But perhaps what only a few people know is that Burleyson is just the latest casualty in a long string of officers who have left, or been fired from, Mooresville’s police department.
In fact, 59 officers are currently employed by the Mooresville Police Department, according to Human Resources. But in the past nine years that John Crone has been chief of police, we’ve lost an alarming number of officers – 71 to be exact. Of those, 57 resigned, 11 were fired and only three retired.
Crone fired Burleyson on May 13 – just after the school year’s DARE graduation.
According to Report sources, Burleyson became involved in some “petty politics” at Mooresville Intermediate School during the 2006-07 school year and was consequently pulled off the DARE program. At that time, the police department hired a female officer for the position, but she ended up not being suited for the job, so Burleyson was put back on the program for 2007-08.
It is customary for Mooresville police officers to carry in their patrol cars donated, child-friendly items – such as stuffed animals and bicycle helmets – to share with area children in an effort to establish and build rapport and communication. The items are also meant to be given to child-victims of crime and trauma. At the end of this school year, Burleyson gave three stuffed bunny rabbits from the trunk of his car to two Mooresville Intermediate School office personnel – including two to MIS Principal Julie Morrow – to take home to their children, sources say.
Sometime later, Burleyson asked Morrow, in light of the drama that had transpired the previous school year, if all was well between the two of them. Morrow apparently told Burleyson that everything was fine, and Burleyson asked Morrow if she would relay that to the police chief.
Sources say Morrow instead reported to Crone that Burleyson’s gesture made her feel “uncomfortable,” and shortly after that, Crone fired Burleyson for using “public property for personal gain.”
Morrow declined to comment on Burleyson’s firing this week, referring all Report questions to Crone. She said that she “cannot respond to your email because this is a police personnel issue.”
Crone did not respond to e-mails from the Report this week, in which he was given the opportunity to clarify or dispute any of the Report’s information about Burleyson’s firing. We also asked Crone if the bunny rabbits were returned to the police department. Though Crone did not respond, he signed a “read receipt,” acknowledging that he opened the e-mail on Tuesday.
Here’s a breakdown of the number of Mooresville officers who have resigned, retired or been terminated since 1999:
· In 1999, we lost eight officers – six resigned and two were fired.
· In 2000, five officers resigned.
· We lost seven officers in 2001 -- six resigned and one retired.
· Six resigned in 2002.
· In 2003, six officers left -- five resigned and one retired.
· In 2004, the town lost eight officers – six resigned and two were fired.
· In 2005, seven officers left the Mooresville Police Department – three resigned and four were fired.
· We lost five officers in 2006 -- four resigned and one retired.
· In 2007, the number of officers leaving the department spiked to 14. Of those, 12 resigned and two were fired.
· Six months into 2008, we’ve already lost five officers – four resigned and one (Burleyson) was terminated.
To compare Mooresville's police turnover to that of other area police departments contacted by the Report, click on the chart below:

The police departments of Statesville and Kannapolis have lost about as many officers as the Mooresville Police Department in the last five years -- Statesville lost 41, Mooresville lost 46 and Kannapolis lost 47. The difference is that Statesville employs 74 officers, and Kannapolis employs between 71 and 81 – compared to Mooresville’s 59.
The City of Monroe’s police department has 84 sworn officers – 25 more than Mooresville. In the past three years, 18 Monroe officers – an average of six per year – have resigned, retired or been terminated. Mooresville lost 26 (eight more than Monroe) in the same number of years.
A significantly larger percentage of officers have left Mooresville than the City of Hickory’s police department, too. Hickory’s department had between 105 and 114 authorized positions from 2005 to 2007 – almost double that of Mooresville. And in those three years, 29 officers resigned, retired or were fired from the Hickory Police Department. Mooresville, with half of Hickory’s police force, lost 26 officers in the same period of time – only three fewer than Hickory.
The City of Concord’s police department has a total manpower allocation of 156 – well more than double that of Mooresville’s. And in the last three years, 28 officers have left Concord. Of those, eight were retirees. Mooresville lost 26 officers in the same amount of time. And only one was a retiree.
Likewise, the City of Gastonia’s police department has employed between 152 and 168 sworn officers since 2002. In six years, Gastonia lost 90 officers – an average of 15 per year. Of the 90, one-third (29 officers) were retirees.
Compare that to Mooresville, with a police force of 59, which lost a whopping 46 officers from 2002 to 2007. And only two of those 46 were retirees.
So far this year, the City of Gastonia has had three police officers separate from the department. The Town of Mooresville is already up to five.
We may not know exactly what the problem is, but this much is clear: There is a problem in our police department.
Sounds like there is only one more person that needs to be fired here!! CRONE!!!
Are you FREAKIN' SERIOUS!?!?!? A stuffed animal was the "straw the broke the camels back" and got Burleyson fired! I would be more than happy to send Crone and the police department a whole box of stuffed animals!!! Burleyson was an awesome DARE officer! And for Morrow to whine about "making her feel uncomfortable!" good grief!!! Go grab a sucker and sit in a corner!!! That was very mature for Burleyson to try to end the year on a good note and if she didn't see it that way.. then I wonder what kind of education our children are getting!!!! I agree, Crone needs to be another statistic and get someone in there that knows what they are doing!!! And bring Burleyson back! I am so upset at the Town for letting this happen! Glad to know my tax payers money is going to "GREAT" use...
ABOUT TIME!!!!!the truth came out about Matt he is the best thing that ever happened to Morresville police department.And too bad that some people can't stand that fact. Maybe we need to look alittle further into the whole POLICE FORCE something tells me it wasn't only CRONE but others as well that were, shall we say jealous of Matt's relationship with our community. Hang in there Matt WE Love you and you will be sorely missed.
Don't forget that we are paying to train all these officers who are turning around and leaving or being fired. If Crone is in charge of hiring them why is he turning around and firing them? Add this to the list of things that don't add up in Mooresville.
A stuffed animal... this sounds like the Mooresville Police Department/Crone were waiting for a reason..and Morrow served it up. I guess if Mr. Burleyson had a few bottles of water(public property) in a cooler in case a citizen needed it, he would have been fired for giving that away too. Fair is fair, we fire a police officer for using public property for personal gain, how do we not fire or charge a Mooresville Graded School District Principal for accepting public property(Possession of Stolen Property) for personal gain? I also find it hard to believe that Mr. Burleyson would have gone a whole year without a complaint and not removed, until the end of the year. This really sends the right message to our youth, not to mention the loss of one of the few officers with close ties to the community. I hope people call the Tribune and Town Hall and ask "What the hell is going on?" Please Mr. Burleyson, get a lawyer!
Are the total force and firing numbers based on police officers only or any police department employee? Is the embezzlement firing from many years ago included in the totals?
The lack of retirees would seem to be a good thing, wouldnt that mean Mooresville PD is a younger group of officers.
My gut feeling is seeing the low number of retirees could also be a factor in the high turnover by resignation. At some point being a cop has many rewards such as serving and protecting but neither of the two pay the bills. Goes back to the grass is always greener on the other side. Money can always be a big deciding factor.
Matt will be missed but can any of us question or poke fun at Morrow's opinion that she felt uncomfortable?
Honestly i think there is more to this than what we have heard.
A Crone or a "Cronie" must have written the previous statement.
I think you are correct. There probably is ALOT more to this episode and a few subpeonas coupled with a few nice depositions would bring alot into the open. I wonder why Mr. Burleyson would do something so stupid, or did he genuinely want to have good will? I myself would be surprised that someone would feel so "intimidated" that they would use that situation and "feel uncomfortable" to the point they would need to report it over a stuffed doll--so much for offering a stick of gum--look out--its a bribe for personal gain. As for the retention at the Mooresville Police Department, could "my way or the highway" be the motto, or maybe some officers didn't like what they saw in the Department. (The curiosity of numbers makes me wonder if Mr. Rader is writing some of these comments?)Either way, I am sure some officers have been fired for worse offenses, I just pray there were none fired for lesser.(Do they give polygraphs for accidentally taking a "bic" pen home from the Department, because if they are going to be petty on this note, that surely falls under the scope of unlawful conveyance for personal gain--charge/fire them all.)
Yeh, 1:21AM, dont try to insult our intelligence. You might get a pay check from the Police Department but you either don't know what is really going on here and you're trying to stick up for your boss and try to get on his good side so that you're NOT fired or else you're one of the problem children yourself.
We weren't born yesterday. We know that some of the firings were legitimate. You really believe that you can justify the high numbers by saying that the Police Force is made up of young people??? No other place has turnover percentages as high as our Police Department. So what your saying is that we have it all right and all the other departments have it all wrong??? COME ON!!!
And, yeh, we ccan poke fun at Ms. Morrow for saying the little bunnies made her feel uncomfortable. Did she feel so uncofmortable that she didn't accept them? Did she give them back to the Police Department? If there's so much more to the story, why don't you tell us what it is?
12:02--I'm not sure if they give polygraphs for taking home bic pens, but you should ask some of them about Crone putting surveillance cameras in the break room to catch a "Coca-cola thief". Tax dollars at work again.....
Either Chief Crone is a moron who does not know how to hire or a moron who does not know how to lead. Police officers are expensive to hire and train. Mooresville needs a new chief.
I think the problem goes far beyond the DARE program. Mr. Burleyson touched the lives of all the children in both intermediate schools for 5 years. He was a positive role model and the kids really knew he cared about them. He ate lunch with them (when is the last time Mrs. Morrow did that - or even show herself in the cafeteria).
Mr. Burleyson was also instrumental in the Explorer program, which has now been pushed aside by Crone. Also all the students participating in Driver's Ed will also not have the training and wisdom that used to be shared by police officers. It was nice to know that students learning to drive were getting this training from real officers. I am sure the teachers will do a fine job, but police officers see first hand what happens in accidents and that makes a difference to students.
It is nice to know that Crone has decided to keep the DARE program, but I don't think all these students need another female role model. If you look at the schools, roughly 85% of the employees are female.
Look the Chief is trying his best to conserve gas. He is really trying hard. Just look on South Main St at Center. He has the old race/police car without a motor that has been there since the festival. I quess he is waiting till the next festival. It sure looks great grass growing up high around it and no one not even the tourists look at it anymore it has out lived it usefulness.
