Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Monday, February 22, 2010

SBI's Cops for Kids probe complete - DA says she still has questions

The State Bureau of Investigation has completed its probe into former Mooresville police chief John Crone's Cops for Kids program. But Iredell County's District Attorney says she still has questions for the SBI.

"I finally received the official SBI report in January and still have questions for the investigating agent," said District Attorney Sarah Kirkman, responding to Gatton Report questions from home, less than a week after giving birth to a daughter.

Kirkman said she will not turn over the SBI results to the Town of Mooresville. "However," she said, "if they want to see the report, they can go through legal counsel with the SBI.

"As for turning over the results to the public," Kirkman added, "I will not do that, as it is still a pending investigation at this time."


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you still checking into our wonderful
town of Mooresville's business.

I heard that our town's MI Connection cable business which I believe they have spent around 90 million for thus far have been told that it is only worth around 32 million.I don't want to believe this another sad piece of business for Mooresville.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mr. Herring, Mr. Carney, and Mr. Rader (your bright idea) and thanks especially to you FORMER Mayor Thunberg for you casting the tie breaker and doing this for the town. I hope that you are proud of what you did.

Anonymous said...

So just when does the D.A. expect to have her questiones addressed by the S.B.I.? What decade, century?

Jim said...

Aren't we coming up on the 2 year anniversary of the Cops for Kids scandal? I know justice moves slow......but geez.....

Vic said...

Welcome back !!!!
Not a surprise for me with these info bits.
Always too late when they get booted out. Damage is already done. MUUST BE STOPPED BEFORE THEY VOTE.
Only a couple new people in office, status quo remains, IF WE ALL DON'T STOP IT.

John said...

Now how about the results of the Golf course debacle

Anonymous said...

did Blocker have anything to do with Cops for Kids?

Anonymous said...

I'd bet my cops for kids money that Blocker is just as dirty as his former top cop!! I wonder if Kirkman and Blocker weren't such great friends, what the outcome would be. Another reason that Alan Martin should have been our DA. Dirty is as dirty does...

Anonymous said...

I have spoken with several of the officers at Mooresville, they will tell you they believe Blocker was neck deep in this. Blocker only has around two years left with the PD, why do you think he has chosen to try and leave...because he knows the invetigation and the truth are coming.

Anonymous said...

8:04... Since Redmond supported Alan Martin it would appear that you are Redmondite. Makes sense, blast Blocker and try to discredit the DA? Yep, Redmonite at work. Go back up to Statesville and leave us alone!

Larry Green said...

FYI, John -- I did actually call and speak to the former DA about the golf course investigation and he told me that the results weren't in, he had no comment, and the results would not be released if/when they did finally come in.

Anonymous said...

Why does the SBI take so long and why are do the results seem to be top secret?

Larry Green said...

Good question. I know they work faster than that, so either the golf course and C4K were diabolically scandalous that it took extra hours to decipher, or they put a low priority on them. One can always suggest that personal friendships influenced the speed, but I'm not one of those.

As to the secrecy, I can understand some secrecy, especially while something is under investigation. But afterwards, I don't know why they are top secret.

Anonymous said...

10:22...WOW!! what a super sleuth you must be. I mean because I support Alan Martin you deduce that I am a Redmondite?? I hope that your investivigative skills don't try to take you far on your assumptions...Are you the same one who decided to place the Witherspoon couch in the Iredell Co Landfill??? Why don't you ask your fair Blocker about that and his involvement there ??? As far as go back to Statesville and leave us alone...the Cops for Kids is MY issue since I donated a TON of money toward the Crone/Blocker retirement/vacation.use my money for whatever the h*ll you want fund!! As far as dicrediting...I'll freely discredit where I feel discredit is due!!!!!

Anonymous said...

10:48 WOW!! calm down dude. I was just saying that Redmond openly supported Alan Martin and Redmond's reputation is terrible. Redmond didn't want Kirkman to get in so I assumed you were a Redmondite trying to make Kirkman look bad. And, I don't know anything about a couch and I'm not sure what that has to do with the Cops for Kids subject.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are following up on this Jamie great job please do not stop…..

I have to point out a couple things, I do have a business in Mooresville and Blocker was the one that was pushing Martin, I know that Kirkman would like nothing more than Phil Redmond not to be the Sheriff because he was not a strong supporter of someone who had not tried a murder case, and did not have as much experience. I believe that is why she will hold the results of the C4K’s because it could affect Blocker. I also do not find it is a coincidence that one of Kirkman’s ADA filed to run against Church and the week before they had Church’s wife on the Grand jury list ( after years of nothing) look at the timing it is to benefit her ADA’s chance to get the judges seat from church.

I could care less who Martin or Kirkman, but one thing is for sure Sheriff Phil Redmond has been good for Mooresville look we are the only ones in the county who has not one, but two COPS unit divisions assigned just to the Brawley School Area, and another in the Perth Road area. Please do not over look the lake patrol, with some of the most modern equipment paid for by drug dealers………I do support Redmond so please do not slam me for simply stating my opinion. I just know that we have one of the best Sheriff’s Offices around, look at the arrest they get and no not just at election time Google the Sheriff’s Office and you will find out yourself or go to IredellSheriff.com

I think Blocker is a nice guy but is not ready for a Sheriff’s Office he has not experience at all in the Civil, courts, or Jail….this is what the Sheriff does. You cannot take a police officer and make him a Sheriff the mentality of the way to work. We should choose by the job performance and I do not think any candidate can compare their history and accomplishment’s to that of our current Sheriff Phil Redmond.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the sarcastic comments about Phil Blocker and the positive support for Redmond. Phillip Redmond could never live up to the standards of integrity that Phil Blocker holds himself to. Redmond is a professional politician from the 1970's who is hung up on power and image. He is a snake oil salesman who makes people feel good to get votes. With Phil Blocker, what you see is what you get. That is the kind of man I want in office serving me. He is honest and professional. Phil Blocker is EXACTLY what we need to turn the sheriffs department around. GO BLOCKER!

Anonymous said...

6:12 doesn't have a business in Mooreville, he works at the Sheriffs Office. You will have to do better than that.

Anonymous said...

Are u serious..I could care less who is a politician last time I checked the Sheriff is an elected position.....Are you just upset because I give Phil Redmond is dues?..go to his departments website read the facts, other than say he is a politician what can Blocker offer up what Phil Redmond has already done.....Go Sheriff Redmond you have a great crew that loves working for you the stats say it all.

Anonymous said...

A great crew that likes working for him? Why do you think Phil Blocker is running? He has heard employees complain so much (secretely for fear of their jobs) and he knows that Redmond has very little support in his men. You are one of the few employees left that still try to make him look good. Well, you got your work cut out for you because Phil Blocker IS well liked AND supported by the vast majority of the sheriffs office employees. GO BLOCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

10:30 I have actually have two businesses one in Rock Hill, one in Mooresville, do not try to belittle my post because I pointed out some facts.

Anonymous said...

I guess this is on the side when you aren't working for Redmond? Okay, I'll buy that. (I didn't just fall off the turnip truck.)

Anonymous said...

Vote for the honest Phil!

GO BLOCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Being one of the top dogs at the sheriffs department and getting paid a high salary for doing nothing would make me want Redmond to stay in there. The great crew you spoke of has sent word ahead and you aren't on the list to be sworn back in.

Anonymous said...

What does the Redmond-Blocker bashing have to do with the topic at hand? Nothing -- it's your personal opinion to which you are entitled -- but shut up already.

Anonymous said...

It would appear that the whole Blocker-Redmond bashing started with the point that investigations don't seem to go very far. I suppose that ties it all together. Public concerns of corruption don't seem to have any merit with those who are responsible to investigate. Look how long this Cops for Kids thing has been dragged along. Now Blocker is running for Sheriff. If he indeed did have something to do with the CFK then it needs to be known before he gets votes towards being sheriff. There is no excuse for the extended length of these investigations. Also, if the golf tournament had any unlawful goings on it should be made public if the investigation is concluded. Why don't public officials have to answer to the public anymore. I see lots of justifiable anger on here. Some answers would help set peoples minds at ease. If it looks bad and is bad then something needs to be done. If something looks bad but it isn't why not tell it and clear the people being accused? That question has been asked since this whole thing started a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

This Herring turkey is a real piece of work the only reason that he is on the board is because no one in his district will oppose him. Let's see just what a great commissioner he is and look at his track record in bankrupting this town:
they awarded a contract for the water plant to a firm that was not in the top five and who promptly cost the town millions of dollars
He was a party to the library, golf course, and police evidence room debacle
Because of him we now pay about 100,000 to subsidize bus riders to Charlotte
There is going to be 10million spent on the town golf course which will be closed for a year
MI Connection has now received about 92 million and wants more money to operate and is estimated to be worth about 30 million
This town spends many hundreds of dollars to employees to drive our municipal vehicles home to lunch, shopping etc
Now we hear the town manager say that we have no money for a budget

Anonymous said...

Do not forget that a while back the house next to his was for sale and someone wanted to start a business next door. He did not want it. So he talked about it and apparently got his friends to vote against it. Smell something there. Back room talking to get this done. You can bet your sweet a.. that if it was next to your house and you didn't want it there that it would have been there, cause you were not on the board.

Anonymous said...

I hear the concern about public corruption, but the only thing we know with 100% certainty is that CFK was directly linked to and under the control of one person. Until the report comes out there is nothing directly implicating Blocker, or any other MPD official, with any wrongdoing. Might they have been involved -- yes. But to say he must have been because he works there doesn't carry a lot of weight. If that's the case, then every single member of the PD should be considered accomplices. The only thing I know for certain is that the MPD is in much better hands today, and in much better shape today, than it was when this whole CFK thing came to light.

