That could soon change.
Mooresville’s new town manager, Steve Husemann, plans to revisit the town’s Code of Ethics, and at least two town commissioners hope to pick up where the 2005 town board left off.
Ironically, Miles Atkins – who was not a commissioner at the time – researched and introduced the idea of an ethics code to the town board in 2005, when commissioners – specifically Mitch Abraham and Alice Lee – were facing public scrutiny for their selection of engineering firm CH2M Hill to design the town’s multi-million wastewater treatment plant expansion. Abraham and Lee spearheaded the town’s choice of CH2M Hill but did not disclose that they were close personal friends with an official of the firm and attended his same church. (See
The town board adopted the Code of Ethics on June 6, 2005. It also developed an "ethics advisory committee" to review the code and provide input and recommendations to the town board regarding the formation of a formal committee to oversee the code’s enforcement. Atkins and Chris Carney -- also not yet elected to the town board -- were appointed to the advisory committee; Atkins was appointed by Danny Beaver, who Atkins would eventually challenge and defeat in the 2007 at-large race, and Carney was appointed by Mitchell Mack, whose Ward 4 seat Carney won in 2005 when Mack chose not to seek re-election.
The advisory committee met four times over the course of four months. But when the group brought its recommendations to Mooresville’s town board in January 2006, commissioners took no action, essentially killing the advisory committee’s work. It also meant that the Code of Ethics had no approved procedures in place to respond to citizen complaints against elected officials.
To read the ethics advisory committee’s findings, click on the documents below:
Last week, Mayor Bill Thunberg asked Husemann to revisit the policy – along with all the other town policies, procedures and operations.
But Carney quickly zeroed in on the ethics code, saying that elected officials from other areas have found themselves in “inappropriate situations” and “that doesn’t leave a good taste in the mouth of the citizens.”
The Code of Ethics addresses several topics, including conflicts of interest; duties to recuse, disclose, and cooperate; unfair use of town property; misuse of confidential information; improper gifts and fair and equal treatment.
“So much work was done” by a “very non-partisan ethics advisory committee” in 2005, Carney said last week. “A lot of the footwork has been done, and we need to take the recommendations of that committee and put (the Code of Ethics) in action.
“There was a unanimous recommendation from the committee to form a vetting system for ethical complaints against an elected official,” Carney added. “Everybody agreed to the premise and the idea of it. There’s no reason in the world not to have it.”
Carney said currently in North Carolina, “there’s no system, short of a felony, of removing unethical elected officials.”
If an elected official is found to have conducted himself unethically, said Carney, “Citizens shouldn’t have to hold their nose, waiting for the next election cycle. There certainly needs to be something done about that.”
Atkins said that the town’s adopted Code of Ethics remains in effect. However, he said, “If someone filed a complaint today, they can reference a code, but there’s not a formalized process in place even though (the ethics advisory committee) recommended it.”
He said he expects that Husemann and commissioners will review the Code of Ethics and the advisory committee’s findings and, sometime in the near future, vote on virtually the same recommendations that were presented to the town board in January 2006.
“When there is lack of confidence or mistrust, this will be a tool for the citizens,” Atkins said.
1 – 200 of 285 Newer› Newest»Bravo, gentlemen! I'm very pleased to hear these developments, and welcome to Mooresville, Mr. Huseman.
And while you're at it, put in the ability to recall an elected official. The ethics committee has no ability to remove an elected official, even if that official violates the ethical guidelines. The only real power would be for the citizens to have the ability to recall and vote out such politicians.
It is to bad that we have to even have a ethics code. The people we elect should no right from wrong and do what is best for the citizens the represent. But power seems to corrupt.
It is very difficult to legislate morality. The best way to insure ethical behavior is to elect ethical individuals who have the interest of the people in their heart rather than their own egos.
Can an ethics bill name specific unethical people say Jimmy McKinight for instance?
The best way to insure ethical behavior is to lock up those that aren't, that is the deterrent effect, same as with any crime.
Rader is a liar!
oopps, did I say that out loud.
An improved ethics code is will only be as effective as it is enforced. Sounds like another attempt at appeasement.
Time Traveler
To 9:06 or anyone else: what did McKnight do wrong? If you received a check with six figures on it, would you give it back?
To 9:41 who asked what McKnight did wrong. I think that goes to the heart of this ethics question. Would I keep that check. I'd like to think I wouldn't. I could not walk down the street and face the tax payers of Mooresville if I did. Not for helping the Town create a park for the enjoyment of everyone.
Now Jimmy is due a fee, no doubt. But $250,000? There is no way in hell I could take that from my neighbors and have to face them every day at Food Lion. Not for the amount of work I imagine Jimmy put into that deal. And there's the question of giving back to the community and community pride. Plenty of people have given their time and effort to making this a better place ot live for us and our children without collecting a quarter of a million dollar fee or any fee. Does McKnight not owe this community a little something for what they have given him. It's just a question of eithics. Some people got it. Some people ain't.
To answer your question, personally, I would not be able to sleep,walk the streets, or face myself in the mirror if I took that check.
Lets get the attention off of the CFK investigation and go to ethics reform.(Watch out folks, this is a switch tactic) While we are at it, lets call the ICMA to look at Mr. Smith's conduct as a member regarding ethics. The ethics idea will be a joke, because town commissioners have no shame right now. If the town board wants to put its money where its mouth is, amend the town charter to include a recall provision. The cost of a recall won't be anymore than an audit of CFK(probably less), and it would give the citizens an avenue to remove an official other than waiting for an election. The commissioners would say "Then someone with a grudge could mobilize and get someone ousted." I think given the caliber of the average Mooresville citizen, that won't happen.(85% don't care how bad they are getting hosed, they just don't know it) But for acts which meet the standard of official misconduct, we need to remove the parasites, not allow them to continue to legislate for their friends and "bonding" us to the poor house.
Recall, Recall, Recall,!!
12:16 I believe the way to get a recall provision is to petition the Commissioners for it. If you are able to collect a SIGNIFICANT number of LEGITIMATE signatures and perhaps some voters to actively lobby for this, I believe you will get action from the Board. But you said yourself, the average citizen is not that concerned about these issues. Out of the 20,000 +/- people in Mooresville, it seems that there is only a small minority that feel things are 'out of control'. There's a lot of curiosity about all the stuff posted on this blog but when you get down to it, there's just not a ground swell of support.
The "Ethics Code" must also include non-elected town officials, such as an "Assistant Town Manager", for example. We need a formal process by which we can file complaints against people like Erskine Smith who are leeching off of us and letting their friends (i.e. Jimmy McKnight) leech off of us with full immunity.
A Code of Ethics might be nice, but very difficult to make effective, since interpretations will vary.
A Suggestion for inclusion, particularly for all elected officials:
1. Each member of the Board of Commissioners is required to sign a Contract (or letter of Agreement) outlining the conditions and requirements of their assuming and continuing in office.
2. The Contract will specify actions that will be taken in the event of a violation of the term(s) of the Agreement.
3. If a term or condition is violated, a complaint may be filed by a Town citizen.
4. The Citizen filing the complaint will form a committee of three (3), who must all be residents of Mooresville, none of whom are Town employees.
5. The Commissioners or Mayor, against whom the complaint is filed, will form a committee of three (3), only one of whom may be an elected official, all must be residents of Moorsville.
6. The committee members will meet and select an independent Chairman.
7. The committee of seven (7) will meet and adjudicate the complaint. A decision regarding the disposition of all matters relative to the complaint will be provided in writing, for the Town record..
8. All decisions will be final and binding.
9. Decisions may include the removal from office of the affected elected official
To enable the above procedure to be effective – time limits need to be established for each step.
It was especially interesting to read this sentence in the article:
"Mayor Bill Thunberg asked Husemann to revisit the (ethics) policy – along with all the other town policies, procedures and operations."
An attempt possibly by the mayor to "bury" the ethics policy under the quagmire of other "town polices, procedures and operations"? You think?! Say it ain't so.
It will be very amusing to watch the RATS (Rader, Abraham, Thunberg and Smith) try and give everybody else on the board, not to mention the new town manager and the public, the runaround when it comes to getting a working "Ethics Code" implemented. If Carney and Atkins actually stick to their guns and remain serious about this, be prepared to see political gyrations and delay tactics like you've never seen before from the problem children.
Ken Andrews has submitted his findings
I had quite a laugh this morning upon reading the Record & Landmark article
“Iredell leaders: It’s good to be Mayor”.
Mayor Thunberg is quoted as follows: “I think public service at any level of government would help a person if they choose to move up to a further level of government” “At the very least, it gives you a style of governing and that is going to be the standard you use no matter what your position of leadership is.” Later he said “My job as mayor is mostly to guide the debate and ask “Is this the very best we can do for our citizens?”
I thought the Mayor was joking as I believed his mantra was “run and hide, and surreptitiously manipulate, while under the table. I just hope he was being “The Joker”
The thought of Mr. Thunberg seeking a higher office is frightening. His record on the school board resulted in his failure to be re-elected to the position he held
He obviously has no leadership ability, and has shown none during the current mess in the Town Police Department, and the open and obvious mishandling of the situation by the Interim Town Manager and one of the Commissioners.
sssssssssssssssshhhhhhh. Kay, don't burst Mr. Bill's bubble. He still can't believe he wasn't the Mayor selected to run with McCain. But you can believe this. . . he's already thinking about a State House seat or something. Maybe even Governor. A Mayor is running for that seat now,right? Why not Mr. Bill? See the thing is to get a check in that box. School Board Member. check. Rotary. check. Chairman of Chamber. check. Mayor. check. whether you did a good job or not, just get a check in the box and move on to the next position.
Let the ethics code deal with this: A mayor who puts a certain person (Maia Setzer, so-called Finance Director) "in charge" of the investigations and audits of a police chief suspected of defrauding the public. This particular mayor does so knowing that the person he just put "in charge" will be taking three weeks of vacation right after he puts her "in charge". As a result, over two months into the scandal, still no real audit to speak of. How very convenient for everyone involved, considering the audit will most likely prove glaring ineptness, if not worse, by two of the same mayor's "pets", the assistant town manager Erskine Smith and his sidekick the finance director. How's that for an ethics braintwister?
The other thing that is interesting is that the person in charge on the internal investigation is one of the people who should have been providing oversight from the beginning. Does she investigate herself?
Foxes guarding the proverbial henhouse. Nice way of saying Massive Coverup. Problem here for all of them can be summed up in two simple words. Gatton Report. It doesn't look like Ms. Gatton's gonna drop the ball on this one anytime soon as others have in the past. It's a whole new ballgame in Mooresville and some people haven't read up on their new rulebooks yet.
Can anyone tell us whether it is accurate that Ms. Setzer took 3 weeks of vacations shortly after being assigned to supervising the audits and investigations of Mr. Crone?
Yes she did - it is amazing that the whole place shut down while she took a vacation - as if this was not a high profile action - would you say "stall"
Thank you for the response. If indeed Ms. Setzer took 3 weeks of vacation in the midst of the crucial time in question, it would be customary for her to have received approval from her supervisor(s) for those weeks prior to actually taking them. The next question is who was her direct supervisor and was he/she aware that Ms. Setzer was preparing to take 3 weeks of vacation when she had just been assigned the very serious and time-sensitive task of overseeing the investigations of the chief of police?
Additionally, was the mayor aware of Ms. Setzer's upcoming extended vacations when, in a public statement, he placed her over the audits and investigations of the police chief?
Setzer's immediate supervisor at that time would have been who-other that his Highness Erskine Smith don't you know by now that wherever Smith's footprints have been it amounts to havoc. Obviously he was not eager to have an immediate audit to be done. In what business would a person be allowed to take a vacation when the roof was falling in? Of course we cannot understand how me keeps his job. The Commissioners have continually protected him from all harm.
missed that, lol
Was there no contingency plan to address the fact that Ms. Setzer would be unable to attend to this serious situation for a 3 week time span? In any department, business or enterprise, other staff would have been delegated to prevent this type of unacceptable delay.
If I understand the media reports correctly, the Cops For Kids records are now in Town Hall, still awaiting being audited. How are these records secured? Who is insuring the integrity of such records? Are they easily accessible to anyone who works in Town Hall? For example, are they available for inspection and/or alteration by any of the town officials who failed to provide proper oversight to Mr. Crone and his Cops For Kids charity?
These are important questions. Again, this is a very serious matter. The longer this matter drags on, the more suspicion will grow and be cast upon any and all persons involved, further eroding public confidence and irreparably damaging trust.
