Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Friends don't let friends gouge Mooresville taxpayers

Just like the rest of us, town officials have friends. It's just that some friends come at a higher cost than others.

And at least twice in the past four years, Mooresville taxpayers have foot the hefty bill for certain town officials throwing business to their friends.

Most recently, Jimmy McKnight – owner of Realco Investment Properties, Inc. and a lifelong friend of Interim Town Manager Erskine Smith’s – pocketed a $237,151.50 commission check, courtesy of Mooresville taxpayers, for doing practically nothing.

Last year, Mooresville commissioners directed town management – former Town Manager Jamie Justice and Smith, who was assistant town manager at the time – to hire a realtor to find potential recreation land for the town, particularly on the west side of Interstate 77.

“When the town goes looking for land, the price tends to go up awful fast,” Ward 3 Commissioner Mac Herring told the Report this week. “We decided to hire a third party to pursue negotiations.”

Jimmy McKnight, said Ward 4 Commissioner Chris Carney, was the person chosen by "management staff.”

Around the time McKnight was hired, Carney said he was approached by Statesville attorney David Parker, a friend of Judge Preston Cornelius’s who owned 70 acres on Cornelius Road. “He said he thought Judge Cornelius was open to selling the land to the town for park land and that he (Parker) would help to facilitate that if we wanted him to,” Carney said.

However, “David Parker is involved with the Langtree project (the $800 million Mt. Mourne development), which was undergoing town zoning and other issues at the time,” Carney said.

“Parker knew we had a need for land and thought (the Cornelius Road property) would be something we could use,” Carney said, “but at that time, we could not see him other than as a representative of the Langtree project, and that made it difficult for us to pursue that deal. Because of statutes, we had to be careful of not violating the public’s trust by looking like we were making side deals. That was our fault, not his. He had the best of intentions, and I appreciate it."

But when the town started talking in earnest about purchasing additional park land, Carney mentioned the Cornelius Road property to other town commissioners.

Recalled Herring: “Chris suggested that we take another look at it.”

Meanwhile, however, McKnight was scouting out properties and later took his recommendations to the town board. McKnight presented several pieces of potential park land on Mooresville’s west side, Carney recalled. But the Cornelius Road property wasn’t one of them.

Instead, McKnight proposed parcels of land on Brawley School Road and near the Target shopping center on N.C. 150.

“It’s currently impossible to build on Brawley, and there was one piece on 150 that was decent, but we were nervous about the location with that much traffic in the area,” Carney said, adding that the largest tract of land that McKnight proposed was the Mallard Head Golf Course property on Brawley School Road.

“I asked if there was currently a cemetery there,” Carney said with a chuckle, “because if we bought that land, they’d have to bury me there.

“That just wasn’t feasible,” he said. “We don’t need another golf course; that’s not even something we were entertaining.”

Especially knowing that 70 acres had already been made available to the town by Cornelius, Carney said, “I thought the most appropriate area was Bluefield and Cornelius (roads). There were several large tracts of land still available, and my question to (McKnight), when he brought his recommendations to the board, was whether or not he had looked into those areas.

“(McKnight) said that when he looked at Bluefield, he couldn’t find anybody who was willing to sell,” Carney continued. “My question to him was: ‘How about Cornelius Road? It’s already been offered to us.’

“The conversation ended there,” Carney said. “And the next thing we knew, a contract appeared before us days later on that property … (McKnight) brought us a contract back for Judge Cornelius’s property."

And as a result of that – and because of the wording of the contract that town management had secured with McKnight – the realtor walked away with $237,151.50 in commission. His “earnings” were in addition to the nearly $6 million that the town paid for the property.

And come to find out, said Carney, McKnight went against the direction of the town board by disclosing to potential sellers that he was negotiating the land purchases as a representative of the Town of Mooresville.

Fortunately, despite McKnight’s involvement and disclosure that he represented the Town of Mooresville, Cornelius sold his property to the town for the same price as he had originally offered it.

“At the end of the day,” said Carney, “we would have paid the same price (without McKnight’s involvement), just without the $237,000 commission.”

Recalled Herring: “The impression that I had is that we sort of handed (the land deal) to (McKnight) on a silver platter. It was an easy contract to fulfill, in my opinion. Did he have to do a lot of talking, convincing, etc.? Probably not.”

Did McKnight earn the $237,151.50? “Absolutely not,” said Carney emphatically. “He legally earned it because of the contract between him and staff, but he violated the principle of it which was to bring us land that we weren’t able to find.”

