At-large Commissioner Miles Atkins has made official his bid for Mooresville mayor.
He filed earlier today at the Iredell County Board of Elections office in Statesville, according to a press statement released just moments ago by his campaign.
The filing period for Mooresville's town and school boards opened today. Voters will decide on Mooresville's new mayor during a general election on Nov. 8. Atkins will leave vacant his at-large seat, which is up for election this year. Also up for grabs: The seat of Ward 1 commissioner, currently held by Mitch Abraham, and Ward 2 commissioner, held by Thurman Houston.
Seats on the Mooresville Graded School District Board of Education that are up for election this year include those currently occupied by Sue Wilson, Roger Hyatt and Larry Wilson.
He filed earlier today at the Iredell County Board of Elections office in Statesville, according to a press statement released just moments ago by his campaign.
The filing period for Mooresville's town and school boards opened today. Voters will decide on Mooresville's new mayor during a general election on Nov. 8. Atkins will leave vacant his at-large seat, which is up for election this year. Also up for grabs: The seat of Ward 1 commissioner, currently held by Mitch Abraham, and Ward 2 commissioner, held by Thurman Houston.
Seats on the Mooresville Graded School District Board of Education that are up for election this year include those currently occupied by Sue Wilson, Roger Hyatt and Larry Wilson.
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Atkins with son, Liam, at the Iredell County Board of Elections (Photo courtesy of Atkins' campaign) |
Atkins, 48, was first elected as at-large commissioner in November 2007. He has considered a bid for mayor since last fall, and he publicly announced his intentions on March 29.
“In serving the Town of Mooresville as a commissioner for the past four years, it has become abundantly clear we need maturity, experience and commitment to lead Mooresville not just for one term but for several,” says Atkins. “As mayor, I will convert the abundant knowledge I have accumulated since 2007 and chart a specific course for the future of Mooresville, not just for a few years, but for decades to come.”
Here's the rest of today's press release:
With the overall theme of “Vision into Action,” Atkins outlines his three platform planks as follows:
Community: Combine the strengths of 28115 and 28117, guide responsible growth and thoughtful revitalization, promote forward-thinking ideas that enhance citizens’ quality of life and encourage community building through active participation and cooperation.
Economy: Attract diverse and emerging businesses that spur quality job creation, advocate for small business and entrepreneurship and collaborate with all levels of government to address issues and opportunities for new and existing Mooresville businesses.
Government: Push for transparency and accountability, connect citizens and their government, demand fiscal responsibility from town staff and increase effectiveness in town services.
“My wife and I have lived and paid taxes here for the past 14 years, have raised our children here and have made a family commitment to the future of Mooresville,” says Atkins.
Among those 14 years of community leadership, Atkins has led and/or served on the Mooresville Ethics Advisory Committee, Citizens Mass Transit Initiative, United Way of Central Carolinas/Mooresville, United Family Services, Mooresville Historic Preservation Commission and Mooresville Museum, and he graduated from the Mooresville Citizens Academy, Mooresville-South Iredell Chamber of Commerce Leadership Class and the Raleigh-based Institute of Political Leadership. He is an active member of the Rotary Club of Top of the Lake – Mooresville and serves as a senior warden of the vestry at St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church.
A graduate of Auburn University, Atkins is currently working toward his master’s degree in Strategic Leadership from Mountain State University. He and his wife, Kim, live in Mooresville with their daughter Rett, 11, and son Liam, 10. Visit for more information.
1 – 200 of 265 Newer› Newest»Now Ms Gatton lets see if your column is fair and balanced in your reporting.
It is obivious that Adkins is and has always been your favorite. I see where in the Mooresville Weekly that a car dealer has bought a politican for $4,000.00.
This man is in with the old group playing to who ever will help him with his agenda. Had his home declared a Historical Site Taxes go down and value of his house goes sky high. He will say he had nothing to do with it but his wife gets a high paying job downtown, how many people will belive that.
My family and myself will vote for the man that is a Harvard Graduate and has served our country by fighting for our freedom in a war zone and he owes no one anything.
Now lets see if you will write press releases on everyone that files. Bet that you will not or if you do it will be only one or two sentences.
Or it is possible that there are two (or more) good candidates. Have not yet met Atkins, but I don't see a problem in having a historical home. I also wouldn't be surprised to see a Gatton Report on any other good candidates. Good point about Marion however; he stinks just by being close to rotten people. Why support Redmond at such a level if he is such a shoe-in, as they say.
10:57 your a "nut"!!! an if i were Atkins i'd worry gatton never supports a winner, sure way to lose a election is have gatton on your side!!!
Whistleblower Cop Breaks Silence On Corrupt Police Chief In Quartzsite Arizona
I have been living in Mooresville for now 10 years. It has been a joke on Main St.on how all of the Board, with the exception of only MIles, is so disfunctional and I really cannot say what they really are, and things done behind closed door. Only person I would vote for and Trust Fully, is Miles Adkins.
He's smart, has foresight, and yes, has a wife that has done something with our downtown, vs. what all her predecessors did. KUDOS to BOTH of them.
I'm sure we'll get light rail, dump the cable company, if it can't stand on it's own, and move this antiquated Town Government forward.
And oh yes, THE STAFF, time to go losers, have milked it long enough with your good old boy connections.
GO MILES, you have my vote for sure.
did Atkins write this for you to print? LOL
OK any voters reading this.
"14 years of community leadership" he boasts?
That apparently includes from 2002 to 2007 where he had 5 different jobs in 5 years time?
Community leadership? You mean like?
"Consumer Team Leader-NASCAR Collectibles"
Selling nascar collectibles?
Or the 6 months he held his job for a parking company after that?
Its all listed on his linkedin profile here
The other candidate, is not working towards his masters degree. Jared Esselman has his masters from Harvard University, and thats after 2 tours of wartime air force service complete.
While Atkins was selling nascar collectibles, Esselman was landing transport jets in the middle east during war time service.
And he still got his harvard degree.
Try comparing the timelines of service between the two choices mooresville has.
Miles Atkins was working 5 different sales jobs, and Jared esselman was completing two terms of wartime service in the middle east and attending harvard.
Yeah, keep talking about 14 years of service.
Atkins went from the parking manager for a 6 person company, to commissioner.
Facts dont lie, whos more qualified to lead people?
nascar collectbles? LOL thats how he was serving mooresville? I thought that poster was kidding, but he did have 5 jobs in 5 years.... didnt look like they progressed either...LOL
OK to be fair i looked at THE OTHER GUY running for mooresville mayor.
Everyone look and compare
almost 8 years in the air force, worked at the white house as an intern, got his degree from college of charleston and his MASTERS from harvard.
And he went to school and grew up in Mooresville.
Readers should compare the two timelines....
I didnt even know who was running, but wasnt hard to choose who has my vote from that.
Noting Vic's comments, was the board dysfunctional when you bilked them out of thousands of dollars? Living here only 10 years and you think you have all the answers. Will your name be on the ballot this fall?
I would bet that Miles voted to pay the thousands for the Red Tip Bushes that were claimed to be something else. I would vote for him also if he got me thousands for a bunch of worthless bushes.
But Vic just stay home on election day because your vote is going to be no good because my vote will cancel out yours.
Also didn't someone in Miles family have a downtown business that went belly up. I guess that is ok when then someone else can get a job and rip off tax payers after your business fails.
Well, well, well. With friends like YOU who needs enemies? I certainly hope Esselmen is not behind these childish, mud-slinging posts. Chris Stalling, the article notes that this information came from a press release, so it would be my best guess Atkins wrote it. Isn't that how a press release works? I'd love to read Esselemen's press release too. Do you have a copy you can share with the rest of us?
Who is Chris Stallings? I do not see his name anywhere in the "Press Release"
Also I do not know the Esselman man nor have I ever met him or any member of his family.
I admire the young man for what he has accomplished in his life and for defending our Nation in war time. That is more than I can say for any member that is running for office or currently on the board except maybe Mr Houston and I do not know if he served or not.
Like someone else had stated earlier why would someone give him $4,000.00 unless they wanted something in return. This just stinks that one man would offer and the other man accept and now that he has accepted he is obligated to him,
Mr. Adkins lets see if you will give the money back and not be "owned" by one man. Bet you won't.
Seriously, lol. Everyone relax, I thank mr atkins for his time in local office!
And I thank mr esselman for his military service in a time of war. I am old enough to remember him playing football for coach carter...
I would like to see the town and/or Miles post the opinion provided by the Attorney General's office regarding the possible ethical implications of having his wife employed by an organization which receives funding from the town. I believe the town has had ample time to review the opinion, and I believe Miles said he would post it on his campaign website - but I didn't see it anywhere.
Too much is being made regarding Mr. Atkins position with the town and Mrs. Atkins and the Downtown Commission. It's basically the same as spouses working for the same employer as long as one is not supervising the other.
I'll check on that. Thanks for the reminder.
