In a March 5 editorial reacting to Report/Mooresville Weekly questions, R&L Publisher Tim Dearman acknowledged that Swicegood – whose “beat” for 25 years has included county emergencies – was “handed” the phone by a county official “several years ago” but she returned it “a few months ago” because having it “could have been perceived as a conflict of interest."
The phone was issued through the Iredell County Sheriff's Office (ICSO). But the sheriff's chief deputy, Rick Dowdle, did not respond to Report questions about who specifically provided the phone and how long the county paid for it.
Deputy County Manager Tracy Jackson said the county's finance office can't answer those questions because Swicegood's detailed phone records – which are public documents – are accessible only through the ICSO since “the Sheriff's Office maintains the call detail records for cellular phone use by their personnel.”
Iredell's finance department receives only a summary page of the sheriff's office monthly cell-phone bill, which does not include names or numbers associated with issued cell phones. “This protects the Sheriff's deputies and informants by restricting these records from public access,” Jackson said.
A police reporter carrying a cell phone issued by her beat – in this case, the sheriff's office – “represents a clear conflict of interest,” said Kevin Z. Smith, chairman of the Society of Professional Journalists' (SPJ) ethics committee. He said SPJ's code of ethics suggests that journalists should avoid conflicts “to maintain the credibility of the journalist's work and to assure that the public's interests are being met and not those of her sources and the people on her beat.”
Avoiding conflicts of interest, real or perceived, and serving as watchdogs of government are widely-shared values of journalists. Those values are also included in SPJ's code of ethics.
“If she will accept a phone, then what else has she accepted you don't know about and what ground rules have been put in place to accommodate her, or worse, the (sheriff's) department?” Smith asked. “Are they trading a cheap cell phone for coverage?”
Fred Brown, vice chairman for the the SPJ ethics committee, said he could understand a cell phone being issued to a reporter if the phone granted her “special access to sheriff's office communications” or “better inside information on stories.”
However, he said, “no matter what the circumstances, she or her employer should pay the bills for the phone. The free press shouldn't be accepting taxpayer subsidies in that way.”
Jackson said to his knowledge, neither the R&L nor its parent company, Media General, reimbursed the county for Swicegood's use of the phone.
In a Feb. 25 e-mail to the Report, Jackson – who said he had consulted with the ICSO's Dowdle and County Finance Director Susan Blumenstein – said Swicegood was issued a county cell phone because she “is the lead for Crimestoppers in our county and can get critical information to media outlets quickly when a major crime occurs.”
He said Swicegood also “serves as the County's Public Information Officer during disaster situations.”
Dearman, in his March 5 editorial, called that “a rumor” that is “absolutely false.”
He said, however, that Swicegood has served “for many years” on the Iredell-Statesville Crimestoppers board and is “a volunteer member of the Local Emergency Planning Committee as a media representative.”
“Most counties have these types of boards, and many include media representatives,” Dearman wrote. “The staff of this newspaper is very involved in this community because we live here, raise our families here, pay taxes here and vote here.”
But experts in journalism-ethics agree that a reporter representing the same entity she covers for a newspaper is risky business: “There is no parity or equality in the reporting of news to the press when one member of one media outlet is an active member (paid or not) of the police department and works in unison with the police to decide what gets reported, who gets it and when that happens,” said the SPJ's Smith.
Dr. Lois Boynton, associate professor of ethics and public relations at UNC-Chapel Hill's School of Journalism and Mass Communication, agrees: “The competing loyalties can create an ethical conflict - will (Swicegood) cover the sheriff's department objectively if she is considered part of that organization?”
“It's difficult to serve two entities (even when well intentioned) particularly when the news media are to serve as watchdog of government offices, including the sheriff's department,” she said.
Added Smith: “This isn't being a watchdog of government; it's being an obedient police dog. The fact that this doesn't resonate with the reporter or the newspaper is alarming.
“This is a case where, if the reporter can't see the problem and conflict, her editor or publisher needs to step up and say, this relationship with the police department is not in the best interest of our mission of being an independent voice for the public when the government is concerned.”
But neither Dearman nor R&L Editor Dave Ibach responded to two e-mailed questions on March 3 about Swicegood's use of the county-funded cell phone. Instead, two days later, Dearman – also past-president of the N.C. Press Association – defended Swicegood's actions in a R&L editorial titled “Our commitment to integrity” (click document to enlarge):

“Working with us is logical if you want to reach the most people,” he wrote. “The leadership of this newspaper is completely committed to journalistic integrity. We are also committed to Statesville and Iredell County and make no apology for calling Iredell our home.”
Dearman went on to chastise other newspapers, saying: “The easiest path to take is complete noninvolvement in the community – like members of some metro newspapers who sit behind desks a few years and move on to the next town.”