Added Herring: “‘Earned’ is sort of a relative term. The way the contract was worded, it said we would pay him that amount, and we had to play by the rules.” But for the amount of work, Herring said, the commission amount “was sort of excessive.”

Carney said he expected McKnight to charge the town something “for doing the legwork on a contract for land that had already been offered to us.” However, he said, “I was disappointed and certainly angered” that McKnight accepted the entire $237,151.50.

“And I expressed that repeatedly to Mr. Justice in a tone much louder than a normal speaking voice,” Carney added.

Carney said that he questioned whether the town had to pay McKnight. “But (Town Attorney Steve) Gambill did some homework on the contract and felt like we had no wiggle room,” Carney said. “So I then asked for the town to terminate any future contracts with (McKnight). We’ve asked that we do no more business with him.”

At-Large Commissioner Miles Atkins was not yet elected when the town purchased the Cornelius Road property in October 2007.

Responding to Report questions this week about McKnight’s commission on the land transaction, Atkins said: “This is the first I have heard of this, and as you can imagine it is very disturbing news. You can expect that I will seek to learn more about this so there is accountability to the citizens why such waste could or would occur.”

Several sources have confirmed for the Report in recent weeks that McKnight and Erskine Smith are lifelong friends. When they were younger, their fathers owned downtown businesses close to one another, and both families were apparently active members of the ARP church. Additionally, the Report has been told, Jimmy McKnight and Erskine Smith are approximately the same age and attended the same schools.

Smith did not respond to e-mailed Report questions asking about his relationship with McKnight and how much influence he, as the assistant town manager at the time, had on the town management’s decision to hire McKnight. A “read receipt” indicated that Smith opened the e-mail at 8:53 a.m. this morning. He was asked to respond by 2 p.m.

Commissioners Frank Rader, Mitch Abraham and Thurman Houston also did not respond to Report e-mails this week about McKnight’s commission from the purchase of the Cornelius Road property.

When asked if he is aware of Smith and McKnight’s friendship, Carney said, “I just understand that they both grew up together.

“I don’t know why he was hired over other realtors, and I’ve certainly had other realtors ask why they weren’t given the opportunity to pursue such an arrangement with the town,” Carney said. “And honestly, in the beginning when we talked about different realtors, Jimmy McKnight wasn’t a name that the board threw out. None of the commissioners weighed in (on who town management should ultimately hire), but we named five or six realtors that we knew dealt with large tracts of land development."

Justice had been town manager for less than three years when McKnight was hired, meaning he was much less familiar with realtors than Smith, a lifelong Mooresville resident who has been assistant town manager for nearly a decade.

So, why was McKnight hired?

“That’s a town management question; we didn’t hire that guy,” Carney said. “The checks-and-balances system of the board is that we give direction to the town manager, and it’s up to the manager to implement those directions.

“They (Justice and Smith) chose that individual, certainly not us.”

Unfortunately, this isn't the first time town officials have allowed friendships to stand in the way of sound decision-making. In 2004, Commissioner Mitch Abraham and former Commissioner Alice Lee spearheaded the town’s hiring of engineering firm CH2M Hill, despite staunch objections from the town’s engineering and utilities professionals. It was later discovered that Abraham, Lee and a CH2M Hill official (who, as of earlier this year, is no longer employed by the company) are close friends and attend the same church. (For more information, see “Rats Abandoning a Sinking Ship?” March 4.)


Anonymous said...

Outrageous. What the hell is going on in this town? We're not talking about monopoloy money here.
We're talking about the taxes that are sucking the life right out of us, drop by drop.

Anonymous said...

Here we go again..I guess I'm attending the wrong church? I don't have time or space to address all the questions, but there are questions regarding the interview process for the realtors (how many realtors--years of experience), but I want to know when the contract was presented to the town and who decided to accept the offer.(One-Signature Wille?") The offer could have been rejected or countered, and we don't know the content of the commission agreement.(seller paid commission vs. buyer paid)or the listing agreement, etc.,. The big question that might apply is in regard to to the "procuring cause" doctrine which higher powers would have to examine through testimony and investigation. I can understand that the ToM would want to hire the best realtor for the job, but when will they understand perception is reality, and thanks to Gatton--it is turning out to be reality! There are state agencies that any one taxpayer could complain to and ask for an investigation as to all the recent OOPPS, but lets get another motel built first, because we will need room for all of the agents: 1) FBI, 2) SBI,3)IRS, 4) N.C. Dept of Revenue, 5)N.C Real Estate Commission,6) N.C Attorney Generals Office, 7)N.C. Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors,8) Inside Edition--I think we could make stupid human tricks on Letterman? All it takes is a notarized complaint and here they come--Except Jerry Springer--we just need a brass pole for that show! Erskine..Erskine..Willie..Willie..
Till the next episode of "As Mooresville Wobbles"--I wait eagerly.

