Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

"They had their say ... now we have ours": Erskine Smith/Town Voice

They had their say … now we have oursis a collaborative column that will appear periodically in the Report, offering a critical analysis of a comment made publicly by a government official or employee. If you would like to participate in a collaborative column, send me an e-mail, including the comment (it must have been made publicly) and sound reasoning for why you took issue with it. If it’s something I think we can develop, we’ll work together via e-mail on writing the column. Readers whose viewpoints are eventually printed, as always, have the option of remaining anonymous.


“Dissent is the highest form of patriotism”
(Howard Zinn, often attributed to Thomas Jefferson)

After reading the section in May’s Town Voice titled “From the Office of the Town Manager,” I sat in disbelief over what I had just witnessed.

I had witnessed the desperate grasping of a public official (Interim Town Manager Erskine Smith), under fire, attempt to free himself from the watchful eyes of the community by shamelessly using the memory of a remarkable young man to disseminate his frustrations against his detractors.

And I had witnessed the blatant abuse of power by this man when he gave himself permission to use public resources to vent his anger and frustration – for surely the silencing of public dissent is not included in his job description and substantial salary.

In his letter to the citizens of Mooresville, Smith began by recounting the untimely and tragic death of a young man in our community, Griff Lyerly, and by reminding us of the majestic words of Marc McClure, one of Griff’s professors.

Unfortunately for us and for Smith, he did not stop there. He went on to conspicuously transplant these ominous words into an otherwise seemingly loving and compassionate piece: “Many men and women have given of themselves to strengthen, serve and protect Mooresville from forces of negativism, intolerance and doubt.”

Smith failed to expound further on these “forces of negativism, intolerance and doubt,” and he failed to tell us who the “men and women” are who, according to him, are valiantly “protecting” us against such menacing forces.

We can only assume that the “forces of negativism” to which Smith refers include the Report and its many readers and supporters, as well as any local activists and outspoken citizens in our community. This assumption is bolstered by the fact that Smith’s name has appeared in various exposé pieces, the most recent being his involvement in a questionable $237,000 “commission” given to his lifelong friend, Jimmy McKnight.

Smith’s vitriolic, unfortunate and awkwardly placed statement was clearly aimed at those who would dare question him and his actions. And it was specifically designed to attempt to squelch opposition and dissent by local citizens and free him from the firm grasp of scrutiny and accountability.

It stands to reason that Smith would like nothing more than for everyone in this community to remain “positive” and “tolerant” as he goes about his business comfortably and without being scrutinized, questioned and exposed. Unfortunately for him, that scenario is not likely to happen, and his wishful thinking has not materialized since the Pandora’s Box was first opened several years ago.

Perhaps most disturbing is an attempt, however subliminal, by Smith to domesticate and indoctrinate the young minds of our community, falsely insinuating to them that a “good citizen” is a quiet and obedient one, even when faced with public officials behaving in self-interest rather than in the interest of their community.

While from one side of his mouth Smith scolds dissenters, from the other side of his mouth he claims to “encourage all citizens to get involved and make Mooresville a better place.” The caveat, we assume, is that we are only invited to “get involved” if we agree to remain quiet about his and other public officials’ misconduct.

For is Smith not in fact telling us that we can only “better” this community if we remain silent to that which is unjust, unfair and improper? Is he not telling us that for us to be better citizens, we must remain tolerant, for example, of his giving away one-quarter-of-a-million dollars of our tax money to his childhood friend, McKnight? Is he not telling us that doubting and questioning our local government constitute the sinister term “forces of negativism”?

Ironically, held within Professor McClure’s words were these: “But like all societies, there are counter forces within and without that seek to erode what you stand for.” It is ultimately up to us, not up to a public official under fire, to decide what our values are, what we stand for, and what exactly we consider the “counter forces” that threaten those values.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
(First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution)

Our forefathers, in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, granted us the right to gather, protest, and question our government when it begins to go awry. There are those of us who believe that the primary duty of a “good citizen” is to be vigilant and expect accountability and honesty from the government and its officials. It is not to stroke the egos of those officials by becoming their yes-men or yes-women. It is not to become blindly loyal and unquestioning, and it is certainly not to allow our silence to be bought with political favors or worse.