Even while accusing Iredell's deputy manager of perpetuating a rumor when he said Swicegood is the county's public-information officer during disasters, Dearman lauded county officials for believing “they should speak for themselves without the information being filtered through a professional public relations person.”
He went on to praise county commissioners, too: “Iredell Commissioners have never wasted your money to hire professional public relations officials. Instead, they talk directly to the press and save you that expense.”
Protecting sources at any cost is another cornerstone of journalism.
Dearman said the county cell phone was used by Swicegood “to quickly disseminate information from county and city officials – emergency personnel and law enforcement – to the R&L.”
While, according to five months of detailed call records, many of Swicegood's calls were made to or received from various law-enforcement agencies, the county's messaging system and court offices, many other cell numbers, not as easily identifiable, are also listed on the reporter's phone records.
Perhaps those calls were all emergency-related, as Dearman suggested. Or perhaps some of the reporter's sources are vulnerable because their phone numbers, and thus their identities, are displayed on county records open to inspection not only by the sheriff but the public.
Dearman, in his editorial, said despite Swicegood carrying a county-funded cell phone for several years, her “ethics have never been compromised on the job.” In fact, he said, “She has written numerous stories critical of law enforcement – including a few years ago when she exposed a botched drug sale between undercover members of the Iredell County Sheriff's Office and the Statesville Police Department.”
But perhaps just as important as what the R&L has covered is what it hasn't.
In April 2010, the sheriff's office destroyed personal property belonging to Statesville resident Robert Goforth, which the sheriff's office had recovered from several thefts from Goforth's property. The items were supposed to be returned to Goforth, but the sheriff's office instead destroyed the property without a court order (Evidence room error destroys property and raises questions).
Goforth said he approached Swicegood about the situation, but the R&L never published a story about the property being destroyed in violation of state law.
Goforth then approached the Report, where the incident was later documented. Less than 24 hours later, the ICSO hand-delivered Goforth a $3,715 reimbursement check from the county for the destroyed property (Victim receives check, tongue-lashing from sheriff's chief deputy).
But that isn't the only time issues with the sheriff's office evidence-room went largely unreported by the R&L.
In 2008, Swicegood reported on the “multiple layers of safeguards” in the evidence rooms of the sheriff’s office and the Statesville Police Department.
In the article, Sheriff Phil Redmond alluded to an incident involving a deputy who “didn't follow the right procedures in submitting … weapons to the evidence room,” but the article did not elaborate. It also did not report a date for the incident or the name of the deputy who, according to Redmond, had followed “improper procedures in (the) handling of surrendered weapons.”
Two years later – and almost five years after the original incident – the Report published details of what happened, including the deputy's name (If you enforce the law, are you above the law?). Two months after that, a grand jury indicted the deputy for obstructing justice (Iredell County sheriff's deputy indicted).
The deputy, Tommy Adams – who, according to county personnel records, has been suspended from the sheriff's office five times in less than four years – is still employed at the ICSO but has been on unpaid suspension since the December 2010 indictment. (Click on the document below to enlarge:)

A reporter other than Swicegood reported on the indictment for the Statesville Record & Landmark.
The county paid Swicegood's cell-phone bill – about $23 a month – through the Jan. 8, 2011 billing cycle. The last call made from the phone was on Jan. 3. The number has been disconnected.
“The sheriff's office indicated to me that it was Ms. Swicegood’s decision to obtain a new phone and to obtain expanded services such as email,” said Jackson, adding that he is not aware of the county paying for the new phone in part or in whole.
I don't think anybody could expect Ms. Swicegood to be an objective reporter when her cell phone bill is being paid for by the county. And, of course, this raises the question as to what other expenses she has that are being paid one way or another by the county, on or off the books. Very concerning. I am surprised that Mr. Dearman is trying to defend this arrangement.
I've known she was in their pocket (somehow) for years and I'm from generation x/y and not in law enforcement or politics. Open your eyes people.
Sheriff's Department not crooked? Yea right. If memory serves me right I think that when Mr. Goforth told Donna Swicegood about his situation not only did she not report it but she immediatly notified the Sheriff's office of his complaint. Maybe she did this on her cell phone issued by the county. Maybe that it what she was given it for so that when she came upon information that might make the sheriff's department look bad she could nip it in the bud as Barney Fife would say.
Sheriff Redmond has to go!!!!!!!! Along with some of HIS county commissioners that know what is going on and do nothing about it. This is a crooked county and it needs to change.
It makes you wonder what is Tim Dearman trying to hide, defending Donna.
Donna needs to be fired. Maybe she could get a job at the ICSD
The scariest thing is this: at minimum the sheriff had access to phone numbers of Swicegood's sources. At worst, Swicegood was tipping the sheriff and perhaps other law enforcement to complaints/concerns about law enforcement that would come in to the Record & Landmark anonymously or otherwise from the public. This is scary stuff. Media in cahoots with government while acting like it is the independent media.
