Jared Esselman wants to be your mayor, Mooresville.
"Being in a position of authority does not make a leader; it just means you're in charge," Esselman said to a crowd of about 100 at his official campaign kick-off on Saturday in the Mooresville High School ampitheatre.
A 1998 graduate of Mooresville High School, Esselman, 31, said, "You have helped make me the man I am today, and I want to give back."
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Esselman shakes hands with those who attended his campaign kick-off on Saturday |
"Mooresville students are receiving the kind of education is takes to get to Harvard," Esselman said Saturday. "Education is the jewel of our city."
Noting Site Selection magazine's naming of Mooresville the past two years as "the best place to build and expand a business," Esselman said: "We have potential; we just have to realize it. We have a wonderful, vibrant, diverse community.
"Unfortunately, we also have a divided community," he said. "I will work to heal that divide."
Esselman did not expound on what he considers the community's "divide." While his platform covers strengthening education, the economy and the community, he did not mention the town's MI-Connection cable system on Saturday. The struggling system is sure to be a hot topic in local political campaigns leading up to the Nov. 8 election, and Esselman has MI-Connection listed on his website as one of the top issues being reported to him by Mooresville residents.
Esselman did, however, note Mooresville Mayor Chris Montgomery's presence as a special guest at the campaign kick-off on Saturday. Referring to the exposure earlier this year of the mayor's public e-mails to a woman who is not his wife, Esselman said: "I know how you feel about our mayor, and I understand." However, he said people should at least respect Montgomery's courage in facing family, neighbors and himself in the aftermath of the scandal.
"It takes courage and passion to run for mayor," Esselman said. "My passion is serving people and investing in people because you invested in me."
Esselman's friend and former classmate, Lt. Comm. Joe Cousins, caught Esselman supporters' a little off-guard Saturday when he accidentally introduced Esselman as a gubernatorial candidate. Members of the audience chuckled, some of them responding, “Not yet!”
“One thing at a time,” Cousins replied with a smile.
Cousins, who flew to Mooresville from Washington, DC for the mayor-hopeful's official announcement, said while researching Mooresville, he was bothered to see that 'half the (government) meeting notes are closed.' He said government transparency is important to him and to Esselman.
For more on Esselman and his campaign, visit www.jaredesselman.com.
Well what will the Gatton haters say now? Jamie wrote an article about another candidate for mayor. Is she in cahoots with this one too?
What Jaime Gatton does is nothing short of noble. She is fair and put her valuable time into these articles, with little thanks and nothing in return, in the interest of our community.
A Masters in public policy. Sounds good. Looks like we have two good candidates. Time for some new blood, young blood, in many Iredell positions.
Was that a cause and effect LOL,..i notice how fast ANONYMOUS posted that fact, but thats after the fact isnt it.
Is Jaime facebook friends with Jareds family too? LOL I know both these guys, both decent guys.
But my son is in the USMC and my vote goes to the veteran everytime when they both have alot in common. my hubby is a coc grad as well.
Nice to see the coverage, but a paragraph about Montgomery? that was really significant? Or just an attempt to tie them? Kinda stunk of subtle bashing.
This is a decent article, the other one was a press release, not an article. ... with editorializing. But beggers cant be choosers either i guess, nice read jaime.
Dont pat yourself on the back too much anonymous.
If I were Esselman, I would not have had our current Mayor sitting there as a special guest at all or if he was attending as a special guest I absolutely would not have mentioned what the mayor did if I was Esselman. ANY time a sitting elected official is a special guest at the campaign get together of another candidate that is noteworthy, Mr. 2:22 PM.
Let us stop making this debate about Mr. Gatton and let us focus on the real issues here. Stop your own bashing and help me understand what about a military background makes one worthy of serving in office. Why is a military background important to run for mayor in a small town?
Way to come out in the open there Sarah Anonymous.
Yeah, cause and effect. Mr. Esselman scheduled his official campaign kickoff to allow Mrs. Gatton to cover it after Mr. Atkins filed for mayor ALL just so Mrs. Gatton could do what you bullies twist her arm and make her do. Any more little conspiracy theories out there? That one was so cute. LOL.
Was Mr. Esselman born in Mooresville? Does any one know ?
Announced as candidate for governor? Whoops. Lol.
2:39, he graduated from Mooresville High but I don't know if he was born in Mooresville. Why does it matter?
Let me see if I understand this......Mayor Montgomery was at Mr. Esselman's campaign kickoff meeting? So is Mayor Montgomery supporting and endorsing Mr. Esselman for Mayor???????
"Why is a military background important to run for mayor in a small town?...."
You dont find enlisting during a time of war as dedication, loyalty and personal character?
I bet alot of military families can answer this better than I can.
Why ask where he was born? Didn't miles live in Tampa till he was 30? non issue
I'm not the one who asked but no I don't think it automatically makes a person anything. I don't have to ask military families because I am a war veteran myself.
Hi everyone. I just wanted to clarify some information. Mayor Montgomery was there. But not as an endorsement. I wanted to convey that as a town we are closing this door and moving forward. We have work to do, so let's get to it. No need to linger when we can move forward together with a new perspective. That's what I wanted to convey.
Also, if anyone has any questions or concerns they wish to share please feel free to contact me. There are lots of ways to reach me.
Thank you for clarifying but don't hold your breath about anybody contacting you with questions. They'd much rather sit here and remain anonymous and bash the candidates and the blogger. Crazy aint it?
Maybe Esselman will be more forthcoming with answers than Redmond. Contacting him for answers has been futile. He answers to no one. That would be the source of some of the anonymous bashing of at least one official.
I commend Esselman for having already spoken up and offered to be available. He is off to a great start with me.
What does Esselman think of the MI debacle? Is he aware that water rates have gone up 95% since 2005 and taxes have increased 20% with not tax decreases since 2005 while the town has hoarded $14 million in the reserve fund when there should only be around $4 million. How will he address these problems?
Jamie ... would you quit "liking" all these Facebook pages from the politicians. It's beginning to look like you're impartial, which would be a real knock to your reputation. Just looking out for you.
I fully endorse Jared Esselman for Mayor of Mooresville. I have known Jared and his family since he was in Middle School at Mooresville. He was brought up with high moral values and a high value of family and community. He is a hardworking man with a positive outlook. Jared has sought and received education to make himself the best public servant he can be. I believe Jared to be a fiscal conservative with an open mind, high moral values and a vision for the future.
I have never met or considered a political candidate that I didn’t have a reservation with until Jared. I can truly be comfortable with my full endorsement of Jared Esselman for Mayor.
Robert C. Gray, Jr. DDS
Last night attending my first town board meeting it was clear who the town board as they sit now want to be the Commissioner at Large.I understand that a man always gets up and gives the report and beats around the bush so you will not know what is going on.The board most likely Adkins and Carney got the Huston lady to give the report. Guess they are trying to get her better known, but you can bet you a$$ I will never vote for any one that is in favor of the MI Connection.Can't do anything now because Carney and Herring are not running and Rader and Thunberg has already found out what happens to people that votes to ruin the town. We need Mr. Houston to stay.
I enjoyed meeting Jared Esselman today at my work. He seems like a hard worker, understands the Military and yet is well-educated. He is young and I think he would offer something new and refreshing to our Town. He also seems down to earth and does not put on airs and seems very genuine about helping this town. I am encouraged by his attitude and think he would be a fine mayor for Mooresville.
Just wondering why your signs are popping up all over more than 60 days before the election, contrary to the town law? Kind of not a good foot to start off on for someone who wants to be the mayor, is it? I mean, it's a little law in the overall scheme of things, but really, and there is one on a deputy sheriff's lawn. Hardly inspiring confidence in this voter.
Thank you for taking the time to ask. I know this has been a favorite topic recently for my opponent as he has made some public comments citing the town ordinance.
I'd like to first open this with a question to the public forum and see if anyone else would care to comment.
