Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Town of Mooresville hires public information officer

It's been a while since the Town of Mooresville has had a public information officer.

Click here to read the Mooresville Weekly post about the new hire.

What are your thoughts? Is this a positive move for the town?

(FYI: I'm testing a possible new comment format, so your comments will not go through automatically as they have in the past. I will still post, at least for this article, all comments that do not violate my previously-stated policies.)


Anonymous said...

Someone to explain what the hell it is Erskine Smith does and why we are paying him the obscene amount we pay him?

What are we paying her?

If the people in Town Hall could get their stories straight, would we need her? It takes about an average of 4 calls to get through to the right person.

If commissioners would return calls, emails, etc, would we need her?

The article was stunningly short and lacking in info. What the hell is she supposed to be doing?

Anonymous said...

Erskine, if you have the money to feather bed your staff, how about restoring the hours at the libarary and open it on Sundays.

Anonymous said...

If this means we won't have to listen to Chris Carney all the time, it will be well worth the money.

Anonymous said...

It's getting to the point where there isn't a clown car big enough for this circus but I suppose we'll have to pony up for that too? Erskine Smith really does look like a clown. No make-up, red nose, or big shoes needed.

Larry Gregory said...

Another waste of taxpayer's money. We know what is going on in town from newspaper articles, this blog and the town letter in the extremely high water bill. Instead of cutting the number of employees with taxpayer paid benefits, they just keep adding. Keep your eye on the train project to Charlotte. This will be another program that will need taxpayer's money to operate.

Vic Marquis said...

Would be of great interest to me if Mr. Smith would post his job description !!!!!!!!!!!!!! with specific explanations of his duties??

Anonymous said...

Their first duty should be a full accounting of he cat lady episode. Meow, meow!

Anonymous said...

Vic, play golf, take trips, schmooze people who are going to rip us off, harass sick old ladies and others who can't fight back. Have his weasel paws in our pockets. That about sum it up?

Anonymous said...

9:11, do you think criminal littering and abuse of a vulnerable adult is funny? I hope they are finally made to answer. Look up the law. We pay for that.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Gatton, It would be refreshing if your new policy curbs the use of profanity on your blog. Thank you.

Marian Latimer said...

It just so happens that I went to the board meeting last night to ask what a 70 year old woman with cancer did to deserve trash thrown in her yard by paid town employees. I also wanted to know why, in my quest to get my service dog returned to me, when I was advised by an ADA rights person to ask for the disability commission, I was connected to the cemetery and risksnsgement, both of which were extremely insensitive and hurtful. Imagine my surprise to see it on the agenda that this very town that has treated Carol so vilely is declaring November as Hospice and Palliative Care Month. God, I almost threw up when I saw that. That is really the height of hypocrisy given what old Erskine has done to her. By the way, she will be going back to Winston to have cancerous fluid drained fr her belly and she had chemo and wound treatment today. But she deserved the crap 9:11 thinks is so damn funny. She's up a liter in less than amonth of having 4.5 taken off. I am sure old Erzkine and Mandy Edwards who helped take my dog are sleeping just fine at night I also noticed the sign about service animals being welcome. Yeah, everything is real positive here. Including the trash truck that was parked out front for ten minutes yesterday and gave us both major anxiety attacks wondering what rule we may have broken now. He was having issues bit it's a damn shame citizens now have to live in fear of the sanitation deparemt. We thought some sort of reprisal was coming.

Anonymous said...

Jaime, I like the comment moderation idea. But please don't eliminate complete nonsense and conspiracy theories or 50% of the posts on this blog will be up in smoke.

Anonymous said...

9:11, what did those women do to you? Do you even know them? Didn't think so. Then just shut up or we'll come over and take your beer and cigarettes and food stamps away. How'd you like that?

Some of us expect better from this town and county. I expect you work for Redmond or Smith and just don't know any better, that is, if you work at all.

Anonymous said...

Is this supposed to be someone to divert our attention while Smith and his merry band of thieves picks our pockets?

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't we be cutting back?

Anonymous said...