Ms. Swicegood violated the most basic tenet of journalistic integrity - her duty to protect her sources at all cost. For that reason alone, she must be dismissed along with any of her supervisors who support her decision to put her sources at risk.
Very disturbing. It really makes you wonder what else are the taxpayers paying for. Does anyone ever audit government spending? As for the can you be "completely committed to journalistic integrity" when you won't pay for the one of the basic tools your employee needs to do their job? What's next...have her write her stories on someone else's computer?
It's got to be disturbing to anyone who thought they had a private call with Ms. Swicegood, only to find out the bill goes to the Sherrif's Office.
I know Donna Swicegood. She is a very kind and thoughtful person. I have alot of respect for her, I always have. She is a good person.
However, Donna has failed as a journalist. I'm not sure she will ever bounce back at this point, becuase she can't be trusted to report fairly. I don't understand why she has continued to hold hands with Phil Redmond. Perhaps her boss told her to be soft on the Sheriff's Office.
As far as Tim Dearman, I considered writing a letter to the editor, but I knew how far that would go.
Tim, I know you are reading this. I read your column. Jounalistic Integrity? I really like the part where you wrote "live, work, and raise a family" It sounded familiar to me. Let me see, where did I hear that before?...Oh yea, I remember, The Iredell County Sheriff's Office Web Site. Good job switching the live and work. However, it is still Phil Redmond's campaign slogan. I'm sure you called your buddy Phil and asked if you could use it. I'm curious did you use a phone that you pay for, or one that I pay for? Time to get out of Phil's bed, don't you think?
It's all making sence now. For years those of us that know how corrupt the Sheriff is and how he gets away with it over and over again wondered how he did it. This cannot be tolerated.
Also wasn't there a recent commissioners meeting where one of the commissioners was asking for an oversight committe for the Sheriff's Department and the rest of the commissioner stated they didn't think that was needed. I was told that Steve Johnson was the loudest one stating he didn't want to know what the Sheriff's office did. Wonder why.
Wake up Iredell County and gets these people out of office.
Philip Redmond is the reason Iredell County is full of drugs. Just ask your ER, Schools, Police, non corrupt ICSD members , social services how much money the county has to dole out due to drug related problems.
Donna and Phil you need to go.
I agree. Working inside the system I have often been bumfuzzled as to the favoritism and cover provided to the Sheriffs Office by Donna. She didn't need an ICSO phone to give them quick access to her. They had to dial a phone number to get her and could have just as easily called her on a phone she paid for itself. It is disgusting how the R & L then tries to sugarcoat the situation. The commissioners should order an audit of the ICSO . In addition, they should cut the ICSO budget drastically and force the department to use the drug money they seize more efficiently.
Tm Dearman, thou protest too much.
Which commissioner asked for an oversight committee over the Sheriff's Office and why did they say it was needed?
This is scary. It shows you just how important the media is to a community. Citizens of Iredell County have been relying on its, basic only, media source, the Statesville Record and Landmark to print the important and factual news of our area. Citizens have been hearing rumors for years about the corruption of Phil Redmond. Many haven't beleived it due to all the positive press in the paper and lack of articles of problems at the ICSD in the paper.
Good job Phil. Like most dictators, criminal minds they know how to control the public. You have done a great job of that for many years.
Thank God for a few moral , brave soles that have come forward to expose you for what you are. Thank you Jamie
I feel sorry for all the trusting people Phil has bought off in one way or another and dupped over the years , for a suspect some of them are or were decent people. I hope for Donna that what ever she got out of this was worth it because I am afraid she will have to be fired and I suspect finding another news job might be hard for her.
Phil Redmond is an evid man, do some research on the number of lives he has ruined.
If the Sheriff's Department wanted to provide a phone so emergencies could get out to the people faster, why did they only provide one phone to one newspaper? I live in Mooresville and don't get the Statesville paper. If it is an emergency, shouldn't it be distributed to TV stations instead of a newspaper that takes at least a day to get out? Are we paying for any TV reporter's cell phones? Don't we have that recording thing that calls our phones in case of an emergency? Do we pay for that system AND a phone for the press? Good lord, do we really have enough emergencies to justify that? What constitutes an emergency in Iredell County anyway?
The commissioner that asked for the committee was Scott Keadle. He was asking in ref to the ICSD asking for money but not giving specific details as to what the money was being spent on.
Better grab your nitro Rick!
Does Miles Atkins or Chris Carney pay for your cell phone?
