Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sheriff's office 'immoral, unethical, corrupt,' says former detective/sheriff candidate

Mark Nicholson, the former Republican candidate for Iredell County sheriff, is speaking out, calling the sheriff's office, under Phil Redmond's leadership, "immoral, unethical and corrupt."

A 19-year veteran of the sheriff's office, Nicholson ran against Redmond, his boss, for sheriff but fell short in the primary five months ago. That same week, Nicholson turned in his two-week notice to the sheriff's office. Working at another law-enforcement agency – which hired him almost immediately upon his resignation from the ICSO – Nicholson recently sat down with the Report to tell all.

Why did he feel compelled to run for sheriff against his boss? Why take such a risk? Why, after losing the primary, did he resign from the sheriff's office? Where is he now, and what are his future plans?

“I observed and worked with the current sheriff, Phil Redmond, for almost 16 years,” said Nicholson. “He is not the type of person who should be running the most important law-enforcement agency in the county.”

Citing inappropriate and criminal behavior – including private use of county time and equipment – and “bullying tactics” employed by the sheriff and his top brass toward those who question or don't follow the status quo, Nicholson said he resigned from the sheriff's office because he could no longer tolerate the “unethical, immoral and illegal behavior [he] observed there.”

Criminal use of public time, equipment

Nicholson said Redmond has acted illegally in his use of county-jail inmates for personal jobs and favors. In one instance, said Nicholson, a passerby observed inmates building a fence at the sheriff's house. Nicholson said the inmates have also been used to wash the vehicle of the sheriff's wife.

On another occasion, said Nicholson, “The sheriff sent [then-jailer, now-sergeant] Joel Hepler and jail inmates in a county vehicle, on county time, using county money, to spread gravel on Phil Redmond's home lawn.”

“Joel Hepler told me that out of his own mouth,” said Nicholson, adding that he remembers exactly where he was – “a KFC, eating an all-you-can-eat-buffet with another sheriff's detective” – when Hepler told both men about the incident.

Nicholson said a sheriff using jail inmates for personal use is not only against the sheriff's office “standard operational policies,” it is also against state law, classifying as “misapplying and wrongfully converting to his or her own use other property that's held in trust by the public.” And that, Nicholson said, is a felony, according to N.C. General Statute 14-92 (click on the documents to enlarge):

Nicholson also said – and other sources have corroborated – that Redmond and a few of his top cops illegally used county equipment on county time to campaign for Redmond for Sheriff in 2006. They say the State Bureau of Investigation looked into the matter but no one has heard anything from the agency since it investigated.

“I don't have a bit of use for the SBI,” said Nicholson. “I used to want to be an SBI agent. I looked up to them. But the SBI is pathetic. They've literally had things handed to them on Redmond, but they don't do a thing with it.”

When asked if he had ever been asked to participate in criminal behavior during his 16 years under Redmond, Nicholson said: “He knew better than to ask me to participate.”

Intimidation, bullying tactics

At least two Nicholson supporters have stated they were bullied by Redmond and at least one of his sergeants during the campaign season before the May primary. In one instance, the sheriff apparently pulled into the driveway of a man who had a large Nicholson campaign sign in his yard. According to that man, the sheriff said: “I hope you have everything tied down around here.”

Another man with a Nicholson sign in his yard said a sheriff's sergeant visited him and stated: “If your house is broken into, who's going to come out and investigate?”

But if Redmond and his top brass are such bullies, why did Nicholson continue working at the sheriff's office, under Redmond, for so many years?

Nicholson said he loved his job as an ICSO detective but he felt suffocated by the atmosphere that the current administration creates there. He said he also has immense respect for the people that he worked beside at the sheriff's office. “I've watched employees get stepped on around there while the ones that should've been in trouble got by with whatever,” Nicholson said. “The good ones were severely reprimanded or fired for some reason.

When he began to campaign for sheriff, Nicholson asked his colleagues not to publicly support him. “Most people there are job-scared,” he said. “I asked them not to support me publicly because of fear of retaliation.

“As expected,” Nicholson added, “that fear came true.”

He is referring to Redmond's decision, immediately after the primary, to drop the certifications of several part-time/reserve officers who supported Nicholson during the campaign. (See “Sheriff on collision course with Constitution?” at http://thegattonreport.blogspot.com/2010/06/sheriff-on-collision-course-with.html.)

“I hoped if I resigned it would take some of the heat off some of my friends and supporters who either worked there or used to work there and their certifications were being held by the sheriff,” Nicholson said. “Redmond has a reputation of using bullying tactics against anybody that opposes him in any way, shape or form.”

But if that's true, why didn't Redmond fire Nicholson? That's simple, said the former candidate for sheriff: “Federal law states that a person can't be fired because of … political reasons.” However, Nicholson added, “when re-swearing comes back around in November, he could have chosen not to swear me in. He can do that for any reason.”

Nicholson said when Redmond first took office in 1994, “he didn't re-swear 15 people, but two of them were re-hired due to public outcry.” Of the 13 others, Nicholson said, “two of them were arguably the hardest-working, most honest and fair men there. And they were let go for no other reason than to make room for Redmond and his cronies coming with him.”

So why now? Why didn't Nicholson take this strong of a public stance when he was running for sheriff? “The public needs to know what's going on at the sheriff's department,” Nicholson said. “My hope was that Redmond could be removed without a bunch of embarrassment to the county and at the expense of the county and other people.”

Staying more in the background and running a more above-board campaign, Nicholson said, “was the decent way to try to get it done. But since that failed,” he added, “the sheriff's department needs to be exposed for what it is.”

