Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Senate race heats up as MI Connection takes center stage

If the government owns the media, how does it stay neutral when it comes to political advertisements?

That was one of many concerns raised in 2006 when the towns of Mooresville and Davidson were considering the purchase of the bankrupt Adelphia cable television system.

And the issue reared its head this week when Karen Ray – seeking the 44th District N.C. Senate seat – suggested in a news release that the towns' $92.5 million cable company, now MI Connection, and its marketing partner, ViaMedia, refused to run her campaign ad because it is critical of her opponent, Chris Carney, who voted to purchase the cable system as a Mooresville commissioner in 2007.

The ad, called “Just Like Obama,” criticizes Carney for favoring big business and government bailouts.

“MI Connection, through its partner ViaMedia, had been airing a Karen Ray ad titled 'Fighter' for the past three weeks without issue,” Ray's release stated. “As of midnight Thursday, MI-Connection stopped airing all advertisements bought and paid for by the Ray campaign.The cable company ignored repeated demands on Friday to air the ad.”

“This is America,” said Ray, who also threatened legal action against MI Connection. “Candidates have the right to take issue with their opponents’ actions. MI Connection’s censorship of my campaign is a very serious matter. They are only in business because of taxpayers’ money, and now they are violating my First Amendment Rights because they don’t agree with me.”

MI Connection CEO David Auger said it isn't political. It's simply a matter of company policy:

“ViaMedia, the agency that handles advertising sales for MI Connection, had been running a political ad placed by Ms. Ray for at least a couple of weeks,” he said. “Late last week, she submitted a new copy to replace the old ad. The ad was forwarded by ViaMedia to their legal and management team for review.”

All “spots” - political or not – are reviewed in ViaMedia's corporate office prior to airing, said Auger. Political ads in particular, he said, are “flagged” if they are slanderous/libelous or inaccurate. Ray's ad is inaccurate because it says the cable system cost the towns $96 million instead of $92.5 million, said Auger.

“If a political advertisement falls into one of these two categories, it is forwarded to corporate (ViaMedia) legal counsel,” he added. “If legal deems the ad inappropriate, the CEO of MI Connection (or the equivalent in the other operations that they represent) is contacted and reviews the ad. At that point, a decision is reached and the candidate placing the ad is contacted.

“This policy is similar to the policies I've had in place at the media properties I've managed previously (cable systems and a newspaper),” Auger said.

He said as of close of business on Friday, Ray's ad was still being reviewed by legal counsel.

While ViaMedia was reviewing the ad, Auger said the company “offered to run the old ad.” However, he said, Ray's campaign replied “'absolutely not'.”

“I became aware of the situation Monday, April 23 at 9:24 a.m. when one of the newspapers forwarded to me a copy of Ms. Ray's press release,” Auger said. “I reviewed the ad, noted the inaccuracies, and ordered it to be aired.”

The ad started airing Monday.

Auger said he called Ray and left her a voicemail on Monday morning. But “as of 3:27 p.m. April 24, she has not returned my call,” he said.

Ray, in her news release, also states that she was troubled by an e-mail forwarded by ViaMedia to her campaign that calls Carney “an executive with MI-Connection.”

“We were unaware of his position, given that Chris has not disclosed his association with the State Ethics Commission,” Ray said. “I have instructed my elections law attorney to begin preparing the necessary documentation for a formal complaint to be filed with that board.”

Carney was quick to point out that the assertion is untrue: “I can't help what a third-party puts in e-mails,” he said. “But Ms. Ray's campaign could have simply considered its source and performed a quick fact-check that would have revealed I am not on MI Connection's payroll, nor have I ever been an executive of the company or been involved in any of its decision-making.”

Instead, he said, “Ms. Ray and her campaign were content to take an unfounded and untrue statement by an uninformed third party and send it, as it was truth, to every news outlet in this area.”

“I think Ms. Ray's actions speak for themselves, and voters are smart enough to see that if a candidate is willing to be so careless as to take something someone says as truth without first checking her facts, we don't want her making laws for us in Raleigh.”

While ViaMedia representatives did not respond to Report e-mails this week, asking why they would call Carney an executive with MI-Connection, David Auger said, “Chris Carney is not an employee or executive of MI Connection, and he has never been on the MI Connection payroll.”

