Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Censure is no quick fix

Do Mooresville commissioners have enough to censure the mayor?

That’s anyone’s guess. But if you’re expecting to attend the Feb. 7 town board meeting to watch a mayor getting censured, don’t waste your time.

Still, at least one town commissioner says there will be conversation at the meeting.

We will discuss where we are, what our options are and what we’re going to do next,” Commissioner Chris Carney said Wednesday. “We must have a public discussion.”

Mooresville’s Code of Ethics – first adopted in 2005 but amended Oct. 18, 2010 due to a state mandate – lays out a specific, lengthy process for censuring an elected official. According to that policy, the town board, at most, could officially launch an investigation into Mayor Chris Montgomery’s recent actions, including his use of public e-mail from July to December 2010 to communicate with a woman who is not his wife.

Two weeks after those e-mails were exposed, the mayor found himself in the spotlight again when Carney notified commissioners that Montgomery had applied for a job with Langtree Group – developers of the planned $800 million mixed-use project at Exit 32 – while the developers had business before the town.

In his letter to commissioners, Carney called Montgomery’s pursuit of employment with Langtree “an unfortunate and certainly improper situation” that “needs to be dealt with.”

The developers rejected the application because they had business before the town, Carney said. “They felt it inappropriate to even be perceived as a conflict.”

In an e-mail to Montgomery about the Langtree job application, Commissioner Mac Herring wrote: “What wisdom is there in this? It potentially could put the town in an adverse situation. I do hope that there are no other potential conflicts of interests out there.”

Montgomery, part-owner of Lake Norman Woman magazine, responded to Herring, saying he had apologized to the developers.

The magazine business is tough,” he wrote. “My correspondence to (Langtree) was one of many e-mails including my resume and job expectations. I usually do this twice a year, always looking to better myself and earnings for my family.

I put the board in a precarious position. It was never my intention to do so. My acts were shortsighted, selfish and lacked integrity. While mayor, the interests and welfare of the town should be top priority. They will be moving forward.”

Montgomery has said that he does not intend to step down as mayor. He said this week he is still deciding if he will seek re-election when his term expires in November.

Some commissioners have said their hands are tied and that the mayor’s e-mails and job application may not be sufficient grounds to censure him per the town’s Code of Ethics. Commissioners have yet to discuss the mayor’s e-mails as a board – at least during open session – since the Gatton Report/Mooresville Weekly first broke the story on Jan. 7.

Using a Code of Conduct for elected officials in Evans, Colo., as an example, Commissioner Miles Atkins recently asked Town Attorney Steve Gambill to draft a Code of Conduct for Mooresville’s elected leaders to review and potentially adopt to complement the town’s Code of Ethics.

What’s the difference between the two policies?

A Code of Ethics is meant to be more general and more subjective,” Gambill said in an e-mail on Wednesday.

On the other hand, “a Code of Conduct is something that can be pointed to for specific acts which could be considered to be unethical” and “can act as guidelines that address specific actions by a board member which, if violated, can lead to a charge of unethical behavior,” he said.

Gambill said a Code of Conduct is not all-inclusive. In other words, “it is meant only to address those areas most generally encountered by commissioners; that is, even if an action is not set out in a Code of Conduct, the board could find that the action was in violation of the Code of Ethics.”

Gambill said he is still working on the draft Code of Conduct: “I am doing everything I can to get it to the Commissioners in sufficient time for them to be able to review it.”

The Evans, Colo., Code of Conduct states that “city council members who intentionally and repeatedly do not follow proper conduct may be reprimanded or formally censured by the council.”

Mooresville’s Code of Ethics details a lengthy process Mooresville commissioners must follow if it decides to seek censure.

If a majority of the board has reason to believe that one of its members has violated a provision of this Code of Ethics, it may open an investigation into the matter to determine whether probable cause exists to initiate censure proceedings against the member,” the code reads.

If the board determines that a violation has occurred and decides to proceed with censure proceedings, it is required by the Code of Ethics to call for and advertise a public hearing.

A non-binding resolution of censure is adopted if approved by three-fourths votes of the board.

Even then, a censured board member does not have to step down.

A member of the board so censured, and in order to maintain the public’s trust in the office being held, has the discretion to tender to the board his or her resignation,” the policy states.

Herring told Montgomery in a recent letter that the board is looking into its options.

Your situation must be discussed publicly, as it is not a true personnel the board may cover in closed session,” Herring wrote. “I am not sure what our options are, nor what the will of the board is on the issue. All of us on the board are quite concerned, and various options have been considered. “

Herring told Montgomery that public opinion was not in his favor and that the board had received a letter from a citizen, demanding commissioners take action to restore credibility to the mayor's office.

