Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Suspended deputy will reimburse county for phone use

Sheriff Phil Redmond allowed an indicted deputy to continue using his county cell phone even after he was suspended because the sheriff didn't anticipate the suspension would last long, according to Iredell County Commissioners.

The deputy, Tommy Adams, was suspended after a state grand jury indicted him in December 2010 for obstruction of justice.

"(Chief Deputy) Rick Dowdle has responded that when Adams was suspended he did not think the suspension would be for an extended period," Commissioner Steve Johnson said in an e-mail to the Report late last week. "Obviously that was not the case."

Commissioner Ken Robertson said it appears to him that the county-funded phone "was basically forgotten."

Meanwhile, over the course of four months, Adams spent thousands of minutes on the cell phone, including calls to his defense attorney and the sheriff's home.

One week after the Report exposed the suspended deputy's continued use of the phone, Iredell commissioners said the county finance department would seek reimbursement – $269.55 – from Adams.

Adams' original charges were much higher - $220.80 in February alone – but the costs were adjusted apparently because he was on the sheriff's shared-minutes plan.

In fact, Adams' charges, even while suspended, were consistently higher than any other deputy with a cell phone, according to the monthly bills.

Robertson said for the most part, the county is not responsible for the sheriff's office. "The sheriff's department operates as a stand alone department, and the sheriff is not under the direct control of the county manager, so there is a very real and significant degree of separation, although we provide their funding," he said. 

"When other elected official(s) are responsible for these departments, the financial accountability and responsibility is through them first," he said. "As a commissioner, I try to allow other office holders the opportunity to fulfill their duties without my routine interference. Anytime commissioners probe into the inner workings of the schools or the sheriff's departments, we walk a fine line between seeking proper accountability, interfering in the operation of departments, and assuming the legal responsibility of other officials who were elected by the voters to actually do the job.

"In the Army," Robertson said, "we would say that it is wise to 'stay in your lane'."

However, he said, "The question of whether it was proper for a suspended employee to continue to have use of a cell phone seems rather apparent, but like with many law enforcement situations, there may have been other factors pertaining to the issue about which I am unaware.

"In this case the cost of the phone service will likely be recovered, and I understand that is being pursued without direct county commissioner intervention," Robertson said.

Commissioner Frank Mitchell said the county will not, on the other hand, try to recuperate what it paid for a newspaper reporter's cell phone over the course of several years. "It appears the sheriff's department willingly let the reporter have use of a phone for emergency management reasons and will not be trying to recoup (the) cost for its use," he said.

Commissioners Marvin Norman and Renee Griffith did not respond to Report questions. 


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Anonymous said...

I haven't seen anyone ask just how much this is costing the county. What does it cost to have all these forensic audits and state grand juries? What does investigation and prosecution cost? And just who is paying for it? I can answer that. It's us, the taxpayer. I would rather see those thousands of dollars going to school programs, food for poor families and seniors, medical help for the uninsured, our roads, and so on. Instead we have to spend it on this dog and pony show and this is just the latest and our fine commissioners make excuses or don't say a damn thing. Yeah, this is all working out real good for me and when I get my next tax bill, I wonder what will happen if I figure out my share in this little circus and deduct it? They probably wouldn't like that in the tax office too much. I don't want to pay for this crap and I don't think any of us should have to pay for it. I don't see Redmond opening up his wallet. I do see him sending us the bills for his cell phones and Donna Swicegood's cell phone and the rest of that nonsense. It's funny, this stuff happens in Charlotte and the news is all over it. It happens here and apparently it happens in a vacuum. I see the point about these clowns in Redmond's office and on the commission thinking they are putting one over on the rest of us because too many people are sitting home and not voting. Hell, if just the whores and drug dealers turned out, Redmond and the likes of him would be long gone. They don't have to act with transparency if enough of us don't stand up and make them. I think we all ought to email all the papers (Record and Landmark aside) and TV stations and tell them that we are fed up.

Anonymous said...

And in other news, another Iredell deputy proves to be a paragon of virture:


Anonymous said...

So what have we learned here? We have disappearing evidence that ends up "destroyed," (?) theft of evidence for personal gain, lying, cheating, bullying, and assorted other bad acts and these are the fine folks we pay with our tax dollars to uphold and enforce the law. How's that working out for you folks out there? Feeling all safe and secure tonight?

Anonymous said...

