Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

WBTV: Kyle Busch pleads guilty in speeding case; loses license

Click here for WBTV's full report: WBTV Story


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Anonymous said...

What? Phil didn't drop the charges?

Anonymous said...

anybody know where Busch lives in Iredell?

Anonymous said...

I don't know if Kyle lives in the county or not but he got caught in broad daylight with his pedal to the metal. Then he makes it worse by saying it's just a toy. If one of us got caught doing that we'd have our sorry butts hauled off to jail from the scene and then we would be doing serious time behind bars. I guess some people have privileges. This is all just a little misunderstanding. Now he did man up but all he is getting is a slap on the wrist. If a kid had run out in the road or he'd come up on someone doing the speed limit or he'd made a split second mistake, this could have been a real tragedy. Hecslips a few grand to Phil's benevolent fund or his gold chain fund and all is forgiven. Way to send a message and set an example for our young people who kill themselves by driving like they're invincible on the roads. Good job all.

Anonymous said...

Just saw this story on channel nine. What an arrogant little prick. He saw the chance of a lifetime and he took it? What's wrong with taking that toy to a closed track where his selfish actions aren't putting others in danger? His lawyer says a fast car in Busch's hands is like a scalpel in the hands of a surgeon. Let's see that mouthpiece sign up for brain surgery with that surgeon. No remorse. Only excuses and arrogance. This is why the the rest of the country sees us as ignorant inbred crackers. Way to go Phil.

Anonymous said...

He didn't even say he was guilty which he was. He said no contest. You're a real man, Kyle. Had your wife in the car I see. Got a pair on ya. Good one. It's one thing to kill yourself...

Anonymous said...

Geez, where can I get a car that costs more than a house and drive 3 times the speed limit and get me a high priced lawyer to drive my butt all over Phil's kingdom? Ain't life in Iredell County grand?

Anonymous said...

$1000 fine? Wow. That really hurts. What is that? A gold chain or two for Redmond? Bet Kyle doesn't even feel that. It's the loose change in his sofa. Ooh, he's learned a valuable lesson Phil.

Anonymous said...

This is just the typical double standard of the good old boy network here in the county. This clown could have killed God knows how many people, taken out several houses, and who knows what else, and he gets his wrist slapped. The rest of us mere mortals would be doing serious time IN PRISON and paying hefty fines after getting roughed up by the state troopers and/or Redmond's finest.

Reminding you all about the new face book pages:

Iredell County Government Watch

Iredell County Sheriff Phil Redmond Watch

Hit "Like" and let them know you are watching and holding them accountable.

Post what you see municipal and county officials doing, hired and elected, good or bad. It's our money.

Anonymous said...

"that car in his hands is like a scalpel in the hands of a surgeon." Really Cliff? perhaps on the race track, but not on a public road. On the race track it just the drivers. On a public road such as this, one must be alert to cattle, deer, stopped motorist, slow moving vehicles, and pedestrians. His skills as a race car driver are without question, but in this situation, he was just another citizen who had no regard for others.

Sorry you do not feel he was treated fairly, but I, as a citizen, do not feel I was treated fairly either. Had that been me, I would have been hauled off to jail; of course I am not a high paid race car driver either. Everyone knows Redmond favors the wealthy. Had no other citizens been aware of what had taken place, he likely would have been cut loose with a warning.

As far as it being a rural area, I challenge you to drive down Perth Road around three o clock. This road has two public schools that run off or it, a public park (Stumpy Creek), and numerous housing developments. It is far from rural.

Anonymous said...

But....if this would have been Dale Senior or Junior, the reaction would be different. Just good ole boys being themselves.

On the other hand, Kyle was stupid!

Anonymous said...

Stupid doesn't begin to cover it. So poor Kyle was discriminated against. What's next? A million man NASCAR march on washington or a sit-in on a bus. Geez these guys just sound more ignorant as they go on. And the judge is just as bad. Wonder if he'd be quite so forgiving if his kids or grandikids had been outside playing? Wonder what he'll do at his public service? Surely not scrub toilets or pick up litter but tell kids I'm a race car driver. Look at me. Do as I say, not as I do.

Anonymous said...

5:29 you'd have been roughed up too. This is not funny. It's in papers all over the country. So now we are laughingstock everywhere. Thanks, Phil. I will be going to those FB pages. Tell your friends.

Anonymous said...

FB pages are anonymous you can like and do not have to post.

Anonymous said...

Where was this spot on Perth Rd? The next time we go to Big Daddy's, I'd like to take a ride out there and see for myself just what is out that way. I want to see just what he was speeding by. Then I'll come back here and blow a righteous gasket. Think we'll go out for dinner about Friday or Saturday for lunch. What a jackwagon. Both of 'em, Kyle and his lawyer. Because 17-18 year old boys are emulating this punk as I type. We need to have public ass-kicking in this country. Especially for celebrities and their lawyers.

Anonymous said...

Sharpies are still a three pack for $1.47 at Walmart

Anonymous said...

7:17, has it been decided when the official "Send Phil Redmond Sharpies Day" is?

Anonymous said...

Wow, looks like 17 comments by the cat lady. By the way, Phil wasn't the judge in this case or any case.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Phil, go fornicate yourself, and take Tommy with you. Hope Kyle paid you off big time. You're going to need it for your retirement fund. Asswipe. More than the cat lady reads this. No one said Phil was the judge. Neither one of you have brains enough for that. When God was handing them out, you thought they said trains, and said to yourself, hell, we'll get one for Christmas. Clowns.

Anonymous said...

Aren't school busses on the road at 3:00 in the afternoon? Just asking. I'm sure Kyle thought this through all right.

Anonymous said...

10:09, your continual kicking and bashing is certainly indicative of a guilty conscience or the need to cover one's ass. You certainly spend plenty of time reading and posting on here, Phillip/Tommy. I seriously doubt the cat lady follows NASCAR or has been out on Perth Rd.

Anonymous said...

PS Ass clown: We're paying for your time on the computer so stop it. NOW. This taxpayer is sick and tired of it. Don't know if your lawyer has told you but the court can order all the pertinent computers searched once Tommy comes to trial, work and personal. It's called discovery. You might want to think about that. They'll be looking for guilty little communication and if the cat lady wants to sue for slander, well, maybe they'll just throw this her way for shits and giggles. This is what happens when people with Cracker Jack certificates get elected. They're incapable of thinking through the consequences of their actions. And this county gets a black eye in the national press. Good job. Way to send a message.

Anonymous said...

I know this may be slightly off the subject, but I think Phil is doing a wonderful job detering crime.

Just think, if you get locked up in the Iredell County Jail you may not come out alive. How many people does this make that has died while on the watch of Phil Redmond's staff? Talk about making Iredell a better place to live....sheshhh.

Don't worry Phil, I think I will stay away from a life of crime. If any of you have family members in the ICJ for God's sake bond them out quick!

Anonymous said...

5:25, a life a crime may well be within the eye of the beholder. It could be argued that driving three times the speed limit is attempted murder or manslaughter.

Then there is the woman of somewhat less than sterling character who got burned up in her house and the last ones in in there to see her were some deputies. Remarkable coincidence. I have forgotten the particulars but perhaps someone out there recalls?

Anonymous said...

I'm figuring Phil could have you roughed up for making fun of his gold chains or his horn dog deputies. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to ruin everyone's righteous indignation over Kyle Busch's sentencing with logic, facts and the law, but I'm going to. Busch was charged with, and subsequently convicted of Class 2 misdemeanors. NCGS 15A-1340.23 limits the maximum fine allowed is $1,000.00. For a class 2 misdemeanor, anyone with 4 or fewer prior convictions, be it misdemeanor or felony, is not subject to incarceration, as they will receive either 30 days (level 1) or 45 days (level 2) suspended, at either a community or intermediate disposition, i.e. probation.

His license suspension is handled by the DMV in Raleigh as soon as they receive a conviction report.

So, in summation, Busch wasn't eligible under the laws of the state of NC for an active jail sentence. His license has and will be suspended in accordance with the law. Furthermore, anyone else probably would have received a better disposition from the court due the lack of publicity. Back to your Phil bashing and/or defense.

Anonymous said...

Gee, counselor, and this excuses Busch's total lack of remorse and his lawyer's total arrogance how? Somebody could have been killed! A lot of somebodies could have been killed, maimed, injured or worse. It was by the grace of God a tragedy was averted and the cops stopped it. And we get a mouthpiece strutting around about how his client is made an example of? I should hope so. The very least Kyle Busch should have done was take a guilty plea, not no contest, and said he was SORRY. And his damn lawyer should have shut the hell up.

As for Redmond, this is just another prime example of how the rich are different. If this was Billy Bob Six Pack in his soup-up pick up, he'd have been hauled off to jail and his ride towed in and things would have been vastly different. So keep on keeping on, Cliffie, you ran your big old good old boy mouth and made yourself a jackass on TV and in the papers and thanks for making us look like the Dukes of Hazzard all over the country once again. Appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

If the driver was black and had been driving a low-rider Cadillac with some boom in the trunk and he had been pulled going 128 on Perth Road, I bet the cops would have hauled his butt off to jail too..........after they pulled out his dash, engine, and wheels looking for crack. Jusssssayin.