Gee jamie you did good!story about public service you get 12 comments in 5 days, story about sheriffs office you get 17 comments in 3 hrs by the 8 former employees an misfits
More and more just keeps coming out. It sounds like R & L is trying to follow in the footsteps of NPR.
BE ON NOTICE- I am doing my own boycott. If you place an ad with R & L I will NOT do business with your company.
Could help but notice you didn't even try to defend Donna or the Phil. Would love to hear your take on it. Please explain how this is accceptable.
This makes me so mad I can't stand it! Everyone in this county should DEMAND the resignation of the so-called sheriff.
I want the sheriff to respond to this! And I want the county commissioners to consider this when they look at the budget for the sheriffs department.
This is what they mean by the "Theatre of the Absurd"...
12:07 PM said--"The scariest thing is this: at minimum the sheriff had access to phone numbers of Swicegood's sources. At worst, Swicegood was tipping the sheriff and perhaps other law enforcement to complaints/concerns about law enforcement that would come in to the Record & Landmark anonymously or otherwise from the public. This is scary stuff. Media in cahoots with government while acting like it is the independent media."
After reading the article, I would guess that Ms. Swicegood didn't have many people calling her with tips about the Sheriff, so I'm not sure about the concern about the exposure of sources. Otherwise these are GREAT points, and whether or not she had sources is really a moot point.
Seems to me, about 8 years ago the SO went before the commissioners and requested funding for a "Media Relations Officer". The county approved that request. My question is, if the SO had a Media Relations Officer why wasn't he doing his job. Oh wait, they took that money and staffed someone else in a different slot. One of Phils pets no doubt. Anyone familiar with the SO knows that Donna doesn't do a thing except print what is on the Phil Redmond sheet. For those unaware, officers are required to fill out one of these sheet's for anything news worthy. Donna never reads a report or does any investigation on her on. She simply copies what ever is on the "Sheriff Phil Redmond" says sheet So, considering all that, it is only logical she have a SO phone.
Seems to me the entire staff ar the Record and Landfill need to be replaced with people Phil doesn't know so he can't black mail them
I know Donna to be a great person. Please do not judge her by this one oversight. Get all the information before you judge a person.
3:43 Great people make bad decisions and Donna made a bad decision when she teamed up with the likes of Phillip Redmond. She knows what he is and has continued to help put him on a pedestal in the eyes of many while refusing to print the stories that would expose him for what he is.
Now it is time for charges. Whoever authorized and gave her the phone is guilty of misuse of county funds and Donna is guilty of receiving it. She made the decision to become a sell out and there are consequences that come with that.
Also time for an audit. How many other cell phones are being used by people who aren't employed by the county and whose use of them doesn't benefit the public in any way. Maybe the wife of the fellow who took the guns and is now indicted happens to have one along with many other people. It would be interesting to find out. After all, Phil knows that those records are maintained by the Sheriffs Office and that the county doesn't have specifics.
JD I know Donna also. I also feel she is a decent person. However, if Donna doesn't want to be judged, she needs to weigh in and clarify what has taken place. Don't you agree. I mean she has an opportunity to be heard here.
What other news sources does Redmond have in his back pocket. Seems I have been told that some news channels have been given information in the past and have never done anything with it.
I know of at least two Charlotte stations that have been made aware of numerous stories involving the corruption at ICSO and not one of them have been looked into. They don't mind airing the feel good stuff that Redmond uses to look good. Also, WSOC is a newspaper partner with the Statesville Record & Landmark so you know they have a part of the Redmond facade. I don't recall the Adams story or the Goforth story on WSOC, correct me if I'm wrong. Which news agency was it that ran the story about Redmond and his sex offender check at Christmas but didn't report the Adams Story?
Suspended five times in less than four years? Does that included his current suspension Phil? I know you haven't fired him since he was indicted on a felony charge.
Most departments do not suspend folks for misplacing evidence at their homes, they fire them. You are such an understanding employer Phil. Oh scratch that last comment. I forgot about Huffstickler. You remember him don't you Phil? The deputy who was arrested for domestic violence and was fired right away. I think he practically begged for an internal investigation from members of your staff, yet could not get one. Why wasn't he suspended until after the trial Phil?
What was the outcome on that trial? Oh yea, "NOT GUILTY". After the trial all he asked was for you told hold his certification. Small request for a man your department unjustly fired. I don't understand the visit from dumb and dumber, I mean Cambell and Poteat. However, I am amused that Huffstickler made them look like the Phil Redmond ass kissing fools that they are.
