Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Mayoral candidate Jared Esselman ignores your questions

Jared Esselman, candidate for mayor, did not respond to the questions sent by you last week. In addition to many questions that were sent to all candidates, you asked the following individual questions of Esselman: 

1. Concern has been raised about a March 2008 blog article in which you are noted as a speaker at an anti-war rally at the College of Charleston, where you studied. The article states: 
“Among the speakers was Jared Esselman, a junior Political Science student as well as an Iraq veteran who served in the Air Force. His passionate speech brought up the importance of such protests to prevent the illegal invasions of other countries deemed members of Bush's 'Axis of Evil,' namely Iran. The words of an Iraq veteran add a special potency to the conversation; this was not an average student speaking it was a man who tasted the dirt of the desert and watched his friends lay down their lives for a country they love and a war they don't believe in. In addition, he not only spoke for himself but also spoke for the voiceless men and women half a world away. These service members are facing the brutality of an enraged community protecting their own nation, as well as the betrayal of an authoritarian president who answers to none.” 
So which are you? Are you a proud, conservative American soldier who risked your life defending our freedoms, as you have been quoted as saying? Or are you a service member who was forced to participate in a war you didn't believe in?

Esselman did not respond.

2. Is it true that you want to change the town charter and name yourself the Mayor/Town Manager paying yourself a handsome salary and naming lackeys to serve at your pleasure? If it's not true, why did you send all those emails? If it is true, how do you plan to get this past the good people of Mooresville?

Esselman did not respond.

3. Considering Mooresville’s troubled track record of the quality of town managers, I for one was very drawn to your idea of a Mayor-run versus a Town Manager-run system. Have you now backed off of this very good idea? And if so, why? If you have backed off of this idea, why would I not assume you will flip-flop on other important issues in the future?

Esselman did not respond.

4. You have contended that Skip Alexander has “deceived” the people of Mooresville by disseminating false information about you. Could you tell us exactly what that false information is?

Esselman did not respond.

5. There are grumblings in town that you are being backed and supported by the good ole boy network that found itself exposed and ousted in the past decade in Mooresville, including former mayors and commissioners who were voted out of office. Is this true?

Esselman did not respond.

6. Your literature makes references to improving education in Mooresville and “saving teachers’ jobs”. How do you propose to accomplish this within our current system where the town board has no jurisdiction in the school system? Did you make these empty promises in order to procure votes from teachers and parents?

Esselman did not respond.

7. As a member of the Mormon faith, would you place the well-being of Mooresville before the dictates of that faith?

Esselman did not respond.

8. Education and loading planes aside, why are you qualified to be Mayor?

Esselman did not respond.

9. What private-sector experience, if any, do you have, and how would that come to bear on your performance as mayor?

Esselman did not respond.

To read responses to your questions from Esselman's opponent, Miles Atkins, visit here: Mayoral candidate Miles Atkins responds to your questions.


Jim said...


Just curious.....did Esselman say he would answer these questions and then just not respond?

Sort of makes it tough to compare...


Anonymous said...

Arrogant little prick. I'm sure daddy, Mrs Royer, or Carole will pipe up sooner or later.

He's a class act. Just like Skippy. Let's rent them both out to pro wrestling and make some money to pay our bills.

How can he not respond? it's not like he has a regular job or anything like that. He just disrespected all of us. Ain't gonna vote for you, bub. We're not good enough to be communicated with, screw you.

We'll be voting for Miles.

Jaime Gatton said...

Thanks for the question, Jim.

I sent Esselman's questions to the e-mail address by which we have communicated several times over the past few months. Unfortunately, he never contacted me about the questions at all.

Several candidates, however, have told me that Esselman said he received the questions but would not be acknowledging them.

Hope that helps.

Anonymous said...

Well, Jaime, that shows the type of government he intends to run. It's good to be the king. He doesn't have to interact with the rest of us peasants. He just wants us to vote for him and then he'll do as he damn well pleases, just like Erskine Smith. Guess he and Skippy aren't so far apart in the arrogance department.

All hail King Jared. The emperor has no clothes, well, except for those magic Morman undies, I guess.

Anonymous said...

Can't blame anyone for not answering the questions.
Atkins on a lot of these gives a lot of spin and no straight answers on some of the questions.

To me Atkins has been BOUGHT and I will never vote for him nor will I ever buy a car and will tell all my friends to do the same in regards to Randy Marion Dealership.

I quess Marion reads this and makes me wonder why he has not posted why he gave $4,000.00 to Atkins Campaign.He has to want something, yes Esselman got some money from up north but NONE of them can gain fom anything here in Mooresville.

Tell us Randy why you donated this much.

Anonymous said...

Mayve he chose not to respond because so many people on this particluar blog wpould just bash him and call him an arrogant little prick no matter what he said.

Anonymous said...

Really not any excuses for Esselman's failure to respond. Anyone keeping up with this blog knows that it has been instrumental in exposing many examples of government gone wild. Esselman's failure to respond sets the stage for the same type of treatment to citizens and the press should the electorate make the mistake of electing him.