Anonymous said...

(Disclaimer: I should have added that IF a low-rider Cadillac could actually go 128 MPH. LOL!!)

Anonymous said...

Or Mexican...

Anonymous said...

3:08 you do not seem like a Redmond supporter. In fact, you seem to have some intelligence. Therefore, I see no need to verbally abuse you.

I think the Busch's sentence was appropriate. Of course, it really wasn't about Busch anyway. It was about the Redmond camp bending over backwards to smooch his butt. Do you really think someone like Ms. Gatton would have gotten a citation is she were caught doing 128 MPH. Come on, I can tell you are smarter than that. I do hope you respond. I am tired of responding to idiots like 10:09.

Anonymous said...

I don't think a minor detail like the law seems to ever hold up the Redmond camp.

Anonymous said...

Miss Secretary, if you want to hang out you've got to take her out __ __. Of course when the day is done and you want to run __ ___.

Never let a failed drug test slow you down.

Anonymous said...

Well, I see the local poet laureate has made his appearance. That house arrest is a bitch, isn't it? Hope today isn't your random drug and alcohol testing.

Anonymous said...

Well if I fail it I won't be given the same opportunity to hide the results as you were.

Anonymous said...

Huh? How's the food there in the looney bin?

Anonymous said...

Not bad. Hey whose kid is that anyway?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

12:59 it is uncertain who the father is. Someone used a sharpie across the father's name on the birth certificate.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah. She wanted old Phillip all for herself and wouldn't share him with the rest of us working girls. Not that his equipment is in working order anymore. We just tell him it is. LMAO. Once in a while he gets a lucky shot. You can tell it's his kid. Looks like a cheap ass Kenny Rogers and grabs for gold chains.

Anonymous said...

I love the smell of Sharpies in the morning. It smells like victory!

Anonymous said...

Fran, when I come in for my hour of work, make sure I have some fresh sharpies. Oh yea, and some crayons for Rick, he is working on the budget you know.

Anonymous said...

Sure thing, King Phillip, your majesty, sir.

Anonymous said...

Should we expect you at noon or after, your highness?

baby redmond said...

Daddy, dat you?

Anonymous said...

August 25th at 5:25 AM, I am just back from a week in Ashville, so forgive me. Did somebody die in Redmond's jail this week? I did not hear this and I did check papers on my laptop on vacation, albeit briefly. Why does this not make the news? How is Phillip the Teflon Don in these parts? What happened this time? Heart attack? Asthma attack? One of the highly trained and highly educated deputies put some poor sucker in a choke hold and forget to let go? I can't wait to hear the excuses on this one. Oh, wait, I'm sure Donna Swicegood won't be covering this.

August 27th 6:35 PM, please be specific, are you coming in for one hour this week or one hour per day, all at once or a half hour at a time? Will you be there for the next prisoner murder, I mean accidental death?

Anonymous said...

What a miserable little worm you must be 11:18. Hey, everyone, let's pray for him. I think he needs his cold heart turned around.

Go Redmond!!!! said...

Let the grown-ups talk? You have at it Sybil. Leave it up to you to start another unfounded rumor. I think you have been huffing the Sharpies, must be why you have been going on about them so much. The reason that nothing has been in the news is because nothing happened. That is why you only see it on here, the Rotten Report where people make it up as they go along.

Huffing Sharpies and smoking all that cat crap could be very detrimental to your long term health. Of course that is probably what you want so that you can have something else to bitch and whine about. You appear to be far from a defenseless old lady with a sick friend who gets abused by the HOA, the town of Mooresville, the courthouse and the Sheriffs Office. FAR from it. You seem like nothing more than a mean old northern transplant whose goal in life is to wreak havoc and start trouble wherever you go.

Anonymous said...

Go Redmond, Nothing happend? Ask the family of the deseased if nothing happend. Typical for a Redmond supporter, only thinking of the King.

As far as the Rotten Report. Go back and read. Ms. Gatton has reported many unethical activities that the king and his office has done.

It has already been proven that this Sheriff will conduct illeagal searches. Just ask Teasers owner, Jeff Bustle.

It has been proven this Sheriff will hire people that have been charged with a felony (Tommy Adams).

It has been proven the people Redmond hires will steal and forge documents (Adams / McCullom).

It has been proven the Sheriff's Office evidence room is not secure (Robert Goforth's property)

It has been proven that the Sheriff does not prosecute his own staff when they are involved in criminal activity (Adams / McCullom - both indicted by other agencies).

If has been proven that Redmond has no problem violating campaign laws (storing his political signs on county property).

It has been proven that Redmond will allow a suspended / indicted employee to keep and use county property (Adams and his cell phone).

Interestingly enough, Mr. Making Iredell a better place is absent when it comes time to answer for most of these situations.

In what world does a person die in the jail and it not get reported? What where the circumstances? Was the person tased or pepper sprayed? Where the jailers keeping watch on the deseased as they should have? Did the jailers conspire to have an inmate beaten? We know that has taken place. Was the inmate left in the restraining chair for a long period of time?

If there is nothing to tell, then Ms. Swicegood should report that there was nothing to tell. However, it has been proven that Ms. Swicegood has accepted favors from Redmond (free cell phone and minutes), that is likley why Swicegood has nothing to say, and you can only hear about such stories here at the Rotten Report.

Go Redmond!!!!!! said...

I don't see the family of anyone on here saying anything about a death in the jail and I haven't heard them anywhere else either. Get back to me when you have something.

Gatton has reported many things that nobody else has reported and absolutely nothing has come from it. So much for the validity of her reporting.

Anyone having a legitimate search conducted on them can claim an illegal search to try to discredit any evidence found. It is the first thing any "good" attorney tries to do.

You can't condemn people for life for past mistakes. Everyone deserves a new chance. Phil Redmond is enough of a Christian to view people that way and give them another chance. As for the firearms, that will be taken care of when it gets to court.

Really? The Sheriff keeping a couple of signs at the office for supporting citizens to pick up is an illegal activity worth making issue over? That is community interaction and good rapport.

Tommy using the cell phone was an oversight. I believe the response from Steve Johnson and Ken Robertson should back that up.

The Sheriff has better things to do than answer every little dweeb with another false accusation designed to get him out and replaced the accusers choice in office. Nothing but belated campaign strategy on the part of losers.

Anonymous said...

Go Redmond/anonymous you sure seem to have a boner for the cat lady or is it Randy Marion? I'm not sure. Every single time someone has something to say about your lord and master it has to be her. I believe there is something in the law that says unwanted electronic communication and harassment is stalking. Redmond is a public figure and fair game. A private citizen isn't. Hope she is reading this. There are more than 6 of us out here jackass. And haven't you heard? Newspapers are a dying institution so Donna Swicegood's days are likely numbered. People are getting their news online. At best Phil has 3 more years. The Internet is a wonderful thing. He can't keep his shit buried like a cat burying his crap in a litter box. There are people in this county who don't drink the Kool-Aid and have brains. We are sick of this.

Go Redmond!!!!!! said...

(We)All six of you are sick of this? The cat lady (as you appropriately call her) seems to be the main leading poster on here. I do believe it is her who started the Facebook page that has grown to an astounding 17 members. If you want to take responsibility for your posts then assign an alias to them. Be accountable for your posts at least to some degree, otherwise you are a contributing factor to the "cat lady" looking like the only one making posts. Who else has made a post on that amazingly active Facebook page that she started? Oh yeah....nobody. One other individual posted that they "liked" something but nobody including yourself apparently has made a post except for the one who started the page.

If all of this is so damn true and there are others, stand up and be counted! Put some sunglasses and sunscreen on when you come out of your momma's basement. It's bright out here.

Anonymous said...

Go Redmond, The shame of it is I should not have to go look for information to present to you. Our media should do that for us. They have truly done Redmond an injustice by not keeping the public informed. Now there is a question about what has taken place. If the media had reported it as they should, it would likely not even be a part of this conversation.

Now, as far as the family of the deceased, as you well know you will likely not hear from them. They will keep quiet until they have spoken to their attorney. Then they will take the legal action that is needed, or not.

As I suspected, like most of your ignorant ramblings, you are not familiar with the search at Mr. Bustle’s business. The state of N.C. ruled that the search conducted by Phil Redmond’s employees was illegal, and Bustle and many of his employees were awarded a financial compensation. Mr. Making Iredell a better place, in an effort to gain votes from the religious community, caused the tax payers to give money to the slime of our county.

A career in law enforcement is unlike any other. There is no room for thieves and liars. If Phil wants to forgive Tommy that is his business, but as soon as he makes him an employee of the county, it becomes the tax payers business. I admit it has not gone to trial, but tigers usually don’t change their stripes. Tommy will likely be convicted, and once again Phil will have egg on his face.

As you well know, it is unfair for the other candidates to allow Redmond to store his signs on county property. It may seem like a small issue, but it is a violation of law, and for a Sheriff to violate the law is truly shameful.