In essence, your effectiveness as mayor has been compromised and mitigated,” Herring wrote. “It seems as if you don’t fully realize the consequences of your actions at times.

I am now constantly being asked by the public ‘What is wrong with him, is he just stupid, etc…’ I don’t know how to defend that. I respect the position of mayor, but less and less I respect your ability to exercise your role as mayor.”


Anonymous said...

How does Herring know that the public opinion was not in his favor. Why doesn't the dumb ass look at his own public status,people know that he can't have too much damn sense he voted along with Dumberg to buy the 95 Million Dollar cable company that was bankrupt to begin with.
Everybody in the country thanks to Atkins Carney and Gatton know about Chris.Why beat a dead horse.

Anonymous said...

A simple bait and switch -- let's focus on the mayor so we can keepy the public's focus off of MIC, the $300K refund they issued to Langtree this month, the fact that they totally screwed up the special assessment agreement with Langree, the water/sewer rates, and their political shananigans related to the bridge-to-nowhere -- and to keep us from not focusing on them trying to hire Erskine Smith as the next town manager (so we don't ask about his involvement in the various activities which have been outlined in other threads).

Talk about unethical conduct -- the bridge-to-nowhere developer sits on the planning board, voted to approve the plan, and then presented it to to the town for official vote. Miraculously, Carney's neighborhood was not included in the special tax assessment they were proposing to pay for that wonderful bridge. Carney lied to the people out there, and they have the e-mails/letters to back it up.

This is classic political wrangling to dupe the public. I'm not saying what Montgomery did was right -- but my, oh my how quickly they are to jump on the ethics bandwagon when they've historically avoided the whole ethical ramifications of their former actions.

Anonymous said...

How is this board going to censure Montgomery for his misdeeds when they just hired a man to manage the town who takes cheap favors like Christmas ham and golf tournament tickets from developers? Their hands are tied and they know it. Serves them right.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jamie -- change that font .... it makes my eyes see as if I've been drinking -- blurry

Anonymous said...

Even if Smith was a real stand-up guy, we still deserve better than to get the washed-up dregs of past failed town administrations. He got past up twice before when town managers were replaced. He wasn’t good enough to manage this town then, and he sure as hell ain’t good enough now when the s--t is hitting the fan. These commissioners are asking for real trouble keeping him up there.

Jaime Gatton said...

12:43 p.m., thanks for bringing that to my attention. I changed it; is it any better?

Anonymous said...

I am amazed at how short sighted certain commissioners on the board can be. Perhaps the term narrow minded is more appropriate than short sighted.

But 12:37 is right. They are being seduced by a distraction from the real and more serious problems we need to be working on. It is easier to jump on the ethics band wagon and say that the problem is the Mayor rather than tackle the tougher problems.

I wonder if there is a way to prevent all of this from happening again? And I don't think Miles Atkins' quick fix of a Code of Conduct is solving anything. I think he is just trying to make a political move rather than actually addressing the problem.

I hear so often on these blogs that people don't like the "good ol' boy system." Ok, well if we censure or replace the boys what do we have? We still have the "good ol' ____ system."

Maybe we need to change or replace the 'not so' "good ol' system."

Anonymous said...

Can somebody fill me in on Mooresville's Councilmen? I just need a little bit on the who’s who.

larry gregory said...

What Chris has done is bad for his family and bad for the town. He should step down. The town will get by this though, but what has been done to town with the cable deal and its $93 million of debt and counting will be with us for many years to come. The taxpayers and town services will suffer. Remember who voted for the cable deal: Carney,Herring,Rader and Thunberg. Rader and Thunberg are gone but no one would run against Carney and Herring the past election.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Houston is a straight up guy who stays mostly quiet and does not get caught up in everyones else problems. The rest all have an agenda.
Herring is only interested in History of Mooresville he is obsessed with this. Always tries to be in the public making comments. When things do not go his way or he wants pity he gets out his cane and limps where he was shot years ago.
Carney and Atkins only looking out for themselves.Atkins wants to be Mayor and will do anything or step on anybody to get what he wants,got his wife a high paying job doing nothing as the downtown commission director. Carney is one of those who has had several jobs in the past . Also his office is in or was in the same complex as the Howards and they are great friends. Does this tell you who broke the news about Chris applying for a job. Carneys brother from Fla got a big high paying job here with the Chamber of Commerce this stinks dont you think.Dusenbury when he was running was going to set the town straight making all kinds of promises and when he got elected he fell in with the rest of these asses. Abraham is in it for what he can get. Needs the job so he can get town insurance to cover him. Tries to be important but he is only a clone for Thunberg and Rader.

