Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Friday, August 8, 2008


From Interim Town Manager Erskine Smith:

"Yesterday, John Crone submitted a letter of resignation which was not acceptable and has been terminated, effective Thursday, August 7. North Carolina law prohibits me from releasing the details surrounding his termination.

"Major Carl Robbins will remain as interim chief. A final decision regarding the appointment of a chief will be made by the new Town Manager.

"The internal investigation and audit of the financial records of Cops For Kids will continue. The audit of the evidence room is expected to be finished later today and those results will be shared with the SBI."


Anonymous said...

WOW...something good FINALLY happened here.

Bye Crone!!!! Next time we see you...I hope you are in Orange!

Anonymous said...

It keeps getting better and better!
Now he feels like the others that he has done this to.....

Pink fruit loop

Anonymous said...

Oh, you know it must have been like pulling teeth getting Erskine to finally fire Crone. A day late, a dollar short, Erskine. You should have done this BEFORE people had to pour into the streets. Maybe, just maybe then we could have believed you did the right thing for the right reason, instead of because you had no OTHER CHOICE! I loved your daddy, but you gotta go boy. You have brought shame and disgrace to this town.

Anonymous said...

Okay, the Town says he was fired, Crone tells Channel 9 he resigned because he was tired of waiting to be interviewed. Arrogant to the end.

Mooresville citizens, the law gives the town board the authority to release personnel information when it is necessary to maintain the town's integrity. Demand that all details be released. I don't think you'll have too much trouble showing the town's integrity is at stake.

Keep digging.

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine how much arm twisting must have gone into getting Erskine Smith to do what he should have done five weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

Crone could have gone the 'easy' way if he had only listened to the warnings that were sent his way. Instead, he chose to not listen, he chose to be arrogant, he chose to keep digging a hole, and now he's looking at the 'hard' way...

Anonymous said...

Freedom fighters vindicated. Let's hear it for those who stood up when everybody else was sitting at home in the air conditioning. Those who had the courage to face the town board and simply say: "Enough is enough." We're getting close. Just a little more work needed and then Husemann can come in here with a clean slate.

Anonymous said...

Okay, people, I'm just reading the tea leaves here. But this latest news tells me that Crone tried to resign and they wouldn't even let him do that. Which then tells me they have got some major, major, major dirt on him. Nothing else would make any sense. Maybe, just maybe, dare I say it, after you all held your protest march and it was plastered all over newspapers and T.V.'s, some REAL investigating all of a sudden started happening? Call me an optimist.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I want that dirtbag who was on the blog a couple of days ago making fun of the children walking in the march to show their face now. Where are you now your scumbag? I was there and watched those children sweat in the heat right alongside their parents without complaining. They are the future of this town. You back-door-dealing, corruption loving grifters are its history.

Anonymous said...

10:46am...I think you are a realist! I think you have it exactly right; they must have some serious dirt on Crone. Maybe 10:32am is right, the next time we see Crone he will be in Orange.

Anonymous said...

And hail to the parents who are teaching their children well, giving them a code that they can live by. You're either with this movement or you are against it and it doesn't really matter, because this movement does not concern itself with the outcome or with popularity among those who think they are "popular". It is about doing the next right thing and leaving the rest to God.

Anonymous said...

I keep seeing God and scripture in this blog. I just wonder if Christ would be pleased with what is going on here?

Unknown said...

10:53 I loved reading your words. I uttered similar words to a dear family member who expressed concern at my walking in the protest march with my children. Since such a protest had never taken place before in Mooresville, she was anxious about various scenarios of what might happen. I told her something similar to what you just wrote. That we each must do what is ours to do, and then we must turn the results over to the care of an all-powerful God. There is power and magic every time we do this, and there is suffering when we do not.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What model cattle prod ya'll think they had to use on Erskine to get him to finally fire his crooked buddy? I wanna buy one for my farm cause it looks like it works pretty good. Wonder how long before Crone rolls on him so he can plea down a bit.

Anonymous said...

Hey 11:02 person: It's kinda hard to get into what Christ would think, considering that he was the original corruption buster and rabble rouser, but there certainly is empowerment in doing the right thing and turning it over to the universe, your higher power or God or to the void if you are a nonbeliever. It is more about people who rise above their ego to do the right thing. Yeah, welcome to the world of this blog. Kinda different from what you are probably used to.

Anonymous said...

Lets not get all caught up in this small victory and forget the real objective. We must keep the real objective in sight... ammend the charter then clear out the good olde boys in the asst town manager, the commissioner and the mayor. Then kold their feet to the fire for doing the right thing.

Anonymous said...

When you go to the proper authorities and try to do it by man's law and get no result, the only way for the truth to come out is to cry out to God. We held our hand out asking for help and got no result. Are you a family member who was affected by the dealings described here? If not, hold YOUR judgement until you walk in someone else's shoes and feel the burden it has placed on them. The truth and the whole truth will come out whether they want it to or not. God's word does not return void and if your preacher doesn't speak truth, you need to leave that church. I and others did not want to pray that prayer because I knew what would happen. We gave them a chance to do the right and honorable thing and they ignored and smirked at us. Now, it's too late. And the way I belive, God has everything to do with honesty.
He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, he owns everything I have. He gave it to me, He is in charge.
This is my belief. it might not be shared by anyone else involved in the protest/meeting but I don't care. This man harmed a widow and dozens of others. I am not his judge, these are facts. The courts will decide his punishment and the punishment of all the others involved when this all comes out in the open.
When you are on the receiving end of that brand of humiliation at the hands of a bully, come see me, we'll have a chat.

Anonymous said...

He dis abuse his power and made "concessions" for some. He has to answer for himself just like everyone else.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, why did Smith have to wait until Crone tried to retire to fire him? Smith had the evidence to fire Crone when Gatton wrote the first blog story--a simple slip of paper showing $300 plus in cash going from the evidence room to Crone's account. Instead they launch some "investigation" that doesn't really seem to accomplish anything until after citizens are forced to march on their own town hall. Commissioners: don't be like Smith. Fire Smith now--all the evidence you need is at your disposal. Remember: Smith didn't even take action against Crone until after that early July town board meeting that lasted half the night.

Anonymous said...

