Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Former police chief violated federal regulations

Cops for Kids wasn’t the only fund that former Mooresville Police Chief John Crone mishandled.

In 2002, Crone violated federal guidelines when he used $4,862 in federal asset forfeiture funds to pay airfare costs for the Mayor’s Youth Council trip to New York City.

The federal asset forfeiture program is a nationwide cooperative effort among federal, state and local law enforcement agencies that share proceeds resulting from federal forfeitures of assets – such as money and property – used in crimes. The local agencies that are responsible for the seizure or forfeiture of property receive up to 80 percent of the proceeds, while the federal government keeps 20 percent.

But the money has strings attached in the form of guidelines for how it can be spent. In a 1994 U.S. Department of Justice memo titled “Equitable Transfers of Forfeited Monies or Properties,” Assistant Attorney General Walter Dellinger stated: “When the federal government makes an equitable transfer of forfeited monies or property to a state or local law enforcement agency, that transfer is more appropriately characterized as a conditional gift to the agency rather than as a formal contract between the federal government and the agency.

“If the state or local agency fails to use the transferred property for law enforcement purposes, the federal government may be able to pursue restitution of the property.”

Airline tickets for the 2002 Mayor’s Youth Council and chaperones – including then-Mayor Al Jones – would appear to be an impermissible use of shared assets under at least the following three sections:

(c) Payment of Non-Law Enforcement Expenses. Shared funds may be used to pay the expenses for drug testing of law enforcement personnel, but may not be used for the testing of all municipal employees. Shared funds may not be used for scholarships or financial aid, except for law enforcement personnel pursuing training that is necessary to the performance of their official duties.

(f) Non-Official Government use of Shared Assets. Any use that creates the appearance that shared funds are being used for political or personal purposes is not permitted. For example, the use of shared funds for a sheriff’s campaign paraphernalia is impermissible. The use of shared funds to settle a lawsuit is not a permissible use.

(h) Extravagant Expenditures. Receiving agencies should use federal sharing monies prudently and in such a manner as to avoid any appearance of extravagance, waste, or impropriety. The payment of personal credit card bills, the purchase of meals (except personal meals incurred during official law enforcement travel), alcoholic beverages and other such expenditures are impermissible.

For a complete look at the federal guidelines, provided by Town Hall, click on the documents below:

The federal government can grant permission on a case-by-case basis for local agencies to use the shared funds for purposes other than those listed as permissible. However, the Town of Mooresville provided no such documentation on Wednesday, when the Report obtained from Town Hall copies of Crone’s expenditures from the shared asset funds from 2002 through 2008.

Just about an hour ago, the Town of Mooresville released the following statement to the press:

After 2002, Crone did not use federal asset forfeiture money for the Mayor’s Youth Council trips; instead, he began in 2003 to use state drug tax money – formally called Unauthorized Substance Abuse Tax – in conjunction with Cops for Kids funds.

A cursory review of the state drug tax expenditures recorded by Crone shows that the former police chief used more than $25,000 from 2003 to 2008 to fund trips for the Mayor’s Youth Council, accompanied from time to time by the Police Explorers. Crone spent an additional $20,000 on the trips from his Cops for Kids fund, according to his own balance sheet.

Town Finance Director Maia Setzer said “discrepancies” exist between Crone’s expenditure sheet from the drug tax fund and the finance office’s audited ledgers.

The state drug tax fund has no restrictions on how local agencies can spend the money. However, the N.C. Attorney General has issued an opinion on the matter, which the Report is in the process of obtaining. As soon as we’ve been able to fully scrutinize the state drug-tax records – and compare them with Crone’s town purchasing-card statements, the town’s audited drug-tax ledgers and the Cops for Kids expenditures – we’ll let you know what we find.

Meanwhile, the town’s investigations into the Cops for Kids fund are ongoing.

Town Manager Steve Husemann told commissioners and town administrators in an e-mail this week that he, Setzer and Town Attorney Steve Gambill met on Wednesday “to review the status of the current investigations.”

“I am generally keeping out of that process,” Husemann said, “but I do want to address where we are going and how we can get there as soon as possible.”

He said the town needs to “put procedures in effect which will assure that similar events cannot happen in the future.”

Setzer also e-mailed commissioners an update on each investigation on Wednesday.

Internal investigation/SBI probe
The internal investigation being led by Ken Andrews of Special Investigative Services “is complete with documentation returned to the Town of Mooresville,” Setzer said.

The investigation, she added, “was not fully completed by Mr. Andrews as the N.C. State Bureau of Investigation asked Mr. Andrews to stop his interviews of certain people so that the Special Agent could interview them for his investigation.

“Once the Special Agent gives us permission to do so,” Setzer said, “Mr. Andrews may continue his interviews.”

Setzer said that the SBI’s Special Agent assigned to the Cops for Kids case “has not discussed his investigation with me.” She said, however, that she has a meeting scheduled with him today, Sept. 19, and “if there’s anything I can relay to you following that meeting, I will.”

Financial audits
Setzer also told commissioners that the first financial investigation, or audit, “is essentially as complete as it can be given the documents the town has received regarding the Cops for Kids bank records,” Setzer added. “The documentation of the investigation has been received and will be shared with the SBI and the secondary financial reviewers as appropriate.”

Setzer said that the town has remitted a contract to Greer and Walker, LLC and that “I have received word … that the firm expects to accept the engagement.

“When I receive final confirmation of that agreement and the firm begins work,” Setzer told commissioners, “I will let you know.”

Evidence room
The first review of the police department’s evidence room, directed by the SBI, is complete, Setzer said. “We have been asked by the SBI to conduct an additional audit which will be done under the direction of the SBI.”

Husemann added that the Mooresville Police Department has developed a “property (evidence) room physical layout plan.”

Under Setzer’s direction, Husemann said, “We plan to inventory and remove everything from the property room and place it in a sealed POD. We will then have shelving installed in the property room and return the evidence in an organized and recorded fashion.

“That which is no longer needed will be disposed of in accordance with state law,” Husemann continued. “We plan to order security doors for the property room which will record every time the door is opened and by whom. It will also be documented with video tape.”

He said that some of the items will require town board approval because of cost. “This may seem like overkill,” he said, “but it is probably the norm for the more professional departments.”

Husemann added that the town “will obviously coordinate this with the SBI, but we feel that this would not interfere with their investigation.” Also, he warned: “This will be a very lengthy process.”

The town manager also told commissioners that the finance department will work with the police department “to assure the proper recording of all revenues and expenditures related to the property room and the state and federal drug forfeiture accounts. This would also address the disposal of future property no longer needed for evidence.”

Finally, Husemann said he is interested in seeking accreditation of the Mooresville Police Department through CALEA (Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc.). “While this is an expensive and time consuming process, it would have avoided a lot of the problems that we are facing today,” Husemann said. “It would also help re-establish the credibility to the department.”


Anonymous said...

Jaime, you should do a FOI request for the Annual Certification Report that the PD must submit to the Asset Foreiture Office of the DOJ. This report should show how the use of these funds for trips were justified. Good work.

Anonymous said...

And the powers that be continue to insist that no one pays any attention to internet blogs and forums. BullS***!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jaime for keeping us in the know. Sounds like we may finally have a leader at the helm. Should not take long till he see's what dead weight he needs to rid the town of. Then the people
of Mooresville can do there part to get rid of the rest in Nov.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to the town for the press release!!

Anonymous said...

September 19, 2008 1:39 PM said:

"The shepard is quiet and the sheep do not know what to do or say."

The shepard has spoken now, bitch. And I say, Baaa baaaa baaaad Crone!

Time Traveler

Anonymous said...

Let's see. Who's the "sheep" again? I keep getting it mixed up. Are the "sheep" the people who are exposing and fighting against the obvious corruption in this town, or is it the handful of people (I'm pretty sure they couldn't fill more than a room all put together at this point) who are supporting that corruption? Can somebody clarify please?

Anonymous said...

Way to go Jaime, thats how you take them out, now just figure out who told Crone that it was illegal to use the Federal money and legal to use the state. They helped to cover for these idiots.

But man the town is running scared over this one, a press release already. Great Job!

BTW, Redmond, do you see that line in there, I dont think anyone has forgot about you either so my question to you is, when you put your head between your legs did your lips actually touch your ass when you kissed it goodbye? LOL

Tic Toc

Anonymous said...

It's progress, not perfection, and I agree that the ToM deserves a pat on the back for being on top of this.

Anonymous said...

Tic Toc how many Fridays have come and gone now?

Anonymous said...

By making the press release it sounds like they are starting to put distance between themselves and this mess.

Before any of you go patting the town on the back too hard, consider that they knew jamie was going to go public with this anyway.

Anonymous said...

For what? if you are talking about for Frank, Screw him, I moved on to his boss. Try to keep up, I move kinda quick and if you dont read every post I make, you might have missed it. I am sure I can find it for you, or you could.

Now if there is nothing else for me, I am going to sleep. LOL

Anonymous said...

We’ve got us some seriously slow learners up in Town Hall. The mayor and his lapdogs Erskine Smith and Frank Rader still haven’t learned that the longer they jerk Ms. Gatton around, the deeper she’s going to dig. Even Pavlov’s dogs would have figured this out by now! And these slow learners are our leaders. Nice.

Anonymous said...

