overly,overly qualified" but can you lead us out of the oppression we've suffered under for years at the hand of the privileged tyrannts? In case no one told the town board, Lincoln freed the slaves, yet we all are made slaves to ridiculously high water bills. I'm not interested in what you pay in Ohio so don't bother to tell me. The cost of living is higher there. Call a spade a spade and for the love of heaven deal with these people.
When we have a legitimate complaint-listen-don't talk trash about us at a cocktail party like we are trash under your feet. A homeless person should get the same attention that a business owner gets. By the way, we do have a homeless problem contrary to what our blind former mayor Jones thinks. We even had one die behind a grocery store in a field this past winter from exposure. This gorgeous town has been over-developed. they let anybody build here no matter what the impact on the infrastructure. Make developers pay for some of the problem they are causing-better yet just put a hold on permits until the water situation eases.It has ruined our landscape.
We need more diversity in our industry than Nascar businesses. Attract some factories so the blue collar people can find work.Get somebody at the chamber off their duff to help. At least some of the "old Guard" did attract new business.Stop wasting money to put brick inserts into sidewalks.Stop wasting money on trips for the board to go on planning sessions. What's wrong with the citizen's center? Go out to Charlotte for entertainment. I say have a meeting once a quarter with anyone who wants to come and have a dialogue with us. I don't mean nitpicking issues but really speak what is on your heart. Communicate with us, listen when we speak.Please.
We are like prisoners in our own homes.

Anonymous said...

If MI Connection doesn't get channel 2(wbtv) fixed, I' swithcing to dish through windstream.I'm fed up with that dog and pony joke.

Anonymous said...

Civics 101: Town managers serve at the pleasure of the governing body. The governing body serves at the pleasure of the voting public.

Pleaaaaase let TWC come back. I was holding out for them to win the cable biz and was disappointed when the town won out. I'm glad to know I am not the only one experiencing cable probs. At least I know it's not just my TV. However, I didn't think it was a problem with MI, I figured Channel 2 was having troubles transmitting.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Husemann, welcome to Mooresville. We are ready for and in great need of quality and strong leadership. The local government has lost the trust, confidence, and respect of its people. Sadly, some on our board members remain in denial of that fact. The unrest in this community is growing instead of abating. Elected officials' denial combined with citizen unrest is a recipe for hard times ahead. There is a great need for a clear head, strong hand, and eyes which are not covered with rose-colored glasses.

Anonymous said...

Folks, let's get behind our new town manager and give him a chance. I'm sure he is aware of the current situation and he is here anyway. A lesser man would have stayed far away.

Anonymous said...

6:49.....Time Warner wouldn't dare attempt to come back in to MI-Connection territory! Frank Rader told me they wouldn't so I'm sure they never will!
Frank knows all!!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to second whatever August 2, 2008 10:37 AM wrote. Well put. I don't believe anybody "faint of heart" would have taken this job, so we already know the man has courage. One thing I have seen in the past few years is that when people don't do what they're supposed to in our local government, there's definitely going to be fireworks, but when they do what they're supposed to do, people get behind them pretty loyally and let them do their job.

Anonymous said...

Agree to give him a chance, but this time the fireworks are coming from the voters. It's about time. Will you be there Monday for the demonstration and meeting? I will be. We need to speak up and make our opinion known folks. It will be done in a respectful, orderly way.

Anonymous said...

I bet the only people that show up Monday will be the less than 20 people that make up this idiot blog. Your not the majority. If you think you are show it in the polls. As I recall Abraham and the Mayor were elected hands down in the last election.

Anonymous said...

Oh, God. The Koolaid lady is back. Some people sure are "slow learners". First it was 8 on the blog, then it was 12, now it's 20. Never mind Gatton's got almost 100,000 hits on her blog in 5 months. Sorry, honey, nothing you do or say is going to save you and your hubby from our prying eyes.

Anonymous said...

so mr.civics 101:
you wanna enlighten us on how to remove the town board members who serve at our displeasure?
I'm just a psychology major so I can't remeber much from poly-sci.thanks for your help.

Anonymous said...

your koolaid rhetoric is getting pretty old. aren't you intelligent enough to think of something besides that?if you can't contribute any more that that, stay off here.better yet, write a letter to the editor, or you know what? why don't you and all the political heaveyweights organize a counter-protest. that'll show the sheep won't it Einstein? and by the way, it's you're, you know a contraction for "you are"

Anonymous said...