Thanks, Jamie. I'm sure Miles has been busy with other things.
@ 7:48 -- the only difference between this and the public sector is the fact that state laws may preclude his voting on funding an organization in which his wife is employed, which is why the town asked for an opinion from the attorney general's office.
All you anonymous morons can't even identify yourselves. As far as me bilking the town for bushes, public records show, they tried to bilk us out of taking one of our buildable lots, and giving us nothing for it. Moron, it didn;t happen, and you MR. lack of testicles, would not have allowed it yourself. We got paid fair market price for a buidlable lot, not bushes, ignoramous.
GO MILES< they are already scared.
I'll vote for anyone who will stand up for the citizens. I'm astounded at how disabled people are treated in this town. First our HOA tries to run us out and at court this morning, Carol and I were first made to stand out in the sun before we were let in, then she was made to stand until they let us in the courtroom. This is an elderly woman on oxygen and the person inside, a woman, just stared at her. I am tired of the lies we are told, the way that the city manager has no clue as to what is going on in the departments he is overseeing, and the fact he wrote me a letter telling me that the city had no part in the illegal search and seizure of my service dog when it was Mandy Edwards in zoning, who has never been in the house, who filed the complaint and identified herself to me and showed me her badge. I've been subjected to verbal abuse by Tammy Heck as well, last fall, over the phone when she began screaming at me after I left a message asking for her supervisor's name. "You want to play hardball with me?" Is this how public employees are allowed to behave in this town? I was a public employee my entire adult life in one fashion or another and I have never seen such rudeness, lying, and the runaround. The town won't do a thing about this HOA here that has let its drainage pond fester for months but let the HOA complain about us, and we get our door kicked in and criminal charges. We both have breathing issues and we have had to smell raw sewage every time we go outside but if we let a blade of grass get out of place, all hell breaks loose. No one here has to account to anyone else.
You're still a commissioner, Mr. Atkins, I left you a voice mail, I'd like to talk to you at your convenience. That is, if I am still able to breathe, I've been sick since June because of this pond.
Vic Marguis an Marian Latimer i don't know either of you, but from reading your post over time I think your both just old yankees who like to bitch an gripe about anything an everything
That's right, if someone who lives here and pays taxes here, isn't being treated right, they deserve it for being Yankees. Kind of like blaming the woman for being raped because she wore a short skirt and a tank top. It's ok for local officials to act like thugs if they're doing it to someone from somewhere else. Good to know.
I can take care of myself, thank you. My roots in the south run deep. I am, in fact, entitled to membership in the UDC and am a descendant of William Brewster who came over on the Mayflower. My surname, Latimer, is prominently featured in plaques commemorating the Confederate artillery effort on Benner's Hill at Gettysburg, led by the "Boy Colonel," and student from VMI Joseph White Latimer. My paternal grandmother's maiden name was Foreest and my father's family goes way back in TN. Her relative's name is mentioned over and over in Ken Burns' documentary onthe Civil War. The late Shelby Foote called Nathan Bedford Forrest one of the two greatest men that war produced. The other was Lincoln.
I did not know I surrendered my civil rights as an American citizen, because I came down here to be with a friend who has no family and is going through cancer. So sorry, I should have asked permission to bring my dirty Yankee blood onto your soil. I hope my filthy Yankee tax dollars are not paying for your kid's education or the roads you drive on. I would not want my Yankeeness to taint you.
I am so impressed with the concept of Southern Hospitality and Christianity. I did nothing to you nor did any of my dirty Yankee kin, because the other side of my family came from Canada. I am a first generation American on that side. My mother chose to become a citizen. I take my rights and responsibility as a citizen seriously and if that makes me a dirty, filty Yankee, then I am proud to be one.
2:24, the word is "and." How's that 2nd grade education working out for you? Literate much? Can you even spell your own name? Really? Can't even spell a 3 letter word? A common 3 letter word? Three times you use it! Oh, and the word is "you're," a contraction of "you are." "Your" implies ownership, such as "your car." Do educate yourself. Otherwise, you confirmm that you are the ignorant cracker that you appear to be.
Vic Marquis
Go back where you came from, We don't need your kind. Esselman will make a ideal Town Mayor he was raised in Mooresville, went to Mooresville Schools. We really need somone of his background and I am sure he will be by to talk with most of you Sooner or Later.
hat we do not need is another goup Like Knox, Marion. who want to dictate like Obama.
It looks like Atkins has hired Jaime to be his campaign manager. We do not want another family to come in and milk this town dry. There is no room for a family to rule this town. Esselman will make a great Mayor. He does not have an axe to grind. We do not want another money hole like MiConnection. Atkins wants "Great and Grand Things for Mooresville" which will put us further in the hole. The taxpayers of this town are now trying to pay our way out of the cable mess at the tune of millions of dollars. We do not need to pay further for the so-called light rail that Atkins wants. GET A GREAT MAYOR AND VOTE FOR ESSELMAN!!!!!!!!!!
By the way, I do not, in any way, advocate what Bedford Forrest stood for but as I understand it, he was considered a military genius. This is not a bloodline I am necessarily proud of. It does show that my family roots are in the south.
Latimer go back from where you came from. Your only problem is the continual bitching about your HOA. You dominate every blog page with long bithing about your health problems which are probably imaginary. You have nothing to do but sit at that puter and bitch. Just bug off. and go back north
That's golden, 3:48. You're right. Three times misspelled (no typos there). Probably top brass at the Sheriff's Office. They are nervous and testy over there right now.
We need a like button. 4:18, thank you.
Yes, nervous about being indicted or sued for $2.3mill, or both.
I guess this means Vic will not be the ballot this fall.
3:48 sorry to offends ya eye's wents two MGSD an dat's da best they could do with's poor mill trash
4:18 and 4:25, so sorry to diappoint you, but I live here and I am staying here. As for health issues, I did not know it was a criminal offense to be disabled in this county. I personally don't give a rat's rear end what you think of me, but if you are attacking my friend and the homeowoner here who has been fighting a rare form of ovarian cancer for almost 4 years, God help you or someone you care about gets a serious illness. Once again, you reinforce my underwhelming impression of Southern compassion. God sees this and will surely visit something upon you one of these days. What goes around, comes around. Given how she was treated this morning, apparently it is a crime to be elderly and sick in Mooresville.
4:25, sure sounds to me like the town and conty are asking to get sued. I've been following what has been done to those 2 ladies and if any of it is true, then seems like they have been kicked around and I'd bitch too.
As for Miss Latimer, at least she has the guts to put her name on her posts and those of you stabbing back at her don't. It's a shame people are still living in the 19th century and can't act like adults living in 2011. Half the people living in this town and county came from somewhere else.
Marian stay here i don't blame you i would not want to live up there with all them yankees either!! i'm not makeing fun of your illness i'm just saying no one wants to here about it all the time,my dads 92 an you complain more in one blog than he does in a year!!!
6:09 your right thats why the town and county went all to hell,crowded schools,heavy traffic,high taxes. I noticed you had the "guts" to put your name Mr Anonymous!!!!
Again with the Yankee thing. I fail to see how the Civil War ended has been a big detriment to the south. Seems like an entire class of people were emancipated and a few other things were made better for the poorer classes on both sides because of military pensions and such. It just so hsppens that people who live up north work hard, love their families, go to church and try to better their lives, just like anyone else. I thought people were actually a lot more tolerant down here, because I saw more interracial couples and friends, and I did not hear people sayinig they weren't going to see this doctor or that one because they were from India or Korea, or perhaps they might be Muslim. My bad, I misunderstood. It's not about one's race or national orgin, it's because I come from a state that fought against this state in a war that happened a century and a half ago. You might actually find people in the north to be kind, decent, helpful people who would go out of their way to , say, give you a ride when you were broken down by the side of the road in a blizzard.
As for what the people who have moved here have brought, you cannot have it both ways. This is a suburb of Charlotte, is it not? Most places want growth instead of death. The town I'm from is small, very small, but was once a manufacturing capital and that is all gone. I had to drive 20 miles to a grocery store. Here you have what, a dozen of them? Half the storefronts in the entire 3-4 blocks of the main street are empty. If it wasn't for farming, the town would be dead.
I was born in Detroit and spent part of my childhood there. Half my neighborhood was made up of people from the south, making a damn good living at the auto plants. My aunt and uncle retired from careers on the line at GM to a beautiful home with a lot of land in TN. Funny, I didn't hear anyone up there calling them hillbillies, except for my own southern relatives who had a sense of humor about where they came from.
We pay taxes here too. I would submit that perhaps taxes might not be so high if we weren't constantly having to pay for the antics of the likes of Tommy Adams. As for my disabilities, I'm more concerned about Carol, but I would submit that none of you would like being put through what we have been put through and it has affected our health. We live with constant stress from this HOA. I don't think you'd like someone trespassing to take pictures of shrubs while the homeowner is in ICU. All I've ever said is I have a TBI and I resent the hell out of a county commissioner making a disrespectful and hurtful remark about that disability. You wouldn't like it either. And we love our pets and have taken good care of them and I'm supposed to just sit back and let a couple of liars with an agenda kick in our door and take them away. By the way, the taxpayer is paying for them to be boarded. It's called false accusations and where I'm from, that's not done without there being some consequences.