Anonymous said...

While I haven't a clue as how to do this, Mooresville needs to set some spending limits on what the Board (bored!?) can approve.

For instance, the MIC deal should have been brought before the populace and not left to the whims of the Board. Imagine spending $62 million dollars (grew to over $90 and counting) with absolutely no one to answer to! Maybe anything over X amount of dollars need to be approved, as County Bonds are done today.

The same goes for the Langtree fiasco. The Town Board bent over backwards to accommodate the Howards and their billionaire buddies. They pushed through the plans under the guise that time was of the essence (if the Town didn't approve the development immediately, their prime developer was walk)! It is nearly 3 years later and now the Town is stuck with taxes past due, having to float bonds for the billionaire developers and a plan for monstrous development literally in the backyards of a bedroom community. All with zero populace input.

We, the People, need to wrest power back from the Commissioners and soon.

And while we are at it, we need to get a Town Attorney who is willing to fight for Town rights and not lay down for the mega developers. We pay Gambill to adjudicate as well as, express opinions. He should be all over the Major for a conflict of interest. It is black and white; the Mayor was using his office to feather his nest with Langtree. Why is Gambill so unwilling to start proceedings? One only wonders?

Anonymous said...

yes, the font is much betterer -- now I don't feel drunk

Carney was claiming to not want to run for re-election. I wonder what got him to go for it again?

Herring is just that a herring. If you question anything about MO, then he really doesn't have the time of day for you. But he'll be glad to talk all day about the historical designation his family's building received.

Atkins is a schmoozer. He smiles nice and dresses nice, and knows how to push the ethics thing.

Abraham is on record for giving a contract to a company solely due to the fact that the company employed a person who formerly worked for the town of mooresville -- despite the fact that the town's engineers recommended another company who came in under the bid of the other company.

Houston -- don't know much about him because he is TOO quiet. His leadership is lacking due to his silence.

So the question for everyone is -- who do you want to see run for office to oppose Montgomery, Atkins, and Abraham?

I bet you Thunberg and Rader are already plotting to get back in, and the good ol' boy network is hard at work trying to find folks that will support them and their causes. Throw some names out and let's get the ball rolling now instead of later.

Anonymous said...

Remember that the Town Attorney in what ever Town or City can only advise a Town Council what to do and give them advice. He cannot make them only advise what to do. He works for the board and has to follow their instructions.
Hell these damn fools on our council wouldn't listen to anyone and do anything unless it helps them or some members of their families.

Anonymous said...

Enough about the Mayor, Atkins, Carney and Herring have talked to every media outlet there are to tell them about this.
Put this to sleep and let the 4 people that are against Sheriff Redmond to get started trashing him.
Read the Statesville Paper he is doing a great job!!!!! Way to go Sheriff

Anonymous said...

They've already posted the change in job title for Erskine "Tiger Woods" Smith, but they can't post the code of ethics on the town's website? What about some additional minutes/agenda for the MIC citizen propoganda committee? We're we told by Atkins that the citizen advisory board was not going to be a rah-rah team? Read the minutes they have posted and that's all they're doing. They were supposed to get to the bottom of the figures -- they're goal is to find ways to convince others to sign-up for the damn service. Sorry -- I don't want your state-run crap.

Anonymous said...

Mac Herring is so full of crap. I just read some of the ridiculous comments he made to the Charlotte Observer and Mooresville Tribune. Interesting how he's suddenly grown balls. When Thunburg (I think I like his new nickname Dumburg better though) was mayor he'd routinely bend Herring over and whack him in public with his words. Saw this with my own eyes. Did the Red Herring ever stand up to that? Hell no. But suddenly when Chris Montgomery gets on board the Red Herring starts beating his chest calling him out on the carpet. Why? Cause he feels he's got backing. What a chicken. I got no respect for the guy.

Anonymous said...

Everybody on that Town Board needs to be censured or better yet RECALLED - for trying to shove Erskine's sorry butt down the throat of this community. Shame on them all. They all deserve whatever's coming down the pike.

Anonymous said...

I would like to make a suggestion to the wives of members of the Mooresville City Council. Why not ask your husband for the pass word for their private e mails and see who they are writing and receiving e mails from.
Have you ever thoght about this Ms Herring? You may be surprised.

Anonymous said...

ewwww. who would want the Red Herring?

Anonymous said...

I don't care what commissioners do in their personal lives, as long as they're keeping it behind the doors of their home and not doing in in MY Town Hall.

Anonymous said...

It makes you wonder what kind of dirty deal was struck to saddle us with deadbeat Erskin.

Anonymous said...