According to a good source there was an incident involving this R&L reporter during a past campaign that is probably easier to understand now. Reportedly, opposing candidate for Sheriff Steve Benfield was approached with a warrant for trespassing charges involving some rental property of his. (I'm told the person didn't show up for court and the charges were dropped.) Steve told the deputies he would meet them at the jail to be served. He got in a friends car with the deputies following. Before they got to the end of the road Steve's wife received a call on her cell phone by (guess who) wanting to know what comments she had about her husband being arrested. So how did the R&L reporter know to call before he was served and before they even arrived at the jail? If it happened as was told, it must have been one of those moments when she had to get "critical information to media outlets quickly when a major crime occurs." Someone from the press needs to interview Mr. Benfield to check on the validity of this.
In another incident a deputy was shot in the line of duty. Good old God fearing I care about my employees Phillip Redmond didn't go to see him in the hospital. That is amusing in itself since he has been too busy visiting family members in the hospital during two past incidents when there were questions to be answered about exposed misconduct in the Sheriffs office. Back to the gunshot deputy. Phil never bothered to go see him in the hospital or go by his house to check on him. Then one day he ran into him by chance and his reaction was to tell him to get up with Donna so they could get some press out of the shooting. Yeah, that's a good man there. The Brewers that paid for the sign on Davie Ave said If it ain't broke don't fix it. It's been broke for a long time and it needs fixin'
9:13 You may also be interested to know that a deputy saw Phil Redmond's vehicle parked at his home hours after the deputy was shot. Now that is a man that cares about his employees.
Of course several years ago Phil was seen making an appearance at the funeral home after one of his deputies died. You see there was alot of voters there. He even gave the deputy a postmortem promotion to Lieutenant. Guess that gave him a few more votes. Disgraceful.
The deputy was a fine, outstanding man that should have been shown more respect while he was alive. Phil actually let that deputy go when he originally took office. Once he figured out how much the community cared about him he returned to the Sheriff's Office. I still recall what a fine man he was.
Off the subject of the cell phone, but seems there was a deputy's wife wrote the Landmark editorial tearing Redmond up for not attending her husband's funeral. Ed served the department for years.
I think the iredell gop reagan day shindig is tomorrow night. Wonder if phil will show up. Sure do wish I was a republican so I could go ask him a few questions. The one time I wish I was a redumblican!!!
Consider this, what if the media looked the other way during the Watergate incident, the Monica Lewinsky Scandal, the John Edwards affair, and the Rob Blagojevich incident. What if these politicians did favors for the reporters that were covering them, and they decided to let them slide? Fair and honest reporting is essential for our way of life. Once a news source chooses to allow a politician to dictate what they will report, the politician has the freedom to do as his chooses even if it is illegal.
What I would like to know is where does our local tea party stand on this issue? After all the tea party represents,and stands for honesty in government. Do they support Redmond and Dearman, or do they stand firm to the idea of honesty in government? How about it Renee Griffith (leader of the local tea party)? Ms. Griffith this is not an attack on you. This is merely an opportunity for you to stand up and be heard. If you are what you claim to be it should not be a problem. This should give the citizens and members of the tea party some clarity if our local tea party is what it claims to be?
Iredell democrats, just change over to republican, because you are all the same party anyway. You are all just a bunch of elitist. Many of you are in Phil’s pocket anyway. In what damn world does a republican sheriff do the things Redmond has done, and the democratic party not capitalize on it. It is no wonder you guys can’t win an election. Perhaps it is your leadership. You folks are as much of the problem as the local media. Wake up and get involved don’t just wait for an election year. I suggest all you democrats that have been let down by your leaders switch over to independent, get away from that dead party. It is useless anyway.
Law of Wisdom
Wisdom is considered a sign of weakness by the powerful because a wise man can lead without power but only a powerful man can lead without wisdom.
Cohn's Law
The more time you spend in reporting on what you are doing, the less time you have to do anything. Stability is achieved when you spend all your time doing nothing but reporting on the nothing you are doing.
Conway's Law
In every organization there will always be one person who knows what is going on. This person must be fired.
Spark's Ten Rules for the Project Manager
1. Strive to look tremendously important.
2. Attempt to be seen with important people.
3. Speak with authority; however, only expound on the obvious and proven facts.
4. Don't engage in arguments, but if cornered, ask an irrelevant question and lean back with a satisfied grin while your opponent tries to figure out what's going on -- then quickly change the subject.
5. Listen intently while others are arguing the problem. Pounce on a trite statement and bury them with it.
6. If a subordinate asks you a pertinent question, look at him as if he had lost his senses. When he looks down, paraphrase the question back at him.
7. Obtain a brilliant assignment, but keep out of sight and out of the limelight.
8. Walk at a fast pace when out of the office -- this keeps questions from subordinates and superiors at a minimum.
9. Always keep the office door closed. This puts visitors on the defensive and also makes it look as if you are always in an important conference.