Frank, still correcting people's spelling and grammar errors !!!!!! I can smell a rat from the wires that run this computer.
well 9:14, quit yapping and let the consequences begin. We here in the South don't mouth for the sake of mouthing. Step up and show us what you have or go away.
Apparently she has gone away.
I see it, I'm willing to step up. Come on over and see what we have. We're on the corner of Bosburg and Rinehart. What do you want from me? I put my name on my post, what do you have? As for mouthing off, if standing up for myself is wrong, then tough. In 2011 women don't have to shut up and go away because you don't like it. You embarassed by what your town and county is doing to a couple of women who did nothing wrong? I would be. I've backed down and played nice my entire life. I've had everything that mattered taken from me by a bunch of liars working for the county and I'm supposed to shut up and go away? I don't think so. You'll find I will fight for what I have and I'm damned good at it. I'm not mouthing off for the sake of mouthing. I've been wronged, Carol has been wronged and I'm not standing still for it. What's next, someone coming into YOUR house and taking YOUR kids? Andrea Taylor, Chris Royal, Ken Robertson, and Erskine Smith have messed wit the wrong Yankee and if shutting up and rolling over for injustice is a southern virtue, then I'm happy to be a dirty, filty Yankee. HOA's are just the new Jim Crow. How appropriate.
Geez, calm down. Ohhhhm, ohhhhm.....
Darn Marian your going to blow a gasket,did someone give you this house? ever stop to think you bought it knowing there was a HOA! Did you not know a HOA is nothing more than your neighbors telling you how to live! I have a great idea !!! MOVE
Dear Mr. or Ms. Coward Anonymous,
Carol bought this house over 7 years ago. Had I known there was a HOA, I might have counseled her against it. I came down here a little less than 3 years ago. So it's ok for the HOA to bully and harass because we asked for it, right? Typical, blame the victim. Oh, gee, I'm sorry, officer, I should have known I was inviting burglars because I bought a large screen TV. We can't afford to move and why should we? All HOA's exist for is to be a pseudo-government and keep grabbing money. Local codes and ordinances aren't enough? Isn't this a red state where you want government out of your lives? Again, I submit, you bloody well wouldn't like what we've been put through. Our neighbors aren't telling us how to live. They're just as pissed off as we are and as you would be with a HOA that tells you how to live but dosen't do what they are supposed to do? Did you see the story on 36 last night about the family that is losing its home to the HOA because of legal fees? How nice. The woman's father is on and has cancer. That could be Carol. We've paid our dues and just going out to get the mail is an assault on our respiratory system because of that pond. This is ok with you if it was almost in your front yard? I didn't think so. Kids here can't play in a park that their parents pay for because it's unsafe and not kept up? Again, I don't think so. We can't get squat from the HOA or the management company that we are entitled to but they can accuse us of things that they have done and let us cross over a line and they can make us homeless? Why can't a woman in her final years spend her life in peace without these fascists on her case all the time? Oh, we should have known better. Good to know. Why are HOA's the number one complaint in the state legislature if it's just us? And why is it ok for a town and a county to not answer for what their officials do? Or is that just the way things are done down here? Sorry, I think people deserve better. If you don't, perhaps you should move. I'm sure North Korea would be happy to accomodate your low expectations.
Wow, ya'll really like to attack and call names and be just plain mean when you don't have to look someonee in the eye, don't you? We were brought up to be more polite, I thought. Don't think any of the rest of you would like being roughed up by a HOA or anyone else they get to do their bidding. Try and show a little class, why don't ya?
Atkins can save his and Marions money. His wife is already raking in too much from this town. Don't think that there would be plenty of bedroom talk about their issues in the town if they both are there. Atkins go back to work and don't bother trying to further bankrupt this town.
Seeming to be close to Randy Marion is troubling. His constant kissing up to Redmond on that crook's Facebook page makes a lot of us VERY uneasy. Lots of folks are steering clear of Marion now. They won't do business with him because he is so buddy-buddy with Redmond. If enough people stay away, he won't have the$$$ to buy influence so problem solved.
I see the IGMFU club is still hanging around. Suppose all those "outsiders" do pack up and go back to where they came from, we'll have lots and lots of empty houses and lawns going to seed and plenty of closed up businesses. Think your taxes are high now?
Looks like the Crazy Cat Lady has LOTS of personalities and time on her hands. Go Redmond!!!!
Talking in the third person again. Pretty crazy too me.
Crazy "too" you, huh? You're so cute.
MY ISSUE with this "article" or "press release".
Is that Jaime Gatton and Miles are facebook friends.
You are all fighting over something that miles basically posted himself on his buddy's site. LOL
LOL, actually Jaime Gatton who put this online is friends with Miles, his wife and their daughter on facebook. Maybe they posted this together at jaime's house? LOL This is that transparency i see bragged about. LOL
So sorry to disappoint you, Mr. "Too Me," but I went to bed early last night and I've been busy all day. I've decided people like you are not worth engaging with so enjoy talking to yourself. I'll only post when I have something to say to the intelligent people out there. You know, the ones who are semi-literate and who can spell and use proper English.
Nobody intelligent wants to hear what you have to say Crazy Cat Lady. Awfully high and mighty about a misspelling of to and too aren't we. I guess if that is all you have, that's all you have.
Go Redmond!
Whatever you say, Phil. The only place you're going is down like the Titanic. LOL. The rats are leaving your sinking ship. By the way, you're missing a question mark. Everyone notices you're barely literate. How'd you get elected?
2:31 PM it IS transparent or you wouldn't be able to go find it on a public Facebook site and break your neck running back here to tell us. LOL. Thanks, Captain Obvious. Now go back and investigate something we actually give a hoot about.
It is Sheriff Redmond to you Crazy Cat Lady. You think you are on a first name basis with him? Maybe you want some of old "Phil". He is quite the ladies man. He keeps getting elected because the women find him charming and the men like the way he kicks criminal ass. No question mark behind that statement baby.
Go Redmond!
Mr 10:33, I think you mean news flash. However, most women in this county don't want any part of that dirty old coot Redmond. Who knows where that wick has been dipped.
10:33..."Lots of people 'round here got no respect for Phil?" Did you kiss your sister before or after you posted that? I guess what you intended to say is that a lot of people around here don't have any respect for Phil. That is obviously bullshit because he is in office going on 20 years now. That makes you the jackass or the Mrs. jackass since you are probably just the Crazy Cat Woman posting in third person again.
There are only about six people who keep this whole bullshit game going. Jamie is one of them and you, the Crazy Cat Woman are the other so that leaves a posse of about four more.
And yeah, Phil likes the ladies, he's not waving a rainbow flag like you. He likes them and they like him but that is as far as it goes. He has morals and values unlike the six of you that are out to destroy a good man by starting rumors.
11:16... Not that it is any of your business, but his wick stays at home.
Say what you want, but watch the man work a room sometime. He charms them all from young to old. Admiration from all. You don't get re-elected this many times without being charming, intelligent and doing a fine damn job at running the crooks out of Iredell County!
The only one around here posting in the third person is you, Phillip. Nice to see you have some down time. No criminals to chase today? Good to know.
You've been in office since, when, 1994,96? Good to see your math skills are about on par with your ethical standards. That's not 20 years. I'm betting the next election isn't going to be a slam dunk, either. Respectable people tend to frown on criminals working in law enforcement. Tommy Adams the best you can do? Really? Oh, and the way we hear it, your wick's been sniffing around Mrs Tommy. Your boys, like Michael Freeman. can't keep their wicks zipped. Following your example, no doubt. Yeehaw, party time on Tradd.
Isn't it funny when you boys think a woman is getting uppity, she's either needing to get laid or she's gay? "Men" like you do tend to make women want to bat for the other team but speaking for the intelligent women in this county, no thanks, like somebody else has said, who knows where that thing has been and what's sticking to it. If his wick is staying at home, could it be his little blue pills aren't doing the trick anymore?
More than 6 people are onto you, Phil. By the time the next election rolls around, with all the bad press you been getting lately, boy, there may not be 6 people who vote for you outside your little circle of suck-ups.
What's that smell? Oh, I know, desperation. We'll throw you a nice retirement party, dumbass.
"You've been in office since, when, 1994,96? Good to see your math skills are about on par with your ethical standards. That's not 20 years."
If you take that Budweiser down from in front of your face you will see that I said "going on 20 years." At the end of this term it will be that, jackass.
Your intellect reflects the thinking of the six people who don't like Sheriff Redmond so it narrows down who you could be.