Jaime Gatton said...

I'm not going to make a habit out of responding to my own posts. I mean, why *respond* when I can just include my opinions *in* the post, right?!?

But the more I've thought about $237,000, the more I realize just how much money that is.

Maybe it doesn't seem like a lot in the context of a multi-million dollar budget. But here's the fact: as a paid, full-time newspaper reporter, it would have taken me around 10 years to gross $237,000. Sad, I know, but true.

10 YEARS!!!

And it would take a person making an annual salary of $40,000 almost *six years* to earn that much.

That's *a lot* of money.

And the *biggest* insult is that it was *taxpayer* money ... paid to someone who didn't earn it.

Shame, shame...

Anonymous said...

OK....for this week's "Ask Jaime" question.....

Why is the Mooresville Bugle not uncovering this? Is the paper as crooked as the board? Geeeez.

My next question is tongue and cheek....how long did Mr. McKnight work on this project? In today's computer world....maybe 2 hours of pushing forms around his laptop? That would mean he makes $118,575.75 an hour. Does Ken Lewis or Michael Jordan make that? Wow.....I'm in the wrong business.


Anonymous said...

Smith is nothing more than a CLONE of Justice. We, first of all don't need an assistant Town Manager, with the present popul;ation we have. I have lived in many other Towns with a heck of alot more people, and One Town Manager was fine. I'm worried that this board will give him permanent status,dragging their feet to find a good qualified person, who will set them all straight, and run this Town as it should be. Jaime the more you dig up, the worst it is. With the exception of Miles Atkins, they all need to go, and the sooner the better. Unbeleivable how they all spend our money,and kid yourself not,it is behavior that is totally unacceptable.

Anonymous said...

Erskine "Sleazy" Smith. It's people like Smith who float up to the top like turd. And now he is the "interim" town manager. What a joke. He is and always has been the town's "bagman", the cleanup guy, the coverup dude. And if there's an angle, you better believe Smith will be all over it.

Anonymous said...

I seem to recall several years back the paper reported how some town officials were using public funds for private use(trips, computers, clothes, food, drinks) and Erskine Smith was one of them. If I recall correctly he's the only one who's managed to survive out of that bunch. If he's been doling out to his "friends" like it looks like he did to McKnight it's no wonder he's been protected. It would be interesting to find out if he changed his ways or if he kept living high on the hog off tax dollars even after he was exposed once.

Anonymous said...

To 6:26 referring to The Mooresville Bugle--I remember discussing this with a friend and he said that The "Bugle " survives on advertising dollars--from car dealers and developers, so just imagine the pressure they get when people "bad mouth" or "tell the truth(your choice)regarding the politics in Mooresville? I think it would be a victory for the taxpayers if they had the testicular fortitude to cover/look for the truth in Mooresville politics. Till then, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Super Gatton with her trusty keyboard--determined to defend the rights of the taxpayer and expose those who would "nod and wink" their way to the bank with taxpayer funds..Their families must be proud...Perhaps the slogan needs to change--I've been gouging in Mooresville all my life, instead of..I've lived in Mooresville all my life....

Anonymous said...

Erskine Justice--sounds like a wrestler!

Anonymous said...

OK....I guess I understand that small town politics keeps the Mooresville Bugle as nothing more than the town cheerleader...but what about the Observer? They seem to want to go head to head for local news but I don't see anything about this kind of mis-management.


Jaime Gatton said...

Cripe, 6:26. I just wrote a novella in response to this week's "Ask Jaime" question, and I clicked "publish," and it wiped it out. Grrr.

Suffice it to say that I don't really know the answer to your question.

But I *will* say that the blog has a lot more freedom than the press. A blog can cover whatever it wants, whenever it wants, without having to worry about "newsworthiness," or "timeliness" or any other "-iness" that the press concerns itself with. Additionally, I don't have to answer to an editor or a publisher or an advertiser ... or any other "-ers" or "-ors." And I don't have to worry about stepping on toes or "beating dead horses." If people don't want to read what's in the blog, they just don't click on it. And I don't have to worry about losing my job or my income because of it. I'm a volunteer.