A BIG THANK YOU TO Iternational Union of Police Associations. (IUPA) from
Tic Toc
I want you folks to know what is happening so far, the post I made on Aug. 15th 2008 in regards to IUPA and the FOP is showing some fruit,
After being on this board since July 8th and bashing the crap out of Crone and Company for a month and a half, my demand to these to help me it would appear is happening, and happening in a big way.
Below is my post.
Anonymous said...
Now lets bring in the FOP, that is the Ferternal Order of Police for those of you that dont know who they are, look them up. 300,000 members strong, let me just say this, you better start helping me with this becasue dont forget I know every in and out of how you "raise" your money. Hell you all are not even a 501 C 3, dont make do this, you will start to contact your elected officials on behalf of the people of Mooresville and you will clean this house out or I will tare your house donw quick fast and in a hurry.
I know some of you are reading this, go to your lodge and talk to the men at the top of those lodges and ask them how they "raise" the money you use.
Dont forget I know what pitches you use as well, and that puts you all in the same boat as Crone and Company. Help solve this and I will leave you alone and let you keep doing what you are doing, ootherwise I will see to it that all of your professional fundraisers go to prison, do you know how many that is, it is thousands. You will help me or you will never see another dime,
Crone and COmpnay did not take me seriously either, but I suggest you do, no I take that make, I dont suggest anything, you will do what I ask, or I start plucking off your professional fundraisers untill you get the messege that I am not playing games with this industry. It will come crashing down in a big heap of crap.
How is the game coming so far boys, did you go yet?
Maybe we should start with IUPA instead, for those of you that dont know them, that stands for Internation Union of Police Association, you two groups have been at it for years I guess you cant decide who steals more money, but I can tell you and I will if you all dont help me either. THis game is over, I am going to burn it down.
How do you all like me now. Check it out, all you members of both groups and you will find out I am dead serious and you will also find out that I am more then capable of doing it.
YOU WILL HELP ME, 1 charge for 1 man, are you all this dumb to let me do this, hell let me, that implies you have a choice.
SHould the "games" I play mr Crone continue or will you submit to that 1 class H felony, you see the lengths I am willing to go to,
TO the FBI, have you added the numbers up going to prison yet, I am working on it, be glad both those groups use paid fundraisers and not actual Police Officers, but it is still fraud now matter who you use.
Your turn guys!
August 15, 2008 4:52 PM
Anonymous said...
SO far I am only posting public information, just wait till I get to the real stuff, the private stuff on how all this works.
FOP, IUPA, are you all on the phone yet???
August 15, 2008 6:18 PM
Anonymous said...
Who wants the text of the BUllet Proof Vest Pitch, How about the Dare Drug Pitch, How about the Dead Cop Pitch, How about the Vans for Vets Pitch, How about the FIre Department Stop Drop and Roll Pitch.
All fraud, all illegal, all include the words, your contibution is 100% tax deductable. Guess what, none of them are.
How about the advertising sponser pitch, the year book pitch, the drug book pitch.
I can give them verbatim and they are unsed nationwide right now, in thousands of rooms across the country.
How about the mooch pitch, maybe you would like to hear widows and orphens pitch???
Anyone???? ANyone???
Are you listening FOP and IUPA, dont help me and you are done.
Believe me Iam not proud that I know them, let alone know them by heart.
Oh heres one, the bicycle rodeo pitch, or maybe the policemans ball pitch, or how about the tickets for chrismas programs.
SOmetimes people do things they are not proud of and then they do what I am doing to make up for it, by they way, under the law all that BS is legit, it is how they say it that is not. I never cross that line.
Oh and one last one, my favorite, the police sticker pitch. Every car you see on the road with a police sticker is a victim of fraud.
Bet you all did not know that did you?
Anyway, want to hear more, or shuld I just stop now? I can say whetever I want to now, I am out.
August 15, 2008 6:29 PM
Anonymous said...
Mr. Cooper, I know you are a good man, but Frank is your boy and flat out says he does not care if you are innocent.
Mr. Cooper you better live up to this... I am on you, and not to worry, if Crone did not scare me, and your boy does not scare me, do you really think you do?
I am coming to give you the disney e ticket ride in the legal system, you and I are going to the Supreme court, dont sen a boy (frank) to do a mans job.
Live up to this or go down with the rest of these fools.
FOP, and IUPA, not hearing anything from you yet, I am back for another day of ripping you to shreads.
BUt today I start taking you apart.
Working Hard to Protect North Carolina’s Greatest Asset
. . .its people
Attorney General Roy Cooper is working every day to make North Carolina a safer place to live, work and raise a family. As the state's top law enforcement officer he is bringing violent criminals to justice with DNA evidence and better technology. As a national leader in fighting for consumers he busts scams that prey on unsuspecting people. Whether it's taking criminals and con artists to court or taking the battle for tougher laws to Raleigh and Washington, he is making life better, and safer, for the people of North Carolina.
August 16, 2008 10:16 AM
Anonymous said...
As a national leader in fighting for consumers he busts scams that prey on unsuspecting people.
You are sure not showing this now are you Mr. Cooper. You have crooked cops all over your state and you are turning a blind eye.
Shall we play a game Mr. Cooper?
Or do you just want to come marytr me?
You will protect the constitution or you will be tossed into the heap with Crone, Rader, Smith, Thunberg, and Frank.
DOnt you relize I am doing your job for you, you WILL help me.
FOP and IUPA, I am going after your numbers today, want some of that published?? Percentages you get, the up front fee's and such, bet that is going to make you all look real good for fundraising dont you?
Are you all on the phone yet, yesterday I said call Frank, well forget frank, go to Cooper, I doubt very seriously he will not listen to such a large group of sworn law enforcement officers.
I swear to god, you are on the wrong side of this right now, get back on the right side or go down in flames.
You will help me prove my INNOCENSE and Crones GUILT or you will never see another dime ever again. YOu know I can do it too, just based on whatI have shown you I know, are you wondering yet, what else I know?? You should be and you should be on the phone.
Mr. Cooper if I have to go past you, I will, you better protect your boss like I am protecting the constitution.
Tic Toc
Anonymous said...
Good Luck everyone, I cant say I did not try,m but I will try again,I guess morresville is not the place.
NCCOPS -North Carolina Conference of Police and Sheriffs - David Spagnola, they dont want to hear about yuo, but I am going to say this, I still want you to do the right things and call Cooper and before you degard the idea, here is just a snippet of what I have for you.
NC Policeman Charged with Embezzlement
A police officer featured in local news media for his role in finding a kidnapped infant has been charged with embezzling close to $10,000 from his union from Jan. 2001 to May of this year.
Jason E. Padgett has been technical director of the N. Carolina Coalition of Police (NCCops) for three years. NCCops was established by the Intl. Union of Police Assns. (IUPA), AFL-CIO in 1998, as a representative for police officers desiring such representation, although collective bargaining between governments and unions is illegal in NC.
In his position, Padgett is responsible for the group's web site, newsletter and bank accounts. David Spagnola, NCCops Exec. Dir., said that an initial review of the group's banking statements prompted suspicions, which were relayed to the Bd. of Directors, composed of several local police organization presidents. After a subsequent audit, the information was handed over the law enforcement, and the charges were filed earlier this month. [Greensboro News & Record 10/12/02]
Mr. Spagnola? What are you thinking putting this in writing?? I am going to give you a break for now on that, but are you picking up the phone to call Cooper?
I swear you do not want me to continue, your group does some very good work and I would like to think you all are above board, however, it is not looking that way.
Mr. Spagnola, call Cooper or your group will have a very tough time raising funds again, ever. You are using phone pros right now, don’t forget I already know what they are saying and they, I promise you, are committing fraud under NC GS 14-100.
I want and need crone arrested on 1 count of a violation of NC GS 14-100, I need your help, or I can put you your fundraisers in prison, it is your choice right now, but I promise you it will not be if crone is still walking the street on Friday afternoon.
1 man, 1 charge, that is all I want and you get to keep coning the public. How is that for a deal.
Think I am kidding? Try me? Your group will be easier then the FOP, better call national on my behalf as well, tell them I said there ad book sucks, you know the one, its called the LAW OFFICER. Make your check out to the law officer. Now tell me what the use of that name implies?? Now maybe I will describe the boiler rooms your fundraisers use, including the payments made to many in drugs as their pay checks.
Sure you want to keep playing the game with me Mr. Spagnola? Pick up the phone, pick it up today, or I start lining up ALL your fundraisers in prison cells along side the FOP’s and COPS 4 Kids, which you guessed it, it’s a bunch of cops. Are you seeing a pattern here yet?
BTW, you know this email of yours is a lie and also proof you employee phone pros, and to me there is no way you don’t know what they say, because if they tell the truth, you get nothing. You are trying to keep one foot in the water with enough distance for the group to claim you did not know what was going on. Which judging by your organization being ripped off by this guy before
Mr. Spagnola? What are you thinking putting this in writing?? I am going to give you a break for now on that, but are you picking up the phone to call Cooper?
I swear you do not want me to continue, your group does some very good work and I would like to think you all are above board, however, it is not looking that way.
Mr. Spagnola, call Cooper or your group will have a very tough time raising funds again, ever. You are using phone pros right now, don’t forget I already know what they are saying and they, I promise you, are committing fraud under NC GS 14-100.
I want and need crone arrested on 1 count of a violation of NC GS 14-100, I need your help, or I can put you in prison, it is your choice right now, but I promise you it will not be if crone is still walking the street on Friday afternoon.
1 man, 1 charge, that is all I want and you get to keep coning the public. How is that for a deal.
Think I am kidding? Try me? Your group will be easier then the FOP, better call national on my behalf as well, tell them I said there ad book sucks, you know the one, its called the LAW OFFICER. Make your check out to the law officer. Now tell me what the use of that name implies?? Now maybe I will describe the boiler rooms your fundraisers use, including the payments made to many in drugs as their pay checks.
Sure you want to keep playing the game with me Mr. Spagnola? Pick up the phone, pick it up today, or I start lining up ALL your fundraisers in prison cells along side the FOP’s and COPS 4 Kids, which you guessed it, it’s a bunch of cops. Are you seeing a pattern here yet?
BTW, you know thies email of yours is a lie and also proof you employee phone pros, and to me there is no way you don’t know what they say, because if they tell the truth, you get nothing. You are trying to keep one foot in the water with enough distance for the group to claim you did not know what was going on. Which judging by your organization being ripped of
Mr. Spagnola’s email is below
Email the president of the organization to complain about the number of calls. "David Spagnola(]"
I got the following reply ....
WE relayed the email to our fund raising company and they have purged
your number from the data base.
A computer dials the number and the computer tells us that the calls
were not answered.
It takes few seconds for the computer to detect your answer before a
person picks up and you may have hung up by then.
Regardless, it's not a perfect system and if the computer doesn't feel
the call was answered, it goes into a recall mode and calls you again
and again until it's answered.
You number has been purged. Thanks for letting us know about the
Good Luck man cause just cause I amy not come after you does not mean that someone else is not. You gonna need it.
Dont worry if the board asks I will post more but it appears I am taking to no one.
August 18, 2008 5:24 AM
These are some of the times I attacked IUPA< and I told them what I was going to do, I demanded their help, and by the press release they put out, convientley 2 days before I layed into them, they put this out!!!!
So who wants to say these men are not still guilty!
IUPA knows they are guilty and they are in the fight now with us, I told you all there was no going back for me.
Here is what IUPA said on 8/13/2008
I would say they said UNCLE, wouldn't you???
I am not 100% it was me, but I am 99% sure.
Check my next post out and true to my word, IUPA you help out with this and I keep my mouth shut, but you included just about all my ammo in this press release, so keep up the good work.
Here you go, and the first one falls.
Cooper, I know these folks called you, hell they got you on speed dial right now.
IUPA Police Union Pledges to Clean Up Fundraising Efforts
2008-08-13 08:00:00
International Union of Police Associations (IUPA) has passed a resolution on ethical fundraising, pledging to comply with telemarketing standards that were previously ignored by the union. The resolution, presented by IUPA members and passed at the union's convention last week in Orlando, obliges IUPA to put an end to percentage-based compensation and put philanthropic mission above personal gain. Up until now, only 1.2% of the money raised through telemarketing by IUPA has gone to actual charitable law enforcement causes or scholarships.
2 CENTS, a citizens' group aimed at highlighting poor telemarketing practices that deceive the public, supports the resolution, which pledges to end IUPA's relationship with its for-profit telemarketing contractor, LAS, LLC. Last year IUPA raised $4.8 million in public donations, but spent $4.3 million of those donations in the fundraising process, including $1.9 million in fees to LAS, LLC.