If the commissioners and mayor had been pressing Smith to fire Crone, he would have been fired. Smith takes orders from the Board. They haven't had the facts they need to terminate him. The investigation has been underway as announced and turned up FACTS that gave TOM grounds to dismiss Crone. I hope we never come to a day when someone,anyone can lose their job because of something someone post on a blog for pete's sake.

Anonymous said...

Let it go, your man lost, got what he deserved. There was sufficient evidence to fire Johnny C long before the investigation started. Smith and the rest of the board took a little time to make sure they could cover their arssses for the day Johnny C starts to take people down with him. Johhny C does not do well when he gets told something, let alone being fired. You watch and see. This is going to get good.

This blog is one of the best things to happed to MoTown in a long time. The first being the firing of Johnny C

Anonymous said...

Dear Mayor,


If it's not your son up for DUI (Which served community service and weekends in jail) it's your wife. You can't even run your own household much less our town.

Anonymous said...

Erskin Smith -
You should be held accountable for what you have done to our town.

Who knows maybe you and Misty can be pen pals.

Oh yeh, Sabrina, now if Crone is found guilty by a jury of 12 of his peers then does that mean he was done wrong also?

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

That link indicates a speeding infraction ....

Anonymous said...

We're rid of one so-called chief, now we need rid of another arrogant, cheating, joke of a chief.

Anonymous said...

If someone has a beef with Chief Greene, tell us what the eveidence is instead of making insinuations here. If it merits our attention, we will pursue it but we can't if we don't know what you're talking about. This isn't Salem and this isn't a witch hunt.
In other words, no one can read your mind.

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord,
For a good beginning toward the end of the "Good Old Boys" network. But let us, as the good people we claim to be, not forget about the innocent, who may or may not be harmed by this. No, I don't mean John Crone.
When I say innocents, I am speaking of his wife and children. I, for one, cannot believe that Crone's wife, (Nee)Cindy Wilson, a Mooresville native, knew of the larcenous /criminal activities of her husband. She has always been a quiet, caring and considerate person, who genuinely cares for other people. I cannot fathom her knowingly condoning the kind of things of which her husband now appears guilty. And what of the children??? They will be the ones who are ultimately damaged by the actions of their father. Let us not forget this family, but hold them up in prayer to the Lord, that he may watch over them, comfort them, and protect them through whatever lies ahead.
Crone was fired. That part is over. We'll have to await the outcome of the so-called investigations to confirm his guilt for sure. In the mean time, let's get back to the real issues at hand. Let's move forward and press on until we have cleaned house and put the garbage on the sidewalk of City Hall. My hat is off to all of us, but especially Jaime and Larry, for their diligence in the pursuit of what is right. Jaime, I hope that you personally, are feeling rewarded and vindicated for exposing something from which most would have turned and ran. God bless you, and may you always be on the side of right.

It's a great day
to be
The Mooresvillian

Anonymous said...




This is the last warning we will give you the courtesy of. You have one last chance to do the right thing before results ar published.
What you just witnessed is child's play compared to what comes next.

Anonymous said...

Let's also pray for the victims of those left behind in the carnage of what has been done to the families wronged. They are having a hard time , reliving those incidents again through this ordeal. Let us also pray for Steve Husemann, that he will use wisdom in his dealings here in our town. I also pray the others who know who they are, will do the right thing by us and resign.

Anonymous said...

We all know that to finish cleaning house at the MPD Blocker has to go.

Anonymous said...

I finally feel like my voice matters again. I feel like I can walk into the bright beautiful Carolina sun and enjoy the beauty of today.

Anonymous said...

Let's give our new chief a chance to deal with it. If he/she doesn't, woe be to them.

Anonymous said...

what is 92.5 million divided by 15,300? anyone?

Anonymous said...

$6111.11 dollars.
That's what this cable deal has spent on every one of the 15,300 households it reaches.
This figure doesn't include advertising, salaries and other overhead.
Why do you suppose they hired someone who currnetly works in this field as the new town manager?

Anonymous said...

Hey Jaimie,
When are the results for CFK and the golf course going to be released?

Anonymous said...

what about the $40,000 budgeted by the town for town voice? If we are trying to go green, save the paper view it online and apply the 40k to purchasing a truck for the new recycling program . A new truck will cost 100k according to folks at the water dept.

Anonymous said...

I expect the next headline to say;"MOORESVILLE UNDER SEIGE BY THE FBI"
What next?
At least we can breathe a sigh today.

Anonymous said...

Free at last. We're free at last. God in heaven, we're free at last.

Anonymous said...

hey 2:46 you got that right, with Johnny C finally gone, now it's time to bring down Blocker! He is like another virus to the town.

Pink fruit loop

Anonymous said...

August 8, at 1:46
That was low. There is no other way to say it. If you don't care for the elected official, fine, but don't drag their families into it. Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

This is a continuation of the "Count Up Vigil" of the number of days which pass from the day Cops For Kids scandal broke (7/4/08) to the day that Police Chief Crone and Interim Town Manager Erskine Smith are both suspended, terminated or resign.

The Police Chief was suspended (with pay) on Tuesday, 7/8/08. He was terminated on 8/8/08. The community is clearly relieved and deeply grateful that Mr. Crone has vacated his post. However, serious questions continue to mount with regard to Mr. Smith's decision to continue paying Mr. Crone a salary for the intervening month.

Interim Town Manager Erskine Smith, Mr. Crone’s supervisor, remains in his position and continues to operate still. Therefore I shall continue this Vigil until he, too, vacates any post he holds as a public official in Mooresville due to his role in this matter as well as other matters that have been brought to light.

The town board has placed Finance Director Maia Setzer in charge of oversight of the CFK process (including but not limited to any audits and investigations) which indicates that they, too, lack confidence and trust in the Interim Town Manager. Despite this lack of confidence, Mr. Smith remains in his position, a position to which the Finance Director reports.