But remember tht sometime extra outside of the home may come back to bite you in the ass. All the Mayor did was send some e mails did not cause the town 1 red cent

Jim said...

Well....I guess the good news is the mayor's shenanigans has inspired 22 comments on this board in 8 hours.

The bad news is the pack of wolves is already gathering around the mayor's soon to be cold carcass. It would not surprise me if Carney, Atkins, and Herring were all considering a run for mayor. I hope they realize that in this era of suspicion of our leaders they had better make sure their email is "G" rated and their house is in order before they bang their first sign in the ground.

The REALLY bad news is the old regime that brought us MI Connection and $95 million in debt is now feeling like we want them again.
Please, Mr. Thunberg and Mr. Radar, don't misinterpret our current displeasure with our elected leaders as a call to bring back "the good old days". We just can't afford it.

Anonymous said...

Atkins a supporter of Ethics and Code of Conduct?
Remember back 2-3 years ago he got the commissioners Carney, Herring and the others to put his house in the Historical Society and this increased his home and property value a lot and it also reduced his property tax by 50% Sounds like a stinky thing to me and they talk about the Mayor sending a few e mails. This is why I will work like hell to make sure none of them will ever be elected to a public office here in Iredell Co or the Town of Mooresville.

Anonymous said...

My house is old.... reckon I can get these people do this for me...I have a hard time paying my property tax and its going to get worse because of Thunberg,Rader and all the other fools that voted the cable in.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone catch this from the 1/18 meeting:

'Approved spending $111,140 to run fiber to the Gym Company building on Talbert Pointe Drive and Cornelius Park. The money will come from recreation bond funds.' That is more taxpayer money to prop up M-I.

We should add this to the original $92 Million + $4.4 million to satisfy this year's portion of the bond payment.

I have to agree with earlier posts that while Montgomery's actions are moronic they do not affect me personally other than the fact I cannot brag about living in an All America City for another year. Darn!

However the recent numbers shared at the M-I meeting on Friday show that things are still not going well and taxpayers may be on the hook for more $.


The timing/discovery of events from this past month could not have come at a better time.

Anonymous said...

Good point. What is up with recreation bonds being used to run fiber to the Gym Company? Isn't that a private company? And, why do they need fiber at that park way over on Mazeppa Road? Are they going to have internet kiosks or something? This is just another example of how our town government throws money around and shifts it from one balance sheet to another to disguise the true expense. Another example: the golf course groundskeeping expense is kept under the town's general services budget rather than under the golf course budget and even with that creative accounting the place can't break even. Of course, so long as the town employees and commissioners can play free golf there that sacred cow will neve be slaughtered. Couple that with new town manager Erskine Smith having been the assistant town manager directly over that facility when merchandise was literally walking out of the pro shop a few years back and you can forget any accountability there or anywhere else in town government.

Jim said...

If I'm not mistaken the fiber was run to the ballfields so the town could stream little league games on the web.

The ballfields are public property so I guess this makes sense, though it seems you could get a better bang for your $111,000 by putting down some new wood chips at the muddy parks we have now.

A quick search of "The Gym Company" says that this is a private company that will teach your kid how to do gymnastics. I'm not quite sure why our bond money would be used to run fiber to a private company.

Since there are a couple other private companies in Mooresville that offer similar courses I guess we'll be running fiber to them at taxpayer expense as well?

Makes you really think twice the next time you're asked to vote for a bond proposition.

Jim said...

Actually, the fiber to the park might be for streaming security cameras back to the Police Department, which is a great idea.

And then...there's fiber to a private company.

Jaime Gatton said...

Hey, Jim! Just to clarify: The Town of Mooresville purchased the Gym Co. when it was in foreclosure and plans to use the building for recreation purposes. It's being discussed that the building might be used to relocate Parks & Recreation offices. Extending fiber to the Gym Co. building, which the town now owns, opens the door for MI-C fiber to be extended to any of those businesses in the park. From what I understand, all this was discussed at a board meeting in January; I haven't checked, but a video of the meeting may already be on the town's website.

Anonymous said...

This shows you how dumb a idea that this is to move the offices to the business park where there is heavy traffic and hard to get to. This plays against the local people who may need to go by there and register or to do some business with them.
This is also against African Americans and others who have no mode of transportation to get there.
I hope that NAACP gets involved and stops this idea from happening.

Jim said...

Thanks, Jaime.

I originally did a Google search and found The Gym Company website but no mention of the bancruptcy. I have to admit, the idea of the town running fiber to a private company seemed a little crazy. It's not likely the present board would be blatant enough to subsidize MIC in this way.