As far as the cell phone, Robertson and Johnson’s comments are irrelevant. Neither was aware of what Redmond had done. Redmond had to have known about it since Adams called Redmond’s house with it. It was hardly an oversight.

As far as Redmond not responding, I for one feel that all elected officials answer to the people. You may feel differently. If something does not smell right, an elected official should answer for it. That is just common sense.

Truth is, I have provided you with several examples of why Redmond is a dishonest unethical bastard, and instead of looking at the information objectively as an honest person would, you insist on marginalizing his actions. This just enforces the old saying about birds of a feather.

Go Redmond!!!!!! said...


Everything boils down to the following;

Six people screaming that there is an injustice of sorts but no action being taken on the part of the S.B.I. or the F.B.I.

The local news crews aren't even looking into what you claim to be true. Why not? They LOVE dirt. If even a part of what is being said on here were true it seems certain that they would be asking questions.

I do want to commend you on an intelligent response. You are most definitely not the other individual that usually posts on here. Nice to be conversing with a reasonable person despite differences of opinion.

(You did dodge my point of not posting with at least a screen name or even posting on the Facebook page that has been made available to all.)

Anonymous said...

And where is your name, MR Go Redmond, or your Face book page? Glad you recognize intelligence, even if you don't seem to have it.

There is a dead inmate. Shit rolls downhill. Sooner or later that's going to come up, be it in court or in the press. Nobody heard about Deputy Freeman until a few weeks ago but lo and behold, we had us a 2 million dollar plus alienation of affection judgement. Doesn't exactly make things look like Phil's keeping his boys going to choir practice, does it?

I'm not expecting a quick answer. It's lunch hour at the Burger Barn. You ought to be back at what, 3?

Go Redmond!!!!!! said...

I do believe I gave you the option of a screen name, so twist that around to suit you however you need to. I do recognize intelligence even if it lacks common sense enough to be on the right side of things.

I don't need a Facebook page. I'm not the one (or six) screaming injustice. Oh wait, it is up to 17 now. Should I be worried? NOT!!!!

Why hasn't the District Attorney done something with all of this stuff you claim happened? Can she request an investigation? If she has, why hasn't one been done? If it has been done, why aren't there any charges filed? Oh I know you have the Tommy thing which will go away but what about the other fifty allegations? It would appear that either the D.A.'s office is part of the "corruption" or there isn't any legitimacy to the allegations.

You should drop by the Burger Barn sometime. Good place to eat and socialize. I'll buy you lunch if you want. We can put things to the side for an hour and shoot the shit.

Go Redmond!!!!!! said...

Oh yeah, about Freeman. See if you can find people to fill 100's of positions without running across a couple that will make bad decisions. Not to mention have you ever made a bad decision? Feel over your head for a halo and then get back with me.

Anonymous said...

Go Redmond, Why is it six? If you are going to pick out a number why not three or even two. Truth is, you do not know how many are posting. It doesn’t really matter though. All that matters are the ones that are reading. That is why I appreciate you so much. Without you, this article on Busch would have died a long time ago. But you my friend, are helping keep it alive, and for that I say thanks.

The reason people do not post their names is because they know Mr. Christian Godly Sheriff will try to retaliate. He has a tendency to do such things. They are fortunate they have a blog where they can post what they know to be true.

People do make mistakes, there is no question. Some are merely accused of making a mistake and are punished. Take Huffstickler for example. Mr. Forgiveness had no use for him. Why did he not get to remain suspended until after his trial? Can’t have it both ways buddy.
As far as Redmond not being indicted, all anyone can do, including yourself, is guess. After all, nobody thought Tommy would be indicted until it happened. My guess is it is because of lack of evidence. Or perhaps it is because government is slow on everything it does. However, I imagine once Phil is gone more people will be willing to talk. I figure he knows that too, and that is why he continues to run. There is always the rumor that he is going to hand it off in a couple years. I have been hearing that one for the last three terms.

Do you intend to go to Tommy’s trial? I plan on being there. I really want to see star witness Darren Campbell testify. What do you think he will do?

Anonymous said...

12:55, I bet that Tommy's trial is going to be like the Tot Mom's and they are going to line up at 4 in the morning. I'll bet Go Redmond will be there because he is either Tommy or Redmond.

Redmond does retaliate. As for the cat lady, she's got more spine than a lot of you. I give her credit. Clearly she has no clue what she could be in for.

A lot of people are starting to talk. A lot. More than 6, more than 17. I'm hearing it all the time. If there was an election held tomorrow, it would be a no confidence vote for old Redmond. If it's true somebody has died in his little establishment recently and that's being swept under the rug, God help him. I don't care if it's the worst criminal in the state, that doesn't wash.

And you're right, 12:55, Go Redmond is his own worst enemy. This good old boy is kind of like the bank robber that writes the note on his driver's license, "look at me." Stupid.

Go Redmond!!!!!! said...

12:55: "All that matters are the ones that are reading." Apparently nobody is reading or there would be way more posts and people would be raising hell wanting something done.

People don't read this because it is fabricated crap that is only surpassed by the National Enquirer.

Anonymous said...

Tell that to Crone.

Anonymous said...

You sure are scared. You keep responding. You're the main hellrasiser that's for sure. Way more posts? There's generally 200-250 and some before things move on. Let's see, I think it was damn near 250 on the post about old Tommy Boy and his cell phone and plenty more on various other topics like Cops For Kids and that was way before the cat lady. You might want to pull your head out of redmond's ass. There are other people out here who are sick of this bullshit. Some of us are biding our time. Pretty soon the shit is going to be piled so high even the papers and tv stations won't be able to ignore it. Not even Donna.

Anonymous said...

Shooting shit at the Burger Barn. There's a visual. Excuse me. I have to take a shower And have my stomach pumped. Maybe get a shot of penicillin for good measure. Where the bootlickers meet there is way too much shit.

Anonymous said...

Go Redmond I gave you a list of proven things that has taken place under Redmond and yet you still call it fabricated.

There is only one question left for you: "Would you like grape or cherry flavored kool aid?"

I think you are just kidding around. There is absolutely no way you think the way you claim you do.

Anonymous said...

He's either Redmond or he's some 14 year old dweeb wannabe. Either way he is delusional. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

Anonymous said...

When is Tommy's trial? Surely it won't be in this county, like Deputy Freeman's alienation of affection lawsuit? Justice does not seem to be any too swift around here, does it? Mr. Crone hasn't been tried yet, has he? Anyone have any idea when he's going to come to trial or is hell going to freeze over on that one too?

Go Redmond!!!!!! said...

Yep. Ya'll are FINALLY getting it. When I said, "People don't read this (Gatton Report) because it is fabricated crap that is only surpassed by the National Enquirer."

3:03 responded with, "Tell that to Crone."

If there was something to what Crone did he would have been to trial and found guilty by now. How long ago was that? Why WOULD a judge and the D.A. allow it to be continued so many times? Possibly because it was a witch hunt just like is going on at the Sheriffs Office right now.

Anonymous said...

Really? Why isn't he still the police chief and where is all that money? Why isn't he a cop somewhere else? Why isn't he suing to get his good name back? You want a cookie with that Kool-aid junior?

Tommy hasn't come to trial yet. Does that mean it's all a big witch hunt? That dead inmate? Just a figment of our imagination. It's all a big plot by the big bad Redmond haters. Everyone up there is perfect. Ok whatever you say.

Anonymous said...

I believe Crone's date is in February.

Go Redmond!!!!!! said...

Just did a check on the dead inmate. Nothing since 2009 when an inmate hung himself. Donna reported that without problem.


Then you can go back to 2008 when someone died from being tasered. Are you trying to drag that up for lack of anything else to say? Donna reported on that without problem. If something happened now wouldn't she be reporting it?

Anonymous said...

When is Tommys date? Inquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

Go Redmond, last week a woman was brought to the jail. While she was there she was pepper sprayed, and placed in a restraining chair.

I do not like or respect Redmond. He is an unethical man, but to be fair, I am not suggesting that Redmond or any of his people did anything out of line. I simply do not know.

I believe it is important to keep the citizens informed. The jail has been a problem for Redmond since he has been in office. For example there have been numerous escapes, jailers arrested for conspiracy, and jailers accepting bribes. All these things were reported in the R&L (Not by Donna). Just report what happened. and keep the people informed. Is that too much to ask?

Anonymous said...

2:14, please, elaborate. Why was this woman pepper sprayed and restrained? Did she die? What happened to her? Was this reported? I do not like or respect Redmond, much of his staff, or their methods either. Why was the above incident not reported? Where is the transperancy in this county? I would have to agree that the people here should be kept informed. Ignorance is not bliss and I would argue that it endangers each and every one of us.

no screen name for me said...

Go Redmond, you are giving posters the option of having a screen name? Is this your blog? Who appointed you the gatekeeper? I guess being the sheriff or the chief sheriff suck-up makes you think you are in charge of everything.

Go Redmond!!!!!! said...

