“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Town eases water restrictions
Mooresville residents now have an extra day a week to water lawns, wash cars, top off swimming pools and run outdoor water fountains. Here's the press release with all the details (click on the document to see a larger version):
hey 8:42 Shut up David and go search wikikpedia for your next diatribe to the tribune.Don't forget to cite your sources. BTW,when are these rate increases going to stop. I wonder how many we've had over the last 2 years? It has to be around 6. Not only did sewer go up but water and the basic usage rate.This is all because of the ch2mhill fiasco.Rader, Abraham and Lee. Nice work dummies.
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I was a newspaper reporter in Mooresville, NC for a decade and covered local government issues from 2003 to 2006. I continued freelancing for a portion of 2007. Here are some of my accomplishments from 2004 to 2006: 3rd Place, Investigative Reporting, 2004, from the N.C. Press Association (NCPA) for series of articles titled, "Library director firing controversy." 3rd Place, Community Service Award (the highest honor the NCPA bestows on a community newspaper), 2004, for series on the Mooresville librarian firing controversy. 3rd Place, Investigative Reporting, from the NCPA in 2005 for series on Mooresville's wastewater treatment plant expansion titled "Something stinks in Mooresville." 3rd Place, Community Service Award, from the NCPA in 2005 for "Something stinks in Mooresville” series. June 2005, "Best News Story" MegAward for outstanding journalism at Media General newspapers for "Wastewater costs: Town outspending most." 1st Place, Community Service, from NCPA in 2006, for series titled "Morrison Plantation: A Deadly Intersection." September 2007, "Best News Story" MegAward for outstanding journalism for "No receipts? No problem. Town pays company's bills anyway."
They just want more of our money!
Did the bother to keep the commissioners informed as to this decision?
I wonder how they arrived at this decision. I bet they called someone in the federal government to see if this fit their guidelines!
Where's the story here? Investigative?
Thank God for the rain we've had this year!
What are you talking about 8:42?
hey 8:42
Shut up David and go search wikikpedia for your next diatribe to the tribune.Don't forget to cite your sources.
BTW,when are these rate increases going to stop. I wonder how many we've had over the last 2 years? It has to be around 6. Not only did sewer go up but water and the basic usage rate.This is all because of the ch2mhill fiasco.Rader, Abraham and Lee. Nice work dummies.
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