Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Second Cops for Kids accounting firm still not hired

The Town of Mooresville has still not hired its second accounting firm for the Cops for Kids audit. And as of Friday, the town employee who commissioners put in charge of the audit – Finance Director Maia Setzer – will be out of the office for another two weeks.

The Town of Mooresville announced the investigations into the police chief’s Cops for Kids fund on July 7. Almost three weeks later, on July 31, Setzer said Carolina Financial Investigations would be conducting the first financial investigation, but that the second firm – needed to corroborate the findings of the first firm – “has not been contracted as I have been out of the office this week.”

Six days later, on Wednesday, Aug. 6, the Report asked Setzer about background information on Carolina Financial Investigations, because the company cannot be found using a simple Internet search, and it is not registered with the N.C. Secretary of State. Setzer responded that same day: “I’m checking my email from home and do not have (Carolina Financial Investigation’s) file with me. I hope to be back in my office on Friday (Aug. 8). If I don't get back to the office then, I will not be back until Monday, Aug. 18. I will respond as soon as possible.”

On Tuesday, Sept. 2, Setzer told commissioners in their town board meeting: “I have been out of the office for 14 work days. I have not been able to get on top of this due to scheduling issues.”

On Wednesday, Sept. 3, the Report attempted again to obtain information from Setzer about Carolina Financial Investigations. Setzer responded five days later, on Monday, Sept. 8: “I’m sorry – I’ve been out of the office again and will be gone again (until Friday afternoon) (Aug. 12) in just a little bit.”

However, she said, “(Carolina Financial Investigations) was recommended by Mr. (Ken) Andrews (the town’s internal investigator for Cops for Kids) as one he had worked with before and who had experience with financial investigations. I don’t have a web site for the firm. We spoke by phone and in person prior to executing the letter of engagement.”

In an e-mail yesterday, Sept. 15, Setzer told the Report that after this Thursday, “I’m not back in my office until Sept 29….”

As for the Cops for Kids audit, Setzer said, “I have a draft report from the first investigation and have been trying to get through it. I have not gotten through it all yet. I don’t know if the second firm has received the revised letter from the Town or not…I’ve been out of my office and so has the partner I was working with at that firm…”

That firm is Greer & Walker, LLC. The town board, at its regular monthly meeting on Sept. 2, voted to modify the letter of engagement and present it to Greer & Walker one last time. If the firm did not agree to the terms in the letter, the board authorized Setzer to contact an alternate firm on Sept. 3. (See http://thegattonreport.blogspot.com/2008/09/cops-for-kids-second-accounting-firm.html)

When asked who has been heading up the town’s work on the audits while Setzer has been out of the office – or if the work has been put on hold each time she’s been out – Setzer responded: “We play voice mail tag when I’m out of the office. I don’t know that anything has been put ‘on hold.’”

Mayor Bill Thunberg, upon announcing the Cops for Kids investigations at the July 7 town board meeting, said that the board “is adamant that questions be answered and that this matter resolved in a timely fashion to preserve the public trust.” In an e-mail to the Mooresville Tribune the following day, Thunberg said that “the board has directed that Setzer take the steps outlined by the interim Town Manager to the Board last night in an expeditious manner.”

But more than two months later, the second accounting firm has not yet been hired. When asked yesterday if he considers this “expeditious” – and whether the audits and the public trust are a priority for the Town of Mooresville, as he suggested that they would be – Thunberg did not respond. Instead, he forwarded the questions to Town Attorney Steve Gambill.

“The Mayor forwarded your questions to me about the audit since I was asked by the Board to take questions about this matter,” Gambill stated in an e-mail to the Report and copied to Thunberg, Town Manager Steve Husemann, Setzer and town commissioners.

“The engagement letter has been finalized with Greer & Walker in Charlotte to perform this audit,” Gambill said, adding that he anticipates the letter being mailed out “within the next day or so.”

“From where I sit,” Gambill said, “whether something is expeditiously handled is something that can be subject to several factors. In this particular case, there was language in the agreement that I advised against and thus the back and forth between the accounting firm and the town to draft an agreement suitable to both parties. Unfortunately, such discussions take time but I believe we can now move forward with this firm.”

Commissioner Miles Atkins fired back an e-mail to Gambill, asking: “Am I understanding you to say that the letter has not gone out yet and we don't know if or when this firm will accept the town's terms for the engagement letter? Amazing!”

Atkins said he believes that “the spirit of our discussion on Sept. 2” and “the desire of most commissioners” was that “we would engage another firm in discussion on Sept. 3 so we had an alternative and a firm that may be more responsive and compatible to work with.”

Atkins went on to state that he does not understand the rationale “for not at least exploring another resource.” For the town “to use this as an excuse,” he added, “is lame at best.”

“All this does is gives the public the perception that we are holding up the process and quite frankly we are by pursuing this current course.”

Gambill responded: “My involvement has been only in drafting the agreement and I cannot speak to any issues other than the drafting of the agreement. I am sorry that I cannot supply such information but I have not been involved beyond the drafting of the agreement.”


Anonymous said...

Yeah and guess who voted to TABLE hiring the so-called "real" auditing firm (I guess the first firm wasn't real or they didn’t like what they told them)? You guessed it! Rader! Let's wait another 30 days and see if everybody goes away. Rader, turn over those email addresses to Larry Green you crackpot. What're you hiding?

And this is to the figurehead mayor. You are an imposter. A leader wanabe who couldn't lead a group of kindergarteners on a fieldtip to the zoo.

Both of you's need to be recalled. You're crooked and proud of it.

Anonymous said...

This is getting really out of hand. So one thing I read out of this is that one council member did not even know that the second group had not been hired until the town lawyer answered the Gatton Report's questions. The lack of communication in this town among top level officials should be outlawed. I've never.....!!

Anonymous said...

Good old Thunberg hiding behind skirts again.

Anonymous said...

Erskine Smith was Setzer’s boss. He should be fired to letting her leave week after week after week during this mess without delegating it to somebody, preferably somebody competent. He is the worst kind of problem we’ve got up there. Nothing’ll change until people like this are gone.

Anonymous said...

This town board has lost the last vestige of any moral authority they had collectively.

Anonymous said...

well hey, if you want to talk hydrogen, i'm sure the good mayor's door will be open to you. but investigations into a crooked cop chief? naw. commissioner atkins should be mooresville mayor.

Anonymous said...