I also don't believe it's a racist plot to move Park and Rec way up there. I would bet the percentage of Mooresville residents with no access to a car is extremely small.

Anonymous said...

WOW...I think if we take this type of logic an extra step we may be on to something here:

Let the town buy a couple of apartment complexes/subdivisions in town for the purpose of 'extending fiber' with some recreational bond money-because watching TV and surfing the web at home are recreational activities, right?

Then pass an ordinance outlawing dishes and VOILA!!!!This lawmakin' is easy!!!

Anonymous said...

I must be missing something in your analogy.......why would the town buy apartment complexes/subdivisions for recreation? I mean I can see why maybe they thought an indoor gym might work good for recreation but that's just me.

Anonymous said...

Forgive me for being stupid but isn't Talbert Business Park in the Town of Mooresville too? Seems to me this is more centrally located then "downtown" to all the Mooresville Citizens.

Anonymous said...

I'm one of the many business owners in Mooresville who're trying to make ends meet in this bad economy. Last thing I need is to find out my local government has become a circus. And it looks like the circus is headed by a proven moron named Erskine Smith who has somehow been dubbed town manager. I am going to be looking for somebody to blame before long, and my only weapon will be my vote.

Anonymous said...

Back to the fiber thing. Regardless of who owns the property, why in the hell is it in the best interest of the taxpayers to spend $111,000 in taxpayer money to run "fiber" there. Surely normal internet access through coaxial cable or Windstream is sufficient for any town office or business that runs there. All the other businesses out there seem to be making it just fine without "fiber". Normal security cameras can easily run off of regular cable. No, this is just another example of how this town government spends like there is no tomorrow. Frank Rader may be gone from the board, but this board is still making its own "Rader math"!

Anonymous said...

This is the same old shit, different day. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. You let me move all the shit over toward my side of town, and I'll let you keep corrupt Erskine on. You help me save a little face with the cable stink, and I'll look the other way when I need to. I'll only get pissed off over the things that pertain to me and my friends, and I'll stick my head in the sand with the rest of it. I'll double screw the taxpayer just as long as I get the crumbs I'm looking for. This is what we've got on that board right now.

Anonymous said...

One thing is for sure, NONE of them truly give a damn about what's good for Mooresville, the tax payers, and/or the citizens. We don't even enter into the equation until they run for office or get caught! Then it's, "Oh, I love Mooresville!" BS! You love abusing power! All you crooked morons. When have any of these so called leaders made any HARD choices (besides Mayor Montgomery's lol) or made any sacrifices for the betterment of our town and budget?

Anonymous said...

This whole thing is actually pretty funny to me. I remember back when "Commissioner" Mitch Abraham was trying to throw a $50 million bone to his little church buddy's waste water treatment company. He was doing all kinds of gyrations behind the board and the people's back, running here, running there, sneaking around. Once the paper blew the lid off of that, was there any talk of a "censure"? Heck no! They all circled their little wagons. Course, most of them also got their butts kicked out of office, too.

But now here we are. Christ Montgomery wants a "job" with a developer. Now, I'm no Montgomery fan and personally think he's as stupid as a rock. But what I find real interesting is how loud and indignant everybody's gotten over him when they were so quiet with somebody like Abraham.

Go figure.

Anonymous said...

Word around town's that Mitch Abraham is bragging to friends that he single handedly saved Erskine from being fired. Mitch and Erskine are thick as thieves, and they're both like bad pennies that keep turning up. Maybe WE can't fire Erskine, but we can sure as hell vote Mitch's fat ass out of office.

Anonymous said...

I think someone needs to look into the relationship between Atkins and the Howards -- if I were on the town board I would not be inclined to have someone who does so much business on my friends list on facebook -- same with McGlothlin

Anonymous said...

Mitch Abraham -- Mitch Abraham Construction (Revenue Suspension) from the Sec. of State -- ACI Construction Group -- Administratively Dissolved for failure to submit documents to Sec. of State

Chris Carney -- Southland Mortgage and Financial Service -- administratively dissolved by Sec of State for failing to file paperwork

Anonymous said...

Smith was handpicked by Joe Knox the former king of Mooresville. He was grooming him to follow in the footsteps of his other lackey Rick McLean. He took him out of Belk’s dusted him off and created a phony baloney position for him called Assistant Town Manager. The whole thing's a big joke. I guess Smith is our current Town Board's present to this community. Congratulations to us!

Anonymous said...

Mitch has Tice, Howard, and McGlothlin on his friends list on Facebook

Howard's list of friends is quite interesting ...

