Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sheriff on collision course with Constitution?

Iredell County Sheriff Phil Redmond may have violated the U.S. Constitution when he fired four reserve/part-time officers and dropped the law-enforcement certifications of nine people – including the four who were fired – who openly supported Mark Nicholson, Redmond’s strongest competitor, in the May 4 primary.

The day after the primary results were in, the sheriff’s office began contacting four of Nicholson’s supporters who were reserve/part-time officers to inform them that their “services are no longer needed” by the sheriff. The sheriff then dropped those four individuals’ certifications, which means they cannot practice law enforcement unless or until another agency agrees to hold their certifications. If within one year they do not find someone to hold their certifications, they would have to start over with basic law-enforcement training if they ever decide to enter the law-enforcement profession again.

In addition to firing those four officers and dropping their certifications, the sheriff – within 10 days after the primary – took it upon himself to drop the certifications of five additional inactive officers who openly supported Nicholson. The reason provided: “resignation of officer.” But interestingly, the officers had been resigned from the sheriff’s office for up to a decade. Though they were inactive, Redmond had chosen to hold their certifications - obviously until they chose to openly support someone else for sheriff.

While employment in North Carolina is generally at-will, which means an employer can fire an employee for virtually any reason, public employers such as the Iredell County Sheriff’s Office are obligated to abide by the Constitution. And Redmond’s apparent decision to alter the employment status of nine Nicholson supporters may have run afoul of the First Amendment’s protection of the right of political association. This is the case despite the generally at-will nature of employment in North Carolina, as explained by the Supreme Court.

The Court has held that “the First Amendment prevents the government, except in the most compelling circumstances, from wielding its power to interfere with its employees' freedom to believe and associate, or to not believe and not associate.”

Supreme Court Justices also agreed in 1976 that “the practice of patronage dismissals is unconstitutional under the First and Fourteenth Amendments” because they “severely restrict political belief and association” (Elrod v. Burns). “Political belief and association constitute the core of those activities protected by the First Amendment …”

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
~ First Amendment

One potential exception to the rule is a person who helps set policy – that person can actually be dismissed if s/he supported another candidate or is a member of a different party. The Justices noted “the need for political loyalty of employees, not to the end that effectiveness and efficiency be insured, but to the end that representative government not be undercut by tactics obstructing the implementation of policies of the new administration, policies presumably sanctioned by the electorate.”

Therefore, the Court held: “Limiting patronage dismissals to policymaking positions is sufficient to achieve this governmental end.”

The problem that the Court acknowledged with that, however, is that “no clear line can be drawn between policymaking and nonpolicymaking positions.”

“Nonpolicymaking individuals usually have only limited responsibility and are therefore not in a position to thwart the goals of the in-party,” the Court said. At the same time, however, even someone with a number of responsibilities cannot necessarily be considered a policymaking individual. Therefore, “the nature of the responsibilities is critical.”

“An employee with responsibilities that are not well defined or are of broad scope more likely functions in a policymaking position,” the Court said. “In determining whether an employee occupies a policymaking position, consideration should also be given to whether the employee acts as an adviser or formulates plans for the implementation of broad goals …”

The Court placed the “burden of establishing this justification” onto the shoulders of the public employer. Cases in doubt, it was determined, should be resolved in favor of public employees.

“More fundamentally, however,” the Court determined, “any contribution of patronage dismissals to the democratic process does not suffice to override their severe encroachment on First Amendment freedoms. We hold, therefore, that the practice of patronage dismissals is unconstitutional under the First and Fourteenth Amendments …”

In concurring in the judgment in Elrod v. Burns, Justice Stewart noted: “The single substantive question involved in this case is whether a nonpolicymaking, nonconfidential government employee can be discharged or threatened with discharge from a job that he is satisfactorily performing upon the sole ground of his political beliefs. I agree with the plurality that he cannot.”

When the Iredell County sheriff and his sworn staff take their oath of office, they affirm by God that they will “not be influenced in any matter on account of personal bias or prejudice” and that they will “support and maintain the Constitution and laws of the United States…” They also swear to “faithfully and impartially discharge and execute the duties of [their] office as a law-enforcement officer” to the best of their skills, abilities and judgment.

Many comments have been made here during the past few months asserting that sheriff’s office employees fear retaliation for practicing the freedoms that are enjoyed by common citizens – freedoms that are granted and protected by the U.S. Constitution. And many people, throughout the campaign season, stated that employees at the sheriff’s office are often reminded that they “work at the pleasure of the sheriff.”

That kind of work environment seems to contradict the very principles that the sheriff has listed on his homepage (www.iredellsheriff.com). Among those principles:

• recognizing the importance of each individual employee,
• maintaining a work environment where employees can grow professionally, and
• upholding the Constitution of the United States of America and the State of North Carolina.

The U.S. Constitution gives citizens the right to speak and associate freely. And the Supreme Court has stated in no uncertain terms that firing public employees because of political association is unconstitutional.

Yet shortly after the Iredell County primary, Redmond fired four part-time/reserve officers and then dropped their certifications, along with the certifications of five other inactive officers, who had demonstrated their support for another sheriff candidate during the campaign season.

If Redmond in fact altered those individuals’ employment and/or certification status simply because they supported a different candidate for sheriff, he very well may have done so in violation of the Constitution.

And, unfortunately, the sheriff’s recent actions seem to lend credibility to the assertions that public employees within the sheriff’s department have real cause to fear retaliation for exercising their constitutional rights and freedoms.


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Anonymous said...

Wow! That is a headful and much to digest. I think this is a clear indication that employee treatment is not up to par and another example of some of the heavy handed tactics that Sheriff Redmond has been accused of using. I would like to hear from the officers who got dropped. So wrong...

Sue Spath said...

You got it................Go Jaimie. You are right on target. Maybe now some of those folks who were disbelievers will open their eyes.

Anonymous said...


I remember a letter in the paper that Mark Nicholson had asking the employees not to openly support him. Some said this was just a tactic to smear Redmond. Guess those that thought that were wrong. Someone needs to call in the ACLU and have them sue Redmonds behind. Who does he think he is.

Anonymous said...

Is there any doubt that these officers' constitutional rights were abused? Is anyone surprised?

Bob Fromme said...

These firings are yet another example of Redmonds, Hitler/Nazi, style of management. Having had the mispleasure of serving for Mr Redmond for 14 years, this is yet another example of his KING PHILIP mentality. In his own words, "What have you done to make me look good today", and "It's not what you do, it's what people think you do". It is a pity he doesn't get the fact that he works for the residents of Iredell County also. His question should be "what have you done to better serve the residents of Iredell County". Add my name to the list of people in the law suit.

Anonymous said...

Were all of the officers people who supported Nicholson in the primary?

Anonymous said...

To June 2, 4:10pm

The answer to your question is yes

Anonymous said...

Redmond couldn't even wait to retaliate until after the November election. Does he consider himself invincible or is he so scared that he will try any intimidation tactic because he has nothing to lose? Either scenerio would be possible.

Anonymous said...

Same thing happened here in Catawba. Jeff Korn, a reserve deputy who ran in the primary, was let go the DAY AFTER THE ELECTION by Huffman/Reid. These kind of guys think the Constitution does not apply to them!!!

Anonymous said...

If you think the firing of employee's is bad then you should know that during the primary the Sheriff had some law enforcemnt officers threatening citizens who had Mark Nicholson signs in their yards and businesses with withholding services from the ICSD if they were to need them. I believe one detective was quoted as stating to a citizen " who do you think will respond to any 911 calls from your home with that Nicholson sign in your yard".

Anonymous said...

4:44 Seems the statement made by the other individual was something along the lines of; I hope your stuff is nailed down. I know who both of the citizens are and would really like for them to come forward.

Anonymous said...

ok somebody didn't do there homework the term "employee" or "agent" does not apply to a deputy sheriff,there is case law these two terms do not apply. ALSO NC162-24 states a sheriff may "APPOINT" someone to help him. Under NC law A deputy serves at the pleasure of the sheriff who appoint's him (or her)an may be removed by the sheriff at any time for any good reason.

Anonymous said...


There is also case law where deputies won law suites against such firing and demotions. Look it up. I guess it all depends on the judge or jury. I hope they all sue the Sheriff and the county. If the Sheriff's actions continue to cost the county money ( when the county doesnt' have any money ) he needs to go.

Anonymous said...


So what you are saying is that since Phil Redmond is so immature and insecure that he cannot stand anyone working under him that does not think he is wonderful, or maybe they just like the other guy better , that there is nothing wrong with Phil firing them just because he can. No matter what is the right thing to do.

How do you explain what Ms. Gatton pointed out on in her article about the work envirnment posted on the web site and the fact of what he has done, he doesn't seem to value the individual employee at all. this is contridictory.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like 5:26 is a representative of Redmond who was waiting to address this if it ever became an issue. Aside from the legalisms, what was done was wrong. Period.

Anonymous said...