No desperation here, dumb ass. All is well and running smooth. Getting ready for another four years after this. Why step down when the public is so supportive of a man doing a great job. Redmond is without a doubt the best Sheriff to ever hit Iredell County. He isn't going anywhere until he decides to step down on his own. The bullshit charges on Tommy will be the last thing that this county will ever stick on another innocent man. An example will be made when Tommy is cleared.
If Tommy is cleared, the anti-Redmond movement will be the likes of which you never imagined. You better hope he goes. Like someone else said, we respectable citizens don't like criminals in our law enforcement.
3:28, you have nothing. Get over it.
3:28 what are you going to do, recruit two more members? I don't think that eight can do anymore than six. Dumbass.
LOL, you are SO funny, Phil. Your support is wearing away so fast, pretty soon all you're going to hear is the sound of crickets. The best sheriff to hit Iredell County? Delusional much, bub? That's pathetic. Tommy's innocent? Yeah, and I'm president of the USA. Grand juries, don't, as a general rule, frame up innocent men. All those people voted to indict. Yeah, it's all bullshit.
An example is going to be made? Ooh, we're all so very scared, Mr. Smuck. The only example is going to be Tommy crying for his mommy when they slap the shackles on him and Phil going down the tubes on election day if not before. Ooh, I'm just shitting myself, I'm so scared. How big of a jackass are you? You're more fun than a waterpark. You're so damn predictable. Damn, this is better than my last vacation. Childish little twerp.
Yeah, we're all buying Tommy is innocent. An innocent person goes out to his truck and his house and gets the missing guns and brings them back. What were they? Christmas present from Phillip? Yeah, an innocent man on suspension keeps his work phone and runs up hundreds of dollars in bills for us taxpayers to pay. You and Tommy think we're all pretty stupid, Phil, but we're gonna have the last laugh.
Laugh while you can, but go ahead and buy you a case of Budweiser to drown your sorrows after Tommy is found NOT GUILTY and this all comes to an end.
I'm still laughing about the big deal made about the accusations of Lt. Harold Miller and his son being caught on a video in another county. What happened to that? Bullshit of course. What about the man you accused Phil of getting let go for growing pot plants when they weren't even his? Remember that? More bullshit. That is all you ever have on here, BULLSHIT! You tired to make something out of a misunderstanding in the evidence room. How did that work for you? About the same.
I'll stop there while you can still save a little face.
You are batting ZERO ass wipe. Meanwhile we are fighting crime and doing a great job according to the voters of Iredell County.
"We are fighting crime?" "We???" Knew it was you, Phillip. Misunderstanding in the evidence room? Yeah, grand juries tend to indict over a misunderstanding. Better go wipe your face, Redmond, there's still some bullshit on your lips. LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!
How do you find time to fight crime with all your little deputies screwing women over at the courthouse? Lord almighty, you are so funny. We need to get this old boy his own sitcom or reality show on TLC. Sheriffzilla and his pack of houndogs.
You know, an upright man with some sense of nobility and dignity would not have to engage in this petty bullshit, like you and your boys are doing, Redmond. An example is going to be made, alright, and it's going to be the voters who turn out next election to let you know they are sick of your bullshit. We're going to vote in a sheriff who holds with our values. Obstruction of justice, embezzlement, alienation of affection, and who knows what else just isn't part of those values. Looks like your ship is sinking to me.
"Obstruction of justice, embezzlement, alienation of affection..."
If all that had occurred you could get Phil out now. But it hasn't, so keep dreaming you catless hypochondriac transplant. ; )
As was said before...
If even part of this bullshit were true every news station within one hundred miles would be hounding people for answers. Unlike Gatton, they know bullshit when they see it.
Oh, I forgot. The Crazy Cat Woman has CNN on the way. BaHaaaaHaHa!
Redmond still rules and will rule as long as he wants to. Bunch of fools.
Yowee, there Phillip. You bashing the disabled, the gay, people who weren't born here? (rainbow flag, transplant, etc) Way to bring some real class to the office of sheriff. What's next, a rally with you and your boys in white hoods and sheets? Name-calling by you and your sychophants is not going to endear you to the voters. You have made the news. Your boy getting spanked by a jury to the tune of a few million made all the papers and tv stations. What's that old saying about where there is smoke there's fire? Looks like you and yours are standing on a huge pile of smoking ashes. You don't "rule," boy, you serve at the pleasure of the taxpayers and voters and we are not pleased these days. He only serves as long as WE want him to and by God, we're getting sick of the bullshit. But you keep foaming at the mouth, boy. You're keeping us all so very entertained Good to know the level of intellect in the sheriff's office. Bunch of schoolyard bullies acting like they're all of ten years old. Keep laughing, asshole, we're going to laugh last.
What are sychophants? Is that like crazy elephants or something? And you chided me for missing a question mark. Tsk tsk.
Nothing you have said on here about Sheriff Phil has made the news CCW. Want to send me a link to a story about the Sheriff of Iredell himself being investigated for embezzlement, obstruction of justice, harassing the disabled or any of the other things that you have falsely accused him of? Put another piece of catcrap in your bong and turn cartoons on. Go fishing in your pond. Relax.
Let's get back to discussing Mile Atkins CCW. That is what this thread is for. Drop your infatuation with Sheriff Phil or take it back to another article that pertains. You REALLY need some help.
Back to Atkins!
I wasn't the one chiding you for you ignorance about simple punctuation but I do apologize. My fingers slipped and I hit an extra "h" so please let me explain what a sycophant is.
It's someone who uses flattery with someone in power to try to win favor or gain advantage. It's a boot-licker or a toady. Kind of sums you right up, doesn't it, jackass? Ass-kisser, fawner, someone with no self-respect. Use google and look it up yourself. It's you to a T. LOL. Nobody likes a brown-noser.
CCW; Get a life and now back to Miles!!!!!
I am so terribly sorry to disappoint you, Mr. Anonymous, but I have been at the hospital with Carol for tests most of the day and then doing frivolous things like laundry so I haven't been online until just now. Furthermore, my keyboard wasn't working earlier and I just now got it going. I also gave my word that I would no longer participate in anything that was not adult discussion so the only reason I'm saying so now is because you are using me to insult other people. How mature.
I have better things to do with my time so please do not flatter yourself that I'm still bothering with you. I'm not. Just wanted to make sure you were clear. I'm not ashamed to be disabled and it's not what defines me. Nor am I ashamed that I love and care for my pets and that I will stand and fight for them.
I've put my name on my posts and will continue to do so. I am not the one who has moved the discussion about the sheriff to a page where it's not on topic. I'm also not the one who is hiding behind "Anonymous." If you have something to say to me, try saying it to my face. I'm not hard to find. I'm also not afraid of you.
I'll also be gone tomorrow with Carol who has appointments. So please, carry on without me. I don't give a damn about anything you have to say to me or about me. I have my own life and I have my friend and my pets to look after. You are not worth the time or effort. Good luck with your miserable existence.
Ya'll are right. I should have something besides anonymous.
Now back to Miles.
Toady Boot-Licker suits you better. Very courageous of you to still hide behind your computer.
Kudos to those who have enough courage of their convictions to put their names on their posts. "Go Redmond" is just another cowardly dodge. I commend anyone who does put their name on their writing. Isn't it past your bedtime, Phil?
"Kudos to those who have enough courage of their convictions to put their names on their posts," said Anonymous.
Now let's please get back to Miles.
By the way, Phil doesn't have to post on here. He has a big enough support team to do whatever needs done while he tends to more important matters like keeping the citizens of Iredell County safe.
Yeah, 10:55, by going out and arresting 2 old ladies and their cats. Good job, Phil. We can sleep safe knowing that the world is safe from them and their felines. So can the whores, thieves, and drug dealers. Our tax dollars at work. Asswipe.
Go Redmond, still hiding I see. If you think you are so in the right, hang it out there like those old gals and prove what you're saying. Pretty good when a couple of old broads with cats have bigger balls than you do. This county is corrupt. Prove it isn't.
"This county is corrupt. Prove it isn't."
Prove it is. All I see on here is a bunch of unfounded allegations. Get with reality here jackass. Even our court system is set up so that everyone is innocent until proven guilty AND... the burden of proof is on the accuser.
Better get busy,. You have a lot of work to do.
You get on here and say that Sheriff Phil is corrupt, can you get 12 people on a jury to agree that he is beyond a shadow of a doubt guilty? It will never happen. You can't even get the news media interested, let alone the SBI or FBI. You have nothing but a whiny ass attitude about a couple of cats. You have nothing and Redmond will be Sheriff as long as he wants to be. Now go away and let these fine people talk about Miles for Mayor.
Lots of anger and foul mouthed talk, but still no proof. Come on back when you have some. And by the way, we have met numerous times. Might want to get a grip on that whole communicating threats thing.
I doubt we've met. First off I don't hang with trash or cowards and second I only associate with adults which clearly you're not. Piss off.