The information I specifically refer to is:

1) documented misrepresentations made by Mr. Smith with regard to the nonprofit corporation known as Cops For Kids

2) Mr. Smith's direct recommendation to the town board to include the nonprofit corporation known as Cops For Kids into the town's general budget

3) Mr. Smith's failure to perform due diligence in his capacity as Interim Town Manager by properly researching Cops For Kids prior to submitting his recommendation to the town board

4) Mr. Smith's involvement in a questionable commission in the amount of $237,151.50 as outlined in the Gatton Report blog entry dated 4/18/08 and titled “Friends don’t let friends gouge Mooresville taxpayers”, the contents of which have never been publicly disputed by Mr. Smith

5) Mr. Smith’s failure or refusal to change Mr. Crone’s status to “unpaid” suspension despite the surfacing of various contradictory statements made by Mr. Crone in the media since his suspension

6) Mr. Smith’s failure or refusal to fire Mr. Crone despite his assumed knowledge of the damning evidence presented in a Gatton Report articles dated July 22, 2008

7) Mr. Smith’s failure or refusal to insure that a complete financial audit is conducted and released of Cops For Kids records, despite the mayor’s assurance that this process had begun on July 8, 2008

8) Mr. Smith’s use of double standards when enforcing employment policies, as evidenced by his statements in the August 2008 “Town Voice”

9) The fact that Mr. Smith staunchly resisted firing Mr. Crone until after there was citizen unrest which resulted in a citizens protest on the Mooresville Town Hall on 8/4/08. The protest in turn brought about significant negative publicity for the town. Mr. Smith’s inexplicable delay in firing Mr. Crone therefore resulted in tarnishing the town’s reputation

This is Day No. 35.

Anonymous said...

i hope someone has talk to FBI on this deal it is so worng or like cnn news

Anonymous said...

if it was not for this blog this would still be going on "to all good work "

Anonymous said...

August 8, 2008 2:31 PM I agree 100% with every thing you said. All I will add is Amen.

Rabid Republican

Anonymous said...

10 years they would have to know what was going on I would think ? I dont know just a sheep

Anonymous said...

Through the downfall of Rick McLean as town manager, the total disaster of Jamie Justice as town manager and now the debacle of Erskine Smith as interim town manager, there has been one constant: Erskine Smith. I'm sure at least four of the commissioners can figure out what to do about this in the coming weeks.

Anonymous said...

This is certainly goos news, but let us pause for a moment to reflect and take some lessons:

1. Let us not allow our success in achieving justice cause us to become arrogant.

2. Let us remember that this is but one step towards recreating our community. There are others in power who still must go.

3. Let us acknowledge that if we are to prevent our community from again becoming captive to those who are only looking out for their own good, and not the public good, the citizens of Mooresville must continue to informed, engaged, and active. Apathy by the people allows corruption by the leaders.

Celebration is certainly in order because justice has been done, but the work of democracy is endless.

Anonymous said...

I just feel sick that our leaders couldn't do the right and legal thing without such an upheaval.What causes them to break the law in plain sight?

Anonymous said...


Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...


Anonymous said...

R Powers is that you at 3:51pm disguised as the Pink Fruit Loop or at 1:20pm disguised as Todd? You are the only person at MPD that ever referred to Crone as Johnny C. Sounds like you are finally starting to show your true colors.

Anonymous said...

I just saw Crone on TV running his mouth. What a dummy. Hasn't he ever heard of getting a lawyer???

Anonymous said...

fair deal come on

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

Posted my comments to his interview:


Anonymous said...

"Yeah, I want that dirtbag who was on the blog a couple of days ago
yeah, making fun of the children walking in the march to show their face now. Where are you now your scumbag? I was there and watched those children sweat in the heat right alongside their parents without complaining. They are the future of this town. You back-door-dealing, corruption loving grifters are its history."

When I was told about this blog, I was told that the above negative backbiting crap would not be on it. I was told that facts would be discussed. Good, bad or indifferent to any particular belief on the issue at hand. I have not found this to be true (see above statement). I will try to find another source of local news that is more objective.

Anonymous said...

good riddance...you can go and make fun of other people's children someplace else.

Anonymous said...

11:38 Brain surgeon! The remarks were not make about me, however it was made against someone else who had apparently posted earlier. What I am saying is that if all you folks do is make fun of other people's posts. Just as you did mine, with out knowing that the above post in mine was not one that I had posted. I have nothing against anything you folks may have accomplished. I just think the smart-ass remarks should not be made, however I am moving on. I fear that dealing with the level of education on this blog will eventfully cause me to buy some spitting tobacco, a used double wide, and a couple of wrecked vehicles to work on outside my trailer

Anonymous said...