Carney is currently serving as senator after being appointed in December to fulfill the term of the late Jim Forrester. He, Ray and David Curtis – all Republicans – will face off in the May 8 primary. The top vote getter will then face a Democratic challenger in November.


Anonymous said...

Again, Chris Carney needs to explain why as a true Conservative, which he says he is, how he could vote to have Government (the Town)become involved with taking over private industry. This idea of Big Government running our media content is at opposite ends of the Conservative spectrum! So why did he vote for MIC? Is he a Conservative or an opportune Conservative?

This is the same Chris Carney who supported the Bond issues for the millionaires at Langtree at the Lake development. Again, Government getting too involved with running private enterprise.

Mr. Carney, please explain your reasoning!

Anonymous said...

Come on now Chris. You talk about Ray making a bad decision and not being qualified for office when you made the ultimate bad decision when you voted to purchase the cable system. Sounds like you have selective memory problems as well as judgement issues.

J.T. Smith said...

The mere fact that your blog was mentioned as a source from a well known political figure like Karen Ray demonstrates how reliable it is to the voters.

People are realizing our local media outlets are influenced by various politicians and are no longer a credible source.

The good people from the north end of Iredell county (particullary north-west)really need to be informed about it, so they can make informed decisions when they go to the pols in the future.

john kindley said...

I do not believe Mr. Auger when he claims he didn't air Karen's ads because the dollar amount was off. Since when did the media attempt to be truthful and accurate? I think the purchase of MIC ought to be investigated to find out who really benefited.

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows Karen is pals with Phil (hey baby) Redmond. The same guy who was sued for sexual harassment, then ran and hid when the media tried to question him. As far as I am concerned if she associates herself with that trash then she does not get my vote.

Anonymous said...

I guess the choice is to vote for the person who is not Carney or Ray. Carney was a putz on the town council and he's now the Peter Principle in action.

Karen Ray runs with Redmond and that automatically disqualifies her.

I am voting for the other guy and come November I may well be voting for some Democrats around here. Taxing the rich, like our new neighbor, Donald Trump, sounds good, and getting rid of some of the GOP pervs works for me. I've about had it.

Anonymous said...

If you really want a liberal...close friend of Beverly Purdue....supporter of Kay Hagan over Elizabeth Dole for US Senate...proud recipient of "D" conservative grade from Civitas...voted out of State House last time there.....when out of house a highly paid special interest pork barrell lobbyist....then Karen Ray is your candidate. She has proven she is ineffective....she doesnt deserve a second chance.

Phil Mypockets said...

Yep, its true. Ray gave $250 to Senator NOT O KAY Hagan.


10/22/2008 250.00

Jim said...

While Ms. Ray's math may be off a little, it is a fact that Mr. Carney's vote did give this town an enormous debt and it is a fact that debt won't be going away any time soon. The taxpayers of Mooresville will be subsidizing this venture for the forseeable future.

I think it would be more effective for Ray to just cite the votes that Carney did make and let the man be judged on his actual record.

As far as I know, this is the first time that Carney has faced competition at the ballot box since this vote. His record, accurately displayed, is fair game.


Anonymous said...

Let's see, vote for Ray who gave $200 to Hagan but didn't support her or vote for Carney who has cost the town of Mooresville $106 million so far. Easy choice.

Anonymous said...

His record is fair game. So is Karen Ray's. That's why Dr David Curtis is the best choice.

Anonymous said...

"Conservative" Chris Carney ran unopposed for re-election in Ward 4 after voting to put Mooresville tax payers over $100 million in debt for a bankrupt cable company. Lets see how he fares having to answer to ALL the Mooresville citizens for his vote.

Anonymous said...

Wait a minuet did not David Curtis fund rise for Jim Black? I understand that to be the case. Maybe some of you can confirm that or dispel it.

Anonymous said...

The minute a candidate feels the need to start running nasty ads, that person is going to surely lose my vote. This tells me NOTHING about that person or what he or she stands for or what they are going to do. (not that they follow through on that as a general rule anyway) Case in point, Pittinger, who certainly seems to have a bug in his shorts about Pendergraph. I'm not voting for either of them, Pittinger because of his ads, and Pendergraph because Redmond endorsed him. I don't need to look beyond that.