Anonymous said...

yada yada yada

Anonymous said...

Funny how Jared was all over this blog when he was defending his signs and he was ever so willing to answer questions when they were softball stuff. He made it clear he was going to be accessible to any and all who wanted to reach out to him. Come on out and sit on his porch and chat.

I guess he couldn't find the answers to the questions to copy and paste or maybe his daddy just didn't have time to answer the questions for him.

Transperancy? This guy is so arrogant he's beyond belief. True son of Mooresville? He doesn't vote and he won't talk to us. He wants to be mayor and spend our tax dollars but he can't tell us anything or answer our questions but a few months ago he can address such triviality as his damn campaign signs on this very blog and said he was open to communicating with anyone. What bullshit.

Between him and Skip we've had enough drama to keep several soap operas busy for years. Who needs this? What we need is clean, honest, no-nonsense open government for a change. Hopefully we're going to turn some of the good old boys out and we'll get rid of Smith and next election we'll be rid of the rest of them and Redmond too. It won't be perfect but it will be a good start.

Anonymous said...

He was all over this blog for about two days and then realized that it was mostly a bunch of immature name-calling people who really didnt want answers, they just wanted to bitch and complain.

Anonymous said...

Go ahead, call me a name...I know you want to. ROTFLOL.

Anonymous said...

WEll, 11:16, now he's got his daddy on this blog defending him, his mommy and probably his pet ferret next. So clearly he's trying to have it both ways only on his terms. That's not how it works in politics or public office.

11:17, Jackass!

Anonymous said...

11:17 is a weenie.

Anonymous said...

So you know for a FACT thta he "got" his mommy and daddy to get on here? Or is that just another ASSumption that you are making. They are adults. I'll bet they can come on here and defend their son without his permission or involvement.

Anonymous said...

Oooohh 11;26. dont you feel so grown up now?! You sure do look it now! ROTFLOL.

Anonymous said...

Dennis Esselman identified himself by name and made several posts on a previous blog entry. I believe it was the one about posting questions for the candidates. So yes, Daddy has been fighting his adult son's battles and doing a piss poor job of it. Either the candidate is a man and can answer for himself or he still needs his mommmy and daddy to fight his battles. For that alone, I'm not voting for him. I had other reasons but that sealed the deal.

Anonymous said...

Jared and his followers have been coloring outside the line from the get go and when the going gets tough, meaning the electorate wants it's questions answered, the candidate gets silent. Can't wait for Tuesday. We will be speaking up for Miles.

Anonymous said...

Saw one of Jareds dancing puppets holding his sign up on Plaza by Walmart. Not as good as the pudgy guy who does it for the restaurants. LOL. So dignified. That's going to sway my vote.

Anonymous said...

Instead of tossing signs and basically plastering the town with signs, Esselman should show some substance and answer the citizens' questions. He didn't mind answering the softballs lobbed by the chamber but when the going gets tough, the tough get going and people like Esselman go into hiding.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure that NOT having the support of your mom and dad in a campaign would certainly be a bigger story! Most of what I've seen on this blog is unsupported accusations of all sorts of wrong doing...almost to the point that I'm thinking it would be better named "The Conspiracy Theorist's Report" Always good for a laugh...not much more.

Anonymous said...

Oh and to 5:21 how dignified is it to talk about the "pudgy" guy..In this economy many people are just trying to get by. Willing to sacrifice a little dignity to feed their kids...

Anonymous said...

I wasn't insulting the pudgy dancing guy. Hell, I have plenty of respect for him. He has some inititiative and I bet he'd answer questions put to him. He even has talent.

I'd vote for him. He should run for something. At least he shows up.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't insulting the pudgy dancing guy. Hell, I have plenty of respect for him. He has some inititiative and I bet he'd answer questions put to him. He even has talent.

I'd vote for him. He should run for something. At least he shows up.

Anonymous said...

Pudgy dancing guy for Mayor!

Anonymous said...

I would bet if he saw your post "pudgy dancing guy.lol" he would think you were insulting him.

Anonymous said...

The LOL was meant for Jared's dancing twerp. The pudgy dancing guy who does it on a regular basis all over town has some standards. If I were him, I'd sue Jared for infringing on his territory. Criminy, nothing sways my vote like some twit jumping around on the side of traffic, about to cause an accident.

Anonymous said...

Mormons can't dance, I guess, unless they're on Dancing With The Stars. LOL.

Maybe next election we should have a dance-off. It would be about as helpful as those useless forums.

Anonymous said...

This afternoon, on the corner of Wilson and Broad Street, I saw a child of probably no more than 12 or 13 waving an Esselman sign almost his size. He was perilously close to the street, and a car wildly swerved to miss him as it turned the corner. There was no adult accompanying the child. The child was dressed in dressy pants and a button down shirt. The whole spectacle was surreal and very unsettling.

Anonymous said...

The kid at the Walmart entrance did not look old enough to vote and this begs the question, shouldn't he have been in school? Sounds like the kid downtown is getting his dress rehersal for his mission. I'd have called child protective services and the truant officer.