We don't hang, but we have met. Just saying I believe that is enough with the threats of physical violence. You are on here making accusations of illegal activity while engaging in it yourself. Pretty self righteous of you to do either. Time to come up with some solid evidence of your accusations to support an investigation and indictment or let it go. Your irresponsible antics are no longer amusing.
You're the one making the threats and insults. Down here we defend our womenfolk or didn't your momma and daddy bring you up right? If we've met, big talker, who am I? I'd remember scraping shit off my boot.
No threats from me. Might want to read back over the posts. You can say your peace like I have, but you crossed the line. Nice of you to defend your "women folk" even if they make false accusations about a fine law enforcement agency who is only doing their job. Also, if you think hard enough you will figure out who I am. ;) About the down here part, I am from "down here" so don't try to play the local hero with your low brow I'm gonna kick your ass mentality. I'm not impressed. The threat was clear, I got it and remember it.
11:05 looks like you "dressed him down real good" an took the high road doing it, not hard to tell why 10:26 got fired!!!!!
Umm, sorry, asshole, I'm 10:26 and I haven't been fired. Just got in from work, in fact. Now Tommy has been fired or suspended. If you scroll back, this clown has been threatening to tell people's wives and on the previous article has been bashing those older handicapped ladies with the cats. I find that just plain offensive and if some jackass gets in my face, yeah, I'll defend myself. I ain't gonna dirty my hands though by messing with shit. Shit throws the first punch though, I'll defend myself and the women I know. Oh, and that law enforcement agency ain't so fine, is it? Asses getting indicted, getting judgements for screwing other men's wives, destroying other people's property then we have to pay for it. Yeah, real frigging fine. Pricks.
Threatening to tell people's wives? What in the hell are you talking about? Your imagination about what has been said is as lively as your imagination about false allegations of misconduct. I am envious your eloquent wording. Either you are still carrying water from the creek to bathe on Saturday night or are the Crazy Cat lady trying to disguise. Good chance on the second one.
6:14, if you don't have anything guess you have to make it up. Ha!
Go Redmond, first off nobody is trashing the department. There are many good people who work there, and do a fine job for the citizens of this county. The problem is the Sheriff and his top men. If you are unable to see the corruption then it is because you choose not to see it.
You have two men from the Sheriff's Office who have been indicted. That is fact, no debating that one. As well as many others employees under Redmond in the past that have been convicted of various crimes, also fact.
Donna Swicegood was given a cell phone by the department she is supposed to cover, that is also a fact. That was completely unethical, no question about it. Any responsible, reasonable person would agree.
Tommy Adams having a county issued cell phone for personal use after he was suspended and indicted, also a fact. Can't debate that one.
A stolen college degree found hidden on the property of the Sheriff's office. You guessed it, another fact. It happened, debate is over.
Robert Goforth's property was removed from evidence without and paper trail. Again another fact.
Go Redmond, are you starting to see that there may be a problem yet?
The real problem is neither of the two men that were indicted were charged as a result of an internal investigation. Both men were charged by outside agencies. Both clearly have broken the law. Had a proper internal investigation been done and the Sheriff's Office charged these men, it would not even be an issue. Hopefully Redmond has learned it is best to address these type situations instead of trying to hide it.
Go Redmond, I'm sure you are a good person, but you really need to wise up. Best of luck to you.
1:15 watch throwing stones,i happen to know you live in a glass house -- your wife just don't know it yet!! keep pushing an you can bet someone will call her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The above was your comment, Toady Bootlicker, on July 27 @4:55 AM in the previous article. Sounds like a threat to me.
Then if you scroll up in this article, you state on August 1st @ 3:18 PM, that when Tommy is cleared, an example will be made.
These comments certainly sound like threats to me and under the law that is all it takes, if one perceives it to be a threat, it is. Furthermore, calling one's wife sounds like extortion to me which I'm sure is a felony in this state. Just sayin...
Old Toady just wants people to shut up and look away. Things are getting a little warm up on Tradd. People don't like crooked law enforcement officers and those that break up families. Good think Freeman has to pay and not the taxpapers.
On July 27 at 4:55 AM in the previous article anonymous stated that he would call somebody's wife. On august first in this article he said that when Tommy was cleared an example would be made. This was at 3:18. A reasonable person with half a brain knows these are threats. It's ok for you I guess but not ok for the common law abiding taxpayer living an honest life.
A decent person would tell the wife because it's the considerate thing to do; a scared person only threatens it in exchange for silence. Not sure what the "example" comment is about. Everyone knows he is guilty, all the employees have known it since the day the guns were found. But mostly we justify our wrongs while we're doing them to ease our conscience. How Who is saying, "It's none of MY business what's going on; I just want to keep my job." As a voter and a Christian, it's your duty to elect ethical and moral officials. Allowing a thief to work in law enforcement is neither.
You will have to copy and paste the calling the persons wife statement. Can't find it. And the other comment about an example will be made, all of these false charges will be shown in the real light after Tommy is cleared. That is the example that will be made. Try stretching something else dumb ass because that won't work. I'm gonna stomp your ass is a threat of the kind that you self righteous morons made. You have nothing as usual. Will be waiting on the call you wife deal. Copy it in it's entirety if you don't mind so I can see how you tested that one. Once again you have to manufacture your "proof".
1:15 watch throwing stones,i happen to know you live in a glass house -- your wife just don't know it yet!! keep pushing an you can bet someone will call her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
July 27, 2011 4:55 AM
Anonymous said...
Go ahead and call, big shot. My HUSBAND will be waiting for you and he is big enough to wipe up the floor with your sorry butt. Since we work together, we know where the other is pretty much all of the time. I don't follow him into the men's room. Once again, when things get a little warm for you, you lash out and try and drag everyone else down. Even if we were cheating on each other, that's immaterial. We're not collecting a taxpayer funded paycheck. We are all human and subject to mistakes and human error but that is vastly different from being in a position where one is supposed to have an ethical standard and uphold that ethical standard. So far the scales seem to be weighted far down on the unethical side. So continue to make your veiled threats, it doesn't change anything. Tommy Adams is still under indictment and there are dark clouds gathering over the sheriff's office. It is only a matter of time now.
Your comment and the response are posted above, big shot. Consider your bluff called. You post so much bullshit, you can't keep track, is that it? I believe the only unfaithful people in this discussion are working in Redmond's office as the courts have indicated. Grasping at straws to shut people up isn't working out so well for you, is it?
Guess you've been showed now there, haven't you. boy? What's that sound?
I had to go back and find the post myself. Not my post Sherlock. I tend to capitalize my letter and use proper punctuation. I also don't post at four in the morning, that is still sleeping time for me.
And, of course I can sleep well knowing that as soon as Tommy gets to court he will be cleared and the Rotten report will start unraveling like the sad pile of crap that it is.
Still about the threats, none from this side. However the statements made by the self righteous posters would result in an OFA if taken before a magistrate. I'll bet you play a banjo well, inbred.
Come on back when you have some more bullshit to spread mushroom farmer. Better yet, call the local news agency and get them up here. I believe I have offered you that challenge several times to which you have no response except to fabricate more delusional accusations. I'll pat you on the back and bow out when you get them involved. Until then, you are just another idiot irresponsibly running their big mouth.
The crickets are on the five o'clock news too!
Still waiting to hear how Tommy is innocent. Seeing how he went and got the guns and gave them back himself I hardly think that is going to count as a do over. How is thecweather there in fantasy land Tommy?
Chirp chirp said the news crews. We have nothing to say about Sheriff Phil Redmond but good things! He is getting drugs off the streets, confiscating drug money to start new programs, his solved case rate is higher than anyone else around. We could go on but it is easier to just say that Sheriff Redmond is the MAN! He will be voted in as long as he wants to be boys.
8:45, come to court and you will see. All is not as it appears. Afterwards there will be a celebration dinner at the Burger Barn. You are welcome to come along, I'll buy. It just may wipe that sour look off your face.
Wait, is that a news crew I hear in the parking lot? Nope. Just UPS. Thought you had something for a minute but it's just another package of bullshit from you.
No that's the sound of the hole you're digging for yourself, Phillip.
Eph. 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.
"Things are not as they seem"?
If this were some misunderstanding, we would have been hearing the "truth" for years. Sounds like something is being cooked up to me.
Anonymous said...
Let's get back to discussing Mile Atkins CCW. That is what this thread is for. Drop your infatuation with Sheriff Phil or take it back to another article that pertains. You REALLY need some help.
Back to Atkins!
August 1, 2011 6:59 PM
Anonymous said...
CCW; Get a life and now back to Miles!!!!!
August 1, 2011 7:03 PM
Go Redmond!!! said...
Ya'll are right. I should have something besides anonymous.
August 1, 2011 9:41 PM
Go Redmond!!! said...
Now back to Miles.
August 1, 2011 9:50 PM
Go Redmond!!!! said...
