A couple of readers have asked about whether Cops for Kids appears in any government lists of charitable organizations. It doesn’t look like it.
The list of 501(c)(3) charitable organizations registered with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has no record of Mooresville’s Cops for Kids. Organizations with the same or similar names are located in Michigan, Florida, Wisconsin, California, Illinois, Kentucky, Florida, Indiana, and Massachusetts, according to the IRS. It appears Mooresville's Cops for Kids is not a 501(c)(3) charity under federal tax regulations.
Neither is Cops for Kids listed as a corporation or other business entity with the North Carolina Secretary of State. Also, Mooresville's Cops for Kids isn’t listed by the Secretary of State as possessing a charitable solicitation license, which it may be required to have if it directly solicits contributions.
So it appears that Cops for Kids, despite what the Mooresville Police Department’s website represents, is not incorporated and, as a result, has never received its tax exemption under federal law. Does this mean it has filed and paid its taxes? If it has, where are the returns? If it has not, why not and wouldn’t that mean it owes taxes? And why does the Cops for Kids website represent that the organization was incorporated? The questions keep piling up.
Additionally, Mooresville's Cops for Kids is not listed as a charity by GuideStar, an online charitable watchdog that keeps tabs on 1.7 million charities. GuideStar does have records of organizations with the same or similar names in Michigan, Florida, Indiana, Wisconsin, California, Kentucky, Illinois, Massachusetts, Ohio, and Texas — basically the same organizations on record with the IRS. Neither is Mooresville's Cops for Kids listed by the Better Business Bureau’s national registry of charitable organizations.
Another reader of the Report also pointed our attention to a website, www.copsforkidsinc.com, and suggested it could answer many of the questions included in Friday’s post. Many of the Report’s questions could be answered by that website — if that website had anything to do with the Cops for Kids organization operating out of the Mooresville Police Department by Chief John Crone. It doesn’t.
Rather, the website appears to be operated by a California organization named Cops for Kids. That’s not to say the website isn’t valuable. What’s most interesting about the website is the contrast it provides to the website for Mooresville’s organization. The California site includes, among other information, the names of the organization’s officers and board of directors; sponsors; annual events; information about how to refer someone in need to the organization; and an application for those who are themselves seeking assistance from the organization. Our website, www.ci.mooresville.nc.us/police/copsforkids.html, includes no such information. Also, the California organization is listed with the IRS as a charitable organization and registered as a business entity with the state. Additionally, annual financial reports filed by the organization with the IRS are accessible (after registration) at www.guidestar.com. Our version of Cops for Kids is listed with neither the feds nor the state and such reports are not publicly available, if they exist at all.
The only similarity between the California website and our website is one that, once again, raises questions. As included in Friday’s original post about Cops for Kids, the website for the Mooresville organization includes the following narrative that purports to tell the story of its founding and purpose:
"Since 1995, Cops for Kids, Inc. has assisted children, seniors, and families that find themselves in unfortunate situations. Through generous donations from local business sponsors and individuals in our community, Cops for Kids has enabled children and seniors to enjoy some of the basic necessities that were not available to them through other agencies.
"Whether it be transportation costs to school or work, a temporary place to stay for an entire homeless family, youth activity funding, clothing, or some assistance for educational costs, Cops for Kids is ready to help.
"Cops for Kids was created to help children at Christmas time. Giving a few disadvantaged children Christmas presents while on routine neighborhood patrols during the holidays has grown into a local organization that now offers those in need a host of services during the holiday season and throughout the year.
"With low overhead and virtually no red tape, Cops for Kids can respond immediately to children, seniors, and families in need. We are often the local organization called to help because of our ability to quickly and respectfully assist others with emergency funding from utility payments to temporary housing."
Here's a current snapshot of Mooresville's Cops for Kids webpage (click to enlarge):
Sounds good — just the kind of story that would induce people to give money to Cops for Kids. Now, if you go to the California organization’s website and click on the “About Us” tab, here’s what you find:
"Since 1995, Cops for Kids, Inc. has assisted children, seniors, and families that find themselves in unfortunate situations. Through generous donations from local business sponsors and individuals in our community, Cops for Kids has enabled children and seniors to enjoy some of the basic necessities that were not available to them through other agencies.
"Whether it be transportation costs to school or work, a temporary place to stay for an entire homeless family, youth activity funding, clothing, or some assistance for educational costs, Cops for Kids is ready to help.