These "debates" and such where the info is controlled do nothing for me. I want these people to answer some hard questions.

At least once a week I get something in the mail from MIC. I'm not going to use the service and frankly, this kind of service is going downhill fast with tablets, etc. Some are saying cable and satellite tv are going to be gone within the next decade. Mooresville is going to be saddled with this albatross and Carney for a lot longer than that. Our taxes are not going down.

And while I'm at it, why is that SOB Erskine Smith still town manager?

Anonymous said...

It seems like it is Auger who is actually misrepresenting the money the town has sunk into the cable system. The $92.5 million was just the beginning. The town continues to subsidize the MI operation to the tune of $4 to $5 million a year so surely the taxpayers have now over $100 million in the system. Can somebody please report exactly how much taxpayer money has been sunk into MI?

Anonymous said...

I couldn't care less how much of HER OWN money Karen Ray gives to ANYBODY. What I care about is how much of MY money Chris Carney gave away in the form of the cable fiasco!!

Anonymous said...

So, the MI Connection CEO, David Auger, is trying to hang his hat on a wrong figure. Hmmm...Let's see. Is it a $96 million or only a $92.5 million hole that Carney pushed us into? In my book, both figures are close enough to $100 million that it makes one laugh to see the MIC CEO bicker over the difference. I mean really?

Anonymous said...

WTF?! You mean Erskin Smith is still the town manager? When are they going to wean that overgrown baby? We need a real manager, not the leftover dregs from the dinosaur Joe Knox's era!

Anonymous said...

If indeed Karen Ray is tight with the current sherriff, she needs to think about distancing herself from him, and quick.

Anonymous said...

8:14 you are right on the money. Carney may have made a HUGE mistake, but at least he is honest. Ray's association with Redmond is enough to tell me what she is made of. Ray lose Redmond and you will have my vote.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about Ray and Redmond but when you get into guilt by association with politicians, you are getting ready to walk down an endless road.

Anonymous said...

It is clear that the ad was initially rejected because of the reference to Carney and MI-Connection. That is shown in the email from the subordinate. If Ray had not raised hell, it appears the ad would have been suppressed. Then Auger comes in and even though he deems the ad "inaccurate" he decides to let it run. How gracious! This is a great example of why we don't need government owning our media. One can easily imagine even scarier examples of censorship but this one is bad enough.

Anonymous said...

Who said Carney was honest? Did anybody say that?

Let's review, shall we? Looks like this county has more damn dinosaurs (read individuals of questionable background whose time has long past) per capita than any other county in the state. We have plenty of public officials under indictment. We have a sheriff and God only knows how many on his staff, past and present, with real ethical issues. We have a town manager who is nothing but swill. We have a former commissioner, now state senator, who has sold us out to a cable company and Langtree on the Lake (and doesn't that sound like a whorehouse if ever there was one?) and you can be sure it wasn't purely out of the goodness of his heart. (like he even has one) You can be sure he's lined his pockets and so have his pals. We got a former mayor who was a reprobate and the list goes on and on.

Y'all know who is footing the bill for this bullshit. We got more screw-ups and mess-makers than any other county in the entire country, I think.

They all run around screaming about Obama. Hell, I'm no fan of the man but up against any of these clowns, this man is smarter, more honest, and way cleaner, than the whole damn bunch of them put together.

Anonymous said...

Do not vote Karen Ray. She's already had her chance as a legislator. She did nothing but make back door deals and flip flop when it benefitted her personally. We don't need self serving "professional politicians" like Ray in office.

Anonymous said...

Karen Ray has done nothing but play political games. She jumped ship on the republican party and endorsed Perdue. She lost her election then was a failed lobbyist. Having worked in Raleigh I know she not trusted or liked by either party. It obvious she runs smear campaigns because Ray has no substance of her own.

Anonymous said...

Don't leave out the county commissioner who can't make her mortgage but we should trust her with the county purse strings. Foreclosure, Madame Griffith? How do you not attempt to make house payments for a year and a half?

Anonymous said...