Anonymous said...

Well, first of all I am very pleased to see the Gatton report back up. Thank You Jamie for keeping us informed. I also am hoping you will blog/report on the county wide elected positions as well. I realize some supporters here think this should be a Mooresville area only thing. I personally think that elected County officials do directly relate to Mooresville also. Granted other than the DA apparently none of them are involved with the C4K issue at hand. I only know what I have read and from speaking to a few, I have no idea who other than Crone was responsible. Did you all forget he just took loose money from evidence room and "donate" it to his C4K charity. How in the heck do you find "loose" money and not think it goes to a case? That is against the law PERIOD!!!Definately improper disposal of evidence. The fool admitted doing that !! I do not understand why he has not been prosecuted or at least charged. Those of you like me that have had the unfortunate occasion to meet a few police officers while on the wrong side of the law, I am sure were told the same thing as me "ignorance of the law is no excuse". I hired my attorney and paid my appropriate fines Crone should not be an exception. One of his darlings (Hillard) is the one that told me that as he haded me the ticket years ago.
As for Phil or Phil come on people ... It is a known fact that both are tied to the Elected DA. Blocker openly supported her campaign. Redmond covered all his bases .. He openly supported Alan Martin who had only tried the one Murder case from Mooresville involving the Kannapolis Police officer death. That is the same guy who offered the wife a 5 year plea deal. He did not want to try the case, but was forced to after the murderer refused to take a sweet deal. Sometimes justice does come to those who think they are above the law. I am glad that jury convicted her! Redmond made the deal to support Martin to keep one of his Captain's sons from being prosecuted and maybe even the Captain and a deputy that stole two pistols from a case he worked. But Redmond is wise. Check the public election records. Five of his Captains all gave cash money to Kirkman. One of those five retired and now works for Kirkman as an investigator. Do you all really think Redmond and Blocker both don't have an interest in what the DA does? As for the SBI .. was it not just two weeks ago after one of their wonderful investigations in Lincoln County that the DA over there had to dismiss charges against the Sheriff, because the SBI agent could not verify the Sheriff had signed a statement confessing his involvement in letting a supporter off a DWI charge? Wonder if that is the same SBI agent working over here. A phone call to Raleigh told me most likely it was the same as they only assign 7 agents to investigate government/police corruption for the entire state. As for Kirkman sending Church to the Grand Jury for an indictment. She is not married to the Judge. And what does that have to do with her breaking the law? Plus do your homework the judge and the ADA running both supported Kirkman for her DA bid.
Don't get me worng I am not here defending any of the above mentioned people. I personally think Redmond, Crone, Dowdle, Hillard, Miller, Campbell,Adams, Wyatt, Thompson and Blocker could be charged with some crimes. My only question is why are certain commissioner candidates drapping their arms around both Phil and Phil. I wished the people that can do an investigation would! I wish the DA would then prosecute the ones that need it and disclose why the others are not.

Anonymous said...

Wow, it seems like the front men for individuals are trying to work overtime to discredit the elected DA who if I recall won by over 70%. Whats in their closets? As for the allegations that the DA and Blocker are working together to hide something....whoever believes this obviously doesn't remember that Blocker supported Alan Martin for DA. The DA has nothing to gain by getting involved in political races and I haven't seen any evidence of it. By the way, I watched one of the murder cases the DA tried so not sure why people want to say that she hasn't?

Whoever these people are trying to discredit the DA and accuse others of hiding things are obviously not the brightest kids on the block.

What they are doing is giving the strong impression that there is problems within the Sheriff's dept and they are afraid it is going to come to light. I guess if I had skeletons in my closet, I'd be worried, but certainly think that if I didn't that I would have nothing to worry about.

The real question is why did the SBI take so long to investigate something that was on the prior DA's watch. From what i understand the elected DA is having to clean up a bunch of cases left by the former DA...Sex offense cases are finally getting disposed of that laid around for years. Seems to me that the current DA is going after corruption where ever it may be...and regardless of how long ago, and regardless of who it is. After all...wrong is wrong and don't we expect the DA to go after corruption?

KUDOS to the DA. From what I hear, she is highly regarded at the courthouse and obviously within the community.

Sounds like crooks should be running scared!

Anonymous said...

I like that. Yeah crooks should be running scared.

Anonymous said...

Talk about politics, why did the sheriff search a deputies home for guns missing for several years but overlooked for years until after the deputy announced he might run against the Sheriff? Sure does sound shaddy and political. Is this how the Sheriff's dept operates? I wouldn't want any part of it.

Anonymous said...

If your a victim, how do you know if your items are still safe with the Sheriffs Department when they say they are keeping the items as evidence. Don't they keep records? Aren't they audited? Who knows the answer to this?

Anonymous said...

Who keeps up with all the drug money the sherif hold for evidence to?

Anonymous said...

Does Anna Bonham have any experience with budgets? Sounds like the CPA lady does and might be a good person for school board.

Anonymous said...

I like Anna...she is all politics!

Anonymous said...

Grey Mills is going back to Raleigh! YES!

Anonymous said...

4:56 you forgot Jenkins and Eades.

Anonymous said...

Ya'll can sling all the mud you want to on the sheriff and his people but don't try to drag Phil Blocker into this. Phil is exactly what the sheriffs department needs to make it run like a top. It is time to improve the reputaion of the department by placing Phil Blocker with his reputaion in charge of it!

Anonymous said...

and Obama, Mccain, the preacher, santa clause, and the tooth fairy...

Anonymous said...

do what??

Anonymous said...

7:00 pm Which Jenkins you talking about? The one that ordered his deputies to drop charges on a woman or be fired? Or the Jenkins that was supposed to help battered women, but was in reality getting them to take pictures of themselves (private areas and breasts) with a county camera then showing the pictures off to his co-workers and laughing how dumb the women were. That is the same Jenkins that dated one of his victims and kept arresting her husband. You must be talking about that one ... Or you talking about the Jenkins that slept with the secretary that popped positive for drugs on a random urine test?
Wow wonder why so many Jenkins work there? And they all keep their job after doing the above mentioned things ? Well the last one mentioned, I don't guess that is illegal sleeping with a druggy even though she is a subordinate at work.
As for Eades you are right I slam forgot about him. That campaigning on the clock thing, the election treasurer, wait that was last election and why did all that go quite after Pressley Mattox who served on the Election Board clearly stating he had made no contribution to the sheriff through Eades. So did we check to see who cashed the check that Mattox wrote? Or did we figure out that Eades was just covering it up? I was told it was actually deposited into the sheriff's campaign and after it was in the record and Landmark Eades and Redmond simply said it was our mistake and wrote Mattox a check back... So my question is how did they get a check they were not supposed to have without breaking the law?

Anonymous said...

Why is it that some of you post these wicked accusations about the sheriff and his deputies? I for one am hearing a lot of stuff in the community. Is there an investigation going on about any of this? If so who is investigating? If not who's job is it to demand an investigation? Can someone tell us who we should be complaining too, until we get the investigations going/done?
I don't think it is politics at all to prosecute a crook. Now if someone can show us the DA has a case for two years or two months that has been investigated and still no action. Then I will be first inline to say that is not right, unless of course the investigation proves that no one should have been charged.
I personally voted for Sarah. I surely hope she prosecutes all that need prosecuted. I also hope that she holds law enforcement as accountable if not more so !!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like it is time for a good housecleaning.

Anonymous said...

11:51 I couldn't begin to tell you who to call to demand an investigation. This thing is bigger than all of us. We have sheriffs all around us being charged with way less than what Redmond and some of his officers have been accused of doing and yet nothing happens here. You tell me. Redmond either has a horseshoe up his behind or investigators in his pocket.

Anonymous said...

Being new to the area and told yesterday about this blog and reading it it sure sounds bad like everyone says that things are crooked in the SO and just what is going on. Would someone please tell me some FACTS other than hear say. I am a new voter and would like to vote for a honest person. I have been reading articles from the paper and on FB and it sounds like the Sheriff is doing a good job.

Larry Green said...

Facts could only be determined through investigation of the allegations which are being thrown out int his forum. It's interesting that most of the allegations come from anonymous sources who appear to "know" a great deal about various situations. It would be wonderful if these folks would formalize their concerns by filing a complaint, but I'm sure they have various reasons such as fear of losing jobs, fear of jeapordizing the job of a friend or family member, fear of retribution, etc. Nevertheless, if things are that bad and corruption is so rampant I would hope at least one of them would feel strongly enough to step up so that we don't have to live with that kink of stuff in our community. Otherwise, they risk being part of the problem by staying silent.

The only investigation in question relates to Cops For Kids. I've lived here four years and am not aware of any investigations related to the Sheriff's Department. We are still waiting for an SBI report for an investigation into allegations related to the town's golf course. Those are the only facts available that I'm aware of.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Green, The facts have been out there and there have already been investigations and just like the CFK stuff, nothing is done. I realize that many of the people in Mooresville are focused on just Mooresville issues, but they live in Iredell County. I would like to see them take a more agressive stance on corruption outside of the city limits. If they would step back and take a look they will realize that it all ties together. No where else but Iredell County can you get away with doing the things that have been done. I am afraid that the people of Mooresville can't see the forest for the trees and I don't mean that in a derogatory way. More voices in unison and more support from all over the county will bring results. Cops for Kids, accusations surrounding the Witherspoon trial, the golf course issues and allegations of misconduct at the sheriffs office are all one and the same. It is government corruption and the failure to address it by higher ups. The bad guys are sticking together to keep this from blowing up in their face and it has worked up until now. It is time for the good guys to stick together and draw attention to it all and demand answers as to why crime by government officials is allowed to continue in Iredell County.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Green, you said, "The only investigation in question relates to Cops For Kids. I've lived here four years and am not aware of any investigations related to the Sheriff's Department."