Can you get the list of officers? An inactive person maybe don't even know they were dropped until they apply somewhere to work.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who supported Mark Nicholson expected retaliation, although open retaliation wasn't expected until after November. Much of Mark's support was from people who have worked under Redmond and knew the conditions and the situations surrounding them.

Most were actually prepared for worse retaliation and still are, such as drugs being planted, threats, houses searched (ask Duck), harrasing phone calls or any other number of underhanded tactics including death threats. Two other past candidates received those and are willing to go on record saying so. These weren't directly from redmond, but they were running against him when they received them. It goes with the territory. Anyone who dares to challenge or question Phillip Redmond can expect that repurcussions are a possiblilty.

The one comment made to the citizen was made by the man himself. Sue me for saying that so I can send a subpoena to that person to testify in court. I am hoping they will step up on thier own, if not it is time to drag people into this.

Having said all of that, I think anyone who dared to oppose Redmond deserves a pat on the back. That goes for all of the candidates and supporters.

Anonymous said...

The time has come for everyone that has been done wrong by Redmond or knows of his illegal, immoral activities to come forward. A man so entrenched in illegal activities as he is is too big for one or two people to to take on. Especially with his apparent ties to the ones that investigate him. But a group of all the know something can be too big to ignor.

Anonymous said...

Wht a crock of bulls---. Several part time employees openly campaigned against the Sheriff. What the hell did you think he would do?? These persons should have resigned before the decided to do what they did. Who in their right mind would want disloyal employees to remain in an office they run. I'd want them gone, too. I'd find any means I could to get rid of them. It's like a football coach with players ready to mutiny. They get traded. Only problem here is you don't have that option.

Anonymous said...


You need to work on your facts. Name one incident where drugs were planted. Identify one threat. Yeah, Duck's house got searched, but if I'm not mistaken that was related to a missing firearm, totally unrelated to the election. Your allegations are sbsurd.

Anonymous said...


6:41 We can assume you are just as immature and insecure as Sheriff Redmond.

Anonymous said...

What about the missing firearms and Tommy Adams. Has his house been searched latly. Oh I forgot the Sheriff is always there but he is not searching for guns.

Anonymous said...


You've apparently never been in the military or a PROFESSIONAL law enforcement agency!!

Anonymous said...


I think I recall a death threat listed in the Statesville Record and Landmark that was received by one of the Candidates opposing Redmond in the 2006 election. Look it up. Oh, and it wouldn't be under any articles Donna Swicegood wrote.

Anonymous said...

6:41 (also 6:51), expected or not.....like it or not....Repeat after me: it is U-N-C-O-N-S-T-I-T-U-T-I-O-N-A-L. I don't care what them boys thought was going to happen. Phil swore to uphold the law and I now have questions about whether he did. Even if it IS lawful (and if I were a bettin' man I'd bet that it aint), Phil should have risen above this and been the sheriff we elected him to be. What a disappointment!

Anonymous said...


Your right. I've only ever worked for the ICSO.

Anonymous said...


What are you talking about. The
President of the United States is the top commander in all the military. So by your rational anyone who openly opposed the winner of the presidential election would be fired. I don't see that happening anywhere. Never heard anyone in the military discharged for supporting a candidate.

Anonymous said...

Redmond's people can try to dress this pig up as purdy as they want to, but it's still a ugly pig. Oink oink.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the comments made by anonymous at 6:12pm. We need to become a band of brothers (and or sisters) to right was has been wronged.

Anonymous said...

Well for the first time it looks like the people of Iredell County have their own media source that refuses to spin for the powers that be and advertisers. Now's as good a time as any.

Anonymous said...

6:04, we have been notified by letter so that is not a concern but thank you.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, if I'm captain of the ship, I'd keep someone I didn't trust close to me. That makes a hell of a lot of sense. Seems like you can't come to grips with losing the election. If you've got some real information pass it on the SBI or the FBI.

Anonymous said...

Your not the captin of a ship and neither is Redmond and none of the officers were close to him nor did they make policy. Redmond just fired them cause he could, didn't have anything to do with the running of the Sheriff's Department other than they lost a lot of good part-timers. And the infomation will be given to the FBI, SBI and a lot of other people in a loud and public way.

Anonymous said...

without having full access to the records and the reasons for dismissal this is purely speculation. sounds really bad, but we really don't know why these folks were let go. my daughter's teacher "retired" a few weeks ago unexpectedly -- come to find out she was busted with a bottle of booze on campus. if the officers in question truly believe they were dismissed for this reason, I encourage them to file a lawsuit and take care of business. however, once you file a lawsuit your personnel records can then be opened up and used against you publicly. i'd be really inclined to believe the officers and this particular story if i woke up tomorrow and saw a headline reading "Officers sue for wrongful termination" or something like that.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Not a very good agrument. You want everyone to think that it is a coincident that nine people that supported Nicholson get let go wtihin a 10 after the primary and it was anything but political. Do you think that anyone buys that the Sheriff Department routinly lets nine people go within 10 days. Sounds like they all had to have something in common to be let go in the same time period. That common theme was Nicholson supporters. But I guess there is the remote possibility that they all got caught with Booze at the Sheriff's Department on the same day.

However I think we will probubly all know exactly what they were fired for before this is all over. Maybe It will read nine officers sue Iredell County for one million each due to wrongful termintation for political reasons.

Anonymous said...

One little thing, a concept called Respondent Superior. Since, in NC a deputy has the same 'power' as the Sheriff, then the Sheriff can release any deputy, at any time, for any reason, and the deputy has no recourse. Archaic, 18th century, and upheld by the US 4th Circuit Court of Appeals. To change it, one of two things needs to happen. The office of the Sheriff in this State needs to be held to the duties so stated under the NC Constitution; jails, courts, civil process. Or the federal bill to unionize public employees needs to be passed. The first will never happen because the State legislature won't allow it. The Sheriff is typically the most political person in each County. That's a defined and motivated electorate for those legislators and senators. They ain't gonna risk their political base ticket to Raleigh. The other...agree or disagree with unions as you will, but this has the best chance to break this system. Professional men and women are forced to pander to a political demigogue if you work for a Sheriff. Support is shown through working the polls, not doing a good job. Time for that to change.

Anonymous said...

that would be great -- then all the info comes out. sounds like 9 people were let go under some questionable circumstances. however, we are left with nothing but speculation and assumptions. until the officers file a lawsuit, the rest of us will be left wondering. i say go ahead and sue. but to assume that the 9 were let go for supporting Nicholson without having more information is premature I think. I'm not saying it didn't happen -- but I'm not hitchin my wagon on this fight without having more info and data. if the officers feel so strongly then they should immediately go public and sue. just my opinion, to which you are more than entitled to disagree.

Anonymous said...

Yeah just ask a former K-9 officer.If Phill thins you said something about him your gone.This officer quit his job so he would'nt be fired.Did'nt help it's like the other departments are scared tohire him.

Anonymous said...

tell me who and I'll go and ask.

Anonymous said...

My understanding is that the officer who quit before he was fired tried to get unemployment and was denied initially. He pursued it and the decision was overturned and it was determined that the work environment was hostile. He has paperwork to back that up, not sure of the exact wording, but he quit and they are now paying unemployment to him.

You reading this buddy? Bring your paperwork and join in.

Anonymous said...

Bob(aka marks campaign advisor) im suprised you and Jamie are working together on this, since yall pulled for different people. Shows that this site truly hates Redmond. I guess yall have decided you cant beat him fairly, so smear him.

Anonymous said...

Its about time you signed your name Fromme....

Anonymous said...

I will remind you once again, THE SMEAR CAMPAIGN DOESNT IT WORK IT JUST PISSES PEOPLE OFF. I dont know what you dont understand about that. We have heard everything from, he is a drug dealer, he sets people up, to whatever else you say about him. I think he dropped these certifications because he feared yall would set him up. I mean its clear yall are prepared to do anything to get yalls way.

Anonymous said...

6:51 said; "You need to work on your facts. Name one incident where drugs were planted. Identify one threat. Yeah, Duck's house got searched, but if I'm not mistaken that was related to a missing firearm, totally unrelated to the election. Your allegations are sbsurd."

Your comment is in response to this post...

"Most were actually prepared for worse retaliation and still are, such as drugs being planted, threats, houses searched (ask Duck), harrasing phone calls or any other number of underhanded tactics including death threats."

The planted drugs statement was made in regards to the beliefs of those who decided to oppose Redmond. It was based on thier opinion which is built on years of accumulated information. Based on that, they all considered it a possibility. While thier belief of that possibility is nothing to substantiate any proof of action, it does substantiate the concern many people have as to what the current administration might do to cover thier tracks.

When I mentioned to several people that Nicholson was considering running, the first response they gave was that he better be careful. Like it or not, that is the opinion of many in the county.

The search of Duck's house coincided with him running for Sheriff. As I understand, the firearm in question was missing for four years prior to that search. They had no search warrant which tells me they didn't have the valid information needed to obtain one. It is my understanding that Duck gave them permission to search and that nothing was found.