Nicholson said he wants Iredell taxpayers to know how their money is being spent. “The taxpayers are are paying for everything that's getting done – legal and illegal,” Nicholson said. “And they need to know.”

Nicholson said the sheriff is in the office “for two hours, tops, most days – usually from 9 or 9:30 a.m. to 11 or 11:30 a.m..” He said it is frustrating to watch Redmond claim the glory for the work of the rank-and-file at the sheriff's office.

“I'm sick and tired of Redmond taking all the credit when he knows hardly a thing about what's going on,” Nicholson said. “He wouldn't have a clue what he said until he reads it in the newspaper. The Record & Landmark knows that's going on but does it anyway.” In doing so, Nicholson said, “they're printing a bunch of falsehoods.”

Nicholson pointed to one instance in particular that he said demonstrated the height of Redmond's narcissism. While detectives were interviewing a suspect in the murder of four Iredell residents, “the sheriff interrupts the interview to get a picture of himself, leading the suspect in, for the newspaper," said Nicholson. "He interrupted an interview with a murder suspect,” Nicholson repeated, this time growing visibly more frustrated, “for a photo opp.”

What's worse, said Nicholson, when the suspect was taken back to the interview, “she had clammed up.”

Nicholson said he firmly believes the detectives were on their way to securing a confession, but they didn't get it because of the sheriff's desire to have his face in the newspaper.

When asked about the remaining candidates for sheriff – Redmond, Democrat Bill Stamey and Unaffiliated Skip Alexander – Nicholson said he likes both Stamey and Alexander. But he wouldn't comment on the candidate that has earned his vote. What Nicholson made clear, however, are his plans to run for sheriff in 2014 when the seat is again up for re-election. “You've got to stand up for what's right,” Nicholson said. “If everybody who knew something would stand up and talk, Redmond would be gone from office.”

The Report has sent Redmond a list of Nicholson's allegations, asking for responses. His response, if provided, will be posted here.


Anonymous said...

mark mark mark lies an sour-grapes

Anonymous said...

wow o wow. i think mark wouldn't risk a lawsuit for falsehoods.

Anonymous said...

Proof? Sure hope Mark and Jamie can find some because this seems like the makings of a good lawsuit!

Anonymous said...

I know Mark, he's not a liar. Redmond thinks he's God....

Anonymous said...

6:40 a lawsuit? Over what? You must be new. Welcome!! The empty lawsuit threat doesn't work here but if I had a nickel for every time it is thrown around on this website I would be a rich man. This does look like sour grapes but the law that is included seems to back up what Mr. Nicholson's claims are. He even named the other man that told him he took the prisoners to Mr. Redmond's house. I believe jailbirds should be working for our county but I do not think they should be working on anyone's personal projects.

Anonymous said...

Proof is all I am waiting on. I'm sure that Nicholson is very bitter over his loss, so that really makes these unproven claims very suspect.

Anonymous said...

Do you believe expert witnesses at trials?

Anonymous said...

7:18 google city of statesville and mark nicholson

Anonymous said...

so ????????

Anonymous said...

you asked about his job

Eating popcorn said...

Too bad Nicholson didn't tell all that he knows. Too long of an article I guess. May take a part two and three.

Anonymous said...

Redmond and his cronies are having their time in the sun, too bad they are going to get sunburnt, causes cancer you know, and that is exactly what this administration is, a cancer on Iredell county.

Anonymous said...

8:37...you think cancer is funnny?

Anonymous said...

What fool admits he eats at the all you can eat chicken buffet??? Awesome choice for sheriff!! hahahahaha run forest run

Anonymous said...

Seems to me that this blogspot is a joke. You people do know that you are basically reading Jamie's diary which she is passing on as journalism. By the way Mark, you do know that you are sloppy seconds for her, because she made it very clear that her choice was Blocker in the primary. Anybody that can type can start a blog and call it whatever you want. Too bad that Jamie tries to pass hers off as journalism. IF she were the professional journalist that she proclaims to be....she would be published somewhere...anywhere. But then again she knows that. This is a place for her to publish her opinion and agenda.

Anonymous said...

What fool hires someone like D..D..Dowdle as Cheif Deputy? Talk about forest.

Anonymous said...

As far as the blog being a joke. Perhaps it is. But Crone certainly isn't laughing at this joke.

Anonymous said...

same thing Mark said in his campain,he said,she said,they said s.o.s tell what "YOU" saw thats corrupt Mark,go crawl back in your hole an eat your sour-grapes!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why don't you ask Joel? Oh yea, he won't comment. There is some grapes for you.

Anonymous said...

I've been trying to tell many of the sheriffs current employees for years about his corrupt ways. His corruption didn't start when he got elected sheriff, it started when he was just a detective. Redmond used to give underage minors alcohol to get them to snitch on there buddies. Also, I recall a ALE agent stating he witnessed Redmond passing out moonshine to his cronies as Christmas gifts. I don't know who's going to be the go- to- guy to get Redmond out of office and into court, I just know it needs to be done.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

10:09 no I don't think cancer is funnny, or funny either for that matter. However I do think the Redmond Administration is a joke, a poor one on Iredell county, and yes his corruption started when he was detective. He approached my wife and I to make sure we were registered to vote, (he was a democrat then) and stated that if we were he would not look too close at anything growing around our place! Not that it would have done him any good to look. Just saying....

Anonymous said...

Is this a comedy routine? Roach in the ashtray Eddie's business partner quoting Joel as a truthful source? The problem with the ICSO seems to be that inferior character people have been hired in the past. Congrats to the SPD, our "LOSER" is your gain.

Anonymous said...

Nineteen years of experience, numerous arrest, detective experience. Sounds like the loser will be a huge asset to SPD.