Funny that the guys who shoved this cable deal through only seem to get rewarded. Bill Thunberg, was the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain who orchestrated the entire cable fiasco against taxpayers' advice and wishes. He cast the deciding vote when the board split on the issue. Now, he has been appointed the area transportation czar by his buddies on the Lake Norman Transportation Commission. He is being paid $80,000 per year in taxpayer money to do this "job". Yeah, being mayor of Mooresville doesn't pay much but it looks like it has some interesting long term benefits. As to the quality of Thunberg's work, one only need look at his promotion of the Red Line when he had not even bothered to get the approval of the railroad that actually owns the tracks. One could go on and on about our bang for the buck for this "consultant" who has no training in this area. Maybe someone should ask Ray and Carney how they feel about these kind of taxpayer handouts.

Anonymous said...

11:43 I said the man was honest. Although I agree with most of your comments I must politely call you out on your comment about Chris linning his pockets. What do you know for a fact that no one else knows? I dont like alot of these ass clowns either, but I usually base it on something. For example Phil (hey baby) Redmond has many unethical actions that have been exposed.

john kindley said...

10:58 Don't leave out Ken Robertson. He was dating the Director of Finance when he voted to raise our property taxes to give her a raise.

Jim said...

7:01 Annonymous,

Is it documented anywhere that Thunberg is receiving $80,000 a year to be on the Lake Transportation Committee?

That seems really "crazy high"....but then nothing surprises me.


Anonymous said...

Chris Carney, please stand up and explain how you are a Conservative!

See this ....


And this? Not yet fully explained to anyone's satisfaction.

"Carney and Langtree Group developer Brad Howard are listed as managing members of “Slush Fund, LLC,” And why he and Thunberg ramrodded the Traffic Analysis through Town Council only to appease the Howard's need for speedy deliberation.

Carney supports 'vertical growth'. If he had he way, we would have multi-story buildings in our back yard.

He talks job growth (construction) in an attempt to jump on the "job growth" theme of the day. How is plowing millions of Mooresville tax dollars into paying for a losing MIC cable company job growth? His support of MIC has taken hundreds of dollars out of your pocket and given them to MIC. That sure sounds like Obama and Pelosi's income distribution to this true conservative!

Chris Carney is not a Conservative and his record proves it!

Anonymous said...

Yes it is documented that Bill Thunberg gets $80,000. He should give all to the town of Mooresville for the MI mess.

Jaime Gatton said...

This particular article does not list Mr. Thunberg's salary, but it does say that the person he replaced was making $80,000:


Anonymous said...

I'm really confused. Doesn't Bill Thunberg run a jewelry store? I'm pretty sure he's the main owner and employee of it. So, how's he able to run his store and work at whatever this made-up job is that's paying him $80,000 from our tax dollars? This sounds pretty corrupt to me no matter how you look at it. And whose to say that he didn't expect to get these kinds of perks down the road for his support of the bankrupt cable company? What a weasel.

Anonymous said...

So far it would appear that conservatives have driven up taxes and debt and what do we have to show for it? A sheriff who won't show his face and probably won't for the next 2 years. Deputies under indictment, or other clouds like alienation of affection lawsuits, (it's always about sex around here isn't it?) roads and other facilities that are in the crapper, need I go on?

Langtree, MI-C, it's all good, isn't it? Around here, conservative is just another word for let the good times roll. I'm betting a certain commissioner gets out of her foreclosure by screaming "do you know who I am?" and calling in all her good conservative buddies to put pressure on the mortgage holder.

All anyone has to do is say they are conservative around here and it's like a ticket to the prom. It doesn't matter what they know or what their qualifications are. I'm sick of it. Oh, yes, and they also have to scream and carry on about Obamacare. Oh, and illegal immigration but funny how I see so many of those folks mowing lawns and such around here and they have more get up and go then the commissioners seem to have.

All I'm seeing is who can use scare tactics, cliches, and name-calling. This isn't a campaign as much as it's a junior high lunch room with the cliques jockeying for the good tables and the cool kids.

Anonymous said...

It should be a matter of public record what Thunberg is making. But this transportation committee might be one of those public private ventures that tries to evade public records laws. Although it is likely almost all of its funding comes from Mooresville, Davidson, Cornelius and Huntersville. Sad that a guy that fiscally irresponsible can be put in such a position.

The Gambler said...

Just got my newest Chris Carney attack add from Karen Ray. Really Karen? Is this what you have become? Some people will do anything to get elected. I like how you hoist these bombs at Chris and are unavailable when the public tries to reach you. Very similiar to a Kenny Rogers looking politician from the north end of the county. Do you guys follow the same play book or what?