Brad Howard owned a company in 2008 by the name of "Slush Fund" (how ironic). Guess who was his managing member: Chris Carney

Guess when the Langtree group was formed: 2006 -- with Brad Howard as the manager

Guess when Langtree approached MO about the development -- 2009

so let's follow the timeline and names: Carney is managing member for Rick Howard in 2008 - 12/31/2009

Langtree goes before the board for approval while Carney is serving on the board -- and appears to have also been the managing member of the "Slush Fund" -- a company owned by little Howard. I wonder if the slush fund helped Carney make a decision about approving special bonds for his former (maybe then current) employer and his employer's daddy

Anonymous said...

Nice investigative work, 11:10.

Reading the comments is very eye opening. It looks to me like the former mayor, Bill Thunberg, a/k/a/ Dumberg may be on here trying to intimidate Miles Atkins into not running for mayor. Which can only mean one thing - he plans to run again himself. He doesn't have the cojones to run against Atkins, so he's got to do a little bit of sly backstabbing to get Atkins out of the picture. I'm just sitting back to see how this all plays out. It's better than anything on TV.

Anonymous said...

I am def not thunberg or dumberg ... not even radon ... just someone who wanted to see how much of a link these dumbasses have ... and to show how simple it is to find it out ... it's all on the secretary of state's website ... public information

They are trying to keep our eyes focused on "Chris-Gate" so they can sneek in some stuff behind our backs. How many noticed the large "refund" the town paid to Langtree -- despite Langtree being behind in taxes? And how many of us are staying on top of the Hiring-Gate with the 4 amigos all seeming to bend over and take one for the Interim Town Manager

Larry Green said...

I thought the information about Carney had to be wrong, but it certainly appears to be true. If you go to the 2nd document on this page you'll see him listed as a managing member:


If the link doesn't work, you can search corporation names using "Slush Fund" and there you'll find it.

Very disappointing to hear.

Larry Green said...

I thought the Carney situation had to be untrue, so I went and looked for myself. Sure enough, he is listed as a managing member for some company named "Slush Fund, LLC". Brad Howard is listed as the registered agent and managing member along with Carney and somebody else out of Hickory. This certainly doesn't appear to be an appropriate business relationship to have.


Anonymous said...

Carney slams Montgomery for sending a resume to Lametree but all the time he has a DIRECT business relationship with Howard.
If there every was a conflict of interest this is the perfect example.
Carney has some explaining to do...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

12:23 a.m. you said "And how many of us are staying on top of the Hiring-Gate with the 4 amigos all seeming to bend over and take one for the Interim Town Manager." Tell me more.

It wouldn't surprise me one bit if that crook wasn't up to his no good shenanigans again. Is he trying to get his friends hired? Or did he already manage to do that? We all need to know what Erskine Smith's up to. He's the most harmful person in Town Hall right now. Why? Because he's got the keys to all the doors, knows where everybody's skeletons are buried, he can tell the police chief what to do since he's his boss now, and he won't hesitate to use all that to his own benefit and the benefit of his co-crooks.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ms. Gatton,

The Mayor Chris wrote some E Mails to a female that was not his wife. There from what I read nothing vulgar in the e mails. They also did not cost the town any money at all.It also was not a criminal offense.
You and your friends at the Mooresville Tribune,The Mooresville Weekly, and you on this Blog did everything that you could to dis credit this young man and make him to be some kind of a animal.
I would like for you to investigate if you will Mayor Pro Tem Chris Carney on his connections with the Howards and their Langtree Project. You can look it up your self and see that he was involved in a "slush fund" with the Howards. If he voted for the projects in any way without disclosing this then he would have violated the law and could and should be still indicted for this.
We know that you will come up with some statements and writing that will make it look like that he did nothing wrong.
When you were at the Tribune it was known that you had a open line to Mr. Carney at all times so you could get your stories about the town.
I know that you will SUGAR COAT this and try and make it go away.
Remember if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it is a duck.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Chris Carney may have finally overplayed his hand. So much for "integrity" Chris. Way to go. Nice way to repay all the people who believed in you and believed you would work toward open, honest, accountable government.

Anonymous said...

Okay so I leave town for a while come back and it looks like the shit has hit the fan in a major way. Dumb-As-A-Lark Erskine Smith is now town manager???!!! WTF????!!!! The married mayor has been carrying on with a married woman. More WTF??? Chris Carney's been in bed with the same developers that he spanked the mayor for trying to get a job with. More WTFFFFF!!!! The shady I-Like-To-Do-Everything-Behind-Closed-Doors former mayor is trying to weasel his way back into the mayor seat thinking we've all forgotten Cable Gate? WWWTTTTFFFFF?!!!!