Anonymous said...

Also an asset will be Mark's "friends" who have made him a legend in his own mind. So glad the taxpayers can continue to support Mark and his family. If he's an asset,SPD is in trouble, big time.

Anonymous said...

Why is he so bad? Because you like Redmond. Redmond has done some good things for this county do doupt. You should try to be a bit more objective and less emotional.

Anonymous said...

You know it's funny Mark put up with all these bad things for 15+ years an never said a word,let's his "friends" talk him in to running for sheriff <> is a "loser" <> now just before the election the guy he lost to is the worst guy in world, sourgrapes,sourgrapes,sourgrapes. Mark you are a liar you know an i know it!!!!

Anonymous said...

so even redmonds supporters are admitting that bad things have gone on for 15+ years.
with friends like you who needs enemies?

Anonymous said...


You must have poor reading comprehension because the person above you clearly calls Nicholson a liar. So in case you still don't understand that means they don't think the allegations are true!

Anonymous said...

Oh my sounds like mark just might have opened a can of he said she said, and he might not like the outcome. Why would he trust anything hepler said, last time i checked marks the one saying you cant trust hepler. Wow isnt he just an honest guy now. Funny how they wait to release this right before an election. Jamie-Mark if your so worried about the tax payers you should have done this oh when you found out about it. What do you think about that you honest country boy.

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that Redmond has been in control for far to long. To the best of my recollection, Phil was a narcotics investigator at the ICSO back in the 80's when the department was investigated by the SBI for missing drugs and money. As the investigation progressed, the money and some of the drugs mysteriously reappeared and the investigation was closed. Rumor was that the narcotics officers ponied up the money and an adequate amount of drugs to get the SBI off of their backs. Some things never change including the crookedness of a man's heart. And for all of you that are attacking Mark, you are quite transparent. You are riding a gravy train with Redmond, otherwise your sorry excuse for law enforcement officer would be standing on the welfare line. You guys might ought to consider cleaning up your acts before a new sheriff makes his way into your world.

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that if everyone knows all this and that and continued to work and draw a check and never called this in they could be charged with OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE???? Just a thought to think on. Half the people saying and spreading this stuff is retired so they would fully be within the bounds of obstruction of justice.

Anonymous said...

7:41 you sure don't have much of a recollection i was a narcotics officer in the 80s an you your not even close to the facts!

Anonymous said...

This is what Mark accused the Sheriff of doing bullying and being spiteful to anyone that goes against him...look at mark he went and bullied and called Jamie because Hepler did not suport him...sounds like mark is doing the same thing he accused redmond of....But then Again he was fooled into thinking he even had an ounce of experience to be Sheriff....ICSO LOOK HE SAID ALL THE GOOD ONES WERE GONE NOW....WHAT DOES THAT MEAN MARK IS PISSED BECAUSE HE DID NOT GET ANY SUPPORT AT THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE SO HE WILL ATTACK ANY OF YOU AT ANY COST AT ANYTIME

Also Mark was not even around during the interview he was not even a detective...Tell mark to put the facts out not allegations...Him and the SPD who mark now works for should be happy....Haliburton told someone that anyone that will make the ICSO look bad he would hire....but then again Haliburton is running all the officers away from Statesville...I know Haliburton loves working it out in the weight room. I cant believe and officer who threw everyone he use to work with under the bus would be able to slander a man like this and keep a job

This shows Nicholsons true side....we are very lucky he will not be the sheriff

Anonymous said...

I got an idea everyone who believes this is nothing more than a slanderous, lible article from Mark to sway the election call Statesville Police 704-878-3406 ask for the Chief Tom Anderson, or call the mayor and city council members and ask them do they agree with this type of activity by a Statesville Police Officer I am sure the city has a Policy about these type of attacks that only spread falsehood and lies without any proof or witnesses against not only the Sheriff but all employees at ICSO, and the SBI.

Anonymous said...


Is that you Phil? Trying to bully Mark into being quiet?

Anonymous said...


I beleive the City's Policy is that everyone has free speech.

Anonymous said...

Well let me say I have been a Sheriff's Deputy for 20 years and not in Iredell County. Mark needs to shut his mouth and go on. Thats B/S Mark talking about how the Sheriff knew better than to fire him when he ran for Sheriff is nothing but B/S. A Sheriff can fire any deputy he wants at any time and does NOT have to give a reason!! Just the fact that Sheriff Redmond did not fire Mark speaks very loud because EVERYOTHER Sheriff in the state would have fired him! It is a known fact in the Sheriff's office that if you run against your Sheriff you will be fired. I know many of deputy's that were. I also happen to know one SBI agent who did an investigation on the Sheriff's office in Iredell, there was nothing illegal that was done!!!!!!!! Mark is nothing more than a sore Loser!!!

Anonymous said...

Redmond couldn't even get a majority of republicans to support him after all those years in office. People know things aren't right. It's time for him to go to pasture. He never shows up for work anyway, what difference would it make?

Anonymous said...

Mark Nicholson carried most of the North End of the County where he and Phil both live and people know first hand how both of them conduct thier lives. What does that tell you about who is telling the truth

Anonymous said...

It is called the 1st amendment by the way !!!!!!!!!!! Yes, this is still America. Yes Mark can excercise all his rights.You all get to choose to believe some, all or none of what you have read. Yes we have the right to apply every day common sense to this and anything else posted. I am sure that if none of this happened, then everything will be just fine, and we will all live happy ever after. Time will tell I am sure.

Anonymous said...

To Mark: I hope you do run again in 2014 i'll enjoy seeing "you" an lying frombonie get your az's beat again!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I heard Redmond is serving more Koolaid on Thursday.