Jaime caught them with their pants down, I just wonder if the ink was dry on the press release before Jaime had it scanned and posted

Anonymous said...

Tic Toc...

If the post at 3:04 PM is an attempt to lure you into going off again... let it be. I'm not sure what the intent is there.

Everybody else please ignore any braying jackasses. This new post about federal regulations will bring the opportunity for more good discussion and possibly new information as a result of that.

There will be those on here braying shortly in an effort to divert energy into argueing. Don't let them do it.

When a jackass brays, the sheep need to go chiiirp chiiirp!

Anonymous said...

You're right on target 3:15. This federal thing is going to put some people into some serious hot water and they're going to try everything in their power to shut all of us up. We've got to be smart and stick to the point here. Let the Jackass talk to himself all day long.

Anonymous said...

Good point, but I really am going to sleep in a minute, I have said all I intend to, this information stands on its own without my two cents. I just cant wait to see the comments when I get up, but I doubt I comment personally on them.

As I said before, very nice work Jaime.

Tic Toc

Anonymous said...

Great job TOM!

Anonymous said...

It may be federal but it doesn't sound like he used the money for his own personal expenses....

Anonymous said...

I dont understand how the finance officer is exempt from this probem.

Anonymous said...

3:47 and 3:49 wake up and smell the roses. You're living in an altered reality, your own little dream world.

Anonymous said...

It was inevitable. Erskine’s sorry-ness is spreading to people like Maia Setzer. Bound to happen.

Anonymous said...

Not really when you look at it from another perspective. The programs the monies were spent on were not for Crone, or his family, personal gain. They were spent on MPD sponsored activities. Maybe not the way the money should have been spent but far from making him a hard core criminal.

Anonymous said...

Cover up for crooks much?

Anonymous said...

Maybe more will come from the SBI Investigation that would actually sway me to consider his actions as criminal. But from the report above I would say it was far from some major scheme on Crone's behalf to defraud the town. If all that was to the entire situation is what was posted in the report then I would say a small hand slap is in order. You all act like they just descovered he took personal grand vacations, purchased goods and paid his bills with the money. That would be te actions of a true criminal.

Anonymous said...

"A cursory review of the state drug tax expenditures recorded by Crone shows that the former police chief used more than $25,000 from 2003 to 2008 to fund trips for the Mayor’s Youth Council, accompanied from time to time by the Police Explorers. Crone spent an additional $20,000 on the trips from his Cops for Kids fund, according to his own balance sheet."

WTF???? $45,000 on friggin TRIPS for the "Mayor's" Youth Council (a/k/a the privileged children of the well-connected)???? Who needs "hard core criminals" when you've got characters like this running around AND characters like his supervisors who were letting him do it????

Anonymous said...

4:02 Bob Bob (a/k/a Crone's pastor) is back trying to forcefeed us some more of his bullcrap. Ignore him.

Anonymous said...

Call in the Feds. They need to go through these offices and financial records with a fine tooth comb:
- former police chief
- finance director
- assistant town manager

Anonymous said...

To 4:02:

Crone attended every one of these trips to New York, Washington DC, etc. He and his wife went. Do not forget that he was going to take the Mayors Youth Council and Explorers to LAS VEGAS before it had to be cancelled because of the investigation. Sounds to me like he used it for his own personal vacations. Why would you take teenagers to LAS VEGAS??? Open your eyes and see Crone for what he really is.

Anonymous said...

Which comes to approx $9000 a year. That figure, depending on the number of participants, might not be that "off the mark". Again it may seem extravigant to the you and I however it hardly makes him a criminal. Loose with the money? Yes maybe A bit extravigant? Yes maybe. But criminal??? Perhaps not. You still need to be able to define what constitutes criminal negligence.

Anonymous said...

Guess what... Im not either person Bob bob or the pastor. Just someone that has been on the Blog since day one that honestly wanted to see the results of Jamie's hard work. And I respect her for it. However if there was no more to it than that it really isn't "lynchable"

Anonymous said...

I don't need anything other than my eyes and my brain and the Federal Guidelines that Ms. Gatton has posted for us. Crone violated Federal guidelines and no amount of rationalization by him or one of his friends is going to change that. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Good point, 4:10. I'm glad you're posting your thoughts about this--this is what the blog is supposed to be for. Did I miss though where somebody called the chief a criminal? I didn't see that and I just want to make sure I didn't miss it. I think that this is very bad news. When the Town Attorney has to call the US Attorney and the SBI, that's never good.

Anonymous said...

Hey all "rebel rousers", "sheep", "puppets", "sewing club members" and "fruit loops"! See you all at Blues & Burritos tonight! It’s the one place I can count on none of these crook lovers showing up to. Air's cleaner. Peace out!

Anonymous said...

Bob Bob's talking to himself again. Give it up. One of your flock went astray and you may have to go visit him in jail along with the others who helped him get away with what he did.

Anonymous said...

Great. Now we learn that our former police chief has been dipping into other slush funds. Very reassuring.

Anonymous said...

It appears from this report that there was serious misuse of federal asset forfeiture funds on the part of Chief Crone. While the use of the state funds may not be limited it is hard for me to believe that the intent of these funds is to pay for trips to vacation destinations. While I am sure that there are educational benefits to these trips I do not think that federal asset forfeiture funds or state illegal substance tax funds need to be used for this purpose. I am not sure that the misuse of the federal funds is criminal not having seen the statute. However, even assuming that it was not criminal I am certain that the ToM will be required to reimburse federal funds used for this purpose and those monies will have to come from the general fund of the town….the tax payers. In addition, I do not understand how the Chief of Police was able utilize these federal funds without some oversight. The reports to the Department of Justice must be signed not only by the Chief of Police but by the Town Manager.

Anonymous said...

I didn't say he was called a criminal... the direction of the thread seems to want to make the findings criminal and throw him in jail. Or did I miss that somewhere? All I am trying to say, and I am not a Crone fan by any means, is that maybe just maybe there is no more to any of this entire investigation than to see that monies were misused but not with criminal intent.

Anonymous said...

September 19, 2008 2:31 PM wrote "Kudos to the town for the press release!!" I say thank God for little favors, with emphasis on little. This is a classic case of a day late a dollar short. It is clear that Ms. Gatton's exposure of the town's foot dragging and impending exposure of the improper use of federal funds prompted this lukewarm press release which contained nothing significant. We still have not seen any results whatsoever and it is quickly approaching three months. Not to mention not a single word from the mayor of this town on this crucial matter. I think I will reserve my kudos, thank you.

Anonymous said...

419 That could be the case for sure. We'll have to wait to see, but it doesn't have to be criminal to be wrong, and I think we can all agree about that.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes!Blues and Burritos!!!I almost forgot!!When does that start???

Anonymous said...

6 PM BABY!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OOPS forgot to sign.......

Yellow Fruit Loop

Anonymous said...

4:19, now simply known as the Master Rationalizer, has spoken, and he has told us he is "no fan of Crone's". And yes, I am sure there is a nice piece of land in the middle of some dessert he would like to sell us, too.

History is riddled with Master Rationalizers who attempted to rationalize away all manner of things, but rarely did it stop the inevitable tide of justice.

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

I guess I'm not sure how anyone could come to any conclusion other than Crone was rightfully terminated and that his actions were not appropriate. It's not like he can claim ignorance of the rules and regulations pertaining to asset forfeitue.

I'm glad the town is pursuing accreditation for the PD. That, in and of itself, will help to resolve many of the issues related to high turnover rates, standardization of procedures, and credibility.

Anonymous said...

My first post on this article. I have been accused of posting earlier today and sorry to disappoint, but it was not me. I am also not Crone's pastor, or anyone else's pastor for that matter.

I do also agree with several other posters on here that this is not exactly a conviction. We have not heard Crone's side of the story. Again, nothing here showing that he took a penny for himself. Sounds like the Town did the right thing in calling the US Attorney about the money issue. They will investigate and prosecute if there is anything there. I know, I know, Tic Toc will spew his 14th amendment issues here.... it's to be expected.

The proof will be in the pudding. I'm prepared for the hateful, profane comments.....

Anonymous said...

I agree that nobody ever called it criminal or a conviction. What we have is a police chief who mismanaged money.....and would like it if we would believe that he didn't know any better. If it was me or any other random citizen who would have done this though, it'd be a different picture. No Bob bobs to our rescue.Crone himself would have probably thrown the book at us. Well I guess it depends on who we are and who we know.........

Anonymous said...

Hey Ray Ray, the police department does not investigate financial crimes. That's up to STate or Federal law enforcement. If you were speeding down the street, the police would pull you over. But, and here is the really big but. We would not be discussing it on a blog. You would just deal with it in the courts.

The difference here is that it is a public issue spread all over the papers and a blog. Crone can't defend himself because he hasn't been charged with anything, that I know of. So, while some people are on here slammingg him, some of us are still defending him. You are right. It is still important to know that the orchestrators of this have personal issues with Crone. I assume that the rest of you don't but I could be wrong. I'm not saying that he didn't do anything wrong. I'm just saying that you are hearing one side of the story from VERY VERY BIASED people. That's it.

Anonymous said...

Point taken Bobbob. We probably wouldn't be talking about me on a blog if I got in trouble with the police........because I'm not a chief of police (you know, C-H-I-E-F dude that sets a good example for following the law and all the rules and regulations..) :-) Who besides the chief is an "orchestrator" of this?I must be confused.........oh, and if the chief wants to talk, why doesn't he come on here and comment? Whose stoppin him?