I remember personally the day Matt Burleyson was hired and have known he and his family ever since. The truth should be known that the kids are the ones who will suffer here.As a former employee of the police department, I am all too familiar w/ the complete arrogance that Chief Crone has exhibited and continually fooled the taxpayers with for how many years now? I think we all need to look at WHO is still in upper management at the department & that will answer many questions!! Domestic violence, stealing of evidence, too name a few? This is the sort of "Officer" (LT./Capt)oops that the Chief wants to surround himself with.. Matt should thank his lucky stars that Crone did him a favor. Readers should know that a good percentage of the 71 that have been fired,or"FORCED" resign,have been quickly hired on with state, local county and city law enforcemnt agencies. Sadly, Chief Crone and his deprtment are always the ones that are laughed at.The Chief will be accountable for his actions one of these days. Thanks to Jaime Gatton for finally bringing this to light. Last time I checked, Chief Crone was making 6figures a year for his "Degree in hamburger ology?!!
All I can say to the last comment is WOW!!! I am so glad someone finally said it. Everyone who has worked at MPD knows what it is like and understands. Matt, there is a bigger and better world out there for you. You should be thanking Crone for helping you get out of that place. Good luck to you Matt and get a good attorney.
Matthew Burleyson has worked very hard for the Mooresville Police Dept. and the young people of Mooresville. He also worked hard to better himself through education. The "last straw" was when he received a Master's Degree last December. Matthew was a threat and had to go. If he stayed around someont might figure out that the best person was not the chief.
Burleyson and family - i am deeply sorry for your loss in this whole childish situation. I can not believe that Mooresville will just stand around and let this happen to you all. Crone is an idiot! But for Mooresville to keep him around, is even more riduclous!! I am sure there is probably other offenses that "could have happend" but come on people!!.. if this was the last straw... could you even IMAGINE what other things crone and "cronies" thought of!?!?!? I couldn't even imagine what Burleyson went through before this happend! My only advise is for him to get an attorney! I am sure Mooresville wouldn't be STUPID enough to Deny his unemployment!?! I am also scared to think that what happends if my kids at school skinned their knee or something and the teacher or staff gave them a piece of candy to make them stop crying.. what would Morrow think of that!?!?! Who hired her?? oh wait.. the LOVELY and SMART Towns people! You can rest assure that my vote will be for completely new people! And it is also nice to see that we have one of the highest turnover rates!! Doesn't that make you sleep safe and sound at night!! I just wonder what goes on behind the doors at the Police department... Wasn't the time the Evidence Clerk got caught stealing funds out of the evidence locker under Crone's watch as well!?!?!? Does any know where this Crone guy came from? Seems like Gatton needs to do some investigating on that part to make sure the Town missed any loop holes!!! Keep your head up Matt!! They were just jealous that you were better than them! That is what is all boils down to it! just like what the other comment said... They probably figured it out that you were ahead of the game and they were jealous!
You know I see all these people on here showing support for Officer Burleyson and if it is any conselation to Officer Burleyson I really wish that this wouldn't have happened. But you got to look at one more thing, with someone who gave, what was it three small stuffed animals to the "Principal" and another teacher, but I am willing to bet that the stuffed animals are still at home with her children and not back at the police department. How is it that with all the Dare officers we have had in Mooresville, and yes I am a DARE graduate, that he is the one that has done the most for the community, leaving his door open, students coming by the house that are having problems and working with the "explorers." Is it wrong for me to think that he was a community role model? I have served and still currently serving our country and currently deployed right now, and people consider me a hero, I think that's crap. Look outside at the guys on the street everyday and doing things for the community like Officer Burleyson. Not everyone knows that he holds a Master's degree in Criminal Justice, I was at his graduation, but the another officer only holds BLET (Basic Law Enforcement Training) and yet we fire the one who probably knows more about the justice system than the current Chief. This is why I will not retire back home to the city that I love. I have read all the blogs or comments below and I can see how some say this and some say that, but no one mentioned why not put the mayor on the spot? He has the authority to set the incident straight and do what needs to be done. Where is he at during all this? I know if I found this report, I definately know that Crone or whatever his name is, is logging in here everyday to read the comments. So read this Crone, I am letting you know now, that I am going to to write the Mayor or heck even use my international cell phone to call him and if he doesn't do anything about it, then I WILL run for Mayor. I get out of the military in 2012. Then I will fix all this. You might be buddy-buddy with the Mayor but the problem with that is this is a democracy and the power truely is in the hands of the people. Someone just has to let ALL of them know. I hope that the last comment I wrote sinks in and you think about it. I will gaurantee that I will make something of this. And ask anyone that knows me, I am very experienced in the ways of politics and influence people I don't know. Hell its my job in the military. Hope you sleep well tonight, but wait dont you give your wife personal gains through your job title, by letting her into functions without her paying? I remember a stock for tots event that she didnt even bring a toy or anything for needy kids and she was in the back getting autographs and talking to the drivers? And she was driving the Police Golf Cart and she isnt an officer? I thought only Police Officers are only allowed to drive those? I cant remember, might need to check my photos from that night.
AS one of the 71 plus that have been "released" from MPD, I can only say thank you to the corrupt admin staff at the police dept. Because of them I have moved on to better,more ethical, better admin, job with a much better Law enforcement agency.
Once the Hamburgler,a.k.a Crone, figures out you are smarter than him and his "Cronies" your time is limited at the Department.
I urge the town to continue to look at the corruption at MPD and maybe something will finally be done. Gatton is on to something, and once she figures out where to look and who to talk to, you may see another alarming trend of older Cronie's start to retire as they will not want to be caught up with his downfall and corrupt behavior.
What ever happened to the gambling houses in Mooresville and those associated with them?
Mr. Burleyson-Keep your head up. This is a blessing in disquise for you. You are smarter, more honest, have more integrity, and are a better human being than the Hamburgler. Take off the ham and what do you have.
More confirmation of the corrupt society we are living in. And it seems there is no relief coming... And the principal..sounds like she had a vendetta
Seems they are making room for officers who will eventually cause more problems then fix them. Isn't it time for children to stop veiwing officers as threats?? Protect and serve right? This is just another way to imprint in our next generation that arthority is bad and a "joke". Place the concerns where they need to be.
Morrow is a perfect example of a woman who should not be in a position of authority. She is petty and vindictive. The kind of woman who gives the rest of us a bad name. I bet the teachers at her school are miserable. Unhappy teachers make unhappy students. Unhappy students don't learn.
Fire Crone, Fire the Principal, Fire all the corrupt politicians and admin at Town Hall, MGSD, and the Police Dept. Start over, hell it can't get much worse.
AMEN, to the 1st comment-FIRE THE CHIEF, make him accountable for his wrongdoings. He has lied and cheated his way to that position and it's time for some honesty. Burleyson did a fabulous job making the police dept look good Every officer I have spoken to since his firing has said it was ridiculous what happened. I feel that the officers are embarrassed at the situation and of their Chief. Not one has said the Chief made a good choice! But they did tell me to check out the Gatton Report! Yeah to them, they should stand together and rid themselves of the dishonesty. What will happen, will the chief fire all of them??????I don't think so!
If somany officers are leaving. The ? is why are they all leaving. Only a few were fired. And a few retired. And alot resigned. So if so many officers are leaving, then we need to find the real problem and nip it it the but. the officer that was fired for the stuffed animals was one of the well respected officers in the area. He was a great man and never hurt anyone. He also was very quick to help anyone who needed it. I think getting ried of someone for that is the dumest think in the world. I will be more than happy so send them a big box of animal. that is what they are there for to give them away. Just because Crone didn't want him to give them away is stupid. Maybe we should see about getting rid of Crone. Maybe thats were we should start. Someone should ask the other officers that are gone the real reason why they left.
Come on Jaime-your not finished yet. Follow the money!
I think it's time to bring in a third party to investigate the wrong-doings in this town. Let them all fall. And if the Mayor and the other elected officials want to ignore the facts than they need to be investigated as well. There are serious issues in the MPD, & it looks like there are some issues with this principal as well. I have been at that school, she has no clue whats going on.
For once let good prevail and let the liers and cheats get what they deserve!!!!!!!
I agree, Morrow and Crone need to be ZAPPED from the equation!! I heard the CRONE was being SUPER sweet to everyone since this posted... hmmm chief.. got something to be scared of? The Gatton needs to DIG IN DEEP at the PD... I am sure you will find something!! Help us tax payers get a good chief in there and a pricipal that is worth a darn!!! I agree.. i bet the teachers just LOVE working for Morrow.. NOT!!! GET RID OF CRONE AND MORROW!!!!
I remeber postings in the newspaper years back of DWI & various other arrests. Why are they gone? Also I have never heard of drugs found in our schools is it that Officer Burleyson was doing a perfect job or is it just another Town cover up?
As a mother of two children who have advanced academically and emotionally under the guidance of Julie Morrow, I admit that she made a horrible mistake in this situation. I feel like I have come to know Julie personally, and I have to believe that she did not realize that her complaint to the police chief would lead to the the firing of Mr. Burleyson.
I know that everyone is angry with Julie and I understand, but presume for one moment that Julie was sincere in what she told Mr. Crone.
Mr. Crone was Mr. Burleyson's boss and it is Mr. Crone who made the ultimate choice to fire Mr. Burleyson. After reading the comments on this blog, I believe that Julie inadvertently became a part of a plan that had been in place for quite a long time at the Mooresville Police Department. She made a mistake in trusting the police chief, however the police chief is the one who should be on the spot for it.
1:06-you really don't know Julie like you think, ask those who work for her! If you cross her in any way she will cut you off at the knees. She is petty, sneaky and knew what she was doing! Have you ever wondered why the turnover is so high at the school? Think about it. Even Mrs Blocker needed out, she went to Woods! We meed someone in the school that supports her staff.