1:15 watch throwing stones,i happen to know you live in a glass house -- your wife just don't know it yet!! keep pushing an you can bet someone will call her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Go ahead and call, big shot. My HUSBAND will be waiting for you and he is big enough to wipe up the floor with your sorry butt. Since we work together, we know where the other is pretty much all of the time. I don't follow him into the men's room. Once again, when things get a little warm for you, you lash out and try and drag everyone else down. Even if we were cheating on each other, that's immaterial. We're not collecting a taxpayer funded paycheck. We are all human and subject to mistakes and human error but that is vastly different from being in a position where one is supposed to have an ethical standard and uphold that ethical standard. So far the scales seem to be weighted far down on the unethical side. So continue to make your veiled threats, it doesn't change anything. Tommy Adams is still under indictment and there are dark clouds gathering over the sheriff's office. It is only a matter of time now.

Anonymous said...

Where does that cuckhold Michael J Freeman work? Is he still working for Redmond? And is the mistress still working at the courthouse? I try to stay out of Sodam and Gomorrah, I mean, Statesville, as a rule.

Anonymous said...

Juicy! Maybe we'll have another $2 Million lawsuit!

Anonymous said...

It's unfortunate that the citizens can't sue the bad actors in the sheriff's office, county commission, etc, for not doing their job properly and for wasting our money.

Anonymous said...

I'm not all that concerned with consenting adults screwing around during their free time, although, breaking up families certainly does not hold with my values or most of the people that I know. I am, however, extemely concerned with the people who I pay to look after this county, screwing the county and each and every one of us. It demonstrates a clear lack of respect for the county and its citizens. Keep your pants zipped and your skirt on and do your jobs. Properly and with respect and dignity.

Anonymous said...

At 2:00 in the ICSO there was a chorus of "#@$!, I can't pay $2 million!"

Anonymous said...

4:55 AM, just getting in from a late night prowl?
Kind of looks to me like maybe your glass house might be in shambles. Oh, that's right, redmond is still sheriff. So what? That can be remedied at election, recall, or by a grand jury.

Anonymous said...

4:47, Freeman conveniently declared bankrupcty. As of ICSO, they are already morally bankrupt.

Anonymous said...

Oops, "as for" ICSO, damn auto-correct. There appears to be quite a bit of "friggin' in the county riggin" going on. County clerk, deputies, we'll just borrow these guns, this steam engine, yessirree, Bob, it's a free for all if you work for the county. Party on!

Anonymous said...

5:14, yes, indeed, party on, the taxpayer will pick up the tab.

Anonymous said...

Is the Retched Landfill covering any of this, including Deputy Can't Keep It In His Pants Freeman? Since the object of his desire worked at the courthouse, one has to wonder if they were doing the dirty deed in broom closets, on conference tables, and anywhere else the taxpayer could have picked up some sort of clandestine cootie from their rutting like a couple of dogs in heat? How tawdry and disgusting is this county? This is the sort of plotline that would be considered even too trashy for a miniseries and some sort of third-rate cable network. I really enjoy paying taxes so that the people "working" (and I use that term loosely) for us can make this county a laughingstock. This is a prime example of Phil Redmond's "leadership." It's get away with whatever you can, just as long as you don't get caught. They keep getting caught. I hope someday soon someone in that crapper starts telling what they know about what's been going on in King Phillip's party and free-for-all palace.

Anonymous said...

Mr schmuck we are all still waiting for you explanation of how Tommy Adams is an innocent man. Since hecadmitted to having the guns and returned them himself, he can hardly say he was framed. He wanted those guns for his own personal use and it's not like he hadn't taken things while on the job before. Didn't Redmond know he had a record when he hired him? There wasn't somebody else around with a clean background?

Anonymous said...

Yes, we are waiting. How is he innocent? You were very confident, now so silent.

Anonymous said...

Maybe his lawyer put a muzzle on her dog. He talks big. First this was all bullshit and now he's innocent. He hasn't put up on either count so I guess he's decided to shut up. I'd love to see him tell the judge and jury that this is all bullshit. I'm sure they'd be duly impressed and just take his word for it--NOT!!!

Anonymous said...

The schmuck has been real quiet since he was told somebody's husband would kick his self-righteous ass. Another big talker with delusions of grandeur until someone calls him on it. Thinks he's invincible hiding behind a computer. Little minds.

Anonymous said...

