Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

SICDC satisfies debt to town

The South Iredell Community Development Corporation (SICDC) has satisfied its debt to the Town of Mooresville, according to Town Finance Director Maia Setzer.

The organization "paid the debt in full yesterday - $388,263.32," Setzer stated in an e-mail to the Report just moments ago.

The payment came exactly two weeks after the Report exposed that the SICDC had defaulted the past two years on its payment plan to the town. (See "SICDC defaults on payments to town," April 10.)

Mayor Bill Thunberg, who also sits on the SICDC board of directors, said last week that the SICDC had intended to pay off the debt by June 30 of this year.

Interestingly, SICDC President Woody Washam, who is apparently on vacation this week, e-mailed the Report yesterday -- the same day that the debt was paid in full -- stating that the SICDC is "in the process of composing a news release as we prepare to satisfy and celebrate our payoff of all debt to the Town of Mooresville.

"As I have been on the SICDC for many years, this is an exciting time," Washam added. "When I return from vacation next week, we will we working on this wonderful announcement to the community. We have a wonderful story to tell!"


Anonymous said...

Thank You Jamie Gatton for exposing the default of the SICDC, and to the SICDC--its about time! I guess when you're caught, you better put it to bed as fast as possible--but not so fast! The citizens of Mooresville have a few more questions--Who knew? When did they know? Why they withheld payments? I find it hard to believe that so many business persons on the board/staff could just "accidentally" overlook the repayment agreement--and what about our town staff--did all of them just forget about it too--when Potter Co. brought it to their attention? There are alot more questions to be answered and folks to be held to account... Jamie--Please follow up on the above set of questions--you have just scratched the surface. I also encourage the Gatton Report readers to demand answers as well--hey--It's our money--not theirs!!

Anonymous said...

You've got to be kidding me. This is one warped way of getting publicity by celebrating a paid-off defaulted loan.
I am constantly amazed at how often our town government runs business. How long can we continue to stand by and watch this happen over and over again?
If the town board and mayor oversees the town manager, seems to me that both would insist on better management. Maybe they can get some dedicated space in the Tribune to publicly justify this type of oversight and justify why we have an "interim" town manager who was not even capable as an assistant town manager.

Give me a break

Anonymous said...

We always hear people say that one voice or one vote doesn't make a difference. Here we have one gal just asking questions. True she knows just what questions to ask. Thanks Jamie for your dedication, time and patience for the citzens of Mooresville and beyond.

Anonymous said...

The SICDC is "celebrating"?! They could have "celebrated" by paying us our money in February when they sold the second piece of land. Instead, and only when pressed, the mayor tells us in essence that we'll be lucky if we get paid by the end of June! Who do these people think they're dealing with -a bunch of fools? I'm SURE they got a "story" to tell us...Can't wait to hear it.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Gatton, you are to be commended for your fearless and thorough reporting of this matter. Many of us would have shied away from this issue considering we may know oen or more of the extensive names on the board of directors of this organization. In addition, the mayor played a pivotal role in this situation, and you did not participate in shielding him from us, and for that you have earned great respect and credibility.

And at the end of the day, the SICDC is to be commended for being responsive to the public outcry demanding repayment of this debt and for acting quickly to remedy this embarrassing situation. Mr. Washam's comments showed me that he harbors no ill will toward the exposure of this matter and that is certainly to his credit.

Several questions remain, however.
Why did the mayor act as he did in this matter by signing a Release Deed essentially releasing the taxpayers' leverage over the SICDC? Did he take this action with or without prior board approval? Did he take this action due to the fact that he has been sitting on the SICDC board? Was there any attempt on his part to collect political points by such action?

As for the SICDC - what purpose, if any, is served by the continued existence of this organization once the last of the land has been sold and the funds disbursed to the town so that they can benefit the citizens? And until such dissolution of the SICDC, what plans, if any, does this
organization have to become more transparent and therefore improve public perception?

Anonymous said...

With 388,263.32 now in the town checking account from the SICDC the town can pay Jimmy McKnight a Bonus for his continued dedicated service to the citizens of Mooresville.

Anonymous said...

With 388,263.32 now in the town checking account from the SICDC the town can pay Jimmy McKnight and Erskine Smith a Bonus for their continued dedicated service to the citizens of Mooresville.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I thought Whistleblower 9 was good, this is amazing. Jamie Gatton didn't get our washing machine replaced, or our cell phone bill adjusted, she collected on a debt for the citizens of Mooresville--for free!!(Take note Jim McKnight) Gatton's Collections--we specialize in white collar financial delinquencies--just a thought--I think Jammie Gatton should receive a commission of 10% for a "whistleblower" exposure, and use the $38,828.33 to start a newspaper in Mooresville ---I am opening the floor to name the Newspaper--give us your ideas.

Anonymous said...

Come on 6:26 give us a name for the paper...

Anonymous said...

Well...let's see...for information in this town we have the Charlotte Observer....the Mooresville Tribune...Radar at Large....and now....


catchy...but how about
Mooresville Now (as opposed to good old boy news?)

The Mooresville Truth?

Iredell Insider?

Mooresville Real News?

I'm blank.....the trash people took away my brain.


Anonymous said...

How about "White Collar Crime Busters"? Since Chief Crone gets a bone in his throat if he has to investigate somebody in a suit, we can do it ourselves! I can name a couple of people right off the bat who would be carried out of their fancy Town Hall offices (paid for by us) in handcuffs.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is WOW!!! Just goes to show what can be accomplished by the press when they have strong ethics! Its' a shame the Tribune won't be winning any more awards for investigative reporting, since all they've become is a mouthpiece for the Chamber and old guard in town! Jamie we just have to find a way to get you your own newspaper!
Keep up the good work!!!

Anonymous said...

The Mooresville "Emasculated" Tribune.

Anonymous said...

"Emasculated" is right. Emasculated by the advertiser who has an advertisement on the FRONT page of that paper every single time, something you don't see in any other self-respecting newspaper. I read somewhere else in this blog that this same advertiser has thrown his weight around to keep real news out of the Tribune. It's time to weep when car dealers with agendas start owning your local newspapers.