"Kudos to those who have enough courage of their convictions to put their names on their posts," said Anonymous.
Now let's please get back to Miles.
August 1, 2011 10:52 PM
And once again today: You have nothing newsworthy. Nothing illegal. Nothing even inappropriate. You are only trying to tarnish the reputation of some good people. If you had anything real, you could call a REAL news agency instead of posting on the Rotten Report. Send a couple of news trucks by the office when that happens. Until then, get a life, mind your own business and allow us to continue doing the professional job we have been doing in making Iredell County a safe place to live, work and raise a family. Smucks!
Now, let's get back to Miles.
I would like to raise a legitimate question/issue. We were trying to be proactive. Carol had a birdbath out in front of the house which had not been mentioned in letters or complaints but the covenant does say that that is not allowed. Since it was starting to deteriorate, we put it out at the curb to be picked up. It was not picked up for a month. It was, however, then broken into pieces. So we put it in the trash container and it was picked up on Thursday. The base is very heavy and someone had to help with it. Someone brought it back--every little piece--and the heavy base and threw it back into the yard. I saw the truck come back and do this. No one came to the door or called. The DPW or whatever it is, just drove up and essentially threw it back in the yard like vandals, petulant children, litterers, what have you, with no explanation, no note, no phone call, whatever. Is this how mature adults or a responsible city government acts, Jaime, or Commissioner Atkins? Neither of us can lift that base. What are we suppoed to do with this? Now we'll be getting nasty grams from the HOA that we are keeping rubbish in the yard. This is not how the city I lived in prior to moving down here operated. Are we supposed to be psychic and know what we are supposed to do with this? Could someone let us know, please? Is this how the town is supposed to behave?
This is hurtful and shows a total lack of respect. I picture the boss telling these workers to get back in the truck and to go throw it on our lawn. This just demonstrates what I said before. There is a total lack of ignorance about what it is like to be disabled in this town. Neither of us are able to lift the base of that birdbath so we've had help with it 3 times and now must get help a fouth time. No one communicated with us about this. We were totally disrespected and treated like garbage. How much more trouble would it have been to come and knock on the door when they were throwing it back on the lawn and explain the policy to us? No, they just had to throw it on the lawn like common litterers because it's not their lawn and we're supposed to figure out what to do with it. This is how adults act in Mooresville. I find it stunning that no one in charge in the city offices also has no clue as to the Americans With Disabilities Act. This has been in place for a couple decades and this town is like 30 times the size of my town in MI and my rights under the ADA were respected in my old home but here I guess I have to wait until someone figures out a federal law that's been in place since 1990. No one in Mooresville has a disability? Good to know.
I would tend to agree that this sort of behavior on the part of the town garbage collection service is rude and uncalled for. Someone could have gotten hurt or property could have been damaged. I would hazard a guess that you don't hear from Mr.Atkins on this. Two wrongs don't make a right, Miles.
Marion and 6:01... Talking to yourself again. Must be lonely with your cats gone. Bahaaahhaa!
We see the varying level of maturity. Toady Bootlicker has nothing of merit to add. He just attacks and hides behind his big daddy Redmond. He is a coward.
6:04, my name is Marian, NOT Marion, but it's Ms. Latimer to you. We are NOT friends and will NEVER be friends. I don't engage with childish people or cruel people. I stated several days ago that I was not going to stoop to the level of the lowlifes posting on here and I intend to hold to that. I have put my name on my posts and I only posted raising a legitimate concern. If you can't deal with acting like an adult, I suggest you go back to your sandbox and play with the rest of your bully friends. You do not have my permission to ever address me by my first name. EVER. Now shoo, go away. Let the grown-ups handle things here.
Old Toady needs to take his little act to Phillips FB page because no one here gives a rat's rear end about King Redmond and he ain't gonna change any of our minds about that crook. Bwahaa
Toady is Phillip. The only one he's fooling is himself. Just like the class clown, he's got to divert all the attention to himself. He's more important than the corpse at a funeral.
I'm a gonna run that little ass kissing Redmond freak out of here. We don't need his kind here where we are polite to women with multiple personality disorders.
See how easy it is to make that stuff up?
Marion, anonymous Today Boot licker.... all the same. Nobody else would comment about your pond, cats or your latest federal case... the birdbath.
Wow, on leave from the psych unit, are we? Or did the babysitter leave you unsupervised with the computer? Sorry, pal, only adults here. Isn't it past your bedtime? Go tell mommy you need your milk and cookies and a bedtime story. And a fresh diaper.
You tell 'em Marion!
Another proud product of the Iredell County, NC educational system. How many times has this ignorant individual been told he is posting on the wrong page? This is about Miles Atkins. His god king Redmond was the previous article. Try and keep up boy.
Wow, people really do not like you, Phillip.
Well Redmond blows, it certainly isn't about a freaking bird bath either is it? Refer back to the post at 8:46 and see just how many times I tried to turn it back to the original subject. You are one ineffective manipulative whiny old bag. Make a point that sticks why don't you?
BTW, people LOVE Phillip. Check out every election since 1994 dickweed.
Now back to Miles.
Marion; if you don't like the treatment here and think the educational system is demented, why not move back to where in the hell you came from? Then you can put a birdbath in the garbage truck without the corrupt bastards bringing it back. By golly, I'll bet Redmond had something to do with it! He took your cats and now he's bringing your birdbath back. Probably had Tommy drive the truck! Looney tune nutjob Yankee!
More criminals going to jail today. Just another fine day and another opportunity to make Iredell a safe place to work, play and raise a family! I would like to thank all of you for the support you gave Phil during the election and ask you to get involved with the Mayor's Race in Mooresville so we can have a good man in there as well. We need more great leadership in Iredell County. Please get involved!
Yes Tommy Adams is going to prison. No thanks to Phillip. No Marion here other than Randy that Redmond suck up who has lost a lot of customers because he is so chummy. We had cash for a new truck this fall. Guess we will buy a ford.
Bet a few more Redmond pals end up in prison before all is said and done. Only 1186 days until the next election and by then old Phillip can bend over and kiss his ass goodbye because it's all starting to add up. Stick finger deputies. Screwing deputies. It's all so cute up there on Tradd. Go alienation of affection suits!
Whatever you say Marion.
What is a stick finger deputy anyway?
The support was not for Redmond. Redmond won on an anti-Democrat wave. Yes, please get involved. The more you know the less you will like Redmond.
I believe that person meant sticky finger.
Oh no we can't have Phil go. What will us working girls do and our friends the drug dealers?
The only Marion here is Randy and we're all boycotting him for being in king redmond's club.
Go Redmond, you really are the best friend the Phillip-haters have, you ignorant f*ck. Just keep perpetuating the stereotype of the good old boy and his crooked followers. You are providing some of the best sound bites for the next campaign. LOL. All of it free for the lucky sumbitch who runs against Redmond. Lots of free camera shots of Tommy Adams in shackles going off to prison too. Should be a slam dunk with that alienation of affecton lawsuit factored in too. You know, your tax dollars at work and all that. People do expect value for their dollar. How much time is redmond spending on the job each day on average? 2 hours? Yeah. That's value alright.
Guess Tommy has nothing better to do than kiss Redmond's ass and abuse old ladies now that his free cell phone has been taken away. Can't wait till he goes off to prison. Hope Phillip won't be too far behind. Then we'll have the sounds of silence and honest law enforcement getting done. None of that gold chains Kenny Rogers bullshit. Women ain't gonna swoon for that Phil. So sorry. LOL.
When is Sharpie day? I just bought a bunch of them. Tax free.
I wonder what Commissioner Atkins would have to say about the above statute? Clearly the town of Mooresville committed littering or is the spirit of two wrongs make a right in play here as well? I have emailed Erskine Smith. We'll see what gets said about that. It's ok if the town does it but not ok if citizens do it. That's how things are done around here. I'm learning fast. One set of rules for the powers that be, another set for the mere mortals.
12:40 - You couple of people (or one with multiple personality disorder) need a friend so I thought I would jump in.
2:39 -I am surprised that any of you would be allowed to have Sharpies. Seems like there would be a crayons only rule for your crowd. Good thing they hand out pens at the election board. Those six votes for somebody other than Sheriff Redmond would really be noticed if they were in color!
BTW Marion, you asked if two wrongs make a right. Nice of you to admit you were wrong. And, there is only one set of rules. Now if you can just abide by them like everyone else everyone, including yourself can be happy. I would like to see you happy. Then maybe you will stop picking on others without provocation.
Actually, you ignorant, disrespectful twit, I was not admitting that I did anything wrong. I did nothing wrong. I was making reference to your constant excusing and such for Redmond and Tommy Adams. Other sheriffs have been indicted and Tommy's problems are all a big misunderstanding. He's going to be cleared. Yeah, right. Grand juries just are stupid and get it wrong as a rule. I see that happen everyday as a general rule. It's ok for municipalities to litter too. I see that everyday too. I'll be printing up that NC law and going up to swear out a complaint tomorrow. The law is a two way street. The town isn't exempt.
