Former Mooresville Police Chief John Crone turned himself in earlier today to the Iredell County jail and has since been released on a $5,000 secured bond.
Crone was indicted last month by a state grand jury (http://thegattonreport.blogspot.com/2010/05/crone-indicted.html). He is charged with two counts of embezzlement by a public official and one count of obstructing justice.
More details as they become available...
Who else was obstructing justice along with Crone?
Let's hope he knew Redmond and that he likes to talk. Another witness added to the pot would be nice.
Is it obstucting justice when you know that someone has intentionally broken the law, and two of the sheriffs top people tell him that he better handle this, but he doesn't?
Does he actually have to tell someone not to charge or is the fact that he didn't do something enough? For example if firearms were found at someones house, one in a vehicle and one inside and they weren't supposed to be there. I mean that would give the appearance that there was no intent to return the items.
Is that obstruction of justice or just accessory after the fact, or what? And how long did the Sheriff know about McCollum's degree before the FBI came in demanding to see people in their office? Is that obstuction of justice or just accessory after the fact?
What happens when money is missing from the evidence room but nobody is investigated or charged? How does that work? At least Crone had extra money in his evidence room that he used somewhere else. It didn't just show up missing.
How do law enforcement officials get nabbed all around us, but ICSO seems to have a horseshoe up it's ass? Is there a major investigation going on? If so, it has to be time to end it, because enough is enough.
I think July 4th should be designated as a day to commit to celebrate freedom from corruption in Iredell County. Crone is done, let's keep moving forward, there are several more that have to go.
So where were we? Oh yeah...
Not Bob
Not Steve
Not Ron
Here is a place in Raleigh where you can report government corruption anonymously. It is called The Foundation for Ethics in Public Service. The website is; Report Government Corruption. (LIink above)
The more letters/emails and phone calls these people get about Phillip Redmond the better. Send your information, no name needed but please include directions to any documentaion of actions or events that you can.
If nothing else, strongly encourage them to begin looking here in earnest. They have already been contacted several times but the more the better. Let them know just how serious of a problem we have in Iredell County.
So i went out to the sheriff's office again at 8am and saw nobody there making any public statements. I was hoping you would actually follow through as it would give substantial credibility to the various allegations made against the sheriff. However, your failure to follow through with your promise means you no longer have any credibility. Thanks for clearing up that matter for me.
Sorry, you got to say my name three times. You knew that though. How can you possibly feel good about acting so stupid? Must just be to provoke someone since you have no truth to fight with.
Call my name and I will be there and also invite WSOC, WBTV, NEWS 14 and Jamie Gatton, your bestest friend.
Nice photo. Can't wait to see how tall Redmond is.
That's funny I don't care who you are.
Great work as usual Jaime!
Really no one cares who you are 1:43, we just care about the slander and childish comments you make. We can tell by most of your post you have a lot of anger, and i dont care what garbage you have up your ass. I just think its funny that your so big and bad and trying to punk people down. If you want to meet so bad just state your own name. This website is for people who missed there episode of sesame street.
So if you want to discuss this matter, and trust me i have a lot of facts. I will be available anytime, and you can call ghostbusters to if you want. Im really interested to see if you will take me up on it, because im not hiding behind a computer. The jokes on you now
Who is Justin Wiles?
Does he work for the SO?
What manner of man is this who would post his own name?
Could it be a pen name like Dr Seuse?
Is Mr. Wiles threatening Bettlejuice with physical violence?
Justin is a friend of Redmond's son. Probably one of the main posters on here all along. They would probably be the same ones who keep threatening the IP addresses and lawsuits. The same ones who have been on here antagonizing anyone who tries to discuss the wrongdoings at the sheriffs office.
You have to be sitting there waiting for a response, so go ahead Justin.
Shame that this is a matter between Redmond and the public and he has to have one of his son's friends come on here to harrass and threaten people.
Used to be that he only had his employees to do that.
You people know Crone will never serve one day in jail
Yea thats what i figured you would do, keep on running me into the ground. Its easy to sit behind a computer with no name and talk about me.
That's okay 10:34. He was removed from his position and a good man was put in his place. That is enough for most of us. Enough for me anyway.
You jumped into it. This is about redmond and his inner circle. They claim to know who everyone is. Tell them to call me out. I'll be there.
As for your "facts" you have... go ahead and post them. We would all love to hear it. And another thing, what knowledge of the workings of the Sheriffs office would the friend of the son aof the Sheriff have? There shouldn't be any.