IUPA consequently received a total of about $500,000 through telemarketing, but made only $53,900 in donations to law enforcement causes and scholarships, meaning only 1.2% of the total donations went to actual charitable causes. The rest went to officer salaries and meetings in fancy hotels. IUPA is running a deficit and depends on public donations to keep paying the over $600,000 a year in salaries to union leaders.
The resolution will also put an end to percentage-based compensation for telemarketers. Previously telemarketers received a percentage of whatever they raised; they will now receive an hourly wage, returning integrity to the process.
"This resolution is the first step to cleaning up what was a deeply questionable fundraising process," said Jo-Ann Mort, spokesperson for 2 Cents. "We expect our law enforcement officers to value ethics and maintain integrity in all they do. By ending their relationship with LAS, LLC and adhering to the standards set forth by the Association of Professional Fundraisers, IUPA is making a move in the right direction."
Tic Toc,
I just read your reposted rants above. This is like stuff right out of a Psychology 101 text book. It's actually easy to tell when you are taking your meds and when you are not. Some of these are completely incoherent ramblings. This is the guy that some of you should be mayor of Mooresville? My God, you all deserve each other.
It worked though didn't it, go cry in the corner, your boy is going to prison, see ya
btw, I am glad you learned how to read, its to bad you skipped reading comprehension.
This is a link to help you, they are free worksheets you can use to get up to speed. I would hate to have to hold you back a grade LOL
Your a funny and strange little boy LOL Kinda like erkel from that old show, but wrong.
Now I have to go back to work if you don't mind, and in case you don't know, work, young man, is how we put your boy's in prison. There is a big guy in a cell waiting to call him Darlin' and I would not want to keep him waiting while I waste time talking to you, RedCrone Lover. LOL
Tic Toc, what worked? Are you trying to imply that you are behind the Police Union ethics reform? Are you kidding me? Your psychopathic ramblings are little more than that. Believe me, the Feds get calls, emails and postings on a minute by minute basis.
Taking credit for ethics reform within a large police union just goes to show the extent of your delusions.
I suppose that you have the FBI, SBI and hundreds of other departments working for you too? You are mighty powerful. Let me guess.... Obama is your puppet too? Youare such a mighty puppet that you have time to spend all day on forums for months regarding a town that you say you live nowhere near and have never been to?
Seriously, you need to take the meds and wash them down with a big glass of water.
Jealous LOL
Nope, just you, HAHA Just little ole you, Remember, persecuted! Thats all you LOL I will help him after he has gone to prison. If you keep it up, maybe I wont and will just sit tight till the next idiots try what crone and redmond tried and I will help them. That why he can have you to thank for serving his whole sentence. LOL
One more thing, if you new what "2 cents" was you would at least think that it is possible I had something to do with it.
I know a lot more then that web site does about IUPA, I am sure of that. But I said its a 99% chance anyway. Either way, they did what I wanted, so there. LOL Thought I might need to speak like a child for you. Hope it helped your comprehension level.
I was just watching CNN and they mentioned a multi-state investigation that is underway, headed by the FBI. Apparently, someone named "tic toc" was their informant and deserves all the credit.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
I'm rolling on the floor, laughing my butt off. This Bud's for you Mayor Tic Toc.
all this talk about an ethics code started me thinking. As Mr. gregory said, The people we elect should know right from wrong and do what is best for the citizens they represent.
We are fortunate to have a person who knows right from wrong and who does what is best. Sheriff Redmond is that person. I have seen him repeatedly torn apart on this blog with unsubstantiated claims. I personally know he is a fine upstanding man with undisputable character. We need some people running Mooresville who have the same high standards as Phil.
undisputable character
ha, that is disputable
It was clear from this article that Commissioners Miles Atkins and Chris Carney are proponents of an Ethics Code in Mooresville. What is not clear is where do the other five elected officials stand? Who is cold to the idea? Who is lukewarm? Enquiring minds want to know.
I don't get this ethics code crap. Aren't elected people sworn in? Does anyone know what is in the oath when they are sworn in?
Even so, they know damn well that the public didn't put them in a position of control so they could help themselves and rip the public off. There are apparently a lot of foxes running for control of the henhouse.
11:42 you said redmond has undisputable character. I agree that he is a character.
An ethics code is a joke. These people knew when they took office what they were expected to do. Why do we have to have it in writing? And why has it now got to be worded more strongly? If these people don't respect the citizens they work for throw them out of office.
Don't say it can't be done either, anything can be done if you put your mind to it.
We don't need more words, we need more action.
Let me say that again...
We don't need more words, we need more action.
Let's hope that Mr. Huseman is a positive change for our community. I'm not going to hold my breath though. keep in mind that a large majority of those who want the top positions want them so that they can be on top. Once there they will play whatever games they need to if they want to stay there.
Let's hope the the new guy is sincere and really wants to make things right.
I just figured out why Mi-connection's high speed internet is so slow and periodically goes down without explanation -- Erskine is now on the Board of Directors.
Did you know he has completed a "majority" of the coursework for a Masters in Urban Development? Most?
11:53 & 6:52
You are some of the people on this blog that post without having any substantial backing to your allegations.
When you can post some gossip about Sheriff Redmond that has documentation with it, post it. (I know that isn't going to happen) Otherwise, leave him alone you are distracting fom his good work and his good name.
No good deed goes unpunished. I guess that is what the Sheriff is going through now. Just ask the people who work for him if you want to know about his character. He is respected and looked up to by his employees.
Now that, is a fact.
Some cops lie and commit crimes. So says an admitted former crooked NYPD cop, Robert Cea in a new book featured on the front page of the New York Daily News. According to this cop’s own admission it is a regular practice to lie on the witness stand, falsify police reports, selectively enforce crimes, and do dirty work and strike shady deals with criminal "informants." Cea’s former collaborators in the NYPD are, of course, dismissing the claims, but the rest of us should pay good attention to the issues being raised. Even if one argues that the vast majority of law enforcement officials are good and honest, there are more than just a few bad apples that are poisoning their departments and making a mockery of justice.
According to pundit Michelle Malkin, society does not praise cops enough. She also argues that the media only focuses on the bad cops. In her column she lists off the heroic deeds of a few cops that have gone unnoticed as a sign of our ingratitude. Malkin, a conservative with some good ideas mixed with authoritarian tendencies, also took silliness to a new level last year with a book defending the internment of 112,000 mostly innocent Japanese during World War II. Now she informs us that we don’t show enough respect to our "boys in blue."
This is nonsense. Aside from rap artists mocking police and occasional skeptical media stories directed at law enforcement, cops are usually subject to lavish praise on the news, Hollywood movies and network television shows. Back from the days of black and white TV, police action movies and dramas have captivated audiences. In modern times, the long running television show "Cops" glorifies the police force. Multiple other TV programs are law enforcement dramas where police and detectives save the day. In most movies, cops are the good guys. Where there is a bad cop in the movie, he is usually foiled by the good cops.
Not only that, but police are regularly honored by schools, churches and other groups for their service. Also, thinking about running for office? Well, an endorsement from your local police department will never hurt and is usually a plus with the average citizen. Let’s be very honest, the general perception of cops amongst the public is still pretty good, especially since 9/11.
Apparently, this is not enough for Malkin and other apologists of the post-9/11 emerging Police State.
Negative news stories and negative accusations from the political left regarding police usually have nothing to do with the allegations made by Cea, but instead obsess about supposed "racism" in departments or "racist" acts committed on the job. While I’m sure such acts do occur in real time and space, many of these accusations are bunk and most of the American public that doesn’t reside on the loony left of the political spectrum sees through it. But to dismiss them wholly would also be a mistake. The problem is much bigger, however.
The real problem with police today is not racism, but inherent corruption and arrogance that is prevalent in law enforcement agencies all around the country. The problem is the law enforcement culture itself which does basically whatever it wants without any accountability from above.
What Cea is describing in his book are practices that are well-known to any local cop just about anywhere, not just large powerhouses like the NYPD. Honest cops will attest to the crimes being committed by their co-workers. And it happens everywhere, all around the country and nobody in any position of power is doing anything to stop it. Instead of accountability, these same cops get mainly praise and popular pundits implore us to show even more fawning adoration for the law enforcement culture.
One former cop I knew from a small town in Michigan quit the police force because of what he saw as rampant corruption. In his town of just 10,000 or so he reported the same kind of garbage that Cea said occurred in the NYPD: cops lying on the stand, intentionally dishonest police reports, collaborating with criminals and all the rest.
Here’s a test: If you know a cop you believe is honest, ask him how often these things occur in his department. His answer will probably shock you.
Who is willing to stand up to the abuse? Not many people. Cops routinely lie and cover for each other. Judges are not totally oblivious to the excesses of law enforcement, but usually just don’t care and are willing participants with police. Defendants and regular people stand little chance for a fair trial or fair hearing.
The situation is even worse at the federal level. The FBI, IRS and other "investigative" and law enforcement federal agencies do basically whatever they please and many times are more corrupt than the people that they are investigating. Federal prosecutors and federal judges work hand in hand at making sure the accused are convicted regardless of what the facts really are. Anyone who has been targeted by the feds or has a family member who has been knows exactly what I’m talking about.
There is so much that could be said about the abuses by law enforcement on all levels that a lengthy book could not even cover it all. On local, state and federal levels, entrapment runs rampant to catch everything from speeders to drug dealers. But law enforcement officials frequently commit crimes in order to catch the criminals. Hence the very regular practice of undercover law enforcement officials approaching people with drugs and possessing drugs but then arresting people who take the bait.
Then of course there are the very regular well-known practices of cops just sitting around in select locations looking to bust speeders. Prime spots are usually heavily trafficked roads where the speed limit just dropped (for instance, a busy road where the limit just went from 55 to 45 or 45 to 35). Before the driver realizes the limit has dropped he is pulled over by a menacing cop who is looking to meet a ticket quota or is just "doing his job" by harassing otherwise law-abiding citizens.
Have a disagreement with a cop and say something he doesn’t like (even politely without profanity)? Well, get ready to be arrested for disorderly conduct. Unaware that one of your brake lights is out? Too bad, be prepared to be pulled over and get ready for an uncomfortable interrogation. Not wearing your seatbelt? Click it or ticket, punk.
None of these examples are far-fetched. They go on all the time, everywhere, everyday. Outside of these petty examples are the far more troubling allegations being raised by Cea that also happen far more than anyone wants to admit. And that’s a huge problem: we know these things exist and we know it happens far more than we let on. But we want to continue to live in this make-believe world where the cops never do anything wrong and that it’s just a "generalization" to say that the law enforcement culture has a large corrupt element to it.
Yes there are plenty of good cops. But there are too many bad ones that are getting away with crimes and an arrogant abuse of power. The problem goes beyond just the personality of a particular local, state or federal law enforcement official. The problem is the culture of law enforcement itself that can step all over anyone it chooses with little accountability from lawmakers or the judiciary.
It would be nice if you gave credit where credit is due and not post something that appears to come from you. The copy past you did is from and was dated 2004 I think.
That's the wonderful thing about anonymous postings on the internet. People can say anything they want to whether it is true or not. It is quite funny.
So says an admitted former crooked NYPD cop, Robert Cea in a new book featured on the front page of the New York Daily News.
I don't doubt that there are crooked cops. Not in the least.
As Voltaire said, "The only way to comprehend what mathematicians mean by Infinity is to contemplate the extent of human stupidity."
It is with books as with men - a very small number play a great part, the rest are lost in the multitude. --Voltaire
To hold a pen is to be at war. --Voltaire
I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short on: "O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous." And God granted it. --Voltaire
I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. --Voltaire
It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong. --Voltaireivt
We're a couple of misfits
We're a couple of misfits
What's the matter with misfits
That's where we fit in!
We're not daffy and dilly
Don't go 'round willy nilly
Seems to us kinda silly
That we don't fit in.
We may be different from the rest
Who decides the test
Of what is really best?
We're a couple of misfits
We're a couple of misfits
What's the matter with misfits
That's where we fit in!
--(this part sung by Rudolph)--
Why am I such a misfit?
I am not just a nit wit!
I'm an adorable reindeer
Why don't I fit in?
--(this part sung by Hermey)--
Why am I such a misfit?
I am not just a nit wit!
They can't fire me.
We may be different from the rest
Who decides the test
Of what is really best?
We're a couple of misfits
We're a couple of misfits
What's the matter with misfits
That's where we fit in!
- Rudolph and Hermey
Have you had the MI Connection super tech come to your house and tell you everything's fine? I'm experiencing the same problems and they told me that the problem is "it's a 30 year old system" and they don't see any problem.
