Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Moving on up

Commissioner Chris Carney, currently serving his second term as Ward 4 commissioner in Mooresville, could be appointed to serve in the State Senate, fulfilling the term of the late James Forrester. For more information, visit the Mooresville Tribune.


Vic Marquis said...

Would that be the frosting on the cake. We will be rid of him, and he would get lost in the midst of those other cronies he so loves.

Anonymous said...

This great news. Now there will be only one more left that put the town in debt to the tune of $96 Million Dollars. Mac Herring you are next why don't you resign and that way we will have a new board because there is no way in hell that you can win re election.

If you really want to do good for the town resign!!

Vic Marquis said...

WOW, what a great thing for this town. We will be rid of him, and he will be amongst all the state cronies that operate like he does. Hopefully, it happens.

Larry Green said...

This ought to be rather interesting. Mr. Carney's excessively close personal and business ties to Langtree and the Howards have already caused significant questions about his ability to separate what's in the best interest of the citizens from what's in the best interest of friends. Take for example the bridge to nowhere and the town's proposal to impose a special tax assessment to recoup costs. They proposed taxing county residents along blue field parkway and then the businesses in that area. Somehow his neighborhood was left out of the proposed special assessment. Then there's the fact that mr carney provided title insurance for Langtree development, a project being developed by brad Howard - who, ironically, created an LLC entitled "the slush fund, LLC" and identified mr carney as one of the incorporaters. Of course, this was purely a joke according to the slush fund founders.

My point is that he has entirely too many questionable ties to these particular developers, and was adamant about giving them certain tax breaks to help them begin developing the property. I question whether he will be able to be a servant of the people rather than a servant to big business. Even if Carney is appointed, it appears clear he hopes to run for the seat left empty by Mr. Mills. And who will be responsible for the fundraising? Brad Howard.

Mr carney is a nice person and, I believe he cares about Mooresville. However, I am not confident he can serve the people rather than the big businesses. If Langtree and the Howards have enjoyed having Carney's support on the town board, I can only imagine the orgasmic reaction to the thought of having his support as a member of the nc general assembly.

Mr carney, if you do get nominated and are appointed -- please remember you serve the people of this district. People are tired of the good old boy network. If you wish to serve then you need to consider how you are going to divest yourself of what appears to be a questionably unethical relationship with big business. The appearance of impropriety should be enough to cause you to change these relationships with big developers and business.

Anonymous said...


Iredell County will finally have a voice in Raleigh in the Senate!

I hope you give 'em Hell Chris!

Anonymous said...

We will be rid of him here and eventually he will have to face a much bigger electorate than his ward here. Good luck with that, bud. I suggest he might want to look into a retirement time share with Mitch, Montgomery, Redmond, and Skippy. Throw in a few county commissioners for good measure and Erskine and it's s party for us!

Anonymous said...

Can we hold a going away party for him? Actually, the party would be for us!

The only problem is that because of him and his 'partners', we Townspeople are stuck with the legacy of their incompetence.

MI Concoction, Langtree in the Lake, to name the two biggest fiascoes ever to perpetrated on us.

Carney, nice fella, but a pin head and sucking up to anyone driving a better car than him. Commissioner is an appropriate description of his title on the Board but who is paying his Commission?

Read Larry Green's post and you'll have the answers.

Anonymous said...

Who would take his place on the commission? Would there be a special election or would that person be appointed and by who?

Can we find some place to send Erskine Smith to where he can do no further harm and be out of our pocketbooks?

Anonymous said...

Big and little howard are certainly happy about this. By the way, when is that ruths chris steakhouse gonna open? Been waiting forever!

Anonymous said...

I am amazed that Steve Johnson would support someone who has been so careless with the taxpayers' money.

Anonymous said...

November 21, 2011 1:33 PM said...
I am amazed that Steve Johnson would support someone who has been so careless with the taxpayers' money.

