Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Skip Alexander: a new name in the race for sheriff

Phil Redmond may have won the Republican nomination for Iredell County sheriff in the May 4 primary, but the election results couldn’t have possibly left the incumbent feeling overly confident.

After all, more voters in his own party voted against him than for him.

Mooresville resident Robert E. “Skip” Alexander plans to tap into that momentum, joining Redmond and Democratic challenger Bill Stamey on the Nov. 2 ballot as an unaffiliated candidate for Iredell sheriff. The Iredell County Board of Elections on Thursday verified “well above the 4,037 signatures of Iredell County voters required” for Alexander’s name to be included on the general-election ballot.

“Unfortunately, the May 4 primary found 87 percent of Iredell’s voters uninvolved,” states a press release issued by Alexander’s campaign late last week. But of the voters who turned out, “51 percent of Republican voters voted against Sheriff Redmond,” the release points out.

“Two days after the May primary,” it continues, “a Statesville Record & Landmark editorial acknowledged ‘…this election has highlighted several areas where a large number of people feel Redmond and his department could improve. What is perceived as poor inter-agency cooperation and unfair treatment of certain deputies…’

“These observations,” Alexander’s campaign states, “fit squarely with a January 4, 1995 front page R&L report, following Phil Redmond’s first election, that ‘…14 sheriff’s department employees were not resworn after the November election.’ A 14 year veteran deputy was given just three days notice of his termination.”

Alexander’s campaign contends that “such a history may explain why many current and former Sheriff’s Office employees hesitate to express their concerns publicly.”

What Alexander’s campaign didn’t mention in its release was Redmond’s more recent firings of four part-time/reserve deputies who supported a different candidate for sheriff in the May 4 primary. In addition to firing those employees and dropping their law-enforcement certifications, Redmond dropped the certifications of five other inactive officers. All nine had supported Republican challenger Mark Nicholson in the primary. (For more, visit http://thegattonreport.blogspot.com/2010/06/sheriff-on-collision-course-with.html)

Alexander, according to his campaign press release, “was encouraged to run for sheriff by citizens concerned about matters within the Iredell County Sheriff’s Office and its relationships with other first responder organizations.”

The press release states that Alexander “is continuing his one-to-one contacts with Iredell voters, and will do this as Sheriff, regularly interacting with residents, schools, and organizations throughout the county.” Alexander will also “focus credit for achievements upon all enforcement and corrections personnel, not upon his own re-election.”

Being an unaffiliated candidate, Alexander has had to work harder to join the sheriff’s race than the candidates who vied in the May 4 primary. He also was not able to participate in a candidates’ forum that preceded the primary, which means he’ll have to play catch up with Redmond and Stamey.

Like the other candidates in the primary, Alexander agrees that drugs are “the foremost crime problem in Iredell County - in our communities and in our schools.” He says “to best target illegal drugs and other crime problems, it is essential that all levels of law enforcement – municipal, county, state, and federal – have strong, cooperative relationships and joint efforts.” Alexander, according to his press release, also "supports the right of honest, law-abiding citizens to possess firearms for sport and self-protection."

Alexander says his focus and vision as sheriff would include:

  • A visible sheriff, in uniform, a role model professionally and personally
  • Aggressive, county-wide response to drugs, gangs, violent crime, DWIs
  • Strengthening relationships with police, fire, medics, SBI, federal agencies
  • Leadership by example and encouragement, not politics or intimidation

Alexander “believes that a law enforcement leader, acting with fairness, openness, and honesty, serves best by equipping, advocating for, and encouraging all of his personnel.” His hope “is that Iredell will be a great place to live and work, and that the Iredell County Sheriff’s Office will be a great place to serve and grow as a law enforcement or corrections professional.”