Anonymous said...

BTW Bobbob I hate to cut this short for tonight but I have a cool blues & tacos event to attend in a little while.I dont guess I'll be seeing you there but maybe we can catch back up tomorrow and talk some more.........

Anonymous said...

Great to see that something is being done. Will show that he was wrong or that he did but will not be charged.
The thing about accreditation is a waste of time and money. Google CALEA. This is just a group that on paper says that you have a PD that is accredited. It costs each and every year and does not prove anything.
Check around all the police and other law enforcement agencies in the area and you will not find but maybe one or two.
If you have a certificate on your wall it makes you proud that you have it but it means very little to the other people that read it. Just paper and something to hang on the wall and brag about.
You don't need it if you have the proper leadership and great officers.

Anonymous said...

4:36 I am not rationalizing anything. I think Crone is guilty I am jsut not sure that the federal thing is criminal or civil. I think my post clearly indicates that I am glad he is gone and I do not understand why the others over him are not gone as well.

To the poster that says local police departments do not investigate financial crimes you are flat wrong. Just as them.

Anonymous said...

Dear 5:40, You could be right about them investigating financial crimes. Honestly, I don't know. I know, I should not have said it if I was not sure. But I admit when I am wrong.... or unsure. :-)

Cool blues and tacos... sorry to miss that. making me hungry though.

Anonymous said...

"Crone violated federal guidelines when he used $4,862 in federal asset forfeiture funds to pay airfare costs for the Mayor’s Youth Council trip to New York City."

Case closed. Better luck name time Bob Bob. At least you've finally come back out of the closet. You deserve a carrot for that.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you can jump to conclusions. Are GUIDELINES actually laws? What is the punishment for violating GUIDELINES? I don't know the answer, that's why I posed the question.

Do we know that Crone didn't get permission for that? No. All we know is that the Town could not find any permission to give to Jaime. That's what we know.

Anonymous said...

Police don't investigate financial crimes? Didn't MPD investigate the embezzlement at the Mooresville Christian Mission?

Anonymous said...

Give it up Bob Bob. The permission must be in writing and maintained with the records, that is another guideline. And so all know I am 4:21

Anonymous said...

Hey Bob Bob!!!!

Chiiiirp Chiiiiirpp

Time Traveler

Anonymous said...

guide·line (gīd'līn') Pronunciation Key

A statement or other indication of policy or procedure by which to determine a course of action: guidelines for the completion of tax returns.

Anonymous said...

how do we know that the people hey trew in jail were criminals. what about the ones that are going to want new court date.

Anonymous said...

So let's see if I get this straight ...

1. Cops for Kids misrepresented.
2. Crone lies about the non-profit status of the organization.
3. Crone admits to poor management skills.
4. Deposit slip goes public.
5. Lawsuit for wrongful temination.
6. Violations of federal policies.

BobBob, how on earth can yu explain away all of those things. Wait, I know ... It's a conspiracy. Crone's being framed. He's such a nice guy that he didn't "intentionally" set out to do wrong.

Well, I'm sure many of the criminals locked up by Crone didn't "intentionally" set out to do the things they did.

And then there's the whole... Crone is such a nice guy argument you've used.

I'm sure many "nice" folks have been convicted of doing similar things.

I can't, for the life of me, see any rational thought within your position on defending soon to be Inmate #413MainSt. With any luck he can have a cell next door to his buddy, Rader

Anonymous said...

So... when is Crone going to be arrested? Have they confiscated the passport yet?

Anonymous said...

Man, chill out on the arrested thing. You are going to get the jackasses braying.

There has to be a complete investigation first.

Anonymous said...

Dear 6:13, there is an American left among you. I'm shocked, but heartened.

Anonymous said...

"There's a saying that justice delayed is justice denied.

Anonymous said...

The Mayor came out of hiding for an intervew with News 14 Carolinas. Where has he been all this time? I guess it really is time to throw someone under the bus.

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute. An earlier post on here said that Bill forwarded the Gatton Report's questions about CFK to the town attorney because he wasn't supposed to be answering questions about CFK. So why did he agree to an on camera interview with the media?

Anonymous said...

I believe that would be called a political move to distance himself from CFK and to attempt to appear like he's been on top of things all along.

Too bad for him that the Mayor's Youth Council is mixed up in all of this, so his butt will be on the line next.

And don't forget bowtie Rader who interfered with the work of the PD.

And now Abraham appears to think there are some "concerns".

And Erskine is back in hiding on the golf course.

Anonymous said...

Folks, I am not sure we know all about the money yet. Again, I think it is evident that violations occurred, but with who's knowledge or direction?

Question if directed by a superior to pay something with a special fund who is responsible? Wasn't that Oliver North's whole defense back in the 80's? Not saying anyone is guilty or innonence just that this begs more questions that have yet to be answered.

Anonymous said...

If someone is given an unlawful command, they do not have to follow it.

CFK was Crone's fund.

PD was Crone's responsiblity.

Management was Crone's job.

Anonymous said...

The ususal practice is that funds received from state illegal substance taxes and the federal asset forfeiture funds is that that are maintained in two separate accounts that are not part of the regular town budet accounts. This is a requirment of the federal funds since the statutes require that there be no comingking of the local and federal funds and that federal funds may not be used to supplant local funds. These accounts are to be used by the police department for approved reasons. Now normally the Chief of Police will make purchases through the normal channels recognized by the local municiplaity. This includes all the checks and balances that should be in place. Now the state funds can be used for a varity of activities but I have never heard of them being used for trips as described. Training yes but this type of trip no. As far as I know there is no reporting required for the state funds. The federal funds are different. An annual certification report must be filed with the Office of Asset Forfeiture at the DOJ each year with accompanying supporting documentation for anything other that standard purchases. This report must be signed by the Chief of Police and the Town manager.

Anonymous said...

comingking = co-mingling

Anonymous said...

It looks like an "irrelevant" (Thunberg's description of Ms. Gatton) blogger was able to finally smoke the mayor out. But the damage has been done because all of us out here now know he had to get smoked out instead of voluntarily stay on top of this thing.

What are you hiding mayor?

Jim said...

The Mayor did speak to News 14 Carolina, but we were unable to reach Chief Crone, who has spoken with us in the past.

You do have to wonder where all of this is going and when it will all end.

Anonymous said...

So, after all the machinations and gyrations "They" finally had to call in the F.B.I. after all. That is only when "Their" stall tactics failed miserably and the Gatton Report and its readers did not "go away" like any nice little herd of sheep would. Instead, the local troublemakers kept patiently "sewing" instead. Whoever called "Them" (the RATS and their two new favorite lapdogs Setzer and Gambill) slow learners hit the nail on the head. Doesn't look like the troublemakers are going anywhere anytime soon - thank God and the Heavens.

Anonymous said...

Where were the financial controls? Where was the management? Where was the oversight? Where was the leadership? Recall Thunberg and get somebody in there who can sail this sinking ship!

Anonymous said...

You crack me up. You think the "sewing club" had anything to do with the Town discovering the federal funds issue? Nope. The Town began their investigation and audit back in September. These things take time, especially financial audits. Now, all of a sudden, you think that it was you the bloggers that prompted this?

File that one under "give me a break"

Anonymous said...

Now Thunberg's talking. I checked out the News 14 inerview. I didn't hear Thunberg thanking Gatton and the bloggers for bringing this matter to the forefront. If it was up to Thunberg there never would have been an investigation in the first place. It would have all been swept under the rug. But now, after two and a half months, he is trying to act like he is out in front of this thing. Question is, what were his motives in failing to demand accountability in the first place? Hopefully this will be revealed when they convene a federal grand jury. Likewise for Rader's visit to the PD to attempt to interfere with the initial investigation. When they get them all under oath in that grand jury room. . .

Anonymous said...

Uh, 6:03, do you SERIOUSLY believe the town would have even investigated this if it had not been for Gatton's initial and follow up reports and the constant braying of us "sheep". File that under "your days of sucking off this town's teat is over".

Anonymous said...

Maybe just maybe, wise 6:03, the town put all of that press release and request for a federal investigation together right after Gatton asked for the records of the expenditures of the federal drug money. Maybe just maybe. . .

Anonymous said...

Just read Tic Toc's advice "now just figure out who told Crone that it was illegal to use the Federal money and legal to use the state. They helped to cover for these idiots."

The 'Braying Jackass' can say what he wants to about Tic Toc, but my money's on Tic Toc, and I think he's on to something with this simple question. WHO? It took more than just Crone to do all this tango-ing.

Who was over the money when all this was going on? And who was in management when it was going on?

Most importantly, are any of these people still employed by the town? If so, they need to become unemployed and I mean YESTERDAY.

Otherwise, we'll have to start turning our attentions to Husemann as well as the entire town board (with the exception of any of them who've been raising hell over this right alongside the citizens).

Anonymous said...

Better reread that article there 6:03, they found out about it in July and did nothing until almost the end of September, (smells like a cover up to me) so besides being wrong on when they found out, you are wrong on what made that press release happen as well. Jaime, made that press release happen and single handedly brought in the Feds. Probably saving Crone and Company from State Prison where they would have had a very hard time of it. Cops don't do well in State Prison as I am sure you know, She may have saved their lives.