At the end of the day, Erskine Smith surrendered to a deeply ingrained sense of self-indulgence and used public funds as well as Griff’s memory to espouse his own brand of good citizenship, one that would conveniently “tolerate” and presumably “trust” government, of which he is a part.

Smith’s soliloquy was a poorly veiled attempt to silence, disparage and discount his dissenters and to stop the tide of exposure that may be coming his way.

But to give the devil his due, he managed to end well with this: “The Athenians were right. Let us leave it better than we found it.”

Unfortunately for Smith, there are many in this community whose idea of leaving it better than they found it may drastically vary from that of his.


Anonymous said...

Jaime well done,once again. There isn't much more to be added to the goings on of our infamous Erskine Smith. Actually, he's worst than Justice,by doing all his underhanded stuff in hidding. Justice was very influenced by Smith, and look where that finally got him.
The Mayor and his board allies(they know who they are)are dragging their feet to hire a new Town Manager only biding time to give this useless,underhanded person the job permenently. Who the hell do all these church going "pillars of the community" think they're fooling????? I hope TOM people see just what kind of person Smith is, and don't allow this Mayor, nor his allies, give him the Town Manager job. I lived in many towns with much more population, and only a Town Manager was needed. Smith is costing taxpayers money, which could be used for other things. He needs to be booted out, and no replacement needed. Reminds me of the assistant pro they hired at the losing money municipal golf course!!!!!! That was another Rader debacle.

Anonymous said...

What Erskine did was low but not surprising, if you know him.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Smith's previous article in the "Town Voice," in which Smith justified the "retreat," the use of taxpayer funds to get out of town to collaborate(conspire) for the upcoming year. Please write a blog entry countering the Smith/Rader argument of prudent exercise of taxpayer funds.I know many taxpayers think they could do their "collaboration" somewhere in Mooresville and keep the dollars in local restaurants,save taxpayers on gas, and still do just as great a job as ever. I'd be willing to pay for them to take a trip if the governance results would improve, but if we are going to get what we see now, stay in town.

Anonymous said...

Oh Gawd Erskine. This was a major screwup. What were you thinking???

Anonymous said...

Pitiful. Demote this guy to dog catcher.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, right. A Dog Catcher that makes $104,000 a year!

Anonymous said...

OK....I have to believe there are printing costs involved with the "Town Voice". I assume our ridiculously over-priced water helps offset these costs....but what (if anything) is there to stop a town official from spouting whatever he/she wants? What if they want to put in stories of their summer vacations? Hindu scriptures? fortune cookie sayings?
baseball box scores?

At the risk of making the Town Board get indignant again for questioning their use/abuse of power, what sort of checks and balances are there on this? For that matter, why don't they just email it? Say what you will about "Rader At Large", but it doesn't cost anything to get the teachings of Chairman Frank.


Anonymous said...

History has proven this: who tells us to be good little "quiet" citizens? It is government, its operatives, and those who are beneficiaries of the waste and any corruption within that government. Those who are working for our benefit do not have a problem with our voicing our opinion. It is the Erskine Smiths who have the problem, and those are the "officials" we must root out.

Larry said...

I agree with you totally Jamie. I was just having a conversation with my wife about the change to people being elected to office. The real problem is the lack of concern and understanding by the citizens. I ran for mayor on issues, like the cable,taxes and water and the vote totals were terrible. Our elected officals and the public does not know The Constitution, so therefore our rights are continually being taking away.

Anonymous said...

I'll say this about the people. They may vote for wolves in sheep's clothing, but once they figure out it's a wolf under there, they've been pretty good about getting rid of them. Just look back at what's happened in Mooresville in the past 6 years or so. Unprecedented turnovers. Unfortunately, Erskine Smith has somehow managed to stick in there and fly low under the radar. Somebody's clearly got his back. Guess we'll have to find out who. Thank you, Jaime, for bringing this to our attention. I never read my Town Voice as I'm usualy dealing with the sticker shock of my water bill, but I went back and dug mine up this time. I did feel a little sick to my stomach when I got to the aprt you're talking about. Told me alot about Smith's

Anonymous said...