10. Give all orders verbally. Never write anything down that might go into a "Pearl Harbor File."
I am pretty sure that anyone ( democrat, independant , whatever ) can attend the Reagan day dinner. And yes it is tonight at 6pm. Cost is 50 dollars
At $23.00 a month and thus being $276.00 a year who really gives a rats ass. I bet that Miles pays more than that to Jamie each year to support him in posting all his stuff trying to get to be Mayor so he can get other relatives jobs with the town.
Sounds to me like all of you the 10-15 that do all the blogging is just jealous.
If a lot of people read this blog all the people that you all crucify and try to ruin their reputations would not win. Apparently a great majority of the people like whats going on in the county. So the rest of you people get over it and do something constructive with your life.
9:52, Like most Redmond supporters, you either ignore or miss the point. The misuse of county tax dollars is the smaller issue. This is about media corruption. This is about Donna Swicegood praising Phil Redmond every time he farts, and then declining to report the problems at the Sheriff’s Office when they occur. As far as the great majority, I don’t know what county you are talking about, but Redmond really did not win all that big during the primary. Had the vote not been split between the two other republican candidates running against him he likely would have lost. Seems to me if he was all that great he would have won by a much higher margin. By the way are you suggesting it is alright for elected officials to give county paid cell phones to whomever they please?
I am a democrat and lmao at the holier than thou gop. Bunch of self righteous pricks. If they take any kind of direction from redmond then they are a bigger bunch of fools than I thought. Democrats are taking back iredell in 2012!!! Get on board.
11:30 you are likely a nice guy or gal, but you will not take anything back until your party wakes up and stops kissing Redmonds butt. Stop letting him do as he pleases without answering for it.
When we last left our zeros, Bill (all around evil man) Medmond was spooning Barry (Ball less / Evilman McCambell).
“This is a fine mess you have gotten me into Barry,” said Bill. “I am sorry Bill,” said Barry. “I never thought it would turn out this way.” “I sure miss Toby, but at least things have settled down for now,” said Bill. Wham! The door suddenly opens. In runs Porky Nitro, Medmond’s right hand man. “We guts us sum trooble Boss,” said Porky. “Darn it Porky! Have you been skipping your phonics classes again?” yelled Bill. Bill’s loud tone frightened Porky causing his chest to hurt. “I needs my nitro boss,” said Porky. Bill handed him his pills. “What seems to be the trouble Porky?” said Bill. “Dat n…n… good c…c…c.. cookie baking b…b..bitch has dun it again. She has d..dun told on us for giving d..dat phone to dat reporter woman, Rhonda Slicebad,” Said Porky. “Do not fear Porky” said Bill. I have devised a plan (music - bum…. Bum… bum…) Both Porky and Barry waited for Bill’s plan in great anticipation. “I will close my eyes and hope she goes away, then I will contact Slicebad. By the way, how do we reach Slicebad now? Anyway, I will contact her and tell her to run a series of stories about how great I am. I may even allow her to take my picture…. That should do it.” “That’s it?” said Barry. Yes, impressive isn’t it? said Bill. Barry, lacking, well you know, the balls to tell him how bad his idea is, humbly agrees. Barry thinks to himself “ I Know I could do a better job than Bill. If only I had the balls..if only I had the balls.” “Barry!” snapped Bill. “Hurry we must get ready for our date to the banquet. Remember Barry, we must act as if nothing has happened.”
Clear conflict of interest regarding Donna Swicegood. She needs to give up the phone. I heard that the payroll clerk for the Sheriff's Office drives a county car and she's not sworn. Why does she need one? Maybe there is a reason. I'm just curious.
Back against wall forced to choose, I'd be a publisher on the board of important local institutions tasked with posing interagency goofs and personel compensation questions as 'investigative journalism' rather than a dirt poor beat reporter with a six year old of the Sheriff. That's logic. As publisher I'd say I make no apology for being awesome and that I hope none of my coverage is biased because of that. If it is biased then please point that out! Thanks!
10:33 Please post again when you are sober.
A government official authorizes the use of government funds to pay the phone bill of a private citizen. This is the use of public funds for a private purpose. Is this not a criminal offense, akin to embezzlement?
12:55 that is my thoughts exactly. Also, how many more cell phones have been and are in use for private purposes? The Sheriffs office has a budget that is overseen in many ways by only Sheriffs office personnel. It needs to be that way to protect the integrity of law enforcement operations. The problem here is that you have corruption policing itself. That can only be fixed by bringing all of the illegal activities at the Sheriffs office into the light.
The simple man....a fine example of incest..You think that you are funny but remember there are at least 10,000 comedians starving to death.