Jim said...

$80,000 for Thunberg???? REALLY??? As Mayor didn't he make $10-12,000 a year?

Wow....nice work if you can get it.

Anonymous said...

So, what is a 'true' Conservative?

I know what a fiscal conservative is, or was, and I know what a Republican used to be. Not sure about the 'true' Conservative.

Sean Hannity was bragging on his FOX propaganda hour about being a registered Conservative in NY. Is Sean a 'true' Conservative?

Here's an interesting piece about 'true' Conservatives:

Short of a national Tea Bagger Party, or national 'true' Conservative Party, I think they have to be lumped in to the fringe of what's left of the Republican Party. And we know what Republicans stand for these days, and, arguably, for the last 10 years:

1. Small Government (leaning on Jefferson, at least for his political views, if not his religious or ethical views: see The Jefferson Bible and his creation of the Democratic Republican Party and the smears and lies that accompanied it's birth)
2. Lower Taxes for the Rich (leading of course to the repeal of all taxes for the rich)
3. War on Women
4. War on Gays and Lesbians
5. War on Communists (Anyone not a card carrying member of the Republican Party according to Oberst West)

Maybe that's a 'true' Conservative. I really don't know.

Anonymous said...

Who is using MIC? I went into inquire in person once and that was enough for me. I was kept waiting for an inordinately long period of time and the person acted like I was stupid because I asked questions and she was doing me the favor of waiting on me. I find their prices incredibly high and the fact that several people were bringing in equipment to terminate service while I was there should have been a red flag to begin with. Then she was rude about me not wanting to sign up right then and there and wanting to think about it. Gee, I should drop almost 200 bucks a month on this boondoggle and I should decide on the spot? I'll get right on that? Oh, and I'm so tempted to mail all their little postcards and such back to them. We get at least 2 identical mailers at a time to the same name and address. Your tax dollars at work.

Larry Coover said...

Some things are consistent no matter if it is city or county politics. When someone reports corruption they can and usually do get hit with a personal attack. Fact is, we have all done stuff wrong, every one of us.

The difference is those who continue to do wrong, those whose intent it is to get by with as much as they can and worst of all, those who consistently do wrong under the protection of their elected position.

The mud slinging at election time is ignored by most and considered maliciousness with intent of personal gain.

Which brings me to my point; wrong is wrong all year, not just when you want a vote. Apply this to all aspects of government, but I will use the office of Sheriff as my example. When the day comes that Redmond is dethroned from removal or term run out, there is going to be a stampede of people wanting his position. They will have their reasons why they should be sheriff, but they aren't giving any reasons now why Redmond should be out. You can't work for, or be closely associated with Redmond without seeing the ethical and legal discrepancies that surround him.

Back to the people that will pop up wanting to be sheriff; How can you expect someone to not be corrupt themselves when they don't even have the ethics to speak out about the corruption of others?

Saving up shots for election time is in no way the same as standing up for what is right just because it is right and you have nothing to gain. Remember that when you hit the polls.

Anonymous said...

The Lake Norman Citizen newspaper reports in its April 26 edition that Mooresville and Davidson have sunk $118 million into MI-Connection so far. http://www.lakenormancitizen.com/news/item/2139-davidson-still-trying-to-outrun-cable-shadow.html
That's $118,000,000 ! It costs Davidson one third of its annual budget to fund this system.
Shame on those who shoved this boondoggle down our throats. Shame on this Auger guy for trying to discredit an ad in a political race about a matter that is of genuine public concern.

Anonymous said...

3:36pm following up... Seriously... Do you know about Lobbiest Karen Ray - if you read this smut you must... As a lobbiest i believe she is currently receiving about $100,000 +/- a year from the Motorsports crowd to help with Motorsports legislation in Raleigh (tax breaks, etc...) Which is also the industry from which her family business, BSR, receives a paycheck as well... What hypocrisy politics have become...

Anonymous said...

This is more of the same crap we saw when karen ran against Brawley, then Mills - more of the same is not what we need in Raleigh - Carney & MI, you decide? On May 8th, Vote Curtis!

Anonymous said...