Thunberg says on July 7 that the matter must be handle "expeditiously" to preserve the public trust. Then when he is asked today to give his opinion as to whether or not it has been handled expeditiously, he refers the question to the town attorney. So, now this guy has to have the town lawyer answer simple questions for him. Wow, time to call in the federal grand jury.

Anonymous said...

Let's face it folks. Asking Maia Setzer to be over this stuff is like asking her to cooperate with investigating herself. She was right up there with Erskine in dropping the ball when it came to keeping tabs on the money. Of course she isn't going to break her legs doing this particular job, and of course Erskine isn't going to stand over her making sure she does it. What did the commissioners think was going to happen? Are they living in la-la land?

Anonymous said...

Where IS Erskin anyway????

Anonymous said...

My question is this: How much vacation does this Setzer woman get? Forget about the fact that the work is not getting done, let's talk about who around here in private sector gets five weeks of vacation in a little more than two months. No wonder the taxes are sky high in this town. Ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the mayor's trying to take the 5th. Real comforting for the good citizens of Mooresville to know he's at the helm.

Anonymous said...

Where's that Recall Vote? I think we got ourselves a mayor to get rid of.

Anonymous said...

This Setzer woman--ain't it her and Smith the ones who was supposed to be supervising Crone and his handling of this money. And now they are in charge of the "investigation". And the mayor doesn't want to talk about it. What the hell is he hiding or who is he hiding from?

Anonymous said...

Erskine's busy. He's busy using our money to get himself finally educated since he didn't even meet the educational requirements of the "Assistant Town Manager" position when he was given it. He's also busy being "trained" in this and that. It would be nice to once in a while actually see some results of that training.

Anonymous said...

This is corruption at its finest and most resplendent, unfolding right before the eyes of the public.

Anonymous said...

I find it truly amazing, that everytime a company needs to be contracted for another investigation mandated by the mayor and board, Setzer seems to go on a two week vacation and the company they're trying to contract is on vacation the other weeks. Is she the only one qualified to do the work, that the town comes to a standstill everytime she goes on vacation. Seems to coincidental, that stalling is happening here. Why hasn't the FBI been called in, it's obvious that there appears to be fraudulent acts on a large scale being committed, that perhaps money is being made by ill gains at the towns expense. Which means that there could be income not declared, which would necessitate an investigation by the IRS. I'm sure that would shake up a lot of trees here and that it would get to the root of the problem.
Jamie, keep it up, we support you!

Anonymous said...

That's a bunch of BS if we're paying for Smith to get some kind of degree as if that is going to cleanse him of his ethical deficiencies. Well, the focus is going to shortly turn to this Husemann new town manager because he is going to have to start running the town real fast or it's going to be running him and it ain't going to be pretty.

Anonymous said...

Shame on you Maia for abusing the trust that this community freely gave to you. Your free pass has officially expired, and you have your obtuse superiors to thank for that. Get ready for life to get extremely difficult.

And Steve Gambill, you are not far behind.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how Atkins and Thunburg get along behind closed doors. Probably not so good.

Anonymous said...

I am disgusted. Just disgusted. I sat down with my pen and paper, and it looks like Setzer was gone 7 out of 8 weeks. Boy, have we been had. Hope you are proud of yourselves.

Anonymous said...

Commissioner Miles Atkins should be given a metal for continuing to singlehandedly fight these corrupt officials. Please please please don't let them get away with this Mr. Atkins. Be prepared for them to threaten you and accuse you and call you names. But please don't let those things stop you.

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Team Mooresville!!!We're the Laughing Stock again!!!!!!.....or, have we ever NOT been?????

Anonymous said...

What have we heard from this Thunberg? I mean, isn't the mayor supposed to be the leader, saying stuff like: "I am proud of Ms. Gatton and the other citizens who have stood up for justice in this town. They are to be commended for bringing this corruption to the attention of our inattentive town management. And we can assure them and everyone else in this town that we will root out corruption at every level in this town." Instead not a peep from Thunberg. Saw him on channel 3 talking about some kind of hydrogen powered train or something. What planet is this guy on? He ought to be embarrassed to show his face considering he is hiding from the blogger who helped the town get rid of a corrupt police chief. Seems as if his priorities are a bit misplaced. Good Lord !

Anonymous said...

We still don't have an audit but on September 15, Maia Setzer audaciously tells Ms. Gatton “I’m not back in my office until Sept 29…" And then ridiculously tells her "We play voice mail tag when I’m out of the office. I don’t know that anything has been put ‘on hold.’” I am too speechless to express what I think about these two statements.

Anonymous said...

It's time for the town board to immediately release the report they received from the retired FBI guy. It is time for the town board to immediately release the results of the audit by the first accounting firm. The need to restore public trust far outweighs any personnel concerns. Of course, you can expect to see some stuff that will be as sugar coated as possible so be sure to read between the lines and remember who the "investigators" are working for.

Anonymous said...

Setzer has been there through all the scandals. Somehow she has avoided the ire of the public. At this point it is clear that the new town manager needs to do a little house cleaning (i.e. Setzer and Smith) or history is going to continue to repeat itself. Of course, if the new manager thinks that Thunberg is protecting Smith and Setzer then he is in checkmate before he even got used to the beautiful view of the flour mill from his office.

Anonymous said...

Well, maybe Pat McCrory should suggest a method of action, then someone will take notice. I wish he'd stay out of our business about the traffic flow. NCDOT has already screwed that up. Gas is alomost 4.50 a gallon and we sit and look at each other in 3 different directions. What a waste of resources.

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

I'd suggest that each of you submit and FOIA request to the town requesting a copy of the report, which they probably won't give you, but they'll have to tell you why. If they give you part of it, then they'll have to describe the parts the excluded.

Use the systems available and keep this on the forefront. They are legally required to answer each FOIA request within 20 days (excluding weekends and holidays).

I don't know who the FOIA officer is for the ToM, so you can safely send it to Mr. Husemann (or FOIA Director).

Put pressure on them, and then post on here that you have submitted the request so we can help you keep track of the days.

Anonymous said...

So I was on the phone with someone in Kannapolis today. I told them I was from Mooresville. They asked how everything was going our way. I said same ol', same ol'. They chuckled. That's rich.

Anonymous said...