Mrs Blocker... As in Phil Blocker's wife,who was Burleyson's Supervisor... For me working here at the PD still, I can tell you..as far as I know, Blocker was the one that had it out for Burleyson because of pure jealousy. Burleyson was never written up or anything until he was under Blocker's watch. I just love to see them both walking around here on pins and needles! Especially the Cheif - he knows so many of us dislike him now for a fact. If you know either the Blocker's, Crones, or Morrows and even attempt to talk positively of them, then you are no better than they are. I am a christian and I am a firm believer that what goes around comes around... God has seen this and will make sure they will get their own when the time is right. I just hate to be them .. walking around why people are just snickering at them. What a horrible feeling! But hey, you all made your beds, now tuck in and try to sleep without feeling guilty. Some of us have jobs to do but its kind of hard when you got a LT that is evil and a chief that is back stabbing. We are just praying that the Chief gets the boot and bring in someone who acutally knows what they are doing. It's hard to do your job when you do not support the leaders that are there.
Haha!!! Who ever posted that one above me- RIGHT ON for being brave enough to do it!!! I am assuming when you said LT - you meant CAPT. Blocker? right?? I hope you all there at the PD get some new leadership!!!! Hang in there! The town can't be this stupid to just sit back! If the police can't trust each other.. then how in the heck can us citizens trust the police!!!
In response to individual that posted at 1:06am. You stated "but presume for one moment that Julie was sincere in what she told Mr. Crone."
You obviously do not know Matt. There is no way this principal was sincere about what she thought about Matt. Matt does not have the ability to make someone feel uncomfortable. Give it a rest.
The reality is this.
Crone can not be trusted, obviously Morrow cannot be trusted and Blockers can not be trusted. These three names keep appearing in these blogs. There is the problem.
Now for those of you that say you are employees of the PD, I can only imagine what the mood is there. Becareful, Crone likes Witch hunts.
Hey, isn't Blocker the one that threw away a large piece of evidence in the Misty Witherspoon investigation????? (the couch!ouch!!!) Why is he still an officer????? He made THE WHOLE DEPT look bad. I hear they were laughing at the transfer station when the suits came digging through the trash!
Don't let Blocker fool you. It's interesting to me that she got out as you put it right after Matt was fired how coincidental was that.Or was it perfectly planned?????????
Mrs Blocker... As in Phil Blocker's wife,who was Burleyson's Supervisor... For me working here at the PD still, I can tell you..as far as I know, Blocker was the one that had it out for Burleyson because of pure jealousy. Burleyson was never written up or anything until he was under Blocker's watch. I just love to see them both walking around here on pins and needles! Especially the Cheif - he knows so many of us dislike him now for a fact. If you know either the Blocker's, Crones, or Morrows and even attempt to talk positively of them, then you are no better than they are. I am a christian and I am a firm believer that what goes around comes around... God has seen this and will make sure they will get their own when the time is right. I just hate to be them .. walking around why people are just snickering at them. What a horrible feeling! But hey, you all made your beds, now tuck in and try to sleep without feeling guilty. Some of us have jobs to do but its kind of hard when you got a LT that is evil and a chief that is back stabbing. We are just praying that the Chief gets the boot and bring in someone who acutally knows what they are doing. It's hard to do your job when you do not support the leaders that are there.
You claim that you are a "Christian" but you pray for people to lose their jobs. You hide behind a computer screen and call people "back stabbing" and "evil". Man, you sound like a really great "Christian". Next time try and think just a little before you post and make yourself look like an idiot. But I know how hard that is for 98% of you.
You too hid behind the same screen as everyone else did and posted no name. Let he without sin cast the first stone.
Unfortuante part of this situation is there are people at the MPD that have used their self given omnipetent power to have people lose their jobs. They did not pray for it, they made it happen. Without any thought or feeling as to how it would affect the families.
Some firings may be just, but in this case that does not seem to be so.
No one on this post comes across as an idiot only you maybe, because one can tell you buy into the crap MPD is selling. Your are probably on the command staff that was told to blog something.
Will anything change because of any of this, maybe not. At least it has people talking and maybe some of the injustices at MPD will stop.
9:22 need to get a life! (you must be a "cronie" The chief & Blocker sit and think about what they can do to people and then they laugh! It is disgusting to see how the chief puts people down and trys to embarass them, he talks bad to officers about other officers, that is not a leader that is a BULLY. A christian can hope that the evil will be fired, the chief has been dishonest and needs to be accountable.
Hey John, Hey Kendall, Hey Phil,
WE know you are reading. Go ahead and post something. You know you want to.
I think that the people of Mooresville need to stand with Matt and his family in this matter and demand a third party investigation in this matter and in alot of the going ons in the mooresville police department there have been to may fine officers that have left while under crones reign of terror it is time for a change. I want Matt to know that he has my full support in this.
If we're talking about rude, arrogance, and waste of taxpayer money, Jamie, please investigate the fire chief. You'll find him under a rock or hitting on any woman that will talk to him.
Officer Burleyson was respected by the children he worked with. Correct me if I am wrong but doesnt that help steer our children away from Drugs. Supporting the Burleyson's is the least we could do. If Officer Burleyson prevented one child from doing drugs, he did his job .... I for one am greatful for his efforts. Not only did he support our children with the DARE Program but also our community with Community Watch programs. Anyone that knows Officer Burleyson knows he is jsut a real person with a heart of gold. If he was a crook, he would not have been fired.
If everyone in Mooresville Feels the same way.... Lets get Matt his job back. Community Watch officers could have your neighborhood sign a petition for Burleyson.
If we the people were able to make that happen... think of the crooks that would leave office. Be it the Mayor , PD Chief, or Town Board members. We need to shake things up.
I think Mr. Burleyson should explain his firing completely. I agree that there is more to this story. There are probably limits to what an employer can discuss, but there shouldn't be any thing stopping Mr. Burleyson. Since Mr. Burleyson and Ms. Gatton are seeking support, let's hear what Mr. Burleyson has to say about this situation so we can decide if the problem is with the police department or if this is a disgruntalled employee.
I think we know where the problem is, after all it sounds like current and "terminated" officers are commenting. I believe if Mr. Burleyson were a disgruntled employee, he probably would not have been there 10 years.It doesn't make any sense, get your masters in criminal justice and become one of,if not the most educated officer on the force, and stay in Mooresville? Alot of officers would have moved on, but he stayed, probably because he loves Mooresville. I don't think he is that stupid, maybe naive, but a glutton for punishment, I doubt. As for limits of an employers statements about employees, MPD will hide behind the Personnel Privacy/Policy as they always do and let the public speculate. I just wonder why they gave the story to the Tribune? I don't remember stories about other officers, yet they told the Tribune "he departed" maybe they were catching heat from the community? For all we know, that statement to the Tribune may have been some sick "coup de grace" by the chief and others. Either way, Mr. Burleyson if you are reading this, the others want to know what you are going to do with your cards, because they are worried, not curious, so talk to an attorney, because it is your business, not ours. I wish you and your family the best, and there are people in this community who love and support you. I hope you sue them all and maybe we can have you as our Chief of Police, I for one would be proud!
AMEN. I agree totally! Mr. Burleyson, I was in shocked as I read this article. When I was told about it, I couldn't believe it and had to read it for myself. I could not believe what was going on behind closed doors there! You got so many supporters behind you. I am sure you will be a boom in anything you set your eyes on. The chief is ignorant and has a poor sense of leadership if you ask me. I just hate that they did this to you. I am speechless and confused on why the City of Mooresville will let this stand! I would also agree with the other person's comment; I would hate to be the chief and Blocker right about now. Walking around and knowing what the citizens really think of them. Knowing that we know what they did and how cruel it was for them. The kids loved you and the teachers respected you for always being so caring and understanding to the children's needs. This just proves that Mooresville has it's down falls and you can bet that I will be there when they vote for a new chief! I could only pray that you would be in that figure one day. You would truely get ride of the spinless officers and get Mooresville back up to where it belongs! Chief & Blocker, if you are reading this.. shame on you! You took away from the City big time with this horrific decision based on a stuffed Animal. My kids have a whole closet full of them, and I would be more than happy to replace the ones that he gave out. Did you ever recover the "police property" from Mrs. Morrow? This is just an insult. You two should be let go. Mr. Burleyson, keep your head up. Things always come out in the wash. And always know that people here are standing behind you and we know that justice will be served.. either in this life or after. God Bless.
I have read all the blogs calling for the firing of Chief Crone over the Matt Burleyson firing. It seems that the only story being told is that from the Burleyson camp. I agree Matt is a very nice person, but he has said many times in a public settings and in the newspaper that he does not like arresting people, working night shift or writing tickets. Hello, the job he had was a law ENFORCMENT officer not a school teacher. Nobody knows what else Matt may have done to get fired except Matt and the upper management at the PD. I am not an expert on personel law but I do know that the Chief cannot publicly comment on a personel matter and Matt probably will not tell us. So to all the people who want to jump on the Burleyson band wagon go ahead, but you might want to have all the facts before you take that ride. Will we every have all the facts who knows? Is someone who is scared to do the job of a LAW ENFORCEMENT officer the person you want to catch the burglar that broke into your home? And no to those who will wonder, I do not work at the Mooresville PD or any other agency.
Jaime, Please tell the previous poster just WHAT the Burleyson CAMP is saying? To my knowledge Mr. Burleyson isn't talking much about his firing. What are his feelings???
By the way - Great work!!!!!!!!
There could be a reason why Mr. Burleyson isn't talking much about his firing, sometimes its best to leave things alone. Unless you were with Mr. Burleyson when he was working, how would you know how he performed his duties or interacted with people on a daily basis. It is sad for some to attack the school principal without having all the information about what happened. Some have posted that Mr. Burleyson went a year without a complaint and he was never written up until "Blocker". I've read that Mr. Burleyson didn't have the ability to make someone feel "uncomfortable". How does any of us know for certain what all went on with these issues. How does anyone know how many times Mr. Burleyson was written up during his employment, by Blocker or any one else? How does anyone know if the principal was the only lady Mr. Burleyson made "uncomfortable", or the only principal to ever of had an issue with him. According to some of the posts, Mr. Burleyson was so far ahead of his co-workers in law enforcement that he probably already has a job with another department. There are two ways to end this gossip column: Mr. Burleyson could answer some of these questions and perhaps gain some support and/or file a complaint with the EEOC. Any individual with any job can report unfair labor practices and it doesn't cost you anything.
Jamie.....I have heard that NC is an at will state when it comes to working in a public job and you can be fired without a reason as long as the firing is not discremination based (sex,race etc.)Is this true?