4:06, you are raising some valid points. I am seriously and I mean seriously, examining my largely Republican voting record. I have been somewhat independent but knowing most of the locals personally, I vote Republican a lot and I have to say I am tired of drinking the hypocrisy flavor of Kool-Aid.

The politicians don't want us to think on our own around here. The minute we do, they all start screaming "Jesus" and pounding on their Bibles. These nasty ads (the one with the ice cream sundae is just priceless, isn't it?) are hardly Christian. These Christians are going to do whatever they have to do to win.

War on Women? You betcha. Look at the war being waged up in the head Christian Sheriff's office as I type. Well, hell, she's just looking for a payday. Lower taxes? Sure, on all those rich bastards who would kick your ass to the curb as fast as they could right after you cleaned their toilets for slave wages. Oh, and while we are on this subject, the people driving the bus about health care being an abomination are those very same rich bastards running the health insurance companies because they won't be making 500% profit margins anymore. I know because I used to work in one of those ivory towers.

Oh, yeah, and did y'all see good old boy Steve Johnson on the news tonight telling them that he told his staff on the county commission NOT to talk to any of the folks with the commuter line anymore. When did that become his decision alone? OK, so it's a big damn expense but I have to sit in that traffic everyday and I don't know about you but my gas prices aren't going down. I wouldn't mind riding a train into Charlotte and back. It might be better for the infrastructure, air and so on. But Steve, God Almighty, he's a Christian first, knows better.

Conservative, just another word for I've got mine, FU.

Anonymous said...

Larry, bravo, wrong is wrong any time. And on that very subject, where the hell is Redmond? Has anyone seen him? Does it bother anybody out there that we are shelling out $100 grand and he is MIA or AWOL or whatever you call it these days? It sure as hell bothers me. So if you get elected to an office in this county, you don't have to show up, you just collect the paycheck, is that how it works? Nobody ever told me that.

Get this straight people, if it came down to looking out for you and protecting their precious paychecks and backsides and their cronies, you would be defacated on so fast, you would have no time to duck and run.

The only Gods they have is themselves and the almighty dollars that they are lining their pockets with.

Anonymous said...

When Thunberg was announced as the new Director of the Lake Norman Regiaonal Transportation Commission, it was reported in the media that his salary had not been established. As far as I know, it has still not been published however I believe the correct number is $89,000 per year. It would be nice if the media would comfirm this but it seems they aren't willing to. The LNRTC is funded, at least partially, by the Town of Mooresville. Because of taxpayer support, their records should be open to the public. And then the question is, exactly what are we paying for? Thunberg has absolutely no training in transportation. The program he orchastrated for the Red Line was a train wreck (no pun intended) from the start. Hell, they hadn't even talked to Norfolk Southern when this all started. Now, although the plan is yet to get an endorsement from any government unit, they continue to meet and plan stations for a train that eveidently ain't gonna happen. Do you think Thunberg has any motivation to wrap this thing up and bring an end to his gravy train. And another thing, the whole time Thunberg was running for Mayor and serving as Mayor, he told us over and over again how dedicated he was to the Town of Mooresville. After the cable fiasco and what it has done to the Town, wouldn't you think Thunberg would be willing to devote all those wonderful talents he has to helping the Town bail out MI? But, as far as I know, neither he nor Rader nor Carney nor Herring has contributed any time or effort to help solve that problem. Of course, it probably would pay Thunberg $89,000 of tax payer money either. However, getting that burden off the Town would certainly be more worthwhile than a damn train.

Anonymous said...

People should really get their facts straight about Karen Ray before blurring out incorrect information on this blog.

Anonymous said...

I see in the Statesville fishwrap that our dear Carney brought the Newt to town Thursday night. Did anyone turn out to see that philandering loser? He's already out of the race and taking his embalmed barbie doll with the non-moving hair with him, so why was the Mack Center opened up and taxpayer money wasted on that? Only Carney knows. He just keeps backing up losing causes, doesn't he?

Anonymous said...

Latest financial report from MI - they only lost $1.2 million last quarter. MI says that's great news, they're not losing money as fast as they have been. Reminds me of the guy that fell off the Empire State Building. On the way to the ground he kept saying 'so far, so good'.

Anonymous said...