Not so for the press.

But at the end of the day, the "mismanagement" is happening regardless of whether the press chooses to expose it. And as long as it's happening and *I'm* finding out about it, the folks reading this blog will find out about it, too.

And hey, 6:26, we must never underestimate the power of a relative few. Remember the very first sentence of my very first post?:

"Anthropologist Margaret Meade once said: 'Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.'”

The blog may not (yet) be reaching thousands of people with each post. But we're reaching enough people who can make a difference. After all, it takes only *one*.

Thanks to you -- *all* of you -- for reading ... and for being awake and involved in what's happening in our community.


Super Gatton with her trusty keyboard

(...y'all *seriously* crack me up sometimes.)

Anonymous said...

The power of the few is evident in the mismanagement of the ToM as well, I guess its the "few" good agaist the "few" evil, with Gatton as our blogger/leader--give em hell!!

Anonymous said...

Ask Jaime question #4.....Do the people who subscribe to "Rader at Large" really believe the "stuff" he's selling? If you had his subscriber list the whole lot would be voted out next time around...


Anonymous said...

Unbelievable ! ! For several reasons.

How did the Town enter into a contract that would obligate them to pay a fee such as this without advertising for other realtors to interview. I thought by law they had to.

Who reviewed this agreement and approved it? Where is the Town Attorney in this process? When he was campaigning Commissioner Rader boasted frequently of being very suited to oversee Town matters since he was familiar with "big numbers". Where was all his expertise in this matter?

How did the Town Board allow this fee to be paid without discussion or an effort to negotiate a reasonable fee with McKnight. Are they so dense that they did not see the unfairness of this for their constituents?

Additionally, McKnight is a life long citizen of Mooresville. I can't believe he could make a case that he acutally earned a fee of this magnitute. At a rate of $100 / hour, McKnight would have to work over a year, full time, 40 hours per week to earn this fee. You would think he would have enough civic pride that he would not castrate his local government in such a manner. If he insist on taking this ill gotten fee then I hope he has the decency to pack his bags and steal away in the night. Certainly he is not the type of citizen we need here, let alone the type of person we need employed by our local Government.

Anonymous said...

Ask Rader about the 20-22 cent property tax hike he has in store for the town for this year. This will bring Mooresville Town Taxes to twice that of Statesville's.

As to McKnights deal. Yes, where was the Town Attorney. If the land was already offered to the town the Town Attorney should have made sure the contract did not include offers already on the table. The Town pays over $100,000 a year for the Town Attorney. I wonder how many other screw ups he will make before the town board wakes up and sees they cant afford Mr. Smith's Town Attorney.

Anonymous said...

How much does this Smith make? Also, who does he report to? And how long has he been there?

Anonymous said...

Mr. McKnight is, to this day, still working for the city in the acquisition of real estate.

Anonymous said...

Jimmy McKnight on the take... I wonder who else from Erskine's buddy list is sucking the town dry? Didn't Erskine used to sell mens clothing at Belks before he became Town Planner then Asst. Town Manager (now acting Town Manager)?

What about this new proposed public safety officer for the town recreation department to hang out at recreation department activities? Chief Crone has twice the officers he needs. Can't he send one to stand by for the recreation department's games.

But I forgot Chief Crone has a policy of not doing anything that could be in any way seen as community service as it takes away from others who could be employed to do the job... Ever seen a Mooresville Police help a stranded motorist. Crone's officers are told not to stop to help motorists because his officers should be doing "police" work instead of helping people.

This has to be the most crooked unfriendly town south of Chicago.

Anonymous said...

Mooresville commissioners must fully examine whether there is indeed a need for an assistant town manager position in Mooresville. This position appears to be ripe for abuse if the wrong person occupies it. It allows the person to hide from "view" while actually advising the town manager who would be on the frontline. Erskine Smith appears to be a case in point. I am not aware of how many years Mr. Smith has held this position, but it appears to have been working well for him - until now. Unfortunately, it would appear that he is willing to abuse his position, and as such, it would be highly risky to place him back into the assistant town manager position where he can once more "hide" from the commissioners.

Anonymous said...