If indeed I am not in keeping with the town ordinance, then why hasn't this law been enforced? Why haven't my signs been removed? And especially when, as you noted, there are law enforcement officers with signs in their yards?
I would like to invite comments to this question and in 24 hours I will repost with my response.
Again thank you for being an engaged citizen and taking the time to ask.
When is this public forum? I'd be sure to attend.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse. It should be up to you, sir, with all due respect, to remove those signs. If I am driving up 77 at 95 miles an hour and I get pulled over and rightfully claim I didn't know the speed limit was 30 mph slower, I'm still in violation. It appears that you are striving to engage in a less than fair fight and I do not blame your opponent for calling you on it. I saw one a good month ago out on Bluefield Rd. The home football team doesn't get an extra ten minutes on the field for a good reason. Play fair.
I think this is the public forum ;)...
Sign Ordinance does show that the political signs should not be erected more than 60 days prior the election for which they are intended.
When I got mine I thought it was early. I was actually thinking it might be 30 days, but I didn't ask so shame on me.
I did learn something today though, so thanks for that :).
FYI: I talked to one of the town zoning folks today, and she said that the town's ordinance applies only to signs on public property. So from the sounds of it, people can put campaign signs on their private property any time they want. Hope that helps.
Thanks for the clarification.
As I promised, 24 hours later I am reposting. And I see my faith in the public forum has not been in vain and the answers we were seeking have been provided by an engaged public.
The questions I posed were, why hasn't the law been enforced and why haven't my signs been removed if I was not in good standing with the law?
Because as Jaime has correctly pointed out I, and my signs, are in good standing with the town ordinance.
This is not ignorance of the law, but an understanding that there are always several laws to be considered.
The official position of the Town of Mooresville, and they are correct, is that no town ordinance will supersede the Constitution of the United States. It is an individuals constitutional right to place a sign in their private property if they so choose.
Thus this town ordinance is correctly interpreted as Jaime has articulated as being applicable only to public property and is in keeping with constitutional law.
So for 8:33pm, please feel free to display your sign. You have every right to.
Since you are encouraging dialogue, I will jump in. First off, I would like it if opponents referred to each other by their names. We have recently been stripped of our humanity and this is a sore spot with us. I live with a homeowner in the Winborne Sub where I know you have been. Carol Fitzgerald is about to turn 70 and has a rare form of ovarian cancer. I have a serious neurological condition and have been disabled since 1992 and certified under the Americans with Disabilities Act since then. I retired from the State of MI in 1994 on total disability. The HOA has steadfastly harassed us for the past 2 years. I moved in with Carol in Dec 2008. She's lived here for roughly 7-8 years and was healthy when she bought her house. She is NOT dying. She is however, disabled. She is on oxygen and goes to regular chemo to keep her condition under control. I also have a breathing condition which makes the fact that the pond directly across from us was left stagnant for over 3 months very bad for both of us.
The HOA engineered a raid by animal control seizing my assistance dog that keeps me from falling and they still have her. The town was involved. Erskine Smith denied this, yet the report states Mandy Edwards made the complaint. I have made ADA complaints and these were ignored and I am told as of July that the town attorney is researching an act that is 21 years old. I have recently fallen in my home 5 times in 10 days and both the county and town have been provided with verification of this. Why does the county have my dog?
8:33 here :).
I had no intention of removing the sign.
Could it not boil all the the way down to freedom of speech?
It appeared that most of the ordinance pertained to "public property" and right of ways.
To continue, this was a trumped up search of the house because a couple of HOA officers have no compassion when a cancer patient and her friend (me) are busy driving back and forth and I am having complications from a recent surgery and can't get the lawn mowed on time. So without anyone being in the house, they called an animal control officer who had a prior history of lying and harassing us and had our pets seized. We've done everything we were supposed to do and it's been done for months. But the HOA continues to harass us. The stench from the pond made me sick for months and I had no money to see my pulmonary doctor because I put it into other repairs and such--including repairs to a computer that animal control broke when they were here. I am having to delay my neuro appt at the end of the month for a few days because I don't have the co-pay because of gas costs. The stress has caused my medications to be upped and I am not sleeping.
Last year the above named animal control officer and his HOA friend, a sheriff deputy, got Tammy Heck from the town to harass us. She was very abusive on the phone with me. "If the county can't get you, we will." Later it became, "You want to play hardball with me" in a very loud tone of voice." I then met with Erskine Smith and requested resolution in writing and he wrote that there was no problem with our residence.
In July, I finally received a letter in response to my ADA complaint against the town from Mr. Smith and he denied any part in the raid and ignorance of the ADA, stating Mr Gambrill is reseaching it. I went up, angry, with the first page of the Animal Control report stating Mandy Edwards, who was here when it happened and showed me her ID, had made the complaint. He promised to get back to me. He hasn't.
Recently, in attempts to be in compliance with the HOA and town rules, Carol took a birdbath to the curb to throw out. It was getting old. It sat, ignored at the curb for a month, finally falling into pieces. We threw it in the trash bin and that, I'm sure you know, is picked up by a truck with an automated arm. Our pick-up is Thursday. It was picked up early that day and I had already put the bin back in the garage when I saw the truck come back up to our side yard and stop then go on. Later on I discovered that all of the pieces of the birdbath had been brought back and thrown into the side yard by this huge truck, which I'm sure is not cheap on gas. I was very upset and angry about this. I had a mental picture of the trash guys sitting around their break room deciding to teach those old ladies a lesson. It was inappropriate, disrespectful, hurtful, unprofessional, and childish. I was a public employee my entire adult life. I'd have been fired--and arrested--for such a stunt. I emailed Erskine Smith Sunday night and filed littering charges Monday afternoon. I did receive an email from him Monday evening and an apology and it was picked up by the sanitation boss and he also apologized. Both explained it was policy to communicate with residents as to what to do with these items and that it should have been taken to the transfer station which I would have been happy to do, but instead they caused a lot of trouble and expense for all of us and played games. Now I would like to hear your take on this. Particularly that there is a town manager who clearly has no idea of anything that is going on anywhere in this town. I am not asking for special treatment but it sure appears that I am getting it. I am also wondering why a HOA gets to take money and let a pond and a park go neglected? Said park has been in shambles for over 4 years. By the way, as I type this, I have severe vertigo and a headache from leaking spinal fluid. My dog, who was always by me, prevents me from falling over from this condition. It has gotten worse from the stress. By the way, I have documented the actions of the HOA. Carefully. I'm happy to have you in our home and show you around.
1:04 and we have the freedom to live in our home as we see fit.
Don't see an answer. Another indication that we are not welcome or wanted in this community. I was training Katie to be a reading and nursing home visit therapy dog. My two previous collies were well- known for their therapy dog work. My dog is having her temperament ruined up in that shelter. I was also interested in volunteering as a docent for the October historic home tour--I have a degree in history--when I say the flyer at the library. That is until I saw who I had to contact. This is not a community. It is a free for all. I could make a contribution, even be an asset if I chose to but this town continues to hurt us. I will not be a part of that. We did nothing to deserve this except try to get well.
Over 24 hours, still no answer. Typical politician. Talks a good game until tough questions are asked. Good to know I'm still not a part of this community. I still vote. So does Carol. Can you afford to lose 2 votes? We have friends too.
Candidate Esselman, are you going to answer that lady? The rest of us are watching as well.
Dear Lots Of Ways To Reach You,
Like 5:38 I was holding my breath waiting to see if you would answer all of the questions put to you. Seems like that woman raised some legit issues. I'm a little put off by the trash Dept pulling crap like that. Got something to say? Let's hear it. Otherwise we are voting for Atkins at my house.
Any chance he is fact finding? There are sometimes two sides to a story, often 3, yours, theirs, and what happened. I would think he would want to gather as much information as possible before making a decision.