You've done it again, put into words what a large percentage of the citizens feel. I was involved with the group that ran for change in 2003 after the Erskine library fiasco and other misdeeds were uncovered. We ran an honest campaign and told the citizens that if we didn't get the four cronies of the Chamber out of there they would put us into hundreds of millions in debt. The sad part is that all of the board remains cronies of the Chamber and Commissioner Carney should be ashamed for voting to purchase the cable system. It was very common knowledge that the system was totally outdated and in disrepair. Now the taxpayers are stuck bailing out our inept leaders once again.

Anonymous said...

The 'Town Voice' is a waste of tax payer money. There is no real news in it. Just 'nicey nice' stuff designed to lull us all into thinking everything is just fine. Where are the reports on the 'MI-Cable'? And I mean a real report with substantiated numbers of revenues and subscribers. Something to confirm the wise decision of the Board and not just a regurgitation of buzz words (i.e. 'on target', 'on schedule', 'as projected') from the Staff. Has anyone seen 'Financials' for this venture? If I have to invest in this venture, I believe I am justified in asking for a report of how my investment is performing.

Anonymous said...

Davidsonnews.net had a complete press release from MI-Connection.


Everything is wonderful....they're making boatloads of cash, their updates are on schedule, and they don't even mention needing $11 million more to complete the upgrades they've promised us.

....And the Mooresville Bugle is the only one to question the happy picture.


Anonymous said...

WAIT...my error.....in reading what I wrote it made it sound like I'd forgotten Jaime to check up on the cable-gram.....

Sorry about that Ms. Gatton....my bad.,...some Mondays are more "Monday" than others.


Anonymous said...

To the person who asked "who's got Erskine Smith's back"? Who do you think? Yep. You guessed it. The RAT Pack rears its ugly head again. The bottom line is Erskine was an integral part of the conspiracy to get rid of the 2 directors who spoke out against "Wastewatergate" (CH2M Hill fiasco). Of course, their firings eventually led to a wrongful discharge lawsuit & God only knows what that will cost us. Nevertheless, Abraham, Rader & Thunberg, a/k/a/ the RAT Pack, who were the original spearheads and cheerleaders of this doomed project, now owe Erskine Smith. Voila! Oh, yeah, I forgot...Shame on you Erskine for doing what you did with the Town Voice.

Anonymous said...

Well, said, Jaime. MY idea of "leaving it better" than I found it is to get a first-class town manager in here and to push for the removal of the very unnecessary position of "assistant" town manager, where useless freeloaders like Erskine Smith can park themselves for years and years with zero accountability.

Anonymous said...

Look behind most of the bad things that have occurred in the Town over the past 8 years and who's fingerprints do your find? Erskine Smith's! He set up Justice every step of the way to be fired so he could rescue the Town. Ask any town employee and they'll tell you stories about Mr. Smith and his "behind-the-scenes" dealings - they know. I have heard several employees talking at lunch a while back about his close dealings and friendships with developers and real estate agents (aka Jimmy McKnight for one) and how bad he was for the town. How do I know they were town employees, well they all wear city logo shirts, not hard. The Board has to know of these problems with Erskine, but refuse to take action - they do not want to be seen as "cleaning house", though that has to happen for things to get better. Scratch a bit deeper on Erskine Smith and I'll bet you'll find much, much more!

Anonymous said...

Hey 9:50. I can vouch that anything I've ever taken to Jaime she's followed up on. Without us tipsters there would be no blog, there would be no exposure, and there would be no change. I hope you make the decision to contact her directly. Sounds like you have information she could use and we all want and need to know about. She has her P.O. Box and email address listed on her main page. I've never even had to use my name.

Anonymous said...

As much as we would like to live in a perfect world, the reality is that we do not. No one, public officials included, can be expected to be happy about being criticized and exposed. In my humble opinion, the issue here may not be why the interim town manager appears unhappy with “forces of negativism”. Perhaps the more pressing issue is that his behavior may point to a chronic sense of entitlement, especially as he is only the INTERIM town manager, yet he felt he could take certain liberties many others would have been too cautious to take. If indeed a chronic sense of entitlement exists, then one may ask where it came from, how it was fostered, and how it may continue to manifest itself in the future, presumably with the arrival of a new town manager who may look to the current interim town manager for direction and guidance.

Night Owl

Anonymous said...

What can you say. What Smith did was pretty tacky, and unfortunately he is at the helm right now. Gives one a warm fuzzy feeling, huh?

Anonymous said...

How long has this buffoon been on our payroll, does anybody know?

Anonymous said...

