It was a Wednesday in 2004. That morning, the Tribune had published my first investigative article detailing the results of a financial probe that exposed what our government officials and employees were spending to “wine and dine” on the backs of Mooresville taxpayers.
I was sitting in my car in the parking lot of Town Hall, nearly in tears, knowing that I needed to look through additional files … but realizing that just beyond those doors were some of the people named in my article. Being a non-confrontational person by nature (if you can believe that), I stared at the front doors of Town Hall for what seemed like an eternity, knowing that within moments I would be face-to-face with people who, that very morning, had grown to despise me. And the thought of that, quite frankly, petrified me.
I picked up my cell phone and called a trusted friend. On the phone with that person, right there in the parking lot of Town Hall, it hit me: I own this place. I help pay the salaries of every human being who earns his or her living in this building and wears a town emblem on his or her shirt – some of whom are the very people who spent hundreds of tax dollars on New York strip and lobster while I, and others like me, ate Ramen Noodles for dinner. Why am I petrified to face them? They should be petrified to face me!
In that very moment, I became empowered. It was a life altering moment, and nothing has been the same since. My deepest hope is that others in my community will find their own source of empowerment – and that one place that they find it is right here, in this blog.
Many have been surprised to hear this, but on March 3, I sent an e-mail to only two dozen friends and family members, announcing the creation of The Gatton Report. That was it. I have not advertised or promoted the blog – short of mentioning it in conversations. I truly wanted to gauge community interest in the kind of local-government watchdog news that’s provided here.
When the blog received its 10,000th hit just over two months from the day it was launched, it became abundantly clear that the people within our community and beyond are, in fact, hungry for such information … and for the opportunity to post their questions, comments and opinions without the fear of reprisal that has regrettably permeated our town for many, many years.
Also with the 10,000th hit, I realized that the Report – created solely out of my passion and conviction to inform, educate and empower taxpayers – no longer belongs to me. It belongs to you, the community. And finally, I realized that the Report is now more than “just” a blog. It’s a bloc – a coalition, a community, a movement.
That’s when I began to think: We need something to identify our bloc – a “brand,” a slogan, a mission statement. My intent was to have all that ready for the moment the blog received its 10,000th hit. However – and I’m certainly not complaining – I didn’t expect that moment to come – and go – quite so fast. In fact, as I type, the blog has received a whopping 11,325 hits. So much for “relishing the moment.”
Though I wasn’t able to develop everything I wanted to by the actual 10,000th hit, perhaps you noticed the most recent commemorative “facelift,” featuring the Report’s new “logo within a logo,” which ties in brilliantly with one of the slogans: Your Government Watchdog News, Delivered from the Underground.
What, exactly, is the “Underground”? Well, that’s you. I am simply the person offering to bring your information, concerns and grievances to the forefront and to serve as an arm between the taxpayers and our government.
A Report commenter, DocW, asked an interesting question recently when responding to a blog entry: “If a person is alone in the woods and they talk, is there any noise?” If it weren’t for you, I’d be here, behind my computer, typing to myself. Now, don’t get me wrong; I’d still be doing it. But it wouldn’t be half the fun as it is having you with me.
I have truly been humbled by the growth of this blog – and, more importantly, by the outpouring of community encouragement and support, from phone calls and e-mails to equipment donations and grassroots advertising. It is my honor to serve as a voice for our community’s growing population of active and awake citizens who expect openness, honesty and accountability from our government.
A huge thanks to each and every one of you who has made, and will continue to make, the Report such a success.
I am so proud of you!! I think you have pulled so many heads out of asses in this small town. I bet the people we elect and pay to serve our community will begin to make decisions as they should have in the first place. Congrats to you and your blog. You are truly an inspiration to those who haven't yet quite figured out our purpose on this earth!
Congrats to you Jamie - a more informed citizen is a better citizen
Jaime Gatton, you are the BOMB!!!! Rock, on girl!
Jaime Gatton, you are the BOMB!!!! Rock, on girl!
Dearest Jaime: We have always been proud of you and when you came up with the blog, we again puffed up our chest realizing our young, brave hero has not been muzzled by certain entities. We have always enjoyed reading your truthful, hard hitting articles Upward and Onward and we love your new logo.
Harold & Kay
So very proud of you, Jamie, and for what you are doing here...such an invaluable service to the citizens of we need to get you paid for it!!
You are the Rush Limbaugh of South Iredell! Great Job! I love your Blog.
From: Rabid Republican
Jaime, you're up at Town Hall all the time. If you need money, just reach in and grab you a hand full. Everybody else does. The folks up there are glad to give it away for no reason. They give it away in quarter of a million dollar chunks. And if you want to borrow some, they don't worry about you paying it back either. And if the cash runs out, all we got to do is raise taxes.
Congratulations on 10,000 hits! It's a relief to know that there are people in this community that DO CARE and are AWAKE. After last November and the re-election of our mayor I was wondering if this town was full of zombies...thanks for starting the conversation.
I don't think you have any idea how inspiring you have begun to be to the people who read "The Report". You are reminding us of our own apathy, and you are reminding us of our own "power" and duties. Thank you.
Way to go Jaime at over 11,800 hits... TURN ON THE LIGHTS AT TOWN HALL AND WATCH THE COCKROACHES RUN!!!!!!!! or at least see someone's hand in the taxpayer's pocket!
Jaime, CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I knew that the first time I read your report,that changes are a comin in TOm. People are going to take this Town out of the hands of all the underhanded, misaligned with reality, and shoot from the hips, Mayor and Board Members, along with the whole damn management team, led by Erskine Smith.( what a prize) The new mode of operatum is shape up or ship out. Finally, I hope that the Mayor and Board Members,( ALL VERY NICE PEOPLE) get a clue, and go with what they were elected to do, vote the majority of residents wishes.LISTEN,LISTEN LISTEN AND THEN VOTE BASED ON WHAT YOU HEARD.
The Gatton Report is an absolute breath of fresh air amid the stale air of the local mainstream media. The Mooresville Tribune has returned to its pre-2002 slumber, and the Charlotte Observer simply does not care. While they doze off into oblivion, the Gatton Report rises "like the dust".
Night Owl
Those of us who are government observers have already witnessed positive change due to this blog. At the last town board, Commissioners Carney and Atkins voted against further CH2M Hill funding. SICDC paid its hefty debt to the town, no thanks to the mayor, but definitely thanks to the grumblings of the commissioners once Gatton alerted them to the situation. Commissioners Houston, Herring, Carney and Atkins voted for the resolution that clarified the mayor's signature powers. It appears that at least some of the officials are listening to the voice of the community now. That is progress. And all we have ever expected was progress, not perfection. Kudos to you Ms. Gatton for your courage and your tenacity. And kudos to the commissioners who are truly making the decision to become "public servants". It is certainly not something one can fake for long. We know it and are grateful when we see it.
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