What we are witnessing is Mooresville public officials engaged in a real-life conspiracy to employ delay tactics in an attempt to derail the investigations of the former chief of police. This on the heels of the behavior exhibited by Commissioner Frank Rader when he took it upon himself to speak to potential witnesses in the investigation and attempt to taint them in favor of the police chief. And on the heels of an Interim Town Manager who had attempted to absorb the charity in question into the town's budget. We now have a finance director who is conveniently absent and therefore unable to properly oversee the process. And we have a mayor who is refusing to answer questions despite his public declarations that this situation will be handled "expeditiously." Perhaps most disturbing of all, we have a town attorney who appears to be using the law to shield the suspicious actions and inactions of these officials.

Anonymous said...

Erskine's gone again this week, too. Remember this summer when all this was breaking and he was always "on vacation"? Well, this seems to be a recurring problem here. None of these characters work.

Anonymous said...

The mayor MUST satisfactorily answer questions. If he does not wish to do so, he is free to resign his position and allow another public servant to occupy it and serve the public. He works for US.

If anybody reading this blog feels ignored or deceived or feels they're being given the runaround, put it on the blog and let the rest of us know who’s doing it and what your questions were. Just put it out there!

Anonymous said...

God, it was awful reading this article. I had to read it a couple of times to make sure I was reading right. I guess I couldn't even believe this could be happening with so much scrutiny on this situation. it is really scary to think these people think they can get away with this kind of stuff right under our noses. If they're this bold when they knows eyes are on them, it makes you wonder what they're up to when they think no one will be any the wiser.

Anonymous said...

Is there not some television news media that would be interested in running this? It has been my experience that when people who are dragging their feet have to answer questions to someone with a microphone and camera, they tend to get things done.

Right now it is just a bunch of people going back and forth on a blog that only some see. This blog has been intstrumental in getting things going, but there appears to be a major stall tactic being played out here. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

The FBI has a page dedicated to public corruption. Here is the link:


Read the article on that page that is titled WHY CORRUPTION MATTERS

I know there is already an investigation underway, but in reading this latest post by Jamie and the ensueing comments, it would appear they are carefully shopping for a firm that will produce the results they want.

Time Traveler
Time Traveler

Anonymous said...

Here is the link to the Charlotte FBI field office..


Anonymous said...

Here is another link to a Hickory office. Apparently Iredell County falls under the main office in Charlotte, but someone from this office would be the direct contact...


Anonymous said...

Dear 10:37,

Commissioner Atkins is a commissioner, yes? Why is he using an investigative reporter to get his questions answered? Why is Jaime asking questions and sending answers to a commissioner? The two of them are tied at the hip and it appears Atkins can't do anything for himself. He is an elected official and has every right to ask the attorney himself. Instead, we just see a sarcastic response to the attorney from a commissioner in reply (and cc'ing) an investigative reporter.

Why is this commissioner cc'ing an investigative reporter when communicating with the Town attorney?

That is bad form and appears to me just to be a rabble rouser. He works for us, not Jaime. And Jaime does not work for Atkins..... Or does she?

Anonymous said...

Commissioner Atkins works for the public and is supposed to be doing what is in the publics best interest. If he is being transparent with a reporter who is relaying the information to the public, what is the problem?

Or did I miss something?

Time Traveler

Anonymous said...

Time Traveler,
I was responding to the second post at the top of this page that Atkins did not know what was going on until the mayor answered the Gatton Report. My question is, why didn't the commissioner who is working for us ask these questions himself? Why does it have to be reactionary? Why can't he take action himself? Why is an investigative reporter and a commissioner so buddy buddy? What is going on there?

I guess tthe real question is whether this commissioner is using the investigative reporter to do everything she can to do things to people that he does not like? Some deserve it, no doubt. I won't argue with you on that.

Look at the Federal level. Do you see a senator working with Dan Rather to ask question of the President? Probably not. The Senator has every right to ask his own questions. Do you see Senators sending emails to the Attorney General and sending a cc to 20/20 and Barbara Walters? (I am not comparing Jaime to Barbara Walters).

Atkins is not building up trust in Town Government by cc'ing investigative reporters on his communications with them. I'm pretty sure that no one would argue with me on that.

Anonymous said...

Wrong again. I would argue with you on that. According to the article, Jamie wrote questions to the Mayor. The Mayor sent the questions to the Town Attorney. It was the Town Attorney who wrote back to Jamie and CC'd everybody. Atkins likely hit Reply to All so Jamie was obviously included. What's so conspiracy about that? I also believe that ANY commissioner would be smart to be transparent and open with the public and the media including BLOGS. The citizens are the ones that the commissioners answer to--Yes, INCLUDING Jamie even though you evidently don't consider her a citizen.However if you're looking for someone to blame on an investigativer reporter being CC'd on an e-mail, blame your Mayor. He's the one who skirted around answering the questions to begin with. I've read your other posts on here though and everybody can read straight through you. You're the one who doesn't give to shakes of a rat's tail about the REAL problems; you just want to find out Jamie's sources.


Anonymous said...

You have a well thought out post, but I guess we'll have to dissagree on this one.

In my opinion, any polital figure who is willing to share information with an investigative reporter must want some moral clean up.

If they are buddy buddy, he is so with someone who is wanting to clear the air and get the public straight forward answers so all of this can be addressed and put in the past.

From what I understood in the intial post, Atkins went ballistic when he learned of their failure to hire the second firm already. If he is as upset as it sounds, I can't fault him for using every means possible to put pressure on the people who are causing the delays.

The bottom line is that we need audits to complete the investigation so everyone knows for sure what has transpired with the CFK. Those that think Crone did no wrong and those who think he intentionally channeled funds all want a final answer.

Crone himself deserves an audit if he is innocent of intentional wrong doing as he says he is. If that is the case, how unfair is it to Crone to continue to drag this along while his name is being publically smeared?

To me, any legal means used to speed up the process is good for everyone involved.

Time Traveler

Anonymous said...

nope atkins isnt building up trust in town government but he IS building up trust among the public. i didnt vote for him but now i wish i would have.

Anonymous said...

There is no reason that Atkins should not be able to ask his own questions. I'm pretty sure that people voted for Atkins and not Gatton. Our Town Government needs to work with neighboring governments and state government too. Why would anyone deal with someone who is sarcastic and hands everything over to an investigative reporter who shoots first and asks questions later? Gatton has every right to do her research and what she does is important. But an investigative reporter/ elected official who are indistiguishable will not be productive.

Anonymous said...