I think we all agree on the birdbath debacle, if the truck was dumped at the transfer station...wouldn't have been just as easy to throw it in the correct dumpster as to load it back into a truck and return it to Marian. Than a truck out on rounds or whatever could've stopped and informed Marian of what happened and explained that the material should not have been put in the roll out. Sounds like it would have really been appreciated by Marian.
What's to fact find? I invite him to go to my face book page and go back and look for the birdbath video. I also have the emails from Mr Smith and the sanitation people. Mr Esselman was in our neighborhood recently as evidenced by the sign on a neighbor's lawn right next to the pond. Let him come to our door or is he afraid cancer is contagious?
My assistance dog has been in a cage in Statesville and her skills and temperament probably irrepably damaged because a couple of women--one of them a law enforcement officer got their knickers in a twist over the lawn and decided to use the town to do an end run around our rights. I find it incredibly disturbing that the assets of a town of this size are brought to bear against two women who pay their bills to the city and cause no problem other than being disabled and lower income. I would like to know where this candidate stands on this town being a place for everyone to live and to be treated decently. What's so hard to answer about that? I mean we have been getting run roughshod over by the town of Mooreville for a year now. I would like a date and a time as to when it is going to stop so I can start living my life again. I don't think that is too much to ask.
This is the first I've heard of your facebook page. I'm guessing that you have covered most of the material in your posts on these blogs though.
Again, I think everyone is in agreement that the birdbath incident was handled poorly. I think you recieved an apology from the town, correct?
If you're not voting for Mr. Esselman then you're voting for Mr. Atkins (genius I know). The same Mr. Atkins that has been on the board that has failed to satisfy any of your complaints. I'm not sure I'm following you there.
I haven't said who I am voting for yet. Mr. Esselman stated that he would address issues within 24 hours. I have issues. It's more than a birdbath. It's a town manager who doesn't seem to know what is going on in in departments in this town. It's about workers like Tammy Heck, who have a pretty high rank in this town verbally abusing people and I think I can tie that into what happened on June 13th this year. Someone in the city hall has a big bug up their backside for us and it has to do with the HOA and when a citizen files a complaint about a federal law like the ADA and all of this is, I assure you related, it can be resolved 2 ways, one by a civilized conversation, which is usually quick and cost-free, or another way, a nice expensive little lawsuit, which takes time, gets ugly and costs everybody money. I tend to be reasonable when I am treated reasonably but so far I haven't been. Personally, I think this town is in need of a new manager and maybe a few other personnel. From what I've been reading, this town has a recent history of recent murky business at the town hall. Let me assure you that I have done battle with the State of MIchigan and they are bigger and a lot more transparent than this town. I am experienced at this game. Answer me now or I will excercise my right at the ballot box. I left MI because I was tired of the abuse up there. I came down here to help a sick friend, not to do battle.
My point is, I want to know who is going to clean up the town hall? Is this just talk about transpancey and healing or is there a real plan behind it? Let's hear it.
Tap, tap, tap, 9:58, Jared, is that you?
No, I'm not Jared, sorry for the delay, I was taking care of a few things. I can see why you're quick to get defensive on some of these subjects, it looks like you've had a long battle over some of these things. As a disgruntled/disappointed citizen of the town, I am concerned with the problems you're having with the Town and your HOA. I am not Jared, and I'm in no way trying to speak for him, I suppose I am defending him though. I would hope that he would get both sides of the story before making any kind of decision. I am not in any way doubting any of your comments, but the prudent thing to do would be to get both sides of the story. That may be difficult to do in a day or two. Especially with multiple situations and several parties involved. I realize you've waited a long time for action, but you may have to wait a little longer, I'm sorry.
I realize it's late and You probably won't repsond until tomorrow. I probably won't read it until late friday anyway. I was curious as to why your dog is still in Statesville? What would it take to get it back? Why was it taken in the first place? I may have missed the original reason, I thought I saw something about the HOA had a deputy have it taken, but why? While you were away an animal control officer entered your house and seized your animals? or were they outside? Seems a bit harsh to have had your home raided because the grass wasn't mowed. Did you have an excessive number of pets? Wouldn't the HOA just have your lawn mowed and give you the bill, I think that's what mine does, not sure. I apologize for my ignorance but these are some of the "other side of the story" questions that may have arisen. I'm really not trying to get a rise out of you, I promise. I'm just wondering about some of the backround that I may have missed from other posts in other blogs, sorry.
Marian, you are correct, you have not said who you were voting for. It was actually 7:29 that said... "Let's hear it. Otherwise we are voting for Atkins at my house." my apologies.
9:19, what's wrong with Jared stepping up to the plate to say he is fact finding and he'll get back with the lady? Ever hear of something like that? A professional would do that. I'm just saying...
This has been an ongoing pattern. To say this HOA has been dsyfunctional is an understatement. A year ago they had a bug up their backside about a couple of shrubs by the front door. Yes, they needed to go and we both acknowledged that. However, at the time, Carol was having serious problems with fluid on her right lung and we were making unplanned runs to Winston-Salem at all times to see a thoracic dr and for draining. Then she got pancreaatitis and gall bladder issues and had to go up to Forsythe in the middle of the night by ambulance because this was where her oncologist is. This was AFTER the HOA has sent a guy, who wsa dressed like a prison inmate right up to the window (trespassing, hello!!! and do I have to remind you the VP is a deputy sheriff?) where I am sitting right now at dusk with a cell phone camera to photograph those shrubs. I was terrified but Carol did not want to call the police. Turns out he was from the HOA. Then as Carol is in ICU fighting for her life with a 15 inch incision, 24 staples, bleeding, and "tumor everywhere" the HOA still wants those damn shrubs dealt with NOW!!! And they make me come to a meeting about them. And deny anything to do about the guy with the camera. And need I remind you this is not long after that guy was murdered in his bed just a few miles away. Oh, yes, this was also several months after Andrea, who has never been in the house, reported us to Animal Control. The house was dirty, a lot dirtier, and we got it cleaned up in 48 hours. Deputy Taylor has been using her position as a sheriff deputy to intimidate residents here and I am NOT the ONLY resident here to say that. Had I behaved in a similar fashion as a State of Michigan Employee, I would have been in serious trouble and there would have been serious consequences. Very serious. I know better. Clearly she doesn't.
The president and vice president of this HOA have it out for us. Is this house always a show place? No. Is it an eyesore? No? Do they do what they are supposed to do? NO! At any rate, on June 8th, I saw both the president and then the VP (in her county vehicle) drive by very slowly. I knew then that something was going to happen. NO ONE had been in this house since April and that was the Dish guy. On June 13th, a search warrant was sworn out by a strutting little punk with animal control named Scott Jordan. This guy came to the house last year in Sept. He was abusive but I let him in. He wrote a report saying that there was feces all over the place--a blatant lie--I had just finished washing all the floors. I believe Deputy Taylor sent him. Chris Royal sent out another officer and everything was fine. I thiink told her that Jordan was to be kept away from us. Perioid. That was what triggered the Tammy Heck incident.
Now, full disclosure, the house was messy. It was not filthy or anywhere near what it was when Andrea Taylor reported it in April of 2010. This was part of the vendetta of the HOA. They want us gone. The house is now clean. If it had been such a hazard, why was Carol not taken out? Where was the health dept? Or Social Services? Yes, we had a lot of cats and CArol signed hers over, but it was not excessive. And none of them were sick or starved as has been charged. We have, against state law, been kept from seeing any of them. So Chris Royal, could be starving them. My dog had a grooming appointment on 6/20. Collies have regular grooming needs and I'm sure she's a mess now. I have never abused an animal in my life. They have a cat that we raised and saved roughly $1000 for surgery for her last year. I am very upset and these people will not let me keep her? They came with 2 trucks to seize the animals. They ran through the house and choked them and traumatized them, broke 2 lamps and Carol's desktop computer.