But then you don't know anything about that now do you?

I think you should say Thank You.

Anonymous said...

Anyway, here is the quote. If you dont get it.... well I aint gonna help you no more.

"Director of Finance and Administration Maia Setzer said town staffers and the auditor discovered the $4,862 discrepancy in the federal drug asset forfeiture funds in July."

This was from Megan Pillows story today.

Anonymous said...

6:03-the Town began the investigations and audit back in SEPTEMBER???Uh, wake up and smell the coffee, Sunshine. We're IN September.

7:38-You're dead on. Town Staff knew in July--I guess 6:03 has some better explanation for why they've known since July.....but wrote their press release just two days after Gatton requested the documents.

But, yeh, it had NOTHING to do with this blog.....

You believe what you want to, 6:03. I'll believe what my two eyes plainly see.

Anonymous said...

603 why call us "you bloggers" while you're blogging here?? file that one under "get a life". you crack me up.

Anonymous said...

10:33 am seems to know alot about this stuff...makes one wonder.

Anonymous said...

OK, so I'm the one that gave kudos to the ToM for the press release yesterday at 2:31PM. Can I take it back? I too read Mrs. Pillow's article today and I felt like such a fool for congratulating the town on the blog before I knew that they've known about this since July. Please someone tell me that this wasn't some coverup attempt. Were they going to release this information before the blog started sniffing around the records???

Anonymous said...

Gulp. Yep, it makes me wonder alright. Makes me wonder if we have honest law enforcement officers on this blog who know what they're talking about. Gasp! Maybe even state or federal officers. I'm sorry, 8:44, what does it make YOU wonder?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just popped some corn and decided to kick back and watch the YouTube Rader videos full out.Had to come here first tho to say that 482 people have watched one of the vids.My my my.That's one big sewing circle.

Anonymous said...

P.S. Bobbob you missed some good tacos last night.

Anonymous said...

Has anybody heard how the police department is doing? I hope they're hanging in there. In case any of you are reading, I want you to know how proud you've made me to be a Mooresville citizen. I've lived here my whole life here, and even though I'm embarrassed by what Chief Crone did, I've been so proud to see the officers carry on. Your resolve is so inspiring. You have our support!! Thank you MPD!!!

Anonymous said...

I would like to see a list of the adults that went on these trips. I have a pretty good idea who they are anyway, but I still would like to know.

Anonymous said...

Okay, this is when I got the willies when I read this part of the article:

"The investigation, she added, “was not fully completed by Mr. Andrews as the N.C. State Bureau of Investigation asked Mr. Andrews to stop his interviews of certain people so that the Special Agent could interview them for his investigation.

“Once the Special Agent gives us permission to do so,” Setzer said, “Mr. Andrews may continue his interviews.”

well, if I remember right somebody told us early on in this thing that the former police chief who's being investigated is friends with the SBI director. If that's true then all they have to do to indefinitely delay the investigations is say that Andrew can't continue interviewing people until the SBI agent tells him it's okay. What's wrong with this picture???? Talk about a catch 22.

Anonymous said...

How is it that Husemann keeps Erskine Smith around, now knowing that Smith and Setzer have known since July that Crone had been into the federal funds and that fact is just now being brought to the attention of the U.S. Attorney. Pretty obvious these people were trying to keep this under wraps. But, they continually underestimate Gatton and in fact everybody else including us "gullible" members of the public. But if Husemann is fool enough to let that "fox" Smith keep guarding his henhouse, he'll be following them all down to Charlotte to get under oath in front of the grand jury. Because it's no longer just about gross mismanagement, it's about the motives that were driving that "mismanagement". Will Husemann pull a Jamie Justice and hitch his cart to Smith's horse or will he use his many years of experience to quickly cut his losses (and that of the town) by sending Smith packing. I choose to believe Husemann has enough sense to clean house now and bring in his own managment/finance team. That is his right and his prerogative.

Anonymous said...

SOme of you seem hung up on the July 2008 date. You are missing an important point. The town has know longer than since July. Its in front of us in the article. "In 2002, Crone violated federal guidelines when he used $4,862 in federal asset forfeiture funds to pay airfare costs for the Mayor’s Youth Council trip to New York City." The town has known since that time because it had to be reported in the Annual Certification report. Someone recognized the problem and put a stop to it, changing from the federal funds to the less regulated state funds. And one can infer from the article that it was not the feds that caught the mistake since the town is only now sending the information to the US sttorney's office. By the way for those that do not know. The Annual Certification report is sent not only to the DOJ as mentioned above, copies are also sent to the US Attorney's office for the judicial district where the town is located. In this case the Western District of NC.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the compliment...we are doing great and the moral is at the highest it has been in months. Only thing is that we need to get the public and the rest of the people on this blog to contact Mr.Husemann and tell him to make it offical and permament that Carl Robbins is to be our new Chief. He is such a great leader and a great man to work with and for.
Everyone sees how he has ran the police department since all of this bad stuff became public. In previous blogs people have said to make him chief now is the time to contact your commissioners and the City Manager and let him know who you want and who WE want to be our next Chief.

Anonymous said...

Dear 7:34, AKA Carl, give it a rest. If you deserve it, you'll get it.

Anonymous said...

dear 8:29 did your mama ever teach you that if you dont have anything nice to say just don't say anything at all? you should be ashamed of yourself.

Anonymous said...

I am not Carl.. just a employee. Carl does not have to ask his performance speaks for it's self. Sounds like you are one that was disclipine by him or is extremely jealous of his rank that you could not obtain your self. Maybe he even had to arrest you.

Anonymous said...

Dont kid yourself, if smith signed that report that 10:33 spoke about, he and setzer have known since 2002 that Crone did it, and if they knew then the town attorney knew as well. Redmond and Crone however, knew from 1997 on.

Why do you think Setzer took her vacation the way she did during this investigation, she knows she is out of a job and maybe on her way to prison with the rest of them, including the town attorney.

11:49, I would not spend to much time on that idea, this can not be covered up any more no matter who crone knows, and by now that has been relayed to the agents investigating. That is one of the reasons I wanted the Feds involved right away. That and the safety of these people when they go to prison.

I said it before, this story is not big because I say it is big, it is a big story because it is a big story from the Mayor on down, the press should be ashamed of themselves for not reporting it as a big story. And I am refering directly to you Dale and the Mooresville Tribune. You let your friendship with Crone get in the way of telling the public the truth.

I really do think that RedCrone and Company should be thanking Jaime for getting the Feds involved. But they are still going to be charged by the state, it is the ONLY way to cure the 14th, they have no choice in the matter.

But I will say this, now that it has been confirmed that the State and Federal Government are in the game, I don't need to be so loud anymore.

Can I get an amen to that brothers and sisters?

These people right here will be talking for me from this point forward, even if you and I don't hear them. Look them all up, you will see they are all honest hard working members of Law Enforcement.

Oh and yes, I like them, these are great cops, all of them are experts in ORGANIZED CRIME, (because that is what this is, in case anyone did not know before) DRUG MONEY LAWS, AND GOLF TOURNAMENTS RIPPING PEOPLE OFF. I kid you not. I cant think of a better team of people to get this case.

United States Attorney Gretchen C.F. Shappert for the
Western District of North Carolina;

Nathan T. Gray, Special Agent in Charge of the Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in North Carolina;

Charles Hunter, Special Agent in Charge, IRS
Criminal Investigations in North and South Carolina;

Robin Pendergraft, Director, North
Carolina State Bureau of Investigation,

This was the case with the golf tournements they just busted a sheriff on.

Hey Redmond, what to you think about this group coming to look into your DARE Cares, INC, I would say you are done, better pack a bag crook, cause you are gone too. These people are HONEST COPS and they dont like it when you screw with their good name, unlike the rest of these scumbags that have been covering for all of you.

And just so you all don't think this is an isolated incident of rooting out corruption let me lay this one on you. If your crooked, she will even eat her own kind for lunch. LOL BTW ( I know your slow Gary Frank but that is you) Case in point. Sam Currin, just imagine what she is going to do to all of you, Crone, Smith, Rader, Thunberg, Frank, Redmond, Setzer, and Gambrill. This list just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

This one is a US Attorney

Currin Will Serve 70 months in Federal Prison CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- United States Attorney Gretchen C.F. Shappert of the Western District of North Carolina, Nathan Thomas Gray, Special Agent in Charge of FBI Operations in North Carolina, and Charles Hunter, Special Agent in Charge of the Internal Revenue Service-Criminal Investigation Division, announced that SAMUEL T. CURRIN, 58, of Raleigh, North Carolina, and formerly the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of North Carolina (1981-87) and a North Carolina Superior Court Judge (1987-90), was sentenced yesterday to 70 months in federal prison as a result of his guilty pleas to charges of: (a) conspiring to launder through his law firm’s client trust account approximately $1.35 million in proceeds from a massive securities fraud scheme, (b) obstructing the grand jury’s investigation of that securities fraud and money laundering scheme, and (c) obstructing the functions of the IRS by failing to disclose on his tax return an off-shore debit card account he controlled in which thousands of dollars were deposited

This one is about the Sheriffs department and Golf Tournements,

"The allegations contained in the indictment describe a conspiracy allegedly conducted
while Bobby Medford was the elected sheriff of Buncombe County; John Harrison and Ronnie
Eugene Davis were lieutenants for the Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office, and Guy Kenneth
Penland was a special deputy for the Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office, working at the time
under Sheriff Medford’s employ. According to the indictment the extortion conspiracy was
accomplished over a period of time primarily in three ways: (1) defendants organized golf
tournaments that generated significant monies for themselves in both election and non-election
years; (2) defendants made direct demands for cash from various video poker machine
businesses; and (3) defendants worked on behalf of video poker machine operators and received
cash for convincing store owners to place machines in their businesses"

Anonymous said...