What have you got to benefit from this. Any idea how bad that looks?
And by the way Redmond had know affect on me coming on here. Im my own person, i have not posted most of the vulgar garbage that has been posted on here. I have stood my ground in what i believe. Just like you have the right to do.
You must have been trying to head that one off while I was typing my response. Redmond is the reason we are both here. He is everyone's reason for being here unless they are here for Crone.
Most of the post i have made have been in defense of his family and giving his information out. Im sure you wouldnt want things said about your family, the way yall have bashed his.
Well im done talking to someone who doesnt even have the guts to tell me who im talking to.
Oh yea and ps how does this make me look stupid its a free country, and as far as im concerned I honestly stated my thoughts with my name.
The Nicholson camp was hit hard with the family and friend bashing. You know, all the posts are still on here. Redmond is in no way the victim here and we all know it. Those who dish it out need to be able to take it.
I said before that Redmond is like a schoolyard bully who starts a fight and then cries when the teacher comes over so that the other kid looks like the bad guy. Same old same old.
And we all know you didn't post alone.
Well Mr Anonymous, I think you should go back and take a look at that. I dont recall anyone bringing marks daughters into this. I dont recall anyone giving out there address, and what they do. I dont recall anyone bringing Marks mom into this. The list just goes on and on, the truth be said yea ive seen a lot of critical statements from both sides. The truth is its childish to have to stoop this low. Me and you both know that if any of this garbage was true. As bad as you hate Redmond if you had any facts it would have been handed over to someone by now.
You better go back and read again. I'm not going to for it for you or banter with you about meaningless shit that you keep twisting around.
As for hating Redmond, I don't hate the man just his actions over the years. And yes, stuff is and already has been handed over. And there will be more. Stay tuned.
About the hate thing, I don't personally hate Redmond, but there are many who do. I'd rather not waste my time. As I said about Crone doing time, I could care less. He was removed and an honest man put in his place. I'm good.
I will agree with you on your one statement Justin; "the truth be said yea ive seen a lot of critical statements from both sides. The truth is its childish to have to stoop this low."
Redmond has stepped on a lot of people over the years. As I said there are many who hate the man. I'm not one of them. However you are going to see a lot of that coming out. It's built up a long time.
oh and if you want the truth i was told to stay away from this site, but like most curious people i had to take a look. Once i saw what was said on here its just crazy. You need to realize that this is nothing to be behind. I couldnt sleep at night after posting some of the things that get posted on here. No matter what you say or the people that hate Redmond say, theres two sides to every story. Of course anyone who hates someone will do whatever they have to, to drag them down.
Tell you something else. You are too young to have a concept of what this is really all about. This goes back a really long time. This started long before you were even born. You have stepped into the tail end of something that you don't understand or you understand completely which makes you one of the bad guys. I can't honestly say which.
WOW.!!! Jamie Gatton has something else to report on now. Ms Gatton just remember one thing. You keep writing about all of these officers, and ex officers, just remember that you have to drive on these roads! I am an employee for ICSD, and i can promise you one thing.... I will keep you in court and paying attorneys, every time i see you driving. I have heard serveral officers in the county, and MPD make remarks about you. Trust me, you are fixing to have you ass in more then your keyboard can get you out of.! Dig into someones pocket, and make them start spending money is alot better then bashing you dumb ass on here!!
I must correct you im not twisting anyting, I wouldnt take your tactics from you. Im so done with talking about this with someone who doesnt have any back bone. If you did, you would come out and say your name. Isnt that what you called for, and was just talking junk about. I mean thats what yall kept saying were anonymous. Well were are you at.
You are correct. There are some on here motivated by hate, thier posts reflect that and they eventually burn out and go away.
There are others motivated by justice who have well thought out posts with truthful information. Those people won't burn out and they won't go away.
Perfectly put 11:24. I dont understand what she has against the sheriff's dept, or Mooresville PD. It seems to me to be a very dunb thing to do. Alot of these officers stick togather, and when you step on one of them, you step on them all. Mommy's cookie company cant pay you enough to keep your attorneys paid. I for one would LOVE to see them charge you with slander, and shut this blog down. Remember its the Crone deal that got your ass fired from the Mooresville tribune.
When I get called out, I will be there. I have made that clear. You chose to jump in here with your name and you are nobody with any stock in this unless you are benefiting from the things that we are in the process of reporting.
