Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Former chief files grievance over firing

Click the link below to view the entire article from the Mooresville Tribune online ..



Anonymous said...

Why is the ToM allowing him to file a grievance. According to the policy that is quoted in this article the employee has 14 days from the time they become aware of the action being grieved to file the formal grievance. It is clear that the timeframe is well past the 14 days. This makes no sense. As a department head he should have known this policy and if he was going to file a grievance he should be held to the requirements of the policy. Something stinks here is they acceptance this grievance.

Anonymous said...

As the town applies its policies to "regular" employees, they only have two weeks after their severance in which to file a grievance. But, it may be good for them to let Crone have an opportunity to present his defense. He is clearly acting without legal counsel. Any lawyer worth his salt would tell him his number one concern should be to try to avoid prison. Any hearing will simply create a further record that surely won't be in his best interest. Maybe he'll call Rader as his first witness. And then all the people who signed that letter of support for him. And then the two people who have supported him on this blog.

Anonymous said...

“I’d rather deal with it as a personnel matter at this point,” he said." -- then why walk into the Tribune to insist on sharing your views on anything -- let the system work.

The town's policy clearly states that the steps outlines are successive steps -- to be taken in order.

1. Informal resolution.
2. Formal grievance w/in 14 days.
3. Written appeal w/ in 14 days of the result from step 2.
4. Appeal to person in higher position.

Step 4 is interesting though -- it says "for employees reporting directly to the Town Manager, the step 4 appeal shal be sent to the Assistant Town Manager."

Crone, again, fails to follow policy. He still thinks he can do whatever he wants and get his way. And if you think for one minute that he hasn't obtained legal counsel -- you're kidding yourself. He's going to use this as a way of attempting to sue the town for wrongful termination. Problem is, buddy, that the town followed procedure -- you didn't.

And if you think for one minute that we're going to sit quietly while you attempt to appeal this to step 4 (to the guy how initially fired you, but who was probably forced to do so), then you better get ready for another march on town hall ... and this time, I'm sure they'll get an even larger turnout as citizens are beginning to openly share the lies and deceits displayed by Crone while he was "chief".

Anonymous said...

That is a joke, Crone is even more stupid than I originally thought!!!

Anonymous said...

Folks, you better voice your concerns directly to town hall and let them know what you think of this. It appears that no grievance is possible, and Mr. Husemann may not have accepted the grievance -- but you need to let him know what you think about this.

Anonymous said...

Once again Crone shows the same dictator-type logic that he displayed while serving as Chief. Rules only apply when he wants them to. He's such an ass.

If I counted correctly it has been 36 WORKING days since he was fired. So, even leaving out the weekend days, he is still way over the time allowed for recourse.

This is the sign of a desperate man;

In the beginning I think he was expecting a coverup by his buddies.

After certain evidence was found, he tried to dive out the window with an early retirement.

His "buddies" decided that there was too much wrong doing, and cut him loose.

Now that more evidence of potentially wrong doing has surfaced, the only option he has left is to appear to be putting up a fight. Some indignation is better than none. I said at the beginning of this that I would be screaming from the rooftops if I was innocent, regardless of what an attorney told me.

I guess now that the ship has sunk a little more, he has decided to at least pretend to be having done wrong.

As I said, what an ass.

Time Traveler AKA "The Enforcer"

Anonymous said...

Pompass John strikes again. Too bad he feels he was fired inappropriately. Just like most of the people he fired were fired inappropriately. Then there were the follow up phone calls to those employees telling them to keep quiet if they want a good reference to other agencies in the state. What an ASS he is, yes ASS. I hope the new ToM manager has the balls to explain to Pompass John, his right to appeal, or grieve has passed and he needs to look at other avenues for income. McDonalds is always hiring somewhere.
This is just another way for Pompass John to stay in the media. If he only knew how ignorant it makes him look.
Hey John if you keep your mouth shut and go away the ToM may give you a good reference....yeah probably not.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm sure that all of the cops who have been fired over the years were perfect angels. I'm sure you are right. I'm sure that all those alpha male non-degree earning working guys were all quite good cops, just persecuted by a bad man.

ha ha ha ha ha .... when were YOU fired?

Anonymous said...

Be patient folks. I predict he gets his job back, with back pay. The reason I say this is for the same reason commissioners said that they didn't have jurisdiction over Mr. Smith as Interim Town Manager in order to fire him. (That was what commissioners said was the legal opinion handed down to them on Monday afternoon before the Sept. meeting when they swore in Mr. H.,; by the way, we still haven't seen that opinion) I predict they will try such a brash move, to say "We fired him , but now we need a police chief, so lets hire him back." These are "Mooresville Rules" where if it doesn't work as the standard accepted practice in a law abiding society, you make it work "Mooresville Fashion." I am betting on the long shot; not enough to indict, investigations inconclusive, and "Teflon John" comes back to work, Erskine plays golf and the whole twisted sick soap opera of Mooresville continues until The Gatton Report uncovers another case of dumbass, and then we start all over again, another chapter. I think I'm going to call Vegas to place my bet.