September 20, 2008 10:33 AM
I hope you don't let the jerk at
September 20, 2008 8:44 PM muzzle you.

This is America, Baby, where we still have freedom of speech, and this idiot, for whatever fishy reasons, is trying to spook YOU away from telling the rest of us how the process works? Just think about that for a minute.

These people walk among us, and that is the really scary part about this situation. We don't just have corrupt police chiefs to deal with. Worse than that, we have people like this to deal with.

Just say "NO!" to them!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the taboo words have finally been spoken. We've all thought it but somebody finally said it. Organized crime. I got news for ya, Ms. Setzer. You don't actually have to dip in the cookie jar in order to be a functioning part of organized crime. None of the crap that has gone down in this town for the last 6-8 years could have gone done without a Finance Director. You're in a heap of trouble even if you never took a dime.

Anonymous said...

Do I understand correctly that John Crone was dipping into the Federal drug tax fund until somebody told him that's a "no no", then he started using the state drug tax fund for the trips right?

Here's my question. How much money did he take out of that state fund for trips for the so called "Mayor's" youth council? How much of that was during the tenure of the current mayor?

I happen to know that Erskine Smith was the "adviser" for the mayor's youth council, so are we to believe Smith had no idea where the money was coming for these trips for the mayor's handpicked little darlings while the other children in this community felt like second class citizens?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

Could someone please bring me in another bus, its getting crowded under this one!

Tic Toc

Anonymous said...

Tic Toc, it will be interesting to see how things end up. This could be a whole lot of nothing or a whole lot of something. Either they are all guilty of a massive scheme, or nobody is. It won't be pick and choose. If the Chief goes down, the mayor, town manager and finance Director will all be going down too.

Anonymous said...

ain't it peerrrtttyyy

"Either they are all guilty of a massive scheme, or nobody is."

Not quite. Massive stupidity in this case is still criminal.

Anonymous said...

All of these people are screwed. The game is over, I cant believe they did not resign when I told them too.


Add to that

All the Mooresville Cops that asked for or recieved money for cops for kids

Add to that the Sheriffs department employees that did the same,

I told you all you were going to fill your jails with cops and politicians. I expect 30 to 40 to be arrested or fired. This US Attorney is a pit bull on these exact crimes. and you can bet with her, plea bargains are going to be few and far between because she takes this so personally and because the crimes are all self explanatory, she wont need to offer deals to convict. They are already wrapped up in a nice little bow by Jaime yesterday.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how anyone can continue to pull Sheriff Redmond into this fiasco.

He isn't under investigation for anything. If he had done something wrong, wouldn't there be an investigation?

For all the mention of his name here, I haven't seen any proof that he has done anything. Even if he did have a golf tournament like the Sheriff of Buncomb County, I feel sure that Sheriff Redmond's integrity would prevent him from doing anything questionable, let alone illegal.

Besides, this BLOG has been focused on the city of Mooresville. Why would you want to use it as a platform to attack our Sheriff.

Anonymous said...

We did WHAT???? We used "federal asset forfeiture funds to pay airfare costs"???? This has got to be a very very bad joke.

YOU DON'T PLAY AROUND WITH FEDERAL MONEY people! We have gotten so used to these people abusing our local tax dollars willy nilly that they started getting real comfortable, but federal money is a whole different ballgame.

That money was set aside SPECIFICALLY for drug education and drug use prevention and drug enforcement, etc. It was sure as HELL not there for the "mayor's youth council". Jesus Christ.

Anonymous said...

Mooresville's Town Hall is rotten to its core. It has been rotten all the way back to Joe Knox's days. Joe Knox passed this sickness to Rick McLean. Rick McLean then passed it along. He hired John Crone. He hired Erskine Smith. He hired Maia Setzer. He hired Jackie Moore. He hired Charlie Roberts. All now tainted. Their taint has now spread to the poor town attorney who seems to be an honest enough man. This is what happens when one clips the weeds but does not think to take them out by their roots.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Toc,

With all due respect, I made a 2:37 post that was questioning your choice to pull Sheriff Redmond into this.

If you aren't able to explain, or don't want to, I understand.

Anonymous said...

Was it just me or did the mayor’s Prozac-esque demeanor on TV seem beyond bizarre considering the circumstances? Watching him you would think it’s just another day at the park, la-di-da. Is this guy for real? Somebody lower his dosage pleeeeease. We got problems and need somebody to fix ‘em!

Anonymous said...

I will be happy to explain a little later, I'm busy right now, but you can always go back and read my posts from the other threads where I dealt with him, I would hate to have to type all that over, and unless and until someone proves to me that he did not spend DARE money on reelection materials, and divert DARE money to DARE Cares Inc then he is guilty. And trust me, these good cops involved now will prove it, if he did it. But go read that and get back to me when I get back.

You can not raise money in the name of DARE and then divert that money to a different non profit, it is illegal and a violation of 14-100, but please go read about it, maybe you can be the one to tell me I am wrong and back it up, no one else seems to be trying.
It also explains how Redmond and Crone are tied together.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Sheriff but Mooresville's mess is now spreading to you too it looks like. And the longer this goes on the more people it's gonna sink. The sooner people start resigning in Mooresville and looking for other work the better for everybody. Sorry but that's the breaks. You wanna be mad at somebody go sit down with the fools in Mooresville who've set up shop and dug their heels in and give them a piece of your mind. Us on the blog? We ain't going nowhere. We're just gonna keep turning the heat up until some of the problem children also known as the usual suspects finally leave. Crone was a good start but not even close to enough. Nobody can claim these people didn't get plenty of warning.

Anonymous said...

Noticed how the town’s trying to take credit for finding out about all this and then reporting it to the AG on their own. Everybody knows that if it wasn’t for Jaime Gatton’s dogged investigations it would be a cold day in you-know-where before they’d have reported this to the AG. Who do they think they're fooling?

Anonymous said...

There have been several officers who have questioned the use of the Federal money and the state money especially when it was used to pay for the trips. They were told by Crone the money was beingused legally and it was not their concern. Some have even taken their concerns to town hall but nothing was ever done and they knew not to push the issue or they would be fired for some trumped up charges by Crone. And I will have to agree that Carl Robbins needs to be Chief because he has done a wonderful job and he is a very honest man with integrity above approach.Some have said that he should have questioned Crone but anyone that knows Crone or works at the police dept knows Crone kept all these accounts under his control and spent out of them like the money was unlimited. Wait until the list of items comes out that Crone spent money on from the state drug tax fund and you will be amazed. Crone has a super size ego and everyone knows it.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the list of expeditures!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Toc,

I have read back over some of your posts. There are alot of references to the Dare program and Dare Inc. What proof do you have that Dare, Inc isn't listed properly and that the rules aren't followed properly?

Now there are new allegations from you concerning any golf tournaments. I also read posts where someone accused the Sheriff of using county equipment and on- duty personnel to benefit the tournament.

You need to understand that this was all for a good cause. Also, even if there was something morally wrong with this, proving it would be difficult at best.

Mr. Crone has obviously had information leaked out that has started an investigation, and leading to his termination. Sheriff redmond only has people picking on him unfairly without justification.

It would be better for all if the focus remained on Mooresville and the Sheriff was allowed to continue doing the fine job he has been doing.

Anonymous said...

Dear 2:55, if all that was done has been illegal, then I'm afraid the Town Attorney is going to jail too. The Town Attorney is there for a reason, to prevent this sort of thing. He's had a 3 month head start covering his butt. Time for him to face what's coming.

Anonymous said...

Somebody who's flying way below the Rader (ooops, I mean radar!) is Prince Erskine Smith, Heir to the Throne, and Descendant from the Loins of the famous Franklin Moore. I know firsthand that he has been privy to everything involved with this for as long back as the eye can see and he is being kept updated but his name is not being mentioned in anything coming from the town anymore. He's fed information, often verbally to avoid the sunshine laws, and to shield him from culpability and scrutiny. From early on his friends decided that they will throw others under the bus in order to keep Prince Smith onboard where he can keep throwing them nice juicy bones when things settle down and nobody's looking.

Anonymous said...

Who provided oversight of the federal forfeiture monies being spent by Crone? Did it require approval by the town board or the town manager? If not, why not? I understand that the sheriff's office spent approximately $100,000on a hanger for the Civil Air Patrol. Is that a legitimate law enforcement expense? What possible purpose has the CAP played in any law enforcement function in this county? Was this expenditure approved by the Iredell County Commissioners? Someone needs to ask and answer these questions.

Anonymous said...

I have been saying for a long time that this is organized crime, it is a telemarketing police fund raising fraud room that just happened to be run out of the chief of police office by the chief himself, and they are ALL a form of organized crime. And they are ALL a form of extortion when cops do it.