I want you to understand just how underhanded this was. Chris Royal told a neighbor that the animals were in "good shape" and "adoptable" so how is it that they were tormented and starved as I have been charged? The warrant said that they had 2 "anonymous" complaints. Yes, the president and vice-president. The report says Mandy Edwards made the complaint. Scott Jordan came back the next day to get my dog's food and would not even look me in the eye but said I called him a liar which I didn't but he is. This was never about the animals, it was about the fact that Oh, MY God, we got the lawn mowed late a few times and we must be taught a lesson. WEll, ladies, so sorry, but maybe Carol was sick or maybe our guy was out of state like he is now. And I am so sorry that we spent money on gas driving her up to Forsythe to get fluid taken off her belly and spent days on that instead of getting the mold off of where you can't see anyway.
This is a two way street. Carol had to stop chemo this spring because her cancer causes a fluid build up and that caused a blistering on her leg so she had to undergo wound treatment in Statesville. Because chemo compromises the immune system it had to stop. By the way, the cats have actually boosted her immune system. That's a fact. She started up chemo again in June and will be on a low dose for the rese of her life but is also still treating for the wounds which are healing--EXCEPT for new ones from mosquito bites from that pond which sat stagnant for 3 months. We've been eaten alive, even in broad daylight, even just going out to the car. Now, they've cultured with bacteria and we're hoping she does not have to stop chemo again. During the time she had to stop chemo, 3 liters of fluid was drained off of her belly. So there are consequences to the HOA's passive-aggressive bad behavior. And what about the park? We pay for that and get nothing but excuses. It looks like a training ground for serial killers and pedophiles. The management company can slap us with fines and such without due process when in fact, it's their pond that stinks, and they won't provide us with info we are entitled to and then there is the fact that our fees go to a mail box at a UPS Store in Huntersville. So yes, I'm a little angry, frustrated, feeling singled out, and made more ill by the stress.
Right now, the lawn needs mowing, we're broke, we have just enough money to get to chemo and wound treatment on Tuesday, our lawn guy who works with us is still out of state and we've had to pay extra to run up to try and keep ourselves safe from the HOA and pay for some repairs to the computers and for extra medical expenses for myself. I've also postponed some. I went to Erskine Smith and tried to talk to him and reason with him about his situation and got nowhere. This was a trumped up situation and a waste of the town and county's money. Either someone gets these people off our back or I get a lawyer to do so. I've already filled out the ACLU intake. The ADA is a serious matter. I am tired of being ingnored. Or harassed.
One more thing. It is pretty bad when you start locking the door because of the HOA. And where is that report Scott Jordan wrote last September? Gee, how does that work? And if I had someone running a dept that wrote a report like Chris Royal that was barely at a 6th grade level, I'd demote her so fast--and it was a lot of lies too...
Latimer you screwed up one post and now you are spending great amounts of time does the same to this one. Obviously you are bored and have nothing to do but tell everyone about your problems. Now do us a favor and go back to where you came from!!! We do not need to hear your constant complaining
Although I appreciate the dialog that this blog promotes, this is not the best way to contact me with concerns, questions, or ideas. I don't check Jaime's personal blog everyday, so please be patient and feel free to contact me via email.
I see there are a lot of statements and accusations made here. Mrs. Latimer feel free to send me a personal email with your address and I'll gladly stop by. You can reach me through the email icon on my website or through facebook, which ever you prefer.
There is so much here, that a simple blog post would not nearly be an adequate response. I know some of you will not like that and will criticize me for 'not answering' but nothing I could say in a post on a blog would do an issue like this justice.
Email is the appropriate means of correspondence from this point.
3:10, you're the one screwing things up. People are allowed to talk to candidates. This guy did say he'd get back to people and she took him at his word. Whether you like it or not, anyone who wants to and who can buy a place here can live here. Why don't you go back to where you came from?
Hey, 3:10, who decided you get to say who gets to post in a PUBLIC forum? Since when is what somebody else has something to say any of your business and how is it hurting you? Funny, I don't see your name on this blog.
I also don't see your name-Anonymous, or your other name, Go Redmond, as the desigated gatekeeper who gets to decide who lives here or who doesn't, because if there was such a person, I'm guessing your butt wouldn't be passing muster.
Although I appreciate the dialog that this blog promotes, this is not the best way to contact me with concerns, questions, or ideas. I don't check Jaime's personal blog everyday, so please be patient and feel free to contact me via email.
I see there are a lot of statements and accusations made here. Mrs. Latimer feel free to send me a personal email with your address and I'll gladly stop by. You can reach me through the email icon on my website or through facebook, which ever you prefer.
There is so much here, that a simple blog post would not nearly be an adequate response. I know some of you will not like that and will criticize me for 'not answering' but nothing I could say in a post on a blog would do an issue like this justice.
Email is the appropriate means of correspondence from this point.
Dear "It takes courage and passion,"
Still don't see your answer. It's been 48 hours. Enjoy the football game. Wouldn't want anything like public service to get in the way of that. Priorities, after all. It's been over 48 hours.
You got a right to be pissed off, lady.
Still a respectful cuss, ain't ya, 3:10?
Now hang on a second here. Esselman said he'd come back in 24 hours to answer the question about the signs, which he (and Gatton) did. We have no reason to suspect he's still reading our comments. Latimer has every right to be upset about what's being done to her, but why are we suggesting she's being ignored by Esselman? Gatton linked to his website at the end of the post. Why not go there and contact him that way which seems like a much better way to make sure you're actually making contact with the candidate?
Dang, I'm not even a supporter of either mayoral candidate (haven't met them yet) but this is getting silly.
9:46, didn't the gentleman say he would respond to questions? I mean, surely he's going to get some tougher questions and situations as mayor than a tossed around bunch of trash and a pissed off cat lady. Either you got the stones to do what you say you are gonna do or you don't. I think the lady said to knock on her door. If he doesn't want to talk to them here why doesn't he talk to them there? I think a lot of people here have issues with mr. Erskine Smith. I think this goes back to Cops For Kids and so on. She's got a new kettle of fish to fry. It ought to be a campaign issue just like MI Connection. And by God, if a town employee had asked me if I wanted to play hardball with her, I'd have gotten in my truck and gone right up and had a little chat with her boss about hardball. It's high time the people we pay to work for us start answering to us and a campaign is a job interview pal. So yeah, we are all watching for answers. And waiting. You want the job, son? Saddle up and get ready for some rough riding. This isn't a cakewalk.
I agree with the previous post, he hasnt posted anything else on here, so he probably hasnt been back. Geez, if he is mistreating her the she must be the most unlucky person in the town!
Just curious, you said a lot of cats...how many is a lot?
10:26, my point was that he promised us he'd answer the signs question with a comment here and he did. He didn't promise that this was a good way to continue to reach him. I was simply suggesting that Latimer email him directly to make sure he actually is aware that she wishes to speak about these issues. If you want to hear from him or anyone else about it, email them. Blog-based rabblerousing doesn't seem to be effective.
Geez, here's an idea, why doesn't the candidate go on that lady's facebook page and send her a message? And 10:26, didn't your mama teach you any respect? You can't address a person properly but then go on about rabble rousing. Grow up.
11:46, I didn't see anything about "a lot" of cats. WTF difference does it make, that wasn't the question. I see something about A dog and A cat. And Erskine Smith, Esquire, who happens to piss a lot of people off.
Tell you what, if Mr. Trash Man had tossed something back in my mom's yard, he'd have found it tossed through his office window. People don't cotton to that kind of disrespect when they are paying for a job to be done. Then I'd have been having a little talk with old Smitty myself.
If you want to run for public office around here or anywhere else, then be prepared to hitch up your big boy pants and take the crap that gets flung your way. Deal with it or get out. Fair enough? He said he was open for discussion so discuss.
I think it's a little disingenuous to say that transparency in government is important then refuse to address someone's legitimate concerns and issues with the town manager, etc.
I also have checked Mr. Esselman's Face Book page and see he is a Conservative. Being one myself, I subscribe to the concept of less government so I would be curious to see how he feels about Ms. Latimer's concern's about Home Owner's Associations. They do seem to have become a type of government and we do seem to have enough of that already.
