Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Are you cut out for public service?

Are you tired of sitting on the political sidelines, watching others make decisions about your community, your government and your tax dollar?

Perhaps you're cut out for public service.

An upcoming workshop by North Carolina's Institute of Political Leadership promises to answer your questions about public office and how to effectively campaign.

The workshop, planned for March 17 from 6-9 pm. at the Charles Mack Citizens Center, will focus on the skills needed to run for office, how to formulate and execute a campaign strategy, and how to be an effective public officeholder. Cost is $25 and includes training materials and a light dinner.

This year in Mooresville, the mayor's seat and three commissioners' seats are up for election.

Mayor Chris Montgomery says he will not seek re-election. Commissioner Miles Atkins has announced his plans to run for that seat, which means his at-large seat will be open with no incumbent vying for it.

Seats for wards 1 and 2 - currently occupied by Mitch Abraham and Thurman Houston, respectively - are also up for election this year.

The mayor serves a two-year term, while commissioners serve four years.

Meanwhile, three seats on the Mooresville Graded School District Board of Education - all four-year terms - are also up for re-election.

A primary, if needed, will be held Oct. 11, followed by the general election on Nov. 8.

Other county offices to be elected this year can be found by clicking here.

To reserve seats for the Institute of Political Leadership's March 17 workshop, call the Mooresville-South Iredell Chamber of Commerce at 704-664-3898.


Anonymous said...

I have never heard of such a work shop. What an awesome idea. This county needs new leadership.

Anonymous said...

I hope and pray that come election time there will be intellegent and moral candidates to choose from who really want to "serve" and we won't be tempted to cast a negative vote just because we're not satisfied with the incumbant.

john kindley said...

I think the workshop should be a whole lot longer than three hours. It should also cover ethics, responsibility, accountability, honesty, integrity, and common sense.

Andy S said...

I've registered for the workshop today. I look forward to seeing a crop of fresh faces who might be interested in a new direction at all levels of local government

Anonymous said...

Wow! For $25 and 3 hours we can have effective public office holders. What a deal. Maybe we should think about offering this to all our elected officials. You think for another $25 dollars or so we could get them all a brain?

Anonymous said...

Check with Redmond and ask him if he can hook you up. Ask him if $100 will get you the certificate without you having to attend.

Anonymous said...

I sure wish some of the smart-a's on here would run for public office an win,then you can be talked about,your family can be a target for all kinds of gossip,your life can be a open book for crap like this blog. An just think gatton can write a story about you an ruin your repution even if you did nothing wrong.So file,run an i hope you win so you can enjoy all that come's with it.

Anonymous said...

Just because everything hasn't been transformed into an indictment yet doesn't mean it isn't so. Be indignant while you still can.

That certificate comment had a reference that I am sure you or some of your associates are probably familiar with.

Anonymous said...

Mark McCollum and Tommy Adams were claimed to be rumors and gossip in the beginning. The cover ups failed on those and they will fail on other things too.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the rumors about John Crone. I wonder why he keeps delaying court. Seems like he would want to lay those rumors to rest.

Anonymous said...

What I want to know is what's Crone living off of these days? As far as I can see, he ain't got no job, ain't moved, but still can pay his bills three years after being dethroned. makes you think, huh?

Anonymous said...

Overheard that John Crone is cleaning carpet.