Thou protesteth too much...I thought you were going to move on to a "better news source". Be our guest.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I just learned of this news this evening. I am impressed someone finally made a Great decision and made it termination instead of accepting Crone's resignation. Good for the city of Mooresville.
Now that he is gone and that part of the Good Ol' Boy network broken, what about the Sheriff? His good ol' boy network is even worse.
1 - former deputy of Iredell County within the last 2 years Killed his inlaws in New York
2 - another deputy within the last year of employeement is a suspect in a murder 5 or 6 years ago
3- No back ground checks at all on hiring potential employees that will be issued a gun ... Well not a legitimate background check such as interviewing former employers or law enforcement agencies of locations they lived in. The real background check is who did I promise I would hire next?
4 - A Captain that has interferred in the prosecution and service of felony warrants for his son. Not once, twice but at least 3 times. The convicted Felon son, is even charged with possessing a gun bought by his father (most of us would be arrested for providing a felon a gun even if it is our son)
5- speaking of felons and guns. Another deputy who was charged with a felony larceny as a civilian but pleaded to a lesser charge then later become a deputy. He was found to be in possession of 2 handguns he took from a man he charged with possessing them as a convicted felon. A year later even though he reported to the DA's office the guns were turned into evidence and a superior court judge had ordered the 2 guns destroyed, he was found to have them in his home. Most of us would call that STEALING !! But the sheriff stated in a news article this past week that his evidence procedures found this simple mistake of mishandling evidence. I guess the SBI investigating this issue is only to confirm what good procedures the sheriff has. He also said it did not involve a criminal case.(wonder why that reporter did not try to verify who it/they did belong too? She knows there is an SBI investigation going on. Oh yeah, the sheriff will prohibit the press from being in his office and issue another press Gag order as he has done in the past)
6 - Another Former Captain is awaiting Federal Court charges for stealing and falsifying a college degree so he could be paid more money. The sheriff signed off on this pay raise. That man is still coaching at a local high school. Do the Lake Norman High School folks care about this?(That same reporter in the above article still has not reported this through her newspaper). This same Captain has been investigated for stealing when he was in the highway patrol. The sheriff issued a gag order threatening to fire anyone discussing this issue.
7 - What happened about the reported false names of campaign donations. Namely Attorney Pressley Mattox of Statesville. That just went away. Yet the elections board rules state it is criminal to file a false campaign report. Guess Mr Mattox did not press the issue even though he is/was on the local elections board or the board of elections did not think The good Sheriff filed this false report on purpose.
8 - What about those campaign fund raisers to Re-elect Redmond? Did you all know apparently it is ok to use county equipment (vehicles,tables,chairs,coolers, paper products, food from the jail-wait that was donated by the food service that our tax dollars pay to feed the inmates-,trailers,ice, etc.), some county employees on the clock, and inmates. Some employees volunteering their time (yeah right would you tell your boss No I won't help)to collect money, cook/serve food, and to make people happy to re-elect a good man who simply wants to make our community a better place to do business and raise a family. Little did we know the person he was talking about was himself.(he has done a good business of cash fundraising and raised his second set of children on our tax dollars)The fundraising stopped but deputies still volunteer to do work at the Sheriff's farm, yard, and fencing. I guess their promotions were an example of how well they did their paying job.
9 - Redmond has numerous times interferred with criminal investigations and charges. 1 example: threatened to fire 2 deputies if they did not immediately dismiss charges for a woman that was pepper sprayed after kicking at and cussing 2 deputies. She never showed up to court as the good deputies did as they were ordered. Another, Redmond ordered a quadruple murder suspect interrogation be stopped so he could get his picture escorting the suspect to the jail. She didn't want to talk anymore after the cameras were in her face.
10 - Hired a non US citizen to work as a secretary entering and checking information in the NCIC computer network. Had her trained using this system. Then learned it is against the law for a non-US citizen to have access to this confidential system. She was still able to keep her job and same pay even though she does less than other secretaries. Another 7 year veteran secretary had to move to a rotating nights and days shift so the alien could keep her job. I guess the fact the alien(yes she is legal just not a citizen) rents from the sheriff had nothing to do with this decision. Again this person was hired either by an incompetant person that did not know the rules or was done so by order of the sheriff without a background check, knowing the job requires a US citizenship.
11 - Has a detective that lied under oath at least 3 times during hearings and trials of her former Lieutenant husband who was fired for carrying a gun while drinking off duty. How do we know she lied? Under oath she told 4 different versions (on different dates at different loactions)of what really happened that night. This is the same detective that cost the county a law suit for improperly searching females at a strip club in Stateville. How did she cost us taxpayers? She could not even tell the county's attorneys the same version of what happened as she had written in a statement. So the County paid the strippers off out of court. This is the same detective that brings her children to work (on occasion) in a county car and has not testified in a criminal case in 4 years because of her truth telling problem. This same detective married into the Sheriff's family after getting pregnant .... MMmmm does that have anything to do with why she is still there?
12 - Why does the sheriff need to hire a man and pay him $80,000.00 a year to be over a lab for the sheriff's office. In addition he allows the new hire to drive a new county owned Suburban 4-wheel drive vehicle 3 counties away to and from work each day. 1 1/2 hours each way to and from work on county time ... Wow that means he works only 5 hours a day. That means not counting the $50.00 a day trip to and from work with our county gas we also pay him $80,000 a year to work in actuality 25 hours a week. But why? There has not been 1 case this lab has or will be allowed to solve in court. They are not recognized to do such lab work. Oh yeah, we tax payers are paying some lobbyist in washington $30,000 a year to get some lab equipment from the Federal Budget. Most of which is not what the lab director says should have been bought. But maybe in the next 4 years the Lab according to some will be allowed to be a real lab and will help solve crimes for other jurisdictions and Iredell County. What? I thought we already had a lab(THE SBI) that did that for free ....I bet if we asked nicely even Hickory or Charlotte would charge us a lot less on a per piece of evidence fee to do the same thing...Nope, Redmond is shoving one on us, because he is smarter than you and me.
13 - Here is another example of his smartness. He bought a 150,000 dollar mobile home. It was modified to be as the paper said a Mobile command center. It will help us out in emergencies. It will be available 24/7 as needed. Woops - It has been to Florida, Nevada, Kentucky,and Indiana for week long trips. It has taken at least 3 upper ranking men in most cases including their wives for what reason. Yes the all important Sheriff's Associations national Convention. What a crock of BS reported by him as to how this thing was so greatly needed. That is why he bought 2 more trailers...Wait these are pull behinds and only $3,000.00 a piece. His BS excuse is- well it did not cost the taxpayers, this money came from drug seized funds. Well, I can figure out he could have bought the 2 cheap trailers and 6 patrol cars with those same funds. Being as he did not, he had to use tax dollars. So how in the Heck does he figure it did not cost us?
14- A 68 year old man that is either getting more senile or he just thinks we as citizens are to dumb to keep up with what has happened just in the last 4 years. Thats right folks all of this in the last 4 years. How is it the Statesville Record and Landmark (Donna Swicegood) did not think A federal indictment of a Captain at the sheriff's office worth reporting? When did Statesville Record and Landmark become Phil Redmond's puppet?
Maybe Mooresville Tribune will realize The sheriff also represents this area and allow Jamie to investigate these accusations? Statesville Record and Landmark apparently (even though owned by the same company as Mooresville Tribune)does not do investigative reporting.

Anonymous said...

2:22 a.m. WOW!!!

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

That's an awful lot to digest. If you can provide the specific factual data related to each of those claims, there is no reason to suspect that some of us wouldn't step up and demand changes their either. However, I've not seen any factual documentation which would help me be able to determine the reliability of all of this. Please do provide it though.

Anonymous said...

The list of events in the above story are factual. The records are there for most of them, but you will not get anyone to discuss it in public for fear of retaliation. The Former Capt. (and Highway Patrolman) was actually charged and convicted right here in Mooresville court. Yes the same courtroom that he took the typewriter from. He had a plea deal that allowed the record to go away after a specific amount of time. During that time he worked at Custom Products in Mooresville until his record was cleared and them Redmond hired him. After he was hired Redmond was questioned by TV reporters and denied knowing anything about his record. He made it all the way to Capt. Go Figure

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

Wow, sounds like this is a bad situation. When you say it's available, where might one find that information?