I would respectfully request in the spirit of transparency, that he address some of these issues in the public forum.
Telling someone to go to a private email is hardly in keeping with the spirit of transparency is it?
How about being "transparent" in your request and ask him in a place (such as email) that he might actually be looking, rather than assuming he is still looking here and then bad-mouthing him because he is not responding. Seems kinda like creating a "wrong" where there is none...a pattern?
Although I appreciate the dialog that this blog promotes, one poster is correct, this is not the best way to contact me with concerns, questions, or ideas. I don't check Jaime's personal blog everyday, so please be patient and feel free to contact me via email.
I see there are a lot of statements and accusations made here. Mrs. Latimer feel free to send me a personal email with your address and I'll gladly stop by. You can reach me through the email icon on my website or through facebook, which ever you prefer.
There is so much here, that a simple blog post would not nearly be an adequate response. I know some of you will not like that and will criticize me for 'not answering' but nothing I could say in a post on a blog would do an issue like this justice.
Email is the appropriate means of correspondence from this point.
for 12:22...Yes, we had a lot of cats ...stated in 1:13 of Marian post. It made a difference to those of us that are still trying to understand some of the backstory or other side of the stories having to do with Marians' situations. I'm more interested in finding out why the dog can't be returned. If the other animals have been taken and the home has been cleaned up, why can't they get the dog back. Unless someone thinks it's unsafe for the animal. You eat an elephant one bite at a time, or so the story goes. Instead of bashing these residents/citizens/voters of our Town, why don't we try to help them. I'm sure there are solutions out there.
I had about 12-15 cats up in MI, on a small piece of property, windows open, houses very close, never had a complaint. Most of my cats are seniors, some of those have passed. Carol was told if she didn't sign her cats over, she'd be arrested. Since she wasn't being allowed to cover herself at the time and she wasn't decent, she signed them over. I guess they think we don't love our cats. Carol ran a national rescue that is still very well-respected and I did transports which is how we met and became friends. She wants a couple of her cats back, by the way.
Chris Royal is a liar. She used the fact that we "said" a certain officer could not come back without a search warrant to get one. That officer, is welcome anytime, without so much as a phone call. Scott Jordan, the punk, is not. She said that Carol told her that she wanted the cats gone and that she thanked her. No, Carol wanted the harassment to stop. And by the way, Ms Royal, if you'd been a student of mine, I'd have flunked you. It's called literacy, look into it. How someone gets to her position with her level of writing skill is beyond me. "Hollared," really? I did raise my voice. I even shouted, as would anyone when they see their beloved pets being choked, but I did not holler. I am not a hound.
The town of Mooresville has charged me--after I pushed back a man named Aaron Jenkins in the sheriff's office and that may not be the correct term since I was crying and he was shouting--with tormenting and depriving these animals of necessary sustenance. In other words, I hurt and starved them. Pretty funny given that they knocked over the food and water and Scott Jordan came back the next day to pick up Katie's premium/$30/bag food and they guy at the Feed Bucket wrote a statement that we buy 120 pounds of food a month. I also feed my special needs cats canned food. One is still here and would be dead if they had got her. I'll put a video on FB of her with her story later.
We have not had a moment's peace from the HOA and in turn, the town for the past 2 years, unless there is snow on the ground. Even after the shrubs were gone, the 2 women who were so bent out of shape about them continued to drive and walk by all the time. I was dealing with Carol an hour away in ICU and trying to get this house in order for potentially having to have hospice here (luckily not) and being sick myself with a chronic breathing thing I usually get in the winter. It is NEVER enough no matter what we do. Yes, there are times when the lawn gets long and we had plans to put in more flowers and such but as I said, Carol had problems and I had complications from hand surgery last winter and have only gotten the use of my hand back a few months ago.
I am just trying to understand the situation, not bashing. To do that, I would like to know how many cats, yours and Carol's were removed. It is relevant, I think, because you frequently see stories in the news regarding animal hoarding and charges of animal cruelty. I just find it hard to believe they would remove the animals because they are "out to get you."
While we had a good number of cats, they were altered, had their shots and it was hardly like those homes were cats don't have names and are running wild. These cats have names, personalities, and are loved individually. We had just put Advantage on them the week before. I have lived through a terrible rabies outbreak up in MI and have seen an animal seizing (a skunk) up close and held the tarp for the animal control officer while he dug the thing up. I am able to and have called him at home on a weeked. We are friends. Does this sound like someone who is an animal abuser?
I was not aware that Chris Royal was the arbiter of housekeeping in the county. She does not resemble Martha Stewart. According to her report, we've been given multiple chances to keep the house clean. Huh? I get up everyday and police the house. I spot clean. They got lucky and caught us on a bad day after we had been through a couple weeks of a lot of bad days. And if having dirty dishes in the sink was a capital offense, there would not be a jail in this state that would not be overflowing. Give me a break. I'd love to make a surprise visit to Ms Royal's house or Scott Jordan's place. The place was cleaned up a week afterwards. And has been. Is it Martha Stewart clean, probably not. If that's the standard, then half the county should be without kids or pets.
I had to undergo a lumbar puncture the day after this happened. I've had to go through a lot of pretty brutal tests and surgeries and this was no piece of cake but to not have my dog to assist me to get out of bed the next day and to help me walk after the trauma was very upsetting. I almost needed an ambulance that morning and Carol sleeps in another room that is some distance from mine and could not hear me. She is not just an assistance dog, she is a companion and gives comfort. I had considerable physical problems for a solid month after that procedure and couple that with the stress, well, gee thanks, loads. Then after Madame President began her drive-by glares, I began to have increasing episodes of vertigo and falling. Related? I don't know. Then more insomnia. Who wouldn't? Katie was a watch dog here as well. We have a woman on the board who carries a gun, she has come onto the property with that gun on her person. How would you feel?
22 cats were removed, ok? I already said we were willing to mediate on some of the number but we are not giving them all up. They have a cat that her vet implored them to return because of health concerns. How heartless is that? We worked for months to get her the surgery she needed over a year ago. I rescued her from abuse and have had her for 12 years and these twits accuse me of not caring for her? Her own vet attested that we have complied and they know better? Some of those cats were Carol's some were mine. What about dog breeders who have 80 dogs? Chris Royal made it sound like it was a crime because gasp, we had litter boxes, scooped daily by the way, in the garage. WTH are we supposed to do, not have litter boxes? Yes, we had some seniors with incontinence issues and that was why I policed daily. Are you going to take your grandma out and shoot her because she needs Depends? Chris Royal made it sound like we were sleeping in crap and had it on the kitchen counters and that was patently false. She made it sound like they were crapping on the walls and ceilings. These are cats not flying monkeys. They came prepared to take the cats and were going to take them no matter what. This was about the lawn and a couple of nosy old HOA biddies who can't cut anyone a break for anything. This is why HOA's are just wrong. For God's sake, I have some standards.
Any idea what needs to be done to get your dog back? We can worry about the cats later. One bite at a time ;).
Any current issues with the HOA, yard, shrubs, etc.?
I take good care of Carol and I take good care of my dog and the cats. My dog has never been sick. The only extended time she has ever been away from me is to be the "clinic dog" at my vet's in MI when I had my second neck surgery and since she was only a year old then and a bit of a puller, they took her. My vet there is my best friend's sister-in-law and they are more like family than some of my blood family. After that is when Katie developed her intuition about my falling and such. I had to have the top layer of my spinal cord removed and patched in that surgery and am monitored for leaks of fluid, which is what is happening now. I have had 3 cervical spine and 1 throcaic spine surgeries. I don't want sympathy. I have limits and I know them. I got a good whack to the head in a car wreck years ago then was hurt by a quack insurance dr. It's a Michigan thing. Conversely, Carol has taken good care of me when the shoe has been on the other foot. She is not dying. She is improving. She does all the cooking and kitchen things. When she got sick, things were bad. She was alone and she had been sick for some time. She had a tumor the size of a basketball. By rights she should have beed dead within a matter of weeks. It's been nearly 4 years and there is no prognosis. She will turn 70 in a few weeks and is planning on 80. Her counts are going down. Her cancer is so rare that they do not know.