Phil Redmond is a darn good sheriff.Ask the majority of the people who work for him. A few red ants will never be happy about their boss but listen to the people who have been on the job. For those who are uninformed, Phil is a Master Mason and a good man. We all fall short of The One who set an example for us 2000 years ago. Those who generate the most criticism are probably watching out for black helicoptes at any moment.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I have an idea...for the Holiday Season lets start one discussion about what is good in our town and what we are thankful for....Leave out the negative comments about political figures, cats and dogs, and all the other usual topics and focus on some of the great people of Mooresville...heck, we might even consider organizing something that would be useful and productive.

Anonymous said...

I'll start..we have a great downtown with shops and businesses that need our support. For example, we just had a new sub shop open near Bob's grill. They have the best pasta salad! and no I dont work there or even know the owners. I just want to see successful businesses in our downtown. To do that we have to support them! Epic is great. JJ's is great. 202 Wines has a great selection and great live music. Then you can wonder down the street to the Bathtub Gin for a very eclectic crowd. Hec, many towns have downtowns that are dead or dieing. We have one that is thriving! If we support them, we will have more. We have a museum that people can visit to learn about the history of this great town.

Anonymous said...

So King Phillip ranks right up there with Jesus? Am I getting that right? That's why his place just glows with goodness and righteousness and we've had to pay for a grand jury.

And he's a master mason. So what? How does that qualify him for sainthood? Masonry has been questionable for some time.


That may or may not be extreme but I don't put much stock in the fact that someone is a master mason. So what? 2 words, Tommy Adams.

By the way, what does this have to do with new disinformation department?

Anonymous said...

Someone has to get out in front of all the scandals to come now that Miles and Bobby are on the job and they aren't gonna put up with it.

Anonymous said...

I don't live in Mooresville, but it seems to be a great place. Vibrant downtown with good restaurants and bars. Exit 36 is a mess , but you can shop for almost anything on 150. Really good selection of shopping along Williamson Road. Close to lake Norman. Schools have a good reputation. Good healthcare.

Residents of Mooresville could do worse. They could live in Statesesville.

Anonymous said...

Not everyone can afford to eat out but we do have a good library and I try to support the Christian Mission, Restore, and Goodwill with donations and shopping at the latter 2.

I would like to know what we can do to help that lady get her dog back because it seems unfair and it seems she is suffering. She is caring for someone with cancer and that ought to count for something. Looks to me like they were singled out because she fought for their pets and who wouldn't have? Jaime, can you find out if we can get her her dog back for Christmas?

Anonymous said...

@4:41 Hiring and promoting, backing known criminals does not make a DARN good sheriff. As to my personal knowledge, being a Mason doesn't mean squat. By the way, what is a heliocoptes?

Anonymous said...

La Patisserie is another great place in downtown Mooresville...The three milks cake is WONDERFUL...Side Door has really excellent wings..but you have to be patient..the proprietor is in his 80's....

Anonymous said...

Neither does attempting to cover up misdoings. What was it, five years before Tommy was indicted from the time the darn good Sheriff found out about it? I'm asking because I'm not sure. What about the counterfeit degree that McCollum made? I believe that was a several month period from when the Sheriff was told about it and when someone finally called the F.B.I. because they realized he was going to cover it up.Can we get a Redmond said on that one so we know for sure?

Anonymous said...

Another good thing about Mooresville-the golf course.There are many detractors of the golf course who oppose it as a drain on financial resources. But, municipal soccer fields, baseball and softball fields, swimming pools,walking trails, etc. do not generate revenue.Is it possible to view the golf course as a public amenity that will always require funding?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Redmond needs a public disinformation officer. Somebody to divert your attention away while he continues to stick it to us. Grand Poo-Bah indeed.

Anonymous said...

On the day that the ballots were recounted between Dingler and Abraham,were you aware that your tax payers dollars were wasted?

Abraham went to the elections office in Statesville and he went with Fire Chief Wes Greene in the Chief's Town issued Fire Department vehicle. Town personnel are not to use city own vehicles except for town business and not anything personal. This is a clear violation of town policies.
The Chief should be punished for doing this and he should have to reimburse the town for the gas that was used and that he be docked the pay during the time that he was away from his job. That what is done to him should be made public and he should have to apologize to the public. I can tell you that nothing will be done that it will be swept under the rug and how do I know this Erskine Smith will be the one that decides what to do and how can he punish someone with his track record.

Anonymous said...

Why did they take her dog? Why won't the county return her dog?How long has it been? Is the dog still at the shelter? Is it just a matter of paying a fee to get the dog back? Do any of the social agencies provide free legal assistance to people in her predicament?