Anonymous said...

Isn't Phil Redmond leaving? Does anyone know who's running against him?

Why has 2:22 not sat down with the D.A. about all these facts? They could have at least sent those facts via an anonymous correspondence.

Why have they sat on this information until the exact day that John Crone is fired?

The "rolling over on each other" has already started. Thanks John for the tips.

Now it's time to roll over on the people right here in Mooresville who promised they'd stick with you but then hung you out to dry after you'd been protecting them for years.

Anonymous said...

The DA's office is VERY aware of these facts. It is a tight group. You have several of the "bad guys" that go in regularly and speak to everyone and hug the girls and so on. Then when they hear something bad about that person, they don't beleive it or don't want to hear it. Blocker used to party with them and go to rock concerts with them. When another officer attempted to talk with Patsy Bruce about some illegal activity involving Blocker, she did not want to hear it. It sounds like something right out of a movie, but it is right here and it's alive and well.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to say..... I think the new DA will do what is RIGHT. I have faith in her.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused. Are we talking about Block (MPD) or are we talking about the Sheriff's office, or both?

Anonymous said...

Blocker (MPD) would love for us to pound away at Redmond because Blocker is running for Sheriff in this years election. He campaigns daily from his office at MPD. If we got to Redmond he would have less competition in the race.

Anonymous said...

Aug 9 9:33am
Are you sure that was Crone rolling over? You could just as easily thank the former MPD officer Redmond just hired a few weeks ago. That was quick work.

Anonymous said...

Jaime, good job so far. Now, lets expose the rest of the department. Because we all know there is more going on there.

Anonymous said...

hey 2:22, got any evidence on Rader, Smith and Abraham?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, first things first. We've got serious problems right here in Mooresville. Once we've cleaned up here, we'll be happy to go county-wide in the cleanup effort.

Anonymous said...

I just have to marvel at the dramatic fashion in which this story broke. Right from the beginning, which was at the end of June, when Ms. Gatton attempted to obtain Cops for Kids' financial records. It was then that we all learned through her blog that those "public" records were "under lock and key" in the former police chief's office, and he was the only key holder.

The rest is history that will thankfully be preserved in this blog. Too many times in the past, a certain (dwindling) group in this town rewrote history in a manner which best suited them. Ms. Gatton's blog has changed all that, and so much more.

We should seriously consider having a "Jaime Gatton" day in Mooresville...

Anonymous said...

Yes, most, if not all, of the allegations involving our good Sheriff, Mr. Phil Redmond, are true. But, unlike our local boys, Phil knows when the getting is good and when it's time to get out. Phil also builds very strong relationships with folks throughout the county so that he can do his job. Yes, there are certainly irregularities in his conduct. But let us not forget the number of drug dealers, growers and big-time thugs, which he and his motley crew have put behind bars. Not to mention the murderers and rapists.

Yes I know what you are going to say. I must be someone who knows him well. Truth be told I do. I don't always like the way he accomplishes things, but I can honestly say that those in the wrong, generally fear and respect Phil Redmond. I can also say that I have never called his office, even before I knew him, when he didn't take the time to at least speak to me, before handing me off to the proper department. You may fault Mr. Redmond for a lot of things, but I doubt you'll find any criminal activity in his background, or for that fact, in his neck of the woods.

As for Mr. Frank, why worry about him at this point. We voted his sorry butt out of office, don't expect him to actually continue to do his job through the end of his term. His work ethic has never been that strong.
It also seems to me that
it's fairly obvious that the person rolling over on the sheriff's dept. and Mr. Frank, is a little disgruntled. I wouldn't go so far as to say possibly involved in some sort of retaliatory activity towards the county, but it sounds like a whole lot of research for someone without a personal ax to grind. Maybe they want to be sheriff. I say they should go for it.
At any rate, if you think our Mooresville Clowns are thick as thieves, wait until you get to see the Iredell County "good old boys" in action. They'll make our "RATS" look like sweet, innocent, Catholic Choir Boys. (I apologize to any practicing Catholics, which my last remark may have offended.)

So for right now, I suggest we stick to our main objective, cleaning up our city gov't, and leave the county up to the voters. We can always go after them later, when all of our garbage has been tossed out and been collected off the town payroll.

The Mooresvillian

Anonymous said...

Crone will NEVER work in law enforcement again. Just saw his interview on TV. What a pompass ass he is and will always be. Hey Crone, you got fired, just like you did to many others, sucks doesn't it. No tears for you. The option plan does not feel too good when you are on the other end. Go ahead and cry to those that will listen, because the rest of us do not care. YOu got what you deserved.

Anonymous said...

I personally like the sheriff. He has the wellbeing of all citizens of Iredell county in mind. I doubt he has ever done anything that even closely compares to what Crone has done. Lets deal with the real situation on hand...Crone has actually committed crimes. The allegations against the sheriff, which I believe are allegations, do not compare with what Crone and his "cronies" attempeted to get away with. As for the person making these allegations, if you know so much...why choose this forum to air such serious accusations...maybe noone else believes your spin on this either.

Anonymous said...

because its an anonymous one, with proven activists, not many but a start, and with individuals willing to step up and organize the rest of us... the good reverened, regardless if you agree with him more often or not, is willing to do the grunt work which without the rest of us would have no legitmate voice...rent room, organize march, lead courageously, file the petition, be the face and voice of the "masses" that kind of thing...that's why, if these can be substantiated they have chance of being pursued by the public, and media, which once rolling near impossible to stop...but we are not done here yet...

Anonymous said...

Just read the trib's story and associated commentary by dale g. at their website. Wow! Whodathunkit?

Anonymous said...

The commentary by Dale Gowings in Fridays Tribune was his best ever. I couldn't agree more, appoint Robbins as chief. Robbins has the credentials and integrity to be a chief anywhere.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but I keep seeing the words God and Christ written over and over in this string and I just wanted to say that it has been my experiance that when ever any God or Religion gets in bed with government nothing good comes out of it. Think about it. What are the three most notoriously dishonest prefessions? Lawyer, Politician, and Door-to-door Salesmen. Just like the prayer before the town meeting. I don't that 'God' has any place in government and I'm supprised that you have allowed and praised people for soiling your religion for their personal or political gain.