That is sad but probably true for many in Mooresville. It also works in reverse. I am sure that many in Statesville are not aware or have forgotten about the Cops for kids and the other serious issues in Mooresville. I can't say this enough, the people in Mooresville are having the same problems as the people in Statesville for the same reasons. It is all tied together and it is all investigated by the same organization from Raleigh. And I have no doubt that some of the key players in Mooresville have ties with the key players in Statesville. I do know that someone at the sheriffs office made Crone mad and got reprimanded for it. Also keep in mind that all the stuff in Mooresville and Statesville that is out in the open is only the tip of the iceburg. That is why people are afraid to post with a name. The current system is more like a crime syndicate than combined law enforcement agencies. It is time for a house cleaning brought on by all of the citizens of Iredell County working together. We are fighting different battles in the same war.

Anonymous said...

Why haven't the citizens of Statesville taken the steps that the citizens of Mooresville did in the early 2000s? This is what got the ball rolling in Mooresville. Why do people choose to sit on the sidelines and expect others to fight their fights? In Mooresville, one woman stood up publicly and said enough is enough. ONE WOMAN. A host of people got behind her and started pushing. The only person I have seen have the grit to do this in Statesville is Mark Nicholson. No one has yet gotten behind him publicly and started pushing. I am not arguing with you. You're probably right about the split mentality because the county is so long, but Mooresville citizens who have fought corruption for years would probably be more prepared to help the county's citizens if the citizens in other parts of the county first tried to help themselves.

Anonymous said...

11:27, I agree with you on all of your statements. I think the difference of publically speaking in Statesville is the fear factor. People are afraid of Redmond. He has run his whole career based on fear and intimidation and power. People on the street and in the department are afraid of what will happen to them if they get vocal with their concerns. It is a sad day when citizens are afraid of the Sheriff, but those that really know him are. It is constantly being said that Redmond is connected whatever that means. People have bravely taken valid information to the proper authorities for investigation and nothing is done. That provokes more fear. The DA's office has yet to try to indict anyone on any one of the many things that are known to have been done. Is she in on it? I don't think so, but if she isn't why aren't the charges being made? Again, this produces more fear.

Anonymous said...

Let me add something to my last post. I said that eople have bravely taken valid information to the proper authorities for investigation and nothing is done. That isn't entirely true. Some of those people worked for the Sheriffs Office and the action taken was that they were reprimanded, demoted or fired. When you see that happening there isn't much reason to try it yourself. Redmond holds his employees lives in his hands. He can demote someone or fire them on a whim. Employees have been threatened with interfering with an investigation if they discuss their mistreatment with anyone even though there is no investigation or even reason for an investigation.

There is one problem with using fear and intimidation too long. Fear turns into resentment and resentment turns in to justifiable anger. This may be the election that people are angry enough to tell the public what Redmond and his select group of people really are.

Anonymous said...

I know you don't know who I am. I am somebody that posts anonymously for a reason, just like you I bet. I understand exactly how the fear of losing a livelihood might stand in the way of going public with information but somebody always has to be the one with balls. Some things are more important in life than a job. Somebody has to take the risk and be willing to lose it all and start all over somewhere else. Mark Nicholson isn't scared. Is his job any less important to him than it is to anybody else? Is his family and bills less important to him than they are to anybody else? The people at the Sheriff's Office should look to him as an example of somebody who is willing to fight despite the consequences. Even if you're too afraid to fight out in public, has anybody from within the Sheriff's Office gone to Jamie? Somebody had to talk to her on the C4K story and I haven't heard of anybody besides Crone that lost a job over it. Think about it.

Anonymous said...

1:08 Who is Mark Nicholson?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I was wondering if inmates are allowed to be used to remove hazardous material from detention facilities or is that supposed to be done by professionals? What about using inmates to work on your personal property to spread gravel or work on fences? I just wondered, no reason.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be a felony if someone actually did that. Might be some kind of Federal violation of prisoner use as well. Not sure about that. Some stuff to look into none the less.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone still have those photos from Wallace Springs road?

Anonymous said...

What is in the photos?

Larry Green said...

I understand the fear related to being public and can appreciate your position. I'm not condemning you are anyone else who feels they cannot be as public as I am. I get that.

At some point, though, we will all have to be public if we are to make significant changes and address issues of corruption.

I can't find anything on the internet related to allegations of wrongdoing by Redmond. I'll admit, I didn't do an exhaustive search but i found not one article, post, or other document by searching "Phil Redmond" and "sheriff" and "corruption". So maybe you could post documents or links so that the rest of us can have access to the information and be able to make informed decisions based on what we see/read.

Sadly, though, what you're describing is not unique to Iredell county. We can find similar allegations and proof of wrongdoing across the state and nation.

I would agree with you that there are probably many ties/links between the elected officials in all of the levels of government, and that at times one may scratch the back of the other. But I have no knowledge and without actual documents can't make an informed decision as to whether or not there is anything going on which needs to be addressed. So any help would be greatly appreciated.

I hope the folks in Statesville will do what we did and band together as a community. You'll be surprised how much support you can gather when you collectively address the problems you're facing. There is power in #s. And if it turns out that there is corruption in our county government I assure you I will do my part to address those issues.

Anonymous said...

What education does the Sheriff have? How about his top five? From what I understand, not much. Sounds like school yard bullying going on to me. My question is has the SBI or the Feds investigated all the rumors going around? If not why? As I understand it, nothing can be done about just rumors. There has to be evidence and a paper trial. From the way it sounds, it should not be hard to follow. I wounder if people within the Sheriff's Department have been questioned and if they told the truth. I would hope so, because he again as I understand it, if they don't they will get into trouble for lying. Maybe a few calls to the Governor's office and the Attorney Generals office by concerned citizens would help. Let's demand that the SBI investigate all this mess and if they say they have, then lets demand the reports...if they say they haven't then less demand that they be replaced in their own jobs and get people in there that are not afraid to find out if all these rumors are true. If they are, I hope the District Attorney prosecutes all of them and has them thrown under the jail.

We deserve better with our tax dollars. Why haven't our County Commissioners started looking into all of this and asking questions. With all these allegations flying...why has the County Commissioners demanded an audit of the financial records of the Sheriff's office to see how all this money that they handle is being handled. Dont know if money is being handled properly or not, but with all this other mess being discussed, it sure brings into question wether or not the folks in the department are handling the money properly.

And, why is it that the Sheriff's Department gets to keep all that drug money and spend it like water, when all the other county budgets are cut back so severly, and the budgets are being cut back so much for this coming year.

I thought we had conversative commissioners...it almost seems as if the Sheriff and the Commissioners are spend free liberals.

Anonymous said...

I meant to say above, why hasn't the commissioners demanded an audit, not that they had.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr. Green. Hopefully your request will be possible. I will hold you to your word.

Anonymous said...

I just hope that the Citizens of Iredell County look at all the candidates for office and vote office by office for the best person. It seems that always voting party lines might have led to the situation that we are in.

Voting is a priviledge and a responsibility that should not be taken lightly! We all work hard to pay our taxes and we should demand the best, most capable public servants regardless of political affiliation, or gender.

Anonymous said...

I have to say Mr. N you have worked for both, anyway someone asked about the drug money the sheriff's Office gets...it is gotten because the Deputies love doing there job and where they work, I can from another agency..and worked with all agencies in the county and the Sheriff's Office does not stop at 5 they go until they get the bad guys read it at www.iredellsheriff.com read what Redmond has accomplished.. as far as the money it is placed in a back then a cashiers check is set to Immigration and customs...that is how the sheriff uses drug money instead of our tax dollars it is a great idea..go to wbtv. com search about sheriff uses drug money to buy cars...these guys train Federal, state, and local police.....Sheriff's Office Investigators had one of the highest clearence rates in the state.....I am not saying anything bad about anyone...just go look at the facts........

Anonymous said...

In a bank (sorry)

Anonymous said...

Also the drug money can ONLY be spent on certian things in Law enforcement that is the LAW

Anonymous said...

10:14 you guys keep singing the same old song.

Larry Green said...

I think the drug money was also an issue in the CFK stuff, but am not 100% positive. I recall something about the ToM having to repay the feds because of misused funds, and think it was because of seized assets. So it's not totally unimaginable that forfeiture money might be misused. But I also think there is an audit system in place.

To 5:08pm, if you can get me any documents supporting any of the allegations made I'm more than happy do my part. But I also expect others to do their part as well.

Anonymous said...

10:14 said to go to go to wbtv. com and see the sheriffs office get praised. After that let's all go to Zaxby's and celebrate.

Anonymous said...

Gift cards and free chicken for everybody!

Anonymous said...

WSOC has the details on this limited offer...

Anonymous said...