Anonymous said...

There was only 12 percent voter turn out! I know lots of people who didn't even go vote because they knew Redmond had it. I guess we will just have to see what happens during the general election??? The timing of all this seems very politically motivated, and we all know if Nicholson had any proof he would have don't something with it! That tells me and every other educated person on here all we need to know!

Jamie I think you need to observe how biased you are being in the sheriffs case! Its really not professional of you.

Anonymous said...

I am sure Jamie and Mark Nicholson knows Redmond has it in the bag. This is a matter of public awareness. Ask yourself why Hepler has not commented? Do you think it is because he doesn't know what is being said? Wise up.

Anonymous said...

Public awareness of what? I'm still waiting on proof? If you give me some proof any of this happened I will help form the picket line myself!

Anonymous said...

9:35, you are wrong, plain and simple. This has been discussed here before and I have asked several lawyer friends about it myself since reading about it here. Even though North Carolina is a work at will state, people absolutely cannot LEGALLY be fired for political association. Yes it is a common practice but the only reason sheriffs get away with it is because the people who are fired do no sue. The supreme court has ruled that it is illegal to fire for political association. Sheriffs are not bigger than the law unless people let them be.

Anonymous said...

11:17, do you believe in expert witnesses at trials?

Anonymous said...

Welp start the picket line bud. I believe there are names and instances in the article and short of actually going to trial what else do you want?

Anonymous said...


Judging by most of the comments on this site I think that the average person has finally figured out that if you had the proof you wouldn’t be wasting time on an anonymous blog! Quit treating us like we are stupid, we can all see that this is nothing more than some politically motivated unsubstantiated allegations! If it is true that Nicholson is working at the SPD and spreading these kinds of lies, I believe that I will be giving the chief a call today!

I also agree with a previous poster in the fact that you really need to observe if you are being a little biased in your reporting on the sheriff. You have posted a lot of falsehoods on this site, and hope that you will examine your reporting and change that! One prime example is the Jamie/Harold Miller article; you accused the man and basically pointed the finger at him and turned out to be very wrong! Maybe Harold should be looking a suit against you if you don’t change.

Anonymous said...


If I claimed that you beat your husband/wife/child would that make it true? I don't think it would, and I look at this the same way!

Anonymous said...

If you read more carefully you will see Jamie did a follow up story about the arrest of the true offender in the Miller story. How much fairer could she be? She also never accused anyone.

Anonymous said...

For all you that call mark forest, i just want to let you know, if you acually watch forest gump... he is the winner in the end!! haha

Anonymous said...

10:49/8:45, if you don't like the kind of reporting that goes on here then go play in someone else's sandbox--but let's face it you love it here and just cant stand the thought of not reading what ms. gatton is writing about. whats a joke is all the people bashing the blog that they keep coming back to. its the blog you love to hate. a love hate relationship. that's funny. i don't care who you are.

Anonymous said...

10:10 you make a most excellent point. Not only did Forrest win, but.....HE WAS THE GOOD GUY!!! Redmond and his whole command staff suck.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Forest Gump might have been a simple man but he was

hard working
told it like it was
had good people working for him ( Sg. Dan who made him a millionair)
knew wrong from right and choose right

I would rather have a Forest as sheriff than someone who might be smarter but only used his smarts to outsmart the county he worked for into thinking he was a good man when all the while he was doing as many evil deeds as he could get away with.

Anonymous said...

If the Sheriff sues Nicholson then Nicholson can call who he wants to court to testify and then they will have to decide to tell the truth or perger themselves. Maybe Nicholson would loved to be sued.

Bubba Gump said...

I think you might be onto something there Lieutenant Dan-and that's all I'm gonna say about that.

Anonymous said...

i dont think redmond will be running again after this go round

Anonymous said...

If you accuse a man of a serious criminal offense you should be able to provide some serious proof. I see the accusations, but do not see any serious proof. If that tells me what I need to know about Nicholson's character then I won't ever support him for sheriff(even if Redmond doesn't run)

Anonymous said...

My only concern is, if mark was so concerned about the taxpayers. What took him 12 years to say this. And why is telling us after he lost. Doesn't seem like he's that worried about anything but revenge.

Anonymous said...

As a matter of fact I don't give two cents if he is concerned. He can take his fake country honest boy act, and run for sheriff in iraq. That would suit me just fine. You people have nothing better to do then make other people look bad, so you feel better about yourself. I must say this is getting a lot of attention 60 plus comments in three day. Lol what a joke.

Anonymous said...

Mark, jamie, and this whole website is a joke. I'm gonna try and be like whistle blower nine. Oh but I want to report things with no facts or evidence. Then when someone ask for facts. There's people on here who says you want facts go ask so and so. Well last time I checked that's he said she said. Get a life, and a new hobby

Anonymous said...

Last time I checked mark and his people were downing joel hepler and calling him a liar. But all the sudden now he is a saint, and a top reference. Oh yea well joel told me this and if he said it, its true. Well one question what happened to you and you supporters calling him a liar on this same website. Yall are right its time for a change. Its time for all of us redmond supporters to stand up for a good man who yall just hate.

Anonymous said...

While you are supporting that good man see if he will comment on this. I kind of doubt he will.

Anonymous said...

Dis id nod howd we dude bidness!!!!

Anonymous said...

grovers rule

Anonymous said...

9:43 Is that you Dowdle?

Anonymous said...

I'm with several others who brought up the lawsuit suggestion. I think Redmond needs to sue Nicholson for all of this slander. Since none of this is true that would lay it all to rest. As a matter of fact, let's get it to court before the election so we can put it behind us. Yeah, that's it.