It seems Mr. Smith has had involvement in more than a few "questionable" situations. The problem being he is from Mooresville, as such is influenced by "old " friends. Perhaps getting Mr. Smith back to Belk's and out of Town Hall is a good start to cleaning up Mooresville's questionable activities,--- are you reading these suggestions COMMISSIONERS? Elected officials are always held accountable...

Anonymous said...

Thank you Ms. Gatton for starting this long overdue blog. I know most of the parties involved in your blog entries and I can tell you that you have certainly stirred the hornet's nest which had first been stirred up about 5 or 6 years ago but had relatively quieted down. It is interesting that Erskine was one of the names that kept cropping up back then too, and not in a good light, mind you. Somehow he managed to survive everything while everybody around him fell like dominos. This time may be different.

Anonymous said...

So, all the commissioners have been told about this? If so, why does Erskine Smith still have his job???? I guess you can’t blame McKnight for trying to bilk the town, and you can’t blame Erskine Smith for throwing business to his buddy (being facetious, of course), but can you blame the commissioners for keeping on spending our hardearned tax dollars to pay for Smith’s ridiculous salary? Whose fault would that be? I'd like to know which ones still have his back despite this. And where's the mayor in all of this? Quiet as a mouse. Some "leader".

Anonymous said...

This isn’t about a few hundred dollars, or even a few thousand dollars. We’re talking about a QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS here. Is that “throwing business” to a friend or just pure corruption? This is the stuff that CNN Headlines are made of, especially if Smith gets backing from the mayor and the commishes. Who’s to say how deep this goes?

Anonymous said...

Well, in all fairness, at least three commissioners (Herring, Carney & Adkins) made it pretty clear they are not backing Erskine Smith's misconduct. My question is where is the RAT Pack (Radar/Abraham/Thunberg) during all this? They don't answer questions, they go into hiding, and hope we'll all just go away. Let's get them on the record as to what they think about Erskine Smith giving away $237,000 to his little friend Jimmy McKnight that he went to kindergarten or whatever with. We'll all stand here until they start talking. That's why they're called "public" officials, not "private" officials.

Anonymous said...

I guess you haven't heard, Mr. Rader is above the "petty" blog issues--he has a propaganda e-mail to generate, or he's probably "chatting" with himself at a local establishment. I would be willing to bet he is filling out reimbursement/expense vouchers for one of the many trips taken under the guise of "Commissioner Enrichment" to enhance his knowledge of municipal/capital management. But regardless--he doesn't owe constituents an explanation about a thing-- so he thinks. Thunberg on the other hand is jugling a few "hot" handled pans right now--wondering how to play the hand when someone turns on the lights on the SICDC,Erskine Smith, etc. He is thinking through all of the possible scenarios of how it could play out, and probably looking through the NCGS to determine if he can be charged with a crime.I expect the generic "upbeat" comments about how productive the SICDC has been--avoiding the issue of releases,funds,disclosure, etc. As for Mr. Abraham, he will play the victim and turn on the others when the heat comes his way, all the while wondering to himself--Damn I had to get stuck with the CH2MHill mess for my attempt to be the slick politician--Somethings can be attibuted to glory --others to greed--you decide-either way these find folks represent the best in Mooresville--if people only knew, so keep standing and waiting on the RAT Pack--I put my money on gas a $1.00 a gallon before we see that.

Anonymous said...

Just getting on this blog. It's the talk of the town. I had at least three people tell me about it just in past week. Of course one of them was bemoaning it and now that I've read the entries I know why. Nobody likes being caught with their hand in the cookie jar. AND, did I read this number right? $237,151.50??!!!
I'm assuming this town manager Erskine SMith is no longer on the job right? I mean, he should have been fired right alongside his cohort, let's see, yesterday?

Anonymous said...

Where is the investigation into this outrageous and seemingly corrupt situation? The town board has the power to thoroughly investigate this situation and all the parties involved. If no investigation is launched and the town board takes no action against the assistant town manager, then our ire will have to be directed at them as well. This is like deja vu when the town board backed former town manager Rick McLean despite evidence of misdeeds, and as a result they ended up committing mass political suicide.

Anonymous said...

When can we expect an investigation into this serious matter? Mr. Smith must be placed on a leave of absence pending the results of such investigation. If he is not, any member of the entire town board who has not insisted on it must be held accountable for abdication of their duties.

Anonymous said...

Put your money where your mouth is--see you at the next Mooresville Town Board Meeting and you can give all of them 3-minutes of your discontent! Be there before 6:00PM--first Monday of the month--the to sign up sheet is on the counter at the front receptionist desk.