I think it was about a year ago on this very blog that someone posted a long list of Redmond's dirty deeds. Some criminal, some just piss poor conduct that Redmond and/or some of his staff were doing.
Someone commented then that poster should quit and take his accusations elesewhere as this blog was for Mooresville issues only. I tried to find the old post and was unsuccesful.
I for one was interviewed by the SBI about some of those things in that post. I gave them documentation supporting two incidents. I did not know of some of those things directly, but did learn after it was posted here who the players and incidents involved. I am one of the deputies that does work in fear of saying the wrong thing. The BS posted about deputies loving their job only applies to a select few that are in the click or are involved in some of the crimes mentioned in that blog. I wish whomever posted that list of items or maybe Jamie would repost. If you think you can do something without naming your sources Larry, I am sure you will get a flood of documentation or dates,times and witnesses to events. But apparently the SBI thinks we up here are all just delving into political sabotage. Why else would it take them so long to not do a proper investigation into Crone, the Golf course, the sewer facility, the Landfill accusition, Redmond, his gun stealing deputies, or Redmond's direct ordering of deputies to not pursue criminal charges against listed donators to his campaigns (from the mid 90's a PTO/PTA officer at Celeste who's husband still works for the school system) yet in the last month another lady doing the same thing was indicted! So what is the difference? What about the deputy that assaulted a man in custody of Statesville Police Department. He was wrong enough to be fired for it supposedly, but why would Redmond not let the SBI do a criminal investigation into the matter? By the way that deputy's Lieutenant also got suspended for supposedly not handling the complaint from SPD correctly. Ironically the SPD person making the complaint (according to Statesville Record and Landmark was fired for wrong doing at the PD involving civilians and employee assaults). That same deputy Jacob Dyson was then hired by Redmond and less than a month later promoted to Sgt. The web gets tangled real quick. Statesville Record and Landmark was on the bandwagon demanding a criminal investigation on Dyson until he was whored by Redmond. Then it has not been mentioned again.
What about the big 3 news stations reporting of the police officers in Charlotte for sexual misconduct. Why have they not been up here asking Redmond about Ben Jenkins litterally screwing his victim while working a case and arresting her husband after their relationship began? Not to mention the picture thing he done. It was bad enough when a victim's attorney went to Redmond (that Jenkins was suspended and put in the jail) But still we did not call in the SBI to investigate. Why? 6 weeks later Jenkins was put back on road patrol apparently the smoke had died down. But Someone got word to the victim's attorney. Another visit to Redmond. Redmond's famous line was, I did not know they done that. Jenkins then was put back in the jail. Who can make these transfers of employees without Redmond's approval? One would say the chief deputy Rick Dowdle maybe. He is the same guy who has never made an arrest, a vehicle stop, or conducted an investigation for the public (he has done many for Redemond). He went from Jail Sgt. to Chief Deputy in under 3 years with Redmond. I guess his sister being the elected Register of Deeds had nothing to do with that. His affairs on duty went unpunished (I think that is the photos on Wallace Springs Road mentioned above). If it really was his doings for Jenkins, that also went unpunished.

Anonymous said...

A deputy recently called for deputies to come to his house for a domestic. The next day he was called into the office and fired. Then he was arrested and transferred to Davie County Jail. Dowdle swore if anyone mentioned it, they would be fired. Why was none of that in the Record and Landfill? The sheriff later commented he knew nothing of the incident or the deputy being fired. So his response to the public is, he has capable people working for him. He does not do all the hiring and firing. Well why would those same capable people not arrest the deputy on the spot like all the civilians would be, if an arrest was warranted? I admit I am friends with the deputy and can tell you it was a farce from word go. She has admitted she lied and injured herself to cause the deputy to be fired. Does this mean he gets his job back? Is that why protocol was not followed? The statutes, we are told, state we shall make an arrest if assault signs are visible and the victim says they were assaulted. So why was this one handled differently? Why did we not call the SBI? Using Redmond's line "I want our county to be like all the others, we shouldn't be different" So why do the others call the SBI to investigate accusations of employee crimes and Iredell does not?
Redmond received a $6,000.00 pay raise last year while all of us got 5 days furlough and no raise. This year they say we will be looking at 10 days and possibly a 4% pay decrease. Is Redmond going to loose 13% of this year's salary (like his employees) or last years (which would be more accurate, unless he needs last year's raise more than we do)? Now that I mentioned it here, you can bet he will not take his raise this year as the public is being made aware. That is if some of you will ask the county commisioners about it. It is time we clean the good ol' boy system Redmond, Bell and the commisioners have up. Elect new people to all their slots !!! The commissioners are just enabling Redmond and will cost us taxpayers lots of money in lawsuits when the stuff finally hits the fan.

Larry Green said...

I can't swear that I would not be forced into giving up sources as I am not protected in that capacity. However, if I were to receive items and had no knowledge of who gave them to me then there is no way I could divulge any names.

I, for one, see the Sheriff's Department as something that does directly impact Mooresville, along with the county commissioners. I'm saddened to hear that so many things are reportedly going on and nothing has been done about them.

If you can find a way to get me some documents, I'd love to see them so that I can know how hard to push on stuff. Same things applie to Jamie. I've had people send her information about situations needing to be looked into b/c she is shielded by law from revealing her sources.

Either way, I appreciate you taking the time to post and to continue the conversation. Maybe, together, we'll be able to get something done.

Anonymous said...

As Ricky Ricardo used to say, it sounds like somebody got some "splainin" to do.

Anonymous said...

Iredell County We need HELP...I am also a Deputy under Redmonds rath....I could count on both hands the number of people at the Sheriff's office that are happy...and most of them have been named in the comments here..Hats off to you Mark Nicholson the way I see it is one way or another you will soon be out from under Redmonds rath...I wish I was able to do so...But my wife and kids depend on my paycheck....Again Iredell County we need HELP!!!! No matter who you vote for anyone is better that what we got...I would gladly post my name but I would be out of a job so quick you head would spin...Thank about that....That is what we have to worry about every day

Anonymous said...

It would be good if at least 20 officers would step forward on all of this stuff. Redmond couldn't fire or demote that many and I am sure more people would step up one at a time to join in. The catch is, IF Redmond were to win the election, you would all be out of a job. I myself am posting anonomously so I understand your concern completely.

Here is another point, if the SBI would do their job and ask the right questions of the right people, they would have no choice but to answer and that would make them immune from retaliation.

The retaliation is real though. This even goes as far as one of Redmond's (married) higher ups reportedly threatening his girlfriend with what would happen to her if she ever left him. If it's a lie, she told it.

These people are demented. It is common knowledge among those who have been around that this administration is capable of anything. It wouldn't surprise me in the least for them to plant drugs on someone or use other means to set them up by manufacturing charges. We can be thankful that the other DA didn't get in office to give them support in their endeavers.

Those of us posting even anonomously know that there is no limit to the means that they will use to find out who they need to silence and no limit to what they will do or have done to insure that silence.

Anonymous said...

I am a close relative of a long time employee of the Sheriff's Department and know that all the allegations and concerns are real. I also find it strange that while Redmond is claiming to be so hard on drugs it seems like there has been an explosion of drug use and availability in this county within the last couple of years, especially in the high schools and middle schools. Where are all these drugs coming from?

In my opinion the majority of drugs he is getting are off the interstate and were not going to stay in Iredell County to begin with. We need the drugs houses and dealers in this county done away with. Another thought, what is happening to all the drugs he is seizing , could they be getting out into our communtiy? again just a thought I have no proof of that .

I agree with Anon. 9:59 Iredell County needs HELP. The only way this is going to happen is if the citizens do it themselves. Redmond has connections all the way to the governers office I have been told. THank goodness we now have a DA willing to prosecute if she is given the evidence. Again PLEASE HELP GET REDMOND OUT!!!!

John Davis said...

It is really nice to see how brave people are we they are posting under an anonymous name. If majority of this was true, you would be able to post under your actual name and get something done about it.

I remember reading that there have been investigations into the Sheriff's Office and NOTHING was found.

You only have to read all the press releases to see how hard the Sheriff's Office is on drugs. So I don't even understand your arguement.

It sure is easy to claim that you are a deputy when that can't be proven on here. I guess I could go ahead and claim that I am president of the United States, but wait...I'm actually using my name.

Lets stick to the Cops for Kids problems. As a citizen of Mooresville I am very interested in this. Isn't Blocker running for Sheriff now? He should at least wait until this report comes out.

I've never even heard of Mark Nicholson???

John Davis the 2nd said...

As a law enforcment office reading your post and using interview techniques it is easy to breakdown.

First you have the disclaimer that none of this it true because it is anonymous.

Thank you for admitting that there have been investigations done and that nothing was done, that backs up everything on here. Mr. green said he hadn't heard about any investigations. Someone from redmond's side saying there was documents that.

We are aware of the press releases. They amount to look at this hand while I screw you with the other. Nothing new.

John Davis... that is either fake or you are part of the system (that's it) and will probably end up part of the investigations before this is all done. Is that John Davis, Mooresville or Statesville? You are still anonymous.

It is easy to claim you are a Deputy, can't argue there. Who else is affected by Redmond's ethics enough to bother to write?

Cps for Kids is only a stab at the other Republican running.

You know Mark personally or are writing for someone who does so don't even go there.

Try again.

John Davis the 2nd said...

By the way, where did you read that there investigations done? I don't recall that being in the press anywhere? I think it was said on here. That means that you are quoting an anonymous source as fact after you said anoymous info was worthless. You are most certainly using Redmond techniques.

The public isn't as stupid as you perceive them to be and they are getting more and more offended at being treated as such.

Anonymous said...

