Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Atkins resigns from Lake Davidson Working Group

Not long after Mooresville Commissioner Miles Atkins walked out of a Lake Davidson Working Group meeting because it was closed to the public and press, the commissioner has resigned from the group.

Be sure to check out tomorrow's Mooresville Tribune for further details...


Anonymous said...

Good for Miles Atkins! Another group that needs to be busted wide open for their secrecy is our own so-called Economical Development group (EDC) operating under the cloak of legitimacy. This group should be renamed to EDFSF - Economic Development For a Select Few. There is no telling the kind of crooked stuff that's going on in those meetings, and nobody is any the wiser because they're closed to the very public who help fund them. Shame on them.

Anonymous said...

Who really gives a damn. All he is doing is promoting himself to get publicity for his run for Mayor in November. He still will be better than what we have now. You at least hear about him doing things for his own good and not being quiet like Thunberg

Anonymous said...

People rise up raise cain about the board and department heads going out of town on a retreat. In this day and time everyone except our "leaders" are trying to save money but not ours. Call the member of the board tell them not to go. Maybe Green can get the people to rise up and complain and get them to cancel the retreat in Winston Salem. They can have it at the Citizen Center for FREE!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for getting off the subject but does anyone think the town is still spinning its wheels? What is our new town manager doing? It seems not much. Mr Husemann is still driving a vehicle with Ohio plates and he has been here how long? Has anyone tried to talk to him? He acts like he doesn't have time for you and doesn't care what you have to say. It seems we are still in that same rut. Again, sorry for getting off of the subject.

Anonymous said...

what a scam

Anonymous said...

This is off topic but it needs to be said:

The MGSD has pulled the wool over the eyes of everyone in town for years. Now that test scores are not what they should be Dr. Edwards is threatening the jobs of teachers and principals much in the same way Peter Gorman is doing in CMS. Here’s a news flash to all you superintendents in the area: If parents do not make education a priority for their children, it doesn’t matter what teacher you put in the classroom or what principal you put in charge of running the school, test scores will not improve.

If you fill a school with minority children from public housing complexes much like Park View will be next year after the re-districting, you should expect low test scores. When it comes to education, the elephant in the room that nobody wants to talk about is the indifference from the black community when it comes to the education of their children. Until that attitude changes, test scores among black students will always be low. So to Dr. Edwards, you can segregate your schools all you want by creating an all white school on Rocky River Rd. and sending most of the black students to Park View, but until you start holding parents accountable for their role as educators, nothing will change.

Anonymous said...

Where is this comment coming from? Has Edwards actually threatened to fire teachers and administators based on testing results?

Anonymous said...

C'mon now....our officials need to go to Winston-Salem. They are VERY IMPORTANT people and we can't expect them to meet here in Mooresville to discuss their VERY IMPORTANT business.

Hopefully, at some point between the pastries and the lunch they will get around to discussing BUDGET SHORTFALLS, caused by our almost 10% unemployment.

Have a second cup of coffee on me, Rader. We're gonna need our "numbers man" to do some serious "cyphering" to paint the happy picture for this mess.

Jim said...

OH MY. The Mooresville Tribune says the illustrious leaders of this town feel our GOLF COURSE needs a $10 million overhaul....are you kidding me????


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see this business plan. Maybe they can use the Iredell County Commissioners plan for buying and operating a golf course (Twin Oaks). Wait for a multi-million dollar school bond proposal and attach the golf course expense to it. When everyone finds out the truth, tell them it will be a "revenue source", that way you can spend 300% more than the project is worth. You can even lease the business out, just don't kill the greens like the County did because it has an impact on the "revenue source".

Only government can run businesses like this and survive by using taxpayer money to cover up the mistakes.