Jaime Gatton said...

A reader e-mailed this comment to me and asked me to post it for discussion:

Why did the Town pay John Mack (yes that John Mack) $100,000 for a piece of property on Center St. between Main and Church that is, by itself, almost worthless. It's only 42 feet wide on the street and 156 feet deep. That's only 0.14 of an acre. It is too narrow to build anything practical on yet the Town paid in excess of $700,000 per Acre for it. Did the Town's realtor, Jimmy McKnight, negotiate this deal for them as well? With skills like that I can see why we're paying him $237,000. Or did our own Board negotiate it. Perhaps Frank Rader who kept telling us he is so good with "big numbers" worked that deal. Maybe what we need is someone that is better with small numbers.

For reference, see Deed book 1864 pages 1353-1354.

Anonymous said...

Fire Erskine Smith FIRST and THEN investigate this situation. It's a no brainer!!! Why in the world would we have him showing up day in and day out after he threw this kind of money to a sleazoid like McKnight???? Who's to say he didn't get any of that money back in some way or another???? We werent born yesterday.

Anonymous said...

To the April 29 blogger who suggested we put our money where our mouth is by going to town board meetings. You may not see me at a town board meeting anytime soon but I surely intend to put my money where my mouth is. I'm going to do it everytime I tell somebody about Jaime Gatton's blog. I'm going to do it everytime I tell people what I read here (if the Usual Suspects as somebody's called them think anything in here is wrong, they've had all the chances in the world to write in and tell us it's wrong). I'm going to put my money where my mouth is when I write a check to somebody who'll run against these turkeys (turkeys like Thunberg and his sidekick Rader) and promise to clean up this mess (messes like Erskine Smith). And I'm going to do it when I get inside that voting booth!

Anonymous said...

New to the blog but it's the talk of the town. I just read this and I don't care how you cut this cake, it smells rotten. Why hasn't the town board called for a probe or something into this? I mean, can they just let a quarter of a million dollars walk out the door like that and still let somebody keep their job? Just yesterday I got a Town Voice where this same Erskin Smith was writing like he's the one running the show. Who's responsible for this?

Anonymous said...

Oh Gawd! I read my Town Voice and almost lost my lunch. So this is what we're paying Erskine Smith the big bucks (over $100,000 a year) to do? Cry and whine about bloggers using town resources and town time? Let's get rid of this crybaby. And while we're at it, let's see how many laws were broken in that crooked deal he made under the table with his buddy McKnight. Word around town is he'd promised to keep his friend "fed" with fat town jobs for years to come. Surely the SBI can get access to bank records and such to follow the money. Let's get this show on the road.

Signed: "Sick And Tired of Erskine Smith Scandals"

Anonymous said...

Amen & Amen!

Anonymous said...

You think Mr. Smith took something home at the end of the day too?

Anonymous said...

No. He threw a quarter of a million dollars of our tax dollars to his buddy out of the goodness of his pure and selfless heart.

Anonymous said...

Erskine Smith is nothing more than a cover-up man. Wherever there's dirt, he shows up with his little sweeper and sweeps it up, keeps a little something for himself, and keeps his mouth good and shut. And with a new town manager (hopefully) getting here sometime (this century), the problem will be it won't be long before HE/SHE gets infected with the sleaze that drips off of Erskine, just like it happened to Jamie Justice. You can take this to the bank people

Anonymous said...

Oh, boo hoo! Woah is me! Cry me a river......... Give me my passie! Jimmy made a ton of money and Erskine and Jimmy are friends! It's NOT fair! It should have been MINE!

I could be as p*ssed off about it as anyone OR I could try and go out and make it myself!

Please don't tell me that anyone was forced to sign a contract WITHOUT first reading everything INCLUDING the commission! "Oh, thanks for writing up this offer Jimmy! That was nice of you! Show me where we sign!"

I'm not the biggest of McKnights' --or his shady retired partner Neil Auspitz (-5 for spelling)-- but I say MORE POWER TO HIM!

Regardless of all of the hand wringing here, I have no doubt that 90 percent of the posters here would do the EXACT same thing given the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

This is for whoever wrote the comment on July 13, 2008 9:24.

Birds of a feather flock together. You, Erskine and McKnight deserve each other. Of course, every flock that has ever flown with Erskine has ended up crashing.

Anonymous said...