I have seen some of the above post..if they are true get someone to do something....the reason the SBI has not is because you are spreading myth, the deputy involved in the domestic WAS fired on the spot...I am related to him. Unless you were there you know nothing but spreading lies to hurt Redmond.....get a grip, tell the truth to not add a spin to everything.....I do not believe one second about the post being from a deputy it is someone with a computer that wants to stir up bad rumors and make it look like people are not happy....I am sure there are a few that are never going to be happy...but look at the numbers, the reason the Sheriff's Office makes the drug seizures, arrest, etc is because they are happy for the most part....some are slandering deputies by name and have no idea of the facts..if you do post facts if no not then quit posting just your own opinion...

Anonymous said...

Amazing deduction.. someone with a computer made the post. I for one am impressed.

Yeah yeah look at the numbers we have heard it all before. Everyone go to www.IredellSheriff.com and read starting at: About the Sheriff.

Anonymous said...

About the slander and not using facts and using peoples names...Does Ben work in the jail after being a detective? And why? Oh, he probably wanted that position and demotion. What was I thinking? Man ya'll are recklessly stupid with your posts.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous Febuary 28 12:14PM

If the deputy that you are referring to about the domestic incident was fired on the spot,then he must have been hired right back on the spot. Or maybe this is another deputy and another incident.

Anonymous said...

Ya'll are as inept at denying stuff as you are about doing wrong stuff and getting caught. There you all are, standing in the chicken coup with feathers all aroud your mouth asking, "Chicken... what chicken?"

Even better yet, how about standing at Zaxbys ON TAPE, saying that's not me!

Anonymous said...

Enough is enough, I am a Deputy with the Iredell County Sheriff’s Office I cannot prove it here, all I can say is I am. I have seen the mean comments that have been posted here I am so upset that people would go to this length to attack the Sheriff. I am on patrol and before I get accused of being a higher up and coming here and post I am not, but to accuse me in this way discredits my opinion, the reason I will not say my name is because someone above already said Blocker has a list of who will not be re sworn…That in itself says a lot about a candidate, he already has a hate list and has not won anything.

First, sure there are some deputies that are un happy, but very few these that are for the most part ones that do not want to check there businesses, they do not like being made to work, I can call them to sit up a checking station and they fuss the whole time they are lazy just like any business has some that fuss about anything.

We are lucky at the Sheriff’s Office I have never been told to drop a ticket, never heard of a do not arrest list, these are lies and people should be ashamed.

Drug dealer do not like our Sheriff he has and always will be hard on them,

People have attacked Miller about his son well everyone does not have perfect children, and I believe his son is over 35 years old, don’t punish the parent everyone cannot control their children he is a grown man. About Zaxby's what? it is is son, do you think that if it was Miller with him they would not have said that, oh I know Lincolnton cannot do there job to suit you either. We are not voting on deputies we are voting on a Sheriff tell us about him

On patrol we have some of the best equipment not all, but a lot with drug dealers money who care which drug dealers it all comes full circle.

I know the officers they have attacked over sex issues, these are twisted truths please do not believe the myths. The reason the SBI, DA’s Office or anyone else has not done anything is because…..THEY ARE NOT TRUE, IT IS OBVIOUS THAT IF THERE WAS SOMETHING WOULD HAVE COME OUT BY NOW.

I am proud to work at the Iredell County Sheriff’s Office, and fully support Sheriff Redmond, I understand anyone wanting the job, but run on your own accomplishments, what you can do to make it better, and tell us why we should support anyone else other that Redmond….facts speak for themselves, and so does old fashioned politics that some have employed…..Thank you

Anonymous said...

To begin with 1:14 if Redmond was the person you say he is instead of the person he is, there wouldn't be any reason for one of his officers to run. THAT is the main point.

I hope your grammer is better on your investigation narratives than what you have demonstrated on here.

So it's not important that drug dealers in the county are busted? Now I know you support Redmond.

You have posted before under other names... "there businesses" should be "their businesses".

As far as dropping charges, you have got to be kidding me.

I never mentioned who was with the suspect in Lincolton, but I jhave an idea. How about if Sheriff redmond posts the Crimestoppers video on his website?!! Yeah what a wonderful idea. Let's clear this thing up for all concerned.

The rest isn't even worth responding to... try again.

Anonymous said...

If Redmond is looking for the people of the Sheriff's Office to keep him in office he is already gone..... If you are so sure we are so happy then do a blind poll with in the Office. I really dont think you wont to know that answer.. I all ready know. We are the little people and we talk among ourselves we dont have the Sheriff watching our backs...And as for posting with your name...Im sure you would really like that it would make the fired proces easier...And John I am sure we work on the same payroll Remember we are deputy's we have had smoke blowed up our butts by the best and you are not the best at blowing smoke...And just to be clear It is not Redmond,s payroll it is the county's. Yes it is true this started over the C4K post and it sounds like you got your toes stepped on and are trying to turn the heat down

Anonymous said...

I like the two current county commissioners who are running for re-election. I voted for them. However, it appears form all of these back and forth comments about the Sheriff's Office that something absolutely wrong and criminal goes on in that department on a constant basis.

As I understand it, both of the commissioners, Johnson and Norman have consistently supported the Sheriff.

I am calling upon them to use their political clout to demand that a top to bottom investigation of the Sheriff's Department occur and the results be handed over to the District Attorney.

I read on the internet today that "Sheriff Joe" was under investigation in Arizona by a federal grand jury over his tactics. An investigation needs to be here so that the District Attorney and a grand jury can either put all these allegations to rest, or move forward prosecuting the responsible individuals and putting them under the jailhouse.

The commissioners owe it to the tax payers to demand this action. The days of being in the good ole boy club with the Sheriff have come to an end!

Anonymous said...

From all these comments from people who are obviously on the inside of the Sheriff's Department, it sounds like the Department is a house of crumbling cards.

It also sounds as if there are people who know things and are trying to cover them up for the Sheriff and his higher ups.

I think if I were one of those trying to cover for people doing wrong doing in the department that I would be running as fast as I could to the SBI, FBI, District Attorney's office or whoever is the appropriate agency and telling them ALL that I knew in order to save my own skin and try to work out a deal so that I didn't go to jail.

It certainly seems that if this many people are talking about illegal things within the department that it is only a short matter of time before the hammer comes down. Surely in that case, individuals would want to be the ones one the sidelines watching it happen rather than being underneath it. Then what will happen to their families? Who would support them then if these people end of going to jail too?

Sounds like the Amazing Race to tell the truth and save your own skin is on in the Sheriff's Department.

Anonymous said...

2:27pm, I agree with what you "posted"
I also voted for Norman and Johnson. I thought they were good representatives. I will check tomorrow, but if they gave any elected officials or the county manager a raise after decreasing the rest of the employee's pay, I will definately not be voting for them again. What logic woulod they have in saying it was necessary? It would just show the greed of the persons accepting it for one and how they really did not put the employees first. It would second show that the elected officials truly do support each other by taking care of politics and not the Taxpayer!!

Anonymous said...

3:12PM I work for the county and had to take my furlough days and will not be getting a cost of living or merit increase, I read in this post that the SHeriff actually got a 6000 dollar raise. Please let us know if this is correct when you do your checking and where you found it out. You are right, if this is true , it shows no concern for his employees at all, nor any decency on his part. If this is true I will not be voting Redmond for Sheriff. PLEASE LET US KNOW ON THIS BLOG, THANKS.

Anonymous said...

What other job could the Sheriff do with his amount of education that pays him over $90.000 per year? To take a pay raise when all other county employees are on unpaid furloughs? It just keeps getting more and more unbelievable!

Of course for that matter, how about the likes of Rick Dowdle getting paid what he does? And we all wonder how government has gotten so out of hand.

We are all responsible if we just keep voting the same old way everytime. We need to clean house and get a new sheriff, new register of deeds and new clerk of court. The register of deeds makes too much and the Clerk of court makes over $90,000 per year. Do they really earn all that money? Its time they all three get jobs like everybody else.

Anonymous said...

At least the Register of Deeds does appear to go to work regularly. It seems like the Clerk of Court is always gone and out of the office. Nice gig. Hey taxpayers lets get keep letting them get by with it and then paying their retirement when all is said and done. I CAN'T THINK OF A BETTER WAY TO SPEND OUR TAX DOLLARS!

Anonymous said...