Anonymous said...

"Mayoral candidate Jared Esselman ignores your questions"

I dont blame him for ignoring questions from the owner of this blog who is also the best friend of Kim Atkins.

Not saying there is any bias here, but even the headline used makes it sound like it was written at Atkins campaign headquarters....

Anonymous said...

oooh, "wildly swayed" to miss someone that was "close" to the road....a little exxageration for effect here? You guys are grasping.

Anonymous said...

I have to say, if my son was running for mayor, and I saw the bashing on here, I would defend him. What parent wouldnt? Does this mean that Jared told them too? Probably not, but who knows. I believe it is just a bully playground tactic to criticize someone for this?

Anonymous said...

The bullies are in the town hall. Picking on old ladies with cancer and using our money to do it. Why are these giys still working, Erzkine Smith included?

Anonymous said...

So, Mr. Esselman feels that he does not need to answer citizen questions. We have been there, done that. We have had plenty of public officials who gave us the finger and felt they did not have to answer our questions, and they all had their own "justifications". Those "justifications" sounded awefully like the "justifications" I'm seeing here on this thread for Esselman. No thanks. I think I'll pass on Mr. Esselman and every other candidate who refused to answer their questions. Bad foot to start on fellows.

Anonymous said...

What a cop out. Esselman's already acting like the Old Guard Mafiosos that ran this town for decade after decade.

Anonymous said...

I for one do not need a 31 year old fart who thinks he is too good to be held accountable as the mayor of my town! Go home to your mommy and daddy and let the grownups do their work! We have got real problems in this town and the last thing we need is a spoiled brat lounging around in town hall schmoozing up with our crook of a town manager!

Anonymous said...

11:57, I'm gonna give Master Jared the finger on Tuesday. He can go running back to mommy and daddy and cry that we all picked on him or have a smackdown with Skippy.

Anonymous said...

Mud wrestling at Lake Norman with Jared and Skippy. My money's on Skippy in 3 rounds. Bet he makes Jared cry too.

Anonymous said...

I've been keeping up with this blog since it started. One thing I've seen is every single elected official who's ignored this blog is gone, history.

Anonymous said...

Jared hasn't been elected yet but if this is true then we'll soon be rid of King Phillip Redmond and a few assorted county commissioners to boot.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How pathetic, you say Jared didnt answer OUR questions...but you are the one sending them? So its you who he didnt answer.

So youre the one thats mad and writing this garbage.

You are also the one that has been facebook buddies with miles and his wife and their kids for years.

You are also the one that has been supporting miles from the start.

So you send a bunch of loaded questions in an email,...YOU an atkins borderline "staffer" and then you act outraged he didnt answer YOUR slanted questions.

How funny, Just put a MILES ATKINS banner up on your website and stop pretending to be outraged.

Anonymous said...

So can we see the list of questions you emailed Miles? Or maybe you just wrote them on a napkin when you were having dinner at his house? And planning this post together?

Im SURE you sent the same type of gotcha qeustions to him right?


And save the "pretend outrage", youd make a great MSNBC reporter.

Anonymous said...

"I'm gonna give Master Jared the finger on Tuesday. He can go running back to mommy and daddy and cry that we all picked on him or have a smackdown with Skippy"


Since he did two tours of duty for YOUR COUNTRY i doubt hell cry.

Its not as hard as working for a toy company for a decade.

But hey everybody if this guys opinion of a war veteren, is who you want to side with...go vote for miles.

Anonymous said...

"Did you make these empty promises in order to procure votes from teachers and parents?


LOOK AT YOUR QUESTIONS...LOL, nice questions.

WOW I HAD HEARD ATKINS supporters like gatton were playing dirty democrat style campaigning, but this entire post is a new record for the OLD BOYS scummy election week lies.

So JAIME when exactly dod you become facebook friends with Miles, his wife and entire family. Looks like about 2 years ago.

So everytime you write something everyone reading should know you are an old family friend.


I feel like im watching the rachel Maddow show.

Anonymous said...

10:33 AM, whatever you say, Jared, you panty waist little jerk. You served your country but you don't have the gonads to answer questions, I see. Keep throwing that up. Jared has had his mommy and daddy fighting his battles for him from the get-go and this should inspire confidence in his leadership? Mommy got a day off for being inproper with her ISS computer on the job over sonny's campaign. Jaime gave him coverage. I bet she's FB friens with him or liked his page in the interest of fairness.

I'll bet most of the indignant posts here are from Jared or his folks. Try running for selectman up in Boston where all your friends are and they believe your bullshit. We don't need a dictator down here.

Oh, yeah, now that you've voted for what, the first time? you might want to remember people keep an eye on that sort of thing.

Anonymous said...

Packing up the car for Boston tomorrow, Jared? Better get your siblings dance lessons before the next election.

Oh, yeah, vote and learn to fight your own battles.

And have Mom stay away from the Mayor Montgomery School of Computer Etiquette.