Anonymous said...

2:32: I wouldn't place that bet just yet. Not saying it couldn't happen, just sure the odds are way against it.

2:15: Here you go with your alpha male crap again. Anyone who works in law enforcement knows that it is composed of people who are able to work independantly and respond in the time of a crisis. It takes a steady, strong personality to do that. At least good cops have that in common. Some egotistical cops have an extra dose which usually gets kicked out of them at some point in their career.

The only people who have a problem with that are those who have tried to be domineering and on the top of this bunch and then got bit.

Is this Crone back from dropping off his illegal grievance? Damn shame you knew this was too good to fight in the beginning, within the 14 day period everybody else has to file in. You might as well wipe your ass with the original copy, at least it will be good for something.

Or, maybe this is Blocker. Little dogs nipping at your heals since the pound picked up the big dog? (Whatcha' wanna do Spike? Huh? Watcha wanna do?)

Whoever you are, you have one sour ass attitude. Maybe you could ask the Rev. Green to do an exorcism on your ass.

You have systematically lurked in the shadows coming out to growl and snap at others who try to make decent posts. You yourself fail to offer legitimate points because there are none that represent your viewpoint.

You obviously are a tormented person who knows that you are doomed and want spread as much misery as you can before you get dragged to wherever it is that you will end up going.

The only posts you make are with the intentions of getting someone to retaliate. The amount of anger you have demonstrated on this BLOG can only be explained by the depth of your despair and the hopelessness of your situation.

I can only conclude that you are in one hell of a bind and need to be making friends at this point, not kicking the hornets nest. You sure as hell aren't going to pull anyone to your side by acting like you/Crone did while he was Chief.


Anonymous said...

Could it be that he filed it thinking he'd strong arm those with secrets? Either you give me my pension or kiss your job and butt goodbye? I wouldn't put this past him and Erskine boy has a lot to hide and judging from the amount of protest so does Frankie the Bowtie.
The dirty Mo Mafia lives...

Anonymous said...

Good point 7:57, Crone is trying to leverage a deal for himself. Yeah, so his idea is with the appeal he can use it to expose how all the others were involved, make them uncomfortable to the point that they won't go so far as to give him his job back, but they do give him his retirement. And his friends like Rader and Thunberg might just figure a way to make that happen, just so they can protect their puppet Erskine. Crone has always manipulated all of the politicians and management in town to his benefit, and he figures he can do it one more time. Let's see if he plays 'em like a fiddle.

Anonymous said...

If he is successful that will implement those who approve a retirement.

Anonymous said...

It is clear that no one hear understands the retirement system. There is no Town retirement. Crone was part of the NC State public retirement system and his termination or resignation does not impact his elegibility for retirement. If he had 5 years of service with a law enforcement agency and is 55 he can "retire" and collect those benefits even if he was fired. This is about him trying to save face and get the termination overturned so he can say he resigned when he looks for another police job. That is assumming he is not convicted of any crimes....

Anonymous said...

I expect that if he is convicted, he loses his retirement. I remember this happened to the Meck elections guy who was taking kickbacks on the voting machines. Also, you have to think that the firing has some impact on his retirement eligibility--remember he tried to "resign" or "retire" and the town would not accept that but instead fired him.

Anonymous said...

Interesting how Crone goes to the Tribune and spouts all about his side of the federal funds abuse (of course without any backing documentation) but then wants to hide behind "personnel" when it is time to talk about his appeal of his firing.

Anonymous said...

The best thing this pompous jackass can do is pack his little suitcase and get out of this town. Nobody is going to hire him, not even a second rate security firm.I doubt he could get a job digging ditches around here.
Just pack on up and move along far, far away where you can run your usual numbers game out of the sight of the local press and activists. Of course I doubt you can hide from Tic Toc but that's YOUR problem. You should have the scam downpat by now. Maybe Frank will send you plenty of cigarettes in prison so you won't become the mistress of some 300 lb. angry man.

Anonymous said...

Dear 3:34, I am so sorry to have offended you. Won't you please be my friend? Not! Ha ha, so the question stands... when did Crone fire you?

By the way, I have nothing to lose. I keep doing my job every day and getting paid. The outcome of this situation will not affect my life any more than it will affect 99.999% of those in Mooresville. If I believe in something, I have as much right as you do to post my thoughts. If my thoughts disagree with yours, it does not mean that I am Crone or somehow adversely affected by any of this.

Not angry, just amused with the situation (by the way, the situation is nothing more than coordinated retaliation from a pastor, fired cop, commissioner and the reporter they all use)

Anonymous said...

9:38, I have never worked for Crone. He is the type of person who encourages chickenshit, meally mouthed, squirrel baits like yourself to continue to live.

You are the same person who has antagonized on the other posts. You have no backing. Your claims are incredulous.

I love this one,"...the situation is nothing more than coordinated retaliation from a pastor, fired cop, commissioner and the reporter they all use."

Yeah, Crone ran to retire and then got fired because of some cooked up fairytale by a group of four people.