And speaking of picking on people, do you feel like a big man picking on me, someone you don't know, who has a disablility and my friend who has a terminal form of cancer? God help you.
Go Redmond, you are the one who appears to be in need of a friend. Miss Latimer, I am a woman with some self-respect so I will take this for you. Go Redmond you are an abusive and disrespectful douchebag and clearly in need of attention but not one soul here cares what you have to say. It's clear no woman with half a brain would have anything to do with you so you have to wield your cowardly abuse from behind the anonymity of your computer where no one can give you the kick in the pants you so richly deserve. If you aren't Redmond or Adams I suspect you are some 14 year old twerp who can't get a girlfriend and who is regularly beat up on the playground and this is how he takes out his frustrations. You're just a petty little nobody with no backbone.
Thank you, 11:28. I'm quite certain that "Go Redmond" is not talking to me because my name in NOT Marion. The only Marion I know of is Randy Marion who sucks up to Redmond on his FB page. So he is probably insulting the car dealer that is losing customers for being so buddy-buddy with that sheriff with dirty hands and dirty friends. I'm not impressed or intimidated. I just consider the source. I do like your theory on the repressed 14 year-old. I never thought of that. I'm sure you're correct. Some computer nerd hiding in his basement, LOL. I have better things to do with my time.
Look everybody, the emperor has no balls. Go Redmond. Go away.
@ "Go Redmond"
You really have a dirty little mouth don't you. You are a sad excuse for a person. Hiding behind your computer trying to get a rouse out of women. Why don't you pull your head out of your ass and reveal your true identity? Obviously you are ashamed of yourself, and have no self esteem, if you find entertainment trolling women who get abused by the government. My name is above, so is the link to my facebook. If you would like to man up and not hide behind your monitor like an E-Thug, I'll be waiting. Otherwise, the only advice I can give to the other posters is : "Don't feed the troll".
Thank you, Aaron. There seems to be quite the culture of hiding behind anonymity down here. Our pets were taken away based on anonymous complaints. (really 2 sneaky HOA officers who knew how to work the system because one is a deputy sheriff). The other day town workers snuck back and threw trash from our tras receptacle back onto our lawn. Now that took some doing. It was mechanically picked up and dumped into the truck. Then someone at the landfill was observing when the truck was dumped and had the pieces of birdbath retrieved and brought back. I'm glad the town employees have so much extra time and funds for this on their hands. It's petty and abusive.
Marion Latimor said... "Clearly the town of Mooresville committed littering or is the spirit of two wrongs make a right in play here as well?"
Next Marian Latimor said... "Actually, you ignorant, disrespectful twit, I was not admitting that I did anything wrong. I did nothing wrong. I was making reference to your constant excusing and such for Redmond and Tommy Adams."
Boy Marion you sure can twist stuff around to suit your means can't you? You forget that what you say is still on the thread? You are losing credibility each time you talk. I get the whole part about your friend with the health problems and MAYBE some about the HOA. But you are obviously a professional victim who could be much happier putting energy into working on your problems than yelping about them to the world.
Maybe you had a rough life as a child. Well here is your chance to fix it. Leave the local politicians alone and focus on yourself, your home and your friend. Take life by the horns and stop writhing in your own little pile of piss and grief.
I do have to say that your other personalities are getting much stronger. If you play this game too long you will lose control over when they appear and speak. Best for all if everything just died down.
Yeah, didn't think you would have anything to say when your bluff was called. As I said in the beginning; this is all bullshit.
Thanks for proving my point.
You better kiss her whiny behind Erskine or she will be on you next!
You are the one with a credidibillty problem. I have a life. Sorry if I don't spend every waking moment on my computer. I have to go up and swear out a littering complaint so I don't have time for your crap.
I'm not familiar with abbreviated foul language (STFU) as it is below me. I find it highly amusing that someone would call me illiterate when while misspelling whiny (whimy), personalities (personaliities) and reference (referenence). All this under the supervision of spellcheck.
Again the mentality of the Redmond haters is exposed. Good luck getting the real news media involved with that trailer park articulation you have going there. (On top of the fact that you have proof of nothing, only a driving hatred for someone who is admired by the county.)
Keep your chin up Phil!
Whatever you say Phil. Convinced yourself yet?
Everyone knows Erskine Smith is worthless trash too. Couple of teats on a bull.
Funny, Go Redmond, the only one admiring your lord and master is you. Could it be you are King Redmond? LOL. I kind of like that word whimy. It describes you to a T. Whimy. Whimpering little prick. That will be you when they haul your sorry ass off to prison. Hope it's soon. Buh-bye, Phillip and Tommy. NOBODY likes you but you. Oh, maybe Randy Marion.
May as well accept it, Redmond. Nobody here likes you or respects you except maybe crooks and your cronies and even they don't respect you. They just use you for whatever they can get out of you. There's nothing you can do to make us care about you except maybe get out of office. That would be doing the right thing and take the taint out of a once respectable office that is now a big old joke. Pathetic.
Admired by the county. That one still makes me laugh. I admire him so much I would like to buy him a burger at the Burger Barn. lol.
Some of us know what that old bastard is made of. Chances are his piece of shit son is a chip off the old shit block.
2:46 that's a good one. I think go redmond's real name is Hugh Jassole.
Ya'll are awfully hard on old Go Redmond. I don't have any use for our Sheriff either, but everyone is entitled to their opinion. You get on here and bash his boss, seems he has a right to defend his position, not that I agree with him. But he has that right.
4:13 whatever you say Phillip. Hear they're getting the cell next to Tommys ready for ya. We all know what they do to cops in prison. Squeal like a pig. Damn where is that tape of Deliverance? Good times.
Where is this Burger Barn? We'll have to cover ourselves in Purell, Clorox the car, lock the doors, and take a ride by just for the entertainment value. We've never seen whores, druggies, and crooked cops all in one place. Inquiring minds want to know.
Jaime, I went up in person to the police station this afternoon to file a complaint against the town for littering, which is what they did. The officer who took the complaint said that no matter what is supposed to be down with concrete (that is what the bird bath is made of, at least some sort of concrete mixture) the trash collection people handled it very unprofessionally. I have no intention of picking it back up again. I'm leaving it right where they threw it. I have not heard from Erskine Smith. He had all day to respond to my email. He did not nor did he call. I'm so glad the town of Mooresville sees fit to behave like adults. I printed up the state littering ordinance. I saw the truck. They came back in the big gas sucking vehicle, not a small truck, so our tax dollars at work. Good to know that they are economical. Sneaky and throwing OUR money around. Good to know. I'm sure Go Redmond will have some sort of smart ass remark. It's reassuring to know he supports law-breaking. Nice to know scofflaws support the sheriff.
I just got an email response from Erskine Smith stating that he is sorry and he doesn't understand what happened and that he will have Public Works investigate. I find this just part of the ongoing pattern of the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing. They don't know the Americans With Disabilities Act which has been federal law since 1990 and Erskine Smith didn't seem to know that Mandy Smith was the complainant in the raid on our home. He also didn't seem to know that the town of Mooresville had been the party pressing charges against me and I've been deprived of my service dog and have now fallen 5 times in the past 10 days due to my neurological condition but that's ok. I'll just keep falling and maybe I'll end up seriously hurting myself then I can sue the town and the county for interfering with my rights under the ADA which everyone here seems to think is ok to ignore. I filed complaints in June with all parties. That law is just non-existent here. Good to know. I didn't know I surrendered my civil rights when I moved here.
Erskine Smith and the Town of Mooresville must think we are stupid. It is not cute or funny to sneak up and throw trash in anyone's yard. I don't care what the reason is. I don't care who told them to do it. This is unacceptable under any circumstances. Some boss in Public Works decided he was going to teach us a lesson and he had his boys fish that stuff out and throw it back in the yard--and be careful not to get caught, hence the side yard. Too bad I was sitting here and say the truck. According to Mr. Smith's email, "Typically we do notify residents of items that he (sic) Town will not pickup or are inappropriately placed." Well, the town dropped the ball big time on that one. It sat at the curb for a month.
This is not OK. It is not funny. I am tired of feeling like I am under assault 24/7. No one should have to live like this. We pay for trash pick-up and we pay taxes. These people are beyond buffoons. They are abusers and they commited a crime.
Damn, girl, you may just have a point, if this is true, it's not okay. Somebody in Mooresville ought to have their butts kicked. Starting with Smith.
Hey, Hugh Jassole, I just got in from work and sat down with my supper and damn near spit my sweet tea all over my computer screen. The whole county admires the sheriff? Yeah, only the dried up old hookers he's paying to tell him what a big old daddy he is and everyone knows they're only doing it for the money. And don't you worry about when you go to prison Tommy. He'll keep your missus company for free.
4:48 you seem infatuated with the squealing stuff. Sounds like you have an issue to deal with. Secret desires maybe?