8:24 AKA asswipe; Someone said that they were concerned about retaliation if they used their real name. So that's right, I gave them the option otherwise known as a choice of a screen name so they could claim their posts instead of being entirely anonymous asswipe like you... asswipe.

Anonymous said...

My oh my. Somebody is in need of some attitude adjustment. Go away, Go Redmond. This isn't your playground.

PS: I know you are, but what am I?

Anonymous said...

Told y'all that Go Redmond was a 14 year old dweeb wannabe. Oh look everybody. He said a bad word. Repeatedly. Even spelled it correctly.

Anonymous said...


Can anyone other than one of his paid deputies answer if Sheriff Redmond is sick or something wrong with him? Has anyone seen him recently??? I was told he does not come to the office regularly anymore. If so who is actually running the ICSD????

Anonymous said...

The last time I heard of him was in June. He's crawled under a rock to stay out of the public glare.

It's good to be the king, isn't it? If he is on a sick leave, shouldn't the tax payers be informed of this?

Anonymous said...

are there any other blogs/forums dealing with Mooresville?

Anonymous said...

Maybe he's in that littte unit on the fourth floor of Davis Hospital in Statesville. You know, the place for people with a napoleon complex, that sort of thing. All those years of thinking your god with no consequences and your house of cards starts falling, well, it's bound to take a toll. Or maybe he's just building up a defense. Not guilty because of mental illness or deficiency.

Anonymous said...

He is still around. You may not recognize him becuase his face is likely in one of the Renegar brothers butt.

Anonymous said...

Who dat?

Go Redmond!!!! said...

2:19 Ya'll just keep perpetuating the rumors. So tell me, what would the Sheriff have to gain by that?

Anonymous said...

WTF? Say Phillip, isn't about time for your afternoon Valium? You ain't making any sense. What rumors? Tommy is under indictment. Your department has had to pay a couple of recent lawsuiits. Kyle busch isn't making you look like tough on crime. The esteemed sheriff has a staff that is the gang that can't get their stories straight. You are paying for an indicted and suspended criminal's cell phone as wee as a reporter's cell phone, calling into question her credibility. Who needs to start rumors? You're doing it all on your own.

Go Redmond!!!! said...

Oh yeah, I have heard all the other exaggerated stuff. I was asking about this new rumor about some Renegar guy. When you give your imaginary answer keep in mind that elected officials are fair game but private citizens are not.

Anonymous said...

This from the big man who spends half his posts kicking around the cat lady. Yeah, you have a lot of credibility here. Who is this Renegar and why are you defending him, Phillip?

Go Redmond!!!! said...

The cat lady has a Yankee mouth and is living in the south. The only reason you haven't jumped on her whiny ass posts is because she is one of the small group that is against the Sheriff. You need all the help you can get, don't you? Of course since she quit openly posting on here with her rubbish I haven't mentioned her until you brought it up. It's easy to see who the trouble makers are on her and it's not any of Sheriff Redmond's people.

And once again you have twisted something around to try to turn it into something it is not. Nobody defended the Renegar guy. I reminded everyone that if it isn't an elected official they aren't fair game for accusations. I figured that was needed since the Redmond haters have no rules or scruples.

So instead of dodging the question how about an answer? Why would someone who you say considers themselves a God have their head up someone Else's ass? Try to make some sense when you answer this time. Can you make a post without the usual anti-Redmond rhetoric? Obviously not because you don't have a life.

Go Redmond!!!! said...

I see the cat lady is up to 21 people on her little bash the Sheriff Facebook page. Yeah, I'm freaking out here. Very worried.

Anonymous said...

By the way King Jackass you'll be jumping the numbers up on that FB group with hate speak like that all on your own and you won't have anybody but yourself to blame. Have a good reelection campaign. If you don't get indicted first...

Yankee mouth. Sheesh. You're just writing your opponents campaign ads for them aren't you? There's an awful lot of them living down here who are registered to vote. Maybe one or two with qualifications and balls enough to run against you. Keep pissing them off. We might actually get a honest decent sheriff after all.

Knew it was you all along said...

9:49, you're worried? You just admitted you are Redmond. Good to know. Thanks for manning up, Sheriff.

Cats Rule Phil Drools said...

21 already? Damn that's great. Our evil plan is well under way. We are ahead of schedule.

Anonymous said...

I sure hope when those ladies sue that they vey a sharp lawyer who gets a court ordered search of Marse Phillip's and Marse Tommys computers and all it's going to take is just one of these nasty ass posts coming from a county computer and it's all over for king Redmond. And his merry little band of hoodlums.

U. Dontspeakforme said...

If the esteemed sheriff was half a man he would step in here right now and disavow that person standing up for him over those really heinous Yankee mouth remarks because they are truly abusive and not reflective of the majority of this community but that "person" is probably the sheriff. How is a non-native born resident supposed to speak mr sheriff?

Southern Mouth said...

Redmond is too busy making an appearance at church getting last week's sins forgiven so he can start on this week with a clean slate.

Anonymous said...

That "Yankee mouth" comment is something that I typically see in my career. I have counseled women in domestic abuse situations for 27 years and frequently speak with thei partners. She's got a mouth on her for some reason or another is an almost universal excuse that is used for almost any kind of abuse, physical, verbal, emotional, and the abuse I have seen here. If this is the sheriff or one of his deputies, it's truly troubling indeed.

Anonymous said...

https://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/Iredell-County-Sheriff-Phil-Redmond-Watch/138807962876736 go there and like it

Scarlett O'Hara said...

Yes, southern men look after women. Unless, of course, they come from UP NORTH. Why Rhett Butler, how you do run on.

I am gratified to know a fragile flower of Southern Womanhood such as myself is protected as long as I watch my mouth.

Now Mammy run along and get my shawl.

Kiss My Grits said...

This FRAGRANT FLOWER OF SOUTHERN WOMANHOOD is hoping that someday soon a woman runs for sheriff. Maybe there is a woman out there with some serious credentials who will clean house up there in Statesville and get rid of all those fat-assed, pot-bellied, good-old boys who can barely read and write, let alone chase a criminal.

By the way, Mr. Smart Mouth Go Redmond, I was born and raised here and I bet I got a smarter mouth than Miss Yankee. What you gonna do about it? Ooh, I'm so scared.

Anonymous said...

Well, another Labor Day down the shitter, not that Sheriff Keeping Iredell County Safer ever breaks a sweat or comes in before noon or more than a few days a week anyway. How many days until "it's just a toy" gets his license to drive on NC roads back?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The war is over, Go Redmond. It has been for 145 years or haven't you heard? You're starting to sound to sound like a sore loser.

And before you go all gonzo over someones Yankee mouth, consider this. Sticking up for themselves after you've jumped in their shit hardly amounts to spiking the football.

Most of my people would say the right side won.

Go Redmond!!!! said...

I see some moron made a post on the Facebook page using a photo of the Sheriff. I see they also were too chicken shit to use their Facebook profile to show who they were. What a bunch of cowards. Anything to beat a good man down.

Anonymous said...

I believe the gentleman did put his name on his post. What's The matter, Phillip? You can dish it out but can't take it?

Anonymous said...

All of us Yankees are gonna get together--and we are legion--and vote your sorry butt out. We will show you our Yankee mouths and what we can do with them. Doo-dah--doo--dah.

Anonymous said...

Go Redmond. Aaron did put his name on his post on that FB page. He has also put his name on another page in this blog and was very open about who he was.

Are you even literate?

Anonymous said...

Where's your name, go Redmond? I see that Mr Aaron and Miss Marian put their name on things. Buck buck buck buck buck cackle...

Go Redmond!!!! said...

Oh yeah. Aaron who works at the KGB and studied at the St. Reynolds School for the criminally insane? I think Go Redmond!!!! has a much better ring to it. And you, Miss Marion don't have a life so of course you put your name to it. Miss Marion probably is Aaron if I had to take an educated guess. Why don't you get off here for for ten minutes and clean your stinking ass litter box?

Emma Goldman said...

Reynolds School for the Criminally Insane? At least he went to school, you ignorant old toothless cracker. Isn't it time for your evening jar of moonshine? The only reason you ran for sheriff was to get indoor plumbing.

It's called satire, you old redneck. Try and keep up. Better watch out, the KGB might have your phone bugged. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Well, Miss Emma, we don't need no fancy book learning down here. All we require for our deputies is that they have a high school diploma and that's only because someone up in Raleigh said so. Don't want anyone putting on airs.

Anonymous said...

I think Go Redmond needs his own Face Book page. Might I suggest a steaming pile of BS for the profile picture? How about some nice gold chains on it for pretty? LOL, enjoy the go.

Anonymous said...

Better a stinking ass litter box than the stinking ass attached to you that you're sitting on. Whew.

Emma Goldman said...

I know Aaron. He's been in the witness protection program for turning in corrupt sheriffs.

winborne neighbor said...