Alexander – whose father served 39 years with the N.C. State Highway Patrol – served almost 24 years as an FBI Special Agent in four states and at FBI headquarters as an investigator, negotiator, legal advisor, and supervisor. At age 54, he completed Basic Law Enforcement Training. He has served alongside corrections personnel while teaching Bible studies at Mecklenburg’s Jail Central, and he has also served as a reserve deputy in the Mecklenburg County Sheriffs Office. As a youth, Alexander served as a Red Cross instructor and Civil Air Patrol Cadet. His passion for volunteering has followed him into adulthood, serving his church, nonprofit boards, EMT squad, Peace Officers for Christ, and Boy Scouts.

He and his wife, Amanda, have twin sons, David and Matt, 22, and have served as foster parents to 19 children. For more information on Alexander, visit

So what are your thoughts on Alexander joining the race for sheriff? Even before he officially joined, people were already abuzz about what impact a third candidate would have on the race. Many people have expressed doubt that an unaffiliated candidate stands a chance at all. Some believe that Alexander may simply take votes away from Stamey, who already faces an uphill climb since he is a Democratic challenger in an overwhelmingly conservative county. Still others believe Alexander’s involvement is the perfect example of what the democratic process is all about – and the additional competition will force a healthier race and give options to voters.

Another observation: Mooresville’s voter turnout in the May 4 primary was nothing short of shameful. What impact, if any, will Alexander’s candidacy have on southern Iredell County voters since he is a Mooresville resident?


Anonymous said...

I do not know Mr. Alexander, however I do know that he can't have too many skeletons in his closet or the FBI would have sent him packing. It is about time that someone stepped up to the plate with a real education and some real expierence.

Anonymous said...


Get out and Vote said...

He looks great on paper and I am sure in person too. The problem is his affiliation. I am afraid there will be a many straight pparty ticket voters. Nicholson and Blocker get their people to support this guy and he has a chance though! Best of luck to all the candidates

Anonymous said...

Just because he was an FBI Agent doesn't mean he'd make a good Sheriff. There is a huge difference between federal, state and local law enforcement. Like it or not, a Sheriff has to be a politician. They have to play the game with the county officials to get what they want. Phil Redmond is a master of this. Good luck to all!!!

Anonymous said...

We need someone who is NOT a politician to get in there and show the others how it is done. The county officials who insist on playing politics have enough dirt on them to get them thrown out if they don't want to do things right.

Anonymous said...

Three important points
1) educate yourself (Don't go on hear say)
2) VOTE !!!!! It is a privilege
3) Democrat ??? Republican ??? Integrity = yes

Anonymous said...

A true professional LEO who has worked at federal, state and local levels, who has seen how it is done somewhere besides our Good Ole Boy system. It's time for a change NOW.

Anonymous said...

I talked to Skip at the polls in May an i think i'll "SKIP" over him - i thought he was a "NUT"

Anonymous said...

Better a "nut" than a crook.

Anonymous said...

maybe you was the nut and didn't understand his good ideals

Anonymous said...

If Satan himself ran I would vote for him instead of Redmond. At least Satan is up front about who he is.

Report Public Corruption.org said...

Report public corruption anonymously. Link above to website.

Anonymous said...

jamie,let us know more on D.A. Brandon Crouse,mooreville officer thompson took the report,i heard he was strung out on oxycotin trying to buy needles at a local drugstore in mooresville and caused a scene when they wouldn't sell to him,i know the head da is on vacation,let us know more,remember he's running for district ct judge in november

Anonymous said...

The small i dude... still lingering on. The Sheriff still have you on blog watch?

Anonymous said...

Did Officer Thompson charge him? more good ole boy networking?

Anonymous said...

Concerned Citizen said...

I was a Nicholson supporter. Skip has the potential to do something but he needs help NOW. I will be helping him. I am asking the other Nicholson supporters to contact Skip and offer to help him. "Redmond has got to go."

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, lots of that at the Sheriffs Office where someone should have done their job and fired and charged someone. Guess we have a double standard where people are exempt from being charged if they work for Phil and kiss his ass.

Would I be guessing right if I said that the 6:34 post was from someone tired of having a finger pointed at them? More than likely.

Anonymous said...