There's always gotta be one of you in every group, 8:37. I actually like your posts if for no other reason than they let us all know what the other camp is thinking and saying. This is the only argument that you people can muster up? This is all the "dirt" you can find? Knock me down; an elected official is willing to be open with a citizen! Hell, all his e-mails are public record anyway. Kudos to Mr. Atkins for being the people's commissioner and for not being afraid of the little bit of backlash he's going to get from people who are more concerned with "finding dirt" than with openness and progress.

Anonymous said...


At first you appeared to be civil and level headed, so I responded appropriately. Now your ass is starting to show.

You say Jamie shoots first and asks questions later? Show me where she has ever shot the wrong person or posted misinformation.

9:29 summed it up in a direct manner, I'll refer you to that.

Time Traveler

Anonymous said...

Hey, does anyone know where I can apply for a job with the TOM? I would love to be able to not do anything and still get paid $106,000 a year, take 8 weeks off in the summer and have a lawyer answer all my emails! Seriously, where do I sign up????

Anonymous said...

C'mon, 9:24. You're starting to grasp a little bit there. Commissioner Atkins has asked many questions that the Tribune and this blog found in FOIA requests.

You're right about one thing. Atkins probably isn't scoring many brownie points with other elected people who are more concerned with themselves and their political careers than doing right by Mooresville citizens. This is why we need to get more commissioners like Mr. Atkins on the town board. The 2009 elections are around the corner. The Mayor is up for re-election and so is Frank Rader, Mac Herring and Chris Carney.

Anonymous said...

teryl when you find out will you let me know too?

Anonymous said...

Maybe the media should be alert to this information and could attempt to interview Ms. Setzer, if she is ever in the office, or the other idiots in public offices in this town. There has to be some way to gain the information. The ToM government is using delay tactics and that should not be legal. We indeed have a real mess.

I heard an interesting MPD rumor yesterday. Does anyone have Jamie's e-mail handy?

Anonymous said...

Teryl you would probably need to start by having more than a high school education, but neither you or Jaime Gatton know anything about that.

Anonymous said...

Sorry folks, but Atkins is attempting to use fear to bully people by cc'ing Jaime. Why would anyone say ANYTHING to Atkins when they know it will appear next on the blogs? Seriously, ask yourself a question. Do people take the "National Enquirer" seriously? Probably not, right? If you were a town employee or another elected official, would you answer any questions from Atkins or the National Enquirer? Probably not right? Even if you were as honest as they come, you would be worried that something you say would be misconstrued and then posted immediately to this blog.

I've seen this happen in other towns. As well intentioned as people as Atkins may be, their actions and propensity to be buddy buddy with an investigative reporter makes them lame duck elected officials. No one will willingly work with them because they don't want to be headline news.

This is common sense.

Anonymous said...

Where did Jaime go to college. I'm interested to learn where she picked up her degree in journalism.

Anonymous said...

Wow Jamie, to hear these people tell it, you're the most powerful person in this town. A commissioner using your name to "bully" people? Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

If I were the mayor I would be furious that this has not been all but wrapped up by now. The current mayor should have heads roll over this.

No matter what the outcome the people of Mooresville as well as Crone should have had the answers they are looking for by now.

I've seen the evidence and keep up with the posts on this BLOG. Whether or not there was grave intent on Crones part to deceive the public and misuse those funds or if it were in fact an honest oversight on his part needs to be brought to the public.

No matter what this man has a family and in the best interest of everyone the results should have been brought forth quickly so that no matter the outcome people could pick up and resume their lives.

With the tactics being used by Mooresville Government it sems as if there is more going on behind this and it is time for someone to step in and take over.

Anonymous said...

10:03 You don't need to be an ass! Not everyone requires a college degree to fill a position and fill it well.

Many of those with a college degree do not have common sense and that piece of paper certainly doesn't make anyone smarter than anyone else. You are a fine example of that!

Anonymous said...

Where in the world did you people get the rumor that Setzer was gone for 3 weeks? I love how this blog doesnt go looking for answers to their little rumors they just throw them out there and let the sheep run with them.

Anonymous said...

Gee, can't you people do your own homework? Google did this for me. Hope it helps.

Jaime Gatton
University of North Carolina, CHARLOTTE, NC, Class of 2002
South Iredell High School, STATESVILLE, NC, Class of 1995

Anonymous said...

10:10AM>>Setzer said so in the town board meeting. Where were you?

Anonymous said...

Wasnt she at the Police Department working on the audit for one of those weeks?

Anonymous said...

9:54--looks like people wanted to bury your question.Gatton's e-mail is on the front of the blog. Its jgatton@windstream.net

Anonymous said...

Sheep huh, YOU ARE AN IDIOT!

Sheep to the Constitutional Slaughter
28. December 2007, 12:12

An ardent defender of a strictly limited government under the reigns of the 10th Amendment - Judge Andrew Napolitano has nearly outdone himself with his new book, “A Nation of Sheep”

Napolitano frankly discusses how the federal government has circumvented the Constitution and is systematically dismantling the rights and freedoms that are the foundation of American democracy. He challenges Americans to recognize that they are being led down a very dangerous path and that the cost of following without challenge is the loss of the basic freedoms that facilitate our pursuit of happiness and that define us as a nation.

Judge Napolitano reminds readers what America is all about, that the purpose of government is to protect freedom, and freedom is the ability to follow your own free will and not the will of government bureaucrats.

He asks the simple question, which are YOU, a sheep or a wolf? Do you blindly follow behind where you are led, or do you challenge the government at every pass, forcing it to make decisions that will protect our freedoms?

Judge Napolitano asks the questions that no one else will, challenging readers to rethink why they are blindly following a government that has only its own interests in mind. He asks:

* Why is the government using the war on terror as an excuse to sidestep the Constitution?
* Why are Americans not challenging and questioning the government as it continues to limit more and more of our freedoms?
* What part of “Congress shall make no law…” does the government not understand when it criminalizes speech?
* Whatever happened to our inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that are proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence, guaranteed by the Constitution, yet ignored by the governments elected to protect them?
* Why does every public office holder swear allegiance to the Constitution, yet very few follow it?
* Don’t we have rights that are guaranteed and cannot be taken from us?

From Reason Magazine:

Napolitano’s latest book is the pugnaciously and provocatively titled A Nation of Sheep. The book is certainly sharply critical of the Bush administration for its assaults on our freedom and privacy. But Napolitano also provides valuable historical context, showing there’s little new under the sun when it comes to the tendency of power to expand, even in a nation explicitly built to keep government powers as tiny oceans in a sea of individual rights.