Anonymous said...

im gay

Anonymous said...

Exactly 10:25. Lets put it to rest. How about it Phil? Since Mark is lying you should be able to get some good money out of him. If the Sheriff's sues him it must be a lie. If he does not it must be true.

We are waiting Phillip.

Anonymous said...

8:31 Is that you Dowdle?

Anonymous said...

Obviously you don't know anything about the court system. It will take time to put a suit together, and then more time to go to trial.

Anonymous said...

Better get started then.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely. Bring it.

Anonymous said...

"The current Register of Deeds, in a phone conversation with the Report this morning, responded to allegations by her Republican challenger, Matt McCall".

There is a groundbreaking idea, responding to allegations.

Anonymous said...

"The Report has sent Redmond a list of Nicholson's allegations, asking for responses. His response, if provided, will be posted here."

Anonymous said...

Response. Yea right.

Anonymous said...

All Redmond has to do is ignore this and it will go away like everything else has.

Anonymous said...

10:06 Unfortunately you are right. The people of Iredell are stupid. They allow their elected officials to do as they please on their dollar.

Anonymous said...

For anyone interested about another choice this year. Skip Alexander is a 24 year veteran of the FBI, and 10 years as a police officer and deputy sheriff. He has 35 years as a NC licensed attorney. He is running as the unaffiliated candidate and you can learn more at alexander4sheriff.com. SKIP has our votes. He is well known as a unit commissioner in the Boy Scouts too. He's got the experience and abilities and since he started out as an EMT in his youth he probably can help create better relationships with the other departments. As for all these complaints about internal politics and misuse of the department. That is well known by many around the county too afraid to say anything. Do we really need more years of a man who has used his office to bully the very people we want protecting us? Retaliating against good men, who take an oath to risk their lives? I think they deserve better. We all do folks. 16 years of this Sheriff is enough.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Let's see you have to be 21 to be most of these so 21+24+10+35 = 90 is he still able to walk

Anonymous said...

From the article...

"He (Nicholson) is referring to Redmond's decision, immediately after the primary, to drop the certifications of several part-time/reserve officers who supported Nicholson during the campaign."

Redmond dropping the certifications of those officers was pure bullying intended to send out a message to anyone else who may dare to expose him for who he is. It would have been just as easy to wait until November and not swear them in. Dropping the certifications prior to the election ran the risk of making even more enemies (as it did), but desperation isn't logical is it?

The truth about Redmond and his character has always been a topic around Iredell County, but it is now getting the publicity it has always needed. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Anonymous said...

Proven fact everyone knows that the gatton report has always had it out for redmond. Another fact mark is just a sore loser, and if he was so good why did he continue to hang around for so many years. I mean don't give me that bs that he loved his job, he seems to love the new one to. He could have quit and easily been hired there. People get a grip on yourselfs. I guess the old saying is if you can't beat them then cheat. Should have been marks campaign slogan. As for him dropping yalls certifications, I mean come on its a given. Who would want snakes in the ground like yall representing there office. Its funny how quick you are to judge for your own actions.

Anonymous said...

I could pull more country off the bottom of my boot, than mark has in is whole family tree. Keep it coming the more yall bad mouth the more signs I see for redmond in peoples yard. Got to love it.

Anonymous said...

Why wait to get the backstabbing people out, I personally wouldn't want yall working for me in my business. Its not what you have done for me, its kinda what you can do for me today isn't that right 722. I mean we no stamey will have some of the nicholson votes but it will be a split between him an alexander. But its gonna take way wore than the measly 3000 votes yall had. Nov 2 can't come soon enough. One question why do yall wait till election to push stuff like this, the things you accuse this man of is serious. I would think if he really did it, you would come about this the moment he did it.

Anonymous said...

Intelligence (or lack thereof) is being revealed. The same people who can't figure out "to" from "too" and "their" from "there" and don't know that "yourselfs" is not even a word, also don't understand that one can be a licensed attorney while not practicing. Good thing for Redmond that you don't have to spell, know proper English or use logic to vote.

Anonymous said...


The problem with this world is over educated pricks like you. With that oh look at me perfect attitude, you no where to stick that. Does it make you feel bigger to point out other people's flaws. Wait hang on you answered that, and now i can see where you get the stuff about Redmond yall come up with. You want to put yourself on a throne, but down everyone who is against you.

Anonymous said...

7:22 you obviously hit on a truth and a weak spot. As usual when a truth is told the other side has to fly in with a bunch to try to disclaim and cover up.

Redmond is nothing but a bully who likes and uses the power of his position to fit his personal agenda. Thanks for giving us the fine example.

Anonymous said...

5:48 Please get someone other than another Redmond supporter to proof read your post.

funny thing said...

Wow this Blog is full of jokes and lies and sore losers!!! jamie gatton is a reporter want to be. hey jamie wasn't your current or former husband one of the ones that beat and about killed that poor handicap man several years ago. wipe your on feet huh!!!! you aint no saint yourself i went to school with you my dear. people need to look at your past. your are a very sick person. and always posting false info on here gosh how many times have you had to go back and print the real truth. very funny i love to read and laugh at what you have turned into/

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There are law enforcement officers and there are people who like to wear a badge. A true law enforcement officer cares enough to right wrongs no matter who commits them. The biggest excuse I have heard from those who want Redmond removed from office is that there is no proof.

When a report comes in that drugs are being sold at a residence the officer has to find proof and evidence that will lead to the arrest of that indiviual. If it is reported that a subject is the ringleader of a burglary ring an officer has to go find the proof that gives him the right to search the house to find the evidence to make the arrest.