Redmond and Crone's song, its fitting
Yea, Jim ... that's why I dumped MI and went with Windstream and satellite cable.
Sad part is we're still going to be paying for this "30 year old system" long after we've shown it to be fruitless -- referring both to the government run business and to the government leaders who slow down the rest of the system.
Why doesn't it surprise me that the expensive lump of meat we call the Assistant Town Manager is now on the MI-Connection "board". Surprise, surprise. BTW what's the job description for the "Assistant Town Manager" anyway? Is there even a list of ACTUAL duties, or is it limited to "show up a few hours a week, kiss the mayor's butt at least once a week, and make sure you pick up your paycheck on Friday before your golf game"?
I don't know why everyone is so surprised - he has been taking from you for almost 20 years and feels that he is entitled. Remember he takes more than 200.00 from the golf course every week and that is not included in his pay as other compensation. Once again you continue to let it happen. Where else can he get free food, golf, car, clothes, etc.
What's this about Erkine Smith taking $200 from the golf course every week? Anybody know anything on that? What the heck?!
Wait. You mean Erskine's still with the town??? What does it take to get rid of a crook in this town, an act of Congress?
So....the qualifications to be on the MI Connection board have to be breathing?
Maybe they mean he takes $200.00 per week in free golf that he plays for free when he is supposed to be working.
Surely the Mooresville Town Board didn't appoint Erskine Smith to the MI-Connection board. Surely, surely this did not happen. What was the vote on this? Who else applied for the position? How on earth could they appoint this guy to anything. Even his supporters on the board know of his total lack of credibility. Astounding.
3:36, Erskine's actually been mooching off of the town for over 22 years and counting. Let's see if Husemann sees through this con artist or if he becomes another Erskine Smith casualty like his two predecessors. Neither one of them saw it coming and never felt a thing until it was too late.
Leave it to Smith to get free cable
That doesn't sound ethical
So much for Smith's ICMA ethics accreditation. Just another example in a long line of him getting credit where credit is not due.
People are fed up. They want to see real change. One of those changes they want to see is Erskin Smith gone. This is almost an exact repeat of a former town manager, Rick McLean. People were ready for him to step down, but elected official after elected official fell on his or her sword for him. At the end of the day, they couldn’t save him and they had sacrificed their political careers for nothing.
Maybe we just got some masochists on the board who like pain cause pain’s what they’re gonna keep getting until Erskine’s gone. Can I get a hallelujah for (somewhat) Early Retirement?
Well, it's in Husseman's hands right now. He has a simple solution: eliminate the position of assistant town manager. Solves two problems: gets rid of Smith and gets rid of the unnecessary $106,000 annual salary (plus benefits) for a position that doesn't fit into any imaginable organizational structure.
No doubt about it. Smith has been the common denominator in every fiasco this community has suffered in recent memory. He is a lurking shadow behind every scandal. Now he is once again out of the spotlight and back to the safety of an artificial position that former mayor Knox and former manager McLean created in the late nineties in the hopes that Smith would be their protege and successor. It did not quite pan out that way, as evidenced by the fact that he has been passed over time and time again when the town board needed a "real" town manager. He is deeply resentful of that fact, and it is very predictable that he will continue to sabotage in his usual passive aggressive manner.
Let's not be so quick to blame Erskine for everything. There have been some significant idiots in the background such as the infamous Jackie Moore. By the way girl, blonde is not a good look for you. Rhetta is a knockout but you just can't go there.
Do us all a favor-
You will not let the ordinary Mooresville citizen get a job. You always have to hire someone with a PhD to scrub a toilet, shelve a book collect trash.I'm going to laugh when someone hits the town with a discrimination suit because you have repeatedly turned them down. You'd be advised the next time that resume crosses your desk to actually allow an interveiw instead of shredding it while the applicant is still in plain sight like you did with me.You are a disgrace. You remind me of Jan Comer and that's really bad.
1:51... who is Jan Comer?
I agree 100%. BOTH Erskine Smith AND his sidekick Jackie Moore have got to go. They do each other's bidding. One hand washes the other. Time to break up their little party.
A little off subject, but has to do with what is going on here...
I've been thinking about how screwed up everything is from government, to families to individuals. It seems like things deteriorate more every day.
When those few people who care speak up and try to make things right, they are quickly branded troublemakers.
It makes it easier not to care.
Time Traveler
Time Traveler,
You seem like one of the sane ones here. You should care and you should question. Just beware the radicals like Green and Tic Toc and be aware of their motivation. Everything is not what it seems there.
By the way, things are no moe screwed up now than they ever have been. We're just in the information age where information is out there and the speed of information is faster than the speed of light. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
from 1:51(aka nightowl)
Jan Comer is the no-good HR director of Engineered Sinteered Components(ESC) in Troutman. The company has been hit with multiple class action lawsuits for failing to compensate overtime. They took the money and sent it to the parent company in Japan until they were sued. They tried to make people work 24 hrs. one week and 60 hrs. the next in a 2 week pay period and not pay overtime. The company runs about 10 different shifts and she is about as big of a windbag as Jackie Moore, AKA, Dogbert Evil HR director, AKA Hateful Bitch.
Jan Comer was also the much despised HR director of the now defunct Panasonic and she pulled the same little overtime trick there. they did the same thing at Toyo Seal and had to pay backpay up to six years. The same crap is going on at Wincup right now. when are people going to wise up? The friends up North have Unions so they don't get ripped off like this.
I thought maybe it was Janice Comer who is the wife of David Comer a "pastor" we had some unfortunate dealings with several years back.
11:32 -- I don't see anything radical in requesting the ability to recall an elected official as Green posted.
Seems to me that you are again attacking individuals rather than discussing the subjects. The fact that you don't agree with something does not mean it's "radical." Furthermore, you proved Time Traveler's point that those who speak up are labeled as troublemakers.
Okay everybody. Stop the spitting matches already. The mayor promised us a bunch of "stuff" (you can go read the Gatton Report posted on July 8) over 2 months ago. Where is the "stuff"???? Where is the evidence room inventory? Where are the FIRST audit results? Where is the supposed SECOND firm that's going to do the SECOND audit? Where is the report by the Andrews guy? Where is all this stuff? Do they think we're all dummies and are going to just forget about this? Maybe before Gatton's blog, we might have. I'll be the first to admit it. I would have forgotten. But with the blog, NOT A CHANCE! Hey you! Mayor! I'm talking to YOU! Give me my damned investigation reports!!! I've paid for them with my tax dollars and I WANT THEM!
As of Friday morning, the initial report was being reviewed by an individual in town hall and they had no timeline for when it will be shared with others.
Dear 9:59, actually I do believe in the ability to recall elected officials. I don't think that is radical activism. Condoning Tic Toc and his threats is what I call radical. But, does the end justify the means? I don't think so. And I would hope that if Green reflects upon himself, he would come to the same conclusion. At least I would hope he would.
So, let me state that I do think there should be recall measures in place for any elected official. But, they do need to be stringent enough so that everyday citizens do not get in the way of government. It's ok to question and demand answers, but when it becomes an everyday event, it gets in the way of governing. If you don't like those governing you, you have the right to recall and replace them. I agree with you on that.
10:59 -- I don't recall anyone condoning Tic Toc's statements or what you perceive to be threats. You keep talking about that but don't give any specifics as to what you perceive to be threats. I've read through many of Tic Toc's posts and find them humorous to say the least, but I've no seen any threats other than using available legal systems.
I would suggest that you, too, need some self-reflection regarding your actions and your comments. You come across to me as someone who has a grudge against Green for something.
Dear 11:06, there are numerous threats made by Tic Toc that he can barely contain himself to stay within the law. I believe it was also him that suggested "we" go to Crone's house and perform a citizen's arrest. Green can come on this site, stir up the hornets nest, then sit back happy with himself. When things slow down, he throws in a bone and stirs it up more, making sure nothing dies down, including good old Tic Toc.
I am not the only poster on this site questioning why a reverend is getting so personally involved and fired up about this. I'm just surprised to see so many people praise him and Tic Toc. Some have called Tic Toc to be the mayor and Tic Toc has never been to Mooresville. What is his motivation? He is a vigilante scouring the internet for anything related to police bashing and he joins in. He does not have all the facts. Nor do the rest of you. The SBI and the courts will get all the facts.
11:17 -- Again with no specifics. What are these "numerous" threats which Tic-Toc said? Where is your evidence -- the factual statements that Tic-Toc has threatened anyone. You, yourself, admit that he is within the law, albeit "barely according to your understanding of the law.
Green's not on here defending himself, nor is he stirring up the pot. His comments backed up with facts and are on point.
Please stop trying to distract others with your personal vendetta against Green and tic-toc.
Redmond and Crone and their officers who collected the money and raised the funds are GUILTY, and no ethics whatever from the town is going to change that now or in the future.
Now try to sue me for that, sparky, they are guilty, they are guilty guilty guilty guilty of so many violations of 14-100 I dont even think you can count that high.
But just to review sparky, THEY ARE ALL GUILTY!
Can we get a recall on citizenship?
Rev. Green and I do not overlap our issues or cause each other to speak, from my perspective. I dont think you have been right about anything yet, have you?
He is a vigilante scouring the internet for anything related to police bashing and he joins in. He does not have all the facts.
And there is somehting to me looking for this case, and now that I found it your idiot friends are going to prison. I said it before, Crone opened the door for me and I drove a truck through it, and I will keep driving that truck though every police department that is raising funds illegally. That should worry you but what I have shown you I know so far is only a fraction of what I do know, and that should scare you for you friends.
I have been waiting for this exact case for years, and now look, here it is and here I am, what do you think that means sparky? It means I have a vested interest in the outcome of this case and only this case, so that should make you very worried and should also make you understand how far I will go to cure the violation of the 14th. I told you the other day that you are out of your element and out of your league, and I will add one more for you today, you are also out of your mind.
I have all the facts necessary to convict them and so does the SBI, you on the other hand offer nothing to prove the opposite to be true, it is obvious what you are, you are nothing more then some kid who probably sometime in the last ten years took a trip or two with crone through the explorers or the youth council. And you thought because you bonded with this fool that you are going to try and come here and discredit people, when you have no credit yourself. You are most likely the same sparky that was hear a month ago and ran home to his mommy, or the dog catcher got your brother. I don't know, but you sure sound and write the same.
BTW, your fired. LOL
Tic Toc, you keep running your mouth and showing your true insanity. You keep saying that you can barely contain yourself in the law and if the authorities don't hurry up and act, you may not be able to control yourself. You're nuts. You even just posted that you have not broken the law "to date" meaning you may soon.
And you keep making threats to me that you will punish others for my actions. What kind of moron would be afraid of that? I'm not afraid of you. You have nothing over me. Hand over all your evidence to the SBI. I could not care less. That's not what you are about though. You are about big talk on a forum where you crave the admiration and congratulations of others. A normal sane person would have just handed over any evidence to the authorities and be done with it. Instead you come on here talking big. When someone calls you out, you threaten to send somebody else to jail.
You have great issue with authority don't you? Too many speeding tickets? Did Crone send you to jail?
Tic Toc, or "Island" or whatever your name is, you may want to tell your therapist that you feel you are a threat to yourself or others. They can hospitalize you for that.
BobBob or whatever alias you're now using, you're proof of the fact that some people cannot handle the truth. You fuss about someone throwing case after case into the mix, but respond only with labels and assertions not based on any factual data.
I believe you were asked to identify the "threats" made and to support your statements with facts.
I believe you accused others of being egomaniacs. Have you considered that your ego has now grown larger than the town limits of Mooresville. Based on your defensiveness and your incessant need to defend yourself, I think you can now be classified as an egomaniac. According to you, a normal, sane person simply hand over the evidence -- so hand over your evidence supporting all your character assassinations.
I get it that you are close to Crone and want to support him, but you're not doing him (or anyone else) any good by doing it this way.
You're certainly entitled to your point of view, but not the manner in which you do it. You come across as arrogant, conceited, and entitled.
Some advice for Tic Toc...
Don't respond to the other guy's posts anymore.
Never argue with a stupid person, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
GG Allin
LOL Enough said LOL
You think I am the stupid person and Tic Toc is not? I'm just exposing him for what he is. I probably did not even have to do it, given his rambling posts to date. But I did show how juvenile he is. With his "it's your fault that I am stopping fundraising activities" crap. He is way too funny. I don't really care about that. He's not hurting me. Tic Toc is very vindictive though isn't he?