Go Redmond, you and all your lovely friends have hurt Miss Latimer. I'm one of her neighbors and another neighbor was in court with her yesterday. She's heard from her attorney. The neighbor who was with her is afraid she is going to hurt herself maybe permanently because the county wants to take her animals away and keep her from having any of them, despite them doing what the county asked. I am sure this is because of you baiting her on this site and what you've baited her into saying. It must be nice to hurt people and cause them pain. You are a real bastard. I hope you sleep well. She may be a crazy cat lady but she loves her dog and she loves her cats. Drop dead, Redmond. Is driving people to suicide just a hobby of yours?

Winborne neighbor said...

Gee, what a surprise. No response. Not so cute and funny when you are hurting real human beings and doing real damage. You have a real good weekend Phillip. Make sure you go to church and sing the hymns real
Loud. Winborne subdivision is watching you real close now. Most of us know that collie dog she has and we have seen her with it. It should have never been taken. You people are cruel and crooked.

Go Redmond!!!! said...

Ever think that maybe this blog isn't my life like it is yours? That could explain the delay in response. Once again the irrational logic of the Redmond haters is shown.

As for your friend, everyone makes choices. She made the choice on how she maintained her home. I don't know the details myself and don't care to know.

She also made the choice to spend time on here bashing officers, the Sheriff, the town of Mooresville, a Mooresville official, Iredell County, the South, the courthouse and many other people and things. She did this instead of tending to her business which, had she done in the first place none of her problems would have materialized. She also had the time to start a Facebook page where she asks, "I presume deputies and others in the food chain are fair game?" It would appear that she wants to berate as many people as possible and it is obvious that she is hardly a victim by way of being "baited". I also seriously doubt that the judge reads this crap so not sure how that could have influenced a decision regardless of how visceral her attacks on others have been.

IF (I want to emphasis IF)you are a concerned neighbor then I suggest the same thing to you that I suggested to her; get the real news crews in here if you have something worthy of all the ruckus and bitching you have done on here. Send the news crews by the office I'm sure that our Sheriff will be more than happy to speak with them about any perceived wrongs that may have occurred.

Go Redmond!!!! said...

Make sure you delay in responding to that. Wouldn't want to give it away that you are sitting there hitting the refresh button every 30 seconds.

Winborne Neighbor said...

Number one, Sheriff, she didn't start the face book page but a friend of hers did. She has friends, what a surprise. I spent a lot of time last night with her and most of this morning with her. She is not well. You would not be either. She came down from Michigan to take care of her her friend with cancer and her home was vandalized and most of it ripped apart and damn near everything taken, even her porch so it had to be torn down. She doesn't have something to go back to, only a garage. She had her pets and that was it. And the county took them and now they want to keep her from getting them back, even though they did everything the county asked. She has had a guy in moving furniture around and bought secoond hand stuff to replace old stuff and put forth a real effort and she is not sleeping and is in real pain. And yeah, I've called the news crews. It's a crying shame that someone has to be hurt like that. You're a real prince, Sheriff, and don't think everyone doesn't know that she's getting the book thrown at her because she was so damn vocal over what was done to her. It's no secret in this neighborhood that your deputy hates dogs. You are such a fine-church going man, what is it that your Bible says about loving your neighbor? Does it say except those with cancer or who have cats? I don't see that in my Bible? That woman couldn't leave them alone when she was laying dying last year. I see these damn sons of bitch puppy millers that don't even get charged and get to have dogs back but you have some bitch working for you that is now saying she can't have any dog ever again, even after they busted their asses cleaning the house up. By the way, it was clean most of the time, they just had a bad couple of weeks and Carol already said she was signing the shitters over to Animal Control. How the much more pain and cruelty are you going to inflict on someone who has done nothing but give up what she had to take care of someone else? Everyone knows this is just revenge and retaliation like the guy said up above. She hasn't been posting because she's been trying to get ready for court and she went out and bought dog food because she thought she was getting her dog back. You're a miserable little man, Redmond. Picking on a couple of old women. Nice Godly man. I hope when that woman ends up dead you sleep well. She told me she's had 2 cousins kill themselves and a couple of siblings try it as well as her father. Keep pushing at it. You'll probably succeed. She's been crying since they got home from court yesterday. You disgust me. People are watching. Ball's in your court.

Go Redmond!!!! said...

If you can fabricate retaliation for berating out of this more power to you. That would mean you are saying that the judge was in on the retaliation since he/she makes the final decision. As for her pet situation, I don't know the details and haven't asked for them from either side. I only know the Sheriff to be honest and fair in his dealings so if you don't think so, call the news crews and also take the case in front of another judge or higher court if her rights have been violated. If everything you have said on here is true then I am certain that a judge will rule in her favor. How about the ACLU? Maybe they will send a crew down here. Give it a shot.

As for the Facebook page I could care less who set it up as she was the first to post on it and make the provocative statements. I suppose someone set it up for her, not much difference.

Now the ball is in your court. Call the news crews, PETA, the humane society, the handicap people and anyone else who you think may have an interest in her case. If you get this stuff overturned and all of this shown to be what you say it is then I will be on your side one hundred percent. I will change my screen name from Go Redmond!!! to No Redmond!!! that's a promise. If there is another side to this, give it some validation otherwise I am supporting our fine Sheriff whom I have always known to be honest and fair.

Winborne Neighbor said...

And your supporters are ticking away. FYI, I voted for you before, NO MORE. I am done. So are a number of others. And they are multiplying. I'd start trying to redeem myself now, if I were you. People can change their minds, otherwise, it's going to be "I told 4 friends and they told 4 friends," and so on. Sad to say, I did not vote in this last election. If I had, I would not have voted for you. I will vote in this upcoming one and in the one in 2014. You're toast.

Go Redmond!!!! said...

I voted for Redmond too, every time. I've heard the rumors but have never seen any proof. So like I said;

If you get this stuff overturned and all of this shown to be what you say it is then I will be on your side one hundred percent. I will change my screen name from Go Redmond!!! to No Redmond!!! that's a promise. ;)

Winborne Neighbor said...

PETA kills animals you jackass. The case has not gone to trial yet but the point is, it should have been resolved yesterday. Animal control would not even deal. They told her lawyer they wanted a trial because they don't want her to have her animals back so she has to go through 3 more weeks of this bullshit and we all know that people in this county NEVER LIE. Do you think this poor woman is going to hold up another 3 weeks? She has been killing herself doing everything they asked her to do and now this? Yeah, this seems fair. I just wonder how anyone else would feel. Her doctor wanted to put her in the hospital because she isn't sleeping and is so stressed out but she has to get ready for a trial. So how good is this? You feeling vindicated about being berated Phillip? Feeling good about that? Because these women are cooking meth and selling their bodies, right? Knocking over liquor stores in between going to chemotherapy. We're lining up, sheriff, and we're coming for your badge.

Go Redmond!!!! said...

This just gets more mind blowing. PETA kills animals? People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals? People who would rather go naked than see someone with a fur coat? Just another example of how you don't have your facts straight.

If you can prove that what you are saying is valid, you have my support from that moment on. However you aren't off to a good start.

Just in case you think I'm still lying to cover something up, check out www.peta.org


I have stuff to do. Have to get back to you later on whatever response you have for that.

Winborne Neighbor said...

Google PETA, jackass, most breeders and rescuers have nothing to do with PETA and HSUS. Try doing a little research. I am trying to support a friend and do not have time to do your work for you. A bunch of people from PETA were photographed somewhere in Virginia years back euthanizing animals. It was a big story. HSUS spends most of it's money on Pacelle's salary and their commercials, not on the animals.

Winborne Neighbor said...

And FYI, PETA doesn't think farmers should raise meat for food, hunters should hunt, people should fish, or that people should have pets. How's that working out for you?

Anonymous said...

Winborne Neighbor, you are raising some interesting and troubling points. This is what happens when someone takes this county on. They are now taking out their revenge. How does it feel to totally destroy somebody, Mr Redmond? Make you feel good? Did you do it just for sport or as an example for the rest of us? I'm sure this poor woman may have some regrets about getting in their face but had I been her I'd have done the same thing.

Winborne Neighbor said...

5:28, it is absolutely about retaliation. Go Redmond is pretty much copping to it, isn't he? "She made the choice to bash officers..." Some of us saw what went on here on June 13. I'd say bashing does not begin to cover it. The dog should not have been taken in the first place and virtually every person on this street has said so. I don't recall her saying a damn detrimental thing about the South. I do recall plenty of you telling her to take her damn Yankee ass back to where she came from and I am ashamed of every damn last one of you. I don't know, when a deputy is on the HOA board and makes a complaint to animal control (and I have seen the paperwork and she did do that) I think that does make the deputy fair game. Said deputy has a lot of damn nerve making a complaint about something when she has not been inside that person's house. There are a lot of people in this subdivision who are not happy about the way things are here and a lot of people who complained about the very same things that she complained about. It took a lot of courage to stand up and say some of the things she did. How is it ok for the HOA to make these 2 women fair game and it's not ok for the shoe to be on the other foot?