These laws that govern it need to change, and this is the starting point to getting them changed. That is part of what all this is about for me. 14-100 is a vicious vicious law, not because it locks criminals up but because it, when used inappropriately, takes the innocent and can level ANYONE, even those reading this, precisely because it does not care about intent. I think I have made my point, or my point will be made the day RedCrone and Company are arrested. But I believe I have made my point to the FBI. They will free me by the time I am done, or they will kill me, there is no middle ground on this. I hope those of you who need to know that are convinced of that, I have waited and studied for a very long time for this. YOU convicted an innocent man and he is PISSED OFF.

It should NEVER be applied to a fundraiser as is being done by me right now. 14-100 needs to be rewritten to include intent when dealing with someone who raises money, otherwise, I can use it as a weapon against anyone I do not like that raises money in the name of Law Enforcement or any charity for that matter.

Your chickens have come home to roost. Maybe you should talk to my prosecutor and the department that did it, cause they are on the short list with me. Let them know that they were wrong and I am going to prove it with these asses in prison.

14-100 is going to take them all down, I told you all then and you would not listen, and I am telling you all now. I am in it for everything or nothing in regards to my freedom there is no middle ground and there is no bullshit plea bargain. So my question to you all, is are you going to protect me yet or do I continue with half the cops in North Carolina wanting to kill me.?

If anyone thinks that I cant go from department to department and create felons out of good men they are mistaken, crone let me in, if those good men are raising money right now, they should be very worried until this law is changed, because if they think I am done, I am not, one penny misspent, one little white lie on the phone or in person about what the money is used for, and I got you, until that law is changed.

Crone let me in the LEO armor and now it is just a simple matter of following the chain out from him, then to redmond and so on. It does not stop with redmond either, there are more, I already have the next batch of them dead to rights. Its the good ole boy network and I said I was going to burn it down, and I am, all the way across the state and back to where I came from years ago. Might want to let those scumbags know that I am coming for them, and I will get them or you can come protect me, but make no mistake, there is no hope for any of them, its your call lady. I got nothing to lose anymore!

Anonymous said...

I am certain that if Sheriff Redmond spent (approximately $100,000 on a hanger for the Civil Air Patrol...from federal forfeiture monies) that is was on the up and up.

I know of no other offical who holds themselves to the high standards of accountability that Phillip Redmond does. He demonstrates those high standards in both his profession and his personal life.

The airplane hanger was most certainly in the best interest of the public and legitimate down to the last dollar spent.

Can we please get back to matters that pertain to the mess in Mooresville

Anonymous said...

Who is the civil air patrol? Any of this say police anything? I dont think it is what you think it is, and Redmond, you fucked up. But by all means let these people keep trying to defend you, you should really tell them to shut the hell up.

Nonprofit, 501(c)(3) corporation
The auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force
More than 56,000 members, including 22,000 cadets ages 12-21
Eight geographic regions, 52 wings, 1,500 units in all
National Headquarters at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., with 100 support staff
World’s largest fleet (530) of single-engine, piston aircraft
Nation’s most extensive communications network
1,000 emergency services vehicles
100 aerospace education workshops each year
Aerospace classroom materials, grades K through college
Nation’s premier annual aerospace education conference
AE program touches more than 900 teachers per year
Multi-step leadership training
Cadet glider and powered orientation flights, flight training scholarships
International Air Cadet Exchange program

Performs 90 percent of nation’s inland search and rescue
75 lives on average saved per year
Aerial reconnaissance for homeland security
Disaster relief and damage assessment
Transport for time-sensitive medical materials
Counter-narcotic missions

and to the guy defending him and asking me questions, you need to look this shit up yourself. I am really getting feed up with this shit, you should be asking Crone and Redmond questions and not coming here with your "if this happened"

Second, you sound like a campaign commercial for redmond, get over it. I have.

Anonymous said...

I can only assume that the 9:21 post was from Mr. Toc. If you knew Phil as well as I do, (not the rumors, the real person,) you would understand why you are so mistaken in your pursuit to find fault in him.

I have known Phil and his family for many years. I assure you he comes from a long line of fine people and has continued with the family standards that he was raised by.

Phillip Redmond and Chief Crone are not similar in any shape or fashion. I find the continual comparison of the two of them to be very offensive.

You have contributed much to the Chief Crone investigation, but you pursuit of Sheriff Redmond is beginning to ruin your credibility. I am sorry if I have sounded harsh.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Toc,

I believe I have found the reason that the Sheriff's Office would be interested in aiding the Civil Air Patrol. I found it in the information you posted.


Performs 90 percent of nation’s inland search and rescue
75 lives on average saved per year

Counter-narcotic missions

The Sheriffs office is involved with search and rescue operations from time to time.

They also do fly-overs for marijuana fields. This would qualify the counter-narcotics missions.

I hope this brings you some peace and understanding.

Anonymous said...

So now we find out that Crone violated federal guidelines which would constitute a reason to call the Attorney General. In that case, both the finance director and her supervisor(s) must be fired from their jobs.

Why? Since the police chief was under investigation, and the finance director was in possession of damning evidence, she was duty bound to immediately contact appropriate authorities (Attorney General in this case), not wait nearly three months until a reporter forced her hand. It is the finance director’s job to insure all local, state and federal guidelines are adhered to and to report any violations immediately, not cover them up.

Moving on to her supervisor. The finance director’s immediate supervisor at the time, who happens to be the current assistant town manager, continued to pay the police chief a salary despite the fact that the police chief had violated this serious federal guideline. And he only fired the chief after tremendous pressure from the press and the community at large.

Both of these individuals are complicit in the situation this town now finds itself in, and they must be held accountable if the public's trust is to be restored.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry, you want me to stop what I am doing so I can talk to you, I dont have time for this, 100,000, I dont give a damn about the civil air patrol or you, so get this through your head once and for all, HE IS GUILTY unless proven otherwise. Now I am moving on, are you with me or against me?

It makes a huge difference in my next response.

You NEED TO READ ALL I WROTE, as I am sure a judge will down the road, or dont you get that I dont give a damn what you think about your boy, just as I did not care what crones boys thought.

Now I have had enough of questions, prove him innocent or shut the hell up.

BTW, my credibility only exists in the future, or are you to stupid to know that already. It looks like it is getting better by the day, yes?

Anonymous said...

Tic Toc finally admitted it. He is in jail right now. I did not know they had internet access.

Anonymous said...

For the families of Deputy Richard Ashley, Sgt Scott Futrell and Major Robert Kennedy I think they would say that the Civil Air Patrol and Law Enforcement work together. The following is the report of the three officers that were killed n the line of duty. They were also flying with the Civil Air Patrol.

Deputy Sheriff Richard Edward Ashley Sr.
Chowan County Sheriff's Office
North Carolina
End of Watch: Wednesday, July 17, 2002

Biographical Info
Age: 36
Tour of Duty: 1 year, 3 months
Badge Number: 286

Incident Details
Cause of Death: Aircraft accident
Date of Incident: Wednesday, July 17, 2002
Weapon Used: Not available
Suspect Info: Not available

Deputy Richard Ashley and Sergeant Anthony Futrell of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department, and Major Robert Kennedy of the Boone Police Department, were killed in an airplane accident while searching for marijuana crops in Chowan County at 1530 hours.

Approximately 90 minutes into the second flight of the day, the Cessna 172-S experienced problems and crashed. Witnesses on the ground heard the engine sputter and saw the plane nose dive into the ground. There were no radio messages from the pilots indicating any problems.

Sergeant Futrell and Major Kennedy, both members of the Civil Air Patrol, were piloting the aircraft and acting as spotters. Deputy Ashley was directing ground units to locations spotted during the flight for further investigation.

Deputy Ashley had been employed with the Chowan County Sheriff's Office for only 16 months, and is survived by his wife and two teenage sons. He lived less then one mile from the crash site.

Related Line of Duty Deaths Major Robert Steven Kennedy
Boone Police Department, NC
EOW: Wednesday, July 17, 2002
Cause of Death: Aircraft accident
Sergeant Anthony Scott Futrell
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department, NC
EOW: Wednesday, July 17, 2002
Cause of Death: Aircraft accident

Anonymous said...

I loved reading this:

"Airline tickets for the 2002 Mayor’s Youth Council and chaperones – including then-Mayor Al Jones – would appear to be an impermissible use of shared assets."

For the yoo-hoos in our local government (and their friends and families), in case you can't read between the line. This is called CHICKENS COMING HOME TO ROOST. You could be up to no good today and think you're getting away with it. Think again.

Cause somebody in a suit & sunglasses is probably going to sit the former mayor's butt down at some point and start asking him some questions, too.

Anonymous said...

And let's not forget that Crone was reimbursed for the airfare for the Las Vegas trip that didn't take place last summer.

Anonymous said...

He was? From what fund?

Anonymous said...

His CFK account ... here's the link to the copy of his accounting records


Anonymous said...

To September 21 2:55, add Wes Greene to McLean's hire list. Greene was hired lacking requirements in the job description just like Jackie Moore. McLean wanted college degrees. The above mentioned lacked what it takes which was a slap in the face to current employees and to our citizens.

Anonymous said...

What about the meals for the Police Department that were paid for out of the CFK fund? I wouldn't think that would be appropriate unless the fund was termed Cops for Cops.