Looks like Pathetic Poster has been busy again. Geez Louise...I repeat: the biggest difference i see between Bob Bob (a/k/a Pathetic Poster or Pee Pee for short) and those whom he is attacking is that while they are focused on PUBLIC OFFICIALS, he is focused on THEM and other private citizens who are exercising their RIGHT TO QUESTION public officials.
Pee Pee, you are as see through as my granny's lace curtains. You are a townie or worse, a townie wannabe. You are boring and you are a book we have all read way too many times.
Now, on the other hand, Tic Toc is EXCITING, and Green is a TRUE REBEL. Eat your heart out. Jealousy is very unbecoming. You're turning greenier and greenier with every post.
For the record honey, I think your beyond stupid as well as being the poster child for what is wrong with the educational system in America.
The people you are attacking are backing up what they say and you are not able to back up anything you say with fact or law.
I hope they shut down programs like the one Mr. Crone ran as I feel robbed personally when I wrote my checks to them.
And I hope they do get a Recall going, sometimes the people need to remove officials, I think we should have that option. Where do I sign up?
So you all keep hitting at them, this person is proof that what you are doing is working and needs to continue.
Okay, somebody ring the bell already. You have got to know that Crone, Erskine and Radar enjoy the fighting on here. Take all that energy and go after them.
3:50 -- I'll be more than happy to e-mail you a copy of the recall petition.
Some of you are a little slow. Only some. I'll repeat myself one more time so that you understand.
(1) I am in favor of a recall option. I'm even in favor of recalling some of those that are out there.
(2) I am in favor of asking for transparency and accountability.
What am I against?
(1) Threatening people
(2) Calling people guilty when no investigation has been done, no charges filed. Even if files are charged, they are not guilty. They are not guilty until proven in a court of law.
(3) Mixture of church and state. I know it is usually the other way around with keeping the state out of church. But I am also against the church getting involved in politics. Rev Green does not agree, obviously.
(4) Anarchy and getting in the way of daily operations of Government, costing the rest of us taxpayers more money for no good reason.
Are these propositions so difficult to understand? I am not at all worried about what Tic Toc thinks of me and certainly not jealous of either him or Green. I have advanced college degrees and am completely happy with where I am at.
It is clear from everything I have read on this issue that there seems to be some serious ethical issues in Mooresville. Some may argue that there are none but the perception of most here is that there are and perception is reality. It seems to this outsider that what is needed is a change in the the culture of Mooresville. Joseph Badaracco stated "Leaders are the ethics teachers of the organization. This is true whether they are saints or sinners, whether they intend to teach ethics or not...Actions send signals, and omissions send signals- almost everything does." It seems that this is what has happened in Mooresville. The staff is following the leadership that has been elected. The key is leadership that will be sending different signals and in so doing is setting the example of the new culture that needs to be developed. I hope you new Town Manager makes this culture change. But please remember that a Town Manager works for, and at the pleasure of the Mayor and Town Board. They can fire him at any time and without cause. All it takes is a majority of votes of the Board. Thus he must be very careful of the toes he steps upon.
Outsider, you hit the nail on the head.
Dear 6:10:
You've been asked 2 or 3 times now to provide evidence of specific threats which you keep attributing to Tic-Toc. He keeps quoting law and various cases, but I don't recall a threat having been made to you or anyone else other than the promise of pursuing the implementation of those laws.
Mr. Crone was found guilty of violating personnel policies and was, thus, terminated as a result.
I am not the one throwing a religious slant into my views and beliefs; you are. I have represented myself as an individual representing my personal views -- I believe you are the one mixing church and state. While we're at it, if you're so against mixing church and state, then you might want to insist on the invocations being eliminated at the MGSD meetings and the Town Board meetings.
I have no clue to what you refer when you speak of anarchy. But that seems to fly against your previous affirmation of a desire to have free and transparent government. If the very government we are wanting to be transparent has failed to be transparent, then it is the government who has caused all these additional expenses for you and the rest of us.
So if you have a beef with that last issue, then you need to contact your elected leaders and tell them to get off their duffs and do something about it.
"I have advanced college degrees and am completely happy with where I am at."
Dear Pee Pee
Thank you, Jaime, for keeping us up to date on the important issue of an Ethics Code. I was especially concerned when I read that "The advisory committee met four times over the course of four months. But when the group brought its recommendations to Mooresville’s town board in January 2006, commissioners took no action, essentially killing the advisory committee’s work."
We have little, if any, assurance that there will not be a simple repeat of this scenario after much energy and hope is poured into yet another effort to revive the Ethics Code and give it "teeth"?
It seems to me that we have several elected officials and non-elected officials who would have everything to lose and nothing to gain by the implementation of such a Code. It stands to reason, therefore, that they will make every attempt to usurp and obstruct it at every turn.
I do not purport to know what the solution should, would, or could be, but these are the more obvious obstacles that even my untrained eye can spot already.
Having said that, it is commendable and worthwhile to pursue this effort and see it to its logical conclusion, even if that conclusion is the exposure to the public that indeed there are officials who would sabotage such a worthy measure.
Since the topic of this thread is about ethics, I thought it would be a good idea to see how RedCrone and Company stack up to the ethics of the US Government.
We will take them one by one
Code of Ethics for U.S. Government Service
Adopted July 11, 1958
Resolved by the House of Representatives {the Senate concurring}, That it is the sense of the Congress that the following Code of Ethics should be adhered to by all Government employees, including officeholders.
Any person in Government service should:
1. Put loyalty to the highest moral principals and to country above loyalty to Government persons, party, or department.
Well, here is a good one to start off with, Did RedCrone and Company do this?
Loyalty to your good ole boy network is not what this means, This means that you will uphold the generally accepted moral principles we have all agreed do not include stealing from Non Profit Organizations. It does not mean using money destined for the DARE Drug Program as your own political slush fund as Redmond has done. It does not include the words, “get dirt” on your subordinates and superiors in order to further your criminal enterprise. These are not things that we as a society would consider to be the “highest moral Principals” It means, in short, your loyalty will be to the people you serve, THE PEOPLE!
None of you even know what the term loyalty means.
2. Uphold the Constitution, laws, and legal regulations of the United States and of all governments therein and never be a party to their evasion.
There is a whole lot of you who have not lived up to this one, as because of you all (and when I say you all, I mean all you people that helped to raise this money) the State of North Carolina is currently in violation of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution because you chose to only enforce laws against people that you have no connection too and the rest of us citizens can go to hell, right. You all circumvented the law by not seeing the violations that were so blatantly obvious on their surface that you have caused another miscarriage of justice. All you so called police fundraisers with badges on that took this money, especially the ones who pocketed some of the cash, you are all a party to the evasion of North Carolina Law NC GS 14-100 at the very least. If it were up to me, you would have no badge to hide behind already.
3. Give a full day's labor for a full day's pay; giving to the performance of his duties his earnest effort and best thought.
None of you so called police fundraisers with badges on have done this as every time you went to ask for money or collect money or do anything other then what the people were paying you for, in other words, to protect and serve the public, you have violated this one, every single time you did it, and when you are going around collecting money on town time for a fake ass non profit that you should have been aware was illegal, you did not give a full days pay for a full days work. You are cops, your job is to know the laws to protect us surfs from crap like this but instead you turned a blind eye for a little cash and trips. You should all be stripped of your badges. It is your job to know the law, not to make it up as you go along to the detriment of society. You should all be fired right now.
4. Seek to find and employ more efficient and economical ways of getting tasks accomplished.
Well I just don’t see how any of you could claim this after what you did to that last one, I mean really how efficient is it to use DARE Money for a reelection campaign, I guess it is efficient for the Sheriffs reelection campaign fund, but it sure is not efficient for the DARE program fund. And to the cops in Mooresville, you did what I said in number 3, how can you be an efficient police officer for the town if you are to busy collecting and raisinging money for a PRIVATE FOR PROFIT COMPANY. You ALL fail this as well.
5. Never discriminate unfairly by the dispensing of special favors or privileges to anyone, whether for remuneration or not; and never accept for himself or his family, favors or benefits under circumstances which might be construed by reasonable persons as influencing the performance of his governmental duties.
This one has been so obviously violated by everyone of you crooks that I don’t even feel it needs explaining except maybe to one person, and that is just tough luck.
I will only say this, TRIPS and CASH you idiots are a form of remuneration, Financial gain for your reelection campaign is remuneration, Political currency is a form of remuneration, job promotions within the department are a form of remuneration and a form of special favors. Crone Rader Smith Thunberg Frank and Redmond and all there underlings who turned a blind eye are in violation of this one. You cops, hell you are the justice system and you act like the Mafia. Pick a side, because I am sick and tired of you all playing the middle to the downfall of society.
6. Make no private promises of any kind binding upon the duties of office, since a Government employee has no private word which can be binding on public duty.
Promises like, Hey Crone, don’t worry we are going to bring the cops for kids into the town fold so as to get your ass out of trouble and hide the fact that you have been a con man, and you department is full of thieves, for the last decade while you held the chief of polices job.
7. Engage in no business with the Government, either directly or indirectly which is inconsistent with the conscientious performance of his governmental duties.
RedCrone and Company engage in business with government by trying to slip the CFK slush fund under the banner of the town and not only that but to keep funding with 20 grand of taxpayer money so that they and their rich kids can travel around the country.
8. Never use any information coming to him confidentially in the performance of governmental duties as a means for making private profit.
Give me a break with this one, all you cops are guilty of violating this one, your company was a for profit private business, you raised money for the police, you are all cops, you all used information you obtained confidentially in the performance of your governmental duties as a means for making a private profit. It’s the only way you could have done it. LOL I swear to god you crooks should be embarrassed with yourselves. I am actually embarrassed for you myself.
9. Expose corruption wherever discovered.
Your corrupt and you are expected to “expose” corruption
WTF is that LOL! GUILTY!
10. Uphold these principles, ever conscious that public office is a public trust.
You all think that public office is meant for your own private slush funds so you can just use donated money anyway you like, guess what, you have been all thrown under the ethical bus, you should all resign, and you should all go to prison for being dumb ass thieves.
You are all Guilty of violating virtually every ethic the government says you should have and then you don’t even look at this when a couple years ago the idea is floated that you need to have ethics. I mean seriously jackasses how do you explain that almost every government employee has to have ethics and you vote ethics down. How do you all sleep at night and then look yourselves in the mirror. But more importantly what lies have you all had to tell to stay in office. This is going to start getting good, John Grisham could not write this stuff. You people baffle me.
Tic Toc
Tic Toc, you amuse even me. You should just go ahead and call the SBI and tell them to call off the investigation. You were able to charge, try and convict without interviewing a single person. Good job. Oh, you may have interviewed those that have been fired for one reason or another. But the character and motivation of those witnesses are suspect.
I guess you are just smarter than the rest of us. Heck, with Tic Toc on the case, do we even need the FBI?
I guess Tic Toc, who claims to love the constitution seems to forget one of the greatest tenets of all in this country. Innocent until proven guilty.
Tic Toc just "knows" that all cops are guilty. too funny.
Law Enforcement Code Of Ethics
As a law enforcement officer, my fundamental duty is to serve the community; to safeguard lives and property; to protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation and the peaceful against violence or disorder; and to respect the constitutional rights of all men to liberty, equality and justice.
I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all and will behave in a manner that does not bring discredit to me or my agency.
I will maintain courageous calm in the face of danger, scorn, or ridicule; develop self-restraint; and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others.
Honest in thought and deed in both my personal and official life. I will be exemplary in obeying the law and the regulations of my department.
Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature or that is confided to me in my official capacity will be kept ever-secret unless revelation is necessary in the performance of my duty.
I will never act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, political beliefs, aspirations, animosities or friendships to influence my decisions.
With no compromise for crime and with relentless prosecution of criminals, I will enforce the law courteously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice or ill-will, never employing unnecessary force or violence and never accepting gratuities.
I recognize the badge of my office as a symbol of public faith, and I accept it as a public trust to be held so long as I am true to the ethics of the police service.
I will constantly strive to achieve these objectives and ideals, dedicating myself before God to my chosen enforcement.
I will never engage in acts of corruption or bribery, nor will I condone such acts by other police officers. I will cooperate with all legally authorized agencies and their representatives in the pursuit of justice.
I know that I alone am responsible for my own standard of professional performance and will take every reasonable opportunity to enhance and improve my level of knowledge and competence.
Tic Toc just "knows" that all cops are guilty. too funny.
Nope, just these cops. But dont forget about the other idiots with out badges.
Responsibility section of the code of ethics for prosecutors.
Lets hope any of this was followed.