We had plans for the yard this year but the heat started in April and Carol had the wound and then I was put on a medication that made me even more sensistive to heat. I had severe heat stroke as a child and have been prone ever since. I've also had several suspicious spots removed in the past year or so. I'm very fair skinned. The gas prices have not helpled. We get help with kitty litter and such and I am expected a comp settlement from my former employer and I was starting to work on a writing project with my former editor but because of the stress and upset I have been unable to work.
I would like to know how we have to answer for our messes and the HOA and the town does not? I was made sick by the pond as was Carol. I have an over 30 year history of chronic bronchitis from working in moldy buildings and I was made sick with that from the smell from the pond when the fountain quit working. A simple cough can hurt my spine--and has. I had two fusions 15 years ago from injuries sustained from a racking cough. I've already stated how the mosquitoes have hurt Carol's leg. NOBODY took ownership of that problem and believe me, I tried. The HOA fence that we have to look at is constantly in shambles. What about OUR property value? We have to answer to them but they don't have to explain what they are doing with our money, even when we ask. And oh, yes, it's ok for them to hook up to OUR water and power wash THEIR fence and water THEIR plants and not so much as offer us a dime. They did say thanks. Big whoop. Everyone is screaming about no socialism but this is sure looking like it to me. In fact, it's a outright dictatorship because these fine folks informed us that they aren't holding elections. No one wants to run. Funny I don't remember that coming up.
We have a piece of siding that is down and some mold that needs washed off. We are trying to get some plants in but the weather has been too hot. We have a guy who helps but he's not due back until the 2nd. The lawn is being mowed right now and I'm going to try and weed whack later on. The thing is what we consider plants and what they don't is not clear. They never are specific about what they want. Every time we think we can afford the power washing something comes up. I have to have $105 for the neurologist next month. I don't know what condition the dog will be in when I get her back but I presume she will need a lot of grooming and that's at least $50. I have her professionally done every other month. Collies are complicated. She has a heavy coat. I suspect no one up at Ms. Royal's knows how to groom a collie. I am quite certain that they have probably gotten her wet and not properly dried and she has gotten a hot spot or worse. I'm sure there are animals coming in with fleas. My vet fears my special needs cat, Journey (She needs out as well) will go into kidney failure up there. She had surgery for stomatitis, an immune system problem cats can develop (the cat that is the mascot on Mt Washington, NH, at the observatory has this) and she only has 2 bottom teeth. All of her teeth were removed because of the stomatitis last year. She is around me all the time and is very dependent on me. She was so even before her surgery because of being rescued from abuse. But Chris Royal knows better. I suspect she has died in their "care."
Katie is the only animal in this house that is not a rescue. My profile photo is Tubby. Tubby is not with us anymore. He was a purebred Maine coon from CharMeck. They called Carol to come and get him. He was turned in and came from an irresponsible breeder. He had cardiomyopathy and it was from bad breeding. He was in respiratory distress one night last Sept and I'm sure my panicked posts on FB are what brought Scott Jordan to the door and the lies. (Thanks, Andrea) Carol got him to the vet and he recovered. A few months later, he came into my bedroom dragging his rear legs with what I knew was a saddle thrombosis. I had a 17 year old cat with cardiomyopathy years back and he had the same thing and I lost him to massive organ failure. We rushed him to the vet and they got him semi-going again and he was fighting. I got him into a free program for low income folks at Carolina vet and he could not be saved. They cremated him and made a cast of his paw and sent us his ashes in a lovely box. How are we bad people? Here was a very special cat that we fought to save. When I get my settlement I intend to set up a fund at Carolina Vet in his memory. I resent the hell out of the town, the HOA, and the county and how would any of you feel if your kids were taken this way? I had no kids and I've had my cats since they were kittens, most of them. Tubby had latched onto me when Carol was gone last year so he was as much mine as he was hers. He was as big as a sheltie and very unusual. And special. And all I can think of is we are losing days we will never get back with our cats and dog. And the county is spending money that I suppose it will expect us to pay them back whether we're guilty or innocent. This was the right way to handle this all right. I'm not saying we were perfect, I'm just saying, this was not right. And no matter what happens on 9/8, I think I have to take legal action against the town because that's the only way they are going to leave us alone.
So the county has your animals?, or is the Statesville facility used by Mooresville as well?
The HOA is the HOA, they can be a powerful entity in their own right. The Town has a charge against you for shoving someone in the sheriff office? Not to pass the buck so to speak, but aren't these county issues?
Lady, just asking, do you think this is some way for somebody to get your dog in a roundabout way? I've seen stranger things around here. You said this was a collie, right? I can just see someone wanting to say they got their kid Lassie.
I'll go to jail before anyone gets my dog. I'll sign her over to Collie Rescue before Chris Royal gets her. I have a contract with her breeder and the breeder gets her back. I also have contracts on 3 of the cats and they go back to their rescues too. NOBODY gets them or the dog unless I say and I don't say. I have thought about that. My dog is co-owned with her breeder. And she is not a Lassie type dog, she is a tri-color collie. She is MY dog, not the county's or Chris Royal's or the HOA's. I'll be damned if anyone else gets her. I will fight for my dog. And my cats. Chris Royal and Deputy Taylor and Erskine Smith have very much underestimated otherwise if they think differently. Don't think that hasn't crossed my mind. I don't put anything past this HOA. I don't put anything past Erskine Smith or Scott Jordan. That thug should not be working in public service. I spent 15 years working with abusers. I know a liar and an abuser when I see one. The fact that the report he wrote in Sept has been kept back speaks volumes. What is Chris Royal trying to hide?
What needs to be done to get your dog back?
I put a video that I made tonight of my 4 year old cat, Meezer, on my FB page. I hand-raised her and she nearly died again two and a half years ago from a liver problem. I want somebody to tell me how that $3000 cat is tormented, strarved, and mistreated. I defy this town and county to do that and my vet in Michigan knows very well this is the three week old kitten I brought to her four years ago.
Ringo, I have no clue. I have a court appointed attorney but Chris Royal has done nothing but obstruct or ignore. When I took the letter from my doctor to her, she just was defiant and took a copy for their lawyer. I hand-delivered a copy to his office and got a threatening and extortive letter from him the very next day. Amazing. It also finally acknowledged my ADA complaint (priority mailed--walked ten steps across the post office in Statesville where I mailed it from so I know they got it right away) but did not address it. This lawyer demanded medical info he's not entitled to and which he's not going to get. My dr wrote the letter with all the info the county needs. What's next? Do they want to make sure I don't wear underwear with holes in it? These people are in our lives way too much. This HOA business is going to be a line in the sand. These people are telling people how they can live in their own homes. Our friend can't sit on her swing in her front yard and watch kids play because she doesn't have a porch. People with a porch are allowed to have a porch. And don't get me started on how the officers break their own rules. Check my FB page. Go back a few weeks. How is it we can't have ornaments and such out front and the president has not one but two big old ornamental lamps in front of her house. Funny how that works, isn't it?
I took a brief peek at your FB page. I'm not sure where I got it, or why I thought it, but all this time I thought your HOA fight was in a different subdivision. So you live in the Winborne subdivision? That's between Rhinehardt and 115, near NGK, right? I was hoping to be able to help just as a service but, it looks like you're in my Ward.
I have a friend in winborne who also received a mold/mildew warning. It happens, and it's the duty of the HOA to try and make sure everything stays up to standard. I've sent you a friend request on FB, we'll knock out the mildew on Wednesday.
Thank you. I'm just seeing this note. Not firing on all my cylinders. I have friends on Long Island.