I agree with all of you about Chris Carney and his shenanigans. I have voted. The only way we can get him off the public payroll is vote him out. The polls are open at the War Memorial all next week thru Saturday and then there is May 8. Go vote and tell all of your friends. Now is our chance to finally take him out but we have to vote to do it.

Anonymous said...

Man, we need to send message! Vote for Curtis!

Anonymous said...

Folks please get informed and then go VOTE! Get rid of corruptionon our own area first, become active in making Iredell county a better place. Give new everyday people a chance here, clean out the old guard politicans!

Anonymous said...

Carney and Ray are both self serving. I don't know much about Curtis. But at least I don't hear much negativity about him. Carney and Ray are from the same mold. They are in politics for money and mostly power. They aren't stopping at the state senate. They want this office then they will want more. It's a career path not a service to their state. Look at the campaigns. They have NO substance. especially Ray who just slams the opponent but doesn't talk to the public or take a stand on anything. Take our State back! Don't vote for either Ray or Carney!!!!

Anonymous said...

That Ray woman seem inaccessible and full of negativity. Curtis has not ever held elected office and I think he gave money to Jim Black. That leave Carney. He did vote for cable in 2007 but he admits it wasn't the best decision and ran unopposed to be re-elected on town board in 2009. somebody else commented on him hanging with Newt but as the elected in office, don't you think it was expected he host him in his counties? Carney is the wisest choice.

Anonymous said...

Curtis = clueless

Anonymous said...

Whatever you say Carney.

Larry said...

Say Carney is the best choice when your property taxes continue to increase year after year so Mooresville will not go bankrupt because of MI.

Anonymous said...

LETTER: For whom would Karen Ray work in Raleigh?
May 03, 2012 6:00 AM
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I have been watching with great interest the Senate race in Iredell, Lincoln and Gaston counties. I certainly hope that the voters have done their homework.

Karen Ray was voted out of office by the citizens of Iredell, even though she out-spent her opponent two to one and spent a staggering $220,000, much of this coming from one specific industry.

Why you ask? Simply look at her record. A bill for gas tax reimbursement for her friends, an idea which came from Democratic Gov. Mike Easley.

How about House Bill 1950 that moved $3.5 million from the university budget for an incentive for $1.5 million to a drag strip in Richmond County? That track is owned by the chairman of the NCMA!

An Iredell County House Representative working for Richmond County. Why? Follow the money! After losing in 2008 for re-election, Ms. Ray found a nice job as a lobbyist. For whom? The same group for which she worked so hard to provide legislative incentives.

Lincoln and Gaston need to take notes from Iredell and not send Karen Ray to Raleigh so that she can help her friends once again.

She has been bought and paid for by the motorsport big money people and not by the local citizens of Iredell, Gaston and Lincoln. You can check it out by examining her public donation records.

Her favorite friend in Raleigh was Easley. She is not what Iredell, Lincoln and Gaston counties need in Raleigh.

Ed McLean
Founder and former Executive Director North Carolina Motorsports Association

Read more: http://www.gastongazette.com/articles/iredell-70613-ray-gaston.html#ixzz1tpFpPgIf

Anonymous said...

Karen Ray’s campaign ad on target about Chris Carney I received Karen Ray’s campaign advertisement in the mail and I laughed my head off. Don’t most politicians tell you what you want to hear and then do just the opposite behind closed doors? Obama has —and Chris Carney has too. He claims to listen to constituents, but during the cable debate, he heard the taxpayers scream “No.” Not allowing the citizens to vote on this issue, Carney, Mayor Bill Thunberg and Mac Herring and Frank Rader forced the purchase of MI-Connections. Now, over $92.5 million of debt and yearly subsidizes of over $6 million burden the taxpayers of Mooresville and Davidson. Both towns will go bankrupt or have to raise property taxes substantially. If “circus master” Chris Carney had listened to his constituents, we would not have this problem. So if you think this is the type of politician you want in Raleigh, vote for Carney. But I’m tired of lip-service while my pockets are being picked. Larry Gregory Mooresville

Doug Stafford said...