Prosecutors shall:
(a) at all times uphold the rule of law, the integrity of the criminal justice system and
the right to a fair trial;
(b) at all times respect the fundamental right of all human persons to be held equal
before the law, and abstain from any wrongful discrimination;
(c) be aware of, and understand, diversity in society and differences arising from
various sources, including but not limited to race, colour, gender, religion, national
origin, disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation, and social and economic
status and refrain from manifesting, by words or conduct, bias or prejudice based on
such differences, except such as are legally relevant to an issue in proceedings and
may be the subject of legitimate advocacy;
(d) inform the Director of any instances where a public official may have committed
a criminal offence or acted improperly in the course of a criminal investigation or
prosecution with a view to the Director referring the matter to the appropriate
authorities to take any necessary action;
(e) bring to the Director’s attention any instance of which the prosecutor becomes
aware where a public official may have engaged in other serious misbehaviour and it
is appropriate that the Director should take or initiate action in the matter;
(f) give due attention to the prosecution of crimes of corruption, abuse of power,
violations of human rights and other crimes recognised by international law, in particular
offences which may have been committed by public officials.
Tic Toc has added comments to my earlier comments..
A) Tic Toc cannot help but show his rage. His therapist refused to see him any more. ha ha
B) I never said that Innocent until proven guilty was in the Constitution. I am not an attorney and never claimed to be. I do know, and most US citizens also understand this about our judicial system, that you are considered innocent until proven guilty. That tenet is just as important as anything else in this country.
It's one of the few things that seperate us from 3rd world countries. If we could just run around arresting people and convicting them without due process then we are no better off than China, Russia, Afghanistan or any other country where civil liberties are non-existent.
end of my comment......
hey Tic Toc, can your post the pledge of Allegiance too please? Perhaps the Declaration of independence? you are such an easy target.
This principal is not in the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, or any other founding document of the United States. It was already an unwritten tenant of English Common Law. The phrase entered US law through a Supreme Court decision which reversed a lower court because the jury had not been instructed "The law presumes that persons charged with crime are innocent until they are proven by competent evidence to be guilty" in 1894.
Lets see how the crooks stack up to the Pledge of Allegiance.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
(they pledege allegiance to their other crooks in office and to free trips and money)
and to the republic for which it stands, (refer to first comment)
one nation under God, (thou shalt not steal)
indivisible (for there little click of mafia capos, but certainly not the for the PEOPLE,)
with liberty and justice
(There is no such thing as justice or Liberty in Iredell County with this people still wearing badges)
for all." (of them)
I think, I am not sure, wait for it..... wait for it.....Yes, folks sparky has done it again, They failed the pledge of allegiance, I did not think it could be done, but sparky proved it could. Thank you sparky for making my point yet again, that is just how much bad there is in your friends and how much dumb there is in you for believing them.. LOL You are a true IDIOT! LOL
And Tic Toc, you are so easily goaded into posting and answering me, even when you have said over and over that you wouldn't. Just goes to show that you have no self control. you most likely failed the psychological test when you applied to law enforcement.
By the way, you have proven nothing. just conjecture and circumstantial evidence. Mostly, your opinion.
Perhaps if you get treatment and medication you could try applying again. But then again, you do have to declare that you have been under medical or psychiatric treatment on your applicaiton. Failure to disclose that information is ground for dismissal.
you work for me now Tic Toc.
“In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.”
Immanuel Kant
Some people are here for the right reasons and then there are some who are here for the wrong reasons, like sparky here, well he is here now because is just a disgruntled former employee and is mad because I had to fire him less then 24 hours after I hired him for being blind and grossly idiotic. I will just bet he is the pride of his department, at least till I find out which one that is and call them to give my review of his work ethic. LOL
Now we resume with our regularly scheduled after school programming, John Crone: a true story of how to send yourself to prison and take all your friends with you LOL
Or ethics in Mooresvlle Town Government, or the lack thereof.
This is a link to the BBB's Standards for Charity Accountability
RedCrone and Company, it would seem have never read this document because they are following NONE OF IT.
Its very long, but it is reuired reading for anyone that is going to run a non profit and these rocket scientists have never seen it or if they have seen it, they choose to ignore it, I am not sure which is worse.
But it has things like this addressed in it.
15. Have solicitations and informational materials, distributed by any means, that are accurate, truthful and not misleading, both in whole and in part.
11. Make available to all, on request, complete annual financial statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
9. Spend no more than 35% of related contributions on fund raising.
5. No transaction(s) in which any board or staff members have material conflicting interests with the charity resulting from any relationship or business affiliation.
12. Include in the financial statements a breakdown of expenses (e.g., salaries, travel, postage, etc.) that shows what portion of these expenses was allocated to program, fund raising, and administrative activities.
17. Include on any charity websites that solicit contributions, the same information that is recommended for annual reports, as well as the mailing address of the charity and electronic access to its most recent IRS Form 990.
Click the link and read it all.
grt1:05... You are a jackass by your own admission.
"And Tic Toc, you are so easily goaded into posting and answering me, even when you have said over and over that you wouldn't. Just goes to show that you have no self control."
You apparently don't have a life outside of provoking someone anoonymously on the internet.
"You are so easily goaded" is the same as you saying... I'm really good at being an immature, sniveling, antagonistic, petty JACKASS!
Did you get bored with pulling your cats tail and knocking the neighbors flowers down? Did you run out of prank phone calls to make? Maybe you can find a phone booth to put shoe polish on the earpiece.
Get a freaking life you moron.
Time traveler
Hi Time Traveler, the point is that I don't have to goad him into anything. Anyone posts anything that disagrees with Tic Tac and he reacts very violently. Have I threatened anyone? Have I used foul language as the two of you do on the day of our Lord?
The answer to this is no.
Tic Tac just can't control his own anger and temper. I don't work for any Police Department, never have and never will. So I don't really care what he tries to do to any police department or fundraising efforts. I don't care. The Police association and other fundraising efforts by police call me for money quite often. You know what I tell them? No. Guess what? I haven't been pulled over for speeding or arrested in any other way. There have been no negative lashback at me for not contributing.
I don't know about the rest of you but I'm getting pretty sick of reading quotes from famous people. We all have search engines. We can see for ourselves if we want to. Twenty in a row sort of defeats the purpose, like countless arguements. The opposers must be chuckling at the bickering. It really doesn't help our cause.
Just my opinion, don't blast me.
Thanks Time Traveller for calling a spade a spade. I'm one of the many people on this blog who are very concerned with the "idiots with out badges" that Tic Toc mentioned. As far as I'm concerned, Crone's gone, but we've got a couple of serious and expensive problems still cooling their heels up in our Town Hall. By now we all know some of their names. They have access to millions and millions of dollars of our hard earned money. They have access to sensitive files. They have access to information. They have access to tremendous resources. Most frightening is that they have proven themselves to be morally bankrupt and willing to get in bed with people like John Crone or others like him. He may be gone, but they are still there, and I know firsthand they are up to no good.
Ignore this moron. This is the same person who was laughing at our children for marching along with us in the protest march. You might as well be arguing with a patient at an asylum who believes they're a professor and everybody else is a patient.
OK, I have to admit ... I'm confused. I thought you said no mixing of church and politics, but now you're bringing your religious views into this discussion. Didn't you try to blast Green for doing this (even though he didn't)?
Have I used foul language as the two of you do on the day of our Lord?
I knew that was you sparky, and remember, I know who you are already, but we never looked into your employment, but trust me we will now, and we will find your boss even if we have to contact every single business in Iredell County, and if it is a law enforcement agency in any form, I will see to it personally that you lose your badge. You have no business anywhere near Law Enforcement. But make no mistake we will match you to your job, no matter where it is or what it is you are doing.
You are not mentally stable let alone intelligent enough to be a police officer.
Or on the flip side, let me find out you are a fundraiser and we will put you butt in prison the fist lie we can prove you told to raise money.
Oh and one more thing, You are an idiot to keep playing like this, you went away for a month, (my guess is it had something to do with identity theft, but I am just guessing) and you should have stayed away. You have no idea what you are doing.
September 14, 2008 1:05 PM
Let me get this straight. All you're interested in is "goading" Tic Toc?! No wonder they're calling you pathetic. You couldn't care less, could you, that our town had a corrupt police chief for the last ten years? That doesn't make you lose any sleep, does it, like it would any other normal citizen? Or that we have a conniving and scheming wolf-in-sheep's clothing mayor? Or that for twenty odd some years we've had an assistant town manager who is a leech and specializes in doing the "devil's work"? Or that we have a crook-loving, compulsive liar for a commissioner (Rader)? You don't care about any of that. You just care about making sure nobody forgets Crone is "innocent until proven guilty" and that Tic Toc is "goaded" into "working for you". Corrupt people are one thing, but people like you who bolster, protect, and cover up for them are in a league of your own.
Pee Pee now better known as The Charlatan. You finally showed your true colors. You're on here to get us all off track by goading Tic Toc.
The old shame and blame game. As you can see nobody's falling it for it. The blame’s on you and whoever's throwing you bones. The shame's on you too. Go home & lick your wounds. Party’s over. The good guys are winning. Retreat or pay.
Ethically, by refusing to produce his E-Mail distribution list to the public, Commissioner Frank Rader is in violation of the spirit of the Sunshine Laws. It is very possible that he also procured that list in an unethical manner as well.
Regardless of what day it is, you are still a jackass. Besides, for me everyday is the Lords day.
I may use some slang that you may not approve of, but you'll not find me putting countless hours into harrassing someone.
The fact that you even played the God card tells me that you are the typical Sunday morning front row Christian and whatever suits after you get to the house.
If you want to twist this into a religious thing, I guarantee you will come out looking like a fool when we are through.
Let me give you some scripture that pertains to this blog:
Proverbs 28:2 When there is moral rot within a nation, it's government topples easy; but with honest, sensible leaders there is stability.
Proverbs 11:14 Without wise leadership, a nation is in trouble; but with good counselers there is safety.
As for Tic Toc going on so much...
Proverbs 29:2 With good men in authority, the people rejoice; but with the wicked in power, they groan.
And, as for me calling you a jackass...
Proverbs 24:26 It is an honor to receive a frank reply.
Time Traveler
A "Moral Rot" is exactly what we had in Mooresville for many, many, many years. Thanks to dogged and balsy local rabble rousters, that rot's gotten smaller, but I agree absolutely with the previous commenter that we still have some of it left. It will be up to the voters to sniff it out and take care of it at election time or with a recall. And it will be up to Mr. Husemann to sniff it out in Town Hall and take care of it. Whether he likes it or not, we're now going to be holding him accountable for doing his job, which includes getting rid of dead weight and hanging on to quality and most importantly, to know the difference.
Lord's Day? I KNEW IT! Bob Bob is Crone's pastor who was oen of the dummies who wrote a letter for him trying to get him special treatment then got exposed for it and now has gone underground with his dumb aliases. And we were all born yesterday and nobody in this town talks to anybody else. Right! BTW I was taught everyday is the Lord's Day too. I'm tired of these clock punchers who hide out in church every Sundya and reek havock the rest of the week. not to mention use their church and church people to get away with all sorts of crap and divvy up favors to. Wonder what Jesus would think of all of that.
It's funny to see you guys tripping over yourselves. I am Bob bob. I am not Crone's pastor. I am not in law enforcement. You don't even know if I live in iredell Country. Tic Toc is on a mission to find me and he'll never win that one. He's not smart enough.
Again, you all are quick to convict those who have not yet been interviewed. How can you declare someone guilty until proven innocent?
Oh, I forgot. You have access to a computer with a search engine. That does not make you right.
What part of HE GOT FIRED when he tried to resign do you not understand?
Time traveler
At least the Pathetic Poster finally admitted he's Bob Bob. Baby steps, baby steps. The truth shall set you free Bob Bob. Don't you feel better already? It beats being called pee pee right?
You seem totally obsessed with Tic Toc while the rest of us are obsessed with the remaining cancer cells of corruption in our town hall. There is no getting around the fact that three months are coming up fast after the former police chief was outed and we still do not have the audit results of Cops for Kids that the mayor promised us. That's pretty damning. Looks like more than the police chief will go down. It's always in the coverups that people get caught. Maybe that's making you a little nervous and antsy?
That was a typo. Meant to say that I am not bob Bob.
I don't know why Crone was fired and I don't care. In North Carolina you can be fired without cause. No reason whatsoever. When looking at the bigger picture though, it is easy to see that the heat was beginning to shift from the PD to Town Hall. They may have wanted to appease the protestors and Jaime by firing Crone. I don't know and maybe no one knows. The results of the investigation, both internal and SBI will eventually be finished with charges being filed or not. Then Crone can fight it or not in a court of law, if that is the case. Right now, he is innocent. If you are an American, then you think the same. You may think he is guilty, but in fact he is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Because Tic Tac and Time Traveler "say so" don't cut it. Green could certainly be a witness for the prosecution too if he wishes. If he can break away from spreading God's word that is.