But that's just me.

Anyway, on a lighter note, think about the kind of reception the Chief of Police is going to have when he get's to Jail. Five bucks says he wont be wearing that Orange Jumpsuit for long. It will be piled up on the floor next to bubba's.

Anonymous said...


Tic Toc

Anonymous said...

To the person who "thinks" the Sheriff is "honest", OPEN your eyes!! He is crooked as they come!! Everything stated about him is true, just watch him at work (when he is there) and you can figure it out....

Anonymous said...

I could personally care less about the innuendos about the sheriff. I now live in a safer community, I feel somewhat assured that drug dealers are being put away. I feel confident that when I see the interdiction team sitting on the side of the interstate that pretty soon I will see them with their blue lights on, hopefully stopping another drug deal from taking place in my neghborhood, next to the school my children attend. I could care less that the sheriff takes a RV to the sheriffs convention. I am allowed to drive my company car on business trips..I figure a sheriffs convention is a business trip. I think that the RV is probably a cheaper alternative to flying to the location.duh.. I figure that with all the seized monies that are reported in the paper, usually on a weekly basis, drive the RV, hell take it for a spin around the neighborhood. Good for the sheriff!! I hope he chooses to serve our county for many more years to come. I couldn't think of anyone better suited for the top cop job. AS for the citizens of Mooresville, look around, the sheriff serves you too. Think about the cops unit, the lake patrol, bike patrols,you have offices dedicated to your neck of the woods, despite opposition by some of your illustrous leaders, ever wonder what they have to hide??? I think we've learned that their are top officals with things to hide in Mooresville.

Anonymous said...

Anyone that thinks/believes/hopes that Carl Robbins is the best choice for the next chief is crazy. He is and always will be a CRONIE. Do not be fooled into thinking that he would change anything. Don't forget he had keys to the evidence room as well. We need to bring someone in from outside the department and allow them to CLEAN HOUSE. Do we really need the same type of chief that was just fired???

Anonymous said...

you must be one that got passed over for a promotion. If you are still there and don't like it move to another dept. I like working for him and am sure that he would be better than someone new. Remember that the Major has to do what he is instructed to do. I am sure if anything is missing from the evidence room it will not come back to Robbins

Anonymous said...

I, for one, will not be giving Carl Robbins a free pass. I will be watching him right along with others. So far so good. I hope he does not make the same mistake others made. They believed that once they are off the radar they can do what they wish. They were wrong.

It has been a "new day" in Mooresville for several years now, regardless of how much a certain shrinking faction would like to deny it to themselves. All that is asked of anyone in a position of authority and power in this town is that they remain honest, be accountable, and conduct the people's business openly.

Anonymous said...

Aug 10 11:28am
Crone is gone, can't you be happy now and just do your job. If a poll was taken at the MPD, you would be in the minority if not alone. Robbins would probably give you a chance to adjust under his leadership (providing you deserve it). You may automatically be part of the "cleaning house" of an outsider not knowing what all has gone on at your department, if he/she went by your attitude.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with whoever wrote district attorney Garry Frank is a "sorry butt". He's ignored so much corruption in Mooresville until finally it's come to this. We're the laughing stock of the entire region with corrupt police chiefs and corrupt town officials roaming the streets in broad daylight and with BACKING (D.A. backin?)! we're gonna be looking to the new D.a. to not put up with this kind of mess. We're still looking at several problem children left up there. The assistant town manager is a big problem involved with the chief and involved with the golf course scandal and involved with the Jimmy mcKnight highway robbery to name a few. That Rader is a big problem going up to the police department in the middle of all this telling people that the only person making sense to him was Crone that there was nothing to any of it (yep word's out commissioner). Don't know what Rader's deal is. Maybe the money his family made off the back of the working poor in this town is finally running out and he's looking for new source of income. Heck he's even driving a car around paid for by us. I wanna know if he's also wining and dining off us too. If it walks corrupt and looks corrupt it's most likely corrupt.

Anonymous said...

Now that Crone has been terminated what kind of severance package will he receive? Does he have some form of 'golden parachute' in his contract that will pay him off with taxpayer's money?

Anonymous said...

Well, if the PDA's are new enought the commisioners use, they'll have GPS. Why don't we just see the triangulation of Rader's PDA in regards to that of Crone during this recent little vacation? I'm sure you'll see several times they were only a few meters apart.

Anonymous said...

I'm one of the people who wrote Garry frank is covering something up. I can't understand the failure to release the facts surrounding the golf course investigation. Does he really believe he can keep that from us? What about the SBI's reluctance to release it?
I think it's time to call the FBI in regards to Frank and Smith.
What is it going to take for these officials to see we aren't joking around anymore? There must be a serious connection for Rader to staunchly support Crone and Smith during this latest debacle.
These folks must think we're in a collective coma if we'll allow the dishonesty to continue in this community any longer.


Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, yes to the previous poster. Crone was nothing but a symptom of a serious illness. If they think for a moment that we're just going to put a bandaid on this and move on, they all have a second think coming. The investigations around Crone MUST BE BROADENED to include other officials who have and continue to behave in a suspicious manner throughout this process.

Anonymous said...

For those of you wondering what happened to me and why I am no longer posting, it is not because I don’t want to, believe me, it is because I have “agreed or was told in no uncertian terms” to allow these people the due process they so richly deserve. The United States Constitution provides for every American, a
“Fair Trial .--The provisions of the Bill of Rights now applicable to the States contain basic guarantees of a fair trial--right to counsel, right to speedy and public trial, right to be free from use of unlawfully seized evidence and unlawfully obtained confessions, and the like. But this does not exhaust the requirements of fairness. ''Due process of law requires that the proceedings shall be fair, but fairness is a relative, not an absolute concept. . . . What is fair in one set of circumstances may be an act of tyranny in others.'' 46 Conversely, ''as applied to a criminal trial, denial of due process is the failure to observe that fundamental fairness essential to the very concept of justice. In order to declare a denial of it . . . [the Court] must find that the absence of that fairness fatally infected the trial; the acts complained of must be of such quality as necessarily prevents a fair trial.”