From LewRockwell.com

In his concluding chapter Napolitano notes that, as of his writing, there were sixteen politicians competing nationally to replace President Bush. Sadly, “With the exception of Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), in terms of fidelity to the Constitution, it does not matter which one of them wins. Except for Congressman Paul, they all love power for its own sake, believe that Big Government should redistribute wealth, regard the Constitution as a quaint obstacle, and would enforce or disregard laws as they saw fit . . .”

What has happened to the America that was once in love with freedom? What has happened to the government that was designed to protect the basic rights guaranteed in the Constitution? Why and how does the government keep taking our freedoms from us? Can anyone ever be happy and unfree?

Andrew Napolitano makes it clear - for society to succeed, we must return to our Constitution.

Anonymous said...

9:54, there is no burying any questions.... the answer, as you say is right on this site. The poster wasn't seriously asking the question. Just adding gossip. You bit that hook, line and sinker though.

Anonymous said...

This site is nothing more than a 25 person sewing circle.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for clarifying 10:21--but in case it got buried again, the e-mail address is jgatton@windstream.net

Anonymous said...

You sure her e-mail address isnt jgatton@unemployed.com

Anonymous said...

I don't want to be accused of burying anything. You really are biting that one hook, line and sinker, aren't you.

Hey guys, looks like Tic Tac is back promoting his anarchy books. The Government is against you, and this time he's referring to the Federal Government. I'm wondering if Tic Tac is a terrorist? Who else would want law enforcement brought down across our country? His self-proclaimed mission is to take them down across the country.

I'm all for watchdogs, but this is bordering the absurd.

Anonymous said...

Jamie is unemployed, getting your crooked friends fired from the comfort of her home. Sweet life!

Anonymous said...

Thanks 10:32. I got it and Gatton sent a read receipt on the email I sent. 'Preciate it!

Anonymous said...

enough guys. these two people (if that) are trying to get us off track. its working again. how quickly we moved from delayed audits to gatton's education and home life. lets stay on topic and let the other two keep their panties in a wad.

Anonymous said...

Well, as usual this post is heading downhill rapidly.

There are those who dissagree in discussion and those who attack without sense or accountability. Their only goal is to disrupt the direction of the discussion.

When a jackass brays, the only answer they need is chiiiirp chiiiiirp!

Time Traveler

Anonymous said...

Is Jaime really unemployed? Why is that? Can she not a get a job with local papers? How does she bring in an income? Atkins isn't paying her, is he?

Anonymous said...

chiiiirp. chiiiiirp.

Anonymous said...

No gossip asshole just curious about officers that may have been let go in the last few weeks. I have a lot of respect for the MPD thanks!

Anonymous said...

If it is not gossip, then share with us. Who was let go and why?

Outsider said...

If I may clear up one thing. A post said that "The current mayor should have heads roll over this." The Mayor of Mooresville cannot hire, fire, or discipline any ToM emmployee. That is the responsibility of the town manager.

Anonymous said...

If I knew that information I wouldn't be asking it! I'm not the "investigative reporter"....

Anonymous said...

That explains it then... Erskine has been at the helm of the sinking ship.

Anonymous said...

I think one of two things needs to happen before the next town board meeting:
1) The ToM needs to honor the FOIR and release the results of the first audit.
2) The ToM will have its second march on Town Hall the day of the monthly meeting to demand release of the audit and answers why the investigation is being "stonewalled."

The citizens want answers, and the ToM is doing their best not to provide them. The "Full Court" stall tactic is in play, by a town board and a financial director who know what is going on. The funny thing is, ETHICS are now a priority. What a joke. I agree with a poster, that Miles Atkins should be mayor, because we sure don't have one right now, or one that wants trust in government.

Anonymous said...

Dear 11:09, so you "heard" that people have been "let go" from the police department in the last few weeks. You don't know who and you don't know why. But you think that is important enough to ask an investigative reporter?

You are funny. I will admit that there are some on this site who are sincerely trying to clean up government and I do applaud them. For most, I would agree with another poster and say that this is nothing more than a digital age sewing club.

Anonymous said...

Hey 11:15... why so defensive?

Anonymous said...

I'm not defensive. If there is something to the "firings", then find out why and publish it, if it demands public scrutiny. Why does a "hen" need to say that she heard a rumor about the police department and ask for Jaime's email address? Jaime's email address is posted on the front page of this site. It's no secret. The "hen" wanted to stir something up and get people gossiping. It's pathetic.

Anonymous said...

In every city I've lived and in every corporation I've worked, the buck always stops somewhere. Where does the buck stop in Mooresville's local government?

Anonymous said...

The buck stops with Commissioner Atkins and Jaime Gatton of course. Don't you get it?

Anonymous said...

G.G. or PP or whatever personality you're taking on this five minutes, you obviously have a lot of time on your hands. Why don't you go and find out who Carolina Financial Investigations is and let us all know. Be sure to show your work.

Anonymous said...

You lost me... who is G.G?
BTW, the post about Atkins and Jaime being in charge was tongue in cheek. Bad joke. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

No, the more important ? is, Who is Carolina Financial Investigations?

Anonymous said...

How would I know and why would I care?

Anonymous said...

Wow....this sure is getting messy. Let me look for a little common ground for all parties that have taken up residence here.

I think we can all agree that the best thing for all concerned is to get some answers to what this blog (and the Tribune) pointed out. Either some crimes were committed or they weren't. Either some policies were broken or they weren't. Either some other heads will roll behind Chief Crone or they won't. It's tme for some answers. I remember reading the initial blog on this after coming home from the 4th OF JULY FIREWORKS at the YMCA. Monday is the first day of FALL. It's time for answers.

Regardless of whether it is 3 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks or 8 weeks, it does appear that Ms. Setzer either gets a lot of vacation or has had some kind of family emergency.

In any case, the business of the town needs to go on without any further delay.

Mr. Husemann, the ball is in your court. You're the town manager....please manage.

Anonymous said...

11:51, I don't disagree with you.

Anonymous said...

I have been asking what Mr. Husemann has been doing and thimking and no one knows. Rev. Green cannot get him to respond to emails. Same old thing in ToM?

Anonymous said...

Well, the Town Manager does not report to the citizens. He reports to the elected officials who hired him. My guess is that Green probably knows this. This is a case where private citizens cannot get in the way of day to day governing. I think (hope) everyone would agree with that.