Hey, 9:24! I agree with whoever told you to speak for yourself...YOU clearly would have done "exactly the same thing", and in your little world of conmen "everybody" would do "exactly the same thing." But there's another world out here where there are people who will eat bread and drink water before robbing a town blind or letting their FRIEND rob it blind. McKnight spent at most a total of a day's work and got paid a quarter of a million dollars of our tax money, courtesy of Erskine Smith, and that's supposed to be okay? This is by the way the SAME Erskine Smith who we're now finding out has been trying to cover up for the clearly corrupt chief of police. Either YOU are Erskine or you need to become more selective about who you'll carry a torch for, honey.

Anonymous said...

I copied these comments from another post since they seemed relevant to this one.

John Kindley said...
Jaime, Crescent Resources currently has 160 acres for sale On Cornelius Rd. Right near I77. The property has 175 feet of frontage on Cornelius and well over a thousand feet on Barfield Rd. This property would have been a fabulous site for a park.The city of Mooresville could have purchased all of this for less than they paid for 70 scres of Presto Cornelius' property. I have known about this property for quite some time. I own Equity Commercial Properties, however I was not aware the town was in the market.

July 14, 2008 10:03 AM
Anonymous said...
What? ? ? Not aware? ? ? How could that be? The Town had the highest paid real estate agent in 7 states working for them looking for land. Surely he would have contacted Mr. Kindley and asked if he knew of any properties that might be of interest to his client. That's what the Town was paying him $230,000 to do. But wait. If Jimmy McKnight got another agent involved he might have to share that $230,000 with him. Now that would not be good. . . at least for Mr. McKnight. Of course it would be completely disregarding the fiduciary responsibility McKnight has to the Town to look out for their best interest. But then what do they expect for $230,0000? Honesty? Integrity? Professionalism?

July 16, 2008 2:55 PM

Anonymous said...

Erskine Smith is a worthless lump of meat who has been elevated up the chain by one corrupt town manager after another. It is time to end this backward food chain. He has singlehandedly cost this town millions of dollars in liability, lost potential and opportunity, pure neglect and downright misconduct. He has stolen countless hours of town time throughout the years, he has lied to citizens and elected officials alike, and he has accepted "gifts" from developers. He is a scourge. This town will continue to experience scandal and unrest for as long as he is on its payroll.

Anonymous said...

Erskine is like the cat with nine lives. But word out on the street is that he's used up about 8 of those, so we may not have to put up with him much longer.

Anonymous said...

Face it folks. As long as Erskin Smith sits in Town Hall it's gonna be one stink after another, back to back. No rest for the weary. He's in there manipulating the so-called investigation of the police chief even as I write this. The joke's on us.

Anonymous said...

You all have no idea how good you've got Erskine pegged. He's as crooked as a two dollar bill. Always was and always will be. He was always sorry but he always knew who to hitch his cart to so they could pull him along with them without him having to do much. All he had to do was show up and do a little bit of dirty work once in a while to keep them happy and out of trouble.

Anonymous said...

Well I've got news for ole Erskine. Enough people have got your number now that you'll be watched wherever you go. Fun and games are over. You've sucked enough out of this community.

Anonymous said...

Interim Town Manager Erskine Smith is grossly incompetent. I understand he has been employed by the town of Mooresville going on thirty years. That is unbelievable. In my dealings with him I have found him to be completely devoid of any professionalism, low on pertinent knowledge, and severely lacking in drive. He is a truly embarrassing pointman for this town.

Anonymous said...

Come on guys, you've got to give Erskine credit. He does have a degree in HISTORY. Notice if you break that down it's "His Story"!! It is a shame that a home grown boy like Erskine didn't stick to seling shoes at Belk's. Of course he wasn't even good at that, probably saw there was no future in it for him. Besides, whie work a real job when you can use your father's good name, and Yes Nat Smith was a good man, to a become a city planner or engineer...whatever it was he was supposed to be doing? The reality of things is that he's never been very good at anything he was supposed to be doing. Hey, maybe there is a secret job listing for the TOM Clean Sweeper. Must pay around 100 grand or more. He is mighty good at that. Of course the job title may read more like Erskine Smith, coverer of all assess and liner of all political pockets???:)

The Mooresvillian

Anonymous said...

Hi Mooresvilian. good to have you on board. it is going to take every single one of us to create a push to get rid of Erskine and everything he represents - lack of ethics, lack of competence, lack of accountability, and lack of honesty.

Anonymous said...

Erskine Smith is on a major free ride. Saw his car parked in front of his house at 10:30 this morning. Must be nice getting to sleep in on our dime...