I also doubt that you have been told to stay off here and that you just had to look. Can't prove it, but you have been posting a long time.
I have to get some sleep so unless you know who I am, I will be going to bed now. Hell, I'm going to bed even if you do say who I am. I still wouldn't have to be at the ICSO until tomorrow morning.
Im know bad guy trust me on that. Im a god fearing man, Im not judging you. Last time i checked it wasnt your job either. Let me tell you something, I know my grandpaw was a deputy way before your time. He actually worked with Redmond. Back in the good days. This bullcrap of im to young, I just think you dont want to be out smarted by someone half your age. Yall want to reference Loyd, and Rumple as good sheriffs. Thats what scares me, they were the kind of sheriffs who raised that badge about as high as some on here. Leroy was a great sheriff, and Redmond has filled his shoes pretty good. Seems like you must not be from the country, but i want a sheriff who doesnt sit behind his desk. He gets out and lets the public see him.
Crone still has alot of friends at the PD. Just remember that Ms Gatton. I thinkts about time someone shut your ass up. You have bashed way to many people writing these blogs, and alot of it has turned out to be untrue, or just a plain out lie. I have followed most of what you have wrote about over the last 6 months, and have done some checking on my own, and have come up with the conclusion that you are full of shit, and must have nothing better in life to do other then dig dirt up on good people just to make yourself look better.
If it wasnt for Redmond, this county would fall apart. He is a good man. I have met him several times, and i for one am happy with the job he is doing. He sure gets alot of drugs of our roads. Keep up the good work buddy.
Trust me 11:33 or Mr anonymous which ever one you prefer. In Gods eyes we have all fell short, and none of us are perfect if we were, we wouldnt need a savior. I thank my lucky stars each day I was born in America. The Lord blessed me enough to be raised in the south. Were i come from we dont spread garbage around. I mean by hiding behind a computer, and this has been going on for years. I dont think your average citizen would believe yall either. So in all honesty as bad as I hate to see the lies, I think it truly only hurts the liar.
nice pic more to come. thanks to all
11:24; I don't believe for a moment that you are an officer. An officer wouldn't risk threatening what you are threatening on a blog where the IP address could be checked. You would lose your job and receive charges.
Even if you were an officer you would be a piss poor one at best since you obviously prefer the same threatening scare tactics as Redmond. Maybe he will make a position for you and send you through school like he did Adams. Then you could have a job at county expense with fringe benefits like thinking evidence was up for grabs.
11:24 I forgot to ask; what is the signifigance of "Dead on at 50"? Care to elaborate?
11:30; again with the threat of lawsuits and shutting down the blog. If it could be done, Redmond would have already had it done. He has the money to do pretty much what he wants to. The boast was made at one point that I have $250,000 to buy this election. I can't remember which election that was but I know and trust the source.
You had better hope this doesn't turn into a lawsuit because then we get to see who posted what including accusations against Nicholson's friends, family and supporters.
And then we have this statement; "Remember its the Crone deal that got your ass fired from the Mooresville tribune."
Jamie wasn't fired from the Mooresville Tribune. Everyone knows that. And about the Crone deal, looks like his unhappy little face at the top of the page with the growth chart behind it. So, whatever she reported on must have had some major merit to it all along.
Oh yeah, him and his inner circle threatened that lawsuit crap as well.
Justin, you use God's name as though you have a good relationship with him. If you do, great. If you don't, remember that God will not be mocked. Either way, He knows your heart and it's not my place to judge.
1 Corinthians 4:5 Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait till the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men's hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God.
I do know that you are of no interest to me in any way. You aren't law enforcement and you aren't part of the law enforcement inner circle that protects Redmond. If you are part of another inner circle that gets you caught up in this when the investigation runs wide open, so be it. At this point I only want Redmond and his closest men removed. Whatever repurcussions or charges result from that are not my concern.
The office of sheriff needs to be filled with good people at the top who are sincere in being honest and serving the county. Currently they are interested in serving Redmond who is serving himself which results in them getting scraps that he doesn't want.
Time for Redmond to go, like Crone. Also time for the office to be seated with someone honest like Robbins.
Kind of backwards comment, you judge then say its not your place to judge. Thats what your good at on here anyways. Its only your business to know what your relationship is with the Lord. You and your 200 post a week usually make no sense, and have no facts.
I don't judge what is in people's hearts. I do know what I see and if I could hook some wirtes up to your little head we would have all the facts we need. You know what they are or you wouldn't be on here.