So no, my allegations aren't absurd, the only absurdity is the defensive nature of your response. You know better.

Anonymous said...

Like it or not, this happens all the time. Sheriffs have absolutely authority to fire somebody that does not support them, that supports somebody else, or that wears green shoes when the sheriff was in a blue shoe mood. It happens routinely and is normal. Just the way it is.

Anonymous said...

Home break-ins happen everyday too. Drug sales, drug use. People lie and cheat and steal. It happens routinely, so does that make it normal and just the way it is?

No, the widespread presence of wrong doesn't make it acceptable. Not even for Redmond.

Anonymous said...

Well we know you would have let them certificates go to, all the people who say no is lying. We see if someone doesnt do what you want them to do you smear, smear, bash there family and friends. You do whatever you have to do to get your point across. We get the point Redmond is liked as sheriff, and yall cant stand it. Now you see you cant win a primary so you fear you have to bring him down with lies.

Anonymous said...

I work at ICSO an most of these people that there certifications were droped no one has seen them around there for years,as far as the part-timers these were people who already draw a fat retirement check,Bob,Steve ,Gloria don't you understand almost everyone at ICSO are glad your gone. Officers were asking to be the ones to get to pick-up your equiment!!!!An no i'm not one of the inter-circle as some of you say!!!

Anonymous said...

Mr. ICSO, I thank you for what you do, but EXPECTED OR NOT.......LIKE IT OR NOT.......THIS IS U-N-C-O-N-S-T-I-T-U-T-I-O-N-A-L. If you work for the ICSO as you say, YOU WERE SWORN TO UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION. Get to know it. It is a glorious, glorious thing for the citizens of the United States.

Anonymous said...

6:51 you said to "Identify one threat." Here is one, not for you but for the public to read.

From the Milestones page of the Statesville Record and Landfill 2006;

Candidate for sheriff threatened

Note mentioned taking Steve benfield's wife, one of three daughters

The Iredell Coutny Sheriffs office has sent a threatening note received by a write-in sheriff's candidate to a state crime lab for processing.

...The note threatened the Benfields' three daughters. "I know you have three girls, it said. "So taking one of them you could replace with the other but you only have one wife. So taking her would be better. So suffer man"

(The article goes on to say that it was investigated by Lt. Stanley Watkins and that it had been sent to the SBI crime lab in Raleigh for fingerprinting and processing.)

-From staff reports

Anonymous said...

So what the hell ever happened to the SBI crime lab test???? What came up? Is Lt. Stanley Watkins still at the sheriff department????????

Anonymous said...

10:59 or would you like fpr me to call you bob.

You have stated many times how many times you have hated the sheriff. We get the point, and shut up. The truth is know one is perfect, not even yourself. But that gives you know right to lie and bash a person. Sometimes i think you want to play god. Do your math everytime you open your mouth, you get dumber and dumber.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

10:49 you say you "work at ICSO an most of these people that there certifications were droped no one has seen them around there for years."

What exactly is your point? There are people who have been gone longer than all of them combined, but the Sheriffs Office is still holding thier certification. It was political retaliation by an infantile bully of a Sheriff who must have his way or he pitches a fit.

Thanks to him, the public is more aware of his attitude and ways everyday, as he is his own worst witness.

The remainder of your post isn't even worth a response. Just more of the redmond defense team meaningless mudslinging.

Anonymous said...

I think its a done deal. people just get on with your life. "It is what it is".

Anonymous said...

It is really pathetic if the supporters of Redmond are like the one or two on this blog that show a true disdain for the Constitution. It is enough to make me sick that these are the people that say that they enforce the laws but because of petty politics they will throw the laws aside. If you say that you work for the ICSO then I have a few questions for you. Do you toss the laws aside as quickly as you did tonight when you are searching someones house who is not politically or personally connected to the sheriff? Do you toss the laws aside when you are searching someones car? Do you throw the laws aside when you pull them over? Do you toss the laws aside when you interrogate someone? Thank goodness this bunch has been brought into the public light. They will never be able to return to the rock under whence they came ever again. I sincerely hope that the majority of the ICSO does not toss the laws aside as is being indicated by the one or two on this blog tonight.

Anonymous said...

Ya'll idjits requested that we name one threat. I believe you have one to respond to. The other person who ran and was threatened handled it himself instead of reporting it, but I can probably get a statement from him as well if you want more proof for public viewing.

Anonymous said...

Yins can all try to put lipstick on this pig but it is still a pig. Talk until your blue in the face. I'm going to bed knowin this is a pig. Night.

Anonymous said...

Those who were kept, were probably good cops with no bull@@@@. Sometimes you get what you deserve, and it would have happened if anyone was sheriff.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

11:12, you are right. Everyone will get what they deserve. Hope you feel the same way when the hammer of justice comes down real soon on your boy.

Anonymous said...

Oink. Oink.

Anonymous said...

11:11 I assure you that the few on here do not represent the majority of the officers at the Sheriffs Office. They respect the laws and have total disdain for Phillip Redmond.

The few on here do represent the inner circle and Redmond's belief that he can do whatever he wants to because he is the Sheriff of Iredell County. he is untouchable.

As one of his supporters asked on another post...

Who is going to charge Redmond the investigation fairy? And who is going to charge him, who will try him?

Hate to break it to you, but Phillip Redmond has a lot of power and connections. Hence the fear of retaliation and his feeling of invincibility.

Anonymous said...

Phil Redmond has no power. The people of Iredell County have the power and it is high time they recognize it.

Anonymous said...

11:20 I agree but Redmond won't relinquish his stronghold without a fight. He has much to lose. It will take a large public display of disent. I believe the Mooresville protest had about 50 participants. It will take 200-300 to let the SBI and FBI that we seriously want Redmond investigated and subsequently removed from office. 500 would be better.

Anonymous said...

Great job Jamie. First class investigation and a first class article! You sure have a way of getting the truth out. I can see more indictments down the road.

Anonymous said...

Boy....This sounds good! I love it when a person moves from another state become a Security Guard after petering out as a beat Cop then kisses the Sheriffs ass all the way to the top, THEN when your not the Golden Boy anymore you turn on him like a yellow bellied coward!! Fromeee youll lost.....NOW do Iredell County a favor and take your old butt back to Fla and retire!! LOL.

Still no response said...

6:51 you said to "Identify one threat." Here is one, not for you but for the public to read.

From the Milestones page of the Statesville Record and Landfill 2006;

Candidate for sheriff threatened

Note mentioned taking Steve benfield's wife, one of three daughters

The Iredell Coutny Sheriffs office has sent a threatening note received by a write-in sheriff's candidate to a state crime lab for processing.

...The note threatened the Benfields' three daughters. "I know you have three girls, it said. "So taking one of them you could replace with the other but you only have one wife. So taking her would be better. So suffer man"

(The article goes on to say that it was investigated by Lt. Stanley Watkins and that it had been sent to the SBI crime lab in Raleigh for fingerprinting and processing.)

-From staff reports

Anonymous said...

Would you like a statement from the other candidate against Redmond who was also threatened?

Anonymous said...

12:28 I believe that Fromme came here with a multitude of experience, was hired into narcotics and after being with ICSO for 14 years and receiving an accomodation from the Feds went on to work for them where he remains today.

Again, this post is for the public to read. 12:28 you already know this and are pulling the usual Redmonite BS tactics. I am glad I am on the truthful side of this battle so I have something to fight with.

Anonymous said...

The threat you reference to Steve Benfield is an absolute joke. I'm sure Redmond wrote that one. Benfield probably wrote that to himself to get some publicity. He supported Mark Nicholson didn't he? I can see where this allegation originated.

Anonymous said...

6:37 If Benfield wrote that note Redmond would have had him charged for it. And no, Redmond wouldn't have written it, he doesn't do anything himself. See, you asked for one example and now your response is to deny the validity. Typical Redmond theology. As he learned a long time ago, if you have problems; deny and make counter claims. Right boys?

Like I said, if Benfield wrote that note Redmond would have had him charged. There were charges of trespassing against Steve during the campaign, no hesitation there. Of course it made the Redmond and Landfill. Seems the press even called Steve's wife before he got to the jail to ask about him being arrested. I wonder how Donna knew to call? I wonder how she got his wife's cell phone number? They hadn't even gotten to highway 64 yet when it rang. What do you have to say about you husband being arreested?

Redmond is nothing but a bag of dirty tricks. He told the truth once, but then lied his way out of it.

"It's not what you do, it's what people think you do" has been his mantra for years. Thanks for your provocational post that gave me the opportunity to respond with more information. I wish to hell Redmond would get his lawsuit ready so subpoenas can be sent out and everything be told. It's time to drag his wicked ass out from the rock he hides under when the questions start. People have had enough of his crap and he has got to go. Soon.

Anonymous said...

