Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Should we provide the additional $12.5 million for cable?

Share your opinion by voting in the Report poll, located to the left. The poll will be "open" until Monday, June 2, at 6 p.m., when Mooresville commissioners meet and are expected to vote on the additional estimated $12.5 million funding request from MI-Connection.


On a different note, it's now easier than ever to find the Report on the web. Go to http://www.thegattonreport.com, and you should be forwarded right here to the blog.


Anonymous said...

I ran for mayor mainly to try to stop the cable deal. I talked to hundreds and hundreds of Mooresville citizens and not one person said they wanted Mooresville to purchase the cable. The only people I know who wanted the cable were the 4 people that vote for it and I think 2 people who came to the public meeting. The problem is the $12.5 million has already been decided, just like the original cable deal.
If the commissioners had listened to the citizens we would not be were we are today.
Larry Gregory

Anonymous said...

Altho no longer a resident of Mooresville, I would suggest that the loss should be taken and the cable company sold to someone who has the knowledge, time and interest in running the business. My friends and ex-neighbors, in Mooresville, are being taken to the cleaners by the misjudgement, mismanagement and terrible lack of interest in the welfare of Mooresville citizens. How many times have the "rat pack" (not my definition, but seems to fit) and the other commissioners made a just and reasonable decision?

Good luck Mooresville, my prayers are with you.

Kay Salisbury

Anonymous said...

My Feelings have been expressed many many times with no avail!!!!!
One last time, Mayor,(DUMB) Rader,(DUMMER) Carney and HERRING(AND DUMMERS)Sorry, but you just can't get it through your stubborn heads, that the people of this town, don't want this worthless cable company. Get with the program.

Anonymous said...

Just look at what Frank has gotten us into. All these millions in the cable and now wanting more. A $500,000 dollar skate park for a few preppy's that will not use it after a while and will be back at local stores and churches. The equipment that will be there was given to the town from another skate park that could not make it. Money means nothing to Frank as far as I know has never had to work and lives off what his parents left. He knows nothing of how a regular person lives.He always wants to be the center of attention anywhere that he goes. The more he stirs up the more he inflates his ego.
I go back a few years ago and I think that the people listened to the wrong people and the Tribune and voted for the wrong Frank. The other Frank made one mistake that I know of when he voted for the waste treatment plant,however he would listen and in most cases if not all voted the way people wanted.
You watch this site will convince Carney and Abraham to vote no, how ever Carney may flop if he gets his conditions that in my opinion is bad also. Remember that he sits to the Mayor's right with Rader and Herring and they voted for this mess to get us into this by listening to Rader and all the Chamber people.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not another red cent should be sunk into the sinking ship of this doomed cable "deal". What a deal. More like the swindle of the century.

Anonymous said...

Please pass the Rolaids...

Anonymous said...

no more money!!!I have seen more satalite dishes pop up around town, plus now windstream has DISH why would Mooresville officials put money into this in the first place? The town needs to clean out the corrupt and bring in honest trustworthy people who care about others first, not just what benefits themselves.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it is time for poeple who are not from Mooresville to run the government.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much Frank made on this bum deal?

$12.5 Million. Heck, why not. It's just money, right?

In the article "Mooresville/Davidson cable system officials say $12.5 million is necessary investment" by Megan Pillow on June 6, 2008,

The statement by Nick Miller, a Washington, D.C. lawyer who served as counsel for the towns during the purchase of the system said that "the former Adelphia cable system the towns purchased in December 2007 was “inadequate” and the funding will pay for much-needed upgrades, which began in April, to the system. “This is an infrastructure project more than a cable television project,” he said.

He went on to say, "the purchase was necessary, not merely to make money, but in order to protect the system’s 14,000 customers from ownership that wouldn’t perform the necessary upgrades."

“The towns did not buy this to make money,” he said. “The towns bought it to solve a problem.

Before the towns even got into the ‘should we buy it?’ mode, Time Warner made it clear that it was not going to put the money into the system.” And since Time Warner would not commit to the towns to rebuilding the system, said Miller, the towns felt they had to take the matter into their own hands.

HOLD IT RIGHT THERE! He is not being totally accurate. Why spend money on fixing up the inside of the house when someone is all set to buy it "as-is"?!

HAD the deal gone to Time Warner, they [Time Warner] we prepared to put $20 million immediately into upgrading the system, which, by the way it has already completed in the surrounding towns. I am in the Town, not the city, and Time Warner just offered us DIGITAL PHONE! Awesome! Unlimited Long distance for $24.99!

People with MI-Connection are getting screwed!

Leave it to Frank and company to do the reactive thing. But I am sure Frank has his REA$ON$.

The TOM frequently twists the truth in it's current pursuits of whatever it wants. Citizens be damned.

The Town's thinking seems to be that "we know what YOU want and you shouldn't question us about it."

Hmm. Socialism is ripe here in Race City USA.

Anonymous said...