Crone's people did the same thing.
supposed to say "...if I could hook some wires up to your little head we would have all the facts we need."
Since you want to jump into the bible a little farther, let's get into the part where is tells us to obey the laws of the government.
That's why we are here. I could care less about personal lives. If I had interest in that, we would have much more to talk about.
Proverbs 29:2
"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked rule, the people groan."
People are groaning.
This sums up those who are in opposition to Redmond and his supporters;
1 Thessalonians 2
1 You yourselves know, dear brothers and sisters, that our visit to you was not a failure. 2 You know how badly we had been treated at Philippi just before we came to you and how much we suffered there. Yet our God gave us the courage to declare his Good News to you boldly, in spite of great opposition. 3 So you can see we were not preaching with any deceit or impure motives or trickery.
Legally, morally, biblically and sensibly Redmond is in the wrong. Argue it any way you want to, it still won't fly.
About my 200 posts a week. I am certain that it weon't amount to 200 posts a week, however it is a large portion of them. It seems many of the others, some good friends of mine, have wussed out and don't have the backbone I thought they had. Even as a group they seem to be fading away. So much determination to see Redmond gone and now they seem to have given up.
Thats the reason that Redmond is still in. Public opinion would have his ass out in the street in a heartbeat. Unfortunately most people only want to complain and run their mouth. I'm in this for the long run and so are a couple more. If it takes three of us to get Redmond out of office, so be it.
This is for all the so called other Redmond removers out there. You either jump in and help with this thing or keep your mouth shut. If you don't speak up, you are a worse part of the problem than Redmond is.
At least he is benefiting from his position and choices. Your reward is getting run over by him and watching him continue his misuse of authority. Can't believe you are content with that.
Do something about it or quit complaining.
Its like arguing with a ghost, a kid or someone with know backbone hides behind a computer.
Can't argue with an anonymous person? You wouldn't be worth a shit with a real person.
9:30 one thing for sure this is all games for you. You take the time to post, but only to point and laugh.
If you had a real interest in making this thing go away you would put some thought into discrediting my words.
You tried to put a biblical twist on this, so I went along. Instead of responding, you go back to the anonymous thing again.
You want me to post my name for one reason, to launch a personal attack and to work on some intimidation tactics. That is all that you have got. No thought process, no basis for your posts. You are all like a pack of monkeys slinging crap.
952 let's get one thing straight your biblical quotes were good, but the don't add up to you and your post. They kind of contradict each other. Let's get real I mean a elementary student could discredit what you say. I mean your references of the bible should reach out and bite you when you read them. I don't see how you get off on fixing someone else life, when you should be worried about yours.
Oh yea and the pack of monkey joke is you and your hate breed militia. You sling it ill try to fix it. I see your game plan now, but I'm afraid it hasn't worked and by the way it looks it want.
So you and your little five man wolf pack can ditch the excuses of why you want to stay anonymous we get the point. When called out on the carpet, like you have called so many people out you don't want to be known. Its like a never ending game with you, you want to blame me and anyone else for the things you do. This is not entertaining anymore, and its starting to bore me. So until you come up with something else, you've just been served.
There is nothing to discredit I must add. Everything you say is he said she said. You have not once posted any evidence to you theories. And when asked to present it, her is one of your good quotes. Oh you can believe me just go find out at the board of elections. Well my fellow american If you had the evidence you needed trust me like I said a million times. Something would have been done by now.
This link goes to a video of a news story and at the beginning of it they say Crone stole "Drugs".
Did Crone steal drugs too? Or maybe the guy misspoke and meant "guns"?
Any idea?
I listened to your link. I think he made a mistake, it does sound like he said drugs and cash.
GO BILL STAMEY !!!!!!!!!
Hey Rick, get on that facebook and make me say something about Jesus. People like him, and they'll think I'm a God fearing man. And use a different computer this time or something, so everybody won't know you're posting for me, dad gum it!
6:25 You noticed that too huh? I started to mention it but decided it wasn't worth it. Too much other stuff to address.
I don't care who you are. Thats funny right there!
Phillip, A bully? Aw phooey. He is a big ole cudly teddy bear. He wouldn't hurt nobody. He stopped and helped me one time. He dresses nice and is well groomed. He has got a lot of drugs off the highway. I don't know Mr. Crone, but he looked sad in his picture. I hope he is ok.