To the June 24,2008 2:47P poster, I read that you think Mr. Burleyson is scared to be a LAW ENFORCEMENT officer and you think he does not like part of the job. I guess that explains why he received a Masters in Criminal Justice, because he hates the job that much, but lets think about the job. The "job" has certain aspects which most people wouldn't like, such as arresting people and incarcerating them as they beg not to be locked up because it will ruin their lives. I also don't think most people would like working all night by themselves in a life or death situation on a lonely road. I also can sympathize with reports which take up alot of your shift time. But lets make one thing clear, Mr. Burleyson put a gun on his belt for all those years and he would have placed his life on the line for you and the kids, anytime, anywhere! The next time you run from a gun fight, someone like Mr. Burleyson will be running straight toward you to get to it. The public has no idea what it feels like at 3:00 AM when a car pulls up to your window and asks for directions, when they otherwise could have put a bullet in your ear! I also don't think the public knows how it feel to chase a suspect into the darkness of a backyard or alley, not knowing who or what awaits you. So before you start preaching from the "doubt wagon," you better go meet Mr. Burleyson. The facts would speak volumes and for you Mr. Poster, Mr. Burleyson would help you even though you scorn him.
Hey, guys! Thanks for your dialogue and your questions.
5:47 p.m.: Thanks for the kudos. Unfortunately, I don’t have an answer for your question. I have not spoken with Burleyson.
7:43 p.m.: Your question is a little trickier. And I’m no expert, but I’ll give this my best shot: Yes, the State of North Carolina is an employment-at-will state. So in general, you’re exactly right: Anyone can be fired for anything, with few exceptions. Discrimination is clearly a no-no. And if an employer asks an employee to violate the law, and that employee refuses to do so and is fired, that is something that is also recognized in North Carolina as cause for action. Additionally, government employees are usually afforded certain due processes – including appeal procedures – by the government (their employer), which should be detailed in their employee handbooks/personnel policy. If an employee chooses to pursue those appeals and the government does not allow him/her to, then that employee also might have the ability to fight a firing.
Hope that helps!
To who wrote on June 24 @ 2:47pm:
GET A LIFE!!! Obviously you are either Crone, Cronie or Blocker. Burleyson being scared of the job! Come on now! If he was so scared, why would he get his Masters in it? There is a thing called freedom of speech and yes, crone and everyone else at the PD can say something, he just chooses not to because he knows he will like a bigger idiot than he does right now. I am just curious to know where YOU got YOUR facts from? Please enlighten us all on your source. You are even scared to put a name down, yet I have broadcasted mine out for everyone to read. I would honestly suggest you think before you speak. There is no "Burleyson band wagon".. only right and wrong. And honestly, in this case... the PD was wrong! There is nothing wrong with supporters. Yet, you voice your opinion like it is the truth. Gatton has done a lot of investigating on this.. would you think she would post this if it wasn't the truth? You are insulting more people than you know with your statements. I only hope you yourself are not part of that sinful group at the PD and with the town. As far as we know, you are infact the Chief. And to ask Burleyson to step up and say something, why would you even consider that? He wasn't even the one that gave the information to Gatton. (read Gatton's response above) And for him to get caught up in this, "blogging war" would not be good for his references... don't you think? I would highly suggest before you insult so many people, that you take a step back and read the facts that have been given to you. Other wise, you are no better than the Cheif, Blocker or Morrow.
How come when someone presents an arguement that is different from a post or comment they are branded a commissioner, crone, blocker, morrow, or a townie (and not the townies that live in college towns). I have read the post, and its an interesting situation, but we only have details from one side of the story. I can tell by the comments on this blog, that a "no response" from crone, blocker,or morrow is a sign of guilt, but maybe that they dont want to respond to a blog. I could understand if they didnt response to the Charlotte Observer. I just want all the facts first before making an opinion. If the police are in the wrong, then go after them.
Also, on the comment about making morrow feel uncomfortable, the only one who know morrow's comfort level is morrow. Imagine if your wife, sister, mother, or daughter told you that she felt uncomfortable with a co-worker, how would you react.
BTW - if this blog is about the well being of Mooresville, how come there aren't any post about Iredell County, The State of NC, or the school districts, dont those government unit affect Mooresville?
Mr. Burleyson must have made it well known in the community that he obtained his masters degree. That is an accomplishment, don't get me wrong; however, he is not the only educated police officer at MPD. Being educated does not give a person common sense. That is something that has to be learned and applied. I just wonder if Mr. Burleyson lacked in that area. Having a masters degree does not make one exempt from making a female co-worker feel uncomfortable, not carrying his/her load at work, being responsible in duties, making mistakes, or even getting fired. Please Mr. Burleyson, do what several others have suggested and file a complaint so that the truth can come out...good or bad.
To Larry:
The poster you are talking about may or may not have the correct information. But I have a question for you. You said that the poster was insulting many people but you did the exact same thing. Do you know each and every person who works at the PD or for the Town to label them sinful. I think you should also carefully choose your words and NC law prevents Crone from speaking publicly about this matter. There again I could be wrong so why don't you ask Jaime and see if she can find out the answer.
This is an emotional issue because a man was fired. His friends and and his family and probably his colleagues feel that he did not deserve to be fired. Maybe he did deserve it but maybe he didn't. We will probably never know because nobody is talking. So everybody can argue all day long about why he was fired and about whether it was right or it was wrong and it will not do any good. If everybody wants to argue about something remember that Mr. Burleson was just a part of the puzzle. Look at all the people leaving leaving the police department and being fired. I want to see the big picture to. So far the big picture is that a lot of police officers have been fired or have left from the police department under this Chief. I do not know Mr. Burleson but when you add everything together you have to wonder if his firing was right.
Why is this even an issue? People get fired everyday somewhere. Should police officers be exempt from being fired? This would be an extremely large blog if every employer was questioned about an employee's dismissal, so why is the town the only employer targeted. I would hate to think that just because you work for the police department that means you're hired for life, no matter what. Is it not possible, like with any other job, that sometimes cops decide that they want a change and quit or resign without being "forced". Why do some of the posters equate all police resignations as being forced?
Yes you must be right. Losing 71 officers in 9 years is no big deal.....even tho we only have 59.Comments like your's are the ones that make people call other people cronies.
I agree with the previous poster. The stocker at Wal-Mart or Lowe's that gets fired deserves an investigation also, or are they not as important as Mr. Burleyson. They may not have his degrees, but they do have emotions and families. I do agree with Larry on one thing, all this talk is basically useless. This is an issue Mr. Burleson can handle himself. I just wanted to say that it seems unfair to anyone else who's ever been fired (from anywhere) that they weren't important enough to have their firing investigated and speculated on.
I'm just now getting on to the Gatton Report and this story is where it's AT!!!! I feel bad for anyone who is fired....if their firing is unjust. But the stocker at Wal-Mart doesn't work in the public sector. Police Officers do, and that means that the taxpayers pay their salaries. This is the reason that Burleyson being fired is totally different than people at Lowe's or Wal-Mart don't you think?? I must have missed who's calling for an investigation??? I'm with the other posters. The investigation doesn't need to be on Burleyson being fired. It needs to be on why we have so many Police Officers who don't stay here. The other places quoted in the article don't seem to have as big of a problem.
Jaime in response to June 24 8:54PM - have you not talked to mr burleyson since you posted your blog or are saying that you talked to him at all? There seems to be four talking heads (Burleyson, Crone, Blocker, and Morrow) and three haven't responsed to you. Aren't the police dismissal numbers public information.
You know, i have read the report and blogs and i have yet to say anything but now I feel like I must just say something. Being Matt's daughter and also working at the Police department back when I was in High school. I am completely shocked at all the comments and postings. I adore those that are supporting Matt. He is truely a great guy and an asset to were ever he works. To comment on some of the questions, in the artical it states he has a Master's degree. So, that is where the comments are coming from. This is a huge achievement for anyone in the Law Enforcement, because most officers only have the BLET which isn't even an assoicates degree. NOT to attack those who only hold this, I am just stating that it is a big achievement. And no, Matt never talked to Gatton. But I will say that if you have patience, you all will know the truth and will see why this subject is so pressing. It is also interesting that Julie Morrow was my 4th grade teacher. So having known her, and hearing what I have heard (and no, not from my stepdad - its a small town, people talk) it is difficult situation at the school. When my mom called me in tears and told me what had happen, I was just in shock. I can also tell you that other high ranking officials stopped by the house to tell us that this was a horrible mistake. So, there is some injustice on this situation - again, hold your horses - things will come out. I do not appreciate all the attacks on Matt. Being scared of his job?? I am not seeing it. He was the one waking up and putting on the vest and weapon every day. Just as the other officers. If you haven't worked in that field, I wouldn't voice opinions like that. Some of you want answers but you have to realize that there are legal aspects to this situation, again, be patient. And I also want to comment on the person who said that there were other factors invovled for his termination... well, being the nosey daughter I have snooped and found his write up forms, and believe me, you will be in tears laughing at the reasons he was written up for. I am deeply ashamed of the Chief and Blocker. I thought more highly of them and honestly enjoyed working for them when I was there. Yes, there were things that were hush hush at the PD and those will come to light. But this, I just can't believe it. I am truely hurt and can't believe why Matt was written up for the things he was called out on. I am sure you all will get your story in the end and all your questions answered. I understand people get fired everyday, I am not arguing that. But in this case, when it comes to injustice and a waste of tax payers money, and also a trend at the PD... then yes, something needs to be said. Also, to comment on Matt not liking night shift. I never really heard him complain about it. I used to work rotating shifts in dispatch and every night I would hear atleast one complaint from someone for workign nights. That is just nature. Would you want to be at home with your family or working? But they did it, and so did Matt. So, I am curious to know where that information came from? Anyways, I love Matt and support him dearly in what he is going through. This has brought our family close during this hard time and again, I appreciate all the positive comments. Matt, if you are reading this, keep your head up and look forward! Things always work out for the best.
To Matt's daughter, I applaud you and your courage. Keep the faith and keep your head up to.
To the person that wrote the following:"Mr. Burleyson must have made it well known in the community that he obtained his masters degree. That is an accomplishment, don't get me wrong; however, he is not the only educated police officer at MPD. Being educated does not give a person common sense. That is something that has to be learned and applied. I just wonder if Mr. Burleyson lacked in that area."
You are an IDIOT, absolute 100% no doubt in my mind, IDIOT.