Redmond is surrounded by law enforcement officers who have knowledge of his activities or are in a position to get that knowledge but no one has stepped in to provide direct information because Redmond is surrounded by officers who put the law second and their job first. No matter how diligent an officer is in busting people on the street, if they are willing to stand by and allow Redmond to flagrantly behave the way he has, they are just officers who like to wear a badge. You can't selectively enforce the law and still deserve the badge.

Apparently Nicholson waited until he secured another job before he started talking. Redmond's team wants to know why he worked there so long before saying something, that would be my guess as to why.

As Nicholson said in the article, “If everybody who knew something would stand up and talk, Redmond would be gone from office.”

Those who work under Redmond and have firsthand information of wrongdoings but won't step up are only people who want to wear a badge. You were sworn to uphold the law fairly and without predjudice. Eighty percent or more of the department hates Redmond and wants him out of there but won't be a part of getting him removed. As long as Redmond is able to keep up the image that Donna Swicegood and the Record and Landmark have helped him create, he will be in office. The excuse that there is no proof is just that, an excuse. Those who know need to come forward and those who know but don't have proof need to work at getting that proof just like they would with any other suspect. Redmond (probably Eades) posted the following quote on Redmond's Facebook awhile back, "No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man's permission when we require him to obey it."

The law enforcement officers of Iredell County need to take that quote to heart.

Anonymous said...

wow 7:27 you probably managed to piss everybody off with that post.

Anonymous said...

Go 7:27 great post and I agree with you 100%.

Anonymous said...

isn't rick the brother of brenda dowdle bell, current register of deeds?

Anonymous said...

Don't you people have anything better to do with your time, than to act like your a investigator. Grow up, and quit hiding behind your computer. Oh wait we can't go there you have been hiding behind it for a while.

Anonymous said...

12:57 I believe that you are hiding behind your computer you are anonymous also.

Anonymous said...

This is for the SBI because they apparently don't know what to do:

1. Interview Nicholson and get a good statement from him. Learn the identity of the other witness that heard Hepler's comments.

2. Interview the second witness and obtain a statement from them. Try to find out if Hepler commented to any other people about it.

3. Interview Hepler. Not at the office. Too many people will know about it. Do it at his home. Obtain a good detailed statement from him about Redmond's actions.

4. Although it likely won't happen, attempt an interview with Redmond. You might get lucky, but I doubt it.

5. With Hepler's statement you have what is called Probable cause. You may have heard of that before. Use it to obtain a warrant.

SBI, If you need further help you may check out Criminal Investigations for Dummies. It can be found in most book stores or on line.

If you need any more help you may contact me. The citizen you are supposed to be protecting against corruption.

Anonymous said...

It is a good weekend for "bingo" or cock fighting. I wonder if anyone in the inner circle know of a good place.

Anonymous said...

11:54 Does that have anything to do with bags of money being left for pickup? It's one thing to overlook some activities when there are no complaints. It is entirely different to profit from them. I think that would be considered running a criminal enterprise wouldn't it? Sems like the SBI would have some interest, but I guess not.

Anonymous said...

11:54 / 12:13 I have heard these alegations as well. The thing is there is no one speaking out. Nicholson has cleary stated he knows of criminal activity (N.C. General Statute 14-92),and the SBI still does nothing.

Says alot for N.C.'s crminal justice system.

Anonymous said...

Some around Redmond have knowledge. One already told about taking Redmond by a house where a bag was retrieved. He said the bag had a tear in it and he could see money inside. If it is a lie, he told it. This is one of Redmond's top people who claims (behind his back)to despise him and wants him out of office. That story and name will be turned over to the SBI if they ever get off their ass. Joel Hepler is another who used to wear the Sheriff out as well for being unethical and dabbling in the illegal. Heard it myself. Redmond doesn't know how many rats are in his house. There are several very top dogs who go along with things because they are afraid of him, what he knows on them in some cases and job scared with others. If he gets voted out or removed, watch the flood of people who say they couldn't stand him and are so glad he is out. Most of which are currently kissing his ass and doing his dirty bidding. Nobody likes a vindictive bully. Not even those who are currently in high places because they know that one wrong move and they could be on the receiving end of what they are watching everybody else get.

Anonymous said...

There are people working there now who know of these things, but will not speak up. An ousider has no credibility. Things are tough now and not looking any better for the future. I hold little hope that an honest man from their ranks will stick his neck out for what is right. I know the game. A whistle blower will end up losing and looking like the bad guy in this powerful evil circle and they will be even stronger, when the whistle blower(s) themselves end up indicted or jobless. I'm not sure I would stick my neck out either.

Anonymous said...

If the SBI did a serious investigation or if a person or two would get indicted from there, people will start talking. Once they think it is all unraveling people will panic and consider talking. I expect several auctioneers to be born out of this before it is over.

Anonymous said...

12:50 I do not doubt your comments. However, the SBI can always say there were no witnesses. At least with the Nicholson comments there is a starting point, should the SBI choose to get off their over paid asses and do something. When and if it ever takes place and Redmond is indicted I can't wait to watch his rats run for cover.

Anonymous said...

For all of you who keep saying Nicholson was there for 19 years and is just now saying something, why?

1. Redmond has only been the Sherrif for 16 years.

2. Of course it would take time after Redmond came into office to start seeing things. I am sure Redmond was not involved in as much corruption when he first came in to office as he is now.

3. Nicholson may have done things before deciding to run for the office or comment on the Gatton Report that were basically ignored and that is why he decided to speak out now. I beleive that is what he stated on his web site during the campaign. I know for a fact that he has been to the Record and Landmark before but nothing is printed. I also know for a fact that others have been to the Record and Landmark with concenrs and proof of things going on and instead of the paper doing an investigation into the matter and printing an article, the staff notifies the sheriff so he has a heads up into the matter so he can cover it up. I have been told that the Sheriff provides Donna Swicegood with a cell phone just to get in touch with the Sheriff's Dept.