It is the ethical duty of public officials to maintain public confidence. In the event that public confidence is lost, as has occurred in Mooresville, it is then their ethical duty to restore it.
It hardly restores public confidence when someone such as Maia Setzer is assigned to supervising and overseeing the investigations and audits surrounding Chief Crone when her superiors are well aware that she is preparing to be absent for a great majority of her time in the following weeks and months.
Assigning Maia Setzer to this all-important task was like assigning a phantom employee to it and then expecting the public to be patient as nothing unfolds. The proof of this assertion lies in the fact that indeed we have seen no audit results 10 weeks into this situation.
Audit results are the fountain from which financial criminal investigations such as this flow. Slow audit results lead to slow investigations. At times, if public pressure is lowered, slow audit results can even lead to the fading away of investigations.
Stephen, the SBI (State Bureau of Investigations) does not let things fade away.
"They may have wanted to appease the protestors and Jaime by firing Crone."
If they wanted to appease someone, they would have released at least a portion of the results of the preliminary investigation already.
They could have at least said that there were some irregularities that led to the termination of Cheif Crone. Due to it being a personnel matter, we can't divulge anymore information at this time. We will continue with an investigation until all matters are cleared up and the trust of the public is restored.
A blanket statement of acknowledgement of a problem would have settled alot of people down. They could care less about appeasing anyone. Their main concern is covering their collective asses.
As far as your comment that Crone is guilty according to Tic Toc and Time Traveler, he is guilty of something or they wouldn't have fired him.
There were accusations, backed by evidence that started an investigation to clear his name.
The initial investigation turned up something that sank his boat.
Now there is a more indepth investigation to find out to what extent things have been corrupted.
The town wouldn't have unjustifiably terminated him and set themselves up for a lawsuit where they would have to pay him more money than if they had kept him on until the investigation was over.
You continue to say that accusations are being made with no proof, yet all you have done is run your mouth. My proof is the above mentioned facts. Where is your proof? Everything you have said has flown back in your face.
You have got to be Crone, or someone who has something to lose if Crone goes down. Or, someone who is so emotionally overwhelmed by the whole deal that they can't grasp logic.
I have never said what Crone is guilty of or what charges should be filed against him. I am not privy to the results of the initial investigation. That is what the system is for.
You as well need to let the system run it's course. You are defending yourself / Crone way to seriously to be just a concerned citizen.
I myself have had some thoughts about the AMOUNT of involvment that Larry Green has had in all of this and expressed them recently in one of my posts.
I have never questioned his involvment or concern. Just because he is a pastor doesn't mean he isn't allowed to have an opinion of the local officials that run the town he and his family reside in. Most preachers collect a check and lay low. The fact that he doesn't mind sticking his neck out WITHOUT being anonymous says alot about his character.
You however made the statement, "Green could certainly be a witness for the prosecution too if he wishes. If he can break away from spreading God's word that is."
That statement is pure bitterness and confused emotion that is demonstrated by women during that time of the month.
Take a Midol and get off everybody's ass already.
Time Traveler
Green could certainly be a witness for the prosecution too if he wishes.
I have been on record several times saying that Crone's legal culpability is quite different from his culpability for not following personnel policies and procedures. After all, if you're going to suspend someone w/o pay when there's an accusation of $4 missing from the evidence room, how can you ethically not invoke the same disciplinary measure in this instance.
I've also been on record saying that I firmly believe that Mr. Rader's conduct equates to obstruction of justice, interfering with law enforcement, and witness tampering. I have relayed that information to the DA and it is now in his hands to make the official determination of whether or not sufficient evidence exists to support those charges. Should it come to trial, I would have no problem testifying to statements made to me by Mr. Rader.
This is my long-winded way of saying what I've said before -- legal culpability is up to the legal system -- culpability regarding personnel policies and procedures is entirely a matter for the ToM to deal with.
10:42 pm I had to laugh when you tried to assure Stephen that "the SBI (State Bureau of Investigations) does not let things fade away." In 2005 the SBI supposedly began an investigation of the golf course and its director because thousands of dollars worth of inventory was missing. It was common knowledge that the missing inventory was just the tip of the iceberg. Citizens trusted the system then and did not raise the kind of hell they're raising now. Guess what happened. The SBI and other powers that be did exactly what you're telling us they wouldn't do. They let "things fade away." Nice try though. It's just not going to work any more. I for one am going to join those who keep raising hell about this until I see results.
You are on the money. There have supposedly been investigations at another agency in Iredell County as well. There were some well known problems that were "investigated". Nothing has been done to date.
Rumor is that everything is on hold until Sarah Kirkman is sworn in and that will be the first thing that goes on her desk. I'll believe it when I see it.
The only hope I have that anything is made right around here is that Sarah will do what Garry Frank has failed to do by actually looking into things, then either charging someone or publically stating that there has been an investigation and there has been no wrong doing or misconduct.
It's easy to never comment as has been done in the past, leaving people wondering what ever came of the information that was circulating around. I do know that Garry Frank and Phillip Redmond pushed hard for Alan Martin to win the D.A. slot. One can only assume that Alan Martin would have carried on the family tradition. I'm not sure who Crone was backing, does anybody on here know for sure? I'm not asking for a rumor or a guess, I'm asking if anybody knows for sure.
Whoever 10:42 is must be naive as a kindergartener or part of the family that has covered things up for years. Iredell County has a long history of cover ups and the powers that be looking out for one another. Look at the election problems that came up with the Sheriff this past election. It was publically stated that there were people listed as campaign contributers that didn't contribute. The Sheriff's explanation was that there were lists that were crossed up. Names
from one list accidently got placed on another list. How did certain names, "accidently" get placed with specific dollar amounts? That took decisive action, not accident. If there was a lump sum listed as being contributed by the following bunch of people, I still wouldn't believe it but neither could I disprove it. But when specific amounts are listed with specific people, that was done on purpose. If those people didn't contribute the money, who did? Were their names needed to put illegally obtained money into the campaign fund? There was an "investigation" and I believe it was County Commissioner Steve Johnson who made a comment publically to the effect of , it still didn't make sense to him, but he was going to let it slide or give Redmond the benefit of the doubt or something like that. All of this information and more was publically printed and still nothing was done. People didn't protest and demand that something was done and the powers that be let it fade away as 10:42 says does not happen.
Iredell County currently has a system in place that protects the people with positions and those with money. The little guys are busted, and hung out to dry to get press releases that make it look like justice is being done. It's all bullshit. Our system is a joke and many of the top officials are corrupt. When the two double murders occured it hit at a really bad time, election. When an arrest was made, the photo in the paper showed Phillip Redmond dragging the elderly female suspect across the parking lot in cuffs. This was a photo op to try to keep up that image. I get so tired of seeing him in the paper with suspects and pointing at piles of drugs and money like Vanna White on Jeopardy. This man is unavailable most of the time until there is a photo op, and there he his looking like he is right in the middle of the war on drugs and diligently wiping out crime in Iredell County. It's a dog and pony show and Redmond is in the center ring wearing a tophat.
Our system is corrupt and ineffective and the press is used to make it appear otherwise. Everybody is all smiles looking good and the public is impressed. The people who aren't impressed are those who work under these officials, those at the courthouse who worked hard to bring charges and do the right thing. These people know the ineffectiveness of the system and the self serving ways that the departments are run. If you try to take the information you have and get an investigation going though, and it all fades away like it never happened and you have risked your job for what?
All of this is fact, not paranoia as some Cronehead tried to say on here. Anyone in the system that tries to tell you it is not corrupt is either scared to death or reaping the benefits of that corruption. Those outside of the system who defend it don't know. Iredell County is like a little snowglobe that the officials shake so it is pretty everytime the citizens look at it. Crone looked good with his Cops for Kids program until the truth was exposed. Anyone defending him is either naive, reaping the benefits or scared for their job. I'm not naive and I'm sure as hell not reaping the benefits.
Things do fade away if you let them. They always have and always will until the general public is willing to demand a better and more accountable system.
Those that blast this blog and people on here are part of a really big problem.
Gun Smith,
I know for an absolute fact and firsthand that Crone was not only backing Alan Martin but was pretty much telling his officers to vote for him. Too bad, so sad, for Crone and his Cronies.
Again, everyone here has already convicted Crone and others. It's a done deal. It's funny to hear someone say that the Town would not have fired anyone without them being guilty or they would set themselves up for a lawsuit. Anyone can sue anyone for anything. But, in North Carolina, you can fire anyone for anything or no reason at all. Nothing to sue for. The NC laws are not favorable to employees, but rather to employers.
Your collective logic is flawed and warped. The system is bad. Hence anyone involved in the system is bad. Try again guys
I believe what was said what that the Town's stated position -- particularly that of Frank Rader -- was that the only valid reason for firing Crone was conviction of a crime. Go back and read Rader's statements to the press to see for yourself. That is the flawed logic of the town leadership. Sadly, the only way we could possibly get rid of one of the corrupt politicians is conviction of a crime.
I suggest that your perception of the collective flawed logic is tainted by your personal relationships and feelings towards those involved and results in a fundamental attribution error -- simple psychology.
You've not provided any factual evidence to support any statements you've made, but instead have taken the low road of antagonism, character assassination, and childish behaviors.
Bob Bob just wants Green to go away, because he think if Green goes away, then his boy John Crone and his buddies Thunberg Rader and Erskine Smith will GET away. Keep dreamin'. It's a whole new ballgame in Mooresville. The ole "sweep it under the rug" trick won't work anymore with so many eyes watching (I mean reading!).
September 15, 2008 8:25 AM said
"But, in North Carolina, you can fire anyone for anything or no reason at all. Nothing to sue for."
I recall a Statesville officer that was fired and successfully sued to get his job back AND get financial compensation. There are more examples, but I'll not degrade myself by investing more time in answering an idiot.
You need to get your facts straight. You obviously know what is going on and are trying to twist things in your favor and to possibly sway the public who reads this blog.
Apparently your job here is to muddy the waters. It would also appear that you intend to provoke those who post damaging facts on here in an effort to get them to blow up and maybe give you something you need.
Your posts are like a broken record. Same crap, different day.
Again, your flawed logic shines through. Crone was fired, correct? Was he convicted of a crime? No. Was he even charged with a crime? No. You have convicted him and you demand that I show you proof that he is innocent. You are working backwards again. You have convicted him and you want me to prove him innocent.
It is not up to me to prove anyone innocent. Heck, he may be guilty. That is not the point. The point is that in this country, you are innocent until proven guilty.
It really seems that you can't wrap your brain around that idea. The fact that you want me to prove he is innocent is ridiculous.
You just don't get it.
Because I am not willing to jump on the "he's guilty because, well, we just know he is guilty" bandwagon, you attack me. Yes I have fought back.
We don't all need to jump on the lynchmob bandwagon.
If you have damning evidence, by all means provide it to the SBI. I never said you should keep quiet with evidence. That would make you complicit wouldn't it?
Crone was convicted of violating town policies and was, thus, fired. Legal culpability and vioalation of personnel policies are two different subjects and processes. Crone's been found guilty of violating town policies and procedures -- that, my friend, is something you can't seem to grasp or wrap your brain around.
You're the one who is spending all this time talking about criminal conviction, not anyone else.
What, exactly, was the personnel policy that was violated? Does anyone know? For 100% sure?
Innocent until proven guilty -- that's something Crone,himself, didn't even believe it. It was innocent until I trump up some charge against you in the Crone regime.
The deposit slip is all I need to see to know that he violated law and is guilty. Doesn't take rocket science to figure that one out. I'm sure he'll try to rationalize this as some sort of "mistake" or inability to "manage" the program -- but the fact remains that ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law.
Yes, it was the policy about being a dumbass
Do you actually have a brain? Are you 100% sure of that fact? After all, we can't "see" your brain. We could go get an MRI to see if there's really one in there, but we don't bother because there's enough evidence indicating that you can, at the very least, form a sentence and put that thought on paper.
From what I read in this article, the ethics code "addresses several topics, including conflicts of interest; duties to recuse, disclose, and cooperate; unfair use of town property; misuse of confidential information; improper gifts and fair and equal treatment." Sounds pretty good to me. Why is everybody arguing? Is anybody against this?
You apparently have no brain to wrap around the information that is handed to you.
Everybody gets it but you. Charges are brought about by facts. There is plenty of evidence to show that he is in violation of departmental proceedures, and in violation of laws.