"Cops for Kids was created by two Sheriff’s department deputies who saw a need to help children at Christmas time. Giving a few disadvantaged children Christmas presents while on routine neighborhood patrols during the holidays has grown into a local organization that now offers those in need a host of services during the holiday season and throughout the year.
"With low overhead and virtually no red tape, Cops for Kids can respond immediately to children, seniors, and families in need. We are often the local organization called to help because of our ability to quickly and respectfully assist others with emergency funding."
Here's a snapshot of that webpage:
Sound familiar? It’s verbatim what our Cops for Kids website represents as its own history, right down to the year of creation and the circumstances giving rise to its founding. The only difference is a sentence on the California site about Cops for Kids being created by two Sheriff's department deputies. So it looks like the Cops for Kids operating out of the Mooresville Police Department by Chief John Crone lifted — word-for-word — the history of the California organization so as to give the organization legitimacy in the eyes of the community. So what’s the real story surrounding Mooresville’s Cops for Kids founding? If the only information on our website is lifted from another organization’s website, do we really know anything about our Cops for Kids? Does it even really exist? If not, what has happened to all the money given to it over the years? Again, more questions. (By the way, I have e-mailed the California organization, asking if it has anything to do with the organization operating here. I’ll let you know what I find out.)
Stay tuned. We’ll have access to the records in Crone’s office tomorrow. Hopefully, they will clear up many of our questions. Crone says I can be there at 3 p.m., but I have notified him and others – including Interim Town Manager Erskine Smith, the town board, Town Attorney Steve Gambill and the press – that I plan to be there at 9 a.m. The police department is a public facility, and as such, any member of the public can be there at any time.
Starting to get a real bad feeling about this...Thanks for keeping us posted Jaime.
what possible explanation could there be for this? i hope our elected officials don't let crone off the hook. maybe it's time to pass on this information to whoever polices charities in north carolina. the district attorney, attorney general, sbi, or irs? we need help in mooresville! now!!!
The commissioners better freeze the funds($20,000.00), if they haven't been paid, until an investigation is concluded. I think in light of the information posted on this post from Ms. Gatton's investigation, there is enough doudt in my mind to call other law enforcement agencies to investigate.(SBI,IRS) I also question Mr. Smith's recommendation of this unknown chapter of "Cops for Kids."
Interim Town Manager Erskine Smith must be held personally and fully accountable for his recommendation of substantial funds to an organization which appears on its face to be a bogus one. The Mooresville Commissioners must ultimately rely on their town manager to do his homework prior to recommending funding for anything. We cannot at this point fault them for simply trusting their town manager, who is being paid to insure any funding is legitimate and not a potential source of embarrassment to the town board. However, as events unfold, we may have to eventually turn our attention to our elected officials if they fail in their own fiduciary duties by failing to hold Erskine Smith accountable for what may prove to be at best an irresponsible recommendation of funds.
just wanted to clear something up
my post you mentioned was followed up with...
"My assumption was that the MPD was a chapter in the Cops for Kids Incorporated.
Maybe my assumption was wrong. "
Have a great day
8:04, keep on dreamin'. Erskine Smith "held accountable"? What planet are you livin' on??? I heard thru grapevine that some of the commishes want to promote his sorry butt. Why? Cause their daddy knew his daddy or they go to this club or that dance club with him, or their wife's boss is friends with him, or such nonsense. Not to mention by keeping him on, no matter how he much he screws up, they'll have an extra-grateful Smith doing all their bidding, no questions asked. Wake up & smell the stench in Mooresville.
OK....so the budget for this year is $20,000......what about the money that's been budgeted "since 1995"? 13 years of spending....where are the receipts? Records? Board members? There's a funny smell in Mooresville...and it's not the Lazy 5 Ranch.
Good luck Jaime!
I don't get it. Why is everybody so shocked and surprised? Seriously people. Am I the only one who's known Crone isn't on the up and up for years? I mean, look back and see who hired him. Former Town Manager Rick McLean, and anybody who was around can tell you all about McLean and how that deal turned out. He was also the same guy who single-handedly "appointed" Erskine Smith "Assistant Town Manager" (like Mooresville needed one). Smith was, of course, cut from the same cloth as McLean, as was Crone, and we are saddled with both of them to this day, big thanks to the McLean Legacy. You want a clean police chief? Hire yourselves a clean town manager.