Anonymous said...

Under every rock you look that Smith has been in charge of, there's a mess, one bigger than the other. I have never seen anything like it. How this man still has a job with this town is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

I saw Erskine on the TV last night talking about how everyone is "entitled to their opinion" while protesters marched outside holding signs telling him they want him gone. You're right Erskine. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, so here's mine: A real gentleman always knows when it's time to leave and never overstays their welcome.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Smith, you may want to consider polishing up your resume'. We do not want you here. We do not need your type of "management". We would like for you to move on please.

Anonymous said...

I ditto the comments of the previous poster, especially after I read about Crone getting even with the female police officer who reported sexual harassment. She apparently let Smith know about that this February, and he did nothing, absolutely nothing about it, let alone discipline Crone. Crone should have immediately been put on suspension pending the results of an internal investigation into whether he did indeed attempt to retaliate against this woman. Now the EEOC is involved and there's a lawsuit. Guess who'll pay for that?! Not Smith. Just another way he's costing us money. Get rid of this loser.

Anonymous said...

Okay, people. I'm waiting for Erskine Smith to step down now. Surely he doesn't think after this Crone mess he can still stay on. He is finished. Every day he stays on is a day closer to what happened to Crone happening to him.

Remind me again, doesn't Erskine Smith have a town-issued credit card?

Anonymous said...

It is looking more and more like Erskin Smith failed to do with the police chief what he was able to do with the golf course director a couple years back - cover up the investigations surrounding them. Smith is the only remaining common denominator in every scandal we have suffered as a community in the past 7 years.

Anonymous said...

You mean to tell me Smith still has a job with the town after the Cops For Kids fiasco? Go figure. Only in Dirty Mo'.

Anonymous said...

During a local citizen's investigation of the golf course, Assistant Town Manager Erskine Smith wrote this to the Golf Course Director, who worked under him: "I am debating in my mind about the financial information. I’m not sure I want to give the info. I want to give him a “little”, make him “work” a lot. However, I don’t really care it is all public anyway I just want to “flush” him out in the open.” Smith was referring to a public record request made by the citizen who had discovered financial irregularities as well as missing inventory in the Pro Shop. An SBI investigation was subsequently launched, the results of which have never been released.

Anonymous said...

It's stuff like what's in that previous post that makes it shocking, absolutely shocking, that Smith would still be employed by the town at any level. Hopefully Husemann has some integrity and will demonstrate that people with this type of attitude will not work for the town of Mooresville. We'll see. . .

Anonymous said...

I had to laugh, reading about Erskine Smith trying to "flush" a citizen out. Let's FLUSH ERSKINE - down the toilet!

Anonymous said...

Well, I would say that Mr. Smith has actually flushed himself out very nicely at this point. I never thought I would see the day. He is easily the most slippery one of the bunch, as evidenced by his ability to survive when everyone else has fallen. With the inception of the Gatton Report, he may have finally run out of luck.

Anonymous said...

This deal here would be a nice subject for the federal grand jury investigation when it begins to broaden in scope.

Anonymous said...

Just found out the corrupt former police chief has filed a grievance with the town about the way he was fired. Would it be a big surprise at this point if we find out that Erskine Smith botched even THAT up? For God's sake Erskine go peddle somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

Behind every stinking smelly deal in this town lurks the sloth-like Erskine Smith. There is no getting around that and there is no whitewashing it. As long as he takes up space in the rooms where the decisions are made we're going to have the same problems. It's time to put him out to pasture.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately you people may never know the full extent of Erskine's haplessness and total worthlessness. At a time when every penny's going to count, he's sucking up over a hundred grand. For what? For being a big zero. He drinks while everybody around him carries the water. The sooner you get rid of him the sooner you're going to see this town's full potential.

Anonymous said...

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Gatton Report: "Sound Off": Do we need an assistant town manager?"

Carney said he and Atkins compiled an "extensive report," detailing several years of questionable activity by Smith as assistant and interim town manager. “We’ve placed it in the hands of our (town) manager,” Carney said.

Very comforting that we have as our "assistant" town manager somebody who at least two commissioners have actively tried to get rid of.

Anonymous said...

I have been in real estate quite a long time. I am not commenting on the ethics involved here. This is an observation of human nature after 100's of transactions.

"Most buyers and sellers are unhappy even outraged at times when their agent doesn't have to sweat blood for even the most meager commission."