Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Did Crone resign or retire?

WSOC-TV reported last night that suspended Mooresville Police Chief John Crone “suddenly retired on Thursday,” and that he told reporters by phone that “he got tired of waiting for the town to interview him about the Cops for Kids program.”

So, which is it: Did Crone resign, or did he retire? In the event that he retired, what retirement benefits will the Town of Mooresville be responsible for paying him?

Those are questions that I sent to town officials earlier today. Perhaps the town's press release, expected sometime this morning, will address the questions. We're still awaiting that statement. I'll keep you posted ...


Anonymous said...

Good job, Mooresville citizens. Keep up the heat.

Be sure to keep on Town officials for ALL financial terms of this resignation/retirement. What accrued leave will he be paid for? Was there any severance? Insurance considerations, etc. Ask questions, don't be stonewalled.

Anonymous said...

I can tell you right now that if Erskine Smith has anything to do with it, Crone will get as full a ride as is possible under the circumstances. Smith really showed his true colors during this crisis, and I for one am not going to forget those true colors.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Rader. He's gonna look out for his boy Crone too big time.

Anonymous said...

What I want to know is this: Why is John Crone even being given the opportunity by his superior(s) to "retire" or "resign"? He should be summarily fired. He should have been fired weeks ago. This is blatant cronyism, plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

this is ridiculous. people marched in the streets on Monday so cat's out of the bag. what's the big secret about if Crone's fired or resigned or retired or whatever? give it to us straight mayor or whoever's in charge here.

Anonymous said...

He should be FIRED, without benefits, and he should be brought up on criminal charges. Furthermore, anyone who tries to skirt around these issues (Erskine Smith) should be charged with obstruct and delay. He should not get off with just "retiring", his "reign" should be tarnished.

Anonymous said...

Where's Mr. Bill? When was the last time you heard a word from our mayor? Quotes on here and in the paper from Rader, Carney, Smith. . .everybody but not a word from the mayor. Bill, you worked so hard to get your hands on the wheel of the ship. Now when times get tough. when the storms comes, you abandon the helmn and the crew and run off and hide. You can't do that and be the Captain too. Which way is it going to be? Personally, I think maybe we got the wrong guy at the wheel?

Anonymous said...

I was especially concerned about the statement that Crone "got tired of waiting for the town to interview him about the Cops for Kids program.”

Does this mean that he has yet to be questioned in this matter????

Anonymous said...

Just as we had "speculated", to use Rader's word - the investigations were bogus, at least until we marched on Monday. "Bogus" is the word one can use to describe any investigation(s) that fail to interview or question the suspect four weeks into those so-called "investigations". B-O-G-U-S.

People, if we had not marched on Monday, Smith would have kept Crone in his job and covered everything up. You can take that to the bank. If ever I had a doubt, I do not now that I know Crone has yet to be interrogated.

What a bunch of shysters. Sickening.

Anonymous said...

Why was Crone allowed to leave the postition of Chief of Police in any other way than arrested? He did take money out of the evidence room, that has already been proven. Why in the world would are elected officals allow this P.O.S. to resing or retire. How much does Crone have on them? Where is the S.B.I. investigation? Are the elected officals of the Town of Mooresville as dirty as Crone or just blind, deaf, and dumb.

Anonymous said...

10:19 has an excellent point. John Crone's immediate supervisor, Interim Town Manager Erskine Smith, knew one full month ago that Crone had transferred money from the evidence room into CFK, therefore dangerously compromising the integrity of the evidence room. As a person who has been in a management position of a town for many years, Smith should have fully understood the gravity of such a compromise. If he did not, he should be dismissed for his ignorance. If he did, he should be dismissed for failing to immediately dismiss Crone. So now, we must turn our full attention to Smith's supervisors - the mayor and the commissioners, for failing to dismiss him.

Anonymous said...

Another example of creative explanations. Wish you could've done that with no public pressure, Erskine.

Anonymous said...

Hey Rader, since Crone hasn't been "charged" with anything, I guess you think we should still be paying him even though he is fired now. Even an eighth grader could figure out the "gravitas" on that one, Mr. Big Shot (who shot his wad a long time ago).

Anonymous said...

Crone cannot "retire". He doesn't have enough years in the local government retirement system. Being "fired", he is eligible to draw unemployment.

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

Not if he was fired with cause.

Anonymous said...

In local government, if fired, you can draw umemployment.

Anonymous said...

All you need in the state retirement which he is under to be vested is 5 years so he is elgible for retirement pay now if his age allows him to do.Thus he is entitled for a pension even though it will be small it is based on his salary.

Anonymous said...

He may not be able to collect his police supplement as well. Wow what comes around goes around.....Tis a new day in Mooresville

Anonymous said...

by small I mean only 10 years or so here but do not forget he had what 10 years or soat little Washington when he was chief there and a few months at Newton. After thinking it over he will probaly draw a pretty good penion along with his SS when he turns 62 if he hasnt already did so

Anonymous said...

Crone was under Local Government, not State. For full retirement,he must work 30 years. Due to past marriages, children, and moving around, he does not have the time.

Anonymous said...

So where's the joker talking about the koolaid lady, the sheep and the .01% now? Home licking his wounds?

Anonymous said...

Local Municiple Police are under the "State" system, which means you can retire at age 55 with as little as 5 years in the system. Crone would meet that requirement. I think he had 8 at Washington and about 9 in mooresville. He came in Dec of 98 to Mooresville. He would only get the Law Enforcement Supplement until he is 62 which should not be far off, if he isn't already there. The 30 year rule applies to someone under 55.