You aren't fooling anyone. You wouldn't be so damn bitter if you weren't going down with this as well.

Anonymous said...

I'm not bitter....

Look who is the one with the foul mouth and massive emotion. Are my posts emotional? Not at all. Yours are. I am just sitting back here and laughing at people like you who get so worked up and ready to blow a gasket. What did you do before the internet? smoke a dozens packs of cigarettes a day and drink a fifth? Or do you still do that? Happy Sunday!

Anonymous said...

What is meally mouthed squirrel bait?

Anonymous said...

Chiiirp! Chiiiiirp!

Anonymous said...

Time Traveler, you've already been told to leave this blog.... by one of your own, no less.

Anonymous said...

Speak for yourself! We love the Time Traveller. It's the Messenger Shooters we can do without honey!

Anonymous said...

11:26, he was told by someone on your side, not me.
........ honey

Anonymous said...

What's amazing is that somebody. . . anybody. . . whoever. . . is still actually on the side of Crone and the corruption and comes out and says it on this blog. Well, I am thankful for this misquided person because it gives us something to talk about before the next bit of exposure and corruption is reported. And it surely will be when people like you with this attitude are walking around, not giving a damn about corruption. Ever wonder why you are having to pony up $700 billion to bail out the financial services industry--because people are willing to wink and nod at corruption at evey level, and this is the end result. Well, in one place, at least one place, in this world, that is not the way it is going to be. So when you talk about leaving town and you are somebody who tolerates corruption of any kind, this place is going to be a bit uncomfortable for you for a long time.

Anonymous said...

You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.
Navajo Proverb

Anonymous said...



and AMEN!

Anonymous said...

8:23, again, you are a sheep being led around by a pastor, commissioner and cop fired by Crone. You can't think for yourself. For that matter, neither can the Town Administrator or the woman running the investigation, who has made more mistakes than Crone ever did. Crone is not corrupt. You cannot prove that he is. Until he is charged with anything and given a proper trial, he cannot prove anything.

Anonymous said...

For someone who isn't corrupt he surely has waffled on his story and has provided different stories to different people. And this newest addition is simply a way of diverting the attention from Crone's wrongdoing to the supposes mismanagement of the Town Administrator and the lady running the investgation. Right, point the finger at them and we'll forget all about Croney Boy. Sadly, he's going down for many things by the time this is over. Better go in and try to work out a plea deal and get ahead of this stuff. Volunteer to provide testimony on the RATS and I'm sure they'd be lenient on you. Your family may need personal protection after you do that, but it's well worth it if it will get you a lighter sentence.

Crone is guilty of:
Fraudulent advertising
Taking money under false pretenses
Tax evasion
Failure to obtain proper solicitation permit from the state
Misuse of federal funds
Gross mismanagement of the entire department

That's just what I can remember off hand -- after spending an entire afternoon praying for our town and our leaders. Green reminded me of the need to pray for all of the folks involved, including crone and his family, the Board, Smith, Husemann, and our entire community.

Anonymous said...

Green is more full of it than you know.......

Just ask his friends in Virginia

Anonymous said...

What about his friends in Virginia?
If you have something to say about Green say it so he can defend himself.

Anonymous said...

Because I am a Christian man, I am going to follow up what I said about Rev Green and his friends in VA. I made it up. The point is that most of the crap on here is made up. People can say absolutely anything without anything to back it up. Once you say something... it's out there. That's what 99% of the people do on this site. Say completely made up unfounded crap. Partial facts are released and then people jump to conclusions and make unfounded statements.

It's just wrong.... including what I said about Green. I was making a point. My apologies to Rev Green.

Anonymous said...

In response to 9:02...

What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach...

Time Traveler

Anonymous said...

7:37, how very unique a response. You had the same response to a completely different post on a different topic. I suppose it's tough being witty and better to just reuse the same post twice.......

Anonymous said...


Pull the post up, I sure don't recall it.

Anonymous said...

Never mind... I just realized you were crying about the post made same time today.

That would be because it appears to be the one same idiot or couple of idiots repeatedly posting the same information about how Crone has been framed and has a halo under his hat along with the town officials who are wrapped up in this.

Why waste time choosing fancy words to address a fool? That post was intended more for the constructive posters on here, some of which wasted time arguing with an idiot last night.

Come back when you have something legitimate to cry about.

Time Traveler

Anonymous said...

Time Traveler can't recall his own postings... he must have copied and pasted or typed the same thing. Is he going senile? He may have had a stroke from anger.... boy he has some pent up anger issues.

Look at the other topic "Crone's grievance and the town's personnel policy" at September 29, 2008 7:36 AM

Anonymous said...

Time Traveler, you have numerous people you are speaking to.... it's not just me. You do resort to name calling in every post, the first sign that someone has lost a debate. You can't debate because you lack the capacity. You resort to name calling which shows your lack of integrity and respect for your fellow man. I, in return, show no respect to men/women like you.

Fieldstone Presbyterian Church said...

lol ... i was going to say ... I haven't lived in VA for over 20 years and don't know anyone up there.