And another damn thing. You sarcastically said that you are sure that Redmond wrote that note (threat). I pointed out that Redmond doesn't do anything himself. That is one of the ways that he protects himself when things are discovered.. Remember the campaign questions that arose last election? Ricky Eades takes care of that and he is out of town right now. Redmond never knows anything bad that happens does he?

Back to the note/threat; another candidate against Redmond in 1994 received death threats as well; They stopped when that candidate confronted Redmond personally. Go figure. Would you like a statement from that individual? I would love to see that guy on the stand, he isn't bashful. Redmond knows who he is.

Anonymous said...

Let me get this right. Redmond wants to provide professional service to the citizens of Iredell so he gets rid of Fromme and keeps D..D...Dowdle. That tells me all I need to know.

Fromme, you are a class act. Certainly one of the best officers that came from the Sheriff's Office. Obviously the FEDs recognize it. It is to bad our hill billy sheriff is so insecure that he is willing to give up a man like you. He truly hurt the office and the citizens of Iredell by letting you go.

Anonymous said...

Ya'll idjits requested that we name one threat. I believe you have one to respond to. The other person who ran and was threatened handled it himself instead of reporting it, but I can probably get a statement from him as well if you want more proof for public viewing.

Well there's the problem right there -- he should have reported it. Instead, he handled it himself (whatever that means). Why would someone running for sheriff not use the legal process to handle it?

Anonymous said...

Since it came up, whatever happened with that election stuff from last election? What happened to all the people who were listed as contributing $250 that say they didn't give anything? How do you accidently assign specific dollar mounts to a specific name? What about the large number of people listed that gave $250? What are the chances that so many people just happened to give $250? Could it be that there were large contributions given that were laundered through the use of other names? Maybe it was money from another source that couldn't be listed.

What about the jar that people were putting money into for donations. Redmond admitted to that, it was in the paper. You are required to keep up with every cent that people give. If they buy a hotdog you have to put thier name down as a contributor. (Seriously!) Redmond has been politicking a long time, he knew that. So how does he get by with having a jar full of money given by anonymous donors?

What about the 1000's of dollar in illegal campaign contributions that Redmond had to pay back, including several thousand to himself? All public record. Again, Redmond has been doing this a long time, he knew better.

How about the golf tournament and the reports of the use of inmates, food and other supplies gotten through the jail? Officers helping on county time, the use of county equipment and more. How does all of this just go away?

There are two possibilities...

Anonymous said...

7:41 you asked for one threat and I gave you that. I will be glad to get the information and a statement on the other threat. I offered, remember?

As for why that person didn't use "the legal process to handle it?" He knew that Redmond was probably the source of the threat but that he could never be tied to it. As I said before, Redmond has others to do for him, it keeps him insulated. Since this candidate knew Redmond couldn't be tied to it, he just spoke to him in person and it stopped the whole thing. Matter solved.

Do you really want the details of that incident published? I'll go to work on it.

Robeson County link here said...

About the two possibilities. The first is that the SBI is corrupt and handling things for Redmond in a way that keeps him from being charged.

The second is that there is a major continuing investigation involving the FBI as went on in Robeson County ending in 2009, see link above.

Niether possibility would surprise me. Whatever the case, it is time for it all to come to a head. Who is ready for a protest on a much larger scale than the one in Mooresville?

Anonymous said...

I am ready lets go.......

R and L article here said...

from the Robeson County story;

"Boyle (the judge) questioned why the state hadn't cracked down sooner on corruption in Robeson County. State Bureau of Investigation Director Robin Pendergraft said after the sentencing that authorities have been working the case for six years."

Those of you who have it in for Robin Pendergraft may have your answer there. I don't know either way, but it is a possibility.

At any rate, it has been five years since the gold tournament and four since the campaign issues. There have been many issues since then.

Question; how long did Redmond know about McCollum's fake degree prior to the Feds coming in and pressing charges? My understanding was that it was in the fall and McCollum was approached by the FBI several months later after nothing was done. Is there anyone on here who can confirm the time frame?

According to the article covering this in the R&L it states;

"Redmond said he first became aware of what McCollum had done when McCollum told him about it, made the repayment arrangements and retired from the sheriff's office.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation had launched a criminal investigation at that time, Redmond said."

My understanding is that that is in no way how that went down. Not saying it didn't, but asking for confirmation from someone. If the facts differ from Redmond's statement in the paper then the incident would either be an obstruction of justice or a charge of aiding and abbeting.

Just the fact that Redmond states that McCollum came and told him about it doesn't add up. I guess the insinuation is that he couldn't sleep at night and had to get it off bis chest?

Who has the official time frame on that one?

Anonymous said...

I wonder what McCollum told to help himself out?

Anonymous said...

6:37 I can't wait to see you fools in court using the defenses that you use on here.

"Benfield probably wrote that to himself to get some publicity. He supported Mark Nicholson didn't he? I can see where this allegation originated."

Are you insinuating that Benfield knew Mark was going to run in four years so he trumped up the whole threat thing just so the allegations could be made now?

What in the hell do the two have to do with one another. The incident and the article are from four years ago and yet you try to tie that with Nicholson running? Anything to get the focus off Redmond. You do know that you are making Redmond look even more ridiculous with every post.

All of your defenses are similar to this one. Nicholson is responsible for anything that happened since Redmond got into office. none of this would be an issue if it wasn't for Nicholson. Sour grapes and all that bullshit.

The reason Mark Nicholson and the other candidates ran ran is because they recognized the need for redmond to be removed from office and integrity restored.

Everyone of them knew the things that have gone on over the years and the reasons why Redmond needs replaced.

And again, how did Donna know to call the cell phone of Benfield's wife before they were even four miles from their house. Steve wasn't even in custody. he had a friend driving him to the jail to get warrants served and the officers were following him in. That is when she got the call asking for comments about her husband being arrested.

Dirty, dirty stuff.

Anonymous said...

You guys are bent. These “employees” were retired already. Why continue to hold their certificates? He was probably going to do this anyway but he knew if he did it be for the election the whiners’ would be yelling fowl. So he waited and the whiners’ are still yelling fowl. This is just paperwork house cleaning with no other motive.

Anonymous said...

Do you really want the details of that incident published? I'll go to work on it.

I, personally, would like documents and facts -- your response says that this person believed Redmond to be instigating the threat, not that this person had evidence of any sort. Suspicions are part of the question, but the reality is that there was no evidence. If Redmond is the big, bad wolf -- then I'm back to the position that those of you who have specific knowledge of incidents have contributed to the ongoing system of corruption that you're rightfully complaining about.

I don't think we need you to do anything unless you are directly involved. We need those involved to stand up publicly -- in front of the world -- not as anonymous bloggers or as those who have "heard" about how things supposedly went down. Those directly involved need to get an attorney, produce the documents, and go public. If not, then nothing will ever change.

Post official documents, e-mail communications, transcripts -- ANYTHING other than more gossip and rumors. Please!

I am not defending Redmond or what you perceive to be his inner circle. I'm simply asking for the facts (not the he said...she said .. or the I heard this is what happened stuff), and for the injured parties to step up and do something about it. I can tell you that if that happens, there will be a huge well of support from the public at large.

Anonymous said...

9:15 you have go to be kidding me. That is your response?

Anonymous said...

9:17... I gave you the facts. First an article in the R&L documentiong a threat.

Secondly, threats were being made to another candidate, he spoke with Redmond and they stopped.

You wasted a whole lot of typing for nothing. the facts still remain. As I said, I will get a statement from that individual for you and get it on here as quickly as I can. Nothing else to say.

The information posted on here is for public awareness, not placed for us to waste time going back and forth in response to childish defensive posts. Save it for the courtroom.

Anonymous said...

What were the names of the people whose certifications were dropped? I have heard Bob fromme. Who were the others?

Anonymous said...

@ 9:37 -- 9:17 has a good point. You have not posted anything in the way of facts. If you're all about creating "public awareness" then you've done that. Now back it up.

Anonymous said...

Do you really want the details of that incident published?

Nah, I'd rather just hear your version of it. It's so entertaining. Who needs actual facts and real information?

Anonymous said...

Yep. The John Crone situation started out the same way. Anonymous posters, anonymous information that at first wasn't backed by facts. All of those were the result of articles by Jamie that were backed by facts. Eventually the evidence and public support grew until it came to ahead and Crone was fired after trying to resign. Now there are indictments on him. When are they going to be served by the way? Is there some back room negotiation in place?

At any rate, the information and naysayers here are running a parallel direction to the Crone investigation. In spite of the mouth running everything is going along smoothly.

Oh about documentation... the Board of Elections office is full of it. It is recorded there that Redmond accepted illegal campaign contributions that he had to return. It wasn't his first campaign, he knew better. Why were there no charges?

Anonymous said...

No need in arguing with 5 people, mainly 1 (Bob).Its so amazing that a person can have so much hate for a man. Really are you that jealous, what do you want. Oh thats right you want the power, probably because you want to do the things your blaming Redmond for. You know to be as old as you are, it shocks me that you know so little. After working in Law enforcement, it seems you would know that you work at the pleasure of the Sheriff. I dont blame him for getting rid of you and the others. I personally got to hear you speak your mind about Redmond at the early voting poll. I dont blame him for dropping the certificates.