4. What Nicholson has done is hard to do, trusting that doing the right thing will turn out OK for you in the end. We all know sometimes it dose not. Doing the right thing in these type of situations is almost always much harder to do.

It is a sad state of affairs when money and oneself come before what is right. That is exactly what is wrong with this county now. If people who know things are going on that are wrong don't start standing up to them just because that is the right thing to do this whole county is going to be lost.

Anonymous said...

Redmond is the best candidate and even at his age has a vision for the future. Go to any sheriff's office in North Carolina and you'll hear the same sort of stuff. Does he play politics? Sure he does, as does every other sheriff in NC. We don't need a lawyer running the department, just look at the SBI. Stamey is a good dude, but has been out of law enforcment a long time. That leaves Redmond!

Anonymous said...

Redmond doesn't do anything. Stamey could be in the same spot, be honest and fair to employees and acheive better results than Redmond because the atmosphere will improve. Nicholson summed it up nicely;

"Nicholson said he loved his job as an ICSO detective but he felt suffocated by the atmosphere that the current administration creates there. He said he also has immense respect for the people that he worked beside at the sheriff's office. “I've watched employees get stepped on around there while the ones that should've been in trouble got by with whatever,” Nicholson said. “The good ones were severely reprimanded or fired for some reason."

Good example, one deputy was caught red-handed taking items from evidence for personal use and nothing was done while another deputy was falsly accused of domestic violence and got fired AND spent a weekend in jail. (The officer has since been cleared with the courts)

Fine place Redmond is running.

Anonymous said...

Well said 8:34. The officer that was accused of domestic violence was a good officer. He begged for an internal investigation but could not get the Sheriff's Office to do one. What a shameful way to treat a loyal employee. I only hope that one day he will tell his story because the citizens of Iredell need to know.

Anonymous said...

who has mr goforth s"destroyed" properety thats still what i want to know

Anonymous said...

Mr. Goforth has been reimbursed from the missing evidence fund. No need to bring that up again.

Anonymous said...

Why is there a need for a "missing evidence fund?" Seems that would tell us that there is a need to bring that up again!

Anonymous said...

The missing evidence fund was sarcasm. Sorry for the confusion.It was a comment about how easy it is for them to cover stuff up. It must be great to be able to write a check for $3715 with ease.

Anonymous said...

It is especially ironic seeing as how they are cutting back hours due to budget sgortages.

Anonymous said...

This is a very funny blog, should be named slingshit.com. You and all your friends/click no if you had hard evidence. You would have personally hand delivered it to your president obama right now. I call him your president because you like to sling shit just like him. What you need is to let some southern roots get a hold of you one good time. I promise you that will wake you up quick. I've never seen a bunch of self righteous people in my life. If you had the courage and had facts you would post your life story on here. This is how losers act though, so its nothing new. If you can't beat them smear them. Hears a idea, start your picket line after november 2.

Anonymous said...

5:56 Do you think the evidence situation should be ignored? It seems as though you do not consider it a big deal. You had your proof on that situation and you just ignore it.

Anonymous said...

What proof? If your referring to what joel hepler said, or someone else said. Then yea I'm ignoring that, because if I recall correctly I remember back before the primaries. Nicholson and his supporters were calling him judas. Oh but wait one minute, now that he is saying something about redmond he is as honest as the day is long. Don't give me that he said this, so its evidence crap. One question for this website and the nicholson follower. How do you all the sudden believe someone you called a dirty liar. Its only getting worse for your stories, and I'm sure you will be able to tell that november 2.

Anonymous said...

Joel Hepler is as honest as the day is long. YOU need to stop attacking him.

Anonymous said...

Haha yea I hear you. I think the nicholson supporters, were the ones undermining his honesty. Do we need to copy and paste all the comments. I personally seen joel putting out signs for redmond. So I guess he is honest right.

Anonymous said...

Thats about like saying, our economy is in great condition.

Anonymous said...

Joel will put the ace of spades and the jack of clubs on you boy.

Anonymous said...

Watch out, I'm trembling in my boots now. Get real like I care about him or his two faced ways. I can honestly say I love this I mean it brings out true colors.

Anonymous said...

What he will probably do is go tell someone that he pour gravel in my yard next. So it makes him look like he is in good.

Anonymous said...

9:30 Like most Redmond supporters, you are not familiar with the Bible. Hepler was called Judas, because he, like Judas, was known for betraying, not lying. I guess you are suggesting Redmond keeps Hepler around even though he thinks he is dishonest. Your point about Redmond winning on the 2nd is a good point. However, even Bill Clinton won twice. It says nothing about the character of the man.

Anonymous said...

6:11 you beat me to the reply. I will add as well that Hepler earned the name Judas because at one time he despised Redmond for all the same reasons as most of us still do. Somewhere along the line, Hepler jumped track from saying that Redmond should be removed and locked up to personally doing his dirty work. I only have one question for Joel, what does Redmond have on you?

We know how it works, it's the same system that has one man in the automoble business handing envelopes over to keep the man off his ass. The man that complained about that must also be involved in dirty dealings or he wouldn't feel the need to pay out. It is extortion but that is how the game is played.

Anonymous said...


Just like a nicholson/alexander supporter, just go out on a limb and judge a man who you no nothing about. Let me remind you that the apple doesnt fall far from the tree. I know you have an excuse for everything you do, but lord help others. If i can recall correctly from all the post your side is the one calling names, and doing the judging. Calling people fools, maybe i am a fool for commenting on this website. Because about five people is what keeps this website going. If im not mistaking the sbi needs some press so if they had anything good on Redmond we all know it would be out there.