By now Federal Law Enforcement, at least the ones who need to know, know who I am and what I am doing, it is my hope that when all is said and done the people on this board who are throwing around words so casually like “felon” will no longer be able to lump me into that group in which Crone and his stable of criminals are currently going to be inducted into, this was not my intent but it is the only outcome that will be acceptable to me. So, Sparky, if that is you still trying to find out who I am, and calling me a felon, you unfortunatly don’t have the mental capacity to comprehend the obvious, and that is that I am still protecting you. However, one more word in my direction and I will allow a man from Nigeria to look over my shoulder to my computer screen to view the file I have on you right now. And trust me, it is not Myspace. People pay good money for background checks these days, and in honor of you I will have him make a donation to the cops for kids program and I am sure that Chief Robbins will find a way to use that money for Christmas presents for childern in need THIS year. I am sure as he did in the past, he will make the purcheses and note who they were for and the age of the child. Amazing how that works. Good job Chief, but you really do have your work cut out for you. I wish you the best of luck in cleaning up this mess.

To the FBI, SBI, Secret Service, I know you can come get me any time you want, the messege was made perfectly clear to me and I have respected it till today, however, I will not stand by while I am attacked on other threads on this board and do nothing to defend myself for much longer. Or to defend Mr. Cliff Hornsby (or whatever his name is,) I am not him and his name should not be sullied by what I am doing. I undertand him to be a first rate and honerable person. I will stay away from commenting on Crone and his obvious crimes or the situtiation surrounding dozens of members of the Mooresville Community. But know this, the State of North Carolina is STILL in violation of the 14th Amendment, and untill Crone is aressted will continue to be in violation. Ironically, this is the same Amendement that has been so thoughly denied to others in similar circunstances under the equal protection clause of the 14th. And you know this. If I am forced to reveal who I am, (which I do not want to do,for reasons I am sure you are aware of by now.) I promise that I will do just that but I will be bringing the largest Constitutional Lawsuit I can muster, as well as the largest media presence I can attract. I am doing the right thing here, and you all know this or I would already be receiving three hots and a cot.

You can choose to help me with what I am doing, or you can choose to attempt to silence me, but make no mistake, I will continue to take down departments and offices that commit fraud untill I have filled the prisons of North Carolina and the Country with former Badges and fundraisers. And lets be honest, you don’t like crooks with or without badges anymore then I do. I have offered to help you, you know my background, you know I can spot a fraudulant charity from thousands of miles away. You know I am an expert on both sides of NC GS 14-100, and you know I will not be safe in the United States. I will stay put, I am done hiding, when you want me, all you have to do is call and I will come.
I am protecting these people at the same time my rights under the same ammendment have been stripped away from me, and I will continue to until the day I die.
See: U.S. Const. Amend. XIV, §1.) Often cited as the "due process" and "equal protection" clause of the U.S. Constitution, the second part of the Fourteenth Amendment States that, "No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." The amendment was added after the civil war. Many of the legal arguments for abortion rights, for physician-assisted suicide, for demanding medical treatment, and for refusing medical treatment have rested on this clause. The U.S. Supreme Court relied on this clause in its Roe v. Wade decision. However, in Vacco v. Quill, the Court did not recognize a right to suicide or assisted suicide based on the due process or equal protection clause. In Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health, the Court affirmed that incompetent citizens have the same rights as competent citizens (equal protection), and affirmed the traditional common law doctrine of informed consent and its "logical corollary" the right to refuse unwanted medical treatment. Rehnquist, in his ruling opinion on Vacco v. Quill, stated:
The Equal Protection Clause commands that no State shall "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." This provision creates no substantive rights. San Antonio Independent School Dist. v. Rodriguez, 411 U.S. 1, 33 (1973); id., at 59 (Stewart, J., concurring). Instead, it embodies a general rule that States must treat like cases alike but may treat unlike cases accordingly. Plyler v. Doe, 457 U.S. 202, 216 (1982) (" `[T]he Constitution does not require things which are different in fact or opinion to be treated in law as though they were the same' ") (quoting Tigner v. Texas, 310 U.S. 141, 147 (1940)). If a legislative classification or distinction "neither burdens a fundamental right nor targets a suspect class, we will uphold [it] so long as it bears a rational relation to some legitimate end." Romer v. Evans, 517 U.S. ___, ___ (slip op., at 10) (1996).

To the people of Mooresville, thank you for coming out and getting Crones badge, that’s only the first step in a 1000 mile journey and you did it spectaculary. I don’t care if there was only one of you, there is a first person for everything. The Boston Tea Party shows us that. Protect what you have before its gone. The time is NOW.

To Crone, I will be watching you for the rest of my life, if you even so much as apply for a crossing guard job, I will be there and I will see to it that you never have a badge of any kind on your chest ever again.

TO Jaime, stay on these people, they all must go, YOU ARE THE PRESS and can comment to your hearts content. I however, will be silent in regards to Mooresville and will allow the system for all its flaws to wrok this out. I have bigger fish then Crone to fry anyway. Keep your eyes open and wait for the other shoe to drop. Its coming soon. At the end of the day, 14-100 needs to be and will be changed before every US Citizen is a felony under it or similar laws in other states.

I wish you all well, and don’t give up, every law I posted applies. I will post from time to time, just not laws, trust me, there are professionals involved now.

Tic Tocwcxutbn

Anonymous said...

If you're going to talk about the problems in the Iredell County Sheriff's Office, why don't you identify whom you're talking about. It seems your trying to fish using a hook, but no worm. Surely, this kind of stuff is not going on there.

Anonymous said...

I just got back from vacation and didn't check the blog, instead devoting every second to my children and our vacation. All I can say is WOW!! You did it, Jaimie. You and the the citizens of Mooresville that stopped being intimidated about what people would think and instead marched because it was the right thing to do. It takes a brave soul to do what you all have done. I'm gone a week and come back and the chief has been terminated. All I can say to the people that trash Jaimie Gatton... Seriously, have you ever met someone that has had the guts to do what she has? I'm just so proud right now!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Tic Toc, you rock, buddy.I'm sure you know who I am also ;), and that I have quite a bit in common with another poster here.That's cool, don't mind the right people knowing. But they don't call me the breeze ,my people call me Windwalker.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if TOM HR will contest if Crone tries to file for unemployment. In any firing it's at least 6 weeks before you get ananswer, then if they (NCESC) rule againest you, you could be penalized or denied benefits altogether.
It's rough trying to survive on U.E. and jobs are scarce.