Anonymous said...

Who were the other people whose certifications got dropped?

Anonymous said...

If no need arguing "5" people why not go away? Obviously it has been deemed necessary to moniter information on this blog in order to keep ahead on damage control. It has been pointed out before that the belief is that;

Everything on here is rumors.

Nobody reads this but a handful of people.
Jamie has no credability.

You and the rest of your group are the biggest contradiction on this blog.

I don't read the National Enquirer and your assessment of this blog is comparable to the reputation of the Enquirer. If you truly belive the artices and continuing posts are hogwash by a handful of people and that nobody reads this... why be on here?

Your presence confirms the validity of the allegations that are being drawn.

Anonymous said...

The Crone deal got started precisely due to DOCUMENTS ... yes, DOCUMENTS ... that were posted and backed up the allegations. What do you have? Apparently nothing other than what you've heard or what you've been told. If you wanna go to the elections board and get those documents and post 'em, go right ahead. As usual, though, you expect the rest of the world to go running up there to fight your battle. All I've asked for is for you to produce something in the way of evidence. Hell, send it to Jamie and she'll post it -- but goodness, at least produce something to back up your statements.

Marcel R Pelletier said...

First thing nobody deserves to be treated the way that wimp sheriff that hides behind every female skirt in Iredell!! Ya! you can say what you want about me I just did the same thing everybody else did in the sheriff dept and womanize or some went after male gender!!! I did nothing wrong than the same as the pansy ass sheriff did and Miller & Dowdle chump!! By the way it looked just like you in that picture miller!! and doodle!! you sounded like an idiot on that taping with MR.Goforth that was great for what you did Mr.Goforth!!! I have nothing to hide, so just like you do you idiots dream some thing up!!! I know its not going to be true and the man up above will judge me not YOU!!!! or anyone else!! I would be more then happy to tell what I know and would take a lie detector or go to court and swear under oath!! I know I would be telling the truth!!! I do not know how you idiots can sleep at night knowing how you violate you oath of office!! And I have a lot to say to the people who would like to know!! I want to tell all the people of Iredell County that you let go of the best and most honest person anyone could know like Mark Nicholson he is not just my best friend he is GOOD MAN notice Redmond and his idiot henche men can not say anything because they dont have anything to say!!! Look your getting old and no plastic surgery is going to help you not even Viagra is going to help you so go and play with your self on the porch and remember all the good times where you screwed people and their lives!!!

Anonymous said...

Smart Sheriff ?????????

Since the county is so broke why would you fire retired ,educated and experienced deputies that work for free? After all how much education does the sheriff have? It seem that we already know how much commen sense he has.

Anonymous said...

Marcel soundslike the k9 officer that left.It was miller that would'nt listen to him also.And yes he was able to get his unemployment because of hostile work.

Anonymous said...

First off i think Jamie Gatton needs to fix the article, because no one got fired. Its not like you were drawing a salary, he just drop your certifications. Its time you grow up, didnt anyone teach you if you play with fire you get burned. Anyone in there right mind would have let Fromme go along time ago. He just wants things his way, and i guarantee anyone would have let him go if he said things about you. The certifications that were dropped, were disloyal people.

Anonymous said...

Pelletier - Shut up - You beat up women! Nicholson knows this.

Anonymous said...

Marcel was not a K9 officer, but was, in fact, fired justly. And for the record, he does beat up women. Has at least one assault charge against him.

Anonymous said...

Marcel - Pictures to prove it.

Anonymous said...

I'd be careful asking for proof Marcel...it's out there.

Anonymous said...

Pictures...court documents...

Anonymous said...

MARCEL GO SOBER UP <><> YOUR SO WRONG I'M SOOOOO GLAD I "DON'T" HAVE A "DEDICATED" friend LIKE YOU!!!!!! bet right now Mark wishes he didn't either!!your some kind of a man Marcel you would make a good witness <> a 250 pound (man ?)beating up on a 100 pound woman,your a real man's man!!!!

Anonymous said...

9:15 am
Someone has obviously been giving you something to smoke out of the evidence room.

Anonymous said...

All I want to know is how much will it cost the tax payers move the Sheriff's Office to Brian Center in a couple years. For goodness sake can the man even drive after dark?

Anonymous said...

Last time i checked he saved us a lot of money. Fromme are you jealous that he is older than you, and looks younger. I didnt think you would take it that far.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To the anonymous ones talking about Marcel and Bob. I say , no matter what you think about them at least they have the guts to put their name to the post. I say unless you want to post your own real name not another word about them from you. Not much of a man's man to talk trash about another man on this blog that does use their name and not use your own. About as bad as a woman beater. Coward

Anonymous said...

You don't save money by having to pay for evidence you had destroyed.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You don't save money by having to pay for evidence you have destroyed. That money could have been spent buying Dowdle the Hooked on Phonics books that he needs so badly.

Anonymous said...


Ya that right I didn't use my name and you don't see me saying anything negative about anyone that used thier own name either. UUUUUHHHHH

Anonymous said...

Wow Marcel! it appears as though a few people know ya!

Anonymous said...

And yall are grown ups, wow lord help us. This sounds like a pre school blog

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like the Sheriff holds on to certifications so he has something to hold over someones head. Im sure he knew all these people knew what kind of things go on at the Sheriff's dept. Holding their certifications is a way to keep them quite. Don't say anything about Ol Phil or support anyone else or you will loose your certification. So, now that he knows that this will not keep them quite he drops them as they are no use to him anymore. Forget about the public and loosing good officers. It's all about Phil. Oh,and he also has done this to scare others into not coming forward. But mostly it's that holding the certifications holds no advantage for him anymore. He is an evil man.

Phil's main advantage at this point is that he has all the 60 plus crowd fooled and they always come out and vote. I don't think that they would beleive how evil he is even if they witnessed themselves. Hell, sometimes it's hard for me to beleive the things he is doing and I think no he can't really be that bad. But he is.

Anonymous said...

yea 7:10

Your so full of shit, and know for a fact thats why yall just keep saying he is this and that. We have asked 1000 times for cold hard facts. Like documents or something, but we know you dont have it

Anonymous said...

Redmond got Rick Dowdle and Marks got Marcel. Everybody needs a pet.

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like the conspiracy theorist have run out of new material and are just recycling old crap no one cares about. Steve Benfield clearly supported Mark Nicholson during the election. Nicholson's a good dude, but got bad advice and support from questionable characters. Now, the same supporters who gave the poor advise bring up a threat Benfield supposedly received four years ago. What a joke and what relevance does it have to the current election. I'm waiting on the next conspiracy theory. If I had any interest in voting for Nicholson in 2014, you just blew any chance. Smart move!

Anonymous said...


Thats funny I don't care who you are.

Anonymous said...

The relevance is Shithead is that this is the underhanded Games your boss plays.....

What you gona do when that old fart dies you know that is soon to happen He already has one foot in the grave and the other is on soft dirt...There is only 3 reason you would support Redmond
#1 And the biggest is you dont know him. If you did you would never vote for him...
#2 You have something to gain for Him to be in office
#3 Or you are so deep in the underhanded bull shit that is going on that you can't afford for him not to be in office

Anonymous said...

I voted for Nicholson! Never again! And by the way Shithead Redmond ain't my boss. Try again.

Anonymous said...

GO BILL STAMEY !!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bill Stamey is sounding better and better all the time!!!! It's as if everyone thinks it is already over. People may be suprised in November-we will see just how many people support King Phillip.

Anonymous said...

Wow, just got home and looked the blog over. I have to say that the quality of the posts took a dive similar to the current stock market.

1:07 I already have the documents from the 2006 election. What I want to know is why the SBI has not done anything with it. Of course if it was posted on here then you would say it is irrelevant because it was four years ago. My interest is in getting the right people to look at the documents and bring charges, so proviong sanything to you has no interest to me. Fact is you already know they exist.

Marcel... well Marcel is Marcel. You gotta love him. Say what you will about Marcel, but if good intentions were gold, Marcel would be more valuable than Fort Knox.

I liked the Dowdle Hooked on Phonics book remark. I would like to throw in that maybe he could sing when he talks. It worked for Mel Tillis

10:13 you never voted for Nicholson. Try again when the alcohol wears off.

7:10 you are right about the 60 and over crowd being fooled. They only know what Donna puts in the Redmond & Landfill. Not thier fault.

Also about the certification drops; now those people have nothing to lose. Real smooth move on Phil's part.

7:42 #2 I am glad to see that you openly admitted that you think death threats to one's familiy are a joke. Funny how you take it seriously when someone only makes a statement about your boss.

7:24 there has already been some documentation shown, but much more on the way. trust me, we want to see it on here way more then you do. By the way, have you got a copy of the original tape from Zaxby's?

6:25 the Brian center comment and driving after dark was entertaining.