What the hell is going on around here??? Has everybody gone mad?! It looks like we need another revolution in this town. Let's do like Egypt and pour into the street and overthrow all these losers!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

WHAT ABOUT IT JAMIE??????????????

Don't sweep it under the rug

Anonymous said...

I have been told that the only ones that can call for a SBI Investigation is the Town Board, The Chief of Police, The Sheriff and the District Attorney.
Here it is obivious that a possible crime has been committed. You would have to omit the Chief because Carney could get him fired if he did call them. So how about the board? Lets see you cover your fellow members butt board members.

Anonymous said...


Step 1 -- report it yourself (which I have done)
Step 2 -- e-mail the commissioners about your concerns
Step 3 -- contact the Chief of Police about this
Step 4 -- submit a lead to the SBI (which I have done) http://www.ncdoj.gov/About-DOJ/State-Bureau-of-Investigation.aspx
Step 5 -- find someone to run against these bums

Anonymous said...

If the SBI comes in here again, they'll have to investigate more than commissioner Chris Carney's unsavory relationship with certain developers. They'll need to also investigate:

1) former commissioner Frank Rader for his tampering of witnesses when the corrupt former police chief was being criminally investigated

2) former Mayor Bill Thunberg's financial records to see if he got any kickbacks for his tie breaking vote on the Cable Purchase

3) current Town Manager and former Assistant Town Manager Erskine Smith for any bribes he may have accepted through the years from people such as developers, as well as any cover up he may have engaged in to protect certain department heads such as golf course director Charlie Roberts

4) current Ward 1 Commissioner Mitch Abraham for whether he too engaged in a quid pro quo relationship with the company known as CH2M Hill for his pivotal role in getting them a no bid multi million dollar contract

Anonymous said...

3:41 PM, don't forget the quarter of a million dollar shady "commission" our current town manager (thanks to our current town board) Erskine Smith slipped to his childhood buddy, Jimmy McKnight.

3:33 PM, thanks for the link. I personally am planning on spending some time on it. We can keep them in business for a long time just with the goings on in Mooresville.

Anonymous said...

This is whose running your town now:


Fox is going to be watching the henhouse, thanks to our superlative elected leaders.

Some All American City. Good times.

Anonymous said...

Just catching up on the Gatton Report. I have some things to say to the commissioners. Get your act together. Hire a real town manager. Stop hanky pankying around with developers. I've got a business to run in this town and as much as I'd like for all this to go away, it does not look like it's going to. You've got way too many eyes on you. So like I said, get your act together or as much as we may like you we'll have to make some changes. We need to have people running the show who're actually going to get to stick around instead of get tarred and feathered because they're of the same ilk as the ones who came before them. It doesn't look like the voters are going for that anymore. Something's going to have to give.

Anonymous said...

What was "Hiring Gate"?

Anonymous said...

This board saying it has confidence in a small time golf obsessed crook like Erskine Smith is like trying to put lipstick on a pig. Stop trying to feed us crap! We deserve better than this and by gosh we're going to get better than this, with or without you!

Anonymous said...

Is it any wonder Chris Carney's gone over to the dark side? The minute he started hanging with Bill Thunf--k, he started going south. You know what they say Chris. You lay with dogs and you'll catch fleas.

Anonymous said...

While everyone is talking remember that Honest Miles Wife is the Down Town Director and I just wonder how she got that.That he got the rest of the Town Board to put his house in the Historical area and it increased the value of his house and the property taxes were cut 50%.
Honest never tell a lie Chris's brother came all the way from Florida to get a big job with the Mooresville Chamber of Commerce. Guess that never tell a lie Chris did't help him.
Man what a great board we have

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but you can't even put Miles Adkins in the same sentence as the other scum running the town. Nice try though, but we ain't buying.

Anonymous said...

6:46, don't pay no mind to 6:26. That's our illustrious FORMER Commissioner Frank Owens, one of the many characters in town who got their asses kicked out of office. He's still sore about it and one of the people he blames is Atkins.

Frank, give up the ghost. I know it was sweet being commissioner and being able to get the police department to protect your gambling joints, but those are the sweet bygone days. I'm sure you aren't missing the FBI subpoenas any.

Atkins and people like him are here to stay, and the old guard can either keep moaning and whining about it, or you can clean up your act and join the good guys for a change. It ain't as bad as you think. Got its perks, like being able to sleep like a baby and not being afraid for the other shoe to fall off all the time.

Just ask any of these has-beens:

Montgomery, Carney, Rader, Thunberg, McLean, Beaver, Crone, just to name a few.

Anonymous said...


No Lifeguard on Duty

If you are up to no good and want to use taxpayer dollars and local government for your own benefit, enter Mooresville at your own risk.