I am one of the "transplants" one reader was complaining about in the previous blog entry. Where I come from we have a word for what your police chief has done here - plagiarism. People get thrown out of universities for it. Politicians lose entire elections over it. Employees can get fired for it. Young kids can even get kicked out of school for it. But in your town, it looks like people can get charity dollars for it, with the blessings and protection of their superiors, most of whom I assume you elected. Judging from the existence of this blog and the comments, however, I am assuming change may be in the air.
Good for you Jaime for not waiting until 3. You shouldn't have had to wait at all to get records that belong to the public. What's being done to make sure this doesn't happen again - people locking up public records right before they leave town? Talk about skirting the Sunshine Laws. It makes sense that Erskine Smith wouldn't lift a finger to help, but where's the town attorney in all of this? You would think he'd be jumping up and down to get you those records ASAP. That's part of his job. Where's the mayor for that matter? Let me guess - quivering under a rock with fear of what may be coming. He may be getting feelings of deja vu?
Thank you for staying on top of things! I am very interested to find out where this money has gone.. and where the money from past years has gone. GOOD JOB AS ALWAYS!!
8:53 AM
I do not know the town attorney or any of the people involved. I only know these people by name from this blog site and hearing people talk in town.
However I don't think that you are anyone should blame the town attorney. Remember that he WORKS for Mr. Smith. He can only advise his superiors what to do and what not to do. He cannot make them do anything. He I am sure does what his job is as an attorney and that is to ADVISE ONLY. Don't blame him because you or any of us know what he told Mr. Smith.
word is all over town. Erskine Smith is in cahoots with Crone (that's why he "recommended" the money from town's general fund to be poured into COPS FOR KIDS), Crone is going down for this. Now it's just a matter of how many other people are going to go down with him.
I went to the Cops for Kids page on the Mooresville Police Department's website and it has been taken down. I wonder why??
Jaime Gatton.....
American Badass
To 2:05,
I would like to clarify something for you. The town manager and town attorney work for the commission. I can see you are trying to save Mr. Gambrill from the impending storm, but to think that he only ADVISES is ABSURD! I must say that he is responsible for making sure the Town of Mooresville and its agents are in compliance with all state and federal laws. A first year law student knows that a non-profit must register, but I will withold judgement until the investigation is concluded. However, the Town of Mooresville has stepped into enough "poop," which tells me that our town attorney needs to be replaced. I must also say that $100,00.00+ a year for this kind of advice, we would do better paying any attorney $120.00 billed by the hour. Just an uneducated opinion, thanks
Does this town have a mayor? If so where is this person in all of this? This is the kind of stuff you see on CNN Headline News and get disgusted over. It is happening right here in your quaint little town.
The mayor is playing the distance game until we see how big/small this thing is going to be. If the results look bad, they will run the other way and leave Crone out on a limb. But I hope Crone is reading these comments because "Hey Chief, I am sure you have some dirt on the administration, because you always have plan "B." I would recommend the AG give you a deal if you implicate the others involved or disclose other information you have in your back pocket regarding questionable activity in town hall. Do us all a favor and let them have it, just a thought..
Where's the mayor? I'll tell you exactly where he is. While the rest of you are scrambling around this way and that, he's behind closed doors making a nice fresh new alliance with his new lap dog, Ward 4 Commissioner Chris Carney. If you don't believe me, just go to a town board meeting and watch the body language. Somebody whispered at a meeting that maybe they need to get a room! Carney is a bigger fool than anybody ever gave him credit for. He's going to eat the poison right out of Thunberg's hands and not even know what hit him when the hammer comes down on him.
Carney had better wake up and get out of the "political" sewer and go back to fighting for the people that elected him or he'll go down with the RAT Pack! He came in with a bang but is dieing fast and is looking more and more like a Mayor's puppet! So sad to see someone get sucked into the game instead of standing for what is right!
I for one am very unhappy with Mr Carney, He was at my childs DARE graduation in May and had wonderful things to say about the program and Officer Burleyson, Yet where was he when Mr Burleyson was fired? He must be eating out of same "trough" that the chief and mayor eat out of! It makes me sick!
Get them Jaime, clean our town.
Once again, it sounds like Mr. Crone has been irresponsible and stupid. When will the MPD realize that Jaime Gatton will uncover everything, especially when it is done like this...idiots! I believe it is time for Crone to be investigated and more importantly, part of the unemployed population.
When I say the MPD, I mean Chief Crone, not the whole department. I'm sorry for being unclear.
There is a reason Crone wanted Jamie there at 3pm. Time to consult with his inner circle, get rid of implicating evidence against him and create new files to give to the Gatton report.
What a LOSER.
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