Anonymous said...

canxuz broadcasting or freewebtown.com? even close?

Anonymous said...

Tic Toc, I'm gonna start calling you The prophet. You knew, man. You knew Crone was gonna go. Keep your fingers crossed for us, buddy. We still got a couple more to go.

Anonymous said...

And now, straight from command central in his mom's basement, we are proud to bring back....none other than....Tic Toc! Complete with rhetoric and grammatical errors to spare! Ohhhhh, scary. Do us all a favor and stay among the silent. Your posts are as annoying as ever.

Anonymous said...

8/10/08 11:54
Sadly the fate of this creature is sealed. Without it's rotund white-uniformed caretaker to visit it nightly and feed it's stomach and delusions, it will surely perish.

Just another casualty of life when you make the wrong survival choices.Take one last look, folks at the large-mouthed booby.

Now moving on to the tiger cage....

Anonymous said...

I just watched the news 14 interview of ole John Crone, how pitiful. He wants a polygraph, Maybe those he fired for the insane reasons would like one as well, how about those he says lied??? Where is their test? Get a grip JC you got what you have been dishing out to all of the good officiers that you have FIRED or run off. You didn't even get the option plan.(like you have also done to others) Maybe McDonalds will have you back, but then again some of us will even "blackball" you there, also like you have done to others.
They say what goes around comes around. And it has.

Pink Fruit Loop

Anonymous said...

This is a continuation of the "Count Up Vigil" of the number of days which pass from the day Cops For Kids scandal broke (7/4/08) to the day that Police Chief Crone and Interim Town Manager Erskine Smith are both suspended, terminated or resign.

The Police Chief was suspended (with pay) on Tuesday, 7/8/08. He was terminated on 8/8/08. The community is clearly relieved and deeply grateful that Mr. Crone has vacated his post. However, serious questions continue to mount with regard to Mr. Smith's decision to continue paying Mr. Crone a salary for the intervening month.

Interim Town Manager Erskine Smith, Mr. Crone’s supervisor, remains in his position and continues to operate still. Therefore I shall continue this Vigil until he, too, vacates any post he holds as a public official in Mooresville due to his role in this matter as well as other matters that have been brought to light.

The town board has placed Finance Director Maia Setzer in charge of oversight of the CFK process (including but not limited to any audits and investigations) which indicates that they, too, lack confidence and trust in the Interim Town Manager. Despite this lack of confidence, Mr. Smith remains in his position, a position to which the Finance Director reports.

The information I specifically refer to is:

1) documented misrepresentations made by Mr. Smith with regard to the nonprofit corporation known as Cops For Kids

2) Mr. Smith's direct recommendation to the town board to include the nonprofit corporation known as Cops For Kids into the town's general budget in the amount of $20,000

3) Mr. Smith's failure to perform due diligence in his capacity as Interim Town Manager by properly researching Cops For Kids prior to submitting his recommendation to the town board

4) Mr. Smith's involvement in a questionable commission in the amount of $237,151.50 as outlined in the Gatton Report blog entry dated 4/18/08 and titled “Friends don’t let friends gouge Mooresville taxpayers”, the contents of which have never been publicly disputed by Mr. Smith

5) Mr. Smith’s failure or refusal to change Mr. Crone’s status to “unpaid” suspension despite the surfacing of various contradictory statements made by Mr. Crone in the media since his suspension

6) Mr. Smith’s failure or refusal to fire Mr. Crone despite his assumed knowledge of the damning evidence presented in a Gatton Report articles dated July 22, 2008

7) Mr. Smith’s failure or refusal to insure that a complete financial audit is conducted and released of Cops For Kids records, despite the mayor’s assurance that this process had begun on July 8, 2008

8) Mr. Smith’s use of double standards when enforcing employment policies, as evidenced by his statements in the August 2008 “Town Voice”

9) The fact that Mr. Smith staunchly resisted firing Mr. Crone until after there was citizen unrest which resulted in a citizens protest on the Mooresville Town Hall on 8/4/08. The protest in turn brought about significant negative publicity for the town. Mr. Smith’s inexplicable delay in firing Mr. Crone therefore ultimately resulted in tarnishing the town’s reputation

This is Day No. 38.

Anonymous said...

Sure. The disgraced police chief NOW "wants a polygraph". They ALL want polygraphs right up until the last second, and then they suddenly decide they can't "cause my lawyer advised me not to." Cheap trick. Never heard you ask for a polygraph when you thought Smith had your back. Go away Crone. Day late dollar short.

Anonymous said...

Hey everybody, let's get busy and demand that golf course report!!!!

Garry Frank, District Attorney, Judicial District 22
office # 1-336-242-6710

DA's Office
P.O. Box 1854
Lexington, N.C. 27293

Frank needs to release that report. Let's all give him some incentive!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Larry, the Rev man, here's the address:

another poster sent this email:

Ok y'all, let's hit it!

Anonymous said...

hey larry-why don't you answer your numeric pages? some of us are trying to contact you with info we don't want to be put here.

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

I did, but got a busy signal

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

to the very inform person who posted the Aug 9th 2008 12:23 Am post with regards to the sheriffs Dept , WSIC has a radio show Saturdays at 11:00 Am The Real News , there e-mail is onair@therealnewsradio.com I bet they would investigate this further if more information was made available to them

Anonymous said...

August 12th, 2008, 4:44PM blogger....

The comments by people on this page are about corrupt government officials, bosses, Police Chief's, police officers, and others, not good
and honest government servants. If they are offended then they are corrupt.

These articles and blogs are to expose the corruption by Jaime doing the homework and then printing it for the readers to read and be informed.

Then this brings the reader to the place to share information from their experience and further expose this corruption.

Human beings, the bloggers are as well, and the other professional people and it is not an excuse to abuse authority and "willfully" hurt people.

I am happy that Crone is out!

Keep on marching, and march into their offices until they leave!