We are on Bosburg, right across from that pond. On the corner of Rinehardt and Bosburg. There is a piece of siding down. I appreciate it. Like I said, not firing on all my cylinders. Haven't heard from my friend on Long Island. She was with her folks and her brother is on the south shore. She texted me last night and they were all ok. I sent her 2 texts today and nothing. Hope they are all ok. And just to make my day even better, we did not get our paper today. I LOVE customer service.
"12-15 Cats" Marian, you have just lost all credibility. Please stop posting.
Excuse me, 10:35, how is that any different from a breeder or a rescue or the humane society? I saw the video of the cat she posted. Doesn't look abused or malnourished to me. Who are you to judge? I'd say that's a damn sight better than the idiots who keep their dogs tied up to a tree all the time. Bet you are Go Redmond. Go back to your Sharpies and crayons. By the way, where is Mr Transparency Jared Esselman? Are you one of his boys? Still don't see an answer about Erskine Smith or the trash boys. Miss Latimer aside, these are valid campaign issues. Seems to me Mr. Smith has worn out his welcome a long time ago. and I think it's worth an answer. How about it? Inquiring minds want to know.
1:25, no actually I don't have an ounce of respect for gold-chain wearing, nasty, egotistical Redmond, but a home is not a rescue. Many HOAs have pet limits; not sure about hers, mine is three. If Marian would stop writing 500 word essays on this blog and work on the yard (or whatever), maybe life would be easier. I find it hard to believe that the HOA, the town of Mooresville, the garbage collectors and animal control are ALL out to get her. If you leave something on the curb for 3 weeks and it doesn't get picked up, they are not going to take it. If you try to hide it in the bin, they still aren't likely to take it. I have been amazed at what the collectors would take (pleasantly surprised) over the years. I also never knew their names or faces, and they didn't know mine, so I find it ridiculous to think they are picking on this lady.
I am babysitting but when I get home I will be happy to post the emails I got from the town manager and the sanitation Dept. Never said I was running a rescue and Winborne has no limits. Carol was the chair of Maine Coon Rescue, a national rescue with a 501c3 if you are interested before she got sick. I have been offline all day and just checked a text. Carol had to have bloodwork earlier. I'm so sorry her cancer is such a damn inconvenience to this town and this HOA. Their compassion and patience is overwhelming and yes, they have picked on us. When a couple of high and mighty his queens get their knickers in a twist over a couple of shrubs when a woman us in ICU an hour away fighting for her life and make me come to a meeting about those damn shrubs which could have waited a week don't you think, that's not a little out of line? It was an emergency. Unplanned. And then one of them says twice that she doesn't know why anold lady buys a house she can't keep up. Twice. To my face. That's just not hurtful. It's illegal when it's a HOA officer and it's actionable. Then she and Andrea are driving and walking by and staring to the point that I feel harassed and stalked. Also actionable and a deputy should know better. I got news for you. Every damn last one of those cats are my personal pets, all rescued. All have names and most are seniors that I have had since they were little. I'm not going to have that many again but that is MY decision NOT Iredell County or Winborne HOA. You just think how you would feel. And I am sick and tired of being treated like a common criminal because I was not born down here. Neither was Redmond.
Post the emails please. Some of us would like to see them but is that legal? How are your friends who were in the path of the hurricane?
Ms. Latimer
Sorry that this incident occurred. I have no understanding of why it happened either so I apologize. Typically we do notify residents of items that he Town will not pickup or are inappropriately placed. I will have our Public Works folks investigate. Thanks for your inquiry.
Erskine Smith, ICMA-CM, AICP
Town Manager
Town of Mooresville
PO BOX 878
413 N. Main Street
Mooresville, NC 28115
704-662-3188 (o)
704-663-4616 (f)
704-664-0301 (c)
-----Original Message-----
From: Marian Latimer
Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2011 6:55 PM
To: Smith, Erskine
Subject: trash pick-up
I would like to know why it is ok for the trash department to throw trash
back onto our lawn with no notice or explanation. We put a birdbath out on
the curb over a month ago and it was not picked up. We finally put it in
the trash bin. On Thursday I noticed the truck return to the side yard
after the pick-ups had been made. Later in the day I found that this item
had been thrown in pieces into the side yard. This is not a very adult or
professional way to handle this. If this is not supposed to go in the
trash, why is this not being explained to us? If we threw it in someone's
yard in a sneaky manner, it's littering or vandalism. Neither one of us can
lift the base of the bird feeder. Once again, the town is sneaking around
and not being open with us. It is only a few feet from my car and while my
car is old, it is the only car I have and could have been damaged.
This was not an appropriate way to handle this and I want this resolved
immediately. I consider this part of the ongoing pattern of harassment that
Carol Fitzgerald and I have been subjected to.
Marian Latimer
Ms. Latimer,
I picked up your concrete bird feeder early this morning. While Town Code prohibits dirt, brick, rock and concrete from being collected (it can cause thousands of dollars in damage to our/your collection equipment), our normal procedure is for the collection workers to notify us of these types of issues so that we can in turn notify our customers. Occasionally, in the course of collecting 10,000 homes every week, we fail to do that which is what occurred in this instance. Please accept my apologies for this oversight. I met this morning with all of my employees and stated the importance of communicating these issues with us.
Our goal in the Sanitation Department is to provide you with a high level of service. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any issues or questions in the future. Thank you.
John Yvars
Sanitation Superintendent
Town of Mooresville
Above are two of the emails with one of my emails attached. Any questions? Jaime, I hope this is okay with you. If anyone wants to see the birdbath video, it's on my facebook page. I'll be happy to repost it if you don't want to scroll back. Now, I did not HIDE it in a trash bin, it was trash. We put it at the curb and sanitation IGNORED it for a month. Then when we finally got sick of their passive-aggressive routine a couple of neighbors helped us HIDE it in the trash bin so it was a vast right wing conspiracy. What was it when a couple of sanitaion workers snuck back in a huge truck and threw it back in the side yard? Champagne and roses?
4:26, my friends are ok, no power until Wed at least. Thank you for asking.
Anyone going to accuse her of creative writing with phone numbers attached? I'd say she has a point on one issue anyway.
Mrs. Gatton, could you please re-visit why it is exactly that Erskine Smith is still here and why precisely hr is the best fit for the town of Mooresville? There just seems to be no end to the creative stupidity of this man.
I am sorry if I am missing something, but it seems to me that mr. Smith and Mr. yvars both answered her question politely and professionally, and they got the problem fixed quickly...and they apologized. Is she waiting for CNN to do the story?
I believe, 10:57, she was making a point, about an ongoing pattern of behavior on the part of Mr. Smith, or at least some of those working under his supervision. I believe Tammy Heck and Mandy Edwards have been mentioned. I think when we have a good number of town employees bringing their personal power to bear against a couple of little old ladies, a couple of apologies aren't exactly going to cut it. There is the little item of misuse of town equipment. I believe the email mentions that this is littering and/or vandalism. OK, I don't know about the rest of you, but a couple of taxpayer paid employees, be it a practical joke or not, on our dime, had a little fun at our expense. So what did this cost us?
2 sanitation workers at let's be conservative, $15/hour, say, it took a half hour, that's $15, plus the use of the truck was probably a good $100 with gas, insurance, and all the rest of the costs, then there is the cost of Yvars truck and his salary and picking it up plus the staff meeting and investigation and all that BS. I'm guessing, we are now into this for about a grand or so for this little joke. I don't know, I'm laughing, aren't you? My mom gets about $750/month in Social Security so I'm betting that's part of what these gals are pissed off over.
They may have been polite but professional came way the hell too late.
11:45 PM, that sums up some of it. Let me add to it.
1. Tammy Heck: "If the county can't get you, it's up to us." And, "You wanna play hardball with me?" Inappropriate AND unprofessional. That was a year ago. I went to Erskine Smith in person about that and also had a phone conversation with the mayor.