2:28...Fromme, that you?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

9:47 I was saying that 2:28 "the concerned citizen" sounded like Fromme. You have a one track mind that seems to be centered around finding fault with the DA's office. The purpose of that would be to have someone look bad other than your boy Redmond and his inner circle. I remember you cap king just like I remember the litle i guy.

Let me ask you what you continually ask the rest of us; Do you have proof of this attempted needle purchase and oxycotin asbuse? Do you have witnesses? Do you have documentaion? If not it is all heresay and rumors. If there is something to it, put your name on it instead of being anonymous. Sound familiar?

If it is true then contact the press or contact ReportPublicCorruption.org to give that information to them.

Anonymous said...

First, Thomas Thompson is a CAPTAIN not a road officer. He would not take the report himself. And, an officer does not have to make an arrest immediately. Sometimes they make sure that the DA will prosecute the case before filing charges. I really am tired of civilians that don't know what they are talking about. And, some of you may want to read the news article about the judge that ordered the writter of a blog to release all the names of people that posted on the web site. Maybe some of you will stop making accusations against Thompson, Fromme, Redmond, Hillard, Nitzu, both Wyatt's and all the others that have been talked about on here. Please find a life other than spewing your garbage.

Anonymous said...

I never understood why those who consider this to be garbage continue to deliberately go through the motions to pull up the blog and read it.

Anonymous said...

CAPTAIN Thomas Thompson is not a road officer, however he is an officer with a supervisory position within the department. He can determine whether an arrest be made at the time of the call or at a later date. Other Factors determine those charges. 8 Day Rehab never cured anybody! More needle tricks for the weekend.

Anonymous said...

Sheriff Skip, Skippy the Sheriff. Don't know, just doesn't sound right.

Click Here said...

Report Public Corruption anonymously. Link above.

Anonymous said...

Need more info on this Crouse situation. Lot of info leaking out about drug issues stemming way back. Addiction, Conviction, Rehab, etc... Judicial Standards issues like this for a Judge??? Not Hardly! This has got to come out to the press and public and be stopped! Come on Jamie, get on this, it is BIG!

Anonymous said...

I was a Nicholson voter, also you can bet that Alexander has my vote and I would love to help in making sure that Phil will be the one who is disappointed in November.I have heard that Phil said that there was going to be a lot of disappointed people in November.
Hope it is PHIL!

Anonymous said...

Jamie, Any idea why the names of the other 3 in the car were witheld from the news media in the Pless murder?

Anonymous said...

11:58 I was a Nicholson supporter as well. Alexander is an unafilliated unknown with no chance of doing anything except taking a few needed votes from Stamey. Are you sure that you and Skippy aren't working for Redmond?

Anonymous said...

lol, I didn't know Tom Church knew about this site

Anonymous said...

Hey, has anybody heard the good news? The SBI's so-called director, Robin PenderCRAP (oops, I meant Pendergraft, how very disrespectful of me), has finally gotten the boot.

Here's the link:


Anonymous said...

about time. the SBI's ignored one after another corrupt deal here in Mooresville and surrounding areas for at least the last ten years. glad to know somebody found the source of why everything's been brushed under the rug.

Anonymous said...

must have got the smile from redmond

Anonymous said...

Play nice 9:37.

Anonymous said...

Nothing to do with the current post but I just seen where the Mooresville Tribune is going to have a Sunday edition what a damn joke. There isn't shit in the one on Wednesday or Friday. I guess that they are going to put more ads in this paper and charge you $1.25. It is on the racks around town now saying a Sunday edition. People who are wasting their money now on Wednesday and Friday would really show their stupity buying buying the Sunday trash.

Trevor Mitchell said...

I met Skip Alexander the other night, and I have to say that I was impressed with him until he started with rumors about Redmond. I have now done a little more asking around and found out that he was part of the Mark Nicholson camp and actually started getting signatures to run before Mark ever lost the election. I liked Nicholson, but couldn’t vote for him since I was a democrat. I can’t vote for Alexander because he seems more like a joke. After talking with people familiar with Alexander I would encourage all people to ask Skip why the Mecklenburg Police department wouldn’t hire him after his military background check! I hate to say this, but it’s between Bill Stamey and Phil Redmond, and for what my opinion matters I guess I will go with the one that is already doing a pretty good job.