I know she tried to talk to the sheriff and was abused by another deputy, some guy named Jenkins and that's when they slapped charges on her and her alone. I've seen the bruises on her from the falls she's had from the condition she has that the dog helped with and I've seen her stagger and stumble. This is real funny and cute, I suppose. She's had a neighbor begging her to go to church with her this Sunday and won't go because she does not want to be around people and because she can't stop crying. I was there when the neighbor was texting. How does it feel to even take God away from someone, Redmond? It is shameful that a person had some problems and instead of helping, we stomp on them and just destroy them.

I'd put my house up for sale but a realtor told me that having a HOA drops the value way down and houses in this subdivision are not selling because of the HOA. The guy that mows their lawn says the president is going nuts with calling the cops on everyone in the place over any little perceived infraction. I'm sure our turn is coming.

This woman is on the brink. I know she has a plan to hurt herself. I know she has several of them, in fact. The only thing that is stopping her is that her friend cannot make it financially without her. I am not so sure that's even going to be enough. Miss Carol says she isn't eating much and she says she isn't sleeping. So you do what you have to do and you live with it. I'm watching. A lot of us are watching.

Go Redmond!!! said...

I hear what you are saying. Where was Redmond when JFK got shot? Somebody needs to look into that! Another thought, he may have been part of the original gang but slipped away and nobody noticed!

Go Redmond!!! said...

If you get this stuff overturned and all of this shown to be what you say it is then I will be on your side one hundred percent. I will change my screen name from Go Redmond!!! to No Redmond!!! that's a promise. ;)

Get off of here and get busy. If you are right I will see you and the Sheriff in the news.

Anonymous said...

You're really funny when someone is hurting aren't you? Winborne Neighbor some of us would really like to know the status of things today. Most of us are already on no Redmond status. I don't think they want you on their side.

This has gone too far. End of discussion. You either dial it back or you are responsible in part for what happens. You have been using your words like weapons. If you have nothing constructive or helpful to add then shut up

Winborne Neighbor said...

She is probably going to have to go into the emergency room. Miss Carol says she has severe headache and blurred vision and can't eat or keep food down. That sounds like the start of a stroke to me. Says she will not go. Good job Iredell County.

Anonymous said...

If you go back to the beginning of her posts, you will see that she came on here originally under the article about Miles Atkins and started posting all kinds of accusations about lies and harassment by officials at all levels. Just because she said it was true does not make it true. And if she spouts venom on here, she should expect to get it back. She keeps claiming that the HOA president is stalking her, but she is the one going around video taping the ladys house and posting it on FB. She complains about the pond daily (which is across the street from her house evidently), and then claims it is stalking if the lady comes and looks at it. She tried to hide something in her garbage can that the town obviously didnt pick up, and then claimed harrasment when they brought it back. And I am sorry, but 22 cats...really?

Winborne Neighbor said...

How is that helpful now? Why can't she have some of her cats back. They were not all hers. Some of them belonged to Miss Carol. And it just so happens the president was not looking at the pond. On Wednesday, the guy who does their lawn says she was parked outside their house and left when he came. I have seen her drive by on 2 occasions and glare at them. The lawn guy says his brother got a fine for having a trailer out in his driveway for a few hours. Yet someone else on the board can have a broken down trailer in their driveway indefinitely. I think if someone came into my house and lied about the condition of it, I'd get damn mad about it too. Did she handle it well? Debatable. Does that justify taking her dog away? No. Now it is just about payback and I don't much think you would like it. Saying she asked for it is hardly fair at this point. I think if some of you knew what has gone on in her life and what she got away from you might be a little more sympathetic. She also had a career taking care of people in unfortunate situations and now she is in one. It might be nice if you all got the hell off her back. If this were your kids you might be doing the same thing she is. This woman loves her animals. Try and wrap your tiny little minds around that. Miss Carol signed hers over. Miss Marian did not have 22. She said she would sign 2 of hers over. What else do you people want? Do we give her the death penalty? Your Christian compassion is really showing.

Winborne Neighbor said...

And by the way moron they did not try to hide anything in the trash bin. It sat at the curb for over a month. I saw it. I also watched 2 neighbor ladies help them pick up the pieces and put it in the bin. How is that hiding? They did it in broad daylight with a lot of us standing around talking. No one saw anything wrong with it. Did you not read the emails she put up? Are you stupid? Or do you just lack common sense? It just so happens a number of people living on Bosburg near that pond complained. They sent around a letter in July making excuses about it. They are real good at that. It smelled like SHIT! It smelled worse than shit. People quit walking by it. They dumped in insecticide or herbicide or some such crap instead of fixing the damn fountain. She had a legitimate beef. They spent a lot of our money last year on that and just laughed in our faces all summer long. They told one guy it would be two weeks. Six weeks later they fixed it.

They triedto blame the smell on them. I'd be damn mad too. They want us to pay our fees but they play these games. Last year someone was putting up signs at the pond about it being an eyesore and such. It wasn't those ladies but some guys who were pissed off. You think they're the only ones who are unhappy? Think again.

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like she used to be an advocate and is just doing it thexwrong way for herself.

Anonymous said...

Seems to me go Redmond and his friend are being a little stupid. Mooresville Sanitation goes out of it's way to throw trash back and animal control is throwing the book at someone after they cleaned their act up? Yeah, nothing wrong with this picture except maybe she had something to say about it. When and where is the court date? Maybe a lot of people ought to line up and stand up for these women.

Anonymous said...

12:57 Go Redmond said himself that elected officials are fair game in these blogs but private citizens aren't so if she goes and makes a video of some HOA officer who is breaking the rules, more power to her. If the HOA president is doing it to her maybe she ought to see how she likes it. I think the law says if you feel threatened that makes it a threat. If this woman feels threatened enough that people are worried about her health why isnt somebody doing something about it? Some towns have mediation panels and such. It seems to me somewhere along the line something like that could have been useful here and I looked it up on the computer. It's usually volunteers who go through training and it's free. Imagine that. Something that would be positive and save a lot of heartbreak and anger. Instead we just get a lot of crooks, anger, and finger pointing. This is not a nice place to live anymore in case some of you haven't noticed.

Anonymous said...

So, while your chastising everyone for being unkind, you are calling us morons. Hmmm. And the trash stayed on the curb for a month without being picked up..wouldnt that be a clue that it was something the town didnt pick up..so lets put it in the trash bin and see if one of those really expensive trucks can handle it, without it being noticed? And I dont care if they were all her cats, she still said she had 22 cats living inside the house.

Anonymous said...

Did you read the same emails I did moron? It said it was policy to inform residents and they did not inform. I don't live over there but common sense would dictate that if it's policy to inform and they did not inform who is the bad guy here? Maybe they should have made a phone call but the minute somebody on the taxpayer payroll pulls a stunt like was pulled here, I think all of us have a right to say something. You know I did not go to college but when there are a couple of little old ladies who have the county on their back then the town plays fast and loose I'd say the math is starting to add up to something funny. I hardly think they were trying to pull a fast one here. Really? And in the overall scheme of things have you not been paying attention to all these places with hundreds of dogs and such? That one guy earlier this year didn't even get charged if I'm remembering right. Their neighbor said there was no problem. Are you Jesus? Do you get to judge?

I don't see those real abusers putting up a fight like she has. I don't see them having just 1 dog. Didn't she say she got a cat an expensive surgery? Does an abuser do that? Come on, Jesus. Let's hear it. I'm sure you have all the answers.

Winborne Neighbor said...

Hey, Jesus, and all your judgmental friends, do you know what those 2 women went thru leading up to this? What part of overwhelmed don't you get? Miss Carol has ovarian cancer. That is a death sentence in most cases. She is improving, no thanks to LNRMC. Twice before they took the animals, they almost killed Miss Carol and Miss Marion had to run interference and clean up the mess. She gets fluid on her stomach and it can go up into her lungs and literally suffocate her and they did nothing so she had to take her up to Winston-Salem after fighting with them here for days and weeks at a time. She's finally learned how to deal with that and her specialist has it under control.

At the same time, the fluid went into her leg and caused blistering so she had to stop chemotherapy and go for wound treatment.

Before all this happened Miss Marian had to have hand surgery on her right had and she is right handed. She had complications and lost the use of several fingers for several months.

She was also having major spinal fluid leaks.

She was doing this all on her own. She did not ask for help. I know for a fact that for the most part that the house was clean up through April.

I think, Jesus, instead of judging and shaming these women, cutting them a little slack might be in order.

Miss Carol is about to turn 70 on the first day of fall. Woudn't it be nice if they could celebrate that instead of being sad?

Anonymous said...

ok, I get it. She is a victim. Repeat.

Anonymous said...

1 dog and how many cats?

Anonymous said...

I hear Noah only had two cats on the ark

Winborne Neighbor said...

22 cats. WTF is it to you? The litter boxes were scooped everyday and floors were washed everyday up through April and I know the boxes were still scooped pretty much everyday and the floors spot washed so what is your problem? I walked by twice a day and never smelled a damn thing. What about breeders and people like that? I saw her carrying in tubs of new litter all the time and not cheap stuff either. What do you feed your kids? Is it my business? You using Charmin or the Sears catalog? Or are you still Jesus checking in?

Anonymous said...