Maybe he can't get him to return emails because he knows his reputation of being more than just a pastor.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure he has better things to do with his time then to deal with Larry Greens stupidity.

Anonymous said...

September 17, 2008 12:49 PM

Like it or not, its the truth.

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

I'm not just a pastor -- I'm SuperPastor to the rescue ... sorry, couldn't resist

Anonymous said...

10:03..I find it interesting that you know so much about Jaime and I. But, you didn't do your homework did you??? Next time you have something smart (or not so smart in your case) to say about me or Jaime...get your facts right.

Miles Atkins For Mayor!!

PS: Thanks 10:10am...

Anonymous said...

If Mr. Green pays $1.00 in Mooresville Town taxes, he is entitled to the same consideration and opinion as the commercial business that defaults on a $200,000.00 water bill under Mr. Justice. I would prefer to have the reputation of Mr. Green, who stands up for honest,ethical,equitable and open government than one who thinks that standing on these principles makes one a pariah. The twisted logic comes from those that are parasites on the town government or their favors, but this is America where when someone pisses on your corn flakes, you can cry about it. The state and federal laws are designed to protect the less educated or the apathetic in our society from people who think taking from the many for the few is the norm. The longer the waiting game goes on, the more corrupt the town board/Mooresville looks. But that is OK, the next election to replace these arrogant individuals will be a breeze for the challengers, even with that great "propaganda machine" called Rader at Large spreading its bias message of "I know best." (FYI Mr. Rader, the votes you received in the last election were against Frank Owens and not for you, such will be the case in the next election. I hope "a rock" runs for your at large seat, so I can brag that once in my life, I voted for "a rock."

Anonymous said...

As a college student who grew up in Mooresville, this is just absurd. I do not know all that is going on, nor do I even want to. I just find it amusing that grown adults have time to argue and bicker on a BLOG. Read back over this post, it is almost humorous how bent out of shape everyone has gotten, when honestly, you don't seem to be getting anywhere. So there might be a few corrupt officials, I don't know, but I do know that the town will go on being a town and people will continue moving to and from Mooresville. Mooresville is a great town with lots of great qualities and attraction. Have you forgotten?

Anonymous said...

So what there might be a few corrupt officials? Are you kidding me? And, why did you have to mention you were a college grad? You just joined in on the bickering that you were just complaining about.

Green Fruit Loop

Anonymous said...

You are so welcome Teryl. That poster is way out of line and must deal with a lot of inscurity isses.

Anonymous said...

Why can't the town look in to this company


Anonymous said...

I said I was a college student, not a college grad. And I honestly I did not mean anything by it, I was just saying I feel like Mooresville is still a good town and that maybe we should focus on some good qualities of Mooresville instead of all this bad. I meant no harm by what I said, just trying to find some positive light among all this gray.

Anonymous said...

The sewing club does not want to see any goodness or light. They would prefer to view their town as the laughing stock of North Carolina. Says something about personalities, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

That common sense and logic wont fly around here college boy. We only operate on rumors and hearsay. Leave this sewing circle to the 20 of us and let us get our personal revenge.

Anonymous said...

Yes I suppose that's why you can't seem to get enough of us. You're on this blog a lot more than anybody else I've noticed. What's wrong? No friends of your own? :-)

Anonymous said...

chirp. chirp.

Anonymous said...

Hey College Boy,
Give me $100.00 of your money and don't even ask what I'm am going to do with it. Why do I say it like this, because I was born and raised in Mooresville and you don't have any input where your/my money goes. I can move it around into shadow accounts, hell I can take my friends on trips and even award my friends contracts with your money/my money and I don't have to give you an explanation. How does this sound to you college boy? Well welcome to Mooresville where the $100.00 crowd is about 95% of the taxpayers. Do you think that this is fair? Well the 5% are the ones trying to discredit this blog and the other 20 members of the "sewing club" who think government should be accountable and take care of each of the 100% of the taxpayers equitably and impartially. The day will come when you will pay taxes as high as the rest of us, and you will see the light. I hope that when that day comes you will stand with us and say "Hell No" to stupid "pet" projects and inflated contracts given out to friends, instead of the best/lowest bidder. I hope you pay close attention because this struggle is tyranny vs. the masses at its best, and it looks like good is giving evil hell from where I'm sitting. So be an idealist College boy, that's what it is all about; liberty and just representation, not hiding behind a town attorney and shopping for investigators until you get the results that suit you.
Quilters of the World, Unite!!

Anonymous said...

College student:

I wouldn't post on here unless you don't mind getting jumped on. Your response to the replies sounds like you had good intentions. However, I've got to comment on your post as well.

"I was just saying I feel like Mooresville is still a good town and that maybe we should focus on some good qualities of Mooresville instead of all this bad."

A positive attitude is great, but focusing on all the good is what too many people are doing and that is causing alot of problems.

Prozac and similer drugs are too widely prescribed these day and is causing people with problems to overlook problems instead of fixing them. Some people don't need drugs to pretend everything is fine.

Those good qualities you speak of are increasingly dissapearing. The day is coming when even the pretenders won't be able to pretend anymore.

At a national level, our government has approved a loan of 84 billion dollars to keep a company afloat. Our government is in debt to the eyballs, how in the hell can they loan a private company 84 billion dollars?!!!

This is just another case of people pretending everything is fine. This country is on the verge of collapse and the repairing process needs to start at the local level and work it's way up.

That is why there are some people on here raising hell and demanding that something be done.

Time Traveler

Anonymous said...

Denial just makes reality tougher when you deal with it; so Thunberg can attest.

Anonymous said...

11:09 and 11:15

I just checked with a friend who is on the Police Department and no one has been dismissed or fired. One Officer did resign last week to operate his own business that he has been doing partime for a good while and it had got so big that he had to do this full time.
Also was told that the Moral was sky high there with Major Robbins in charge. Why the new City Manager does not go a head and appoint Robbins Chief is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

Hey little boy, guess what, keep up your harassment of people on this blog and I will see to it that you are charged with Violating NC GS 14-196. You are already in violation of this law and CAN be arrested at any time, so I would be careful what comes out of your mouth next little boy. You have a lot of work to do on becoming a man and I would hate to see you have to do that growing up in Prison for a year or so.

