Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tice says she voted with group

There's been some confusion about Commissioner Sara Haire Tice's vote on the first motion made at Monday's county board meeting regarding the Langtree proposal.

Here's the passage that was reported here yesterday:

(Commissioner Steve) Johnson made a motion that the board instruct county staff to “consult with whoever” to “develop a comprehensive definition of what due diligence is” and “what is expected of due diligence.” He also asked that all expenses incurred by the county “be born by the developer.”

The motion passed 3-1, with Tice dissenting. Commissioner Ken Robertson is out of the country on business and was absent from the vote.

Johnson then amended his motion to include language about the county’s intent to enter into a development agreement with the Langtree developers with all expenses paid by the

That motion passed unanimously.

But Tice says she actually voted the same as the other commissioners both times.

When County Commission Chairman Marvin Norman called for the vote on Monday, each commissioner except Tice verbally voted "yea." As Norman was calling for the "nay" votes, Tice cast her vote.

Shortly after the meeting, I called County Clerk Jean Moore, who confirmed that Tice had voted against the first motion.

However, Moore sent me the following e-mail today:

I wanted to let you know that today I talked to Sara Haire Tice, and I asked her about the first motion at the Nov 10 commissioners’ meeting. Tice advises that she voted with the group, or the voting was 4 – 0.

I wanted to let you know, and to apologize for my
previous answer to you.



Anonymous said...

What is fair is fair. If Ms. Tice voted with (although last!) the other Commissioners, we appeciate the clarification.

Ms. Tice's unabashed support of the Howards and their development caused us to wrongly prejudge her in this case.

"This project (Howard's Langtree at the Lake) is becoming a jewel in the crown of Iredell County," Tice said.

"Board of Equalization & Review for 2008 (6 appointments): Commissioner Tice
nominated Bill Thunberg, Larry Galliher, Marcia Fruehan, Brad Howard, Danny Allen, and Sam
Hall (alternate). "

"Tice has said she won't run for re-election and is backing Brad Howard, developer of Langtree at the Lake."

"Sarah Hare Tice, the Chairman of the Iedell County Board of Commissioners said, "This( Howard's Langtree at the Lake project) is a perfect example of planned growth" On the Langtree at the Lake website .

I wonder how we could have jumped at the wrong conclusion?

Thank you Sarah for your unbiased and loyal service to our Community and the Howards!

Anonymous said...

Thunberg and Tice. The Dynamic Duo. Those two make a real team. "You nominate me and I'll nominate you." "You vote for me and I'll vote for you." "Aren't we great?" "Aren't we smart?" "Aren't we powerful?"

And 8:33 you forgot to mention, Sarah's son works for the Howards. Not that that is important or might influence her vote or anything.

Anonymous said...

1:47, I would not go there....we all know that family members can work anywhere and it is okay. For instance is an Official's wife wants a job that is funded partially by the Official's governing body it is perfectly acceptable and there is NEVER even the slightest hint of conflict.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmm seems that the readership and posting on the blog has slowed...guess it is time for the pot to be stired by bringing up CFK and the former disgraced Chief of Police to get the readership excited again.

Anonymous said...

The town goings on definately are not as interesting as the CFK and Crone. The CFK/Crone deal possibly involves intentional criminal acts. (Pending an investigation).

The town's fiasco is just the same old crap that has gone on since the beginning of time; the top group looking out for each other for personal gain while "looking out for the best interests of the citizens".

Anonymous said...

I'd say the "Godmother" of Iredell County has finally been exposed on her way out the door for her cronyism. Truth is always revealed, if not today, then tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

well thank god things like cops for kids don't happen every day here. at least i hope they don't.

Anonymous said...

Well i've never posted on here before but this time i have to. Before you jump on Sarah Tice to much you need to look back a few years what she has done for Iredell Co. an south Iredell Co. But a lot of you are "newbie's" to Iredell, for you that live at the end of Brawley School rd. you would still be in Meck Co. paying high taxes if not for Sarah's had work. For you that work an go to Lake Norman Hosptial you should thank her. For you that work at an enjoy lower taxes because of the Lowes head Offices you should thank her. For you that go to the Goverment Center South to do business you should thank her. Did she do all of this alone? No! but without her hard work they would never have been in South Iredell. An these are but a few of the things that she has done for Iredell Co. An i'm proud to call her my friend !!!!

Anonymous said...

I see that sarcastic remarks are lost on the puppets.

Anonymous said...

Half-assed sarcasm can be hard to recognize. Do a better job next time.

A Puppet

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Gatton,

I have been off of your blog for some time due to various commitments. I was astounded to see that you have reached 180,000 hits on your blog. It seems like yesterday that I was reading your article celebrating your 10,000th hit. Congratulations on a job well done. You are a true asset to this community, indeed this region. If we had a handful of people like you in this country, we most likely would not be creating 700 billion dollar bailouts for irresponsible and apathetic financial decisions of others. What I most admire about you is that you have not allowed anyone to stop you in your quest to demand openness, honesty and accountability from public officials. This, I am sure, much to the chagrin of those who would much prefer it if your eyes were not on them and theirs.

Anonymous said...

In Reference to the poster 11-13-08 @ 2:27 pm
Oficials wife wants a job: I overheard recently the manager of the Statesville ABC store is retiring in December. I was intially told an ABC's board member's wife was interested in the job. Then a day or so later at breakfeast I overheard a Statesville ABC board member had resigned from the board. Even though I was not in the initial discussion, I asked if this was the same guy who's wife wanted the manager's job. The two men looked at me and said you have a good ear ... But actually the resigning member is wanting the managers job for himself. I commented surely not. Both men said most likely it would be his as he was friends with the Mayor and other members on the ABC board...
I hope Jamie will look into this and report who resigned and see if he will comment whether he or his wife is going to apply for the managers job. Lets cut these backroom deals out !!

Anonymous said...

For many years the jobs on the ABC board have been considered a plum for washed out Town Commissioners in order for them keep having health benefits and retirement in fact there were two of them who had lifetime health benefits Many think that this is a life time appointment but actually they are reappointed every three years. When Knox got the chairmans job the pay was raised to a level only three spots down from the highest paid in the state The appointments are still kept close to the commissioners vest for handouts - the average citizen does not stand a chance

Anonymous said...

Pay attention..What you are saying is true about Mooresville. Just look Bob Amon..downtown merchant who was given this most likely to keep him from running for Mayor. Mitchell Mack another downtown cronie of Thunberg and ex commissioner. Ben Goins...works for Piedmont Bank or a branch of it. Guess who is on their board. Thunberg wonder which way Goins would vote in a crucial situation. But the previous poster was talking about Statesville not Mooresville. When a opening comes up it will be a friend of or a business friend of a board or board members. Not an average citizen.

Anonymous said...

Could that be Tip Nicholson in Statesville ABC ??

Anonymous said...

What happened to the good ole days when we could do whatever we wanted and nobody was any the wiser? We could scratch each other's backs and give each other awards and put each other on boards and not a peep from the citizenry. Now we're all under a microscope. No fair.