5:13 said "The certifications that were dropped, were disloyal people."

I suppose those people need to apologize for refusing to be loyal to someone they consider a dishonest tyrant. Give me a break.

11:08... great point and I will copy and paste that in a post following this. I see nobody has replied to that.

And lastly, nobody has responded to the question about who the other people were that got thier certifications dropped? I have heard all of this disloyal crap, but what kind of officers were they? Who were they? It would appear that they would all have a good case in Federal Court. I hope an attorney offers to represent them.

One last thing... Redmond has to go, no matter what legal means it takes.

Anonymous said...

Copied and re-posted because it deserves an answer:

If no need arguing "5" people why not go away? Obviously it has been deemed necessary to moniter information on this blog in order to keep ahead on damage control. It has been pointed out before that the belief is that;

Everything on here is rumors.

Nobody reads this but a handful of people.
Jamie has no credability.

You and the rest of your group are the biggest contradiction on this blog.

I don't read the National Enquirer and your assessment of this blog is comparable to the reputation of the Enquirer. If you truly belive the articles and continuing posts are hogwash by a handful of people and that nobody reads this... why be on here?

Your presence confirms the validity of the allegations that are being drawn.

Goodnight ya'll... said...

And again, Redmond has to go. I say first we get our hands on some of that documentation that is continually being requested and get it published.

Following that we need to have the biggest demonstration that Iredell County has ever seen. How many people do you think we can get to come out and show Redmond that he is no longer wanted? Lets get the news crews in here and maybe Robin Pendergraft will be watching along with Roy Cooper and see that we are serious about throwing out the trash in Iredell County.

The Redmonites are right, the primary is over. Now it's time to raise hell. This was never about getting someone in office, it was about getting someone out. That someone has got to go. Four more years of Redmond is not an option.

Anonymous said...

Well no matter how you look at it. Until someone either takes him to court there is no need in talking about it. The Democratic Party still has a dog in this race (Bill Stamey). If you want Redmond gone, support Stamey in the November election. Talk is cheap, come out to vote and bring your friends.

Anonymous said...

Again, if there is no need talking about it, shut the hell up. 12:26 summed up that whole angle.

Chances are that a Democrat will never win this election no matter what. There is also another guy, Skip Alexander who is going around getting signatures so he can run independant. That will only take more votes away from Stamey. Skip will be an unknown independant and will be lucky to get 1500 votes. He has been told that but seems to be dead set on running anyway.

That being said, we can't take a chance of Redmond winning the election. He has to go out regardless. He needs to be removed from office.

His services are no longer needed.

Anonymous said...

Oh by the way, Stamey has my vote.

Anonymous said...

Again, who were the others who lost thier certifications. What kind of officers were they? Does anyone know thier names?

Anonymous said...

June 3, 11:15

"Hell is full of good intentions or desires" Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (1091-1153)

Marcel said...

Ya! I went to court on that the judge threw it out! and said it was a public affray on both of us!So read your evidence write!!!! And yes I told the judge that I kicked her in the ass as she went out the door ,because she kicked a 15 pound dog across the yard!! So do what you want and say what you want I have nothing to hide!!! GO STAMEY!!!! Redmond, Miller And Doodle if you were all on fire in the side of the rode, I WOULDN,T EVEN PISS ON YA TO PUT THE FIRE OUT!! So say what ever I know the truth!! And thank you who ever you are that said the nice thing about me!!I know I am not an angel by no means, but I also don't think I am a God like some people think they are like your sheriff!! So if you can not put your name on this report than SHUT THE HELL UP!! Bob,Somers,Benfield and I have the Guts to put our name to it!! And MR Benfield you are a good man and you will get justice for what Redmond has done to you and your family!! And Redmond what you did to Gloria was not wright you dont deserve that!!She retire,s on the same week or within a couple of days and has a freedom of speech last time I knew, and puts a sigh up in her yard for Mark and you drop her certification, she devoted her life to the sheriff dept. NOT TO YOU REDMOND!! YOU POMPIS ASS!!! You certainly have a FREE PASS TO HELL!!! YOUR A DEVIL IN SHEEPS TAILERD CLOTHING!!! HA! HA! That was funny! You ASS!!

Anonymous said...

I would like to comment on this entire certification issue. The North Carolina Sheriff's Education and Training Standards Commission issues all Certifications for Sheriff's Deputies in the State. The Certification belongs to the Deputy NOT the SHeriff's Department. If a deputy separates, for any reason, from the Sheriff's Department that certification is valid for one year so the deputy can seek employment in law enforcement elsewhere. If after one year the deputy has not been reemployed he or she must complete the Basic Law Enforcement Training program in its entirity.

In many cases when a deputy retires the Sheriff will "carry them on the books" as a special deputy, a reserve deputy, or a part time deputy. This allows these deputies to retain their certifications. It appears this is the case in these instances. Just wanted everyone to understand what is being discussed here. Just becase the Sheriff has terminated these employees does not mean their certification is lost. They just need to become employed by another Sheriff's Department or a police department since both the Sheriff's Commission and the Criminal Justic Education Training and Standards Commission recognizes one another's certifications.

Anonymous said...

Marcel appears to have the IQ of a cooked turnip!

Mike Dobson said...

You know, all of you that post on here must have something to hide. None of you put your name on here. Must be becasue remond fired your ass,or didnt give you a job, and now you have a vendata against him. Your about as bad, as the owner of this blog,MS GATTON...I would sure hate to be in her shoes right now.

Anonymous said...

Marcel appears to have the IQ of a cooked turnip! And yes he did get fired! Doing the nasty with somebody's wife! Lucky he didn't get shot...

Anonymous said...

Someone asked about some of the officer's that are gone now.The k9 officer that left has been on duty for 11 years he was a very good officer and loved his job.Never been wrote up or anything bad put in his file and he was treated this way because some ass kisser's said he said something about phil.

Anonymous said...

What about the rest of the officers. Does nobody have those names? Also, what kind of officers were they? I understand that some of them have been gone for awhile. Did they leave retire/resign on good terms?

Anonymous said...

Jamie keep up the good work. We know that you support law enforcement and are only interested in uncovering the truth about those who ruin it for the rest of us. We all appreciate the fact that you are bold enough to put your face and name to the search for truth.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, old Marcel put his name on here AND admitted to exactly what he did wrong. No dishonesty there. Like Marcel or not, he is right out front with everything.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike Dobson this is David Hernandez. Yeah I can make up names too.

Anonymous said...

You surely don't believe that a persons honesty is proven simply by the fact that they are willing to post their name on a blog? You obviously do NOT know the man. Honesty...not one of his strong suits!

Anonymous said...

I happen to know that the dog incident occured as he said. He also admitted to screwing around where he shouldn't have been. He is the most honest person on here. Most are only honest about what what others have done. Marcel will tell you others have done AND what he has done. The delivery may be a little rough, but the information is solid.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 4:10 who said, " What goes around, comes around. To get along, you have to go along."

Only one thing trumps that; when the going along violates the oath that you were sworn to uphold as a law enforcement officer. Loyalty does have limits.

Anonymous said...

Who were the officers that this article is about???!!!

Anonymous said...

I know for a fact that Marcel has beat up more that one woman.

Anonymous said...

Has Rick Dowdle ever beat up his girl friend or threatened her life. Has Harold Miller ever beaten up any of his girlfriends?

Anonymous said...

Has the Sheriff ever threatened to kill any of his girlfriends husbands?

Anonymous said...

Has Rick Eades an officer over the SRO ever gotten in trouble for having inappropriate things to young girls on his myspace,

Anonymous said...

Did another office at the ICSO find out Rick Eades had said inappropriate things to his teenage daughter?

Anonymous said...

Did something happen last year at the summer Dare Camp with Rick Eades and the teenage girl counselors?

Anonymous said...

Is the Sheriff being sued for sexual harrassment?

Anonymous said...

Did ICSO Detective Ben Jenkins get in trouble for sexually harrassing one of the DV victims he was working with?

Anonymous said...

Has one of the ICSD clerical workers repeatedly tested postivie for drugs?

Anonymous said...

Wow! Enquiring minds want to know. The difference between Marcel and the other people mentioned on here is that Marcel has made mistakes and bad decisions over the years like all of us have. Marcel also has not intentionally done anything to hurt or be mean to anyone without provocation or just for fun. Marcel also will tell you what mistakes he has made.

On the other hand there are others that continue the same behavior without remorse or regret for the entirety of their life. They will deny any wrong doing no matter what. When caught red handed they get mad because they feel that people need to mind their own business.

They live a life of self service and indulgance without any thought of right or wrong. It is hedonism at it's best.

That is the difference between imperfect people, which we all are, and those who deliberately set out to do whatever pleases them no matter what repurcussions or havoc it reaks on those around them. They have no respect for other individuals, no regard for the law except in those instances where they can twist it to suit their purposes and no desire to improve themselves or their outlook because they consider themselves immune from accountability.