Been reading posts and thinking about things. Phillip Redmond has been accused of a lot of things on here. Most seem to be backed up with evidence that would lead a reasonabble person to believe that they are true.
I have seen different posts on here in his defense but most are just nasty comments towards whoever says anything bad about him. There was a series of posts last night that are alledged to be a young friend of Phillips.
All this led me to a final thought. Phillip Redmond is the high sheriff of Iredell County. He is the head of the largest law enforcement agency in Iredell County. Not once have I seen him offer any public rebuttal or reassurance. He has yet to offer to meet with people to discuss any of these things. He has other people on here offering to meet in public for him, including a young man with no apparent ties to the Iredell County Sheriffs Office.
If these matters are worthy of defense, then why hasn't the Sheriff done it himself? I have never met the man, but I have to say that the whole deal looks shady at best. I do hope that Jamie stays on course with her investigative reports so we can get to the bottom of this. And I do appreciate what she has done with the Chief of Police investigation. Thank you jamie.
"Dead On at 50" from 11:22 last night (06/09/10) would appear to be a sick, twisted individual's reference to the fact that Jaime's dad was 50 years old when he was killed in a truck wreck 3 1/2 years ago. Perhaps I'm wrong...but the pseudo-name as well as the grammatically-poor, immature, childish manner in which the posts are written would lend credence to the assumption that the poster is assinine enough to stoop to such references. If it was a tactic to force a response from Ms. Gatton...good luck. She's taken down far bigger. She only investigates the stories that others bring to her...and rarely comments after she presents her facts.
As for 11:26 last night: any phucktard knows that slander is the spoken word and libel is that which is printed. Didn't you watch Spiderman?
Incidentally, 11:22/11:26/etc: your multiple personalities are reflected in your piss-poor writing, by the way. In the future, if you are going to try to pretend to be different posters, at least have the intelligence to spell your words correctly and try a little harder to alter your writing style. You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time...but you're going to have to wake up a lot earlier and have a much better education in order to fool me. That, by the way, is an adapted quote from Joe Gatton...Jaime's dad. And I know who you are.
Who really cares what you think, because you want come out to confront it. Its over educated fools like you, that cause true Americans problems. If you people would get your head out of a book and focus more on things that matter, this world may be better to live in. I deal with people of your manner all the time, and education is important but do something productive with it. You have balls the size of a rat, and i laugh at your kid like tactics. Yea your comments are one day gonna catch up with you. Ive come up with a good name with this website, people who act like obama.com
9:34 hit the nail on the head. Once again there is a childish post by someone saying that "you want come out and confront it." That should say that you "won't" come out and confront, and I'm not sure what "it" is unless the poster is referring to Redmond as an it. Could be. I have heard him called "that thing" by numerous woman who can't stand his attitude that he thinks he is thier gift from God.
So where is Redmond in all of this? He had employees defending him, now he has his son's friends. Redmond is almost 70 years old, is the high sheriff and is allowing someone in thier 20's with no connections to law enforcement to be on here defending his honor and offering to meet somewhere because they "have facts".
Does Redmond not have the same "facts" that this kid has? Why hasn't Redmond offered to meet about the Adams gun deal that the majority of the county is pissed about? Why hasn't Redmond offered to talk to the press first hand about the election fraud? His only statement was to put it off on Rick Eades who I am certain if put in a bind will tell everything he knows if he hasn't already.
So what happens when posters start coming out? Same childish attacks and threats I am sure like the last one. "Yea your comments are one day gonna catch up with you." Lot's of comments about how they were bad officers, that is why Redmond "let them go".
I for one was not let go. I also have a fine letter of recomendation stating that I am a trustworthy and reliable employee, mature, level headed, willing to accept responsibilities in any area, and my knowledge and professional strengths are a definate asset to the department. Whose signiature is on the bottom?
Phil Redmond
So does that make me a valid witmness? According to Redmond I am. Do I have concrete proof tying Redmond to all the stuff that has been and is going on? Some. Redmond does just like he is doing on this blog and let's others handle everything for him. That keeps him removed by one step so when the shit hits the fan he can say he didn't know anything about it. How many times have we heard that?
More of that proof is being gathered by several of us. Like Jamie we won't step forward until we have something solid in hand. We know a lot that has been done and only have to line the right people up to talk and get the right paperwork. Remember the S. Laws case where officers were told to drop charges after having to pepper spray two women to arrest them? Those case files are missing from the clerk of court office. Imagine that. They aren't needed to prove the case anyway, but just an example of how things work.