Why is it that in the MPD one gets fired over a Teddy Bear and another get a promotion test re-written so he can pass it?
I think Officer Burleyson drove his personal vehicle to Charlotte and paid his own expenses to train for the DARE program. Is it true that a female has been hired to replace Officer Burleyson, and she is doing her training in Las Vegas? I heard our tax dollars are paying for her flight, rental car, meals and hotel. Not sure if this is true or rumor. Sad and waste of our tax dollars if this is true.
From a June 13 Mooresville Tribune article:
Kennedy will spend from June 23 through July 3 in Las Vegas for an intensive D.A.R.E. officer training program. The training was also available this summer at sites in Idaho, California, and Hawaii, but Crone said Las Vegas was the cheapest choice among the four.
The MGSD will share the cost of the training with the town.
Matt if you are reading this, know that you hve a lot of supporters and that we know you are the BEST DARE officer MGSD could ever have!!!! You sure beat the resource officer around at the other schools! Don't be surprised if some of us get together and mount a protest on your behalf. We support you and your family! The whole stuffed animal issue is a joke. We need to take a really close look at what is happening in Mooresville.
Yes folks. Like it or not, we live in a corrupt little town where the Interim Town Manager (Erskine Smith) can throw a deal worth nearly $250,000 to his friend of many years (a Jim Mc Knight), but he can still keep his job, paying him over a hundred grand, courtesy of you and me. He can do this without so much as a slap on the wrist from his "superiors". His "punishment"? He gets to apply (you guessed it!) to become the permanent town manager!!! That'll teach him!
Now, let this be a lesson to all of us. If you are somebody who is not in the crooked "In Circle" like the poor police officer in question, you better be prepared to have the book thrown at you if you give away so much as a stuffed animal.
It is time for some serious change around here. If we're going to practice "Zero Tolerance" and hold people's feet to the fire, let's start with upper management where all the "fat" is.
I agree 100% with the last post! Let’s unite and clean up this town.
Rabid Republican!
I could tell you so many things
about MGSD and MIS that would make you and all the tax payers SICK.
It is not Matt,it is MIS and MGSD
they feel they can do what ever they want and get away with it.
I will e-mail you with my story.
There are several people that have committed felonies and are still working for MGSD or another NC school.Believe me I have the proof.
OH and by the way in the State of
North Carolina there are no statute
of limitation on felonies.
Take a number! No cutting in line please! First things first!
First let's deal with whatever laws may be getting broken by the Chief of Police. Then let's deal with the very shady town manager's office. Then we have Wastewatergate and why one of the commissioners, Mitch Abraham, shoved that inferior company CH2mhill down our throats. Next we'll have to keep digging into the cable swindle and why the mayor and Commissioner Rader are its main cheerleaders. Hmmm. Let's see. Oh, I almost forgot. Wwe'll then have to go back and look into all the stuff that went missing at the golf course and how it got in the hole, no pun intended, by several hundred thousand dollars. Aw Lord, I feel exhausted just thinking about all the corruption bustin' left to do. Guess the schools will have to wait their turn!
North Carolina is a at will State.
Time to get a lawyer, if you can find one in this town who's got the balls to go up against chief of police.
why does it take "balls" to go against the Chief of Police? Surely he's not using his access to data via the police department to intimidate people!?
I am new to the Gatton Report and I find it amazing. I think that it is about time for us as the voting public stand up and say enough is enough. Let the town counsel and the mayor know that if they don't take the steps to have the S.B.I. look into the Mooresville Police Department that they can be replaced by people in our community that are not friends of or afraid of Crone.
Lets remember that it is Ms.Morrow that started this.I think that all the tax payers need to look not only into the police dept but into the MGSD.
It seems to me that there were sveral members of the admimistration that left MGSD in a big hurry.
I sure would like to know what the felonie was.
I wonder if Matt new something that was going on and they wanted to get rid of him?
I hope that everyone starts looking into all the corruption
that is going on in the Town of Mooresville.
Let's just call this firing of Matt Burleyson what it is ..... the wife of Officer Morrow, and Officer Morrow himself, do not care for Mr. Burleyson personally and have continually been a "thorn in Officer's Burleyson's side." Mrs. Morrow used her "authority" with the school district and her her husband's stature in the police force to continually bad mouth, intimidate, disrespect and discredit Officer Burleyson for her and her husband's personal gain. You can candy coat as much of this that you want, but it comes right down to the fact that the Morrow's have used this as a personal vendetta against Officer Burleyson (and his family).
I have only lived here three and a half years and I have already seen the corruption and lack of integrity that the Mooresville Police force has for their officers and their staff. They use their jobs as personal gain instead of for the better of ALL of us in the community.
It's Mooresville's loss --- a shameful one at that --- to lose Officer Burleyson. Unfortunately it will be another city's/county's gain to have him.
My daughter was excited about going to 5th grade and participating in the DARE program with Officer Burleyson . . . . thank you to the Morrow Family for not only disappointing our daughter but also the Mooresville community. Shame on both of you!
4:09- You mean Officer Capt.Phil Blocker and wife Julie Blocker. And pricipal Julie Morrow. But you are 100% correct in the fealings of the Blockers-They personally dislike Matt Burleyson and they brought Julie Morrow along for the ride, Once they got her to complain again about Matt, Julie Blocker left the school. It was well known that Ms Blocker wanted out from Under Mrs Morrow and the NON disipline in the MIS school.
Dr. Edwards needs to look at both of these peoples actions and dishonesty!
It's looking more and more like the firing of the Dare Officer may have been the police chief's undoing. It never fails. Power abusers always eventually go too far and end up paying the price. Mooresville has been the perfect example of that these past few years.
In response to the 9:40 comment - you got it exactly right - MIS is the school of NON-discipline. When Officer Burleyson tried to help out and actually offer some discipline, he was punished for it.
When students brought knives to school, were the police informed - NO!
When students were threatening to kill each other (or teachers), were police informed - NO!
Students are "talked to" when they do something wrong, regardless of the offense.
Officer Burleyson was not allowed to intervene.
Morrow wants everyone at school to be "happy" all the time, so she allows students to threaten each other, intimidate each other because to punish them would make them unhappy.
Discipline at MIS you have to be kidding!!!!!Just ask any of the bus driver that drive at MIS.My child use to ride the bus and would come home and tell me things that where going on I asked her what would the driver do?The driver would write the student up but they were never removed from the bus.So I called the school they were no help called transportation dept.and the transportation director was never there so I said I would take my child to school there are several other parents who feel the same way and we have started a car pool.
As much as we pay in taxes this does not seem fare.We all need to make a stand and tell MGSD we will not tolerate the way things are being handled.
I AGREE!!!!!!!I know there is A NO DISIPLINE policy at that school. I tried to complain to Mrs Morrow but she dosen't take phone calls! I left messages but was never called back! Mrs Blocker was no better, she didnt do anything about it either-she is just as worthless. It is time for us the parents to stand up to these people who do not care! The bullies need to be taken care of.
Okay poster July 1, 10:39am, Please take yourself to the nearest elementary school and enroll in a grammar class. For heaven's sake, if you can't spell properly and use proper punctuation and proper spacing when typing, then please don't post on the blog. There should be two spaces after every sentence and every sentence should end with the proper punctuation mark. Here are a few spelling errors you need to work on... any of the bus drivers (driver); My child used to (use); tell me things that were (where); does not seem fair (fare); and that fourth sentence goes on forever without any punctuation, in grammar class we call that a "run on sentence". Spend some of your money on an education and forget about the car pool. Most of the people posting on this blog are terrible spellers...word of advice PROOFREAD before clicking the "publish your comment" button.
I would prefer to have the truth consist of mispelled words, than a critique from any "English Professor." (Please pardon the misspelled words, agreement, and the spacing; the coffee contributes to our/my misstrokes) Now back to the problems in our Police Department, such as misappropriation of charity funds and targeted dismissals.
We are so sorry Matt.
Sometimes things happen for a reason.
To the person that asked about the felonies.
The NCAE NEWS BULLETIN March,2007 page 12.Support Personnel.
If you can retain a copy it nay answer some of your questions.
hey i agree with everones comment about matt and i think that CRONE needs a life and he is not better that matt burleyson because matt has something that CRONE doesnt have and that is knowing what the kids and parents want and what is best for everyone and that is just to fire CRONE ass and never let him back on the MPD and get matt back and let him be the chief of Police and thats all i have to say but i will be back and im going to get this all finished matt has better plans than be on the MPD or talking to CRONEs ass he needs a life and needs to go some where but not here i will get u CRONE and that is not a threat that is a promise love ya im a police explore and matt was the best so get him back nowwwwwwwwwwww.
To Melissa Schumaker,
I can understand how you feel about Matt, but don't lower yourself to Crone's level with bad comments and language. Matt would tell you to be a good citizen and obey the law, but most of all have integrity in all you do. Keep your head up, Matt will be fine and right will prevail.
Matt was a good DARE officer but a lazy patrol officer. He was scared of his own shadow but towered over the middle schoolers.
Hey face it some people are made to be DARE officers and call the police and some people were made to be the police. Matt was made to be DARE Officer not a police officer.
I find it hard to believe that anyone working at the PD wrote this. Matt was the one person we could count on to help out, no matter what the reason. We were able to call him to fill in last minute for off duty work and if he was unable to do it he would help you find someone who would. He did all the crap that nobody else wanted to do, deal with children, community relations, watch groups, etc. What happened to him was wrong and everyone here knows it. What the chief and a few others have done here is wrong. I for one am very glad everything has come to light. Maybe we can get someone who will lead and not threaten us and our jobs. Our public perseption stinks right now. We are at an all time low in moral and we need to band together as a group and show the public that John Crone is a person and not the POLICE DEPT.
There are a few others that need to be removed from the dept with the chief and you know who you are. You have sat on JC's shirt-tail and gone for the ride. What are you going to do when he is gone? Everyone knows how ONE of you treated Burleyson. But he still showed you respect, because of your rank, that's more than I would have done.
Maybe Matt didn't like patrol, But YES he was good at the school business, More than I can say for some others. He was great at making all of us look good. ALL the officers benefited from what he did.
Matt if you are reading this know that we support you and hope all is going good for you and your family. Our prayers and good wishes are with you.