If you are going to write something at least be serious about it dumb ass
Gosh if Donna doesn't get to cover the sheriff's dept. I guess MR. DEARMAN will start having to kiss Phil's ass personally
Tommy, the day is coming when many families will spend time together in loving fellowship. Perhaps during a nice home cooked meal or family picnic. These families will go to the mountains, the beach, or some other nice location for pleasure. The fathers will play with their children while they are young and make special memories for later years. While mothers make scrap books and take pictures of their families with great pride. Husbands and wives will spend time together in romantic settings enjoying each other’s companionship, conversation, and bodies. They will discuss how wonderful their lives are and look to the future with joyous anticipation.
But this will not be the case for you Tommy. Soon the judge’s gavel will fall with a thunderous tone sentencing you to a prison term. Your hopes of him helping you out of this situation will be diminished as you are escorted from the warm carpeted floors of the court room to the cold concrete floors of the detention center. Your heart will jump as the large iron door closes behind you, and tears will fill your eyes as you realize you have been betrayed by a man that promised you a better way of living. He will heave a sigh relief knowing you are but a distant, bad, memory.
You will long for the home cooked meals you once had, that you traded for the cafeteria food of the penitentiary, all because of your loyalty to a man that cared nothing for you. You will dream of the warmth of your family and the soft kisses of your wife at night, only to wake in the morning and find yourself among strangers of the same gender. He, however, will continue living his life, not giving you another thought. The people around you will despise you for once representing justice. Every day will seem longer than the next as new bruises cover old bruises. You will write letters home to your spouse telling her what a fool you were for allowing yourself to be manipulated into keeping your mouth shut, and you will plead with her not to give up on you while you are away. You will wonder what she is doing, and who she is spending time with during your absence.
Lastly, your pride will be a thing of the past as you struggle with all your might, only to be the sexual outlet for those bigger than you. You will yell to them as you fight that you are friends with him, but it will not matter to them, because they will know he can do nothing to them, and they will laugh at your pain.
Thought you may be interested into a glimpse of the future Tommy. You sure are a good employee.
Mr. Dearman, No one wants to see Donna loose her job. However, her relationship with the Sheriff's Office is at best questionable, and will always be a point of speculation with Iredell citizens now that this has been exposed by Ms. Gatton. I believe for your paper to remain credible Donna should be moved to another beat. This would not admit any wrong doing, it would only serve as a reminder to your readers that your paper wishes to project honesty in journalism without suspicion.Just my thoughts.
3:10 you shouldn't speak for everyone. Nothing against Donna personally, but on a professional level she should be charged. Whoever gave her the phone should be charged with embezzlement or Obtaining Property by False pretense. She as well is part of the inappropriate conduct by accepting it. Donna has ignored wrongdoing at the Sheriffs Office for years. She knows what Redmond is and has continued to help him build a facade that would make him appear to be the all round good guy. Screw Donna and the horse she rode in on. Dearman too. What does Redmond have on them anyway?
I think Donna does need to loose her job as well.
Looks like Donna, the Record and Landmark and Phil Redmond are getting some national coverage. I always knew Phil would make headlines one day other than the R&L. It will get better than this before it is over with. Link above.
Here is another website discussing the matter.
On another subject the commissioners do not want a strip bar in Mooresville. Wonder why? They probably don't want to be seen.I wonder how they know they are bad, they were probably thrown out of one for trying to touch the girls. Hope that they get it because the gentleman has complied with everything that has been asked.
He runs a couple of high class places in Charlotte where there is never any trouble but our gossip paper the Tribune has never checked that aspect and reporting that.
People DO NOT have to go to them so whats the problem.
If the strip joint isn't on the up and up maybe Phil can make a couple more bucks. Maybe they could extend the activities to bingo and poker machines to be more diversified.
I recently heard from a very reliable source that a certain gun thief has recently testified before a Federal Grand Jury. Hopefully justice is on the way.
I don't see the certain gun thief testifying before anyone. I'm sure someone whispered in his ear and made some promises that he will believe.
If the certain gun thief has dried tobacco juice running out of his ear next time you see him, you'll know he got a kiss and a promise like I said.
Has there been any other media coverage of this phone scandal that I might find a link to?
The best coverage is there at the office. Ask the people around you.
Who is going to cover it? The Record and Landmark. Why would they cover the story when they are the story. Pathetic
"Sheriff paid news reporter's cell phone for years". That's the kind of byline you'd see on CNN or FOX News or MSNBC.
WSOC, WCNC and WBTV sure as hell aren't going to show it. WBTV had some Redmond said articles on their homepage last night. Really big news. One was a paraphernalia charge and the other was a DWI. You know, stuff that doesn't happen very often. We have no investigative news source in this area except for Jamie Gatton.
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) - A former Lee County sheriff convicted of drug conspiracy and racketeering is returning to court to find out how much time he will spend in prison.
Sentencing for E.J. Melvin is set to begin Thursday afternoon in federal court.
Melvin faces sentencing guidelines of decades in prison or even a potential life sentence after he was convicted of taking what prosecutors said were years of kickbacks from drug dealers to keep them out of trouble.