Steve Johnson has appeared to be an open Redmond supporter for years. What surprises could there be?

Anonymous said...

Everyone who appreciates good local law enforcement, including Steve, supports Phil Redmond.

I bet your house is lined with tin foil. And just think how great it would be if those darn aliens stopped trying to communicate with you through the fillings in your teeth.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, good law enforcement. Redmond has had two convicted thieves as some of his closest people and they have both been indicted. One has been convicted and the other one is up and coming.

I thought the state ran rehabilitation centers for criminals, I wasn't aware that the law enforcement profession has expanded it's duties.

Anonymous said...

What, nobody in the office to kiss your butt today, Phillip? Or have you put in your 8 hours for the week? Public service is a bitch, ain't it when the public might be watching. Too bad most of us don't have the tinfoil amenities or mental dysfunctions you seem to think your critics do. They have intelligence. You might want to look in the mirror though.

Anonymous said...

Just think in seven and 1/2 days we will have a new Mayor and a new City Council. This means possibly good things for our town and one former member will have to get his free meals somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

Can someone explain all the references to free meals by council members? Thanks.

Larry Gregory said...

Jaime, I would like for you to investigate these town issues. Fire Chief Wes Greene took Mitch to Statesville in his taxpayer town vehicle for the recount. Erskine is aware of this and nothing really happened that I am aware of. Chief Greene was gone from his duties in Mooresville and should have to reimburse the town his salary for that time and expense for the vehicle. Not sure about this but since you exposed the Mayor by getting phone records the town is now going to reimburse the town workers for their private phone instead of issuing town phones. Are they trying to hide things?

Larry Gregory said...

No one ran against Mac last time so he will be a commissoner until someone steps up to plate.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know this also Jamie,I would not think so but why print something about the soon to be ex Mayor that helped your friend and neighbor do you just investigate to help certain ones or do you get answers and publish them. It should be made public and Greene punished. How do we know what the Chief and other dept heads are doing with their cars and this brings up another question how do we know what the people that live out of town are doing with their cars while out of the town. People who live outside the County should not even be permitted to take a car home.

Anonymous said...

Preacher man wait till you hear their answer to the cell phones. They will say it is a money saving for the town.
What it really means is that the the the employees and councilmen and Mayor buy their own phone and the town pays them a certain amount each month to apply it their phone bill. This way the phone belongs to the employess or Mayor or council member and you, me and the public cannot get a record of their calls since the phone belongs to the indivual and not the town. Probably a suggestion by either Mitch, or one of the incumbents because this was done befor the election.

Anonymous said...

Carney will do well in the State Senate.... most sycophants do.

Anonymous said...

Isnt it possible that Chief Greene had town business in Statesville? It is the county seat after all. You are assuming he went to Statesville just to take Mitch along. That may not be the case. Just a thought.

Larry Gregory said...

If Chief Greene had business in Statesville that should be said. Taking Mitch and being at the recount looks the way it does.

Anonymous said...

OK 10:12 PM which one are you, Chief,Mitch,or Erskine. has to be one of you because everyone knows that Greene very seldom leaves his office

Larry Green said...

Just for clarifiction -- Larry Gregory made the comment regarding cell phone records -- not Larry Green.

I'm not sure about all the departments, but I do know that the Police Department now has a policy regarding take-home vehicles. Their policy mimics other municipalities in that it defines how many miles outside of the district a car can be driven. I'm not sure of the exact limit, but it's something like 2-3 miles outside of town limits -- I think. There are exemptions for certain positions who could be called in for emergency response situations.

Anonymous said...

Larry, If the town provides a phone to employees, and they use it even for one personal call, then they have to pay taxes on the phone bill as income. If they dont want any personal calls on the town provided phone, then they have to carry a 2nd personal phone. Most people dont want to carry 2 phones all the time, but have responsibilites such as children and need to be available. See, no conspiracy here. When the government decided a year or so ago to tax cell phones as income, people found another solution. end of story.