I was admiring the Sheriff’s web page. When is that last time it was updated? I noticed a picture of a deputy that was working patrol and is now working in narcotics. Very professional Sheriff Redmond, you are certainly on top of things. I am sure this good man is happy knowing that all the drug dealers in the county can look at the web page and see his face.

Seems like a dangerous situation if you ask me. The next time he goes to do an undercover buy from someone he will have to worry if that person saw his face on the web page. I guess if he gets shot you can always make up for it by pinning Lieutenant bars on him while he lies dead. After all, you are known for that.

Anonymous said...

1:22, that is truly frightening, but it seems to be in keeping with the cavalier attitude of the sheriff and his staff. He has time to put lifted quotations on his face book page for everyone to "atta boy" him, but the safety of his staff and the citizens appears to be an afterthought at best.

Of course, there is the possibility that his people and certain drug dealers have a professional relationship. Honor among thieves, after all.

Anonymous said...

3:41 Perhaps he would like to have one of his guys killed. That would give him alot of press.

Anonymous said...

4:33, it does seem to be all aobut him. His name is plastered all over every county building and nearly every county vehicle as well. This county is just Redmond's plantation and we all better act like the good little serfs and get in line with his program.

Anyone else notice the same night the story broke about his boy who couldn't keep his privates in his pants, tht he had himself a big old pot bust at the very same time. Big whoop. Wonder how much of that pot didn't make into the evidence room?

Wonder if Donna covered the big judgement in the R & L? I think not. I don't read that piece of shit paper, but I'm sure any bad press for Redmond doesn't make that fish wrap. Must be nice to have a local paper as your propaganda mouthpiece.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone see the Charlotte Observer? Iredell deputy ordered to pay 2.3 million for alienation of affection. WOW, Tommy is sitting on a gold mine. Just think what he could get from someone higher up the food chain? Phil better look out 2.3 million X ? could end a fellow in the 5th Street Shelter. I guess he could room with Ricky? Of course he might need a bed at 5th Street also. I have an idea, a civil judgement could be paid from the Commissary fund?

Anonymous said...

This is old news, 8:16. You do raise a good point, though. You have a bunch of good old boys who have sticky fingers in the evidence locker and can't keep their dicks in their pants. Power corrupts and all that crap. Tommy may have a way to pay his legal bills, lol. When do they have time to get any crime-fighting done? Inquiring minds want to know. Kind of makes me want to put a body condom on anytime I go up to Statesville, which, thank heavens, isn't too often.

Anonymous said...

"In this case the cost of the phone service will likely be recovered, and I understand that is being pursued without direct county commissioner intervention," Robertson said.

I am just now reading this article and I have to say that the ostrich with its head in the sand award for biggest jackasss without a clue goes to Ken Robertson. "Other factors pertaining to the issue of which I was unaware?" Huh? Looks to me like there is plenty this dipshit isn't aware of. Isn't it his job as a county commissioner to get aware of these things? MORON!!!

He won't intervene because that might require him to get off his fat ass and do something. Does anyone at the county level of government here have accountabilty to anybody for anything?

Anonymous said...

Short answer: No.

Anonymous said...

That's unfortunate, 7:54 AM. Presumably we will have a chance to make our voices heard next election. I have to wonder, however, how this affects state and federal monies the county gets. There is certainly accountabilty at those levels, is there not? I can certainly see our state and federal reps asking questions about how money is spent in Iredell County. Surely, the commissioners have a hand in answering for that? And surely, state and federal monies go to the sheriff's dept? I would hazard a guess this sort of thing does not go unnoticed in Raleigh and DC. I would say that Redmond, Robertson, and company are liabilities. No intervention? No aid.

Anonymous said...

Someone refreshed my memory today about a woman that got burnt up in her house about 4 years ago and the last ones there were from the sheriff's Dept. Ain't that interesting? I forgot about them rumors. Maybe not so much rumors. Can't recall the details but I remember the fire and the death.

Anonymous said...

Who was she and what was the suspected motive?

Anonymous said...

Don't recall the name but it was someone the sherriff's boys wanted shut up. I expect someone could go back and figure out who it was. Was talking about it with some folks who are sick of this crap from Redmond and his pals. They brought it up and I recalled the rumors at the time. Probably figured it was a public service and someone nobody'd miss.

Anonymous said...

How was the donkey show?

Anonymous said...

Easy there 5:58. A comment like that could make a lip curl.

Anonymous said...

Hey everybody, a three pack of Sharpies is $1.47 at Walmart!!!

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