Anonymous said...

9:43 In fairness you make a good point. It would make the SBI look alot better. I do not know why they are dragging their feet. Perhaps they think Nicholson's comments are only politically motivated. Perhaps they are waiting until after the election to look into it. I really don't know, but neither do you.

As far as the name calling I think you may not be paying well enough attention. Who were they calling a sore ass loser and Forest. You seem like a smart guy/gal pay closer attention.

Anonymous said...

Skip Alexander may be a lawyer but spent 24 years with the FBI as an investigator. He also spent 10 years on patrol as a police officer and a deputy sheriff. Being a lawyer in addition is just good to know so that he understands more than criminal justice at the arrest level. A good sheriff works with prosecutors and judges. A great sheriff treats everyone as he wishes to be treated, even firemen, police, all first responders. Redmond has mistreated others and has not acted in the best interest of citizens, but in his own interest first.

Excuse us, but Sheriff Redmond has been very retributive in his acts. When you surround yourself only with people who fear you then corruption can rule the day. Honest employees who did nothing wrong should not have to work in that environment. There is enough to do in this county without Redmond acting like an overlord.

Skip has shown that you can be a law enforcement officer your whole life, be a hard nose about getting the job done well, but STILL treat those around you with respect. that's what we're saying.

Any man who can walk neighborhoods and get 4000-5000 signatures to get on this ballot deserves a good look. Obviously he has struck a chord.
If you feel like reading about what he has done in his life then go to his website and learn something.

Redmond is not the only candidate this time around and I think he knows it.
alexander4sheriff.com - Go SKIP!

Anonymous said...

To the guy who asked about skips age;
He started as a police officer WHILE he was in UNC. In 1970. In 1975 he got his law degree. Was 24 years with the FBI and 10 years as deputy sheriff. So the legal knowledge coincides with the law enforcement background guys. Anybody can see you can have multiple professions overlap. My goodness. Any excuse to knock a good man. Face it. Redmond has none of the depth of experience of a man like Alexander.

Anonymous said...

Oh lord here we go. Thanks for letting us know that oh skip got his ballot signed. I think we new that, I must add 4000 which were the nicholson supporters. Its a given that he was a nicholson man, and this was your safety plan. Do you want a standing ovation. Its gonna take a lot more than 4000, as of monday 8000 had already eary voted. I know a lot who are just voting a straight ticket, its happening world wide. I also must add it doesnt take a rocket brain to no a lawyer is nothing but a liar. I think i would have personally left that out of my background. I believe Redmond has more experience in Law Enforcement on one hand, than skippy does in his life. So you take your lawyer, and get him ready for your lawsuit. I love laughing at your ignorance, never seems to fail. Give us some information we dont know, oh i forgot thats your weakness.

Anonymous said...

9:45 You did read the part about the FBI and deputy sheriff, right? Having a strong knowledge of the law is very appealing to knowledgeable voter. Fortunately for your canidate there is an overwhelming amount of ignorant voters that only vote straight tickets. If they knew the truth about him it would be a different ball game.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Alexander tried to get a job with the Iredell County Sheriff's office within the last 8 years? I guess he is a little bitter because he couldn't get hired! John Edwards and Barrack Obama both have law degrees and I don't think they have run anything very well!

Anonymous said...

The claim that Nicholson supporters are backing Alexander is very false statement. I was a Nicholson supporter and my support goes to Bill Stamey all the way. It is highly amusing to think that Skip was "the back up plan". There was no back up plan, it was win or not. The only general agreement I have heard from anyone ever was that Redmond has to go. Vote for Skip or Bill, I could care less which but remember that the vote will be split and help Redmond all the way. Also keep in mind that Redmond will in all likelyhood be voted back in due to the straight ticket vote, the current anti-Democrat movement and also because of the false reputation that Donna Swicegood and the Record & Landmark have helped him build.

The only back up plan is to get the truth out, demand an investigation and the subsequent removal of Redmond and his cohorts from office.

Oh yeah, about Redmonds law enforcement experience. I have no idea what he did while he was in law enforcement in his younger years but he does nothing now except strut around in his cowboy boots smiling, showing off his jewelry, impressing those who don't know better and dodging those who do know.

Anonymous said...

I believe worthless as teats on a boar hog would sum up that last post.

Anonymous said...

I beleive worthless as teats on a boar hog would sum up Redmond as enforcing the law.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you people are rough! I think it is time for a new Sheriff for whatever an opinion may be worth these days. Redmond has been in too long and it would be nice to have some fresh blood in. Although I have no clue whether or not Redmond is a crook, I have heard that for the last ten years and not just at election time. There must be some truth to the stories otherwise they would not be repeated as often as they have been and of course we all know that absolute power corrupts absolutely. It does seem that Redmond supporters are a vindictive bunch, I agree with a previous post that said if Nicholson is lying then Redmond should sue him...somehow I just don't see that happening. I have a friend that went to work for Redmond after working at the city. He says that the command staff at the sheriff's office are thicker than thieves and are very rude to the road staff. He also said that Redmond is rarely ever in the office. Who knows, maybe a new guy will straighten that place out and save the county some money.

Melinda Holyfield formally Summers said...

Hey Mark, wanna job pouring concrete>>>LMAO...i dont know nobody hiring...hummmm
how about makin liquor again ...you were much better at that anyway!

Anonymous said...

Mark, if ya read this, watch your back in Statesville too! That place is right next to the Redmond stall in the toilet!