Would that be immoral or is there a statute that would define that as illegal?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for digging for the facts. I'm sorry to say most if not all of this problems would have been swept under the rug. It is terrible that people we elected or are hired for postions of authority can not be trusted. All these events have upset me and for a long time I have voiced my concerns for these things and the tax and spend policies of this town. From the government on up to the state and federal, we can not trust any of the elected officials. It is easy to TAKE and waste our money and then go after more. Since I've been in Mooresville we have had the water treatment mess, cable mess, continual higher taxes and water rates and now this. It was my understanding the Cops for Kids program was for needy children at Christmas, not trips all over the country. The only way to purge this problem is for the new town manager to fire all department heads and start over. For our part we need to put new people in at mayor and the commissioners up for a re-election. If anyone,and I mean anyone,has broken the law they should be prosecuted. That means people who knew and did nothing. We must take our town back. If the people will start in their towns and go up to the federal government we can get our country back. If not, one day we will be a society written about in the history books. Just look at Roman. Power corrupts and the love of money is the root of all evil.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, let me see .... CFK was advertised on the town's website as an organization providing assistance to the disadvantaged, providing financial assistance to the elderly, providing assistance with emergency housing ....

But then the money was not used for those purposes ... so it appears as if CFK obtained money under false pretenses and defrauded the donors in doing so.

Not only is it immoral, but it seems to be quite illegal. I'm sure someone will try to refute these facts and to suggest that Mr. Crone is such a nice guy that he would never have intentionally done those things, and then say that I am one of the folks who has a vendetta against the man.

Facts are facts. He did wrong. He got caught. He suffers the consequences.

Anonymous said...

"You need to understand that this was all for a good cause. Also, even if there was something morally wrong with this, proving it would be difficult at best."

No I don't think I do need to understand this, but you do need to understand that 14-100 does not care that it was for a good cause, and neither do I, where were you when others had their rights denied and we crucified in North Carolina under this same law for the exact same thing, the law did not care, the cops did not care, the prosecutor did not care, the warden did not care, the lawyers did not care, nobody cared, so why in gods name do you think I care or that I need to understand something, you have no idea what you are talking about and you obviously have no idea what the law is in regards to 14-100 or any other crime these two idiots violated.

Where were you when others needed you?

and you want me to care about your friend because you say he is a good man, well I got some news for you, I was a good man too and you were not there. So pipe down until you educate yourself and stop waiting for me to do everything for you.

I am sick of this "they are good men" crap, right now they are dumb ass criminals.

BTW, proving it is easier then making a glass of milk.


Your arguments are just silly and have no basis in the reality of the situation your friends have found themselves in today.

How many more of you want to take a shot at me when I am not looking because I am cleaning up your county?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Toc,

My defense of Sheriff Redmond is not an attack against you, only a defense of a good man.

(and you want me to care about your friend because you say he is a good man, well I got some news for you, I was a good man too and you were not there.)

It sounds like you needed someone to defend you at some point and nobody was there. Possibly this is something that needs straightened out.

Based on the latest information you have posted and your pursuit of others it would appear you have been singled out for something that others are currently doing and not being charged.

That would be the appearance anyway. I could be completely wrong.

Anonymous said...

Let's not get off track ... our focus is on Crone, Rader,Abraham, Thunberg, and Smith. All this other stuff, while valid, distracts us from the discussion.

A layman's reading of 14-100 indicates that Crone's activities with CFK did violate NC law on a couple of grounds. The Town is culpable for failing to provide oversight.

Rader, in particular, has behaved unethically by interpreting personnel policies for the PD when his stated position is that he has nothing to do with personnel. Additionally, his rabid affirmations of public ownership of private industries is simply stupid. And his questionable use of "old blue" may also be a violation as he has indicated that he has incorporated personal use into some of his official uses of the car.

Thunberg's lack of leadership speaks volumes. He has said nothing for several months, but now interviews with News 14! I'd prefer he go back to shutting the hell up.

Abraham is now "concerned" about all this CFK stuff -- and should be equally concerned about his involvement in the CH2M debacle.

Smith continues to be an albatross on this town. His ego is larger than the town limits of Mooresville, which would be OK if his work ethic and honesty were equally as large.

While the Redmond thing needs to be looked at, let's do that at another time and get our house cleaned out before we extend to cleaning out the county.

As for the notion that Redmond is a nice guy, that's not a defense when it comes to whatever he may or may not have done. If you're going to defend someone's actions, my suggestion is to do it with supporting evidence. Good men sometimes do bad things and make poor choices. Their good nature does not excuse their misconduct.

Anonymous said...


braying ass is back ....


J.C. must be off today -- oh wait, he's off every day now


Tic-Toc isn't a convicted criminal -- that's just your imagination and your own read on his statement ....


So go back to sticking your head in the sand Nancy and shut up ...


Anonymous said...


If you think our system is fair and that justice is done, you are sadly mistaken or just too damned stupid to know how things work.

The amount of crooked underhanded dealings that we have suffered at the hands of some of our current department heads is evidence of my point.

At the same time it is estimated that 1% of our prison population is innocent. That is 1 out of 100 in case you can't count. That might seem like a small number to you unless you are that 1 in 100.

Your allegations that Tic Toc is a crook and is guilty of something is a quality displayed by the self righteous.

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that what started with Crone is growing quickly uncovering the corruption of others. It's like Crone was the plant and now that he is being pulled out, the roots are the others in town management.

Now there are allegations against the county Sheriff. Who is to say that the root system being pulled isn't connected to another plant, Redmond. Garry Frank has been indiicated by some as being involved, if only by looking the other way. That would make Frank part of the root system of Crone and Redmond.

I realize Bob Bob will be all over my post spewing words like paranoia and conspiracy. That is okay. Bob Bob is either part of the root system or a plant himself.

I don't think that the amount of corruption that is being uncovered could have survived had it not been for a root system between top officials.

It has been suggested that the root system extends even into the S.B.I.

Having said all of that, I'm not sure that dealing with the Redmond accusations is part of another phase of making things right.

If I am right, it would be good to keep digging and pulling until there is enough exposed that the F.B.I. would be involved in investigating all charges of misconduct.

Anonymous said...

Dear 10:49, by Tic Toc's own admission, intent counts for nothing. I have no idea what Tic Toc has done, if anything at all. It sounds like he broke the same law that he has accused Redmond and Crone of. He just want's equal application of the law and I don't necessarily blame him.

I can only go by what Tic Toc admits to or not. I have no other knowledge of who he is.

I am not being self-righteous, although I can honestly say that I have never broken the law. Well, not totally true. I have occasionally driven faster than the speed limit. Sorry. In any case, enjoy your day.

Anonymous said...

I can only go by what Tic Toc admits to or not.

I admitted to nothing in public, and my comments were aimed at the FBI and SBI, I want them to know who I am, I asked them to come, and if they know who I am, they know I know EXACTLY what I am talking about and they, by simply doing there job with these clowns, are going to free me, and they don't even have to want to help me, it will just happen by default.

I really am very good at what I am doing, maybe when it is all said and done, you will see just how good, but for now, you can call me a dumbass, just don't call me a criminal. The end result will prove both of those comments untrue.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed that on the Walmart parking lot next to the street. There are two sheds or small buildings that there for donated items. Says it is for the police and Dare programs.
Hope this has nothing to do with our police department. Could cause more problems.
Does not say Mooresville PD and just wondering if Jaime could check and see if it is legal to put it there.Also WHO benefits from this.

Anonymous said...

Don't let them beat you down Tic Toc. Keep on digging for the truth.

Anonymous said...

Yes Tic Toc, keep digging under your cell.

Anonymous said...

...was part of that new law that gives internet to inmates so they can go after your crooked ass criminal cops. Or maybe I am using the wardens computer over there at central prison.

What you had not heard about that law yet?

Yea me either

Guess that theory is out the window LOL

Anonymous said...

One has to wonder how Falzone and the others are taking this latest development. Are they still staunch supporters of Crone and feel that his professionalism is above reproach, or have the come to see the reality that Crone violated policies and laws?

Maybe we can convince Frank Rader to go back for a visit to the PD and remind them that they can write letters of support for the ex-chief. Just a thught.

Anonymous said...


There will always be those who desire and worship the higher positions of power. Their inner deficiencies and inflated egos make them yearn for any foothold in the quest for power and control.

For that reason all too often there are ego maniacs in those higher positions and a bunch of weak minded toe sucking worms who worship and carry out the bidding of those ego maniacs.

In between these people is where the majority lives. Those who just want to do their job. Those who care about nothing more than doing what they are supposed to. They do this humbly, and without need for recognition.

They have no need to kiss anyone's ass or to stab anyone in the back. These are the good people, in this case the good officers. Every company, manufacturing plant or church has these 3 main groups of people.

As for Falzone and the others who wrote letters of support, they will probably need consoling when this is over. It will be similar to our parents finding out that Rock Hudson was gay. You have what you believe and poof, you realize that your belief was fantasy.

Anonymous said...

Somebody was talking about how all the parties involved were Rick McLean hires. Well, don't forget that Frank Rader was also a Rick McLean PICK! He beat the bushes like you wouldn't believe for him when he was running for office. Is it any wonder everything is falling apart. The guy who was finally forced out in disgrace propped up almost everybody who's involved in these fiascos. We need a housecleaning from top to bottom.

Anonymous said...