That letter of recommendation is at someone elses house in a fireproof box by the way. Yea, I have that kind of faith in what Redmond is capable of.
This will come together and I will be the first person to step up. Every day I come home expecting to find my home ramsacked or to find some kind of trumped up charges on me. Redmond is a thug with a badge. Yes, I have a first hand experience to back that last statement up.
There will be a press conference and I am going to get the ball rolling. In the meantime, several people know who I am so if anything happens to me, or my family or my friends or my home, they know who to point the finger at.
Amazing and sickening how many people in this county are scared to death of Redmond. The person who posted that he is a "big old teddy bear" knows exactly who and how he is. All of us who are working on this thing get the same concerned comments all the time; You better be careful, Don't get shot, I hope you don't get drugs planted in your house, Phil Redmond is powerful, etc.
Truth is that Phil Redmond is powerful with a lot of connections. Good officers always have enough sense to be scared, but it doesn't keep them from doing the job they were sworn to do. When my statement is written I will be glad to step up. Enough is enough. If no one steps up with me, that's on them.
I guess with that letter of recomendation anyone calling you a liar will be calling Phillip Redmond a liar. That is interesting.
757 who cares about you,no one asked what you were capable of. I believe I said in my last post its over educated people like you that can't get out of there own way. I'm glad you have enough ego to give yourself a pat on the back. I have learned with this whole thing that its ok for yall to do something but not for the other side. You speak of a younger man taking up for Redmond who cares. Did anyone knock that kid who created that website for Nicholson, and bashed Redmond stating he was a drug dealer. No its America, and last time I check we are still free to speak for now. Its time you quit worrying about your education and yourself, and grow up.
Did you notice that the blog, not website was shut down? That was at mark's request. Yes Mark asked someone not to express their personal sentiment about Redmond unless they could back up those allegations with facts. That is how this side operates.
Actually you have questioned the integrity of everyone who has ever posted against Redmond. Sore losers, bad officers, let go, living in mama's basement and all of that. So, yeah you did ask what I was capable of. And I'm not patting myself on the back, but establishing my credability by using the man you are defending. I could give a flying shit about ego. That's Redmond's department. It's all about him, it has always been about him and it is still about him. He wants attention, he can get it. God help anyone who dares to defy him
As I thought, someone say's they are about to call a press conference and now they don't matter. First it was come out in public. Now I don't matter.
Get your story straight because the shit is about to be thrown in the fan. Let's see how many other people have the balls to quit complaining and publically ask that Remond be investigated professionally.
To be honest, at the moment I don't have any use for either side, including my friends who say that Redmond has to go but are sitting on their ass in the shadows. In a way that makes both sides right to some degree. The truth is usually somwewhere in the middle and it is time we find that middle.
Well I never said you weren't a good person. I don't know you and if I did, I still wouldn't bring you down. I'm just stating that things that are done on this blog some by both sides are childish, and morally wrong. This isn't about me and you or anyone else. Its about a race for sheriff, and I understand in politics opposing sides do what the must to try and win. No one is perfect, but I do believe that Iredell county is a safe place. Because of the deputy's and the sheriff.
And... I don't want a "pat on the back" for a damn thing. Jamie Gatton deserves one though. A girl with a blog has more guts than a slew of men with badges who know how Redmond is and what he has done.
I know, you are worried about your job. Well guess what? Your job is to identify and stop crime. Remember that oath tyou take every four years? Last I heard there weren't any exceptions to that.
And then there are those who are scared. One officer made the statement that he has a wife and kids. You know who you are and if you honestly think that your wife and kids will be in danger if you speak up, then you have one HELL of a responsibility to straighten this out. If you can't do that then turn in your giun and badge because you don't deserve it. That goes for the rest of you that have first hand information as to what has gone on. If you don't step up and talk I hope you get charges regardless if you testify.
A girl in Mooresville has got more guts than the whole bunch of you.
9:22 This has nothing to do with the Sheriffs race, it has to do with getting rid of Redmond, period.
I can't speak for the other candidates but that is the only reason that Mark stepped up to run, to get Redmond out of office. He decided that if nobody else had the balls to run him out and step up to serve this county like it should be done, then he would.
We all know that four more years of Redmond can't happen. I would have been content if he retired or was ousted by election, but he wasn't. Now instead of just going away he needs to be investigated and removed. There has been too much for too long and another four years just can't happen.