That is the class of people we are dealing with who comprise the inner circle and part of the administration at the Sheriffs Office. Those are the people who need to be removed and the mentality that needs to no longer regulate the daily workings and direction of our department.

Anonymous said...

7:52... wonderful post. Now unfortunately it is time for the Redmonites to respond with allegations of you are a poo poo head and your mama wears army boots.

Anonymous said...

Brother Phil sure didn't mind hooking up with him in 1994 to get him to make signs for his campaign. Hell, Redmond used to visit them at home and at their camper spot.

I don't buy your line about "You can talk all the inside BS about Redmond I really dont care and dont know."

You do care and you do know, and more importantly we know and the public is going to know.

Anonymous said...

Lots of questions above......
I know Miller has had several domistic situations with a girlfriend and even painted nasty stuff all over the side of her car when she had it parked in downtown mooresville (she was working at the pawn shop)
and didn't Eades become unemployed for a situation involving a young girl at the park?

Anonymous said...

Actually Jack Shit is a good friend of mine. We try to get together to go fishing at least once a month. Jack doesn't know you though. And, if you didn't have something to do with the county you wouldn't be on a blog posting under an article about the Sheriff.

Got to go, Jack's calling.

Anonymous said...

Help me out on the STFU. I thought maybe it stood for Still Trying to Forget You, but you don't sound like an ex of mine. Even my ex's like Steve.

Anonymous said...

One more thing. This isn't a shitty county, it is only currently under shitty management. Iredell is a great place to be, great people and a great location. Mountains to the West and the ocean to the East.

Can't wait for the under new management sign to go up.

Anonymous said...

I can't get over it! A man is an admitted batterer! But because he admits it and was, supposedly, provoked, it's ok? What kind of ignorant thought process IS that? Would it be ok if it were a woman you know? A sister perhaps? Of COURSE it would! You need to familiarlize yourself with the facts on domestic violence in this country and then continue to justify this kind of behaviour! There is NO excuse for battering. Being provoked...no excuse! And GET OVER this idiotic idea that because he admits it he's really a good guy! Kind of like putting lipstick on a pig...but it's still a pig!

Anonymous said...


Admitting to it is the first step in not letting it happen again. You can work with someone that admits what they are doing is wrong because they recognize it. And no one said it was right. And further more do you really think that a women that torments a man to the point of doing something he should not had no responsibility in the matter. I am not saying its right but the she bears some responsibility. And I know plenty of women that are batterers and sure enough they are not treated the same as men. Most of them never even see any charges.

The reality of the matter is that everyone has there breaking point , you , me and everyone else.

Also, I know that most of the questions asked above about Dowdle , Miller, Eades and Jenkins are true. Funny how they are all still working at the Sheriff's department after battering and sexually harrassing and going after teenage girls, no this doesn't get you fired but supporting another candidate does. No you wouldn't want someone supporting another candidadte to work there they might sabatage the place , like maybe saying something to the public about what goes on there. What a bunch of hypocrites and low lifes. There time is coming. There is a large group of people forming ( and its getting larger by the day) that will not rest until something is done about the Sheriff's Department.

Anonymous said...

If admitting it keeps it from happening again, then why hasn't he stopped??

Anonymous said...

If every man who is provoked slapped a woman around, they would ALL be quilty. yet some men choose to deal with their anger in a different manner. Yes, we are all provoked at some point. We make a Choice. Will we be batterers..or not? He has made the choice to be just that...on more than one occasion. But he's really a good guy, good intentions, heart of gold??? Horse Shit!

Anonymous said...

I know the ones that keep talking about Marcel , know about all offences that Eades, Miller the Sheriff, and Jenkins have perpetrated against women . So unless you want to talk about them and what they have done and the fact that they are still at the Sheriff's department , then keep it to yourself.

Anonymous said...

Sorry..I'm not personally aware of any issues with the others...therefore i can't comment on anyone else.

Anonymous said...

I would like to throw in a comment or two. I have lived in Iredell all of my life and I have been in and around the Sheriff's Office all of my life. I am speaking back to the Rumple and Tom Thompson days. Anyway, I was first sworn by Sheriff LeRoy and then by Redmond. I know all of the guys that are listed here and sad to say most of the statements are very much right on track. I guess what I am trying to say is the REAL SAD part is This type of behavior has always been there and has always been common practice. Redmond has done some good things over the last 200 years or so, but times have changed and that group needs to wake up and look at a calender. It is 2010. This crap can not continue and what is worse... reward that behavior. Some leaders want to surrond themselves with people just like themselves. That seems to be the case here. I will close by saying there are many good people working at the Sheriff's Department. Just not at the top.

Anonymous said...

First of all I would like to make a statement and I could care less who the sheriff is or who may me the sheriff.
Everyone who has a few hours to WASTE needs to go to the Mooresville District Court for a experience that you will never forget.
First of all the DAs do not run the court room, lawyers do they just come in and out picking up case folders and taking them out and bring them in. The DA leaves and stays gone for 10-15 minutes and the rest of the people just sit there doing nothing. The doors to the court room are real loud when they close this really interrupts everyones attention. After a while I started counting and from 9:45 to 12:15 the doors where open 73 times. This was 95 per cent lawyers and the DAs.
You cannot bring in any food or drink but the lawyers,DAs and deputies can. The deputies will not assist you they just sit there and if you raise your hand or approach the front they will tell you to sit down or leave the room. They are not public friendly. Most of the people that I saw and talked to have never been in a court room and they do not know what to do.
The Sheriff court room bailiffs two of them has apparently a very serious health problem. They have a severe case of the Dunlap disease. Their stomaches have dun lapped way over their belts. Apparently there is no phsyical fitness program within the Sheriff Dept.
Just getting in the court room is another story that you ought to see several old want to be $5.00 hour guards that think that they are real law enforcement officers.
I was a witness not a defendant but I am going back again when I need a good laugh and you the public need to do so also.
Just for the sheriff or who ever is in charge of the courts my gosh get the deputies in shape they look ......

Anonymous said...

This is no blog, this is a place for grown ups to act like kids again. Kinda like mommy mommy guess what i heard at school today. I have laughed my ass off, and wonder how any of you got an education. I think i should call whistleblower 9 and tell them to do a story on. Grown ups acting like pre schoolers

Anonymous said...

3:43 Contact whistleblower 9 let's get all the publicity we can.

If you have a problem with the posts on this blog then quit posting as you are obviously one of the low brow contributors. There are some very well thought out, well articulated posts on here that are being responded to in an infantile manner by the Redmonite defense team. Why? Because they only have three options.

1.) Deny and make counter claims as the Sheriff says.

2.) Post as many childish responses on here as possible to bury the information that has been made public.

3.) Threaten as many people as you can.

9:55 great post and great points. As you said there is major misconduct at the top that is buried, yet supporting another candidate gets you banned.

You know it was said by one of the uppers that sex crimes really aren't crimes? I won't post who said that until I can get personal confirmation from that person, but I will say that it was said. He knows who he is and for the moment that is good enough. That explains why the laxed attitude towards wrongs against women.

Remember all the stories about the couch in the old white house above the jail? There was enough DNA on that thing to make it crackle when you sat down. Nasty damn people. Nothing has changed, just the names and the places. Myers Lake Campground, Yadkin County. Got caught in a compromising position in Yadkin County didn't you boss?

And yes, if you don't openly support the Sheriff it makes him nervous because as 9:55 said, you might tell what is going on up there.

It's okay though. No matter how many infantile posts you make, no matter how much you deny and make counter claims, no matter how much you threaten people, a new day is coming in which the sun will come up and everybody can smile knowing that we are now Redmond free.

Also 9:55 is correct in saying that there is a large movement that extends through many levels of Iredell County that is focused on the removal or indictment of Phillip Redmond and his inner circle.

Lastly, who were the people that this article was written about? What kind of officers were they? I would like to hear from them other than just the one who posted on here. Can anyone tell me who they were or anything about them?

Anonymous said...

M Rogers? I don't think so. You are either one of the inner circle or a relative of upper brass.

Another fine example of the mentality tied to the Redmond administration. Allow me to post an excerpt of the previous post for your reading pleasure: (Dwell on #2 for awhile)

If you have a problem with the posts on this blog then quit posting as you are obviously one of the low brow contributors. There are some very well thought out, well articulated posts on here that are being responded to in an infantile manner by the Redmonite defense team. Why? Because they only have three options.

1.) Deny and make counter claims as the Sheriff says.

2.) Post as many childish responses on here as possible to bury the information that has been made public.

3.) Threaten as many people as you can.

Anonymous said...

The Redmond mentality is overwhelmingly self incriminating.

So, who are the others who got let go?

Anonymous said...

Has John Crone been arrested and, if not, why? I keep waiting to see his photo in the paper doing the perp walk.

Anonymous said...

6:32...You mean the illegal perp walk that Redmond is so famous for?