Hey, Cliff, here's your chance to shine!

Anonymous said...

wow..not many thankful people here...

Marian Latimer said...

1:54, I appreciate your concern, but there is not much that I know of that can be done to get my dog back. I have a court-appointed attorney and the matter is under appeal. The dog was not part of the search warrent and the vet stood up in court and said she was in good health. However, apparently, Iredell County and Mooresville do not have to obey federal law so she has not been returned to me. I submitted medical verification of July 14th, a month after she was taken, all that I am legally bound to submit and Chris Royal defied the law to my face and on video--this is on my FB page. I then hand-delivered this to William Pope, "their" lawyer, roughly after 4 PM that day and had a response in writing in the mail the next day, two full pages, telling me that I needed to provide him with more medical information so HE could determine if I was disabled. First off, he is not a doctor. Second, all I am legally bound to provide under federal law is the letter I provided, and thirdly, he violated HIPAA law by asking for private medical info that he was not entitled to and that is punishable by fine and prison time. I have some experience in this area. The state of MI sent me somebody else's medical report and had my attorney up there wished to get ugly about it, that little "accident" would have cost the state $50 grand (unfortunately payable to the feds, not me) and I have filled out some paperwork online on this matter. Incidentally, Mr. Pope finally addressed the ADA complaint I filed against the county by not addressing it. Like the town and the HOA, they ignored federal law.

They dragged this case out until the end of Sept. The same day I took a plea of no contest, that guy who had 300 dogs and ran a puppy mill was found guilty got 3 years suspended and he gets to have pets. Animal control stood up in cournt and said the cats were sick. They weren't. They said they were feral. They were chased through the house by guys with choking devices and thrown into cages. Oh, by the way, one got loose over at the shelter. They were negligent. Nothing got said about that. I had 14 mostly senior cats who were all fixed and up to date on vaccines and one who had extensive surgery a year and a half ago and if they needed something and we couldn't do it, we got help or found a way. Carol signed her cats over. It was also just on the news about the guy with the sick horses and how the animal control could do nothing because they were fed and watered.

Did we have too many cats? Yes, and was the house messy? Yes, but it was not filthy and it was only because we had both been running with Carol's issues and were tired and run down. The cats had food, water, and the dog was extremely health which their vet admitted to in open court. At least we never lost a cat because of negligence.

The dog is trained to help me with balance and other things but I can't have her because the county is pissed that I fought back and I called them liars. The day before I was to be in court I was on Broad St and an animal control truck got behind me and rode my bumper in a harassing manner. It was one of the guys who was here on June 13th and he was not in court the next day. (coincidence?) I reported it to the new county manager who mayor-elect Atkins (I had spoken to him earlier) had told me I'd get decent treatment from. Lo and behold, Chris Royal denied having a truck in Mooresville. So now, I'm a liar. My lawyer said not to mention it. I went no contest because for every witness I had lined up, they had 5 lined up against me. Truth be damned. They'd had the animals for over 3 months.

I appreciate the concern but this court, in its wisdom, has decided that I can't have animals for a year, unless the appeal is successful.

Marian Latimer said...

I will also stick to my statement that I have made all along that there is a certain animal control officer who has been here over a year ago and threatened his way into the house and lied about the condition of the house--I had just washed all the floors--and he only walked in a few feet for about a minute.

Katie also has helped me in the past when I had night terrors/paralysis and she would wake me up before it escalated. I am having this again. It's caused by trauma and/or loss. It's increasing. I've gone from not sleeping to not being able to wake up during these episodes and they are increasing. I've injured myself, albeit not badly, and fallen once. It's more important for the county to win than for any companssion to be shown. I can go on barbituates to try and stop this and be a zombie during the day from the hangover. That may not work anyway. I don't need my kidneys or liver. Dogs don't have side-effects. I've had her dog food here since right before court because I could not conceive that the judge would be that cruel but he was. I was told that the county prosecutor had a soul but I was misinformed.

This was about winning and retaliating because I fought back.

Who is Cliff?

Anonymous said...

Maybe this is a good idea because it might keep Erskine and the sanitation department from passing judgment and acting out on it with a sick old woman before the matter ever gets to court. Someone needs to school these clowns on their boundaries.

Anonymous said...