8:32, just for shits and giggles, I just checked her facebook page. You might want to take a look. Seems she just might be a victim. She made an entry earlier tonight about someone saying that she turned them into animal control twice and she didn't. Now, who is lying here? Somebody must have an awful lot of spare time on their hands. I may not have the exact quote here but she did say if she was going to turn in someone she sure wouldn't be calling up that shithole up there. I don't know, Jaime, I might be looking into this bullshit. Somebody has it out for somebody it looks like to me. Somebody says they are turning them into animal control, they get trash tossed back in their yard. I dunno. It sure smells to me. What did they do, Go Redmond? Not let you put a campaign sign in their yard?

Go Redmond!!! said...

Just got in and checked posts. Boy did this turn to crap today. One thing is for certain Marian is a victim. Now to determine in what sense she is a victim. If she is a victim of her own doing, oh well. If she is a victim of the Town of Mooresville, the Sheriffs Office, the Sanitation Department and her HOA as well as other things, then she should have absolutely no problems getting any of the local liberal news crews in here to investigate. Jump on it. Call the ACLU, call somebody and get them to come in here and ask questions from the Sheriff and whoever else you say won't treat her "fairly".

Otherwise quit lambasting everyone in the county and blaming them for your unhappiness. Either it is wrong or it is on the up and up.

Winborne Neighbor said...

FYI, jackass, the ACLU takes 8 weeks and this isn't what they handle. Miss Marian has filled out the ACLU intake at her doctor's advice a week or so ago. It may be 12 weeks and right now, they are working on prison and LGBT issues. Don't think this is it. She goes to court at the end of the month. Now, I just checked her FB page too and on what planet is it ok for someone to turn in a neighbor to the Animal Control and say it's her when it isn't? Somebody is sure as hell playing some games, aren't they, Go Redmond? Who thinks up shit like this? Cancer isn't enough for people? Someone's got to get the entire county worked up against them?

You know, I would just love to be there on the Judgement Day when some of this crap is revealed for allto see. I don't know why some people have such mean hearts but God help them when that day comes. Somebody actually got up one day and said, "you know, I'm going to call animal control on those goat ropers on Rinehart and tell them I'm Marian" and then does it twice just to make trouble. WTF?

Maybe that person ought to get thanked because at least she's out of bed and back to being pissed off.

What kind of low life scum comes up with shit like this? Just asking?

Winborne Neighbor said...

Oh, and I don't think that this is a civil liberties issue, pal. If this bullshit came from within the county and it's a false report, it might just rise to the level of a crime, not civil liberty. Just sayin...

Anonymous said...

If this is true and it came from the county someone needs to be canned. If it came from the HOA someone needs to resign and maybe be arrested. I'd say both injured parties got a good lawsuit.

What does Iredell mean anyway? Is it an old Indian name for we play games with decent people?

I think we need to start taking out the trash up in Statesville and I don't mean throwing it on someones lawn either.

Every damn time I check this blog it's another damn stunt from the freak show up in Statesville or down on Main here in town.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, here's a radical idea. How about these county workers do the real jobs we pay them to do and be honest about it? Sure would be nice.

Anonymous said...

And how is this 10:58? How about treating every citizen fairly and with respect? I think when you start filing false reports and tossing garbage around, people have every right to feel victimized.

Anonymous said...

How about if the people pulling this bullshit get it deducted from their paychecks? 2 hours on a fake accusation they made up, 2 hours out of the check. Maybe write a check for that to the people they inconvenience and have the bastards deliver it. That would put a stop to it real quick.

Anonymous said...

This has certainly gotten far afield from a NASCAR driver with a lead foot and an attitude problem but I have checked this ladies facebook page tonight and I have to say that when people get hurt playing games then it is no longer so funny, now is it? One of her friends was giving her the suicide hotline number. I think it is time to stop playing around. Wasn't there a 15 year old girl that killed herself when kids were bullying her a few years back? What's to say grown-ups don't do that to each other? From the sounds of it, this woman hasn't had an easy time of it for a long time. Cut it out. Now.

We are coming to the end of a day when the Lord generally tells us to love our neighbors. Today we are also remembering a great tragedy ten years ago and we are asked to do public service and help each other out.

Here's a wild idea. Why not help these ladies out? She keeps saying that they cleaned up and did what they were told so why is the county continuing to come down on them so hard? Were any of those 22 cats pulled out of there dead like some of these other stories we see on the news? I don't remember seeing this on any televison station or in the papers anywhere, not even in the Mooresville Tribune and God knows, it's not exactly like there is a lot that goes on around here.

I don't see what is being gained by taking away all their pets. Put them on a probation and have someone come in and inspect on an unannounced basis for a set period, say 6 months, a year, or 2 and have it be someone impartial. This woman has a real bug about the county and it sounds to me that she may have some cause. We have friends up by Boston that adopted from a rescue up there and they had to have a home visit. It was almost as strenuous a process as adopting a kid. We got a humane society here and Lake Norman Animal Rescue. Give them the dog and some of the cats back and give them a chance. For the love of God, it's not like they robbed a bank or beat up some homeless person on the street. The courts show more compassion to drunks and drug addicts.

We went up to the animal control about 3 or 4 years ago just to look around and they weren't any too nice or polite and it struck us that they weren't all that interested in adopting an animal of any kind out. We were kind of sorry we took up their valuable time while they were just sitting around. We picked up a dog from the humane society.

Wouldn't it be nice if this all got resolved so everybody won? And maybe people started doing their job the right way and we all were a little nicer to each other around here?

Go Redmond!!! said...

Don't know who the anonymous person was that posted about the 22 cats and about the stuff being hid in the garbage can. However that sounded like someone with first hand knowledge of everything, more than I knew anyway. I have never had a side in this except to defend Sheriff Redmond and jump back for what has been said about him. You might pay attention to those anonymous remarks though. Pretty interesting!

Keep us posted. Still waiting for that concrete proof of misconduct on the part of the Sheriff.

Winborne Neighbor said...

Nobody said anything about Redmond doing anything to the women here in Winborne but one of his deputies is on the HOA and a lot of us have raised questions about that.

By the way, the HOA says that we do not want to have elections. Nothing could be further from the truth.

A lot of us saw that birdbath sitting out there day in and day out? If the trash guys are supposed to let them know why didn't they? It sat out there long enough for the town or the HOA to ticket them so to my way of thinking mr go Redmond some good old fashioned game playing jerking around was going on. Several folks have said that it didn't pass the sniff test in one way or the other. Did you read the emails from the town? They said they were wrong. Now how many times do we have to go over this?

Now put that with the fact they got somebody up on rinehardt all bent out of shape for supposedly getting animal control on them when they didn't, I'm guessing the old saying about just because you're paranoid doesn't mean somebody isn't out to get you might apply here.

I'd say somebody isn't exactly playing by the rules here. I do think the person who Commented at 10:13 actually had something useful to say. I hope someone from the county reads it.

Anonymous said...

I don't know. You look at the sheriiff's web site and Facebook page and the papers and we got people out on the street who drunk drive, assault, sell drugs, grow pot, whore, and what have you. Repeatedly too. I've sat in court years back on jury duty when I lived somewhere else and it was pretty much the same thing.

I don't think these ladies kidnapped the Lindbergh baby or shot JFK. You know, lets get a grip here sheriff. Make an example out if some real criminals.

Anonymous said...

I don't have time to scroll back through all the comments but I do remember something about traumatic brain injury. So look, let's be nice about that, ok? That's kind of a bad thing to have. So is cancer.

Didn't someone else say something about mediation? I am from a small town in Pennsylvania and we had a mediation board. It was volunteers. People went through training, we had some local lawyers, social workers, and so on all volunteer their time with regular citizens. People sat down, talked, agreed to work things out, abide by the ruling, it worked out fine, is still working out fine, no one got hurt, everyone usually walked away happy with some give and take. Do we have that here? It's not like a couple of little old cat ladies are hardened criminals making hooch in the bathtub. Sheesh, let's move on. Aren't you people getting tired of kicking little old cat ladies around? Isn't there a child molester or a drunk driver you can beat up on for a change?

Anonymous said...

Winborne Neighbor, are you out there? I am following this lady on Facebook now. It seems she called and asked for the town disability commission and was put through to the cemetery and was then told the reason for that was that the person who runs that also runs risk management. She was pretty insulted. I got to say, I don't blame her. Do you now if she is ok tonight or doing any better? This is just wrong and you know, maybe she is being picked on. For someone who was pretty much thinking about ending it all to be connected to the cemetary is pretty damn bogus and I don't care who you are. This really sucks. Kind of like calling a person of color the "N" word or some such thing. She said insensititve, gee, ya think?

Anonymous said...

Go Redmond, What a joke. You have been given proven examples of his misconduct and you either ignore it or marginalize it. Truth is, even if you had a video of Redmond robbing a store you would justify his actions and perhaps even explain how the clerk had it coming. Have another cup. You choose grape or cherry?

Go Redmond!!! said...

Get back to me when he is removed from office or indicted. Until then nobody can say he isn't doing a fine job! All rumors.