Remember the photo of Barbara Evans being led by the legendary Phillip Redmond taking her to the jail? Sge wasn't going to the jail. She was taken out of her initial interview so Redmond could pose with her for that photo. Unless they destroyed them to cover their ass, that information should be in the detectives interview notes. She was halfway cooperative prior to being taken outside and being held up like a fish by jackass Redmond. After being used like a piece of meat cooperation was out the window. I'll bet the families of the victims would have been more at ease with a confession than a photo that was needed right before election. But like always, Redmond is for Redmond with no regard for anyone else.

And yes, it is illegal. Another open and flagrant violation of the law by Redmond. And yes, there is record of it.

The law:

"The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit has recently issued two notable rulings on the legality of perp walks. In Lauro v. Charles, July 28, 2000, the court ruled that perp walks which are staged solely for the media violate a suspect's Fourth Amendment"

The only regard that Redmond and his inner circle have for the law is when they can twist it to serve their purpose.

Anonymous said...

Where in the f--k is the SBI and the DA's office???!!!! Time to do a perp walk with Redmond.

Anonymous said...

What does it matter to you Duck? At least you got to walk with her too. Unlike Poteat.

Anonymous said...

So who were the officers who the story was written about? We need to hear from them. Jamie, can you find out and contact them? Somebody has to know who they are.

Anonymous said...

This story is about violating the constitutional rights of officers; specifically the First Ammendment Rights of those officers.

The post at 9:59 is about Redmond violating the Fourth Amendment rights of a suspect in custody.

As Jamie has pointed out, the Sheriffs' website
www.iredellsheriff.com says that as part of it's mission that;

"The Iredell County Sheriff's Office exists to serve all people within our jurisdiction with respect, fairness and compassion."

Yeah, I can see that.

It also lists as one of Redmonds "Principles" as;

"...upholding the Constitution of the United States of America..."

I don't think openly violating first and fourth amendment rights is meeting the promise that Redmond has made.

As Redmond says, "It's not what you do, it's what people think you do."

Obviously now people think your mission statement and principles are the work of a con man.

Time for a massive march on a County Commissioners meeting. Redmond has to go. The DA needs to get off her behind and the SBI needs to do their damn job.

Anonymous said...

What else does Redmond need to openly do in public for him to be removed? Constitutional rights violated, election fraud which was publicized in the Redmond & Landfill. I wish I could remember Steve Johnson's quote after the election board looked over everything.

It was something to the effect of, it doesn't look right to me but the rest of them are saying okay so I'm going to go along with it. Does somebody have that quote? I couldn't find it online.

Anonymous said...

The officers that got let go must have been some pretty bad officers and bad people. Why else would Redmond do that? He has always seemed fair to me. It couldn't just be because they disagreed with him. Anyone on the inside have the scoop on that?

Anonymous said...

12:02 watch out, because he few that repost on this blog all the time. They are about to bring you down call you names, and do whatever else they think that will harm you. Im sorry if your new to this site, but youll learn to find out that if you want to discuss this face to face they want, they will name a million excuses why they cant.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if we can get the names of the people who were dropped they would be willing to make a statement. They must have been really bad people to be dropped. Bring out what they did and maybe they will come on here with their names.

Anonymous said...

2:07 why don't you challenge them by name if you are so sure? People from the Redmonites have been called out on here and have yet to respond. The ONLY people I have seen on here that posted their name were from the Nicholson camp.

2:15 they weren't bad people, just good people who opposed the Sheriff because of his methods of operation.

Anonymous said...

220 I personally challenge you to discuss in public. But I dont want any he said she said. I want evidence, and that means something i can see.

Anonymous said...

3:40... as I said, the ONLY people who have posted their name have been from the Nicholson camp. Your response to that is another anonymous post saying you want to discuss this in public. What do you mean by "public"? Define public for me! This appears about as public as it gets. We know for a fact that several news agencies are reading this blog. Say what you have to say, the people in our small world are watching.

Also, you want something you can see. How about doing like the post asked and call out those who got their certification dropped, by name. Tell them what they did wrong that caused them to get their certification dropped other than opposing Redmond's unprofessional rule.

This article was about Phillip Redmond dropping certifications. Talk shit to those people and tell them what else they did wrong. Tell them how they were bad officers. Tell how they did a lousy job. Let's get these posts back on track asshole. Let's put some names on here and then maybe you will get your evidence. Do some head on confrontation you can even remain anonymous.

Like said, the ONLY people who have posted their name have been from the Nicholson camp. Not one Redmondette had the balls to post theirs.

Rick Eades, Neil Hayes, Judas Hepler, Rick Dowdle, talk shit about people on a regular basis now sign your name to it. Darren Campbell I always thought you were okay but you have had a nut hanging over both sides of the fence since this started. I used to defend you even though someone told me that you would give somebody a hug and steal their wallet. In other words you would be good to someone's face and then stab them in the back.

6:10 you are the biggest coward on this blog. You will sit anonymously and call someone out by telling them that their wife has a fat ass and accuse others of getting their rocks off by posting here.

Yet you are the one "getting your rocks off" on your little power trip. You are degrading people and threatening their job. You claim to have first hand information about who has IP addresses and who is about to lose their job so it is one of two things.

1.) You are lying.

2.) You are one of Redmond's people who enjoys tormenting and threatening.

I tend to believe it is the second. The reason is simple, Redmond is an unprofessional insecure asshole and the only way he can remain in office is to have his band of flying monkeys cover his ass. They have to do that by acting out the #2 statement.

Neil Hayes... remember when you were going to run for Sheriff against Redmond? You had this big plan about using your position in DARE to meet all these parents to get well known and get votes. You got so cocky you told almost everybody about it. You were wanting to run against Redmond because of the way he was but yet you were already like him. Remember the list of people you were going to fire? Oh by the way Rick Dowdle, you were on it. Remember that the next time that ya'll are having a little circle ass kissing moment.

Ya'll are a bunch of wimps that have been inflicting damage on the Sheriffs Office morale for years by hiding behind the devil's coattail.

Call some more names, get everybody motivated. Talk shit on the people who got their certification dropped. I'm tired of them being silent. There are many reasons that people oppose Redmond. Call people out so they will tell them.

Anonymous said...

Let's go assholes. Tell other people by name what they did wrong! If you have IP addresses and know who is going to get fired then you know who got their cretifications dropped and why. Call those names out and tell each one how bad of a person they are and what they did wrong other than opposing the Great Phillip Redmond, master of "It's not what you do, but what people think you do."

Anonymous said...

If there are any hemmoroids looking for a home, there are about ten first class ones available at the Sheriffs Office.

Anonymous said...

You have IP addresses, you know who is going to lose their job. Call out some f--cking names and tell them what they did wring besides supporting Mark Nicholson and not liking Redmond's unprofessional conduct.

Anonymous said...

Allegations have been made from this side that are ALL true. make some of your own. Of course that may be a problem. The allegations from this side can be handled with a subpoena unless someone is willing to lie on the stand. That would be crossing another line that as far as I know hasn't been crossed yet.

Make some allegations of your own that you can back up with a subpoena and a witness. Time for this shit to come to a head.

Anonymous said...

How about some names and accusations there peckerheads? Tell the world why those people had their certifications dropped?!! It couldn't be just because they supported someone else and didn't like the way the Sheriff operates. On his website it says;

"The Iredell County Sheriff's Office exists to serve all people within our jurisdiction with respect, fairness and compassion. To fulfill our mission, the Iredell County Sheriff's Office is dedicated to providing a quality work environment and the development of its members through effective training, leadership and career development."

Lots of "compassion" on this BLOG. Calling someone a fat ass bitch and threatening her job? Is that Redmond's idea of "providing a quality work environment"? He's such an unprofessional ass.

Dropping those certifications was a knee jerk reaction that showed the county just what kind of person Phillip Redmond is.

Anonymous said...

Ya'll are a bunch of wimps that have been inflicting damage on the Sheriffs Office morale for years by hiding behind the devil's coattail.

Call some more names, get everybody motivated. Talk shit on the people who got their certification dropped. I'm tired of them being silent. There are many reasons that people oppose Redmond. Call people out so they will tell them.

Anonymous said...

To all the Nicholson supporters...

"“You are a coward when you even seem to have backed down from a thing you openly set out to do” -Mark Twain

Anonymous said...

More for the Nicholson supporters...

“As the ostrich when pursued hideth his head, but forgetteth his body; so the fears of a coward expose him to danger.”

In other words, you have your mouth shut but you ass is hanging out to get shot off.

Anonymous said...

Here is a quote for BOTH sides...

"“Hatred is the coward's revenge for being intimidated.”

George Bernard Shaw

Anonymous said...

Let's RUMBLE!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The only defense the Redmond team has is to talk shit...

“Slander is the revenge of a coward, and dissimulation his defense”

(Dissimulation is a form of deception in which one conceals the truth.)

Ya'll are some dissimulating bastards. But then again that comes back to your inner circle training manual:

It's not what you do, it's what people think you do.

If you get in trouble, deny and make counter claims.

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