And before you say I am in violation for saying that your friends are GUILTY, GUILTY, GUILTY. I will be happy to take and fight the charge if you will for saying they are innocent, but one thing is for sure, either you or me are going to get charged with violating this one, and the determining factor will be whether or not RedCrone and company are charged and convicted of the crimes I laid out. And since I already know the outcome if the law is followed, I would say you should head to the store right now and get you some fancy prison slippers with flowers on top, I hear there are a couple guys in prison who are partial to that. LOL
You are so dumb that I can not even put it into words, but even if I did, I doubt you would get it anyway.

§ 14‑196. Using profane, indecent or threatening language to any person over telephone; annoying or harassing by repeated telephoning or making false statements over telephone.

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person:

(1) To use in telephonic communications any words or language of a profane, vulgar, lewd, lascivious or indecent character, nature or connotation;

(2) To use in telephonic communications any words or language threatening to inflict bodily harm to any person or to that person's child, sibling, spouse, or dependent or physical injury to the property of any person, or for the purpose of extorting money or other things of value from any person;

(3) To telephone another repeatedly, whether or not conversation ensues, for the purpose of abusing, annoying, threatening, terrifying, harassing or embarrassing any person at the called number;

(4) To make a telephone call and fail to hang up or disengage the connection with the intent to disrupt the service of another;

(5) To telephone another and to knowingly make any false statement concerning death, injury, illness, disfigurement, indecent conduct or criminal conduct of the person telephoned or of any member of his family or household with the intent to abuse, annoy, threaten, terrify, harass, or embarrass;

(6) To knowingly permit any telephone under his control to be used for any purpose prohibited by this section.

(b) Any of the above offenses may be deemed to have been committed at either the place at which the telephone call or calls were made or at the place where the telephone call or calls were received. For purposes of this section, the term "telephonic communications" shall include communications made or received by way of a telephone answering machine or recorder, telefacsimile machine, or computer modem.

(c) Anyone violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor. (1913, c. 35; 1915, c. 41; C.S., s. 4351; 1967, c. 833, s. 1; 1989, c. 305; 1993, c. 539, s. 128; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c); 1999‑262, s. 1; 2000‑125, s. 2.)

Anonymous said...

Someone please make a copy of that law and take it to the Mooresville Police Department along with the IP address of this clown and they will have to investigate, including getting a warrant to search his computer to prove he violated it, part of that warrant will be an order for the owner of that IP address to turn over his Identity to authorities and make the arrest.

Anyone with this clowns IP address and a copy of that law can have this fool locked up.

Good luck to you little boy, your in the big leagues now, welcome to the game. Hope you packed a lunch.

Anonymous said...

(5) To telephone another and to knowingly make any false statement concerning death, injury, illness, disfigurement, indecent conduct or "criminal conduct" of the person telephoned or of any member of his family or household with the intent to abuse, annoy, threaten, terrify, harass, or embarrass;

Anonymous said...

Tic Toc, you lost me there. Who were you referring to with your 6:02 post?

Anonymous said...

Rader at Large most recent says Frank is "overseeing" M-I- Connection and that TW is overbuilding the "junk" system those towns bought. Any thoughts? It also states that Mr. Rader has been to over 100 meetings in person or by phone and that they are open to the public. Where do you find out about these meetings?

Jim said...

Rader-at-Large was responding to an email that asked about Time Warner Cable laying new cable and offering service in an area in Mooresville.

Rader said that "I've expected TWC to build since Jan, 2007, when state franchise law (not local) means anyone can build anywhere."

Funny, I distinctly remember that during the public presentations about MI Connection the adviser the town hired said there was "no chance" that there would be any competition to MI Connection.

Anonymous said...

Jaime has the IP addresses of the posts. It will be interesting to see if she will follow up on this... meaning providing the IP address used by Tic Tac and his persistent threats.

She has them all. Now, it will take a court order to reveal who the original poster is, but the service providers WILL do it and CAN do it.

Come on Jaime, stand up for the law all the time, including this time.

Anonymous said...

The sooner Mr. Husemann comes to the realization that the number one priority is to clean house, the sooner this town can begin to heal and move forward. Both Smith and Setzer must go.

Anonymous said...

Hey 9:04, What will be interesting is to see you try to get out of this, I cant wait to see you on the news.

You have no clue what you are doing, do you? How do you feel with a class 2 misdemeanor. Care to try for felonies like RedCrone and Company? I really dont think you should own guns either.

Anonymous said...

You are dealing with numerous posters, not just one. I did post at 9:04, but I have committed no misdemeanors or felonies. I also own no guns. You have lost touch with reality.

Anonymous said...

Damn I wish we could stay on track here.

Time Traveler

Anonymous said...

I read this blog several times a day, and post as well.

Most of all you Jaime and Miles bashers, are probably several of those people that are negatively mentioned, and don't have any cranberries to identify yourselves.(Typical Of Your Mode Of Operatum)

All you other bashers, get used to it, because this investagation will not stop, thanks Jaime, and you idiots should be so lucky to finally have ONE YES ONLY ONE,commisioner that is the people's representative. Good job Miles, and please don't let the others put pressure on you to stop.
We in the past had a commisioner, who beat his head against the wall trying to do what your'e doing, and after almos 10 years, he had to give it up. Kudo's to Franklin Campbell.


Anonymous said...

You go get them Tic Toc, take them all to prison, we don't want them here anymore, and when you are done, get your name on the ballot. I personally wont vote for you but it would be fun to see you get more votes then Thunberg.

Anonymous said...

Vic, what did you do with that 32,000 dollars that you stole, uh I mean got, from the town?

Anonymous said...

9:07( No Balls) Ignorance. You have no clue what this town put my family through.

Get all the facts before you shoot from your hip !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You are being a little over dramatic there dont you think Vic? But I guess I would have to tell myself something to help me sleep at night too if I had stolen $32,000 of tax payers money.

Anonymous said...

Let's try to stay on task here guys...Let's talk about what the town manager is doing, why Erskine and Maia (sp?) still have a job, and why Crone is not in prison.

Why hasn't the new town manager scheduled a town hall type meeting so people can meet him and ask him all the questions we have directly?

Anonymous said...

The Town Manger works for the Board and Mayor. His actions will be based on the majority of that group. It would be nice to have a Manager that has the fortitude to do what is right regardless of what the majority of the board thinks but if he does it will cost him his job.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me,I was on task, until this 9:07 ignoramous came up with this post out of nowhere. Wasn't going to respond, but wanted everyone else to know this is totally false. Thank You

Anonymous said...

Vic....at least you aren't afraid to post your name, that jack ass attacking you is hiding. Just like all the others on here attacking people. Good for you!