Full story above...
Phillip Redmond is a perfect example of why a County Police force is better for the citizens of Iredell County than a Sheriff’s Office. The Sheriff has too much power. He can hire people like Tommy Adams and does not have to answer for it to anyone. If it were a County Police force, situations like this, and other corruption would never exist. I can also assure you he would not have the freedom to give away cell phones at the taxpayers’ expense.
Having a county police force isn't going to stop corruption. One example is the the Greensboro police department. Corruption exists at all levels and all branches of the government. The problem is the individuals in authority who abuse their power such as Redmond. Keep in mind that Redmond couldn't have risen to where he is and continued to operate as he has without widespread support. people are the problem, not the system. There are people who directly support his operation and others who support it by turning a blind eye.
Those who know how things work around here would enjoy reading this article. See if anything sounds familiar. A long read but well woth it. Link above.
Wonder who paid for all the food that was cooked on county time, at a county location, by either inmates or employees on the clock and feed to supporters, reported employees where invited but unless you were of the circle, you didn't feel welcome!!!!
11:07 Very good point. Phil Redmond no longer feels he has an obligation to the people of Iredell County. They will not hear from him for another four years. I'm sure Donna will keep everyone up to speed on how great he is though.
Phil Redmond has let down the people of Iredell for years. Many of his employees don’t even live in Iredell County. He is giving the jobs for Iredell citizens to people from other counties. Thus, leaving qualified Iredell residents unemployed………….thanks Phil.
He also spends thousands of tax payer’s dollars for mandatory employee training each year. Does this money support our local college? No, unfortunately it does not. However, I am sure the citizens of Davidson County are appreciative, because they get the money of the Iredell County tax payers. What is that all about Phil.
I can only presume he has a personal problem with Mitchell College since Darren Campbell announced in a CID meeting in October 2010, that employees of the Iredell County Sheriff’s Office could not use their earned vacation time to work at Mitchell College.
I believe there are two problems with Campbell’s statement:
Since when does an organization dictate how an employee spends vacation time that they have earned?
Why aren’t employees allowed to work at this fine college?
That is a question that only Phil Redmond can answer. I seriously don’t expect to hear from him for another four years.
Perhaps Donna Swicegood, the hardcore investigative journalist that she is can find out for us? It’s called Sarcasm Donna.
If I was to guess why they can't work at Mitchell, it would be the same reason Phillip opened a power equipment store because someone didn't support him! Several of the instructors are former deputies who supported Mark Nicholson. Phillip even got rid of his lawn mower he had bought from the Sparks because they had a Nicholson sign up. Petty I believe would be a good word for it!
Give him a break....Phillip Redmond is only as petty as any other dictator.
In Darren's defense he didn't actually make that statement about MCC. Phil keeps his hand up Darren's ass and makes his mouth move while he throws his voice.
I want to know why it makes major headlines in the SRL when a city police officer gets into trouble, right down to names dates and offense, but not a darn peep when it is a member of the sheriff's department. It is bad enough when you have a crook running your SO but a crying shame when the paper is crowded into that same dirty pocket.
Tim Dearman and Ms. Swicegood are drinking the Kool-aid daily, and please someone tell me why is the SO boycotting MCC?
Standard procedure is to get some dirt on someone and hold it over their head to get what you want. So you figure out what dirt there is on Dearman, Swicegood or both and you will know why a SPD Officers problems are headlines but nothing about ICSO employees.
When you read the article about Deputy Adams’ indictment, Donna writes comments such as “Adams is accused”, “firearms in question,” and “the state alleges.” Each of these comments creates doubt about the legitimacy of the Adams situation, thus leading the reader to think there is not much to the indictment. Now legally, this may be required. However, regarding the Robinson’s charge, the writing is different.
When compared to the article about Robinson, Donna Swicegood writes one comment that may question the legitimacy of Robinson’s charge. She writes what Robinson’s wife “alleges” he did. In fairness, she does use the word allege when speaking of what Robinson’s wife claimed he did. This seemingly would give more credibility to the fairness of her writing. However, once you reach the end of the article she again demonstrates her loyalty to Redmond by mentioning Joyner, a situation that has absolutely nothing to do with the story. By doing this she eliminates the question of Robinsons’ possible innocence leading the reader to think Robinson and Joyner must be “birds of a feather” since they were employed by the same agency. I am sure that one made Phil smile.
I realize this is my perspective and that I may be wrong. That is why I am sending copies of both articles to two nationally recogognized journalist to analyze. This information will be given to a fair news source to publish if they choose.
Mr. Dearman, neither you nor Donna has to say a word her writing says it all.
Insert Jaws music here.
Hey Gatton I guess you have run out of rumors to spread.
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