Start with the election fraud and the guns recovered at Adams residence. It is all documented. Let things snowball from there.
I'll kick this thing off and the rest of you that have been posting on here and talking around town can hide but you better quit bitching. I'm tired of your bullshit as well.
Hey Jaime, not sure if you knew it but you got another one in another county at the same time. How much would you bet that they audited all drug forfeiture funds in the state and they are turning up much more then just Crone.
You should be starting to see the ripple effect that was set off by your investigation. I can see it, and it is much larger then you think.
Same thing happened with the Fake Charities. The Gov't is finding both scams all over the State and are putting an end to it once and for all.
Great Job Jaime, where is that Pulitzer:-)
Former Carteret sheriff accused of skimming drug money
Comments 90 | Recommend 3
March 11, 2010 5:33 PM
Updated at 5:51 p.m.
RALEIGH — A former Carteret County sheriff and a former deputy who served under him face federal charges alleging they stole federal funds intended for covert drug investigations.
Ralph Thomas Jr., Christopher Cozart and unnamed co-conspirators are accused of illegally taking more than $5,000 and putting the drug funds to personal use, according to criminal information filed Monday in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina.
The alleged thefts occurred on multiple occasions between about 1997 and October 2006 according to the charges. Thomas retired in 2006 after a 20-year career as sheriff.
According to the court documents, sheriff’s deputies under Thomas’ supervision, including Cozart, used checks drawn on official accounts maintained by the Carteret County Sheriff’s Office to withdraw funds designated only for use in covert drug investigations.
“Thereafter, Thomas was provided with said county funds and he misappropriated the funds by keeping a portion of the cash for his own personal use and benefit. Other individuals likewise received misappropriated funds which they used for their personal use and benefit,” the court information states.
The information on Cozart’s charges say he also received funds and kept a portion for personal use.
Cozart served as a deputy sheriff in Carteret County from 2002 to 2007, and in that position he served as a detective in the office’s drug unit.
The court information indicates there were unnamed co-conspirators in the alleged incidents.
Robin Zier, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office, said late Thursday that a news release is being prepared.
No court date has been set at this time.
According to Zier, Douglas Parsons of Clinton is Thomas’ attorney.
Phone messages left for Thomas and Parsons were not immediately returned. Contact information for Cozart was unavailable.
Justin, thanks for being the one who jumped on with the last of the name calling I could take. It will be public now like has been asked for.
9:50 One of the most frequesnt posts by naysayers is that if Redmond had done all the things he was accused of something would have been done by now. Thanks for providing still another example of how long and drawn out investigations are.
"The alleged thefts occurred on multiple occasions between about 1997 and October 2006 according to the charges. Thomas retired in 2006 after a 20-year career as sheriff."
Another point to be gained by that article is that Redmond's crew claimed that if he wasn't doing as he should he couldn't have been sheriff this long. Bullshit. Read the last line again.
And to all you wusses with a gun and badge, I recall a post by the Redmond team that said that anyone working there with knowledge of what is going on is just as bad or worse than him... the Redmond team is right. 110% right.
10:02 I want to know really, do you think about what you post before you post it. I am amazed how much bitterness you have, although it shouldn't surprise me. The way you carry your ego on your shoulders. I mean its like you can do everything the best even when it comes to your so called friends. If I was them I would watch out, next you'll be calling for them to be investigated.
Redmond supposedly has all the IP addresses and knows everyone who is posting on the blog, big lawsuits, blah blah blah. If he is the all knowing ominipresent person he presents himself to be he may want to address this post;
"WOW.!!! Jamie Gatton has something else to report on now. Ms Gatton just remember one thing. You keep writing about all of these officers, and ex officers, just remember that you have to drive on these roads! I am an employee for ICSD, and i can promise you one thing.... I will keep you in court and paying attorneys, every time i see you driving. I have heard serveral officers in the county, and MPD make remarks about you. Trust me, you are fixing to have you ass in more then your keyboard can get you out of.! Dig into someones pocket, and make them start spending money is alot better then bashing you dumb ass on here!!
June 8, 2010 11:24 PM"
Now, either it is one of his employees that need to be ousted, or as I think it is someone posting as an officer of the S.O. and needs to be charged. Seems like Redmond would be hopping all over that to maintain a professional appearance.