2. Mandy Edwards: Never set foot in the house, makes a complaint to animal control. Now, the town has charged ME with misdemeanor animal cruelty, but then Erskine Smith, responding to my ADA complaint puts it in writing that the town had nothing to do with it. Funny the look on his face when I show him the report from animal control with her name on it and the charges with the "Town of Mooresville" on it. Now, turnabout is fairplay, don't you think? Throwing trash from a moving vehicle is also a misdemeanor. That statute is 3 pages long. I'm just wondering how long the statute is about violating a person's rights under the American's With Disabitilies Act? Smith has had the town attorney researching that since June. I can't believe that this issue hasn't come up once in 21 years in this town.
I've worked for a state and for the feds. I knew how to behave and how to treat the public. Apparently the higher up one is on the food chain here, the bigger the jackass one is. I may not be making the six figures that Erskine Smith is but I would not have allowed someone working for me to treat people the way we have been treated and spoken to the way we have been spoken to. As a general rule, I have found people down here overly polite, even painfuly so, but if I had ever raised my voice to a member of the public and asked them if they wanted to play hardball with me, well, I just would have never done it in the first place, but the consequences would have been dire. I'm sorry if the good citizens of this town expect less of the people they pay. My share of their pay may not be as big as yours but I still expect value for my dollar.
thanks for the explaination preacher
Adding insult to injury would have been sufficicient.
9:52, I am thinking it would be nice of the town to back the hell off and drop the charges now and give these ladies their pets back. They crossed the line. Kind of like the president beating up the neighbors, over a barking dog or a loud stereo, don't you think? Maybe he can do it, but you just don't. The term bully comes to mind here.
I don't know why any of you bother. Clearly nobody gives a damn about this town. We got us a bunch of crooked-ass jerks running the show and nobody cars and junior here is too busy putting out his campaign signs to bother with any of this. We're getting what we deserve because we don't turn out to vote and and we don't speak up and we let these jackasses get away with the bullshit so fine, let them.
By the way, everyone says that they're sick of seeing dirty campaign ads and signs but nobody does anything about it. As for me, I'm not voting for anyone who puts their signs out this early. Get over your damn selves.
Have a nice day.
lol, and that helps how?
It doesn't help but it's probably true. Carol got a big old bill today from the HOA assessing fines for something we aren't guilty of and that we didn't get due process for. I wonder what the candidate thinks about that? Oh, yes, it is for something that the HOA is guilty of. The bottom line is, they want to put a 70 year old woman with cancer out of her paid for home. I don't give a rat's rear end if they make me homeless, but to do this to Carol is beyond evil. I thought this was the USA, but apparently I was wrong. Oh, yes, that pond is back to being a real health hazard again.
We've done everything we've been asked to do but the HOA has not done a damn thing they are paid to do. And now they want $1100 from a woman who gets less than that a month in Social Security for something she didn't do and for something they sure as hell did do and didn't give us a chance to defend ourselves against. I think 1:01 AM is right on. These people are getting away with this sort of thing because the people in power in the town and county are letting them get away with it.
Bank of America can't take a person's house without serving you with papers and going through all kinds of court process. Winborne HOA and Herman Management (operating out of a UPS Store in Huntersville and refusing repeatedly to give us legal info that we have asked for and are legally entitled to) can assess fines without so much as a "by your leave." Supposedly they sent us a letter on June 14th, (the day after our pets were taken, big coincidence, isn't it?) about a meeting on June 20th that we NEVER got. But by God, we get all their bills and "friendly reminders." So now Candidate Esselman, here's another issue. How about addressing it? Or do we become ineligible to vote when we're living in our car?
I am really, really tired of this. I would like a date and a time when this is going to stop.
1:01 is making the point that nobody gives a damn until it's their ox being gored. It sounds like this HOA has a boner for you and they want your house. The town is going to help them. Since I'm looking to move to Cornelius I say I hope you sue the whole damn bunch of them and clean their clocks. Shame on you Mooresville for allowing this bullshit and shame on the candidates for not speaking up about the crap going on in town. If the intent is to drive everybody you don't want here away, you may succeed and all the jobs and money will go with them then you'll just have each other to feed off of. That ought to make you happy.
I would like to know why people who have never met us or talked to us and do not know us hate us so much and want us gone. If they would explain this to me, maybe I would understand. I would like to know.
I am just tired and am on my third night of not sleeping. What did we do to you? Is it that we're from up north, poor, older, disabled, what? Is it our cars? What is it, what do you want fixed? Because no matter what we do it is never enough, it's always something else. This HOA never tells us what exactly they want done, it's just "trim the hedges" only we don't have hedges or shrubs. They do.
I'm truly at the end of my rope. They want the house and they want us gone and they will stop at nothing to get it but there are human beings living here with feelings and emotions and they don't give a shit. Period. I would walk through fire before I cause someone the pain they've caused us. These are the nastiest people God put on earth. And yet I would not do to them what they have done to us. I have almost been put in the hospital 4 times over this. I've come close to wanting to end my life over this. I wonder how many other victims of HOA nastiness have been brought to that. I've seen plenty on the news about HOA evil. And no one in the legislature does a damn thing to stand up to them. They grab our money and act like government with no oversight. They are dictatorships. I will be damned before I back down before them. Fining a family $100/day for honoring their loved one's military service? What crap.
This one is hiding behind a mailbox at a UPS store. And this candidate is too much of a coward to even answer simple questions about the town manager acting hand in glove with them and not making them keep up things that they are supposed to keep up. There is a contract with the town about this damn pond. The trash department had a reason for acting like petulant children about that birdbath. They singled us out for a reason. Hello!!! Does anybody get it? We're not troublemakers or wild partiers or drug dealers. We don't have a meth lab and we have never been to a council meeting. We've never drawn attention to ourselves. Until now.
And the meter keeps running, $25/day fine for something we didn't do, no due process, just like the old Soviet Union. We're going to send you to the gulag, Comrade, for having bad thoughts about Stalin, or for saying something in your own house about the party. Even if you did take it back. You want a hearing? Oh, too bad, so sad. The thing is, they told Carol over the phone that this wasn't going to happen. They lied. Of course, they lied in the letter telling us we were being fined.
And can we fine them for the damn pond? Oh, hell no...
And by the way, said pond had its fountain finally fixed on August 12, after a "multi-layered bidding process" and on August 19th, the pump ceased working and there is a thick red bubbling sludge on the thing. Carol is having to take meds for a bacterial infection in her leg from mosquito bites, but hell, as long as the HOA gets what IT WANTS!
Lady some people are just mean. The sooner you get used to it the better off you are.
Gee, thanks, for you wise and erudite assessment, Einstein. We had no idea. Of course, this makes it perfectly all right and we should just accept it. What the hell do we even need elections for. We can just have rocket scientists like yourself tell us how things are. You're a damned freaking genius, 4:55. Esselman should appoint you his chief of staff. Wow. Why didn't anybody think of this before?
Guess none of you have never had a friend or family member touched by a catatastrophic illness like that lady has. The implication is then that they should give up their home and everything and do what? Go in a home at taxpayer expense? Is that the deal? Hospice maybe? What's that like five grand a month? Get sick you don't get to live here no more. I get it.
I think it's very sad and scary that people feel so bullied in their own homes that they feel like that they need to hurt themselves to stop the pain and people here just keep bashing and kicking at them. Just a few of you have shown this lady some kindness and understanding and the rest of you have jumped all over her case. Boy, I hope none of you ever need help or get sick.
We do seem to be overrunning with bullies here.
And whatever did happen to freedom in this country? Just asking. What the hell do we need a mayor for? We got homeowner's associations all over the place here telling us what to think and do.
Did he really go to Harvard or Havard Kennedy School? He went to Harvard but doesnt have a job?? Check out youtube key in his name and its states Harvard Kennedy School and listen to his elementary speach.
The public policy school at Harvard is called the Kennedy School of Government. Jared received his graduate degree from Harvard University in May 2011 and chose to return to his hometown. This is the website: www.hks.harvard.edu.
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