I just watched the Bill Thunberg rose-colored glasses glossover TV clip. Mayor, I believe when people were complaining of your absence and silence, what they had in mind was you speaking to them frankly, possibly accepting some responsibility for how far this thing has gotten due to your inaction and poor decisions thus far. Instead, you appeared out of touch and in denial about the gravity of the situation our town is facing. Your blurb on TV was disappointing at best, and suspect at worst.

Anonymous said...

Where IS the mayor's gravitas? :-)

Anonymous said...

I bet the two sheds at the Walmart for donations are Crone's new enterprise. He probably gets these clothes for free and sells them on Ebay; I wouldn't doubt it.

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

Does anyone know who currently has control over the CFK bank account?

FOIA requests have been submitted for the following:
• Documents showing the names of the individuals involved in trips taken by the Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council since 2000.
• Documents showing the names of the individuals involved in trips taken by the Police Explorers since 2000.
• A copy of the Annual Certification Reports submitted by the police department to the Department of Justice and/or other federal agency since 2000.
• All documents related to the cancelled trip to Las Vegas, including all monies reimbursed for airfare and hotels.

Anonymous said...

Probably something similar to this below, the bin can generate tens of thousands of dollars worth of second hand clothes per year sold at second hand stores, but the county DARE program will get 100 dollars per bin. National will only get 300, In Mooresville, if the bins are there it is probably less then the below amounts. I just hope the Mooresville Police are not the ones collecting the clothes on town time, the manpower cost alone would greatly exceed the 100 dollar value to the DARE Program.

Not very charitable if you ask me.

Calvert County commissioners agreed to a contract with Mid-Atlantic Clothing Recycling to help fund programs to prevent alcohol and drug abuse. The county previously had a contract with Planet Aid.

Unlike the former contract, which produced no revenue, Mid-Atlantic will pay $500 to the Drug Abuse Resistance Education program for each bin placed in the county. Of that amount, DARE America would receive $300, and the county and state DARE programs would each receive $100, said Terry Carlson, Calvert's public works director.

Anonymous said...

By now the SBI has frozen the account and that is only if the SBI had not already done so, so in answer to your question, one of those two have control over the account, no one else, not even John Crone himself. But if they had not frozen the accounts then the only person with access or ever had access is John Crone. Either way, no information will be coming out of the account to anyone except Law Enforcement.

Anonymous said...

In regards to wanting to know the names of the people on the trips. Would it not be best just to publish the names of the chaporones and other adults. The kids were minors and would it be legal to publish their names? Maybe not their but their guardians or parents name.Maybe a lawyer could answer this.

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

My guess is that Mr. Gambill will weed out the names of minors, but he will make the official determination.

Anonymous said...

Well, if the Town does publish the names of those who went on the trips, that would mean that they are taking authority of that program. If it was a private venture by John Crone (and that is what some of alleged), then the town could not release any names anyways.

larry, don't you think that by making it a FOIA request, that you are giving credibility to the fact that this was a Town sponsored event?

Anonymous said...

I would hope it would be common sense to keep the names of the minors excluded from any released information.

However, parents talk and kids talk. It will only be a matter of time until the kids are caught up in this at school as well. If in fact there were priveledged kids that went on the trips instead of the underpriveledged as was intended, accusations and talk will follow.

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

That's a good question about the credibility. The Mayor's Youth Advisory Council certainly falls under the town, and I would think the Police Explorer's also falls under the town. As those are the two groups identified as participants on those trips, it would make sense that the Town would have documentation available and should have been provided with some sort of documentation related to expenses such as the source of the funds used to pay for these trips.

Interestingly, the Town has indicated that they do not have anything to do with selecting students to be on the Mayor's Youth Advisory Council, and pointed me to the high school -- which has no written criteria as to how to select those students.

I have no intention of publishing the names of the kids. It's not about them. If, however, the list shows that certain families have benefited from these trips -- then it does beg the question about whether or not certain people benefited financially from these trips being paid for through CFK.

For me, it's about gathering data to dispel or support the rumor that certain families have benefited from CFK. I don't have that data and feel it's important to forming my personal opinion about the entire situation.

Anonymous said...

It would definately be of interest to see which names are repetative on trips.

The purpose of a charity organization would be to benefit as many people as possible, not the same people repeatedly.

Anonymous said...

good i down September 22, 2008 7:42 PM

Anonymous said...

I don't have anything to add to the discussion other than this blog kicks butt!!!!

Anonymous said...

JC always said that he had permission from the feds to use that money for airplane tickets. All you have to do is ask him who gave him permission (or where he got it from) and he just tells you that he spent the money legally. He must think people are stupid.

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

FOIA requests have also been submitted for the following:

•Any and all selection criteria for membership on the Mayor’s Youth Advisory Group
•Any and all selection criteria for membership as a Police Explorer
•All documents submitted to parents of children attending trips taken by these groups, including, but not limited to, Parental consent forms, hold harmless agreements, explanation provided to the parents regarding the purpose(s), requirements, and funding of those trips.
•A complete list names, dates, and times Town Board members have utilized the workout room at the Police department.
•A complete list of names, dates, and times Town Board members have spoken to the police department during roll call or any other formal meeting of the police officers.
•A complete list of topics presented by Town Board members to the police department.
•A complete list of names, dates, and times Town Board members have spoken to the other departments of the Town of Mooresville.
•A complete list of topics presented by Town board members to the various departments.
•A complete list of names, dates, and times Town Board members performed a ride along with members of the police department, including the names of the officers with whom they rode.
•A detailed record of the mileage and use of the town vehicle often referred to as “Old Blue”, including the person(s) driving that vehicle, the purposes of their use of the vehicle, and a listing of any non-town business conducted while utilizing “Old Blue”

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

September 22, 2008 9:30 PM

Are you saying that you have personally asked JC that question and received that answer? If so, can you provide any dates/times and in what setting?

Anonymous said...

larry, you're going a little overboard here with the FOIA requests. I have supported you in the past, but now it's looking like you are just creating busy work for the Town that will end up costing us all more taxpayers money.

Anonymous said...

He'll tell on himself now that the feds are involved. Its a matter of time.

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

Doesn't cost tax payer money. All the documents are easily accessible and avialable electronically. That's what the town pays the Town Attorney to do.

Without these documents, all we have is the rumors and the suppositions. With these documents, we can make an informed decision about the reality of what went on.

Sorry if you disagree with all this, but I think it's necessary. We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one, I hope.

Anonymous said...

9:50 you think we were all born yesterday? You're the SAME guy who was harassing Green earlier for asking for public records. You're so transparent man. Give it up. You want somebody to blame, go sit down with Crone and his little friends in Town Hall.

Larry, ask for public records to your HEART'S CONTENT darling. Is Rader still jerking you around on those email addresses?

Anonymous said...

September 22, 2008 9:50 PM

booohooohooooooo. All of a sudden you're real concerned about our tax dollars. What a joke you are!

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

Rader declined the first request, which I filed under the open records law of the state. I filed an FOIA request which will require a detailed answer to the request including his rationale, should he decide to not honor the request. But yes, he's still being Frank. I also e-mailed him a copy of the deposit slip since he still claims to have never seen the thing.

Anonymous said...

If Frank Rader refuses to comply with the FOIA within twenty days, he will officially be in violation of the law and can then be sued. I know of at least two bulldog lawyers in town who would take this case and may even do it pro bono. Rader needs to be schooled. What's one more egg on his face?

Anonymous said...

So, Frank's still denying he saw the deposit slip? Gotta give him props for coming up with a "story" and sticking to it. Let's see how he sticks to it when he's in front of a grand jury and they're sitting on testimony from his colleagues that he had seen the slip way back in July. We'll see then just how much "sticking-to-it-ness" Frank's got. Word of advice Frank - wear your Depends on that day.

Anonymous said...

This is off the subject but the post about the collection buildings in the Walmart parking lot got me thinking. I wish someone would investigate Goodwill. Has anybody noticed how many new ones are popping up? I'll bet the CEO/owner has a Gloria Pace King situation going on. It's sending tons of clothing to Asia and other third world countries but a homeless person can't even get a shirt at no cost here in the USA. I hope someone tells the story.

Anonymous said...

It will be interesting to see just how much the Feds interpret as "data" and "communication", won't it Frankie? I want to know if they can take a joke like your witness tampering. We're all waiting to hear what you and J.C. are in together. There has to be a connection other than brotherly love and concern for you to stick your neck out. Methinks you're scared he'll rat you out.Hey I know! can you claim or produce an RX for psychtropic drugs? That would make a great defense.

Anonymous said...

Jaime girl! Been off the blog for a little while, come back, see you're over 150,000 hits on your blog AND trying to get the Feds back into Mooresville. AND you wiped your shoe on the fool who was calling you names when this whole story broke. You're THE WOMAN!! Girl, from now on when you sneeze, all the crooks in this town are gonna catch cold. They'd all pack up and move now if they half a brain. But that's a BIG IF.

Anonymous said...

Did you read the Tribune article in which Crone said he contacted a Federal Agency in 2002 and asked permission to use the money. He said Federal MOney is more strict than State money and wanted to make sure he was doing this appropriately.
Funny how he has no documentation of the phone call and how he cannot remember what FEDERAL agency he spoke with.
Sorry John, you just don't forget that type info....try again bud.

Anonymous said...