Anonymous said...

You have got to love all this. This is definitely a lesson for anyone who plans to get elected in Mooresville in order to accomplish their own personal agendas. They may have their fun for a bit. But then they will be dragged to the town square and dressed down for all to see.

Anonymous said...

It is a relief to see transparency finally hit the Mooresville government. When we get done here we need to extend this operation to all of Iredell County. There is plenty to disclose about Sheriff Redmond, his inner circle and several of our County Commissioners.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Censure or no censure, at the end of the day we've got Bozo for Mayor and Big Bird for Town Manager. Really inspires confidence during these times of uncertainty.

Anonymous said...

9:44 are you fishing again? You guys watch this thing like a hawk don't you? Why don't you tell us which ones are in cahoots with Redmond? I don't suspect you will but it will be public soon enough.

Do you know which one said that if Redmond got voted out of office he knows where all the bodies are buried? He was speaking metaphorically of course. Still, he knows what is going on but isn't doing anything to stop it. Sounds like another Darren. I guess like Darren he won't tell anything until Redmond is already indicted and convicted. Then he will be saying how glad he is that Redmond finally got caught.

There is also the prescription med thing that went away with assistance. Don't want to forget that one. Oh, the favors owed.

Anonymous said...

To Feb. 1 3:33pm, add a #5:
Wes Greene getting his pockets padded by Sutphin Fire Trucks for buying their shoddy equipment with ALOT of taxpayer money.

Anonymous said...

Where is the Carney report?

Anonymous said...

I'm willing to bet my last dollar we're going to get the "Carney Report". What I'm starting to see about the Gatton Report is that it appears nobody gets a free pass.

The reporter went after Bill Thunberg full force when he was doing his dirty business, and when he was dethroned she could have laid off the gas pedal with his successor. But she didn't. She went after Montgomery with the same gusto when he was up to his dirty business.

Crooks, power mongers, and scoundrels beware.

Anonymous said...

If she does write anything she will sugar coat it and make it look like nothing wrong. I still believe that he should be indicted and if not that, void everything in the past that he voted on and make them start all over.

Anonymous said...

Dumberg, take a lesson here...If you wannna get back in the rink, don't say you weren't warned.

Jim said...

There are certainly a lot of accusations about our present town board that have not been addressed in this blog. A number of annonymous accusations are pretty scary if they are indeed true.

I believe Jaime will answer them....hopefully the days of "go along to get along" in local politics are over.

Anonymous said...

I cant wait to see how dimwit Erskin's gonna shoot himself in the arse now that he's in the spotlight. I've got my popcorn ready. It's really gonna get good when the commissioners start scrambling to cover up for him and then get their own arses kicked out of office one by one for it.

Jaime Gatton said...

Per the discussion here on Jan. 30 about the town using the old Gym Co. building for recreation and possibly for the town's Parks and Recreation offices, Anonymous @ 4:58 p.m. wrote: "This shows you how dumb a idea that this is to move the offices to the business park where there is heavy traffic and hard to get to. This plays against the local people who may need to go by there and register or to do some business with them.
This is also against African Americans and others who have no mode of transportation to get there. I hope that NAACP gets involved and stops this idea from happening."

I passed those concerns along to Commissioner Chris Carney when we were speaking earlier today, and here was his response: "The recreation center on Talbert is going to allow us to use the War Memorial as a Community Center. We have been trying to address this need for some time and have been working with Commissioner Houston. Commissioner Atkins and myself have met with a representative from the NAACP, and he was very excited about the opportunity to address this need. I also visited the Boys and Girls Club of Statesville to get a better perspective. We have been working hard as a Town for several years to better serve the community. I know prior Commissioners worked hard to lay the groundwork and we have tried to continue that good work."

Hope that helps ease some of your concerns.

Anonymous said...

If the Carney guy's lips were moving when he said that, I guess we are supposed to believe it. Just like we are to believe a company called "Slush Fund" was not for his own personal gain. The reality is that the commissioners have squandered that recreation bond money on frivolous things like streaming video for people to watch their kids play ball from the comfort of their own homes. Just an excuse to subsidize MI Connection by using other government money to lay fiber. A shell game.

Unknown said...

Randumblog's Exclusive Interview with Chris Montgomery http://www.randumblog.com/2011/02/heart-to-heart-with-mooresvilles-mayor.html

Anonymous said...

This town is sinking deeper into the pits of hell. There is only one way out. Start at the top and clean house. Police chief, Fire Chief,
Commissioners and definitely that Mayor. We should also consider the DA and Sheriff. Corruption starts at the top and floats on down.Erskine was trained by the best!