I wanted to respond to the claims made by the writer, Ed McLean. I was a member of the North Carolina Motorsports Association Board of Directors when Mr. McLean was the executive director. The allegations made in his letter are false. Karen Ray did support efforts to help the North Carolina motorsports industry grow for one specific reason - jobs. She clearly understood that Iredell County had a major stake in motorsports, more than most every other county in the state. Mr. McLean's departure from the NCMA was a mutual decision by the organization and himself. It is unfortunate that he is now making these claims about the industry from which he benefitted for most of his career and about an individual who is concerned about creating and preserving jobs for the citizens of the district she served.

Anonymous said...

Ray is only about serving her own interests and pocket book.

Carney made a mistake with MI.

Curtis is Completely Clueless to the real world.

Can I ask for a write in ballot???

Anonymous said...

So far, I agree with a majority of the posters that Karen has told me nothing about what she was going to do and based on past history, maybe her doing nothing is great because it keeps her out of trouble. No way this lobbyist/liberal in Republican clothing should go to Raleigh. Way too negative and with her civitas rating of "D", we might as well elect a Democrat. Dr. Curtis doesn't have the experience needed. GREAT guy with high morals and has been a huge missions supporter over the years. Good candidate for a lesser office to get some experience and build some relationships. After that...very electable no matter whether he gave Jim Black money or not. That leaves Carney. He made a colossal screw up with the cable company vote and has admitted that he messed up big time. If it had worked, would he have been a hero or would there have been something else to complain about? Hopefully, 1 vote doesn't define a whole career in public service because if it does...you better check some of your other candidates. Many of them take risks or have to trade votes to get things done. Anyway, I'll admit that I stuck with Carney. So far since he has been appointed, he's been visible, approachable, and has done a good job.

Anonymous said...

clueless? U.S.Airforce. 40 Years in Business. 50 Mission Trips giving sight to the poor. Willing to serve. ...where is your real world?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the man you are accusing of being clueless has way more experience out in the real world and since when is acting on compassion for those less fortunate constitute being clueless? That's the kind of ethical standard I want in a politician.

Anonymous said...

Agreed, just the fact that Carney has stuck us with Langtree and MIC is enough to disqualify him. Thank heavens we get to vote on him this time instead of some stuffed shirts in a backroom putting him in office. Karen Ray is showing she is just as mean as a snake and isn't she all up in King Phil's fan club? Enough reason alone to vote for anyone but those two.

Anonymous said...

Of course Dr Curtis is the only candidate with true conservative credentials. Ray is a career politician, and Carney is misguided, hoping to be a career politician. He lost my vote with the MI Connection nonsense. Have you seen the latest round of mud slinging from Ray and Carney? Curtis has no special interest ties, he will represent "us", for that he gets my vote.

Anonymous said...

To the poster who said Chris Carney made a "mistake" by voting to purchase MI Connection:

Sorry pal, a mistake is forgetting to put the toilet seat down. What Carney did is put the Town of Mooresville on the path to financial ruin.

Anonymous said...

I'm shocked that 3289 voters that are going to get hit with much higher property taxes so Mooresville does not go bankrupt by MI Connections, could actually vote for Carney that gave us this problem. If you don't care about taxes maybe you could pay mine.

Anonymous said...

I see Ms. Ray has thrown her support behind Dr. Curtis. I don't know if that will help or hurt him.

Driving down Main and out to the hospital and then around to Williamson I was struck by the kudzu filled lots with the Langtree signs in them.

Thanks, Chris Carney. Great job.

Anonymous said...

after all the controversy hardly anyone watched the video on youtube anyway. I doubt that many saw it on miconnection tv either.

Jim said...

Hmmmmmm.....Erskine Smith proposed a $.03 tax increase in the new Town of Mooresville budget. This will raise an additional $1.46 million in revenue.

Prior to changing the MI Connection interlocal agreement, Davidson would've had to cough up $2.2 million to meet this years shortfall.

With the new interlocal agreement, Davidson only has to cough up $1 million. Davidson's rich uncle Mooresville will give them an interest free loan and come up with the $1.2 million they don't have.

Our taxes go up $1.4 million because poor ol' Davidson can't come up with $1.2 million.

I sure do look forward to the public hearing on this.


Anonymous said...

Oh my, FB thinks I may know and should be friendly with chris carney. Maybe when he gives us back all our money he's wasted. I keep getting this suggestion. Not gonna vote for him. Not gonna like him. Not gonna friend him. Get off face book chris and clean up your damn messes.