How old is this dog and how long have you had her? How is taking her Out of the only loving home she has known and putting her in a cage indefinitely not cruel? Is anyone allowed to see her?

Marian Latimer said...

Katie turned 5 on March 23rd and I've had her since she was 10 weeks old and she was mine even before that. I've had collies all my life, did obedience, herding, and therapy dog with the last 2 and she is by far the healthiest, smartest, and best of the bunch and came out of the crate ready to learn. She had to learn fast when I had neck surgery when she was a little over a year old and was sent home on a cane with serious equilibrium issues.

Marian Latimer said...

And no. I have not been allowed to see her or any of the cats. Even convicted child abusers get supervised visitation. I'm not allowed to go to Animal Control because Chris Royal took exception to me taping her when I handed her the letter and she admitted to my face that she was violating my civil rights. Funny how we have to live by the law but they don't. According to rescues, I have a legal right to see my pets but that means nothing here. I love how a teacher in the school here tries to strangle a woman and gets put on paid leave and a low bond, with a prior history. I did nothing wrong and I've been all but lynched. Is it because I'm not from down here?

Anonymous said...

It's a shame this lady can't have her dog back. The dog has been up in jail with some of our "fine" county employees and they call this woman cruel? How is keeping a healthy animal in a cage kind?

Anonymous said...

They dont care about being kind or fair. I will bet that dog has been put down or some friend of Redmond has a daughter or niece who is gonna find a nice Lassie dog under their tree this Christmas. That's how it works here. That's why nobody's seen her dog.

Anonymous said...

Wow, cruel and unusual, isn't this? Is it customary to make someone's medical conditions worse as part of a sentence? Merry Christmas Sarah Kirkman.

Go Redmond!!! said...

So now Redmond is handing out confiscated dogs from the pound. He is in cahoots with Animal Control and the conspiracy effect has landed someone a lassie dog for Christmas. Good thing they confiscated it when they did so that most people wouldn't catch on. You are a sharp one though!

Please leave the man alone at least through the holidays. He has done nothing but a good job for the people of Iredell County.

All of you have a nice Thanksgiving yourself.

Anonymous said...

Go Redmond, you are nothing but a jackass. A woman with a medical condition is suffering without her dog and you choose to make fun and tell us what a good man you are. We all know you're Redmond. What kind of holiday is that woman having? Everyone here knows how things work around here. Ask the guy with the steam engine. Didn't one of his deputies have something to do with the dog being taken? I don't think it's much of a stretch.

If someone in the county had a conscience, they'd do something about this situation. Hell, the teacher who tried to choke his girlfried in on paid leave. For someone who has never been in trouble before, unlike the teacher, I don't see how this sort of meaness helps anyone. But we're all safe with a domestic abuser out loose and getting paid.

Anonymous said...

November 17@ 9:27, you are right about Statesville bit I have actually gotten good care at both hospitals there and several dr's there. We do have Good docs here but my regular dr and a couple of specialists have told me to stay out of LNRMC ER and to go to Presbyterian. They misdiagnosed me and I knew it and I asked them to call my dr and for the medication I got and they were "looking" into it and never called my doc or sent him a report until I went in and there was a lot of yelling on the phone. I've heard horror stories from a lot of people about the ER including one about some guy they fired for telling an old woman she was dying when he was just walking by her. She wasn't. I have a lung condition and know what I need. They treated me like I was stupid and I was sent home sicker than I went in.

Anonymous said...

So we should all let Redmond have a good holiday? I'm quite sure he will with all his money and power. What about all the people who he's ruined wrongfully and while we're at it, why should any of us care about his holiday when there are poor and homeless people here?

Redmond has hurt people and some of them have not deserved it. I bet they aren't having a good holiday. I'm more concerned about their holiday and I'm praying for the lady to get her dog back and for her friend with cancer. I don't have time to bother with Redmond. God will take care of him when the time comes.

Anonymous said...


This goes a long way to explain why we might need someone to explain the government of this town, or the county for that matter. I'm sure old Erskine would react this way.

Anonymous said...

Please leave Redmond alone for the holidays? That's hysterical. How are his holidays being ruined? Is he too poor to buy presents or maybe Santa has decided he's been naughty instead of nice, which is probably more like it.

Leave the man alone. Poor thing, he must be so miserable. All that money and power and nobody to answer to. Must be lonely at the top when all your friends are getting indicted.