Actually you better check the Sheriff also lost money last year....better check before you embarass yourself, the county manager did not lose money. If you would check and please contact the finance director and be honest bring back the answer you will see that the Sheriff did not take a raise, please check and quit spreading falsehoods...... Also as far as the Sheriff education I am a firm believer that on the job trsining, experience, and what you have accomplished is must more accurate picture of what we need in a Sheriff.....Does anyone know if was Blocker a Democrat up until just the last year to six months, then he changed to the Republican ticket.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know why/how the Register of Deeds Brenda Dowdle Bell and Phil Redmond both got raises. I don't think the county controls Rena Turner's pay. But some of you can tell us. I am told the county has no control over the elected sheriff. Well last I checked they sure as heck pay his salary. That seems to control a lot of the so called "I am a deputy" posters. So why are the commis not holding him to the same fear of losing his pay check? A quick check of the employee records of both the register of deed and sheriff show how many family members are hired by the two elected officials. It should also show how many of Brenda's work for Phil and vice versa. At least the county did not pay for Breda to take 3 staff members and their spouses on a "professional trip" this past year. Redmond picked that slack up by taking his annual excursion which included Brenda's brother ...Whew you all starting to get the picture.
We all need to hold the elected officials responsible, starting with who controls the money. Got it Steve? Got it Marvin? Show up at a meeting and see how poorly Marvin runs a meeting. But he pats good ol Phil on the back. And lets him put 3 or 4 more on to work as a federal grant. So what happens to that money the Fed pays when the county does not pay those people the agreed upon amounts because of furlough days? Surely it does not go into a general budget. That would be illegal too. Who pays the salary when that federal grant runs out? Are we telling the deputys they are being hired for a grant position and if the commisiioners don't pick it up they may loose their job? Why do we keep them and make all the rest suffer by losing their pay?
As for Phil saving us taxpayers by using drug money to buy cars - Why did he not buy 8 cars instead of the motor home, because he is afraid to fly to fly to the conventions in Los Vegas and Orlando? Yep, that's right the fearless sheriff is afrain of something. Why did he not buy a car instead of buying a fancy golf cart to ride in all these parades? Apparently Mooresville and Statesville town boards won't allow the police chiefs to be in such parades. Well at least not in 20,000 dollar golf carts paid for by drug money. They actually use donated vehicles or drive ones already owned by the city.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

5:29pm I will check I am definately curious. You already seem to know the answer though. So tell me the rest of the employees did not get any raise either correct? The rest of the employees had to take 4 or 5 furlough days correct?
My math tells me that if all that is correct then the rest of the staff actually lost.08% of their normal checks (of course that does not take into account the increase in cost of insurance and other payroll dedecutions that increased). So did might Phil give his .08% back? I know as an elected official he does not have to work a schedule and is rarely in the office after 1, yes I have tried to call and was told he was out of the office on numerous occasions. I asked the deputy who answered the phone, if Phil worked after 1. He said he was told to no longer comment if the sheriff was in or out of the office. I said well give me his cell. I was told I could leave a message with his secretary. I did that and I am still waiting ... I asked a commissioner about it. He said well when he is campaigning at the Church socials and the Fire Department BBQs he is working and he politics full time.
So that is what we pay for a full time politician !!!

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I was just asking did anyone know? Gosh don't get so offended just asking a simple question when or if Blocker had switched parties?

Anonymous said...

Jamie, you need to start reporting on some of this! Why are you sitting on your hands? You aren't in the Sheriff's pocket too are you?

Anonymous said...

Biting the hand that could feed you. Not smart.

Anonymous said...

Jamie has always been smart enough to report facts not rumors, and slanderous remarks about people that have no basis.....I am sure some would love Jamie to do there dirt throwing for them....I still want to KNOW about the cops for kids and where the heck my money went, and who all is involved....

Anonymous said...

Seems like Redmond has everyone else in his pocket. That's the only reason I asked.

Anonymous said...

you mean Redmond has alot of support and others will stop at nothing to crush that support, even if they are all based on lies, and myths.

Anonymous said...

Redmond is a myth (legend) in his own mind. The support is gone buddy. I am sure Phil is finding that out as he tries to get past supporters to step up only to find that they are supporting others. Even the few uninformed people who like Phil say he has been in there too long and needs to go. Just passing it along, don't shoot the messenger.

Anonymous said...

True story.

Anonymous said...

I'm still watching
be very careful when you defend Redmond.

Tic Toc

Larry Green said...

Tic Toc is back! I missed you and thought your Tic Toc bomb had exploded!! Yea, you're still around.

Now go put some tic-toc posts on the MIC thread and make it more interesting :-)

Anonymous said...

If you go back and check the records, you will see that Redmond changed parties himself years ago.

Anonymous said...

I believe he changed it to run in 1994. Is that right? Not that it matters, the Redmond clan brought up about Blocker changing so I thought it might be important for them. Blocker for Sheriff 2010!

Anonymous said...

Just watching Rev. Green, but I have been here the whole time, its just that nothing until now has caught my attention. Now, something caught my attention and at this point I wont say what it was but I may need to jump in if no one else saw it. Phil Redmond will NOT be re-elected.

Tic Toc

Anonymous said...

Ok so we have problems well you haven't seen big problems unless you put Blocker in office. BIG MISTAKE!!


Anonymous said...

No Redmond did not switch parties to run in 1994.
He was a Democrat though. How many of you remember Leroy Revis? The master politician Redmond learned the craft from. I think it was 1986 that he died litterally in the Sheriff's Department on a Saturday Morning. Redmond was his chief deputy. Well Revis was a republican. So first thing Monday morning, Redmond became a republican to hopefully be appointed the now vacant position. That is when Benfield was appointed as he had been a lifelong Republican. That may have been 1987 instead of 1986, either year it is the facts. Check Leroy Revis's date of death. Then check Redmond's voter registration history both are public records
Get em' Tic Toc

Anonymous said...

Thanks for clearing that up. As I said, I thought he had switched in 1994, I wasn't sure. I knew there was a switch for political gain though. The only loyalty Phil has is to himself.

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed that all news releases and TV interviews at the MPD are now being done by Phil Blocker.
I would think and hope that Chief Carl Robbins will stop this and not let Blocker have free publicity out of this.I really don't care about who wins the Sheriffs election but he shouldn't be granting interviews and press releases. Please stop this Chief Robbins. We know that you are a good person and will do what is right.

Anonymous said...

Why has Duck Wyatt never been charged for his concealed carry scam?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Scare tactics to get people to believe that something awful going on at the Sheriff's Office. I guess all the Redmond haters just found all this alleged dirt and decided it was a good time to tell the world.....nothing but politics at it finest mud slinging hoping some will believe just a small part to sway a few votes, no one running can beat Redmond on their own ideas...we have not heard one reason other than unfounded allegations why we should vote for anyone other than the current Sheriff....I am asking please come on here and tell us why to vote for anybody else.

Anonymous said...

Duck Wyatt in a scam? Oh yeah that is the scam they discovered when the Narcotics deputies seized his house without a search warrant and searched it while he was on vaction. Yeah I thought there was something fishy there. I was told the whole narcotics unit was there. Why has he not been arrested? I see he has not filed to run for sheriff yet. Maybe that was the point. I don't care he was a mean man. How many people did he shoot without ever being charged? Really why would Redmond have a guy shooting up the county like that on the payroll? I would like to know more about his scam, I have not heard thatone. Please tell me he is going to jail with Redmond and Adams

Anonymous said...

Feel the love!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

If that information is true, that is even more reason to drop the current Phil and put the other Phil in office. Time to restore integrety to the Sheriffs office.

PhilBlocker for Sheriff!

Anonymous said...

Anyone but Phil Blocker

Anonymous said...

You must be someone that had to live up to his standards and now resent it.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know about Duck not running. But I guess that is true. I think that is Bull S**t about him being charged. I do agree with the ealier poster though, that dude is mean. Sounds like ole Duck busted his tail too

Anonymous said...

No he can't live up to ours

Anonymous said...

8:16...Come on!!! Wake UP! There are problems that are of a criminal nature that have happened in the Sheriff's Office. People are going to have to pay the piper!

The arrogance that your statement projects is exactly why good people who had been lulled into covering for people will have to go down as well, because they dont realize that they are only hurting themselves in the long run.

Let those that have committed crimes go down by themselves!!! Regret is a terrible thing!

Anonymous said...

The environment appears to be like a Tsunami. Everyone gets lulled into wondering why the tide is out so far and nothing appears to be happening. Then the wave comes crashing down and affects many people!

Corruption has a price!

Anonymous said...

I heard lots of people in the Sheriff's Department are supporting Mark Nicholson, but are not doing so publically at his request to protect them from retaliaton.

That says alot for his character. A man that puts others before self.

A Sheriff must have the upmost of integrity! He leads his department by exmaple. Unfortunately, the example set currently is not a good one at all.

I am supporting Nicholson, but will be satisfied if any one of the candidates would win over the current Sheriff.

Anonymous said...

AMAN !!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well if Redmond is allowing illegal activity and it can be shown, he is out. That leaves Phil Blocker and Mark Nicholson. What do we know about their character?

Anonymous said...

Why I will vote for Mark Nicholson

Somebody already said in an earlier post that it says a lot about Mark Nicholson's character that he is willing to stick his neck out against a corrupt administration. I agree, and having worked with Mark now for the last 15 years, I know his abilities will enable him to do a wonderful job.

Mark doesn't mind jumping in any situation when something needs done. When others stand back and wonder what to do, Mark steps up and become the leader. He has the confidence and motivation to take charge of any situation and handle it.

Mark not only has the ability to lead, but also to do so in a positive way. He is a motivator, not a driver. He leads by example and jumps head on any problem making it simple for others to follow along and help with the remainder of the chore.

Mark Nicholson is one of the most fair individuals I have ever worked with. He sees issues from the big picture without bias. If he has obviously picked a side on something it is for good reason and he can easily and simply explain that reason to anyone.

Nicholson's record as a law enforcement officer is spotless. In almost 19 years of serving Iredell County he has never been reprimanded or received any disciplinary action at all.

Mark has the ability to interact with anyone. It doesn't matter if you have lots of money or no money. It doesn't matter whether you are old or young or what race. Mark is able to find the good in people and also to influence those who may need guidance. A one time meeting with Mark will support all that I have stated here.

Mark has been a great friend and co-worker who is well deserving of my respect. His latest decision to stand up for what is right has only furthered that respect and admiration.

Please consider Mark Nicholson for your next Sheriff. I am certain that you won't have any regrets but instead will be proud that you helped him get the job. Mark has a website where you can learn more about him. www.Sheriffmark.com

If you have any questions for Mark, please email him through the email address on the website. He will answer questions through email, but he prefers to talk in person with anyone that he can arrange to meet. He will also be more than happy to meet with your group or neighborhood.