Uh-oh.....Jaime put a web designer on the Gatton Report payroll....next thing you know she'll be having lunch with Rader!!

(KIDDING....looks good Jaime!)


Anonymous said...

Why does Jamie and Rader having lunch remind me of the show "The Odd Couple?"

Jaime Gatton said...

O ye of little faith...

I'll have you know that I designed our logo ... *and* our page ... all by myself and without a hard-earned penny spent!! (However, I can't take too much credit for the layout -- it was one of those "pre-fab" things that I picked up from the site. Call me lazy. Heh.)

Seriously, I'm glad you like the new look ... I aim to please. ;o)

Anonymous said...

Jaime,some of your readers are fortunate to not be on the Mooresvile water system and do not receive the Town Voice newsletter. Please enlighten us further with more details concerning what was said by Erskine and the context of his comments. Obviously, he took another opportunity to stick his foot in his mouth. You would think he would have gotten tired of eating all that shoe leather by now. How he continues to be on the town payroll is a mystery to many of us.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm one of the unfortunates who IS on Mooresville water and I DID get the Town Voice which came with my water bill! My bill is so inflated and I agree it's probably because of the crooked CH2M Hill deal, as Jaime would say, "Wastewatergate". Didn't Erskine have some hand in that mess, too? But he really added insult to injury by including his dumb jab in something that actually arrived with my ridiculous water bill. Talk about living on another planet. Planet Erskine Smith!

Jaime Gatton said...

May 14 @ 11:17 a.m. asked: How long has this buffoon been on our payroll, does anybody know?

I am working on getting that information for you. I *know* he's been here since at least 2001.

May 15 @ 9:10 a.m. said: Please enlighten us further with more details concerning what was said by Erskine and the context of his comments.

I'll be happy to. Give me a little while to reproduce it, and I'll post it here as a comment.

Jaime Gatton said...

Okay, below is Erskine's letter, in full, from May's Town Voice.

FYI, you can go to the town's homepage (www.ci.mooresville.nc.us) and follow the link, to the left, titled "eServices" for a host of online Town of Mooresville documents, including the Town Voice.

May's, however, isn't posted yet.

So, here's Erskine's letter:

Two years ago our Town lost a young man of great potential – Griff Lyerly. Griff died in a boating accident during his senior year in college. I often think of this young man and his family. I remember his smile, his energy, and his love for life – so common in youth of his age. My thoughts go back to March 2006 and the comments made by Griff’s professor, Marc McClure of Lees-McRae College, concerning Mooresville’s loss.

“As you can imagine, my reflections on Griff have led me to have great admiration for his family and the community. Much of the dominant culture in this country does not share your values and the national culture often has the high ground in delivering messages about values. This past year much of the focus in our history classes has been on culture and the institutions that shape it. We especially looked at the Greeks and Romans, but also the modern clash between urban-secular and rural-traditional values.

“By Griff’s example I have come to conclude that Mooresville must have strong community institutions in its families, schools, religious organizations, clubs and civic life. But like all societies there are counter forces within and without that seek to erode what you stand for. And so as I reflected on these ideas I could see that Griff’s death is not only a personal loss for you, but a community loss as well.

“Griff was a standard bearer for your ideals and your values. Had he returned here after college he would have helped instill those values in three or more generations of Mooresville citizens. This thought led me back to the Greeks and to what they taught us. The Greeks knew who their heroes were – they were the men and women who strengthened, served and protected the community. When those heroes fell through battle, old-age or tragedy, the Greeks raised them up as icons to remind the living of their best communal values and to instruct those who followed.

“Mooresville has a fallen hero, a fallen standard bearer in Griff Lyerly. But his loss to this community can be redeemed if you honor the memory of this native son. His character and integrity and balanced life between personal fulfillment and community service can be an asset to you still if he will be remembered and honored. Raise up a monument to this young man so that he will be an inspiration to your sons and be the standard of admiration for your daughters and he will continue to make Mooresville a better place for generations to come – even as he would if he were still here with you. I know this community doesn’t want to let Griff Lyerly go, and I don’t think it should …”

I am proud to live in a community that supports young people – a community that inspires and instills values such as character, responsibility, tolerance and integrity. Many men and women have given of themselves to strengthen, serve and protect Mooresville from forces of negativism, intolerance and doubt. As Mooresville continues to grow, I hope we do not lose those institutions that instilled in Griff recognizable character traits. I encourage all citizens to get involved and make Mooresville a better place.