I doubt he has much interest though as someone is encrouching on Jamie's first amendment rights, something he doesn't believe in. That is what this article is about, first amendment rights and the firing/dropping of certifications. Why worry about someone posing as an ICSO officer and threatening someone. That is of no concern to Redmond.
south carolina sheriff just arrested,it's all around us
COLUMBIA, S.C. — A South Carolina sheriff was among seven people arrested today and charged with drug distribution, federal authorities said.
Lee County Sheriff E.J. Melvin, 47, was arrested and charged with drug conspiracy, according to Acting U.S. Attorney Kevin McDonald.
Melvin and the others are charged with conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute five kilograms or more of powder cocaine and 50 grams or more of crack cocaine, authorities said.
Melvin has been sheriff since 2001. McDonald says the drug conspiracy has been ongoing since 2006.
None of the eight other people arrested — Brenda LaShawn Ellerby, Antonio Holloman, Larry Williams, Eric Andre Hickman, Anthony Lee Williams and Sheldon Maurice Bradley, all of Bishopville — were identified as sheriff's department employees or public officials.
No other information about the case was immediately available, and court documents are sealed, McDonald said.
Melvin and the other people arrested are scheduled to appear in federal court in Columbia Monday, McDonald said. It was not immediately clear if they had attorneys, and there was no answer at the Lee County sheriff's office in Bishopville.
"The law-abiding people of Lee County expect their sheriff to likewise observe and uphold the law," McDonald said in a statement released today. "When he fails to do that, and indeed commits crimes as we have alleged in this case, the citizens are his victims."
If convicted, Melvin and the other eight people arrested could face at least 10 years in prison and up to $4 million in fines.
Note; this has been ongoing since 2006. I guess it does take awhiole for things to catch up. Time for it to catch up here.
who.s roads
So where did all the Mitch Abraham Fans go.... I know they are here somewhere.... Dont give up on Mitch and Erskine they are the two most dangerous men in Mooresville with your money!!
The real story is the connection between Jaimee Gatton, a fired police officer and Jaimee's neighbor (a politico who has had it in for Crone for some time). Wonder what will happen now that this will be going to court. What's funny is that all these people may be put on the stand AND will be sworn in. Better get yourselves an attorney. You're gonna need it.
Funny, I don't recall Jamie, a fired police officer or Jamie's neighbor being a part of misusing funds or taking a firearm that was ordered destroyed. Crone did that alone.
Yep you are right! I think I remember Jamie, the fired police office and Jamie's neighbor helping to spend the funds inapropriately and taking turns keeping the AR-15 at their house. Yeah, they ALL need a subpoena, charges too!
I would love to see the names of the Adults that went on the "trip". It would be interesting to see who was allowed to go on this all expense paid trip.
Ok, Whats the Skinny on Kendall Hillard, Got word they are going to fire him today?
They are sure keeping that situation quiet.
If Redmond is so bad why is he still in office?
Several of you have asked about Kendall Hillard's employment status. Hillard resigned from the Mooresville Police Department on June 21. Hillard had been placed on paid leave, from what I understand, and his separation from the Town of Mooresville is completely unrelated to John Crone and/or the Cops for Kids investigation.
What about the MFD Captain that was charged 2 weeks ago with possession and drug para.
Guess town and FD will keep that a secret he was charged by the MPD and it was in the new Mooresville weekly newspaper.
Thank you for the update
Well here it is! Some little brat was picking on Kendalls brat at school. Kendall went to the school house in uniform and on duty and pulled the little brat out of class and told him to leave his brat alone or he would beat his ass himself. That is the word I have got from a very good source. This is just the straw that broke the camels back,I've know him for a long time and also worked with him when he was just a patrolman, so this dose not suprise me at all! But look how far up the ladder he got by kissing Crones ass! Remember power breeds caruption everytime! These high ranking Police officers think they are untouchable and can do what they wish with no fear! But just remember, kiss that ass and be a yes man, you can be a dumbass and go far in police work!
let's all celebrate with a DQ Blizzard!
How about the former FBI guy who gathered over 4000 signatures on a petition to run as an unafiliated cadidate for sheriff? Can he possibly win? Will this benefit Redmond or Stamey?
Will only take votes away from Stamey.
There's a rumor floating around that a candidate for public office got into a situation with the Mooresville PD and is now in a center. What's the poop on that.
I've heard that one too!!
There was a rumor that a blogger that we all know had tacos for dinner last night. Who has the skinny? Can this be true?
What does that mean?
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