Anonymous said...

I hardly think when there is misconduct like things being "accidentally" destroyed and an officer under criminal indictment making things looking like a guy is doing a fine job. Harry Truman had a sign on his desk that said the buck stopped with him. Phillip Redmond is the captain of his ship. He is only as good as his least shiny badge and he's got some dirty badges in his department.

Now, let's get back to the lady who is in pain. Is anyone doing a damn thing to help her? Has the town manager or the county manager lifted a finger to help? Or anyone else? I think this had gone far enough. It's not funny or cute anymore. If she is out there, would she please let us know if she is ok?

Anonymous said...

Are you still out there cat lady? No disrespect intended.

Anonymous said...

She is whining on her Facebook page full-time now. Seems that Windstream has it in for her as well.

Anonymous said...

Umm, 11:16, Dish Network screwed the pooch for a few hundred thousand of their closest friends. Check out their facebook page, jackass, we got the same problem here and the wife is whining about AGT and the Jackie Kennedy Tapes. I quit trying to call them about 10:00 myself. Must be a full moon... in fact, I think I hear Redmond and his friend Go howling at it now.

Anonymous said...

LOL I thought I heard something. I think Tommy must be yowling up a storm with them. Jailhouse Rock. ROTFLMAO.

Anonymous said...

11:16 I see that she says on her Facebook page that she has asked for mediation. This strikes me as an adult thing to do. I looked this up on google and it is a neutral third party. Let's see if anybody else in this is going to act like an adult. I give her credit. Go Redmond won't.

Anonymous said...

10:10. You were right. Old Go didn't have a thing to say. Funny how when something sensible comes up he disappears.

Anonymous said...

I am sitting in an empty office after a couple of appointments cancelled and decided to look through some of these comments once again with a little more care.

Several times the point has been raised about making mistakes and giving second chances. Would you please explain to me why the lady from Winborne can't have a second chance? Is it because she isn't from down here?

Anonymous said...

Go Redmond, just a reminder, Tommy Adams misconduct was just rumors at one time. Now he is indicted. Sure hope you will man up if he is found guilty and let Redmond have it for hiring a criminal.

Go Redmond!!! said...

Mediation is only a desperate last act after being first being hateful and finally whining for sympathy didn't work.

Just a reminder; Tommy hasn't been to court yet. Nothing to man up to. You will see after he gets there and walks away with everything dropped.

Anonymous said...

Hey Go Redmond!!!! Whats the difference between Redmond and a pile of cowcrap?

Cowcrap at least makes effective fertilizer.

Anonymous said...

Go Redmond. Mediation is an act of an adult. Please go back to your sandbox. As for being hateful, go look in your mirror if it won't break or does your reflection not show, you bloodsucker?

Anonymous said...

Oh, and 5:23? Best post ever!

Anonymous said...

The only thing that's going to get dropped is Tommys drawers for the prison cavity search. Bend over and grab your ankles boy. Start practicing now.

Anonymous said...

FYI Mr Go. Mediation is the act of someone who is willing to admit that maybe they did something wrong or maybe they are willing to give or take a little. It's called maturity. You might want to look into it.

Anonymous said...

Tommy will be crying for it when the guard snaps his gloves on. Yep. Ain't gonna be pretty. Gonna be desperate for it. I don't think a grand jury indicts without SOME evidence of wrongdoing. The only walking here is going to be to the prison bus after the bailiff puts those pretty little chained together bracelets on his wrists.

Gee, I can see it now. "Come to think of it, judge, sir I might have made a tiny mistake and I'm real sorry and here's what I am gonna do to make it right.". Too late now pal.

The way I see it, somebody here has tried to do the right thing and it ain't Go Redmond and it ain't Tommy either.

Anonymous said...

Who's the Lindbergh baby?

Anonymous said...

9:12, you must be a proud product of the Iredell County educational system. Use Google and look up Charles Lindbergh. Have you ever been up in an airplane or do you still pee in the outhouse?

Anonymous said...

Seems to me that somebody on here spends a lot of time thinking about Tommy getting strip searched and seems to take a lot of pleasure in thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

A fine selection of Kool-Aid is at the ready. One can just visualize Redmond biting the head off of a live chicken at the Tommy Trial every morning as the action begins. You just are not grasping reality Redmond. It's coming for you. Have a cookie.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, yes, 10:35. The very thought of that goober getting probed gets all of us just moist. Not. Ew

Anonymous said...

The bottom line, Mr. Go, is that for whatever reason, those 2 ladies, in your book, are not good enough to live here in your precious county. And maybe they have taken exception to that. Ever think of that? I did not know people moving here from other places (I am from NJ by the way) had to get permission from the ICSO first. Oh, and that I had better keep my mouth shut and go along to get along. Funny thing about that. Where I'm from if we see something we dont like or we think we're getting crapped on, we tend to say something about it. It's our right and duty as a citizen.

Anonymous said...

I see the cat lady has posted on her facebook page that she will not engage with you folks. What will you do for fun now Go Redmond?

Anonymous said...

This blog has turned into a way for a few people(not all) but a few people to act like pre-teen kids and talk dirty and get away with it. That is sad!

Anonymous said...

It is very sad. It's very sad that people feel driven to suicide and get hurt by this cheap petty nastiness.

Winborne Neighbor said...

The cat lady is very sick in the hospital. The county told her lawyer they'd mediate if she gave up her pets and moved away and left her friend with cancer. Be proud Mooresville. You made somebody sick and since when can the county say who can live here?

Anonymous said...

Is the cat lady really in the hospital?

Anonymous said...

how is she listed on facebook?

Ringo said...

Marian Latimer I think.

Anonymous said...

not under that name have ran it several ways but nothing. Googled her name has had problems in Michigan and also where she has a page wanting money.

Anonymous said...

Here ya go...


Winborne Neighbor said...

FYI, I went and asked about that fund. She has a home in Michigan and her friends set that up for her almost a year ago. She had a home in Michigan. It was sitting empty because she came down here to help her friend. She got none of the money from that fund. It went on her taxes up there and the house on the property had to be taken down because it was vanadalized and broken into repeatedly. It was an old house. She still has the land and what's left of her belongings in her garage. When her friend dies, she has to go back there. So are you all casting the first stone here or what? She has some kind of benefits case in court up there. What the hell is it to you? I looked at that website, she got what less than $100 and it was closed out. So I presume she's still partying down on that. You people really are judgmental, aren't you? None of you have ever had hard times and you're all perfect.

Miss Carol says she has been a godsend. When they send her on out of there, who is going to go over and help out and heip pay the bills? They're both poor but she has more than half the income. Y'all are so damn smart, aren't you?

She's been pretty sick. Very sick and it's all because of the stress of this. Stress can kill. She was falling over when a friend took her in Friday night and, no, she doesn't drink. She was showing signs of a stroke and she just wanted to die. Your Christian Compassion is just underwhelming. I don't see her asking for money.

Miss Carol said that she has probably lost mostly everything she spent her lifetime accumulating. She thinks she might lose her place in Michigan too. Wonder what we might find on some of you if you put your name up here?

Bottom line, some of you might want to back off. I'm willing to bet that there's more than one of you on here with a criminal record or some other skeleton in their closet. I think it speaks well that she had friends who cared enough to try and help her.

Anonymous said...

It ended in March and raised $100. Big old scandal. Some of you probably blow that much at the sports bar on Friday at lunch. Cut the woman a break.

I don't know. If someone left their place to come down to be with a sick friend, that might kind of make them not so bad. And in this economy, a lot of people are having to move in together so quit playing judge and jury. I don't think I have to pick up a stone and maybe the rest of you can put yours down.

Cancer ain't pretty. Most everyone out there knows someone who has had it. I'm not putting her up for sainthood but if it's true she's lost a lot of her place up north, I'd say maybe giving up some of that might be a little generous.

Anonymous said...

By the way, the next time you want to sully someone by making implications about crap you found on google, please make sure you put your name up so we can see what is on the Internet about you. I'm with the neighbor on this one. Play fair.

Anonymous said...

Posting in the third person again I see.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, let's Google. Try Googling Sheriff Phillip Redmond. Nothing but good baby!

Anonymous said...

What happens when you Google Tommy Adams?

Anonymous said...

You're a fine one to talk, sheriff. How much posting are you doing? And why is it anyone who stands up for someone is that person? Take one to know one?

When I google Tommy I get the sound of a cell door slamming shut. Ka-Ching! One less rip off artist around our necks.

Anonymous said...

Just call him the 3 faces of Eve.

Go Redmond!!!! said...

Go hasn't posted since the last time it said he did dumb ass. I got bored with responding to nothing. The strategy used by the resident site victim wasn't very good. She started out mean as hell and now is a total victim of everything, helpless, ready to mediate and in the hospital supposedly all because of everything that was done to her. Everyone knows that you always start out nice so you have somewhere to go from there. She shot her wad in the beginning and has nothing left. What is there to talk about? She also started leaving the Sheriff alone which is the only reason I responded in the first place. Nothing else to say.

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