Mark Nicholson for Sheriff 2010

Law Enforcement. Not Politics.

Bryan Nixon said...

Correct me if I am wrong, but is Mark Nicholson not currently working at the Sheriff's office? If that is true, then what possible retaliation could people supporting him get? I mean if he has not been fired, then it does not sound like anyone will be. Sounds like maybe people need to find a reason why Mark can't get the support of the sheriff's office.

Not to mention the slogan...Law Enforcement. Not Politics??? yet again correct me if I am wrong, but is the Sheriff not elected and does that not make it a political office??

Anonymous said...

This has been brought up repeatedly by Redmond fans with no other argument. Yes Mark is currently working at the Sheriffs Office. He has a perfect Law Enforcement Record (see above). If they fire him it will obviously be only for political reasons. If they let him stay on, they can have people like you come on here repeatedly asking "why is he still there?" (The Redmond team has got to find a new couple of lines.)

If you want documentation of mistreatment of others, be careful what you ask for. You just may get it. The more it is denied that there is mistreatment the more phone calls we get and the more people tell what is going on that shouldn't be.

You know very well that Mark has the silent support of many, or the Redmond machine wouldn't be putting so much effort into trying to make him look bad. It speaks highly of him every time you toss up these same, tired arguments.

And again, here is another line that the Redmond team has dragged out repesatedly; The Sheriffs Office is an elected position. Politics come into play only by choosing a party that represents you. After that you are elected to do a JOB. Being political after getting the position is a choice.

If Mark is given the opportunity to be Sheriff, he will do the job instead of being a politician.

I hope that clears that little matter up (again) although I am certain I will have to copy and paste this same answer several hundred more times. That is okay, the public is watching.

One other thing. The Redmond political machine keeps saying that Mark's supporters need to stop discussing allegations of illegal activity and talk about why he would make a good Sheriff;

I quote from above... "no one running can beat Redmond on their own ideas...we have not heard one reason other than unfounded allegations why we should vote for anyone other than the current Sheriff....I am asking please come on here and tell us why to vote for anybody else."

Well you got what you asked for in a nice lengthy post, all about Mark and why he would make a great Sheriff. What does the Redmond team do? Attack again. Thank you for continually showing the public how Phillip Redmond and his team operate.

Anonymous said...

Mark Nicholson 2010

Law Enforcement. Not Politics.


Anonymous said...

Tell you what "Bryan Nixon".. In the past there have been memos handed out and put on the bulletin boards that everybody works to the pleasure of the Sheriff. (For the public; the Sheriff can fire you without a reason, we don't need you anymore, turn your stuff in and go home.) Since memos are an acceptable form of communication for Phil, how about if he puts some up saying that there will be no retaliation against anyone for supporting the candidate of their choice. If it's so, he won't mind putting it in writing will he?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not a joke. They are seriously claiming that there is no retaliation. With that in mind it shouldn't be a problem. Right?

Anonymous said...

No, it shouldn't be. I know times are hard, maybe they could print them on used Zaxby wrappers.

james said...

Please tell me why is there things about Zaxby in this blog several times? Really I do not know why.

Anonymous said...

Don't know.

Anonymous said...

Talk about memos so what. It is the law that states the deputies work at the pleasure of the Sheriff, what is wrong in telling the deputies? it keeps them on their toes. I think the employees that work at the following agency's also work at the pleasure of the Clerk of court, register of deeds, governor's office, the white house....so what? All this talk has done nothing but make a fool of some canidates thru their supporters, that will stop at nothing to hurt people, not just the Sheriff, but hardworking deputies that these canidates say they want to lead ( read a few of the above post). I have heard nothing but allegations, lies, and myths. If above people know all this illegal activity is going on why have they not done anything? I do not think the SBI, DA, FBI or anyone else is covering nothing up, the reason they have not done anything is because there is nothing there, or atleast that is the way I see it. Please think of the depuites and their families when you post your mean comments, or at least go see the proper authorities (SBI, FBI) put you name on the complaint, even the most dangerous criminals get to face their accusers....TIC TOC you have always posted good comments. I know that even you do not agree with all the falsehoods being posted on here, until they are proven true.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 7:24pm

The SBI has been called plenty of times as well as the last DA ( Gary Frank) nothing is ever done. As stated in an earlier post, rumors ( I know rumors ) have it that the Sheriff has conncections all the way to top law enforcement in Raleigh ( money can buy alot). Look at the latest entry made by Jamie's on this site, if Lincoln County Sheriff's department and WSOC are afraid of getting into the middle of allegation about the Iredell County Sheriff's Department then you can imagine maybe some of this stuff you claim to be lies is true. And if WSOC and the Lincoln County Sheriff's department were not AFRAID then they would just release the tape. Also think about it if there are allegations that this 2nd man is a high ranking Iredell County Law officer and that was not the case wouldn't the Iredell County SHeriff's office want this shown to prove it wasn't who was suspected.

Anonymous said...

Everything I saw above was in defense of the deputies. It is sometimes possible to put a twist on someone's words to make it look like something else, but you have to be smart enough to do it and have something to work with.

It is simple. If Redmond doesn't retaliate for supporting another candidate then have him approve a memo to place in the office that there will be no retaliation. You can't twist simple truth.

Also smart move trying to get Tic Toc on your side. Tic Toc does not like law enforcement corruption!

Might want to get on over to the latest Blog story. Looks like it's going to be a busy night.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they are nervous about alittle thing called SLANDER if it is not true, and they point the finger at the wrong person.

49 Nicholson still works their what retalitation?

Anonymous said...

There won't be any retaliation against Nicholson. Not because Redmond doesn't want to but because he knows now he can't.

Anonymous said...

Are you crazy Nicholson just filed there was pleanty of time.

Anonymous said...

Nicholson filed an intent to file with the elections office a long time ago and this was known by the Sheriff's office

Anonymous said...

I didn't get a chance to get back and post. I did see above where some were spreading the rumor of a Sheriff's raise.....I did call in a favor and as much as I do not want to say it, the Sheriff DID NOT GET RAISE, and also nothing about a 4% pay loss for any county employee has been discussed...yes furlough days have had to be taken, and more this year will also be taken, but this is a commission issue who will not raise taxes to safe the county. I did learn one thing the Sheriff DOES NOT have a county vehicle, who many knew that?

Anonymous said...

Look it up. It is public record.

Anonymous said...

The Sheriff doesn't driver a county vehicle because he doesn't want to be held accountable for where he goes or what he does in it. Also, I think he may get mileage reimbursement on that. Not sure, but I am sure about the first part. Remeber the what was it, a Camaro he kept at the office so he could slip around after he got to work? pretty smart!

Anonymous said...

everyone check out Mark Nicholson's facebook page. There is a guy on there who blames Tim Byrd for killing Mr. Cox, and Nicholson thanks him for his support.

"and the ace unit killing guys to try to catch a motorcycle" - thats the part I am talking about.

What kind of person is Mark Nicholson who won't at least take time to say that Tim Byrd was just doing his job??? sounds like one heck of a guy to me.

Anonymous said...

Yes, please, everyone go to Mark's Facebook page and read the original comment and the response. Read the entire thing instead of the version that Redmond's crowd has put on here. There is also an added comment at the bottom due to the above post.

Phillip Redmond was sent an email by a citizen asking him about the accident and this was the response received:

"Thanks for the comment. I do not feel this is the proper format to discuss this incident. I am extremely upset at the events, Please understand that the officer is upset and my prayers are with the family."

Once again the double standards are used. Phil didn't think that a coversation online about the accident was the place and neither did we, but the rules seem to be different. Once again, documentation shows how Phil and his people operate.

Redmond and his crew have no limits as to what they will do or say to put a twist on things. We find it very distasteful that they would use a tragedy like the one that they are speaking of to try to get a shot at an opponent.

As we said on our Facebook page and the main website;

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Sgt. Tim Byrd and the family of David Cox. We pray for both physical and emotional healing in this time of need.

Psalms 31:3 Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me.

Anonymous said...

True, the sheriff drives his own vehicle at least for the last 3 1/2 years. He started receiving a monthly stippen or a raise in salary of $750.00 or so a month to drive his own. We got a deal there. He quit getting a tax paid 100% vehicle every 18 months or so. By the way how long did he drive that tax paid for vehicle after he was getting paid to drive his own? 3 months. Did he rturn that money to the county? Nope Go check that one with your sources. That is public information no source needed. Who washes that vehicle? Who washes the son's truck ? Can you use inmates and county paid employees to wash your family's vehicles? That is as simple as pulling video. But a little stealing is ok. I bet he did not know that was against the law! Wait was it not mentioned above he uses county owned motor home bought with drug money to go to conventions, in Las Vegas and Orlando. Does his give his allowance or salary back then ?

Anonymous said...

What kind of mileage does the motorhome get as opposed to taking a county car? Also would be interesting to know who went with him. Sounds like an onroad party at the taxpayers expense.

Anonymous said...

Seems like they took the motorhome up North one time to a convention as well. I do have a question. If the purpose of the motorhome was to be used as a mobile command station, what happens if they needed it while they were using it for a road trip? I don't guess it matters. If people think you are using it for searching for lost children and locating killers that is all that matters. I have heard Redmonds motto is It's not what you do, it's what people think you do.

Anonymous said...