9:10 - Abraham was elected with a whopping 544 total votes...the mayor had something like 1700 - the entire general election was less than 3100 voters. Not what I would call hands down for anyone, just the opposite, more like apathy. Almost leads on to think most folks stopped caring or believing any change would or could come no matter who they voted for.

It’s almost like the town political establishment knew they had the citizens just where they wanted. After years of acceptance of the abuse of power and public trust, the ongoing pattern of non disclosure, no consequences, sweep it under the rug, the corruption so rampant and overt with no relief in site, everyone had given up…and the incompetence and unethical behavior continue.

Now more outsiders whom don’t care about how it’s always been, nor fear the good ole boys, as we are financially independent, socially and professional mobile, well educated, and have no reliance nor seek or need their favor are arriving. With this new found independent power base, the emboldening of those voices that have been silenced for so long are being given new hope, its not that no one knows where the bodies are, its just that they didn’t have anyone without ulterior motive to tell, organize, and challenge the status quo…they do now.

If may take time, but the clock has begin to count down….

What is so obtainable is to focus on what we can execute now….the bar for termination of employment is far lower than any proof required for any possible future legal ramifications, if they come fine, if not fine.

… we have had enough. This most recent series of events is the accumulation of years of acceptance by the Town and disregard of principle by these men, and it is consistent with my experience interacting with them and the perception they have painted for me to date. If they were in the corporate world and acted so irresponsibly, incompetently and unethically by abusing their position for personal gain or comfort, they would have been walked out within hours of discovery.

… now or later, I believe an election is just month’s away, mar rader also had less than 1700 votes, one would think that a few hundred new voters, informed about the current state of affairs, the continued public discussion will also help.

Mr. Rader and the Mayor can be voted out by activating the people in areas like Kistler Farms, Linwood Farms, Harris Village and Cherry Grove alone; these are mostly new arrivals with no ties, nor tolerance for these kinds of good ole boy shenanigans, if you average 2 voters per HH, you exceed their vote totals.

If you want to eliminate the RATS as someone here has coined, vote the RAT out, and allow the new board to finish the job and walk the S and if still around the Chief.

Anonymous said...

this is crazy

Anonymous said...

If only one person was willing to speak up about the wrongs of the chief and everybody else in town thought that what he did was okay, that does not make it okay that he took money from the evidence room and put it in his "charity" and took cash from that charity and spent it as he pleased. So, when you critics can come up with logical and defensible arguments on these points, we'd love to hear them. But, it's been going on five weeks now, and not one person has offered a fact based defense of Crone's actions. So, whether there's one or twenty or fifty people tomorrow, it will be the first protest in Mooresville history and it will be people who are in the right and who speak for thousands of others in this town who are simply disgusted.

Anonymous said...

Is that you, Tommy Bowles? I'll bet your home isn't near a cement plant is it? No, you're a good guy just stuck in the past. The future is here buddy and we don't have to take it anymore!! Come on out of the closet and speak up at city hall tomorrow. It's gonna be live, on color TV.

Anonymous said...

Actually, there was a KKK protest back in the 80's. That was a real trip. I think there was some kind of sit-in in the 60's over the war, but nothing like this. I'm only 50 so can't remember hearing or reading of anything else. Maybe O.C. can answer that question for us.
Either way, it's a new day in Mooresville.

Anonymous said...

I'm over the war, I just get sick of hearing how they did it back home, ya know?
This is home now, get over it or get out.

Anonymous said...

I am publicly asking Fariba Holmesly to consider running for commissioner. I am convinced after the board meeting we need you.

Anonymous said...

"This is home now, get over it or get out."

Oy. Those are the only two choices?

Anonymous said...

Here's a third choice: How's about we all stay and make life a living hell for the public official crooks who's been living high on the hog off of this town?

Anonymous said...

August 5, 1:52

Use this blog to expose any time you see them doing something questionable or hear a questionable comment.
Publish it.
Eventually, they and the moles of this town will crack or be afraid to breathe.

Anonymous said...

Hey, news flash to all the CROOKS!

It's time to pack up your bags and find another sucker town to leech off of. We've got way too many people awake and alert and on guard. We DEMAND an end to the sickening corruption that has permeated this place for decades upon decades. As you all chanted Monday night during the protest march "Enough is Enough"!