I am so sorry that I am unable to sign my name to this, But if I did I would be the next to be fired. You all do you it could be YOU next time, you know how things work here.
I want to thank the person who just wrote in about Matt. I think we all know that Matt is a great person and officer, the negative comments are from the folks who got him fired most likely. I don't see how people can write such things about Matt, when we have a Police Chief who is in the midst of a "Cops for Kids" firestorm. The "cops for kids" conspiracy pales the DARE firing because of the scale of money and secrecy involved.( But welcome to Mooresville's DOUBLE STANDARD) The fact that a registered corporation was lost off the books at the Sec of State's office for 7 years and "mysteriously" appeared this week shows the stakes are high. The fact that Erskine Smith and Co. have become involved shows that there is a major campaign to stop the scrutiny of the chief and the town. I want to say thanks to the "good" officers in Mooresville and remember the citizens of Mooresville appreciate you, but as for the officers involved in "questionable" dealings, this "jeannie" is out of the bottle, good luck.
The reason for the turn over was due to the officers breaking policy or leaving on their own. The Mooresville PD is run by a Chief that is fair and enforces policies equally. The officers broke the rules or did something morally wrong usually got the option plan. Either be fired or leave on their own. The policies were in place to protect the officers and citizens. If the policies were not enforced fairly you would end up with a bad situation. I know from experience. I worked at Mooresville and loved it. I knew with everyone the policies included everyone and everyone was dealt with equally. Before Mooresville,I came from department where excessive force was a daily event, officers having relations on duty, and some even committing felonies. The administration at that department never enforced the policies and now there is chaos at that department.(that city is less than a 30 min drive from Mooresville)
The people of Mooresville should be glad Crone enforced the rules for all officers. It keep the department with the best officers and most honest officers.
I was disciplined for breaking policy once. I thought it was handled professionally and fairly.
I worked another year after my write up. I left the department to be closer to family. If I had the option to move back to Mooresville. I would love to work for Chief Crone again.
Just for those of you thinking I was one of the fair headed children. Most officers thought I was. I was disciplined just like any other officer so you can through out that idea.
GO CRONE!!!!!!!!
Amazing how one small officer can start as this BS. SO let that be lesson to all. Not matter how small you are you can cry enough and raise enough doubt to cause problems for all....
GO CRONE!!!!!!
Blah, blah, blah. Go read about your wonderful Crone and Cops for Kids. Yes we all feel warm fuzzy and protected when our police chief is pulling "loose change" from the POLICE EVIDENCE ROOM and putting it into his personal pet fund. Crone, is that you???
Just found out that Chief Crone's wife is the sister of Larry Wilson. Yep. Same Larry Wilson who's on the school board. Geeeez. Is there anywhere in this town where there's no inbreeding in the "top posts"? Talk about nepotism. Mooresville takes it to a new level!
to 2:16 pm, Chief is that you??? or is it your family??
Why is everyone assuming 1 person did all the complaining about unfairness at MDP? I believe there are alot talking, not one person knows all this crap. You better be looking inside those doors. And if you are so fair ENFORCE the policies for those of us still here.
Are you saying you are breaking the rules? You say you need someone to enforce the rules on you....
That was the strangest statement I have read on this blog.....
I hope you are not a police officer....that last statement you made the whole PD look bad
Regardless of the issue of this particular officer, there is ample evidence suggesting incompetent leadership by the head of this paricular police department. His inability to adequately manage, combined with his lack of respect for the very laws he purports to uphold, indicate a clear need for near leadership. Send him back to Maryland where he came from.
The incestuous nature of the MPD and the BOE is undeniable. When you push Mr.Wilson too hard on the issues facing the MGSD, he shrivels up refuses to talk with you because his feelings get hurt. When you advise the district that you want time on the docket to discuss issues related to the work of the SRO at the high school, guess who just happens to show up at that particular board meeting?
Question anything which challenges the "image" of Mooresville and guess what happens -- several leaders try to label you as a rebel and threaten to impose legal sanctions against you.
Sounds to me like it's time to clean house.
Larry Green
Hey Rev. Green. Use smaller words for us country folk. I understood the you are against Crone but what was all that other stuff...
Hell if you get rid of CRONE might as well get rid of BLOCKER. He is the biggest suck up!!!!!!!! He use to be over the Mayors Youth Council. That group went on all the trips with the COPS FOR KIDS money. If one goes the other should follow.
YEP-GET RID ofBlocker and Clanton from the high school, He's the 2nd biggest suck up around. Plus he drives way too far for "policy",(we are paying for that gas) but being the suck up he's ok to do so. But he's awful at the high school. LAZY, LAZY and talks bad about everyone, I would hate to call him a friend.
Get rid of Blocker?! I'm sure that Crone wished that he had. His lying is bringing down the house.
Ask him if it is true that he was having an affair with Misty Witherspoon.
Well, Crone will sit back and let innocent citizens doing there job with NCHP backing get hit in the back by a pick up truck and then get on TV and rip a widow who had a spotless reputation.You are a low-life pig and many people have waited for the day to come when the bright-hot spotlight shines on YOU, big boy.
Brawley School Road IS NOT the jurisdiction of the MPD.You had no busisness making comments like that about a Christian woman while she was lying in intensive care at LNRMC with a closed head wound, cracked spleen and a pelvis broken in 2 places.My family adored this woman who lovingly attended many children as a crossing guard looking after their safety and you and the crooked DA, Gary Frank, did everything you could to cover your butts. It comes to no suprise to those of us parents of kids in the county that you are still covering up things.
The truth always comes out, John.God says vengeance is His and He will repay. He also says that you shouldn't touch a widow or an orphan.We have forgiven you, and so did Vera, But that doesn't mean you're off free.Your actions caused much pain and anger. Justice is the light shining so brightly on you now. Come clean for once.Stop covering up things and remember the oathe you took. Jackie Moore probably had something to do with the firings as well.She is the "shadow town manager" who actually runs things. Most of the town employees loathe her.Check into this, Jaimie, there's a story there as well.
to Melissa Shumaker:
Girl, I hope you don't have unpaid tickets or drive 1/10th of an inch over the line on the highway, because guess who now knows all there is to know about YOU? The MPD lynch mob is coming soon to a home near you!
The saddest part of all is that the children of Mooresville had a teacher, yes police officer but a teacher, who thoroughly loved his job because he loved your children. You have let the corruption in the police department deprive your children of leadership they need.
914 pm. See this is what I mean. One little person starts some BS about the department. Now people like the person at 9:14 comment thinks the whole department is bad. The officers do their jobs. They are not a reflection of any problems of it's leader. The officers of Mooresville are great people. It is a shame the citizens are turning their back on the officers and calling them a lynch mob. Lets see how many times have you been robbed or car jacked. When was the last time you felt unsafe in Mooresville> NEVER thanks to hard work of the men and women of the police department. NO ONE LIKE THE POLICE UNTIL THEY NEED THE POLICE.
Reality is that on an open forum like this there will always be an inappropriate comment here or there. I think 99 percent of the people paying attention to this situation harbor no blame towards the rank and file officers and thank them for their hard work and sacrifice. From all accounts, it appears that this sad situation rests squarely on the police chief's shoulders. I am certainly not seeing an outpouring of support for the chief here on this blog or elsewhere in the community. Seems like the solution for town management would be simple in this case.
I guess you are convinced that the town government wants to be responsible and exercise good judgement? Get Real! We have a town government that will listen to Crone's "Dog and Pony Show" about Cops for Kids--"OOPPSS-I messed up and forgot these receipts in this box at home.," story and it will be business as usual. UNLESS, you call the SBI, FBI, and any news agency that has a phone and get it on the news. They don't want any investigation into this town at all, so call tomorrow and invite them to the Monday PM meeting. For Goodness sake, we may have(looks 99.9% to me) tampering with the Sec of States office here--BIG Felonies if there is an investigation, so call.
It's true that the Cops For Kids scandal/conspiracy is all on Crone, and not on the hardworking men and women in uniform. I admire them and I am thankful for them for risking their lives day in and day out for me and my family, especially when I know how little they get paid compared to useless people like Erskine Smith, the so-called interim town manager. BUT, having said all this, there are two different kinds of courage. There is the courage it takes to pull over a strange car in the middle of the night and walk up to it not knowing if there's somebody in there holding a gun. This is the courage that our officers have. THEN, there's another kind of courage. It is the courage of standing up to your chief of police when you know he may be doing something unethical or worse. It is the courage of blowing the whistle if you find that your boss, instead of keeping the law may be breaking the law - even if it means losing a job. This is the kind of courage that I want and need to see in our officers. It is never too late...
to 12:57am july 6 from 9:24
I thought the content was clear. We are talking about John Crone and Blocker, NOT the entire dept. I actually feel sorry for those guys and gals having to work in such a situation. Most are dedicated, hard-working folks. As for the "mob" comment, I mesant it towards the 2 people named above.
Just for the record, a member of mt family HAS been subjected to this kind of unfair treatment (MB) and I do know first-hand how the chips fall. It is very predictable how these situations play out. I cannot speak about the principal because I do not have all the pertinent facts. I can however sayI know Matt and this is an atrocity. What kind of message does this send to the kids at the school?Does this give them ANY incentive to do the right thing or do they now think there is a double-standard and think"what's the use?".
no, I value every honest member of our force-police and fire.I unfortunately just have some bad memories of how Crone treated a family member, but you are entitled to comment, the first amendment guarantees that.
the respnose to the person who ripped 914pm needs to be reposted just as much as this needs to be honestly resolved. I just lost respect for you jaimie.
July 6 1013pm
Is this what you mean?
914 pm. See this is what I mean. One little person starts some BS about the department. Now people like the person at 9:14 comment thinks the whole department is bad. The officers do their jobs. They are not a reflection of any problems of it's leader. The officers of Mooresville are great people. It is a shame the citizens are turning their back on the officers and calling them a lynch mob. Lets see how many times have you been robbed or car jacked. When was the last time you felt unsafe in Mooresville> NEVER thanks to hard work of the men and women of the police department. NO ONE LIKE THE POLICE UNTIL THEY NEED THE POLICE.
Is that the repost you wanted?????
July 6, 2008 12:57 AM
July 6 9:24.