What you also choose to overlook is the inconsistant standards that Crone held his officers to while "accidently" making some errors in judgement as you would have us to believe.
Go away. This blog is about finding the wrongs and making sure they are addressed. Quit trying to quell the masses while the whole thing is being investigated.
I can only hope that those who stay on here for the sole purpose of harrassment will get caught up in the ensueing whirlwind if there is a complete and sincere investigation.
If it turns out that Crone is completely innocent of all charges I will be the first to jump on here and congratulate him. As John Wayne said, " I'll shake his hand and buy him a Daniel Webster cigar."
What you can't get through your thick head, or don't want the world to hear is that many people have looked for and found the proof that he IS guilty of violations.
I will also add that I don't think anyone on here would want him convicted without a fair trial. This is about justice. Do I think he is guilty based on the information I have? Yes.
Do I want to hear the whole story before convicting him? Again, yes.
If there is more to this whole thing, print it on here or shut the hell up. If you intend to provoke people, you have been successful.
Friendly town, huh?
Dear 8:59, can you point me to the press release from the Town or wherever the statement was made by Town employees that those were the policies that were violated and led to termination? Thanks in advance.
Dear Brainless...
Crone signed a deposit slip for the purpose of depositing loose change from the evidence room. Instead of typing dumbass, unsubtantiated comments on here, call the S.B.I. or Roy Cooper's office and ask them if it is acceptable to have $361 loose change in an official evidence room.
When they tell you most certainly not, ask them if it would be legal to take that loose change and deposit it in a bank account without a court order.
When they tell you again most certainly not, ask them would it be a chargeable offense for someone to do so?
Since they can't comment on pending cases, just ask them those general questions.
When you get off the phone, don't log back on here because you will know (I think you already do) that your posts are a waste of your time.
Dear 9:10, you certainly do get a bit emotional here, don't you? Perhaps it is the uncontrollable rage against the establishment that you feel? You might fare better in Alaska? If this is Tic Toc, maybe you are already there?
If it is a terminable offense to have loose change in the evidence locker, then why weren't the people who were responsible for the locker fired? The Chief is not responsible for that. Who made the deposit? Why weren't they fired? What about the person who stole a large sum of money from the evidence locker a few years ago? Is he/she being interviewed again? I wonder if more money was stolen than he/she admitted to.
Crone is being investigated already. Who else is? You only hear about Crone because that's what was orchestrated by our "producers".
9:24 AM
The good man wins his case by careful argument; the evil minded wants to fight.
It's not up to me to prove anyone's innocence. I am arguing with you, and others, because you have convicted someone without knowing any of the details or interviewing a single person. You can't argue that point , so you call me brainless, moron, etc. Quick to anger many of you are. I don't understand it.
without knowing any of the details
I don't think that's a true statement. I've read through all the CFK stuff in town hall. I think I'm pretty well acquainted with the facts contained within those files. Those are the facts -- plain and simple.
It is not a crime to have money in the evidence room. It is a crime to deposit that money into an account such as CFK. Who made that deposit? Can we all say together -- CRONE?
Instead of stirring up trouble, why don't you go down to 415 Main St and request to review the records. You seem interested enough to do that, but you'd have to go public and request to do that by identifying yourself.
I have seen the deposit slip. I've seen all the records posted on this site. I'm not a DA and I'm not on the jury. Not a single one of you would make it onto a jury since you all have already convicted him and anyone else remotely involved.
last time I checked the law is not in the hands of a group of anonymous bloggers led by a reverend, investigative reporter and a crazy breath mint (tic tac). Fortunately, the law is in the hands of many groups that provide checks and balances. We have the investigators, the DA, a judge and a jury. Each group provides checks and balances for the others.
Not Matlock
"I guess Tic Toc, who claims to love the constitution seems to forget one of the greatest tenets of all in this country. Innocent until proven guilty."
Let me tell you something asshole, you ever question my love for my Country or the Constitution again and I WILL DESTROY YOU and leave you crying for your mommy on a prison floor.
By questioning my love of country you have become an enemy of the that county, the 14th will be cured whether you like it or not, and if one more word comes out of your mouth in my direction about whether I love my country and the laws members of my family died for to secure for me, there will be no rock you can hide under from me for THE REST OF YOUR PATHETIC MISERABLE LIFE.
You have crossed a line with that crap dumbass.
You have now pissed me off more then these crooks.
Do we understand each other, jackass? One more word!
Sounds like someone is ready to snap. Or they already did.....
One more thing dumbass, I am not out to get you, but I do pay the retainers to those that are. Keep it up, your making my work much, much easier.
You've lost any remote touch with reality now....
Isnt Tip Top the retarded kid that threatened all the girls at the high school? You know, the one Larry Green ran to protect.
Is that why Green won't denounce Tic Toc?
North Carolina Private Investigators Association
Your stupidity is stunning. Now which one of their members is it? LOL
What do you think this is sparky, little league? The law is the law and you should not be anywhere near law enforcement, ever, for anything. I will see to it. The general public needs to be safe from people like you, not have people like you on the streets.
Thats the exact reason. Tic Tac made many threats at the high school to young girls, Crone arrested him, Larry Green tried to defend the retard and now both of them have personal issues with Crone. The retard aka Tic Toc, Island, Time Traveler because he now has a felony and Larry Green because he was made to look like a fool. But whats new? Right reverend.
Tic Tac is a laughable fellow....
That explains Green's issues with Crone. Knew there had to be something there for a Reverend to get involved.
I bet the day Crone is arrested, this 11:00am joker disappears.
Dear 11:00 am / Tic Toc / Island / Time Traveler / whatever you call yourself,
You think the public needs to be protected from me? Have you read your own posts lately? I have. So has law enforcement. Believe me, they are not on your side. They know you're nuts. You're excitable and uncontrollable. You spew threats. And you think I should be off the streets?
September 15, 2008 11:05 AM
After a while you will find out that the 25 people, who are nothing more than Cliff H. puppets, all have personal issues with who they are attacking. None of them care about the town, they are just trying to settle a score.
Whats really funny is how serious and determined these 20 or so people are but outside of this little blog they are the laughing stock of the town.
Now there's a series of mature comments.
Nice attempt at distraction. The "retard" has autism, and you just have plain stupidity.
laughing stock huh? whos laughing? crone?
Now who's the conspiracy theorist? I have no shame in advocating for Frank. What was done to him was unethical and was not based on any factual evidence.
I really don't care whether you perceive me to be a "fool", a "rebel" or anything else.
Doing the right thing is not always doing the popular thing.
I have. So has law enforcement. Believe me, they are not on your side.
Who cares if they are on my side, you must surround yourself with the dirty cops that are going to prison. Try talking to the ones that care not corrupt.
To any police officers out there that think I am wrong, say it, tell me I am wrong, tell me you are not on the side of truth, justice and protecting the innocent and the Constitution and I will personally have someone come collect your badge.
Larry, so you are telling me that him getting arrested for telling a girl that he watched her through the scope in his rifle, and telling kids that he was going to blow up the school is "unethical" and "unfair"?
The 20 or so "Homesley Fanatics" are just idealists. The sad part about this whole town government issue is that 20 citizens who believe in justice,equity, and the ethical role of government have to do the whole battle with the "cronies." For years the "townies," who have bellied up to the trough of government tax receipts have run this town with the fear of "being the laughing stock" or being on a "blacklist" of sorts keeping people in check. The way you were elected to office was by your last name or living in Mooresville your whole life; competence/ethics wasn't a necessity. I feel the most disturbing thing is the "townies" think it is OK to spend taxpayer funds without accountability. The "townies" are pissed off right now because they got caught and 20 or so people(with guts) and the great invention of the "blog," outed what people have known for years.(Mr. Crone's CPA degree helped) I have to say, the fact that alot of people aren't outraged over the current and past abuses of Mooresville government doesn't reflect well on the "civics/social studies" education from the MGSD. I know, if you play football,baseball,etc. for Mooresville, you always have a home in local government. I hate to tell the "Old Guard" in Mooresville, there is a different world past the "town limit" signs. I am rather proud to be one of the "20 Fanatics" who have the depth/education to know when government is corrupt. Just so you know, the Town of Mooresville is the "laughing stock" of the state; most folks with more than a high school education see it as corrupt and may themselves feel that our local "legislators" are retarded/autistic, at the least, ethically challenged. Perhaps the "Townies" should send their children out into the world for an education in ethics and bring in some folks from the other side of the town limit signs who know the meaning of the word; it may improve the gene pool, surely couldn't hurt.
Dear 11:40, AKA Tic Toc, AKA Nutjob,
Again, where does the presumption of innocence fit in with your love of Consititution et al? And you can cut the crap about your family died defending the Constitution. I am thankful that they did fight for it. My family did the same thing. They also fought for my freedom to speak my mind. They also fought for many other freedoms we have in this country, including the presumption of innocence. I doubt that there have been any soldiers who decided that was not worth fighting or dying for.
presumption of innocence
They are GUILTY, it is for the courts to decide punishment, not me and until they do I will continue to shout they are GUILTY!
But make no mistake idiot, if the courts follow the law and past cases the only thing they are going to be used for in this case is to say how many decades your friends are going to spend in prison.
You would do well to focus your energy on writing support letters to the judge for redcrone and company to try to show that they should not be locked up for the rest of his life.
Just because you dont know the law does not make these people innocent, they are GUILTY under the law and there is no way out for them, that is the law, I did not write it, but I sure as hell know how to use it against your idiot criminal friends.
But dont worry sparky, time will tell that I am correct in saying they are guilty. And you will be on the unemployment line cussing me out and that I am perfectly willing to accept.
I am not trying to stop you from speaking your mind, but when you dont know what you are talking about it is very hard not to point out how dumb you really are.
They fought for the 14th Amendment, and right now they ALL only fought for the 14th amendment, it will not be taken away by some idiot with a computer because you are the friend of one of these girls you speak off, you have been proven time and time again to not be able to understand simply concepts that perhaps you should study before you continue making yourself look this dumb.
You have been playing this stuff about this kid since before I got here, so that is obviously more then just a passing need to express yourself about it, it is an obsession, and you need to get treated for it right away before you hurt someone.
Dear 11:54 -- how do you know about those comments?
Tic Tac, I am not going to be unemployed regardless of what happens in this matter. I have very little to do with it. And, I have not been playing anything about any kid. That is someone else. Not me. I did not post until well after I began reading your ramblings.
Tic Toc = that kid
Innocent until proven guilty -- isn't that the mantra?
Was that kid convicted of saying those things? Was that kid conviceted of anything?
If we're going to lock up all the kids who say potentially scary things -- our streets might be empty.
Is that what this is all about... Tic Toc is the crazy kid? Now it's making sense. Tic Tac, why didn't you just admit who you were? Your lack of self-control is now more evident. You are a kid.
Tic Tac, I am not going to be unemployed regardless of what happens in this matter
Then I hope you saying you are not a cop is true because one thing is certain, we are going to find out and if you are not a cop "OR" a police fundraiser then you have nothing to worry about, keep your job, I dont give a damn.
You wish I was a kid LOL Law Enforcement knows who I am, I promise you that much and when you find out you are going to crap your pants and mumble to yourself "Holy crap, I am such a lucky SOB that I did not push him further" LOL
Or do you want to keep trying your luck with me?
Stick to the issue at hand, speak your uninformed mind and then shut the hell up till you get informed
Are you Oprah?
Town Board Ethics. Who do you think could pass a Code of Ethics test and who would fail and why?
Erskine Smith would score a 100%.
Tic Tac would score a 37.......ohhhh, you said an Ethics test not an IQ test.
Dear 3:17, it's good to finally see someone else who see's Tic Tac for what he is. A bully with a low IQ
Enough of the trash talk already! It's obvious you aren't working somewhere!
The facts are out there and with any luck we will all get to see the results. It isn't about who likes who it's about who broke the law and who backs them up.
It's also interesting to see how this started. Who was motivated, why and how.
Looks to me like the connection with Green was laid out on the line here today. I am disturbed that a reverend would personally be defending a young man who threatened girls at the high school. Don't get me wrong, a reverend should tend his sheep. But a reverend should not then go after the authorities. Perhaps the young man in question really has no business being in the schools with normal children. There is much debate about mainstreaming special needs kids and in this case it would appear to be a bad choice. Either way, we now see a connection between Green and Crone.
There have been some inuendos on this site about Jaime having a close relationship with a commissioner and with the police officer recently fired. Anyone with additional information there? When I say close relationship, I do not imply romantic.
Any information would be appreciated. After all, we all want truth and transparency.
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