Anonymous said...

lol military back ground check, i guess the FBI background check just isn't thorough enough, crawl back in your hole bumpkin

Anonymous said...

Whoa Trevor Mitchel;
I work with Skip on the campaign. The Statesville paper and other resources have gone out of their way to omit his qualifications to serve as Sheriff which exceed Sheriff Redmond in every dimension. Skip has no problem with his record. He served as a police officer while attending UNC and getting a law degree which he earned in 1975. Then he spent 24 years with the FBI as a special agent, an investigator, supervisor and negotiator. He then went to serve as a Deputy Sheriff in Mecklenburg County. He would have liked to serve in Iredell and even offered but never heard a response from Sheriff Redmond.

Skip Alexander is a stellar performer in everything he has done. He started out as a rescue squad volunteer as a teen. He maintained his emergency certification through three states and several postings. He has maintained his law degree for 35 years. He has worked on the town, county and Federal level for as many years.

Just what do you think he lacked that his record is questioned? Your sources of information are not correct.

Skip has worked in New Orleans, New York and FBI headquarters. He has also been a volunteer in jails teaching inmates. He has volunteered for yeas with the Boy Scouts and is a Unit Commissioner. Heck guy, the Mecklenburg Deputies voted him Deputy of the Year!

Skip didnt start rumors about Redmond, and anyone who lives in Iredell can tell you that most of what is rumored is unfortunately probably true. There was no rumor involved when Redmond fired everyone who supported Mr. Nicholson. That is EXACTLY the kind of underhanded disgusting political garbage that Skip Alexander would end, and has stated so publicly. That is not being a nut. That is being honest, direct, and stating what he intends to do.

I am very glad we have a choice this year. Redmond has had 16 years in office and the county has gotten worse, not better. Time for someone else to lead. Without all the vindictive horror show that Redmond brings to the table.


See his message at YouTube:

I don't have a fancy account or participate in those networks so I have to post anonymous on here.

Anonymous said...

Whoa Trevor Mitchel;
I work with Skip on the campaign. The Statesville paper and other resources have gone out of their way to omit his qualifications to serve as Sheriff which exceed Sheriff Redmond in every dimension. Skip has no problem with his record. He served as a police officer while attending UNC and getting a law degree which he earned in 1975. Then he spent 24 years with the FBI as a special agent, an investigator, supervisor and negotiator. He then went to serve as a Deputy Sheriff in Mecklenburg County. He would have liked to serve in Iredell and even offered but never heard a response from Sheriff Redmond.

Skip Alexander is a stellar performer in everything he has done. He started out as a rescue squad volunteer as a teen. He maintained his emergency certification through three states and several postings. He has maintained his law degree for 35 years. He has worked on the town, county and Federal level for as many years.

Just what do you think he lacked that his record is questioned? Your sources of information are not correct.

Skip has worked in New Orleans, New York and FBI headquarters. He has also been a volunteer in jails teaching inmates. He has volunteered for yeas with the Boy Scouts and is a Unit Commissioner. Heck guy, the Mecklenburg Deputies voted him Deputy of the Year!

Skip didnt start rumors about Redmond, and anyone who lives in Iredell can tell you that most of what is rumored is unfortunately probably true. There was no rumor involved when Redmond fired everyone who supported Mr. Nicholson. That is EXACTLY the kind of underhanded disgusting political garbage that Skip Alexander would end, and has stated so publicly. That is not being a nut. That is being honest, direct, and stating what he intends to do.

I am very glad we have a choice this year. Redmond has had 16 years in office and the county has gotten worse, not better. Time for someone else to lead. Without all the vindictive horror show that Redmond brings to the table.


See his message at YouTube:

I don't have a fancy account or participate in those networks so I have to post anonymous on here.