Hey Marion, you sound surprised that Erskine didn't know about all of your problems. Got news for you transplant; Erskine more than likely keeps up with this blog seeing as how he is mentioned here quite regularly. Do you find it odd that you posted here that he didn't email yet and then got an email right after that? You are a little slow on the draw sometimes. Actually a lot.
As for the rest of your post, I wouldn't know where to begin. I will summarize by saying that if you have all of that going on I am sure that a local news agency would be glad to come over. However just like all of the stuff you have tried to claim on the Sheriff there must not be any validity to it or you would have already done that as much as you enjoy a pity party.
8:38 the past elections since 1994 say it all buddy. Phil is the winner every time no matter who goes up a against him. Also if Phil was the type to fool around he wouldn't have to pay some dried up old hookers to tell him anything. Aside from you six morons that don't like him he is as popular as you can get. Actually six might be a high number since the Crazy Cat Lady is probably four of the people posting on here.
Whatever you say, Hugh Jassole.
I would like to know under what circumstances it becomes acceptable for public employees to use public vehicles that burn taxpayer gas to bring back trash and throw that trash onto someone's lawn? Specifically the lawn of a 70 year old woman with a cancer that is eventually going to be terminal and who is on oxygen? We put that birdbath in the trash after it sat on the curb for a solid month with the help of 2 neighbors so the town can't say we're making it up. Taxpayers and residents put a certain amount of trust into public employees and expect a certain amount of ethical behavior. I spent my entire adult life as a public employee and I would have NEVER behaved in such a manner. I feel violated and I am angry and upset. The fact that the town of Mooresville 2 months ago participated in the taking of our pets futher expands that violation. How dare this town behave like this? This isn't a community, it's a free for all. If this happened to someone else, I'd be embarassed and ashamed and I'd be marching on city hall demanding that something be done. I would love to know what we did to deserve to be treated in such a manner. We don't play loud music. We don't throw trash on the lawn. We don't have parties or bother the neighbors. We pay our bills to the city. I guess we should be selling drugs on the corner and speeding on Plaza Drive. I expect punks to behave this way, not a municipal government. Nice going Mooresville, I'm impressed.
They do have medication available you know.
Maybe they ought to put smith and public works on it. Seems like they have alot of time and energy to waste our money so maybe they could use a little Valium. Slow their bullshit impulse mechanism down.
11:03 PM, you're a real genius. Bother you that maybe someone working for the town ordered someone to commit a crime? Google littering ordinance or check the link from up above a little ways. You're an idiot. Somebody needs to have their pay docked or maybe even have their asses fired. Maybe you ought to take a pill. That's our money they're throwing around. Nice of that dipshit Smith to take the blame. You can bet he won't. Hope he is reading this. Love the way the government works here. Keep giving these ladies a reason to sue the town so we can pay for that too. What's the next jackass move? Have them tasered for walking to the mailbox?
This just burns me up. If it's true that our illustrious town manager reads this I want to personally thank him for the fine example he is setting for our young people. It's ok to bash the elderly and infirm. Hell, our well compensated public servants are doing it. I got some broken up cement out back. How about I dump it in your mama's yard smith? We got a former police chief that ripped us off big time, a mayor with fidelity problems, now this. We got the MI disaster screwing us over. Every time someone turns around someone in city hall is taking a huge dump on us. I hope some newspaper comes out and takes color photographs. This ain't your personal playground fellas. You answer to us.
Just go ahead and sign your name to the other posts Marion. Way too obvious. Choose your motto; Toys in the attic, bats in the belfry, a few peas short of a casserole.
Medication would be a plus.
Well, I see that the mess the town made was picked up before we ever got out of bed this morning. Sorry to disappoint you 7:06 who is clearly go Redmond but I was in bed at 2:30 since we have to leave soon for Carol's chemo. Nice try though. And I do appreciate that person's sentiments. Clearly go Redmond could use some Xanax or haldol. It might repress his urge to steal too.
Typical of a repressive and crooked regime. If someone fights back or objects, they have mental problems. Go ahead and stigmatize everyone you can. That's the same as a racial slur and a slur against a disability and sexual preference. It just shows your ignorance. It just so happens I took carol to chemo and then spent a substantial amount of time swearing out stalking charges against a certain HOA officer who has been making our lives miserable. Soni have not had time or access to make any comments to you jerk. You seem to think you are so important. I don't give a rats behind which I'm sure you resemble.
As for the town, I'm disinclined to drop charges. After all, we have been treated in a disrespectful manner and quite differently than other citizens of the town. We cleaned our house but charges against us have not been dropped. My health and Carol's have been affected and we have been subjected to great duress and humiliation. We've had to make countless trips to Statesville and gas costs money. It is one thing when a private citizen is abusive, wire another when it is a govermental employee. That is a violation of the worst kind.
Since none of you seem to be on topic here, I would like to hear from Miles Atkins about the town manager and what appears to be a clear lack of knowledge about what's going on in the city departments under his direct supervision. I find it a little troubling that the antics cited above are going on and he has no knowledge. And before you accuse me of being a cat lady you Redmond ass kisser I suggest you think twice. I have a pretty good idea who you are. You do not want to mess with me.
If Miles Adkins reads this blog and these comments I have a good feeling that he stopped reading these posts a looooooooong time ago.
5:59 I assure you that you you don't have a clue who I am.
Marion, best wishes with your many issues.
The rest of this will all be settled when court gets here. Normal will once again be restored.
I spent most of the morning at the court complex in Statesville and I am simply aghast. It is amazing to me that this county has an ADA person but the county complex is absolutely non-compliant with ADA standards. There is nothing there to make it accessible to anyone with a disability. I guess there is no one who is elderly or in a wheelchair in this county. I wonder why people are willing to settle for less than what is considered acceptable under the law in this county. 21 years after the act was passed, this county is still not accessible to the disabled yet the county web page proudly proclaims it is and even has a person that takes complaints. Really??? Does anyone here care what your tax dollar goes for?
This area certainly has a good many positives. Good stores, a good library, parks, cultural opportunities, good doctor, and so on. Then the whole picture is ruined by the court complex in Statesville. That is disgraceful. Disabled people are not fouth class citizens and this county as a whole deserves better.
See, there's your problem, ma'am, you think we should do things the way you do up north. Down here we keep our old folks and our handicapped folks in the upstairs corner room like we always have. No need to take them out. They're happy that way.
They have to spend money putting redmond's name all over things and for investigations and forensic audits. Then theres no money left for handicapped ramps and such. Get real.
I would like to see them block porn, Facebook, Farmville and such, like most employers do and see the productivity increase.
Geez, what would Phillip and Tommy do? Phillip bas, what 5000 facebook suck-up friends and has to plagerize quotations so Tommy and Randy Marion can atta-boy him all day long. If they shut down his facebook, hell, he might have to get some actual work done.
What about the alienation of affection stuff that goes on at the courthouse and ICSO? Don't need the Internet for that sort of tomfoolery. We pay for all this extra cell phone crap with Tommy Adams and Donna Swicegood. Who knows what else we're picking up the tab for? Lots of useless crap and we pay for it.
Kim Taylor must have put a muzzle on her dog.
8:50 ???????????
I think 8:50 is referring to that turd Toady Bootlicker/Go Redmond, who has been awfully quiet for a day or two. Must be getting ready for court.
That's what I thought. I've been here all along. Just got tired of going in circles with people or a person about the same things. When court gets here it will all be done away with. In the meantime if you think you have so much info get the news crews on the way to the office to ask questions. Otherwise keep spouting off on here but just remember that nobody gives a crap.
Go redmond, that's what was just running down my old dog's leg when he woke me up to take him out to the tree in the backyard for a piss. House arrest must be getting to you, you lousy turd. You ain't half as clever as you think you are. You'll be going Redmond. You and your little band of crooks will be peeing in your pants. Crapping in them too I bet. Your luck is gonna run out. I think some cat lady is stirring up the kitty litter.
More useless rhetoric and imaginary threats, the reason I stopped responding. If (you) the cat lady is stirring up the cat litter it's because she (you) quit smoking it and started mixing it in her (your) tea. You need to cut back, that stuff apparently has hallucinogenic qualities that you can't manage.
Have a great day now, you hear?
One more thought. The Sheriff's office is on the left side of the hall. Since you seem to have so many complaints and curiosities about him, why not drop by and sit down with him yourself and discuss things. I'm sure you don't have the balls for that. Drink some more cat litter tea and get you a designated driver if need be. I'm sure that he has the balls to sit down and talk in person, do you? Try that instead of hiding behind anonymous and running your cat sucking mouth. There is a handicap space out front and I am certain that someone will help you in the building if need be.
Have a great day and go see the Sheriff.
By the way, Phillip, why don't you stay the hell off these web sites and do the job the people expect you to do instead of being on Facebook and leaving after 2 hours? Just saying...
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