You know that is easy for Redmond to disprove if the roadtrips are false. Pull the records of when it was used for "Mobile Command" check the odometer. All those extra miles must an illusion. I think there is a statute that states you can not use government vehicles for personal or political business. So how can Phil justify the wives that were riding for free on these trips? THAT IS AGAINST THE LAW !! I am sure that was an oversight on someone's part. AM I a disgruntled employee? You D**N Right, I am. I have to work off duty as much as I can to take my wife and kids to the beach in a cheap motel or tent mostly. You tax dollars have not paid for my wife to go anywhere!! How many of the FAB 5 can say that?

Anonymous said...

TIC TOC why do you not research the Hatch act I wonder if Nicholson, and Blocker both are not in violation......There was an artical in the Charlotte paper about a week ago. I searh and found alot of info about it.

Anonymous said...

The Hatch act only applys to Federal employees.

Anonymous said...

The more I think about the "everyone check out Mark Nicholson's facebook page." comment the more disgusted I become. Are you that desperate to get people off of this page and off the Lincolnton article that you would use others suffering as a distraction technique? Quick, everybody look over there!

It is possible that another candidates team made that post in an attempt to make Redmond's team look bad, but I have never known any of the other candidates or their supporters to even think about stooping to that kind of low. There are no words befitting this blog that could possibly begin to describe my sentiments towards the individual who made that post.

Cut if you must. Try to make the other team look bad, but please use at least a little discretion. Just remember that stepping on others doesn't make anything you have done go away and in the end only shows more of the kind of people you really are. It is never too late to save a little dignity.

Anonymous said...

I have to add; When I read that post last night I was really tired and tried to play it down. I thought it wouldn't bother me as much in the morning. You know how that works. Now that I have had some sleep and have thought about it again, it bothers me even worse instead of less. I knew we were going up against low lifes, but I didn't know how low. Some people you can help, others you can only pray for.

Anonymous said...

How can you tell that the comment about Mark's facebook page was made by a Redmond supporter? It seems that it could be any of the people running for sheriff. For all we know one of Nicholson's own people made it so that they could start this stuff.

Tic Toc

Anonymous said...

Hey guys I checked Nicholson's facebook.He never did take up for byrd, he just said he let so and so state their opinion. Seems like he knows exactly what is going on these pages, but he still did't say anything in Byrd's defense. I hope that the rest of the men running for Sheriff would have said something about that kind of comment. Even if it was something as simple as... He was doing his job.

Anonymous said...

I can't be sure who started it as I said in the above post; I do know how Redmonds team works and I think I know the other candidates well enough to know that I am pretty sure they wouldn't have done it.

I can tell you for sure that it wasn't anyone from Mark's side. It would appear to be an attempt to turn fellow officers against Mark. I don't see how that could be perceived as beneficial to Mark in any way.

If you personally knew Mark and his supporters you wouldn't be asking this. Other than that I can't offer anything else. It is one of those things that each individual will have to decide for themselves.

Thanks for asking though. If you are Tic Toc and not somebody posting as him, you can use your sources to find out what kind of person Mark is.

Anonymous said...

I suppose this all that someone has to use to divert attention away from other things, so let me go ahead and put it all out there for everyone to see. No need to go to Mark's FB page. Enough is enough.

The original post from the FB person:

"Good luck, I can't really help u, but Iredell co needs some help, the agressive attack on the interstate drug trade, and the ace unit killing guys to try to catch a motorcycle, not used to such stuff living in alexander county. What about local crime, why is the tax payers of iredell co paying to catch interstate drug ...trade and not getting protection at home? Like in ur community, people took getting burnt and robbed. there isn't a bussiness in union grove that hasn't been broken into at least twice in the last ten years, that i know off.... Phil lies just up the road... It has gotten ALOT BETTER since u made rank! I wish u well and will tell everyone i meet about u!"


"We are in need of much change and a different focus. The Interstate Interdiction team serves a great purpose in helping curb drug traffic overall and provides a good source of income for equipment. However I agree that the local problems need addressed more aggressively and effectively. Local drug sales and drug use is the cause of most break ins, larcenies and many assualts. If you curb the drug flow and use, you automatically curb most of the other crimes.

The first step in heading the right direction is getting rid of the public relations positions at the office and turning them into working slots. If you are fighting crime and doing a good job, you don't need a public relation team to make you look good. There shouldn't be the majority of the officers working hard to make a few look good. The political machine needs to be thrown out and replaced with good old fashioned hard work.

Thank you very much for your support!"

Then the follow up post after the drama started:

"I have to add to this post since there are some trying to make it into something it isn't. Mr. Mitchell made a post speaking his mind. I'm not in the business of censoring people for giving their opinion. I commented on the things that I had a right to, and kept quiet on the one matter so as not to say anything that could be twisted into something it wasn't intended to be. Apparently now my intent is being twisted anyway."

Now that you have read the entire message that this fool wants you to read I will point out some things.

1.) The officer who was involved in the accident was never mentioned by name until the above poster did so "out of concern", then he was hung out for everyone to see.

2.) The incident was not mentioned in Mark's response out of respect for everyone concerned. Anything said either way could be taken wrong and used for a multitude of malicious purposes.

3.) Again I don't know for sure who is responsible for the posts, but they are the lowest of the low. There isn't much more that can be said.

Anonymous said...

By the way, the person you named is an officer, a deputy and a Sgt. You could have had the respect to use one of thse titles when posting his name.

I guess you were in too much of a hurry to splash some crap that you forget to be respectful of the very person that you were supposedly defending.

Anonymous said...

Nice try 10:50, I have nothing to do with this election other then as a spectator. I am looking for a clean sweep and there is only one left, you can guess who it is, I'm sure. I will not be saying one more word. I made the one comment about Redmond because that is my personal opinion which means less then squat to your selection making process on who you want to be Sheriff.

If I see something illegal I will say so, but I wont be commenting on any candidates in this race. The people who live there have to make that choice. So if anyone sees someone signing Tic Toc its not me, and I wont be using it or signing that name to anything in the future

Tic Toc

Anonymous said...

Hatch act does NOT only apply to Federal employees, NC adopted it do your research

Anonymous said...

Why do you want to bring me into I know nothing about?

Anonymous said...

your a joke right

Anonymous said...

Sorry I am behind you now

Anonymous said...

Well, use it then.

Anonymous said...

get q grip

Anonymous said...

Good Luck

Anyone else want to swing to me Jajaja

Anonymous said...

Nice try 10:50, I have nothing to do with this election other then as a spectator. I am looking for a clean sweep and there is only one left, you can guess who it is, I'm sure. I will not be saying one more word. I made the one comment about Redmond because that is my personal opinion which means less then squat to your selection making process on who you want to be Sheriff.

If I see something illegal I will say so, but I wont be commenting on any candidates in this race. The people who live there have to make that choice. So if anyone sees someone signing Tic Toc its not me, and I wont be using it or signing that name to anything in the future

Tic Toc

Anonymous said...

I take it from the posts here, that the SBI is the only agency that has investigated Crone so the DA can prosecute if warrantied. Has the DA commented on any investigations into criminal misconduct other than Crone involving local law enforcement? I mean all these accusations here and the other post, surely someone that knows her can ask if there are any ongoing. Or is it like a few here said " election year feuding and bad politics"
That would at least confirm some of these people have actually providing some proof to corruption. Now if that has been done, then do we need more proof or we just wait for the state to get off their butts? Or do we take these posts for B. S. ?

Anonymous said...

The DA is always unable to comment for professional reasons. That is part of what gives the appearance that nothing is going on. Yes it is election year, but these issues have been around for years. The Lincolnton incident is the first thing that got out from under them before they could squash it.

The posts are not B.S. at least the ones that I have seen. The stolen guns, failed drug tests, open affairs by the top brass, dropped charges, the list goes way past that. There are things needing to come out that haven't even been mentioned on here yet.

There are many good people at the ICSO that are working under the same conditions that Crone ran the department under only worse. People have tried to report things before and they all got threatened, reprimanded, demoted or fired. On the other hand there are those in the inner circle that do as they please even it it involves breaking the law.

It is one of the most demoralizing situations that you can imagine. However you have to choose between keeping your mouth shut and keeping a job.

Information of activities gets around because everybody trusts somebody. People close to the source have people they trust and so on. Those who have been entrusted don't give their source away so by the time it gets to someone who wants to report it, there is no solid proof. You know it happened and you can see evidence of it, but it is not enough.

In the case where the guns were taken, everyone heard about it and that individual went from Detective to working in the jail until things cooled off. Obviously it was true as the information lined up with what was visible. He was permintted to keep his car and was moved back out into various othe positions over time. But he is still there. This same person was made a detective after completing Basic law Enforcement Training. ICSO plicy says that the requirements for being a detective are 3-5 years road experience which is a good policy. Imagine how demoralizing it was for seasoned officers who wanted that position and then had to watch it get handed to someone with no experience. Then to add insult to injury he gets to keep a job after stealing a gun.

Another Detective was moved to the jail after he had reportedly harrassed a victim that he was supposed to be helping. If it isn't true then why did he get placed in the jail. They tried moving him back out to the road and the wrong person found out and he was placed back in the jail. I don't think this was due to rumors.

These are just a couple of examples. Can you imagine working under these conditions? We have some really dedicated officers here who are willing to deal with the stress on the street and get beat around at the office as well.

I hope to see them get the help that they need. They are not in a position to help themselves. You can see with the video incident that even tape recorded and publically shown documentation is not enough. We need help in demanding investigations into the conduct outlined here. We all want to continue to serve the public and could do so much better if everything was as it should be.

The continuation of these activities over the years is proof of what happens when you wait on the state to do something.