THANKS for your support of the officers. They do work hard for the city. They can't help what TWO other people do. I hope the city will support the hard working officers that protect the good citizens everyday.
THANKS again for your report
To the writer of the July 5,2008, 7:59pm post:
A friend read your comment and emailed me. Although this has nothing to do with the termination of Mr. Burleyson, I feel compelled to clarify a few points.
I am Lisa E. Carver, the only child of the late Rev. Vera Honeycutt Carver, the person whose name was mentioned in your comment.
Yes, it is true that my Mother was struck in the back while she was working as a crossing guard at Brawley Middle School. The driver was distracted and ran through the section Mom had blocked to let buses out. She was, in fact,severly injured and never regained her full health. She passed away on October 22, 2005, five days short of the one year anniversary of this tragic accident.
Mercifully, my Mother had absolutely no recollection of this accident. Witnesses were in shock and reports were conflicting. Obviously, the best witness would have been the victim. The person who hit her was devastated. I have spoken to Jason and his family since Mother passed away.
I can say that I spoke to Chief Crone on several occasions about this matter.My Mother was an experienced veteran in security and had the full permission of the N.C. Highway Patrol to do her job, irregardless of the training supplied by the company for which she worked.It was a careless person who wasn't excercising good safety measures in a school zone who was at fault.
I can say that the Chief wanted to prosecute this man. I can also say that when my Mother got out of rehab, she made an appointment to speak directly to John Crone.
When my Mother died, the MPD posted a different officer at all 5 of the intersections on the route to the cemetary. They stood with hats over their hearts as the procession moved past.I was deeply touched by this tribute.
I can say as a lifelong resident of Mooresville that I have never had a time when I needed police or rescue that they didn't respond quickly and professionally.
My Mother forgave those involved in this incident. While i am touched by your love for her, I want you to know she'd want you to forgive, to have peace.
No justice, no peace. We are not going to keep a corrupt chief of police just to keep "peace". I'm sorry. That is not the kind of "peace" America is about.
July 7 4:13
I don't know Lisa but it is clear to probably everyone else that she was only clearing up the actions of Crone toward her mother, as she stated. Lisa was asking for peace in regards to any hard feelings in that horrible situation, she never mentioned anything about the Cops for Kids situation involving Crone. Don't be sorry for wanting answers about Crone's handling of money, but be sorry and ashamed for the response you posted.
Mrs. Carver,
I want to extend my condolences regarding your mother and on behalf of the citizens/kids of Mooresville thank you for her dedication to their safety. I know that feelings are running high right now because of events, so don't think that all people who want good public servants are mean. The best we can all hope for when we pass is to have someone think "They were a good person." I know Mr. Crone appreciates your comments, and we will all have to see how things shake out. Thank you
I appreciate all the police officers in Mooresville.There are some that I'm sure are corrupt and need to be removed from their position.
What I don't appreciate is a Principal (Julie Morrow)causing all these problems.Mrs. Morrow needs to find another job can't see anyone trusting her.
Who is on her HIT list next?
She always seems so nice!
That scares me.What else is she doing?
4:35 pm
I agree this daughter seems to wonder why anything about her late mother would be in a blog about matt burleyson. It seems she does want to just clear up rumor and ask that people find personal peace concerning any wrong-doing in that case.
We ALL want the truth to prevail in the current situations and for this town to have people who are accountable for their actions, honest upright leaders. Do we all agree on that? Hopefully, we won't have to endure many more scenarios like this before our leaders get the picture that we aren't going to take the garbage anymore.Taxes are high. many have to sacrifice their lifestyles or even groceries just to pay bills.We demand that our money be used responsibly. We demand open access to our leaders and expect when we say NO they will listen, unlike the cable debacale. I think Lisa is just trying to distance that terrible situation from the current one. She doen't clearly state support or dislike for anyone including Crone. Let's keep the situation current and stop the mud slinging and call the real pros at the FBI to sort it out.
well, that's just flaming to the hilt to the previous writer. I happen to BE a neighbor of Miles and would like to know which of us on either South Academy or West Wilson she bunked with? To my knowledge, she USED to live 3 or so doors down from Miles and Kim. She now resides in Mt. Mourne(right, Jamie?)
Miles Atkins is above reproach. He is one of the few who actually does his homework. Don't speak ill about people unless you have proof.
I'm sorry but, why are we questioning the information provided in an article reported by a news person and not the people we need to be questioning? Jaime, thanks for providing the information we all needed though some of us may not want to hear. To the rest of you, why not put questions where they belong?
The first thing you have to do to cure an illness is admit you have one. The MPD has one, but Mr. Burleyson didn't infect it, nor do I think he conspired to sully it. The "put it on Matt" denial is expected by the loyal, but in the end, you will be delivered from the "anticop." As for the bikes, pizzas, shirts, I think that is community proactive police work. I seem to remember that "Cops for Kids" cash was supposed to build these same community relations---its seems those funds may have caught the wrong flight.
Is this moron (10:23) actually comparing pizzas and bikes with $3,000, $5,000 cash withdrawals Crone took out that have no receipts to go with them? Dare kids gets trophies and t-shirts, while "Mayor's Youth Council" gets chartered buses and hotel rooms and Niagara Falls and Las Vegas...Is that you Mrs. Crone????
I think it is sad That a Police Chief (Crone) Has not have a clue or the smarts to over see his department!It just as sad that children have to suffer.I also know its herrendous that the town board will try to cover this up and make people think that Mooresville is pristine.Maybe the towns people should think bout a whole new board . I guess "THE BOARD" didn't learn after the Jamie Justice incident!!
July 8, 2008 9:44 AM
Hey Brian Cathey,
Good to see you are on this Blog.
Take the caps off please.
YOu have a three year old daughter, you were punished by the chief, you were allowed to keep you job, and you say you deserved it.
There is no doubt in anyone's mind that you disliked Matt Burleyson, you voiced that over and over and over.
Now tell us all why you were punished by the chief and allowed to keep your job, I think you lost one stripe. Not too bad for you and your wife after you were caught stealing from an elderly citizen in Mooresville that Banked at your wife's work.
Give it a rest Brian.
From Brian Cathey:
I just got a phone call from a citizen of Mooresville about my name being on this blog. I use to work at the Moorsville PD. I was never accused of stealing any money from any elderly person. I don't know why I was brought into this blog. I don't know why someone would attack me or my wife. I live over a 1000 miles from Mooresville. I don't keep up with what is going on there. I did read over the blogs. I did like working for Chief Crone and loved working for the people of Mooresville. I left the PD for a civilian job making twice as much money. I was also able to move closer to my family.
I think it is sad what is going with the Chief, the department, the citizens, and mostly the officers.
The officers of the PD are some of the best I have ever worked with. So please have some respect for the officers. They do work hard for the taxpayers.
I think it is a bad when someone over a 1000 miles away has to get a blog to defend himself. I have no axes to grind with anyone.
I don't have a 3 year old daughter so I don't know that was brought up in a Blog.
I wish the best for the Mooresville, it citizens and most of all the police officers.
I have identified myself and would the person who attack my family identify themselves.
July 8, 2008 2:52 PM
I see the south really knows how to punish the accused , lets see we will suspend the chief but lets give him pay !Please punish me with pay!!!!!!!! I wonder if the town was smart enough to hire an outside agency to look over the chiefs records or I figure it being pristine Mooresville they will take it upon themselves to see if everything is on the up and up and the town folk will have to take their word.Once again Mooresville have you not learned after the Jamie Justice incident?Wake up shake up the board its time!!!!!!!!!!
Sick of all the CRAP,need proof?
You all need to try and get in touch with Ms.Sue.I know she has proof on some of the things that went on at MGSD.
Everyone needs to get a copy of the NEA paper March 2007.
I know that MIS and MGSD treated her the same way they did Matt.
Ms.Sue if you read this you need to take your little tape and tell all to Jamie.
Just an FYI, I have just looked at the past few year budgets for the MPD and there was $4000.00 for DARE at two(2) schools. The bike was donated by Target, so it seems no Cops for Kids money was involved. Sidenote** There was no line item for Cops for Kids in the whole budget!
Could the blogger with all caps please type in media form? whter you realize it, it is very rude to use all caps. It is the equivilant of shouting.Go ahead and express your opinion, we'll listen! I promise!
just please don't yell! thanks...
July 8th-4:53
See this is why most of us despise yankees. You come down here and try to tell everybody how to do things-we did it this way up north! Well you know what, no of us give a damn HOW you did it up north. If it was so stinkin' great, why did you move down here???In case you didn't notice on the drive down, there is a NORTHBOUND lane going back home. USE IT and get the hell out of this town.
Yes I guess you are right YOUR economy was perfect ,Face the facts Mooresville was a dying town till the people up north started to relocate,the reason people left NY was being a fact taxes was just as much as a morgage payment down here .The south has no problem taking the money and charging outrages prices for things in the local stores!I believe that person was trying to say about chief Crone was you are not a small town anymore ,you have to watch your Dept.heads and they should report to the town board and the town people monthly with a detailed report about what was spent and where it went too! Unless of course you have something to hide then lets go in the buddy system.
I can't believe Mrs. Morrow is being criticized over one word, "uncomfortable", which was pulled from its context.
Also, is there more to this article than I found, because there are a lot of accusations and negative comments being made based on the little amount of information provided?
Mrs.Morrow will have to live with the fact that she played a part in the firing of Matt.
The next thing that needs to be investigated is the school system.
How many parents are on a wait list to get their children in the Charter School?
We need more discipline at MIS!
Yes I moved from the NORTH.
I was sold a bill of goods from the realtor what a GREAT school system.
Next time we will find a new realtor and different town to live in.
One issue that I have not seen investigated is WHY so many officers have resigned. I know of some still on the force who have crossed Crone but he has yet to find a valid reason to fire them. His method is to prevent promotion, forcing them into resigning if they are to be able to progress in their career. Some have been with the force for more than 10 years and are still at level 1. No valid reason except they crossed Crone by arresting or ticketing someone who was "protected" by their good ol' buddy. I encourage Jaime to research this. As for Julie Morrow, I agree that there is a problem. Parent complaints, especially regarding exceptional students, fall on deaf ears. Special education plans are not being followed, mostly because the teachers don't want to be bothered. Any student that does not fall into her cookie cutter pattern that she likes (do you best, be your best and SMILE)is cast to the side and punished for their disabilities through exclusion and humiliation. She will use that patronizing smile and act sympathetic and caring, however nothing is acted on. Parents should go to district or state level with complaints. Matt is a very discerning and observant person. THIS is why Morrow was uncomfortable. She knew what Matt was aware of. I'm sure he was aware of some things that made Crone uncomfortable also.