Anonymous said...

September 18, 2008 9:54 AM

So why dont you post your name dumbass?

I am not attacking Vic, I am just curious as to why he acts like he is wanting whats best for the town but when his wallet was involved he didnt give a shit about the town or its tax money.

Anonymous said...

He just wanted to fatten that wallet!!!!! And with your tax money!!!

Anonymous said...

The bottom line, folks, is that they moved on the internal investigation (using these terms loosely) pretty quickly because they had compartmentalized the problem and labeled it 'Crone' and were anxious to get rid of it. The audits? Well, that’s a whole different ball of wax. The audit is going to come back and bite whoever was over Crone and was supposed to supervise him and watch over the money, but didn’t. Well, that would be Maia Setzer and Erskine Smith, the two people who’ve got their dirty little fingers all over this going all the way back as far as the eye can see. Hence the belabored dragging of the feet. Get rid of Dumb and Dumber and you get rid of almost all your troubles.

Anonymous said...

September 18, 2008 9:30 AM wrote: "But I guess I would have to tell myself something to help me sleep at night too if I had stolen $32,000 of tax payers money."

I am sure you tell yourself "something to help you sleep at night" every night, you Crook Lover. BTW why don't you go ask that very good question of your buddies who've been robbing this town blind for years, stealing time, stealing resources, stealing trust, stealing anything and everything that wasn't tied down? Be a good little boy and go ask them that.

Anonymous said...

The snail’s pace that the Bad Guys are using to get these audits going is a double edged sword. Pretty soon they will not be able to find their way out of the hole they have dug for themselves.

Anonymous said...

It's 10:14 on September 18th. I hereby call this meeting of the sewing club to order.

Anonymous said...

"You just need to be a flea against injustice. Enough committed fleas biting strategically can make even the biggest dog uncomfortable and transform even the biggest nation."
~Marian Wright Edelman

Proud Member of the Sewing Club

Anonymous said...

hey 10:04...its called eminent domain. Not stealing.

Anonymous said...

Hi 10:16.
Actually, there are a few of us losers on here. Not just me.

Anonymous said...

How do you like this for priorities. Unbelievable.

Cant get the FBI to Mooresville, but I guess "this lady" is a "federal case"

An Idaho woman is facing federal charges and possible jail time after refusing to pay for a soda and then spilling it on a counter in a case she calls a waste of taxpayer's money.

U.S. Attorney Tom Moss plans to bring two charges against Natalie Walters, 39, stemming from an Aug. 20 incident at the Boise Veterans Affairs Medical Center, the Idaho Statesman reports. If convicted, she could face up to six months in federal prison.

Walters, who routinely takes her father to the Boise hospital for treatment, said there is no posted price for soda refills at the center's cafeteria, and she's typically charged between $1 and $1.50 for filling her mug, according to the paper.

On Aug. 20, she was charged $3.80, which lead to the dispute and Walters dumping the soda on the cafeteria counter.

Moss' office refused to speak to the Statesman about the case until after Walters' Oct. 8 arraignment. Walters didn't learn of the charges until she was contacted by a reporter for the story.

"My father is a veteran. It is a federal facility for veterans. This should have been handled differently," she told the paper. "This is extreme. This is totally extreme. Well, if they have that much time on their hands, go for it."

Anonymous said...

It seems that the morale of the police department is higher according to some and that is a good thing. However, even criminals can have high morale. Now I am not saying that the men and women of the MPD are all corrupt. But there was a lot of things going on there with fund raising and christmas parties that I am uncomfortable with. It seems that even if Major Robbins was totally unaware of the activities of the Chief as it relates to CFK he still carries a taint. Others at the PD have been mentioned here at this site as corrupt. I do not know if that is accurate but can we depend on someone from inside to fix problems that have been overlooked in the past?

Anonymous said...

Hey 10:03 (yesterday)...or GG whatever your name is....it seems like you have exactly the kind of job I need and referred to in an earlier comment. You don't work; you are on here all day. I surely hope that you are not getting by my tax dollars.

Anonymous said...

Vic is right. The facts need to be right. The actual amount was $38,200.00.

Anonymous said...

Maia is a pushover, which makes her a dream come true for any corrupt official. A Finance Director must be feared. Instead we've got one who'll start shedding tears at the drop of a hat. That ain't gonna cut it when you've got egg on your face for rampant financial mismanagement and snafoos in the administration.

Anonymous said...

Amateur stall tactics. 2 months & not even audit results, let alone investigation results or evidence room findings. How quickly do you think this would have been done if it was an unconnected private citizen who was under investigation? This is not brain surgery. It’s looking at numbers.

Anonymous said...

You can't put all this on Maia. She's carrying some serious dead weight. One of 'em is bald, has a goatie and has been making a six-figure salary for years. She does all the work and gets the blame. He dodges responsibility and picks up his nice paycheck. I say get rid of his useless position and put that money into getting some help in Finance.

Anonymous said...

I think it's time to invite some serious network investigative reporters here to uncover this municipal corruption and put it on the tube. Jaimie has plenty of background along with the revolution key players!

Anonymous said...

I don't remeber reading anything identifying the poster as a female or hen. Men are worse gossips than women EVER thought about being. Get a grip Barney.

Anonymous said...

I doubt if Mr. Husemann will come to that realization before his six month probation period is up. You see, all ToM employees are on probation for that period instead of the customary 90 day period. Maybe this spring we'll see some backbone.

Anonymous said...

I'll bet Huseman is exempt from the regular probation and would certainly have a contract. But never forget, he now owes the ones that hired him. The mayor and board.

Unknown said...

For reasons that are self-evident, the police chief matter should have received the highest priority. Either the message was not sent that the audit is a high priority, or that message was ignored by staff. Proper scheduling and duty delegation are two vital functions of management. We are left with little choice but to conclude that the delays in the audit signal either ineptitude, or they signal a deliberate intent to postpone the audit.

Anonymous said...

The shepard is quiet and the sheep do not know what to do or say.

Anonymous said...

The sheppard ain't quiet no more. She just reported that your ole buddy John Crone was taking money out of the FEDERAL drug bust money and using it for his and his friend, the mayor, trips...and he was doing it under Erskine Smith's nose an Maia Setzer's nose. Naughty, naughty, the bunch of 'em. Feds may have to pay this little town a visit soon, have a little chit chat with all these players. Maybe you're one of 'em?