Professor McClure ended his comments by saying, “Let us continue to pay our respect to Griff throughout our life and hold him up as a standard for ourselves and our community until we meet him again.”

The Athenians were right. Let us leave it better than we found it.

Thank you!

N. Erskine Smith, Jr., AICP, ICMA-CM
Interim Town Manager

Anonymous said...

Shaming and blaming the very people who helped put food on your table, Erskine? It’s an old rotten trick, and it’s not going to work this time. You’re outta here. It’s only a matter of time. You can either go the easy way or the hard way…

Anonymous said...

You are right, Ms. Gatton. Dissent is indeed the highest form of patriotism, and I have now officially joined the ranks of the “forces of negativism” that Erskine Smith complained about.

Jaime Gatton said...

... still don't know exactly when Erskine started working for the town, but i'm thinking it dates back to the 1980s. He was the planning director for a long time before becoming assistant town manager. The HR director is out of the office; when she gets back in, or when someone else from HR returs my e-mail, I'll let you know for sure.

Anonymous said...

1980's???? Holy s--t. Retire this relic of bygone days. Let's get some fresh blood in here for God' sake. Enough already with the ancient Knox hires.

Anonymous said...

Wake up and smell the roses 8:34 Erskine Smith is here to stay as long as he keeps rubberstamping the mayor and commissioners expensive junkets and as long as he trains whoever becomes town manager to do the same just like he did with Jamie Justice. And that’s why not a single one of them is up in arms about Erskine Smith no matter what he has done and continues to do.

Jaime Gatton said...

Just got it confirmed through HR:

Erskine was hired by the town on Oct. 12, 1987.

Anonymous said...

Do you mean to tell us he has been on our dole for TWENTY ONE years??? I did the math, and it comes to us paying him almost TWO MILLION DOLLARS during his time so that he can turn around and insult us in a Town Voice. He wasn't even competent enough to appoint as Interim Town Manager when Rick McLean left. So what have we been paying this guy all these years for? I agree with a poster earlier. RETIREMENT TIME Erskine. You can't expect to stay on the gravy train forever.

Anonymous said...

Sure beats selling men's clothing at Belks!!!!! Incompetent as a planner, now on to interim Manager! He'll keep his "buddies" lined up as long as they keep him in the good.

Anonymous said...

Erskine's entrenched. He won’t let go of his big fat juicy paycheck that has no strings attached. Why should he?

Yes, Erskine. You are right about one thing. We need “protection”, allright. But not from your so-called “negative forces”. We need protection from public officials/
moochers like you and anybody who’s shielding you. I'm one of the people Gatton talks about in her "Blog to Bloc" who eats romain noodle soups while you've been eating steaks out of my taxmoney for twentyone years.

Anonymous said...

Jamie, Bravo and well done.

This could be a chapter from the book "State Of Fear" by Michael Crichton.

With corruption and blatant abuse of tax payer dollars I think there is MUCH more underhandedness taking place in the inner circles of Town Hall.

When do we get to wipe the slate clean and put responsible people in power in "Town" hall?

I'd put my real name here, but due to the "State of Fear" that is generated in the town of Mooresville leadership, I dare not.

Anonymous said...

Hey Erskine. Has anybody ever told you how unprofessional it is to peddle stuff like Boy Scout cookies during business meets? Like somebody is going to say no to a town official trying to sell them "something"???? It's pathetic and you may never know what a laughing stock you are to so many people. But the worst part about it is that you are also a terrible reflection on our entire town and its governance. It is very embarrassing but I am sure you couldn't care less about that.

Anonymous said...

June 20: Yeah, I agree. This is a State of Fear, but I think it's the State of Fear for anybody who is CROOKED AND CORRUPT!!! It's a good time to pack your bags and leave town in the dark of the night. The free ride is over, unless it is in the back of an SBI cruiser with people throwing rotten tomatos at you.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I just read this and it was a little bit like being in the Twilight Zone, because just yesterday, the Chief of Police resigned and the SBI is in town and he and others like him could very well be taken away in the back of an SBI car. Nobody can say they were not warned. Whoever is not on this blog and doing some serious listening is going to end up regretting it.