I must say, the all caps person could not be more wrong about everything "it" has said. Period!
Also, my fear in all this is, Crone could be history but that could make way for Blocker, who is just as bad or worse. Hopefully the SBI will find issues with them both, if that be the case, and not just one but two will be history. If not for the children, for the MPD. And by the way, thanks for all you do for the citizens of Mooresville. I don't think that was ever the issue. Period
I moved here from the north also and don't regret it for a second. The people here are for the most part very friendly and out going. The town may have it's issues but it is a safe and a nice place to live and raise your children. The school system may have some issues that need to be addressed but for the most part it is a great school system. No place or school is going to be perfect. We just have to keep vigilant in making sure that corrupt individuals are dealt with. (Go Jaime!!) This is the case everywhere including up north. (Which some of my fellow northerners seem to have forgotten) Keep looking. Hope you can find that perfect wonderland to live in. The rest of us will be happy here. A note to all the southerners out there...please don't group all of us northerners together. The majority of us are pretty half decent.
Last night WSOC-TV ran a story about the Lincoln County Sheriff Tim Daughtery rehiring Sheriff Deputy/Narcotics Officer Bruce White after he was CONVICTED of DUI. White was cited for running into the side of Ralph Laney's house while off duty. White's blood alcohol level was twice the legal limit during the accident. Sheriff Daughtery said the reason he wanted to rehire White was because he didn't want to lose White's 12 years of experience. We can be thankful that Matt Burleyson with 9 years on MPD was fired for 1st Offense-Parking his police car in the wrong place/ 2nd and fireable offense-public property for personal gain-giving away stuffed animals. I know a vendetta when I see one!
Hi 12:15 poster. I'm southern born and bred, and I want to apologize on behalf of any of my fellow southerners who have forgotten their famous "manners". You are most welcome to our hometown. You are right. We are going to root out corruption here come hell or high water, and we could use help, whether you're short or tall, rich or poor, and southerner or northerner! This job is big enough that it is going to take every last one of us.
Thanks 4:05....It's a shame that any discussion about right and wrong and what needs to done about it always ends up like this. A few people taking over the blog insulting each other and getting off topic. Unfortunately this isn't productive and only breeds more anger directed at the wrong person or persons.
Amen to that. We just have to see them as what they are: red herring sent in to distract. If you've raised children then you can deal with these problem children as well...
Sorry been a little over a week since I have been on here, but I had to say something to this blog.
July 8, 2008 9:44 AM
So first off who ever wrote this is mentally disabled. Someone who talks about being professional and making a comment like that? Dummy. Second off if you had the intestinal fortitude (yes maybe a big word for you), you would have put your name or something on the blog. Or should i just call you "Mrs. Blocker?"
I'm sorry but whether a comment comes from a "northerner" or a "southerner" should really be irrelevant. Blog and email etiquette is the same the world over and all caps means you are shouting. We are all part of the same abuse of politics in Mooresville. Some of us have to live with the decisions of the political entities such as they are no matter where we are originally from. It is just a real shame that someone so dedicated to our children ad to be taken away from them. I would also like to add that my family and I completely support the honest and hard working members of the MPD and appreciate their dedication to the citizens of Mooresville. What I will not support is those that choose to stand behind a chief who is currently under suspension for suspicion of misappropriating funds. Whether it be with or without pay seems irrelevant. If he is so innocent, why could he not prove it immediately. Someone in his position should know how to keep records accurately or they should not be in that position.
I can tell you that Mooresville is known by officers in surrounding agencies as a place for high turn over. I was thinking of a lateral there a few months ago until I spoke with a Iredell deputy who told me it is not a good time to apply there. Ofcourse I asked why and he would only say "the Chief." He did not want to get into much further detail. I still planned on applying anyways until I read this blog and heard the news.
On the same note, many agencies around here have high turn over compared to other parts of the country. There are towns and small cities in NC where officers only make between $24,000- $26,000, Im not kidding. My first agency I started at $28,000 and that was in 2005.
A "good paying" agency is anything where the base pay is above $32,000sadly. So when a agency offers you more pay, a take home car, you cant help but want to jump ship, hence turn over from one place to the other. The question I had for MPD is this: Why would a good paying agency, with a good take home policy, with good equipment, have a high turn over rate? Thats what I was wondering. Now maybe I know after reading some these blog entries.
Higher paying agencies tend to have more crime. Statesville, Gastonia, etc it is call to call with lots of crime. This can burn an officer out after a few years and even fresh rookies will get tired and start looking for something quieter. That is why I wanted to look into a quieter agency, which Mooresville looked pretty good up until I found this blog.
My point being every agency has high turn over with officers looking for the "greener pastures". Mooresville unfortunately is going through some tough times. I hope everything is cleared up so I can apply there soon. I have heard they have great equipment and a high starting pay (close to $34,000)
Finally IMO a police agency needs a different police chief every 7-10years. Its no different than a politician that starts out doing good things and is dedicated to serving the people, but after a couple of terms he is "set in his ways" and blinded with the glory of power/position.
In no way am I saying Chief Crone is guilty or not guilty....but either way it looks like there needs to be fresh leadership and new ideas. Oh and some parting advice to Mooresville powers that be: Never hire a new Chief from within your own department. Its always best to hire from the outside. Even though Chief Crone came from MD, I still say its best to hire outside.
Ok, forgive me but I am new to the GATTON but was told about the piece on Matt Burleyson and I am disgusted with what has happened. The 2 women at MIS really need a life. For Julie Morrow to say what she did and for Julie Blocker to PUSH her into it is awful. Where does the school board stand on such issues. I would hope that they are going to look into the matter. I hate that my children go to MIS, Thank goodness that Mrs. Blocker is at another school, but I guess we will have to deal with her when my children are at that school. How can we as parents trust them to make the best decisions regarding our children? My daughter was so looking forward to having Mr. Burleyson in DARE. I have seen him interact with the children and all I can say is it's a shame, what a loss for the kids. He truely cared and liked them. Alot more than I can say for most adults.
Does anyone know how to get in touch with Mr Burleyson? I would love to help him anyway that my family can. I hope others are helping him as well, what a shame. I am so upset.
PS, where can these stupid stuffed animals be donated? The police chief and Mr Blocker must really need them.
Angie G.
Who fired Matt, MGSD or MPD? Stay on topic!
MPD because of what these women along with Blocker said about him! I believe I was on topic.
How would anyone like to be in Mr Burleysons shoes and be set up like this?
Angie G
Mrs. Julie Morrow is the one who called the MPD,so I feel she should be held responsible.
How does she sleep at night.
Maybe she needs to lose her job.
No insurance income.
I hate the thought of my son returning to school.
Mrs.Morrow please stop saying do your best be your best and smile.
I don't know anyone that will be
smiling at you!!!!!!!
could be wrong, but i believe i read or heard somewhere that matt asked morrow to call the chief to say things were good.
yep, says so on the blog, just look up! Is that grounds to be fired? Ask the teachers at the school, she has done much worse. I volunteer there alot and I can see that she is a mean person to adults, she has the kids snowed! Why hasen't the school board been involved! They are having to pay again to train a new DARE officer, Personally I would like Burleson back, the kids LOVE him and he is so helpful and friendly. He has helped in our community watch program as well. He always spoke highly of everyone.
You're right, this article states that. Maybe that is why she felt "uncomfortable".
Anyone have an update on Matt, has he found another job yet?
Why did all the people in "power"
leave? Mr. Boyles,Mr.Young,Mrs Nutting.
It seems funny that out of the blue,they were all gone.
I don't believe the mentioned fokks leaving had anything to do with Edwards. Edwards replaced Boyles who took a higher paying job in his hometown. Mr. Young simply retired, like everyone else looks forward to. Ms. Nuttting took a principal job, something she was interested in doing and probably more pay. Can't blame any of these situations on Edwards--especially Boyles leaving which created the opening for Edwards--good grief.
Mr. Burleson was hired by Sheriff Redmond this month to work as a school resource officer in the Iredell-Statesville School System. I have not had the pleasure to meet Sheriff Redmond, but the sheriff must have seen some value in Mr. Burleson’s 9-years of law enforcement experience, training, and education. It was too bad that Mooresville Police Department did not realize what they had before arbitrarily discarding him. Mr. Burleson has always seemed to have a deep desire to make a difference in young people’s lives. It will be great to see him once again making an impact in the Iredell-Statesville school system!
We are all so happy for Matt and his family.
I hope you are happy Mrs.Morrow!
We need to look into the MGSD.
Lets start with MIS.
Lets start with the felonies,what is that all about?
Yes let's look into all people who felt uncomfortable with bribery. And thank you Matt for reporting some wrong doings with Cops for Kids even if THAT did play a major roll in your dismissal. At least the truth is out about the MPD.
You guys need to cut Matt & his family some slack! He did not do anything, never talked to Jaime, anything. He was scared that the Chief would BLACKBALL him to other agencies like he'd done to many other FORMER employees. MANY people asked him to sue among other things. Last I heard from Matt he just wanted it all to go away, He feels bad for most everyone still at the PD, he thinks of them as friends not the enemy. I think it all came to a head because he was the one person you would not think would be fired and was.
My family is also glad he is working but I agree with the other poster, LOOK into MIS ans see the problems there!
July 25 8:57 pm
Confused--are you saying Matt was fired partly because of something he did with Cops for Kids, and later complained about the program?
officer burleson would not have complained about the cfk program. he and his wife went on most of the trips and had a good time taking care of the explorer kids.
What is it about MIS people keep saying needs to be looked into? No one has given any specifics.
Maybe the MIS school and the police department are like so many other places now, employees who grew up undisciplined in any way. Look around you at your place of work, there are so many adults now who have grown up without ever being told "NO", "this is your responsibilty",etc. by their parents. So when their employers expect them to perform their duties, they begin complaining that they are mistreated. If you want everything your way, start your own business.
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